[email protected] • • 4455 7741 inside Animated robots, trolls and the CAMPUS • Doha College dead dig up new educates students film fans on road safety P | 4 P | 8-9 MARKETPLACE • LG launches LTE version of G Pad 8.0 West Africa is struggling with the worst Ebola outbreak on record that P | 6 has killed more than 4,900 people. Two nurses in the United States and ARCHAEOLOGY one nurse in Spain have contracted • Uruk: The city Ebola outside of Africa. There where writing is only one US company, which was invented transports these patients to their home country. P | 7 HEALTH • Stroke patients miss cholesterol lowering targets P | 11 TECHNOLOGY • No Man’s Sky creator: We wanted to build a universe THREAT OF P | 12 LEARN ARABIC • Learn commonly used Arabic words EBOLA and their meanings P | 13 2 PLUS | WEDNESDAY 29 OCTOBER 2014 COVER STORY The world relies on Phoenix Air has been using the one US company to isolation system below this aircraft to transport Ebola patients. fly Ebola patients By Josh Hicks direct patient care, and therefore the The CDC at the time wanted a way $200,000 each, were paid for by exposure risk remains low.” to transport infected medical workers Samaritan’s Purse, a Christian hen it comes to trans- The Obama administration has not to the United States instead of treat- humanitarian organization that the porting Ebola victims by decided whether it will use the modules ing them in the field, due to growing patients had worked with in Liberia.