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re* r ,T f&T JS^aaSnVlsiir. BtlttMltumnge/, Hg>to Mr 411 SHody$lde 14HO1O Us. High tomorrow ta Ms. Tea to U mitos aa hour southwest winds today. t VOLUME LXXXH NO. 20 I«M g?iJ£ P&n&£%1:. ZSftP MD 1ANK.N.J. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 15. 19H 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Stratton Named CongressKhrushchev Arrives Today To Council Post OKs Aid Proclaiming His Mission FAR HAVEN - Dr. Edward W. Stratton, a local optometrist. 9 was appointed to Borough Coun- cil last oifht to aerve until Janu- Continue Bill, Quits \ 'Peace for the World ary. s Mayor Ruiaell H. Minton mad* Attack Civil Righto tha ippolmmwt Council con- But Capital firmed it umnlmouily. Or. Stnttoo, a RepubUcsa, fills On School Unit Extended tte COHMSU «aat left vacant when Expects No Mr. Matoa wu appoints* mayor MeGrath, Dr. Tebo In Final Session to succeed Edgar V. Denisc. who Rap System at resigned last Msy. Board Meeting WASHINGTON (AP)-Congnss Miracles 'out Ha long ud-4or the WAMDKrTON, (AP) - TBS SHREWSBURY - TWO Critics -often true- of tts school system hen find Whits Heue received word this away again last night st a Board early today. arrival of of Education insetteg. Ftaal adjournment came only Mktte a. The critics: e hours bef on Premier NUta Khrashchev. sehsdaM ter 1I:M Howard T. McGratt. B Pat- Khnabcbev wu das ta Wash- a. m., EOT. had been delayed tenon Ct, sad Dr. Eds* J. aattl areaad 1 p. -n. Tebo, s member of tte board. The Hous qatt at 1:31 a. m. Later the State Department Mr. McOrath add taw uisUiu (EOT) aad tte always more saM It aadersteed Khrushchev's be asked at the July U meettag leisurely Senate harried to quit glut TU1M Jet pUat WU «• won changed by Howard E. Mat- minutes Inter, ending the ceuatertag heavy hmdwtads. teeon, principal, ia answers at the since The aew koar wu teattdve, Aug. 10 meeting. the Kenan war year of 1M1 MfMaMHS OS WaWQMf KBfttSaV Dr. Tebo said that "because of Aa hour before adjourning, ehev's pilet eeaM mske ap say an unhealthy leaning situation auto leaders webs President of the lest Hats aad whether ta the Shrewsbury school last WHM SOVmT lOCITJT HIT—Rwttlon authorities, tn Elsenhower with a csf to the •Hahim) aHOfnaWl W*w*IgsallsBt Mar*'"** ftsta*awT •a . skammMswaF. step ftgat et tanger duradea. year, it became mandatory for us advance of Soviet Union's announcement that It had White Hous,imado at hto re- to remove our daughter from the oust. They rousted they were The delay thresteud to school" haded a rocket oa tho moon, saM rochet woaM come abut ready to quit, aad ha re- NaMonAaswen down about a opartcr of tho way from tho cantor of ta tad nothing store to art ale eat ap lor the Soviet vis- itor. The board declined to offer an- moon's disc to its outer edge at a aomt near the Sea of i yearf other answer to the questions posed by Mr. McGntt. Richard TraaquUlty, the Sea of Serenity and tba Sea of Vapors. The weary IsgUttofS toft be- L. KraybUI said be felt tte ques- This composite picture of moon, shawtaf it from first fa |bind a heavy load of Muss for Dr. Edward W. Strattaa tions had been answered by Mr. Isst quarters, was made by the Uefc Observatory near starting nut Jan.«. Tba Republican Executive Mawoson last montn. response to a pair of ques- San Jose. Calif. (AP Wiroabatol The final ndknrusut just be- Committee hu named Dr. 8tr»t- fore Khrushchev's scheduled ar- ton u Ui candidate to run ta tions asked by Mrs. Tebo about rival pleased some of tte mem- November fur Mr. Minton'i ana* achievement and grouping ta ben who sought to make sure pired term. It end* to ML arithmetic Mr. Matteson invited WASHINGTON (AP)-A huge then wosM be no occasion for jet airplane carrying Niklta S. Tha committee i her to faculty meetings when the TragedyStruckA by tte Premier to problem would be discussed. She SOVWT YISITOt—The Soviet Embatsy in Wnshinaton rjirushchev toward historic meet- held Ute last week, but the Congress. tog with President Eisenhower aent of Dr. Stratum's selection accepted the invitation. yesterday diilributea* this new photograph of Soviet After the board meeting, Mr. Otters, who wanted a face-to- % headed swiftly for the United wu withheld until Mr. Minton face meeting with the Soviet Premier Niklte Khrushchev. Picture was mads in Mos- States today. made Us appointment last night Matteson indicated no public an- swer to Mrs. Tebo'a questions One YearAgoTodayleader, were uttafied with a ses- cow Sept. S. Star-shaped medals at right are the Hero The Premier of the Soviet •Gnat Pleasure' would be made. Mrs. Tebo said By DavM 0. Tyson plunged into the oily bay waters. *» arranged by the Senate for- nion aad leader of the World "It gives me great pleasure to •Forty-eight people wen Ulled eign relations committee at the of Socialist Labor Achievement, high Soviet decoration she would like a public answer BAYONNE (AP) - Today Communist Movement proclaimed be of service to the council sad at the next meeting. and another » injured In one ofCopltol aWBoifow aitonioott* which Khrushchev has received. At extreme left is tho his mission to be one of secur- the borough." Dr. Stratton said on every week day, in passenger At the July 11 meeting. Mr. trains will clatter across a mile New Jersey's worst rail disasters For the Senate, adjournment Lenin Poeco Medal. Other decoration is unidentified. ing "peaceful conditions for all after being named. "1 am stiU a and a half bridge spinning New- of all time. Most widely known ided a »V4*our asssioa start- people oa Earth." novice at this, but I tope 1 will McGnth said his son's reading of the dead wu George (Snuffy) IAP Wirephoto) level did not improve above third ark Bay. ing at I a. m. Monday ta clean be of help to everyone." Stimweits 31, onetime New York up the final buslaass of the tint But most American leaders grade even though he wu pro- In the past year the JerseyCfn- indicated they expected no sud- Ha wu sworn ta st the meet- tral Railroad hu spent tm.HO Ysttku sscsnd basemu aad of the Mm Ooagnas. moted from third through fifth America Leagu batttag cham- den and miraculous melting of tag by William R. Blair, Jr., grade. He also asked why be wu ' devices to assure that Congress' final action wu to borough attorney. U.S. Hosts * cold war ice u a result of not informed that Ms son's read- And Us wu aot tts only death jipraprlato IMSMIM* for for- Mr. Mutton said "many eign aid aad abo«t «• mllbca IO Soviet leader's U-dsy visit ing level had aot improved. ta the Red Bank area, if others WASHINGTON (APHHen Is At Moscow's flag-decked Van. toe all-Re- —• - -- having lost their lives ta the dordollarss totor mlscaUaaeous other To Talk Back newt the Norn tar Soviet Premier kovo Airport, a crowd of about ta his letter last night, Mr. Mc- commuters mm tne norm J«T- wn^L purposes. The sM total, IN mil- snd HM loss naa Coagraai had an- 9m BUBaBaenvw e v«n% as Orath saM Mr. Mattuoa's report sey Coast nevor mads it psst tts ^ ft^^ flm,!* M the Communist pnrty leaden, saw Mtruhchev's big TUIfy jet Uner written, i ppertaining gman manyy ratted for s barge- Thecommu- bridge approaches, three signal (an Saatora Boy- take off ter the United States. way, shape or form to thh e ques-ter trate ran off Into space snd u+t, mnmi mat the draw wu tte Democrats Ak» approved, u part of the Ho carried with him. u a gift Jamu J. Farley to run tions I "fr—< aor Ik* »—«i«i»t up. An automatic denUtag de- TODAY for Eisenhower, a duplicate of I have.h" vice Us feet from the draw Jor tts uaexpired council post bounced ths train off tte rafle on- lliN a. m. Arrive tts Soviet pennant implanted on Mr. MeGrath said changing of Griffiths rsrsssi tte moon's surface by a Soviet Mr. Mtatoa will be a candidate qaestiaas may have ' to the ties. A fireman wu sta- Mr Fans Baas, II m ta November to serve out the re- tioned ta the locomotive cab ta omerwiu due to dte In WASHINGTON (AP) - Presl- * ana day. The fut pro- "to cloud the true It wu given tW.INdent Eisenhower and the Bute ef dswnSM vided Igf traveling Communist awtader of Mr. Denises term. since If they were answered tte His opponent Is hUltoa Kooeoe. Quits Board ta new funds to contteu Its work Department braced themselves UjHp.m.ArrhrePiianiisl'1 chtaf Wk* asw prestige dicctrjr aaaseHy" If would ba aa ia the next year. today forfor a propaganda battle ta advance of Ms visit. Two otter council posts, for atoa of a mistake made. royal during Niklta S. Khrush- fan terms, wilt ak» be decided day p. u. Private Witt Khrushchev, smiUag and TalMFreasMtaat In chev's visit to the ynited States ha I^ oa by voters. Mr. Matttaoa said he took tha Probably nothing quite like It EATONTOWN - William Grit- O'Neill Gets *iH p. m. Meeting wha Use. were his wtfe,su sad two Jesss J. McOrajr sad Jaam L. test of Mr. McOram's questions . cuffwood Ave.. nslgnad hu ever been seen before, unless Davtom.