District Population Statistics, 33-Deoria, Uttar Pradesh
II Census of India, 1951 DISTRICT POPULATION STATISTICS UTTAR PRADESH 33-DEORIA DISTRICT 315.42 ALLAHABAD: TING AND STA,nONERY, UTIAR PRADESH, INDIA 3Jl J 5"42.. 1951 1953 1\ 1) £:0 -J> OED OPS ~~~~-~---------------------------------' _ _liiIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_________ ......... ~;;o; ,;;;;;~~~~;;;;;;,;,;;;;;;;,;,;;;;;;;,;,;_......,;~ Price, Be.i-S. FOREWORD THE Uttar Pradesh Government asked me in March, 19S2, t~ supply them for the purposes of elections to local bodies population statistics with separation for scheduled castes (i) ,mohalla/ward-wise for urban areas, and (ii) village-wise foc rural 'areas. The Census Tabulation Plan did not provide for sorting of scheduled castes population for areas smaller than a tehsil or urban tract and the request from the Uttar Pradesh Government came when the slip sorting had been finished and the Tabulation Offices closed. As the census slips are mixed up for the purposes of sorting in one lot for a tehsil or urban tract, collection of data regarding scheduled castes population by moh all as/ward s and villages would have involved enormous labour and expense if sorting of the slips had been taken up afresh. Fortunately, however, a secondary census record, viz. the N ationa! Citizens' Register, in which each slip has been copied, was available. By singular foresight it had been pre pared mohalla/ward-wise for urban areas and village-wise for rural areas. The required information has, therefore, been extracted from this record. 2. In (he above circumstances there is a slight difference in the figures of population as arrived at by an earlier sorting of the slips and as now determined by counting from the National Citizens' Register.
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