United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,068,830 Diamandis Et Al
US00606883OA United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,068,830 Diamandis et al. (45) Date of Patent: May 30, 2000 54) LOCALIZATION AND THERAPY OF FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS NON-PROSTATIC ENDOCRINE CANCER 0217577 4/1987 European Pat. Off.. WITH AGENTS DIRECTED AGAINST 0453082 10/1991 European Pat. Off.. PROSTATE SPECIFIC ANTIGEN WO 92/O1936 2/1992 European Pat. Off.. WO 93/O1831 2/1993 European Pat. Off.. 75 Inventors: Eleftherios P. Diamandis, Toronto; Russell Redshaw, Nepean, both of OTHER PUBLICATIONS Canada Clinical BioChemistry vol. 27, No. 2, (Yu, He et al), pp. 73 Assignee: Nordion International Inc., Canada 75-79, dated Apr. 27, 1994. Database Biosis BioSciences Information Service, AN 21 Appl. No.: 08/569,206 94:393008 & Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis, vol. 8, No. 4, (Yu, He et al), pp. 251-253, dated 1994. 22 PCT Filed: Jul. 14, 1994 Bas. Appl. Histochem, Vol. 33, No. 1, (Papotti, M. et al), 86 PCT No.: PCT/CA94/00392 Pavia pp. 25–29 dated 1989. S371 Date: Apr. 11, 1996 Primary Examiner Yvonne Eyler S 102(e) Date: Apr. 11, 1996 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Banner & Witcoff, Ltd. 87 PCT Pub. No.: WO95/02424 57 ABSTRACT It was discovered that prostate-specific antigen is produced PCT Pub. Date:Jan. 26, 1995 by non-proStatic endocrine cancers. It was further discov 30 Foreign Application Priority Data ered that non-prostatic endocrine cancers with Steroid recep tors can be stimulated with Steroids to cause them to produce Jul. 14, 1993 GB United Kingdom ................... 93.14623 PSA either initially or at increased levels.
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