6 Estimated Background Soil Chemistry Records of background estimated soil chemistry within 250m of the study site boundary: 8

For further information on how this data is calculated and limitations upon its use, please see the GroundSure GeoInsight User Guide, available on request.

Distance (m) Direction Sample Type Arsenic (As) Cadmium (Cd) Chromium (Cr) Nickel (Ni) Lead (Pb) 0.0 On Site RuralSoil <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 40 - 60 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 52.0 SW RuralSoil 15 - 25 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 60 - 90 mg/kg 30 - 45 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 147.0 S RuralSoil <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 40 - 60 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 173.0 SE RuralSoil 15 - 25 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 60 - 90 mg/kg 30 - 45 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 198.0 W RuralSoil 15 - 25 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 60 - 90 mg/kg 30 - 45 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 200.0 SW RuralSoil <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 40 - 60 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 238.0 SW RuralSoil <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 40 - 60 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 243.0 NE RuralSoil 15 - 25 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 60 - 90 mg/kg 30 - 45 mg/kg <150 mg/kg

*As this data is based upon underlying 1:50,000 scale geological information, a 50m buffer has been added to the search radius.

Report Reference: EMS-273239_368425 Client Reference: EMS_273239_368425 33 7 Railways and Tunnels Map



SW S SE Railways and Tunnels Legend © Crown copyright and database rights 2014. Ordnance Survey license 100035207. © OpenStreetMapContributors

Report Reference: EMS-273239_368425 Client Reference: EMS_273239_368425 34 7 Railways and Tunnels

7.1 Tunnels

This data is derived from OpenStreetMap and provides information on the possible locations of underground railway systems in the UK - the London Underground, the Tyne & Wear Metro and the Glasgow Subway.

Have any underground railway lines been identified within the study site boundary? No

Have any underground railway lines been identified within 250m of the study site boundary? No

Database searched and no data found.

Any records that have been identified are represented on the Railways and Tunnels Map.

This data is derived from Ordnance Survey mapping and provides information on the possible locations of railway tunnels forming part of the UK overground railway network.

Have any other railway tunnels been identified within the site boundary? No

Have any other railway tunnels been identified within 250m of the site boundary? No

Database searched and no data found. Any records that have been identified are represented on the Railways and Tunnels Map.

7.2 Historical Railway and Tunnel Features

This data is derived from GroundSure's unique Historical Land-use Database and contains features relating to tunnels, railway tracks or associated works that have been identified from historical Ordnance Survey mapping.

Have any historical railway or tunnel features been identified within the study site boundary? No

Have any historical railway or tunnel features been identified within 250m of the study site boundary? No

Database searched and no data found. Any records that have been identified are represented on the Railways and Tunnels Map.

7.3 Historical Railways

This data is derived from OpenStreetMap and provides information on the possible alignments of abandoned or dismantled railway lines in proximity to the study site.

Have any historical railway lines been identified within the study site boundary? No

Have any historical railway lines been identified within 250m of the study site boundary? No

Database searched and no data found. Note: multiple sections of the same track may be listed in the detail above

Any records that have been identified are represented on the Railways and Tunnels Map.

Report Reference: EMS-273239_368425 Client Reference: EMS_273239_368425 35 7.4 Active Railways

These datasets are derived from Ordnance Survey mapping and OpenStreetMap and provide information on the possible locations of active railway lines in proximity to the study site.

Have any active railway lines been identified within the study site boundary? No

Have any active railway lines been identified within 250m of the study site boundary? No

Database searched and no data found. Note: multiple sections of the same track may be listed in the detail above Any records that have been identified are represented on the Railways and Tunnels Map.

7.5 Railway Projects

These datasets provide information on the location of large scale railway projects High Speed 2 and Crossrail.

Is the study site within 5km of the route of the High Speed 2 rail project? Yes

Is the study site within 500m of the route of the Crossrail rail project? No

Further information on proximity to these routes, the project construction status and associated works can be obtained through the purchase of a GroundSure HS2 and Crossrail Report.

Report Reference: EMS-273239_368425 Client Reference: EMS_273239_368425 36 APPENDIX D


Issued by: The Coal Authority, Property Search Services, 200 Lichfield Lane, Berry Hill, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 4RG Website: www.groundstability.com Phone: 0845 762 6848 DX 716176 MANSFIELD 5

SLR CONSULTING LTD Our reference: 51000664905001 ARDSLEY HOUSE HOTEL Your reference: 402.05154.00001.0001 ROAD Date of your enquiry: 05 November 2014 ARDSLEY Date we received your enquiry: 05 November 2014 Date of issue: 05 November 2014 SOUTH

This report is for the property described in the address below and the attached plan. Non-Residential Coal Authority Mining Report ARDSLEY HOUSE HOTEL, DONCASTER ROAD, ARDSLEY, BARNSLEY, , S71 15EH This report is based on and limited to the records held by, the Coal Authority, and the Cheshire Brine Subsidence Compensation Board's records, at the time we answer the search. Coal mining See comments below Brine Compensation District No Information from the Coal Authority Underground coal mining Past The property is in the likely zone of influence from workings in 8 seams of coal at 270m to 700m depth, and last worked in 1990. Any ground movement from these coal workings should have stopped by now. Present The property is not in the likely zone of influence of any present underground coal workings. Future The property is not in an area for which the Coal Authority is determining whether to grant a licence to remove coal using underground methods. The property is not in an area for which a licence has been granted to remove or otherwise work coal using underground methods.

All rights reserved. You must not reproduce, store or transmit any part of this document unless you have our written permission. -- © The Coal Authority -- Non-Residential Coal Authority Mining Report - 51000664905001 Page 1 of 4 -- The property is not in an area that is likely to be affected at the surface from any planned future workings. However, reserves of coal exist in the local area which could be worked at some time in the future. No notice of the risk of the land being affected by subsidence has been given under section 46 of the Coal Mining Subsidence Act 1991. Mine entries There are no known coal mine entries within, or within 20 metres of, the boundary of the property. Coal mining geology The Authority is not aware of any evidence of damage arising due to geological faults or other lines of weakness that have been affected by coal mining. Opencast coal mining Past The property is not within the boundary of an opencast site from which coal has been removed by opencast methods. Present The property does not lie within 200 metres of the boundary of an opencast site from which coal is being removed by opencast methods. Future The property is not within 800 metres of the boundary of an opencast site for which the Coal Authority is determining whether to grant a licence to remove coal by opencast methods. The property is not within 800 metres of the boundary of an opencast site for which a licence to remove coal by opencast methods has been granted. Coal mining subsidence A damage notice or claim for alleged subsidence damage was made in May 1998 for ARDSLEY HOUSE HOTEL DONCASTER ROAD, ARDSLEY, BARNSLEY, SOUTH YORKSHIRE, S71 5EH. However, the claim was rejected. There is no current Stop Notice delaying the start of remedial works or repairs to the property. There are a further 10 claim(s) within 50 metres of the property boundary that do not match the property address. These are shown on the attached plan. The Authority is not aware of any request having been made to carry out preventive works before coal is worked under section 33 of the Coal Mining Subsidence Act 1991. If further subsidence damage claims information is required in addition to that provided in this report, the Authority need to manually search their records. For further advice on how to order this additional information visit www.groundstability.com or telephone 0845 7626 848. Mine gas There is no record of a mine gas emission requiring action by the Coal Authority within the boundary of the property. Hazards related to coal mining The property has not been subject to remedial works, by or on behalf of the Authority, under its Emergency Surface Hazard Call Out procedures. Withdrawal of support The property is in an area for which notices of entitlement to withdraw support were published in 1976, 1982. The property is not in an area for which a notice has been given under section 41 of the Coal Industry Act 1994, revoking the entitlement to withdraw support.

-- © The Coal Authority -- Non-Residential Coal Authority Mining Report - 51000664905001 Page 2 of 4 -- Working facilities orders The property is not in an area for which an Order has been made under the provisions of the Mines (Working Facilities and Support) Acts 1923 and 1966 or any statutory modification or amendment thereof. Payments to owners of former copyhold land The property is not in an area for which a relevant notice has been published under the Coal Industry Act 1975/Coal Industry Act 1994. Information from the Cheshire Brine Subsidence Compensation Board The property lies outside the Cheshire Brine Compensation District. Additional Remarks This report is prepared in accordance with the Law Society's Guidance Notes 2006, the User Guide 2006 and the Coal Authority and Cheshire Brine Board's Terms and Conditions 2006. The Coal Authority owns the copyright in this report. The information we have used to write this report is protected by our database right. All rights are reserved and unauthorised use is prohibited. If we provide a report for you, this does not mean that copyright and any other rights will pass to you. However, you can use the report for your own purposes.

Issued by: The Coal Authority, 200 Lichfield Lane, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 4RG Tax Point Date: 05 November 2014 Issued to: SLR CONSULTING LTD ARDSLEY HOUSE HOTEL DONCASTER ROAD ARDSLEY BARNSLEY SOUTH YORKSHIRE

Property Search for: ARDSLEY HOUSE HOTEL, DONCASTER ROAD, ARDSLEY, BARNSLEY, SOUTH YORKSHIRE, S71 15EH Reference Number: 51000664905001 Date of Issue: 05 November 2014 Cost: £59.00 VAT @ 20%: £11.80 Total Received: £70.80 VAT Registration 598 5850 68

-- © The Coal Authority -- Non-Residential Coal Authority Mining Report - 51000664905001 Page 3 of 4 -- Location map

Approximate position of property

Enquiry boundary

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database right 2014. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number: 100020315

Key Approximate position of enquiry boundary shown

Coal Claims

-- © The Coal Authority -- Non-Residential Coal Authority Mining Report - 51000664905001 Page 4 of 4 -- APPENDIX E


Title Number : SYK156067 This title is dealt with by Land Registry, Nottingham Office. The following extract contains information taken from the register of the above title number. A full copy of the register accompanies this document and you should read that in order to be sure that these brief details are complete. Neither this extract nor the full copy is an 'Official Copy' of the register. An official copy of the register is admissible in evidence in a court to the same extent as the original. A person is entitled to be indemnified by the registrar if he or she suffers loss by reason of a mistake in an official copy. This extract shows information current on 30 DEC 2013 at 10:08:32 and so does not take account of any application made after that time even if pending in the Land Registry when this extract was issued.


Title Number : SYK156067

Address of Property : Ardsley House Hotel, Doncaster Road, Ardsley, Barnsley (S71 5EH)

Price Stated : Not Available

Registered Owner(s) : ARDSLEY HOUSE HOTEL LIMITED (Co. Regn. No. 3089942) of Forest Park Hotel, Rhinefield Road, Brockenhurst, Hants SO42 7ZG.

Lender(s) : Lloyds Bank PLC Robin Evan Collins

1 of 7 Title number SYK156067 This is a copy of the register of the title number set out immediately below, showing the entries in the register on 30 DEC 2013 at 10:08:32. This copy does not take account of any application made after that time even if still pending in the Land Registry when this copy was issued. This copy is not an 'Official Copy' of the register. An official copy of the register is admissible in evidence in a court to the same extent as the original. A person is entitled to be indemnified by the registrar if he or she suffers loss by reason of a mistake in an official copy. If you want to obtain an official copy, the Land Registry web site explains how to do this.

A: Property Register This register describes the land and estate comprised in the title. SOUTH YORKSHIRE : BARNSLEY 1 The Freehold land shown edged with red on the plan of the above Title filed at the Registry and being Ardsley House Hotel, Doncaster Road, Ardsley, Barnsley (S71 5EH). 2 The land tinted yellow, hatched blue, tinted mauve and tinted brown on the filed plan has the benefit of the rights granted by but is subject to the rights reserved by a Conveyance of Ardsley Lodge dated 27 February 1950 made between (1) Richard Gerald Micklethwait and (2) John Raymond Micklethwait and others.

NOTE: Copy filed under SYK149211 3 The Conveyance dated 27 February 1950 referred to above contains a provision as to boundary structures. 4 There are excluded from this registration of the land tinted blue, hatched brown, and tinted pink on the filed plan the mines and minerals excepted by the Transfer dated 24 October 1972 referred to in the Charges Register in the following terms and the land is also subject to the following ancillary powers of working:

"(1) There shall be excepted and reserved to the Transferor out of the sale

(a) All interests of the Transferor in any mines beds and seams of coal and other minerals in or under the said land

(b) All necessary rights powers and easements for searching for winning working getting and carrying away by underground operations only the said coal and other minerals and any other coal and other minerals in which the Transferor have any interest.

(2) The rights referred to in sub-clause (1) (b) hereof shall include

(a) The right to drive occupy and use roadways and other works in the strata under and adjacent to the said land

(b) The right to let down the surface of the said land and any building structure or works now or hereafter erected constructed or placed on or in the said land

Except as provided by the Coal Mining (Subsidence) Act 1957 the Transferor shall not be liable to make good or pay compensation for any damage whatsoever caused directly or indirectly by or in consequence of the exercise of the rights powers and easements aforesaid or of any mining operations either of the Transferor or of any other person prior to the date of the Conveyance of the said land to the Purchasers being mining operations affecting the land." 5 The parts of the land respectively affected thereby have the benefit of and are subject to the rights granted and reserved by a Transfer of the land tinted blue and hatched brown on the filed plan dated 21 August 1975 made between (1) R.W. Dunk & Son Limited and (2) Ardsley House Hotel Limited.

NOTE: Original filed under YWE57427)

2 of 7 Title number SYK156067 A: Property Register continued 6 The land tinted blue, hatched brown and tinted pink on the filed plan has the benefit of the rights granted by but is subject to the reservations contained in a Transfer dated 6 January 1976 made between (1) Ardsley House Hotel Limited (2) Robert Wheaton Hellyer (3) National Westminster Bank Limited and (4) South Riding Hotels Limited.

NOTE: Original filed under SYK31522. 7 The Conveyance dated 5 August 1982 referred to in the Charges Register contains the following provision:-


(a) That the Council will give no warranty or guarantee regarding the stability of the land for the purpose for which the same is sold and the Council shall not be liable or responsible for any depression subsidence damage or injury whatsoever or howsoever caused to the surface or to Ardsley Lodge aforesaid or any building or thing at any time erected upon the land forming the property hereby conveyed

(b) That the Purchaser shall not be entitled to any easement or right of light or air or other easement or right which would restrict the free use of the adjoining or neighbouring property now or formerly of the Council for building or any other purpose and that any enjoyment had by the Purchaser inconsistent with the Council's rights hereunder shall be deemed to be had by leave and consent of the Council and not as of right." 8 (10.01.2001) The land edged and numbered in green on the title plan has been removed from this title and registered under the title number or numbers shown in green on the said plan. 9 (13.11.2008) A new title plan based on the latest revision of the Ordnance Survey Map has been prepared. 10 (13.03.2013) The land has the benefit of the rights reserved by but is subject to the rights granted by a Transfer of the land edged and numbered SYK605334 in green on the title plan dated 18 February 2013 made between (1) Ardsley House Hotel Limited and (2) Forestglade Properties Ltd .

NOTE: Copy filed under SYK605334.

B: Proprietorship Register This register specifies the class of title and identifies the owner. It contains any entries that affect the right of disposal. Title absolute 1 (11.01.1996) PROPRIETOR: ARDSLEY HOUSE HOTEL LIMITED (Co. Regn. No. 3089942) of Forest Park Hotel, Rhinefield Road, Brockenhurst, Hants SO42 7ZG. 2 (11.01.1996) The Transfer to the proprietor contains a covenant to observe and perform the covenants referred to in the Charges Register and of indemnity in respect thereof. 3 (28.02.2011) RESTRICTION: No disposition of the registered estate by the proprietor of the registered estate or by the proprietor of any registered charge, not being a charge registered before the entry of this restriction, is to be registered without a written consent signed by the proprietor for the time being of the Charge dated 22 December 2010 in favour of Lloyds Bank PLC referred to in the Charges Register.

3 of 7 Title number SYK156067 C: Charges Register This register contains any charges and other matters that affect the land. 1 The land hatched brown on the filed plan is subject to rights of drainage and rights in respect of water gas and electricity supply services. 2 The land tinted yellow on the filed plan is subject to rights of way thereover. 3 The part of the land in this title which lies to the west of the land tinted yellow on the filed plan is subject to a right of entry thereupon at all reasonable times for the purpose of maintaining and repairing the retaining wall on the southern boundary thereof. 4 Lease dated 31 December 1925 of rights of mining the coal under the land tinted blue tinted pink and hatched brown on the filed plan and other land granted to The Barnsley Main Colliery Company Limited for 60 years from 1 July 1923.

The Lease included the right to enter the surface of the said land with the previous consent of the Lessor such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. The mining rights were in certain respects varied by an Agreement dated 25 June 1942 made between (1) Richard Gerald Michtlethwait (2) The Coal Commission and (3) Barrow Barnsley Main Collieries Limited.

NOTE: No copy of the lease referred to is held by Land Registry. 5 A A Transf er of the land tinted blue tinted pink and hatched brown on the filed plan and other land dated 24 October 1972 made between (1) National Coal Board (Transferor) and (2) D W Sherriff & Son Limited (Transferee) contains covenants details of which are set out in the schedule of restrictive covenants hereto. 6 A Conveyance of the land tinted brown on the filed plan dated 5 August 1982 made between (1) Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council (Council) and (2) South Riding Hotels Limited (Purchaser) contains covenants details of which are set out in the schedule of restrictive covenants hereto. 7 The land tinted brown on the filed plan is subject to the following rights reserved by the Conveyance dated 5 August 1982 referred to above:-

"EXCEPTING AND RESERVING unto the Council the free and uninterrupted passage and running of water soil gas and electricity over through and along all sewers drains water courses pipes wires and cables in on or under the property hereby conveyed and from the adjoining or adjacent property of the Council with a right for the Council or other statutory undertakers to enter on the said property for the purpose of repairing cleansing and maintaining the said sewers drains watercourses pipes wires and cables subject to the Council or such statutory undertakers making good all damage caused by such entry." 8 The land tinted yellow hatched blue and tinted mauve on the filed plan is subject to the following rights granted by a Transfer of an Electricity Sub-Station lying to the west thereof dated 5 July 1984 made between (1) Silkstone Developments Limited and (2) The Yorkshire Electricity Board (Board):-

"FULL AND FREE RIGHTS (a) to the intent that the same shall be appurtenant to the transferred land at all times and for all purposes with or without vehicles to pass and repass over the land shown coloured blue on the said plan and key play (hereinafter called "the underground cable land") and (b) to the intent that the same shall be appurtenant to the transferred land and/or the Board's statutory electricity undertaking (i) to enter upon break open and excavate in the underground cable land and to lay place use inspect repair maintain renew replace remove or render unusable underground electric lines therein and thereunder and (ii) to enjoy the benefit of support for the underground electric lines from the subjacent and adjacent land of the Company TO HOLD the same unto the Board in fee simple."

4 of 7 Title number SYK156067 C: Charges Register continued The said Transfer also contains the following covenants:

"THE Board HEREBY COVENANT with the Company with intent and so as to bind the rights hereby granted into whosesoever hands the same may come and to benefit and protect the underground cable land and the land adjoining it to make good to the reasonable satisfaction of the Company any damage done to the underground cable land and the land adjoining it land in the exercise of the aforesaid rights and to pay compensation to the like satisfaction for any damage done as aforesaid to any crops or trees present thereon PROVIDED THAT if for any reason any such damage cannot be made good or if the Board should so prefer in lieu of making good such damage they will compensate the Company therefor

THE Company HEREBY COVENANTS with the Board with intent and so as to bind the underground cable land into whosesoever hands the same may come and for the benefit and protection of the transferred land the Board's statutory electricity undertaking and the said underground electric lines as follows

(1) Not to erect or place any part of any dwellinghouse building structure or other erection or plant or materials on or over the underground cable land provided that the construction of a roadway by the Company shall be deemed not to be a breach of this covenant

(2) Not to do or cause or permit to be done on the underground cable land anything calculated or likely to cause damage or injury to the said underground electric lines and to take all reasonable precautions to prevent such damage or injury.

THE Company HEREBY COVENANTS with the Board to be responsible for the construction repair and maintenance of all roads and pathways for which the Board as owners of the transferred land could be held responsible until the same shall be adopted as public highways and taken over by the Highway Authority and to indemnify the Board against all costs charges and expenses in any way relating to the said roads and pathways until such adoption and taking over as aforesaid

IF any dispute question or difference of opinion shall arise between the parties hereto touching these presents or anything herein contained or the construction or operation thereof or anything to be done hereunder and not being a difference for the determination of which provision is made in the Electricity (Supply) Acts 1882 to 1935 as modified by the Electricity Acts 1947 and 1957 the matter in difference shall be referred for settlement to an Arbitrator to be agreed upon by the parties hereto or in default of such agreement to the President for the time being of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors or his nominee and in either case in accordance with and subject to the provisions of the Arbitration Act 1950 or any subsisting statutory modification or re-enactment thereof

IN this Deed the expression "electric lines" shall have the meaning (in the plural) assigned to the expression "electric line" by Section 32 of the Electric Lighting Act 1882 or any subsisting statutory modification or re-enactment thereof and shall be interpreted and construed accordingly and shall also include all joint boxes and apparatus ancillary to underground electric lines."

NOTE: The land hatched blue on the filed plan forms part of the underground cable land shown coloured blue referred to. 9 (28.02.2011) REGISTERED CHARGE dated 22 December 2010.

NOTE: See the entry below altering the priority of this charge. 10 (28.02.2011) Proprietor: LLOYDS BANK PLC (Co. Regn. No. 2065) of Mid Market Securities, 5th Floor, 110 St Vincent Steet, Glasgow G2 5ER. 11 (28.02.2011) REGISTERED CHARGE contained in a Debenture dated 22 December 2010.

NOTE: See the entry below altering the priority of this charge. 12 (28.02.2011) Proprietor: ROBIN EVAN COLLINS of The Old House, Burley Lodge, Burley, Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 4HU. 5 of 7 Title number SYK156067 C: Charges Register continued 13 (28.02.2011) A Deed dated 22 December 2010 made between (1) Lloyds TSB Bank plc (2) Robin Evan Collins (3) Forestdale Hotels Limited and others and (4) Akkeron Hotels Limited relates to priorities as between the Charges dated 22 December 2010 in favour of Lloyds TSB Bank plc and 22 December 2010 in favour of Robin Evan Collins referred to above as therein mentioned.

Schedule of restrictive covenants 1 The following are details of the covenants contained in the Conveyance dated 24 October 1972 referred to in the Charges Register:-

"The Transferee hereby covenants with the Transferor to the intent and so as to bind (so far as practicable) the said land and any part or parts thereof into whosesoever hands the same may come and to benefit and protect any mines and minerals in which the Transferor have any interest and which provide subjacent or lateral support for the said land or any part or parts thereof but not so as to render the Transferee personally liable in damages for any breach of covenant committed after they shall have parted with all interest in the land in respect of which such breach shall occur that no new building structure or works and no addition to any building structure or works shall at any time be erected constructed or placed on or in the said land or any part or parts thereof except in accordance with plans and specifications previously produced by the Transferee to the Transferor and containing such reasonable provision for minimising damage caused by subsidence as shall be agreed between the Transferor and the Transferee Provided that if any dispute shall arise between the Transferor and the Transferee as to the reasonableness or sufficiency to the arbitration of a single arbitrator appointed by the parties hereto or their successors in title or in default of agreement on such appointment of two arbitrators one to be appointed by each of the parties hereto or their successors in title subject to and in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration Act 1950 or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force. 2 The following are details of the covenants contained in the Conveyance dated 5 August 1982 referred to in the Charges Register:-

"FOR THE benefit and protection of the adjoining land of the Council capable of being benefited or any part thereof and so as to bind so far as may be the property hereby conveyed into whosoever hands the same may come the Purchaser hereby covenants with the Council that the Purchaser and the persons deriving title under it will at all times hereafter observe and perform the restrictions and stipulations set out in the Schedule hereto but so that neither the Purchaser nor those deriving title under it shall be liable for a breach of this covenant occuring on or in respect of the property hereby conveyed or any part or parts thereof after they shall have parted with all interest therein


THE SCHEDULE above referred to

1. The Purchaser and its successors in title shall not carry on or permit to be carried on any noisome noxious or offensive trade or business on any portion of the property hereby conveyed or in any buildings erected or to be erected thereon

2. The Purchaser shall erect a wall or fence (to be first approved in writing by the Council) on the eastern boundary of the property hereby conveyed between the points marked "A" and "B" on the plan annexed hereto and shall at all times thereafter maintained keep all such walls or fences in good repair order and condition to the satisfaction of the Council."

NOTE: The points A and B referred to form the whole of the Eastern boundary of the land tinted brown on the filed plan.

6 of 7 Title number SYK156067 End of register

7 of 7 This is a copy of the title plan on 30 DEC 2013 at 10:08:32. This copy does not take account of any application made after that time even if still pending in the Land Registry when this copy was issued.

This copy is not an 'Official Copy' of the title plan. An official copy of the title plan is admissible in evidence in a court to the same extent as the original. A person is entitled to be indemnified by the registrar if he or she suffers loss by reason of a mistake in an official copy. If you want to obtain an official copy, the Land Registry web site explains how to do this.

The Land Registry endeavours to maintain high quality and scale accuracy of title plan images.The quality and accuracy of any print will depend on your printer, your computer and its print settings.This title plan shows the general position, not the exact line, of the boundaries. It may be subject to distortions in scale. Measurements scaled from this plan may not match measurements between the same points on the ground. See Land Registry Public Guide 19 - Title plans and boundaries.

This title is dealt with by Land Registry, Nottingham Office. APPENDIX F


In association with:

Ardsley House Hotel, Doncaster Road, BARNSLEY, South Yorkshire, S71 5EH

Prepared for: Mr J Ford John Ford, Law Agent 28 Highmoor Amersham Bucks HP7 9BU

Report Reference: SAS_33181770_1_1

Report Date: 21-NOV-2010

Customer Reference: 0.10458 Ardsley

National Grid Reference: 438290 405530

Site Area: 14315 m²

If you have any questions on the contents of this Report please contact Landmark Customer Helpdesk which is open from 9:00am - 5:30pm, Monday - Friday, via one of the following channels:

Telephone: 0844 844 9966 Fax: 0844 844 9980 Email: [email protected] Website: www.sitecheck.co.uk in association with

Professional Opinion on environmental risk

The Sitecheck Assess report dated 21/11/2010 and reference SAS-33181770_1_1, 0.10458 Ardsley for Ardsley House Hotel, Doncaster Road, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S71 5EH has examined the sources of potential contamination in terms of historic land use, environmental data and current land uses where known. The report has highlighted the presence of potentially contaminative past land uses on or within 25 metres of the site boundary.

INTRODUCTION This professional opinion determines the level of environmental risk, as to whether a pollutant linkage exists which is created when there is a source of contamination, a pathway for it to travel along and receptors, which may be harmed. This risk-based approach underpins the governments approach to contaminated land. If a pollutant linkage exists the property may be regarded by the local authority as being “Contaminated Land” for the purposes of Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. In completing this report Wilbourn Associates has undertaken a review of data made available to it. No site inspection, further enquiries or investigation of surface or ground conditions has been carried out by Wilbourn Associates. No information as to the age, value and type of property has been made available. It is important to note that it is not known by Wilbourn Associates for what purpose the report has been commissioned.


Potential Sources: • A detailed examination of the historical Ordnance Survey maps from 1854 to present has revealed that in 1854 the site was already developed with buildings of unspecified use and buildings identified as Ardsley House. Some time between 1968 and 1974 Ardsley House was extended and identified as a hotel. Also at this time a tank is marked on the site. This use remained up until some time between 1984 and 1993 when the hotel was further extended and the tank was cleared. This use remains up to present day mapping. • A review of selected 1:2500 and 1:1250 scale Ordnance Survey mapping covering a period from 1943 to 1996 has identified that the centre of the search is on or within 25 metres of tanks and electrical sub station facilities.

Potential Pathways: • Direct human contact with soil (and water). • Contamination transport to shallow groundwater. • Contamination transport to deep groundwater.

Potential Receptors: • The property itself, surrounding properties and their respective occupants may be considered as receptors. Buildings and people can suffer harm by definition of Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

Report Reference No: SAS-33181770_1_1 Professional Opinion Date: 22 November 2010 in association with

Professional Opinion on environmental risk

• The groundwater vulnerability map Sheet 11 South Pennines, has revealed that the site is located above a Minor aquifer. Although minor aquifers seldom produce large quantities of water for abstraction they may be important for local supplies and supplying base flow to rivers.

CONCLUSIONS: The data examined in this risk assessment indicates that there may be a potential source of contamination arising from the potentially contaminative past land uses which may have significant implications. It would appear from this preliminary appraisal that there may be a potential pollutant linkage. In our opinion, from the information we have examined, there is a risk that the value of the property could be impaired. In our opinion the property may also constitute “contaminated land” as defined by Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

ADDITIONAL FACTORS FOR CONSIDERATION: (I) If the property is modern, are there warranties or similar guarantees? If so, it is important to ensure that those parties offering the warranties are of sufficient financial standing backed by appropriate insurance cover. (II) Did the developer of the property ensure that during the construction phase any potentially contaminative features were appropriately addressed? If so, are these supported by warranties and/or documentary evidence? Have the local authority ‘signed off’ the remedial works. For example, did the developer include gas membranes or passive venting where the property has been built on unknown filled ground? (III) Does any relevant planning permission contain requirements regarding the potential contamination feature? Did it require remedial works to be undertaken? If so, have these works been undertaken to the satisfaction of the local authority? (IV) Speak with Building Control Department of the local authority to ascertain whether there are known records of gas emissions, contamination issues and/or ground instability problems in the immediate area. (V) Speak with the Local Authority Environmental Health Officer to ascertain any known pollution or contamination issues surrounding this feature and whether they are considering taking any action under Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 on a formal, or informal, basis. (VI) If the property forms part of a development proposal have all the planning preconditions been complied with? This report should be considered as a precursor to a thorough investigation of the site for planning control purposes. (VII) Do any environmental reports exist for the site? Have these been prepared by appropriately qualified, competent and insured consultants? Do they address the issues raised in this preliminary appraisal? Can you rely upon them? Is the consultant prepared to assign the benefit of these? (VIII) This report should be referred to any surveyor retained by the parties, particularly those who have been engaged to produce a structural survey and/or valuation. There may also be issues arising from the current use of the premises which could give rise to matters of environmental management. In accordance with the RICS guidance note, ‘Contamination, the environment and sustainability – Implications for chartered surveyors and their clients’ published April 2010,

Report Reference No: SAS-33181770_1_1 Professional Opinion Date: 22 November 2010 in association with

Professional Opinion on environmental risk

the surveyor is required to use the RICS Property Observation Checklist for commercial property to record any visible contamination. (IX) If it has not been possible to obtain satisfactory conclusions to the issues raised above, consideration should be given to the appointment of an appropriate consultant to investigate matters further given the nature of the property and the issues involved. Such a consultant must be appropriately qualified and insured for the level of instruction. (X) If this report has been purchased as part of an investment transaction and the factors outlined above require further investigation please see http://www.environmental- surveyors.com/Sitecheck.pdf for advice. If however this report has been purchased with a view of redevelopment taking place please see http://www.environmental-surveyors.com/sitecheck- assess-redevelopment.pdf for further advice. If the issues outlined above are adequately addressed by the surveyors and solicitors retained in this matter, there may be no impairment to the value of the property or any risk that the property would be designated as “contaminated land” within the meaning of Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. The documentation should rest with the deeds and be made available for future transactions.

OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS In this case the following environmental factors have been identified which a client may wish to be investigated before proceeding further: 1. An area which may be affected by coal mining activity 2. An area affected by radon 3. An area of Mining Instability 4. Occasional: Localised small scale mining may have occurred but restricted in extent

Philip E. Wilbourn BSc CEnv FRICS Chartered Environmental Surveyor

Wilbourn Associates are regulated by the RICS. The professional opinion forms part of the Sitecheck Assess report and is subject to Landmark Information Groups Terms and conditions of Business in force from time to time. Further information on the methodology and the datasets examined in this professional opinion is included in the Sitecheck Assess Practitioner Guide.

Report Reference No: SAS-33181770_1_1 Professional Opinion Date: 22 November 2010 in association with

Professional Opinion on environmental risk

SOURCES OF ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE • If the report is for valuation, or investment, or other forms of lending decision making there may be issues arising from the current occupation, which need to be examined. The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors has provided guidance with respect to such matters and specific reference should be made to the guidance note ‘Contamination, the environment and sustainability – Implications for chartered surveyors and their clients’. This guidance note is referred to in UKGN1 paragraph 2.2 of the RICS Valuation Standards (6th Edition) (The “Red Book”).

It is recommended that the client reviews the outputs of any valuation report, which should include a Property Observation Checklist, contained at Appendix A for commercial property or Appendix B for rural property in the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors guidance note ‘Contamination, the environment and sustainability – Implications for chartered surveyors and their clients’. Completion of these checklists does not constitute an environmental assessment for the purposes of Professional Indemnity Insurance where many surveyors are unlikely to have appropriate indemnity cover. Any contamination, which is observed on the site by the surveyor during the normal course of their inspection, can also be recorded. • If the property is let, the landlord or the tenant (as appropriate) should take legal advice as to whether the covenants in the lease constitute legal or financial burdens. The Law Society’s “Environmental Law Handbook-6th Edition” provides valuable assistance.

In leases with no express covenants dealing with environmental matters, lawyers and surveyors need to be aware of the extent to which the repairing of covenants can be applied and, when advising tenant clients in particular, will need to draw attention to the client’s obligations to comply with enacted legislation. • Should contamination have been observed on site a suitably qualified, insured and experienced professional, preferably with the Specialist in Land Condition (SiLC) accreditation, should quantify whether this could give rise to an action by a regulator or any other party. A suitable management plan for action incorporated in a Land Quality Statement in accordance with RICS guidance should be put in place and appropriate matters taken up with the tenant/occupier. • In terms of development this report should be seen as a precursor to a thorough investigation of the property for planning control purposes. The DTI funded guidance published by the Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA) Brownfields-managing the development of previously developed land-a client’s guide may be a useful starting point.

Report Reference No: SAS-33181770_1_1 Professional Opinion Date: 22 November 2010 Contents

Report Sections and Details Page Summary of Site - This section comprises source, pathway and receptor information found on site. Other factors which may affect the site are also included.

Aerial Photo 1 The aerial photo gives an overall view of the area. The smaller large-scale Ordnance Survey map includes the site boundary and search zone buffer at 250m.

Location Map 2 The accurate large-scale Ordnance Survey map confirms the boundary of the subject site. The descriptive text may identify other features which could be of relevance but not reported. The smaller aerial photo includes the site boundary.

Summary Table 3 This section comprises of a summary table of the information found on site and in its vicinity.

Current Land Use 7 This section contains a map, which shows current land use features. The following pages detail these features and identify the Reference Number and direction.

Historical Land Use 11 This section contains a map, which shows historical land use features. The following pages detail these features and identify the Reference Number and direction. A table listing all the maps used to source this information is included.

Sensitivity 15 This section contains a map, which shows pathway and receptor features. The following pages detail these features and identify the Reference Number and direction. This section also contains a separate Flood Map and flood details.

Other Factors 18 This section contains information on other factors which may affect the site and its vicinity.

Useful Information 20 This section contains information which may be of use when interpreting the report.

Useful Contacts 21 All textual information is linked by the 'Contact Ref' to this quick reference list of contacts. These contacts may be able to supply additional information or answer any subsequent query relating to that record.

rpr_sitecheck v28.0

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Historical Land Use Page Reference No. Number Potentially Contaminative Uses (Map ID)

Historical Tanks And Energy Facilities

Tanks, Scale of Mapping: 1:1,250, Date of Mapping: 1974 12 1

Sensitivity Page Reference No. Number Pathways (Map ID)

Groundwater Vulnerability

Geological Classification: Minor Aquifer (Variably permeable) - These can be fractured or potentially fractured rocks, which do not have a high primary permeability, or other formations of variable permeability including unconsolidated deposits. Although not producing large quantities of water for abstraction, they are important for local supplies and in supplying base flow to rivers, Soil Classification: Soils of High 17 - Leaching Potential (U) - Soil information for restored mineral workings and urban areas is based on fewer observations than elsewhere. A worst case vulnerability classification (H) assumed, until proved otherwise, Map Scale: 1:100,000, Map Name: Sheet 11 South Pennines, Contact Ref: 1

Other Factors Page Reference No. Number Geological (Map ID)

Coal Mining Affected Areas

In an area which may be affected by coal mining activity. It is recommended that a coal mining report is obtained from the Coal Authority. Contact details are included in the Useful Contacts section., Contact 18 - Ref: 4

Mining Instability

Risk: Inconclusive Coal Mining, 18 -

Non Coal Mining Areas of Great Britain

Hazard Potential: Occasional, Contact Ref: 3 18 -

Radon Potential - Radon Affected Areas

Affected Areas: The property is in a radon affected area, as between 1 and 3% of homes are above the 18 - action level, Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service, Contact Ref: 3

Radon Potential - Radon Protection Measures

Radon Protection Measures: None, Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information 18 - Service, Contact Ref: 3

Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards

Hazard Potential: Very Low, Contact Ref: 3 18 -

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Site Ardsley House Hotel,Doncaster Road,BARNSLEY,South Yorkshire,S71 5EH

Grid Reference 438290, 405530

Report Reference SAS_33181770_1_1

Customer Reference 0.10458 Ardsley

Size of Site 14315 m²

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Site Ardsley House Hotel,Doncaster Road,BARNSLEY,South Yorkshire,S71 5EH

Grid Reference 438290, 405530

Report Reference SAS_33181770_1_1

Customer Reference 0.10458 Ardsley

Size of Site 14315 m²

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If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Page 2 of 22 Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: [email protected] Summary Table

Current Land Use On Site 0-250m 250- 500m Sources 0 8 13

Waste / Landfill Sites

BGS Recorded Landfill Sites 0 0 0

Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Landfill Boundaries) 0 0 1

Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 0 0 1

Local Authority Recorded Landfill Sites 0 0 1

Registered Landfill Sites 0 0 7

Registered Waste Transfer Sites 0 0 0

Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites 0 0 0

Statutory Authorisations

Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 0 1 0

Contaminated Land Register Entries and Notices 0 0 0

Registered Radioactive Substances 0 0 0

Discharge Consents

Discharge Consents 0 3 2

Water Industry Act Referrals 0 0 0

Industrial Processes

Integrated Pollution Controls 0 0 0

Integrated Pollution Control Registered Waste Sites 0 0 0

Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 0 0 0

Local Authority Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 0 0 0

Storage of Hazardous Substances

Control of Major Accident Hazards Sites (COMAH) 0 0 0

Explosive Sites 0 0 0

Notification of Installations Handling Hazardous Substances (NIHHS) 0 0 0

Planning Hazardous Substance Consents 0 0 0


Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Enforcements 0 0 0

Enforcement and Prohibition Notices 0 0 0

Planning Hazardous Substance Enforcements 0 0 0

Prosecutions Relating to Authorised Processes 0 0 0

Prosecutions Relating to Controlled Waters 0 0 0

Substantiated Pollution Incident Register 0 0 0

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Current Land Use On Site 0-250m 250- 500m Sources 0 8 13

Potentially Contaminative Uses

Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 0 4 0

Fuel Station Entries 0 0 0


BGS Recorded Mineral Sites 0 0 1

Historical Land Use On Site 0-250m 250- 500m Sources 1 9 9

Potentially Contaminative Uses

Historical Tanks And Energy Facilities 1 9 3

Potentially Contaminative Industrial Uses (Past Land Use) 0 0 3

Potentially Infilled Land

Former Marshes 0 0 0

Potentially Infilled Land (Non-Water) 0 0 1

Potentially Infilled Land (Water) 0 0 2

Sensitivity On Site 0-250m 250- 500m Pathways and Receptors 1 1 0


Groundwater Vulnerability 1 n/a n/a

Drift Deposits 0 n/a n/a

Historical Flood Liabilities 0 0 0

Extreme Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences 0 0 n/a

Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences 0 0 n/a

Areas Benefiting from Flood Defences 0 0 n/a

Flood Water Storage Areas 0 0 n/a

Flood Defences 0 0 n/a

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Sensitivity On Site 0-250m 250- 500m Pathways and Receptors 1 1 0

Environmentally Sensitive Receptors

Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty 0 0 0

Environmentally Sensitive Areas 0 0 0

Local Nature Reserves 0 0 0

Marine Nature Reserves 0 0 0

National Nature Reserves 0 0 0

Nearest Surface Water Feature 0 1 0

Ramsar Sites 0 0 0

Sites of Special Scientific Interest 0 0 0

Source Protection Zones 0 0 0

Special Areas of Conservation 0 0 0

Special Protection Areas 0 0 0

Water Abstractions 0 0 0

Protected Countryside Areas

Forest Parks 0 0 0

National Parks 0 0 0

National Scenic Areas 0 0 0

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Other Factors On Site 0-250m 250- 500m Geological 9 2 1

Brine Compensation Area 0 n/a n/a

Coal Mining Affected Areas 1 n/a n/a

Mining Instability 1 0 n/a

Man-Made Mining Cavities 0 0 1

Natural Cavities 0 0 0

Non Coal Mining Areas of Great Britain 1 0 n/a

Radon Potential - Radon Affected Areas 1 n/a n/a

Radon Potential - Radon Protection Measures 1 n/a n/a

Potential for Collapsible Ground Stability Hazards 0 0 n/a

Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards 1 0 n/a

Potential for Ground Dissolution Stability Hazards 0 0 n/a

Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards 1 1 n/a

Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards 1 0 n/a

Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards 1 1 n/a

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Sources Ref No. Search Direction Waste / Landfill Sites Buffer

Local Authority Landfill Coverage

Name: Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council, - Has supplied landfill data, Contact Ref: 2 - On Site N

Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Landfill Boundaries)

Stairfoot Landfill, Stairfoot North Quarry, Wombwell Lane, Stairfoot, Barnsley, South 3 250-500m W Yorkshire, S71 5BZ, Reference: 60588, Status: Active, Household, Commercial And Industrial Waste Landfills, Positional Accuracy: Positioned by the supplier, Boundary Accuracy: As Supplied, Current Ref: 1

Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations)

Location: Stairfoot North Quarry, Wombwell Lane, Stairfoot, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S71 - 250-500m W 5BZ, Licence Number: 60588, Site Category: Household, Commercial And Industrial Waste Landfills, Licence Status: Issued,IPPC Reference: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m, Contact Ref: 1

Local Authority Recorded Landfill Sites

Not Supplied, Reference: 2, Positional Accuracy: Positioned by the supplier, Boundary 4 250-500m W Quality: Moderate, Contact Ref: 2

Registered Landfill Sites

B.D.R. Waste Disposal Ltd, Stairfoot North (2), Wombwell Lane, Stairfoot, Barnsley, South - 250-500m W Yorkshire, Reference: WD20 B 772 MOD 5, Status: Record superseded, Superseded, Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location, Boundary Quality: Not Applicable, Contact Ref: 1

B.D.R. Waste Disposal Ltd, Stairfoot North (2), Wombwell Lane, Stairfoot, Barnsley, South - 250-500m W Yorkshire, Reference: WD20 B 772 MOD 3, Status: Record superseded, Superseded, Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location, Boundary Quality: Not Applicable, Contact Ref: 1

B.D.R. Waste Disposal Ltd, Stairfoot North (2), Wombwell Lane, Stairfoot, Barnsley, South - 250-500m W Yorkshire, Reference: WD20 B 772 MOD 7, Status: Site at or awaiting restoration, Under Review, Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location, Boundary Quality: Not Applicable, Contact Ref: 1

Yorkshire Brick Co Ltd, Stairfoot, Wombwell Lane, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, Reference: - 250-500m SW WD20 B 297, Status: Licence lapsed/cancelled/defunct/not applicable/surrendered, Cancelled, Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location, Boundary Quality: Not Applicable, Contact Ref: 1

Barnsley M.B.C., Stairfoot North Quarry, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, Reference: WD 2 B20, - 250-500m SW Status: Record superseded, Superseded, Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location, Boundary Quality: Not Applicable, Contact Ref: 1

Barnsley M.B.C., Stairfoot South Quarry, Wombwell Lane, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, - 250-500m SW Reference: WD 2 B 6, Status: Record superseded, Superseded, Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location, Boundary Quality: Not Applicable, Contact Ref: 1

Yorkshire Brick Co., Wombwell Lane, Stairfoot, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, Reference: WD20 - 250-500m W B 266, Status: Licence lapsed/cancelled/defunct/not applicable/surrendered, Cancelled, Positional Accuracy: Approximate location provided by supplier, Boundary Quality: Not Applicable, Contact Ref: 1

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Sources Ref No. Search Direction Statutory Authorisations Buffer

Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls

Barnsley Mbc Crematorium, Doncaster Road, Ardsley, BARNSLEY, South Yorkshire, S71 5 0-250m NE 5EH, Part B - Waste Disposal Industry Sector, Reference: Ppc/B/29, Status: Permitted, Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location, Contact Ref: 2

Ref No. Search Direction Discharge Consents Buffer

Discharge Consents

Yorkshire Water Services Ltd, St Pauls Parade Sewage Pumping Stn, Ardsley, Barnsley, 6 0-250m SW Sewage Discharge, Reference: C4870, Version: 1, Status: Transferred from COPA 1974, Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m, Contact Ref: 1

Yorkshire Water Services Ltd, St Pauls Parade Sewage Pumping Stn, Ardsley, Barnsley, 7 0-250m SW Sewage Discharge, Reference: C4870, Version: 2, Status: Modified (Water Resources Act 1991, Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995), Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m, Contact Ref: 1

Yorkshire Water Services Ltd, St Pauls Parade Sewage Pumping Stn, Ardsley, Barnsley, 7 0-250m SW Sewage Discharge, Reference: C4870, Version: 3, Status: Modified (Water Resources Act 1991, Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995), Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m, Contact Ref: 1

Yorkshire Water Services Ltd, Penrhyn Walk Pumping Station Ardsley, Barnsley, South - 250-500m N Yorkshire, , Sewage Discharge, Reference: Wra7674, Version: 1, Status: New Consent (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995), Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m, Contact Ref: 1

Yorkshire Water Services Ltd, Penryn Walk Ps , Penryn Walk, South Yorkshire, Sewerage - 250-500m N Discharge, Reference: WADC336,Version: Not SuppliedStatus: Not Supplied Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m, Contact Ref: 1

Ref No. Search Direction Potentially Contaminative Uses Buffer

Contemporary Trade Directory Entries

Bereavement Services, Crematorium Lodge, Doncaster Road, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, 8 0-250m NE S71 5EH, Cemeteries & Crematoria, Status: Active, Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

Acorn Engraving, 8, Winchester Way, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S71 5DE, Glass Engravers 9 0-250m W & Decorators, Status: Inactive, Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

Economy Motor Co, Doncaster Road, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S71 5EF, Car Dealers, 10 0-250m NW Status: Inactive, Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

Selclene, 113, St. Pauls Parade, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S71 5BU, Cleaning Services - 11 0-250m S Domestic, Status: Active, Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address

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Sources Ref No. Search Direction Miscellaneous Buffer

BGS Recorded Mineral Sites

Stairfoot Brickworks No 2, Wombwell Lane, Stairfoot, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S70 3ns, 12 250-500m SW Status: Dormant, Reference: 214, Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m, Contact Ref: 3

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Sources Ref No. Search Direction Potentially Contaminative Uses Buffer

Historical Tanks And Energy Facilities

Tanks, Scale of Mapping: 1:1,250, Date of Mapping: 1974 1 On Site SW

Electrical Sub Station Facilities, Scale of Mapping: 1:1,250, Date of Mapping: 1974 2 0-250m N

Electrical Sub Station Facilities, Scale of Mapping: 1:2,500, Date of Mapping: 1968 2 0-250m N

Electrical Sub Station Facilities, Scale of Mapping: 1:2,500, Date of Mapping: 1968 13 0-250m S

Electrical Sub Station Facilities, Scale of Mapping: 1:1,250, Date of Mapping: 1981 13 0-250m S

Electrical Sub Station Facilities, Scale of Mapping: 1:1,250, Date of Mapping: 1974 14 0-250m N

Electrical Sub Station Facilities, Scale of Mapping: 1:1,250, Date of Mapping: 1981 15 0-250m SW

Electrical Sub Station Facilities, Scale of Mapping: 1:1,250, Date of Mapping: 1981 16 0-250m SW

Electrical Sub Station Facilities, Scale of Mapping: 1:2,500, Date of Mapping: 1968 17 0-250m SW

Electrical Sub Station Facilities, Scale of Mapping: 1:2,500, Date of Mapping: 1968 18 0-250m SW

Electrical Sub Station Facilities, Scale of Mapping: 1:1,250, Date of Mapping: 1974 19 250-500m NW

Electrical Sub Station Facilities, Scale of Mapping: 1:1,250, Date of Mapping: 1967 20 250-500m W

Electrical Sub Station Facilities, Scale of Mapping: 1:1,250, Date of Mapping: 1974 - 250-500m NE

Potentially Contaminative Industrial Uses (Past Land Use)

Quarrying of sand & clay, operation of sand & gravel pits, 21 250-500m SW Date of Mapping: 1993

Clay bricks & tiles [manufacture], 22 250-500m SW Date of Mapping: 1938 - 1955

Mining of coal & lignite, - 250-500m SW Date of Mapping: 1907

Ref No. Search Direction Potentially Infilled Land Buffer

Potentially Infilled Land (Non-Water)

Unknown Filled Ground (Pit, quarry etc), - 250-500m SW Date of Mapping: 1993

Potentially Infilled Land (Water)

Unknown Filled Ground (Pond, marsh, river, stream, dock etc), 23 250-500m NE Date of Mapping: 1938

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Sources Ref No. Search Direction Potentially Infilled Land Buffer

Potentially Infilled Land (Water)

Unknown Filled Ground (Pond, marsh, river, stream, dock etc), 24 250-500m SW Date of Mapping: 1938

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Map Details

The following maps have been analysed for Historical Tanks and Energy Facilities

1:1,250 Mapsheet Published

Ordnance Survey Plan SE3805NW 1974

Ordnance Survey Plan SE3805SW 1981

1:2,500 Mapsheet Published

Ordnance Survey Plan SE3805 1962

Ordnance Survey Plan SE3805 1968

The following maps have been analysed for Potentially Contaminative Uses and Potentially Infilled Land information

1:10,000 Mapsheet Published

Ordnance Survey Plan SE30NE 1993

1:10,560 Mapsheet Published

Yorkshire 275_00 1854

Yorkshire 275_SW 1894

Yorkshire 275_SW 1907

Yorkshire 275_SW 1938

Ordnance Survey Plan SE30NE 1955

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Flood Map

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Sensitivity Map

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Pathways and Receptors Ref No. Search Direction Pathways Buffer

Groundwater Vulnerability

Geological Classification: Minor Aquifer (Variably permeable) - These can be fractured or - On Site N potentially fractured rocks, which do not have a high primary permeability, or other formations of variable permeability including unconsolidated deposits. Although not producing large quantities of water for abstraction, they are important for local supplies and in supplying base flow to rivers, Soil Classification: Soils of High Leaching Potential (U) - Soil information for restored mineral workings and urban areas is based on fewer observations than elsewhere. A worst case vulnerability classification (H) assumed, until proved otherwise, Map Scale: 1:100,000, Map Name: Sheet 11 South Pennines, Contact Ref: 1

Drift Deposits

None - -

Extreme Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences

None - -

Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences

None - -

Areas Benefiting from Flood Defences

None - -

Flood Water Storage Areas

None - -

Flood Defences

None - -

Ref No. Search Direction Environmentally Sensitive Receptors Buffer

Nearest Surface Water Feature

Distance: 129m 25 0-250m SE

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Other Factors Search Direction Geological Buffer

Brine Compensation Area

No -

Coal Mining Affected Areas

In an area which may be affected by coal mining activity. It is recommended that a coal mining report is On Site N obtained from the Coal Authority. Contact details are included in the Useful Contacts section., Contact Ref: 4

Mining Instability

Risk: Inconclusive Coal Mining, On Site N

Man-Made Mining Cavities

Cavity Type: Not supplied,Origin: Not Supplied Contact Ref: 5 250-500m SW

Non Coal Mining Areas of Great Britain

Hazard Potential: Occasional Contact Ref: 3 On Site N

Radon Potential - Radon Affected Areas

Affected Areas: The property is in a radon affected area, as between 1 and 3% of homes are above the On Site N action level, Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service, Contact Ref: 3

Radon Potential - Radon Protection Measures

Radon Protection Measures: None, Source: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information On Site N Service, Contact Ref: 3

Potential for Collapsible Ground Stability Hazards

No Hazard -

Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards

Hazard Potential: No Hazard, Contact Ref: 3 On Site N

Potential for Ground Dissolution Stability Hazards

No Hazard -

Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards

Hazard Potential: Very Low, Contact Ref: 3 On Site N

Hazard Potential: Moderate, Contact Ref: 3 0-250m SW

Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards

Hazard Potential: No Hazard, Contact Ref: 3 On Site N

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Other Factors Search Direction Geological Buffer

Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards

Hazard Potential: No Hazard, Contact Ref: 3 On Site N

Hazard Potential: Very Low, Contact Ref: 3 0-250m SW

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Registered Landfill Sites At present no complete national data set exists for landfill site boundaries, therefore a point grid reference, provided by the data supplier, is used for some landfill sites. In certain cases the point grid references supplied provide only an approximate position and can vary from the site entrance to the centre of the site. Where the exact position of the site is unclear, Landmark construct either a 100 metre or 250 metre "buffer" around the point to warn of the possible presence of landfill. The size of this "buffer" relates to the positional accuracy that can be attributed to the site. The "buffer" is shown on the map as an orange cross-hatched circle and is referred to in the map legend as Potential Landfill Buffer. Where actual boundaries are available, the landfill site area is shown on the map as a red diagonal hatched polygon and referred to in the map legend as Registered Landfill Site.

Local Authority Recorded Landfill Sites Local Authority landfill data are sourced from individual local authorities that were able to provide information on sites operating prior to the introduction of the Control of Pollution Act (COPA) in 1974. Appropriate authorities are listed under Local Authority Landfill Coverage with an indication of whether or not they were able to make landfill data available. Details of any records identified are disclosed. You should be aware that if the local authority 'Had landfill data but passed it to the relevant environment agency' it does not necessarily mean that local authority landfill data is included in our other Landfill datasets. In addition if no data has been made available, for all or part of the search area, you should be aware that a negative response under 'Local Authority Recorded Landfill Sites' does not necessarily confirm that no local authority landfills exist.

Flooding The Sitecheck report flood map plots all flood related features revealed within the search area as supplied by the relevant agency. However, to avoid confusion, the text entry in the body of the report only reveals the detail of the nearest feature in each flood data set. This is also reflected in the summary table where only a single entry is included to indicate the search buffer of the nearest occurrence.

Mining Instability Data The Mining Instability data was obtained on Licence from Ove Arup + Partners Limited (for further information, contact [email protected]). No reproduction or further use of such data is to be made without the prior written consent of Ove Arup + Partners Limited. The information and data supplied in the Product are derived from publicly available records and other third party sources and neither Ove Arup + Partners nor Landmark warrant the accuracy or completeness of such information or data.

The information in this Sitecheck Assess Report is derived from a number of statutory and non-statutory sources. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, Landmark cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of such information or data, nor to identify all the factors that may be relevant. If you are a private individual using this report Landmark recommend that you discuss its contents in full with your professional advisor. It is essential to read this report in conjunction with the Product User Guide and your attention is drawn to the scope of the report section within this guide.

The Sitecheck Assess User guide is available free of charge from our website www.sitecheck.co.uk

Landmark Information Group Limited 2010. All Rights Reserved. The copyright on the information and data and its format as contained in this Sitecheck Assess Report ("Report") is the property of Landmark Information Group Limited ("Landmark") and several other Data Providers, including (but not limited to) Ordnance Survey, British Geological Survey, the Environment Agency and Natural England and must not be reproduced in whole or in part by photocopying or any other method, except as allowed by Landmark's Terms and Conditions. The Report is supplied under Landmark's Terms and Conditions accepted by the customer. The Copyright, design rights and any other intellectual rights shall remain the exclusive property of Landmark and/or other Data Providers, whose copyright material has been included in this Report.

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Contact Names and Addresses 1 Environment Agency National Customer Contact Centre (NCCC)

PO Box 544 Telephone 08708 506 506 Templeborough Rotherham S60 1BY

[email protected]

Please note that the Environment Agency/SEPA have a charging policy in place for enquiries.

2 Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council Environmental Health and Trading Standards

Central Offices Telephone 01226 770770 Kendray Street Fax 01226 772599 Barnsley South Yorkshire S70 2TN


3 British Geological Survey Enquiry Service

British Geological Survey Telephone 0115 936 3143 Kingsley Dunham Centre Fax 0115 936 3276 Keyworth Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG12 5GG

[email protected] www.bgs.ac.uk

4 The Coal Authority Mining Report Service

200 Lichfield Lane Telephone 0845 7626848 Mansfield Nottinghamshire NG18 4RG

[email protected]

5 Peter Brett Associates

Caversham Bridge House Telephone 0118 950 0761 Waterman Place Fax 0118 959 7498 Reading Berkshire RG1 8DN

[email protected] www.pba.co.uk

Other Contacts Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors

26 Market Street Telephone 0161 928 8074 ALTRINCHAM Cheshire WA14 1PF


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The Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists

Foreham Street Telephone 020 86588212 83 Copers Cope Road Beckenham Kent BR3 1NR


The Environmental Auditors Registration Association

Welton House Telephone 01522 540069 Limekiln Way Lincoln LN2 4US


The Environmental Industries Commission

45 Weymouth Street Telephone 020 79351675 London W1N 3LD


The Institution of Civil Engineers

One Great George Street Telephone 0207 222 7722 Westminster Fax 0207 222 7500 LONDON SW1P 3AA


The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors

12 Great George Street Telephone 020 7222 7000 Parliament Square London SW1P 3AD


Wilbourn Associates

30 Jessops Riverside 800 Brightside Lane Sheffield S9 2RX


Landmark Information Group Limited

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[email protected] www.landmarkinfo.co.uk

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i. effect or attempt to effect any modification, merger or change to the Service, nor permit any other person to do so; or Definitions ii. copy, use, market, re-sell, distribute, merge, alter, add to or carry on any redistribution, reproduction, translation, publication, reduction to any "Authorised Reseller" means an agent or reseller of Landmark whom Landmark has electronic medium or machine readable form or commercially exploit or in duly appointed to resell its Reports and Services. any other way deal with or utilise or (except as expressly permitted by "Content" means any data, computing and information services and software, and applicable law) reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Services, other content and documentation or support materials and updates included in and/or Content or Website; or supplied by or through the Websites, in Reports or Services or in any other way by iii. remove, alter or in any way change any trademark or proprietary marking Landmark and shall include Landmark developed and Third Party Content. in any element of the Services and You shall acknowledge the ownership "First Purchaser" means the first person, or legal entity to purchase the Property Site of the Content, where such Content is incorporated or used into Your own following provision of a Report. documents, reports, systems or services whether or not these are supplied "First Purchaser's Lender" means the funding provider for the First Purchaser to any third party. "Information Pack" means a pack compiled by or on behalf of the owner or iv. create any product which is derived directly or indirectly from the data prospective buyer of the Property Site, designed to aid the marketing or purchase of the contained in the Services Property Site and containing information provided by or on behalf of the owner or f. The mapping contained in any Services is protected by Crown Copyright and prospective buyer of the Property Site. must not be used for any purpose outside the context of the Services or as "Intellectual Property Rights" means copyright, patent, design right (registered or specifically provided by these Terms. unregistered), service or trade mark (registered or unregistered), database right or other g. You are permitted to make five copies of any Report, but are not authorised to data right, moral right or know how or any other intellectual property right. re-sell the Report, any part thereof or any copy thereof unless you are an "Order" means the request for Services from Landmark by You. Authorised Reseller. Further copies may not be made in whole or in part without "Property Site" means a land site on which Landmark provides a Service. the prior written permission of Landmark who shall be entitled to make a charge References to "We", "Us" and "Our" are references to Landmark Information Group for each additional copy. Limited ("Landmark"), whose registered office is 7 Abbey Court, Eagle Way, Exeter, EX2 7HY. Where You are not ordering the Services directly from Landmark, but from an Authorised Reseller, references to "Landmark" or "We", "Us" and "Our" shall be 4. Charges construed so as to mean either Landmark and/or the Authorised Reseller as the context shall indicate. a. 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You including without limitation, any Report. acknowledge that time is of the essence with respect to the payment of such "Landmark Fees" means any charges levied by Landmark for Services provided to invoices. Landmark reserve the right to amend the Landmark Fees from time to You. time and the Services will be charged at the Landmark Fee applicable at the date "Suppliers" means any organisation who provides data or information of any form to on which the Service is ordered. Landmark. c. We may charge interest on late payment at a rate equal to 3% per annum above "Terms" means these Terms & Conditions. the base lending rate of National Westminster Bank plc. "Third Party Content" means the services, software, information and other content or d. 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These Terms govern the relationship between You and Landmark whether You respect of the Services delivered to You. are an unregistered visitor to the Website or are purchasing Services. Where these Terms are not expressly accepted by You they will be deemed to have been accepted by You, and You agree to be bound by these Terms when You 5. Termination place any Order, or pay for any Services provided b. If the person communicating with Landmark is an Authorised Reseller, they must a. Landmark may suspend or terminate Your rights under these Terms without any ensure that You agree to these Terms. liability to You with immediate effect if at any time:- c. The headings in these Terms are for convenience only and shall not affect the i. You fail to make any payment due in accordance with clause 4; meaning or interpretation of any part of these Terms. ii. You repeatedly breach or commit or cause to be committed any material d. Landmark may modify these Terms, and may discontinue or revise any or all breach of these Terms; or other aspects of the Services at our sole discretion, with immediate effect and iii. You commit a breach and You fail to remedy the breach within 7 days of without prior notice, including without limitation changing the Services available receipt of a written notice to do so; additionally, without prejudice to the at any given time. Any amendment or variation to these Terms shall be posted foregoing, Landmark may remedy the breach and recover the costs thereof on our Websites. Continued use of the Services by You shall be deemed an from You. acceptance by You to be bound by any such amendments to the Terms. b. If Your rights are terminated under this clause and You have made an advance e. These Terms, together with the prices and delivery details set out on our payment We will refund You a reasonable proportion of the balance as Websites, Landmark's Privacy Policy and Your Order comprise the whole determined by Us in relation to the value of Services previously purchased. agreement relating to the supply of Services to You by Landmark. No prior c. Landmark reserves the right to refuse to supply any or all Services to You without stipulation, agreement, promotional material or statement whether written or oral notice or reason. made by any sales or other person or representative on our behalf should be understood as a variation of these Terms. Save for fraud or misrepresentation, Landmark shall have no liability for any such representation being untrue or 6. Liability misleading. f. These Terms shall prevail at all times to the exclusion of all other terms and a. We provide warranties and accept liability only to the extent stated in this clause conditions including any terms and conditions which You may purport to apply 6 and clause 7. even if such other provisions are submitted in a later document or purport to b. Nothing in these Terms excludes either party's liability for death or personal injury exclude or override these Terms and neither the course of conduct between caused by that party's negligence or wilful default, and the remainder of this parties nor trade practice shall act to modify these Terms. clause 6 is subject to this provision and Your statutory rights. c. As most of the information contained in the Services is provided to Landmark by others, Landmark cannot control its accuracy or completeness, nor is it within the 2. Services scope of Landmark's Services to check the information on the ground. Accordingly, Landmark will only be liable to You for any loss or damage caused a. Landmark will use reasonable care and skill in providing the Services to You, by its negligence or willful default and subject to clause 6.o below neither however, the Services are provided on the express basis that the information Landmark nor any person providing information contained in any Services shall and data supplied in the Services are derived from third party sources and in any circumstances be liable for any inaccuracies, faults or omissions in the Landmark does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of such information or Services, nor shall Landmark have any liability if the Services are used otherwise data. Such information is derived solely from those sources specifically cited in than in accordance with these Terms. the Services and Landmark does not claim that these sources represent an d. Save as precluded by law, Landmark shall not be liable for any indirect or exhaustive or comprehensive list of all sources that might be consulted. consequential loss, damage or expenses (including loss of profits, loss of contracts, business or goodwill) howsoever arising out of any problem, event, 3. Intellectual Property action or default by Landmark. e. In any event, and notwithstanding anything contained in these Terms, Landmark's liability in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory a. You acknowledge that all Intellectual Property Rights in the Services are and duty) or otherwise howsoever arising by reason or in connection with this shall remain owned by either Landmark or our Suppliers and nothing in these Contract (except in relation to death or personal injury) shall be limited to an Terms purports to transfer, assign or grant any rights to You in respect of the aggregate amount not exceeding £1 million if the complaint is in relation to a Intellectual Property Rights. Report on residential property and an aggregate amount not exceeding £10 b. Subject always to these Terms You may, without further charge, make the million in respect of any other Report or Service purchased from Landmark. Services available to; f. Landmark will not be liable for any defect, failure or omission relating to Services i. the owner of the Property at the date of the Report, that is not notified to Landmark within six months of the date of the issue ii. any person who purchases the whole of the Property Site, becoming apparent and in any event, within twelve years of the date of the iii. any person who provides funding secured on the whole of the Property Service. Site, g. You acknowledge that:- iv. any person for whom You act in a professional or commercial capacity, i. Subject to clause 6.o below You shall have no claim or recourse against v. any person who acts for You in a professional or commercial capacity; and any Third Party Content supplier nor any of our other Suppliers. You will vi. prospective buyers of the Property Site as part of an Information Pack but not in any way hold us responsible for any selection or retention of, or the for the avoidance of doubt, Landmark shall have no liability to such acts of omissions of Third Party Content suppliers or other Suppliers prospective buyer unless the prospective buyer subsequently purchases (including those with whom We have contracted to operate various aspects the Property Site, and the prospective (or actual) buyer shall not be entitled or parts of the Service) in connection with the Services (for the avoidance to make the Service available to any other third party. of doubt Landmark is not a Third Party Content supplier). Landmark does Accordingly Landmark shall have the same duties and obligations to those not promise that the supply of the Services will be uninterrupted or error persons in respect of the Services as it has to You. free or provide any particular facilities or functions, or that the Content will c. Each of those persons referred to in clause 3.b. shall have the benefit and the always be complete, accurate, precise, free from defects of any other kind, burden of Your rights and obligations under these Terms. The limitations of computer viruses, software locks or other similar code although Landmark Landmark's liability as set out in clause 6 shall apply to all users of the Service in will use reasonable efforts to correct any inaccuracies within a reasonable question in aggregate and Landmark shall not be liable to any other person. period of them becoming known to us; d. All parties given access to the Services agree that they will treat as strictly ii. Landmark's only obligation is to exercise reasonable skill and care in private and confidential the Services and all information which they obtain from providing environmental property risk information to persons acting in a the Services and shall restrict any disclosure to employees or professional professional or commercial capacity who are skilled in the use of property advisors to enable the relevant party to conduct its internal business. The and environmental information and You hereby acknowledge that You are requirement in this clause to treat the Services as confidential shall include a such a person; requirement to maintain adequate security measures to safeguard the Services iii. no physical inspection of the Property Site reported on is carried out as from unauthorised access, use or copying. part of any Services offered by Landmark and Landmark do not warrant e. Each recipient of the Services agrees (and agrees it will cause its employees, that all land uses or features whether past or current will be identified in the agents or contractors who may from time to time have access to the Services to Services. The Services do not include any information relating to the agree) it will not, except as permitted herein or by separate agreement with actual state or condition of any Property Site nor should they be used or Landmark:- taken to indicate or exclude actual fitness or unfitness of a Property Site for any particular purpose nor should it be relied upon for determining the Property Site with any statute, regulation, administrative complaint, saleability or value or used as a substitute for any physical investigation or notice of violation, or notice letter of any Regulatory Authority. inspection. Landmark recommends that You inspect and take other advice Any condition which is known or ought reasonably to have been known to in relation to the Property Site and not rely exclusively on the Services. the First Purchaser or the First Purchaser's Lender prior to the purchase of iv. Subject to clause 6.o below, Landmark shall not be responsible for error or the Report. corruption in the Services resulting from inaccuracy or omission in primary Any condition which is caused by acts of War or an Act of Terrorism. or secondary information and data, inaccurate processing of information Any property belonging to or in the custody or control of the First and data by third parties, computer malfunction or corruption of data whilst Purchaser which does not form a fixed part of the Property Site or the in the course of conversion, geo-coding, processing by computer or structure. electronic means, or in the course of transmission by telephone or other Any fines liquidated damages punitive or exemplary damages. communication link, or printing. Any bodily injury including without limitation, death, illness or disease, v. Landmark will not be held liable in any way if a Report on residential mental injury, anguish or nervous shock. property is used for commercial property or more than the one residential Any financial loss in respect of any loss of any rental, profit, revenue, property for which it was ordered. savings or business or any consequential indirect or economic loss vi. the Services have not been prepared to meet Your or anyone else's damage or expense including the cost of rent of temporary premises or individual requirements; that You assume the entire risk as to the suitability business interruption. of the Services and waive any claim of detrimental reliance upon the Any losses incurred following a material change in use of, alteration or same; and You confirm You are solely responsible for the selection or development of the Property Site. omission of any specific part of the Content; d. The maximum sum that shall be contributed by Landmark in respect of any vii. Landmark offer no warranty for the performance of any linked internet Contribution shall be limited to £60,000. In the event that more than one Report service not operated by Landmark; is purchased on the Property Site the Contribution will only be payable under the viii. You will on using the Services make a reasonable inspection of any results first Report purchased by or on behalf of any First Purchaser or First Purchaser's to satisfy Yourself that there are no defects or failures. In the event that Lender and no Contribution will be made in respect of subsequent Reports there is a material defect You will notify us in writing of such defect within purchased by or on behalf of such First Purchaser, First Purchaser's Lender or seven days of its discovery; any person connected to them. ix. Any support or assistance provided to You in connection with these Terms e. Landmark shall only pay a Contribution where the Notice is served within 36 is at Your risk; months of the date of the Report. h. All liability for any insurance products purchased by You rests solely with the f. Any rights to a Contribution under this Clause 7 are not assignable in the event of insurer. Landmark does not endorse any particular product or insurer and no a sale of the Property Site and Landmark will not make any Contribution after the information contained within the Services should be deemed to imply otherwise. date of completion of such sale. You acknowledge that if You Order any such insurance Landmark will deem such g. In the event the First Purchaser or First Purchaser's Lender wishes to claim any as Your consent to forward a copy of the Report to the insurers. Where such Contribution, it shall notify Landmark in writing within 3 months of the date of the policy is purchased, all liability remains with the insurers and You are entirely Notice. The First Purchaser or First Purchaser's Lender (as applicable) shall responsible for ensuring that the insurance policy offered is suitable for Your comply with all reasonable requirements of Landmark with regard to the needs and should seek independent advice. Landmark does not guarantee that commission and conduct of the remediation works to be carried out under the an insurance policy will be available on a Property Site. All decisions with regard Notice, and in the event the First Purchaser or First Purchaser's Lender (as to the offer of insurance policies for any premises will be made solely at the applicable) does not do so, including without limitation, obtaining Landmark's discretion of the insurers and Landmark accepts no liability in this regard. The prior written consent to any estimates for such works or complying with any other provision of a Report does not constitute any indication by Landmark that reasonable request by Landmark, Landmark shall not be required to pay any insurance will be available on the property. Contribution. Notwithstanding the payment of the Contribution by Landmark the i. Professional opinions contained in Reports are provided to Landmark by third First Purchaser or First Purchaser's Lender as applicable shall take all parties, and such third parties are solely liable for the opinion provided. For the reasonable steps to mitigate any costs incurred in connection with the conduct of avoidance of doubt, those parties providing assessments or professional opinions works required under the terms of any Notice. on Landmark products include RPS Plc & Wilbourn Associates Limited, and any h. In the event that the First Purchaser or First Purchaser's Lender receives any issues with regard to the provision of such opinion should be taken up with the communication from a statutory authority to the effect that there is an intent to relevant third party. serve a notice received under PartII(A) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 If Landmark provides You with any additional service obtained from a third party, they will advise Landmark within a maximum period of two months from receipt including but not limited to any interpretation or conclusion, risk assessment or of such communication. This clause 7h and the service of any notice under it environmental report or search carried out in relation to a Report on Your shall not affect the provisions of clauses 7 e and g, and any such Property Site, subject to clause 6.o below Landmark will not be liable in any way communications, even if advised to Landmark will not operate as notice under for any information contained therein or any issues arising out of the provision of clause 7e. those additional services to You. Landmark will be deemed to have acted as an i. Landmark reserve the right at any time prior to a claim for Contribution being agent in these circumstances and the supply of these additional services will be made in accordance with clause 7 g) above, to withdraw the offer of payment of governed by the terms and conditions of those Third Parties. Contributions without further notice. j. In any event no person may rely on a Service more than 12 months after its original date. 8. Events Beyond Our Control k. If You wish to vary any limitation of liability as set out in these Terms, You must request such variation prior to ordering the Service. Landmark shall use its reasonable endeavours to agree such variation but shall not be obliged to do so. a. You acknowledge that Landmark shall not be liable for any delay, interruption or l. Time shall not be of the essence with respect to the provision of the Services. failure in the provision of the Services which are caused or contributed to by any m. Ordnance Survey have undertaken a positional accuracy improvement circumstance which is outside our reasonable control including but not limited to, programme which may result in discrepancies between the positioning of features lack of power, telecommunications failure or overload, computer malfunction, used in datasets in the Services and the updated Ordnance Survey mapping. inaccurate processing of data, or delays in receiving, loading or checking data, Subject to clause 6.o below, Landmark and its Suppliers exclude all and any corruption of data whilst in the course of conversion, geo-coding, processing by liability incurred as a result of the implementation of such positional accuracy computer in the course of electronic communication, or printing. improvement programme. n. Where Landmark provides its own risk assessment in connection with any 9. Severability Report, Landmark shall carry out such assessment with all reasonable skill and care but shall have no liability for any such risk assessment conclusion which is provided for information only, save where Landmark conducted the same a. If any provision of these Terms are found by either a court or other competent negligently, in which case the provisions of clause 6 shall apply. Notwithstanding authority to be void, invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that provision shall be the provision of any such risk assessment conclusion you should carefully deemed to be deleted from these Terms and never to have formed part of these examine the remainder of the Report and should not take or refrain from taking Terms and the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. any action based solely on the basis of the risk assessment. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of this clause 6n apply solely to risk assessments 10. Governing Law conducted by Landmark, and the provision of any other risk assessment by a third party shall be governed by such third party's terms in accordance with the provisions of clause 6i above. a. These terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law o. Landmark obtains much of the information contained in its Report from third and each party agrees irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the parties. Landmark will not accept any liability to You for any negligent or incorrect English courts If any dispute arises out of or in connection with this agreement (a entry, or error or corruption in the Third Party Content supplied to Landmark, but "Dispute") the parties undertake that, prior to the commencement of Court Landmark's Suppliers may be liable for such negligent or incorrect entries, or proceedings, they will seek to have the Dispute resolved amicably by use of an errors or corruptions, subject to the terms and conditions on which they supply alternative dispute resolution procedure acceptable to both parties with the the Third Party Content to Landmark. assistance of the Centre for Dispute Resolution (CEDR) if required, by written notice initiating that procedure. If the Dispute has not been resolved to the satisfaction of either party within 60 days of initiation of the procedure or if either 7. Contribution party fails or refuses to participate in or withdraws from participating in the procedure then either party may refer the Dispute to the Court. a. Save where expressly provided, this clause 7 shall apply solely to Envirosearch Residential Reports (regardless of the result of such Report). Nothing in this 11. General; Complaints clause 7 shall operate to override or vary the provisions of clause 6. b. Landmark are prepared to offer, at their sole discretion, and without any admission or inference of liability a contribution towards the costs of any a. Landmark may assign its rights and obligations under these Terms without prior remediation works required under a Notice (as defined below) on the terms of this notice or any limitation. clause 7 ("the Contribution") b. Landmark may authorise or allow our contractors and other third parties to c. In the event that a Remediation Notice is served on the First Purchaser or First provide to Landmark and/or to You services necessary or related to the Services Purchaser's Lender of a Property Site under Part II(A) of the Environmental and to perform Landmark's obligations and exercise Landmark's rights under Protection Act 1990 ("the Notice") Landmark will contribute to the cost of such these Terms, which may include collecting payment on Landmark's behalf. works as either the First Purchaser or First Purchaser's Lender (but not both) are c. No waiver on Landmark's part to exercise, and no delay in exercising, any right, required to carry out under the Notice subject to the provisions of this clause 7 power or provision hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any and on the following terms: single or partial exercise of any right, power or provision hereunder preclude the i. the Contribution shall only apply to contamination or a pollution incident exercise of that or any other right, power or provision. present or having occurred prior to the date of the Report; d. Unless otherwise stated in these Terms, all notices from You to Landmark must ii. the Contribution shall only apply where the Property Site is a single be in writing and sent to the Landmark registered office (or in the case of an residential dwelling house or a single residential flat within a block of flats. Authorised Reseller, to its registered office address) and subject to paragraph e For the avoidance of doubt, this obligation does not apply to any below all notices from Landmark to You will be displayed on our Websites from commercial property, nor to any Property Site being developed or time to time. redeveloped whether for residential purposes or otherwise; e. Any complaints in relation to the Services should, in the first instance, be in iii. the Contribution is strictly limited to the cost of works at the Property Site writing addressed to the Customer Service Support Manager at the Landmark and at no other site. registered office. Landmark or its agents will respond to any such complaints in iv. the Contribution will not be paid in respect of any of the following: writing as soon as practicably possible. Radioactive contamination of whatsoever nature, directly or indirectly f. A person who is not a party to any contract made pursuant to these Terms shall caused by or contributed to or arising from ionising radiations or have no right under the Contract (Right of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear terms of such contract and Landmark shall not be liable to any such third party in waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel or the radioactive toxic respect of any Services supplied. explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly g. Landmark's Privacy Policy as displayed on the Website governs the use made of or nuclear component thereof. any information You supply to Landmark. Asbestos arising out of or related in any way to asbestos or asbestos- containing materials on or in structures or services serving the structures. Naturally occurring materials arising from the presence or required removal of naturally occurring materials except in circumstances where such materials are present in concentrations which are in excess of their natural concentration. Intentional non-compliance arising from the intentional disregard of or knowing wilful or deliberate non-compliance by any owner or occupier of

Landmark Information Group Limited, 7 Abbey Court, Eagle Way, Exeter, EX2 7HY Email: [email protected] © Landmark Information Group Limited Version 6.04 28 Jul 2007 APPENDIX G


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www.firsttitle.eu Mr D Rubie Fladgate LLP 14-18 Great Queen Street London WC2B 5DG

3rd January 2011

OUR REF : 00199407 NAME OF INSURED: Ardsley House Hotel Limited ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Ardsley House Hotel, Doncaster, Ardsley

Dear Mr Rubie,

Thank you for your recent correspondence in relation to the above matter. I am delighted that you have insured this property with us and enclose the policy.

I look forward to receiving the premium of £1,774.50. Please note that payment must be made within 14 days of the date of this letter.

Please note our preferred method of payment is BACS and the full reference number of 196804/00199407 must be quoted. Our Bank details can be found on the attached form. However, should you prefer to pay by cheque please make this in favour of First Title Insurance Plc, quoting the full reference on the reverse, and return together with the remittance advise attached herewith, to our Accounts Department at the following address:

First Title Insurance plc London International Press Centre 76 Shoe Lane London EC4A 3JB In the event of a claim arising it is essential that you and your client comply with our conditions within our policy which address the issue of claims. If a claim arises you must write to us immediately at the address below:

Legal & Claims Dept First Title Insurance plc London International Press Centre 76 Shoe Lane London EC4A 3JB

Email: [email protected] Ph: 0845 371 1781

Failure to do so may result in First Title rejecting the claim.

All policies underwritten by First Title Insurance Plc Registered in England No. 1112603 Registered Address: London International Press Centre First Title Insurance plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. 76 Shoe Lane, London EC4A 3JB

Thank you for choosing to insure with First Title.

Yours sincerely,

On behalf of Wesley Timothy First Title Insurance Plc

Please note our bank details have changed from the 1st December 2010. Our new bank details are as follows:

HSBC Bank Plc Account Number 92188309 Sort Code 40-15-05

All policies underwritten by First Title Insurance Plc Registered in England No. 1112603 Registered Address: London International Press Centre First Title Insurance plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. 76 Shoe Lane, London EC4A 3JB





File Number 00199407 Policy Number KR(E&W)-11003600004 Policy Amount £1,500,000.00 Policy Date 23/12/2010 Premium £1,690.00 IPT £ 84.50 Total Amount Due £1,774.50

1. Insured Ardsley House Hotel Limited

2. Insured Use Continued use of the Land as developed at Policy Date

3. Land Ardsley House Hotel, Doncaster, Ardsley, registered at Land Registry under title number SYK156067.

4. Known Risk(s) Commercial Contaminated Land (Successor - 7 years)

A claim arising directly out of a notice of intent to serve a Remediation Notice relating to the Land on the Insured in respect of the Land during the period of insurance by the Enforcing Authority in accordance with the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act 1990

5. Additional The cover provided by this policy is limited by the following Additional Exclusions Exclusions:

1. loss arising directly or indirectly from or contributed to by: a. any act or omission of the Insured or any party acting on their behalf b. any act of vandalism or dumping perpetrated by any party after the Policy Date c. harm or pollution attributable to radioactive substances d. toxic mould, mycota, fungus, mould, mildew, Japanese Knotweed, asbestos and other contamination transmitted from the fabric of the building into the ground at the Land

2. loss arising as a result of a. the Land being designated under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 prior to the Policy Date, or being under investigation by the Enforcing Authority prior to the Policy Date, or b. any failure to disclose any material fact to First Title prior to the Policy Date

All policies underwritten by First Title Insurance Plc Registered in England No. 1112603 Registered Address: London International Press Centre First Title Insurance plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. 76 Shoe Lane, London EC4A 3JB

3. loss, injury, damage, cost or expense of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from or in connection with any act of terrorism, regardless of any other cause or event contributing concurrently, or otherwise, to the loss. For the purpose of this policy an act of terrorism means an act, including but not limited, to the use of force or violence and/or the threat thereof, of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organisation(s) or government(s), committed for political, religious, ideological or similar purposes, including the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public, or any section of the public, in fear. 4. The first £5,000 of any claim under this Policy

6. Excess £5,000.00

Signed on behalf of FIRST TITLE INSURANCE plc by ______


Before entering into a contract of insurance a person purchasing and/or expecting to benefit from the insurance is obliged to disclose to First Title any matter which they know, or could reasonably be expected to believe, is material to the risk and relevant to First Title’s decision to accept the risk to be insured and, if so, on what terms, whether or not First Title has specifically requested such information. First Title will rely for these purposes on all matters disclosed to it by any such person.

All policies underwritten by First Title Insurance Plc Registered in England No. 1112603 Registered Address: London International Press Centre First Title Insurance plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. 76 Shoe Lane, London EC4A 3JB



File Number: 00199407 Policy Number: KR(E&W)-11003600004 Policy Date: 23/12/2010

1. This endorsement modifies First Title’s liability under the policy for the contaminated land risk by amending the definition of Actual Loss as defined in paragraph 1.1 of the policy:

1.1 “Actual Loss” means the lesser of the Policy Amount and any and all of:

1.1.1 costs and expenses solely and directly resulting from:

a) compliance by the Insured with any Remediation Notice served on the Land, or

b) completion of remediation works agreed with the Enforcing Authority in order to prevent a Remediation Notice being served on the Land.

c) the liability of the Insured to reimburse the Enforcing Authority for remediation works carried out by the Enforcing Authority on the Land.

1.1.2. the cost of reinstating the building(s) and/or structures on the Land following completion of remediation works which require the demolition of all or part of the building(s) and/or structures.

1.1.3. costs and expenses incurred by the Insured with the prior written consent of First Title in taking or defending any action at law or otherwise.

1.1.4 all other costs and expenses incurred with the prior written consent of First Title.

2. For the purpose of the coverage provided under this endorsement only the definitions set out in the policy are amended to add the following:

2.1. “Enforcing Authority” means either the local authority in whose area the Land is situated or the Environment Agency.

2.2. “Environmental Protection Act 1990” means the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and any amendment to those provisions for the time being in force at Policy Date, but excluding any retrospective provisions introduced after Policy Date.

2.3 “Remediation Notice” means a notice as defined by the Environmental Protection Act 1990 served on the Insured in respect of the Land or served on the owners of an adjoining property by an Enforcing Authority specifying what an appropriate person is to do by way of remediation and the periods within which that person is required to do each of the things so specified.

3. This endorsement modifies First Title’s liability under the policy for the contaminated land risk by replacing the wording of exclusion 3.1 with the following wording:-

3.1 personal injury or property damage

4. This endorsement does not affect any other risk(s) covered by this policy.

All policies underwritten by First Title Insurance Plc Registered in England No. 1112603 Registered Address: London International Press Centre First Title Insurance plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. 76 Shoe Lane, London EC4A 3JB

Signed on behalf of FIRST TITLE INSURANCE plc

By ______


Before entering into a contract of insurance a person purchasing and/or expecting to benefit from the insurance is obliged to disclose to First Title any matter which they know, or could reasonably be expected to believe, to be relevant to First Title’s decision to accept the risk to be insured and, if so, on what terms, whether or not First Title has specifically requested such information. First Title will rely for these purposes on all matters disclosed to it by any such person.

All policies underwritten by First Title Insurance Plc Registered in England No. 1112603 Registered Address: London International Press Centre First Title Insurance plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. 76 Shoe Lane, London EC4A 3JB


This policy is not complete without the policy schedule. Words and phrases in this policy (including the policy schedule) have the specific meanings given to them in the policy schedule and in this paragraph 1, wherever they appear capitalised.

1.1 “Actual Loss” means any and all of:

1.1.1 the difference between the Fair Value of the Land immediately before the date of an Order or Settlement and the Market Value of the Land immediately after the date of an Order or Settlement;

1.1.2 all sums that the Insured is legally liable to pay pursuant to or as a result of an Order;

1.1.3 all sums that the Insured is legally liable to pay pursuant to a Settlement;

1.1.4 sums expended by the Insured, or that the Insured has contracted to expend, on alteration, construction or demolition works on the Land in accordance with the Insured Use (including architects, lawyers and surveyors fees directly relating to such works), to the extent that these are made abortive by the Order or Settlement; and

1.1.5 interest payable by the Insured under the terms of a mortgage of the Land or part of it, over any period of time in which the Insured is unable to pursue its intended development works in compliance with the Insured Use either (a) as a result of an Order for an interim injunction in respect of the Known Risk suspending the carrying out of such works or (b) pursuant to a request from First Title to suspend the carrying out of such works pending the resolution of a Claim.

1.2 “Authorised Expenses” means any costs, legal fees and expenses incurred by First Title, or by the Insured with First Title’s prior written consent, to defend, minimise, mitigate or defeat a Claim, or to reduce or eradicate a Known Risk or the effect or potential effect of a Known Risk, or to negotiate a Settlement.

1.3 “Claim” means any act by a third party in relation to the Known Risk.

1.4 “Fair Value” means, on the assumption that there is no Known Risk, the estimated amount for which the Land should exchange on the date of valuation between a willing seller and a willing buyer in an arm’s-length transaction after proper marketing and where the parties had each acted knowledgeably prudently and without compulsion.

1.5 “First Title” means First Title Insurance plc.

1.6 “Insured” means the insured persons named in the policy schedule and Successors In Title, as co-insureds.

1.7 “Known Risk” means the risk(s) described in paragraph 4 of the policy schedule relating to the Land as they exist at Policy Date.

1.8 “Land” means the land described in paragraph 3 of the policy schedule and structures on the land which at law are taken to be part of the land.

1.9 “Market Value” means the estimated amount for which the Land should exchange on the date of valuation between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm’s-length transaction after proper marketing and where the parties

All policies underwritten by First Title Insurance Plc Registered in England No. 1112603 Registered Address: London International Press Centre First Title Insurance plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. 76 Shoe Lane, London EC4A 3JB

had each acted knowledgeably prudently and without compulsion.

1.10 “Order” means a final order of a court of competent jurisdiction affecting the Land (or any part of it) made in respect of the Known Risk.

1.11 “Settlement” means a settlement of a Claim entered into by First Title on behalf of the Insured.

1.12 “Successors In Title” means the Insured’s successors in title, lessees and mortgagees.


2.1. First Title will indemnify the Insured against any Actual Loss above the Excess (if applicable) up to a maximum of the Policy Amount.

2.2. First Title will in addition pay Authorised Expenses at its own cost.

2.3. In the event that the Insured notifies First Title of a Claim or a circumstance that may give rise to a Claim, First Title may take any action (including starting legal proceedings in its own or the Insured’s name) in order to:

2.3.1. reduce or eradicate the Known Risk;

2.3.2. defend, minimise, mitigate or defeat the Claim; and/or

2.3.3. pay or settle the Claim.

2.4. First Title’s maximum liability under this policy, in respect of Actual Loss, whether to one or any number of Insureds:

2.4.1. will not exceed the Policy Amount.

2.4.2. will be reduced by the aggregate of any previous payments of Actual Loss under the policy.


First Title will not be liable under the policy in respect of any loss arising from or relating to:

3.1 actual or alleged environmental contaminants, hazardous waste, personal injury or property damage;

3.2 any fraudulent act or omission by the Insured;

3.3 any act or omission carried out by the Insured, in breach of the terms of this policy or without First Title’s prior written consent, that creates a Claim or exacerbates loss, including loss arising because the Insured communicates the existence or terms of this policy to anyone (other than a potential purchaser, lessee or mortgagee or their advisers) without First Title’s prior written permission;

3.4 any circumstances or allegations that are known to the Insured but not to First Title on or prior to the Policy Date;

3.5 any actual or alleged use of the Land that is not within the Insured Use;

3.6 any additional matters listed in paragraph 5 of the policy schedule.

All policies underwritten by First Title Insurance Plc Registered in England No. 1112603 Registered Address: London International Press Centre First Title Insurance plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. 76 Shoe Lane, London EC4A 3JB


4.1 It is a condition precedent to First Title’s liability under this policy that the Insured shall pay the premium within 14 days of the Policy Date.

4.2 It is a condition precedent to First Title’s liability under this policy in respect of a Claim that the Insured notifies First Title as soon as possible, but always within 30 days, after the Insured becomes aware of such Claim or any circumstance which might give rise to such Claim, by writing to: Claims Department, First Title Insurance plc, London International Press Centre or by any other method notified by First Title to the Insured from time to time. Such notice shall be effective on the date received by First Title.

4.3 It is a condition precedent to First Title’s liability under this policy in respect of a Claim that the Insured takes reasonable steps to safeguard its interest, and co-operates with First Title in respect of any action that First Title takes or wishes to take under this policy, including providing information, documents and access to staff.

4.4 Each Insured consents to First Title using its name in relation to any action it takes under the policy. By taking any action under the terms of this policy, First Title will not be taken to have affirmed, conceded any liability under, or waived any rights in relation to, the policy.

4.5 Each Insured agrees not to settle or offer to settle any Claim, incur any Authorised Expenses, communicate with a third party involved in a Claim, or otherwise assume any contractual obligation or admit any liability in respect to a Claim without First Title’s prior written consent. First Title will not be liable for Actual Loss and will not pay Authorised Expenses arising from any settlement of a Claim, or assumed obligation or admission to which it has not consented in writing. Each Insured will not prejudice First Title’s interests or its potential or actual rights of recovery, and will give First Title such information and co-operation as it may reasonably require.

4.6 The rights of any Insured under this policy shall not be prejudiced by any act or omission of any other Insured party.


5.1. In the event of a dispute between the Insured and First Title as to the Fair Value or Market Value of the Land as applicable to a claim under the policy, the issue will be referred to an independent expert to determine. This expert will be appointed jointly by the Insured and First Title, serve at First Title’s expense and be required to provide his determination within 30 days of his appointment. Both parties agree to co-operate fully and promptly with any requirements of the expert. Should agreement as to the appointment of an expert not be agreed within 30 days of First Title or the Insured sending notice to the other nominating the appointment of an expert for this purpose, then either party can apply to the President of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors who shall make an appointment. Any appointment under this clause shall be as an expert, not arbitrator. The finding of the expert shall be binding upon each party save for manifest error.

5.2. Where reference to such an expert has been made, neither party shall start or progress any legal proceedings relating to the issue that the expert has been asked to determine until the earlier of: the expert’s decision being delivered to the Insured and First Title, and 30 days of the expert’s appointment.


All policies underwritten by First Title Insurance Plc Registered in England No. 1112603 Registered Address: London International Press Centre First Title Insurance plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. 76 Shoe Lane, London EC4A 3JB

6.1. If First Title agrees to indemnify the Insured or defend a Claim, First Title will immediately be subrogated to any rights of recovery, contractual or otherwise, which the Insured may have. Each Insured must execute all documents required, and do everything necessary to secure and preserve such rights and to enable First Title to bring proceedings in the name of that Insured. Each Insured will not prejudice First Title’s interests or its potential or actual rights of recovery, and will give First Title such information and co-operation as it may reasonably require.


7.1. This policy, the policy schedule and any endorsements to it given in writing by First Title will be the entire contract between the Insured and First Title.

7.2. In the event that any provision of this policy is held to be invalid or unenforceable, that provision may be severed from and will not be taken to have affected the remaining provisions.

7.3. If First Title grants the Insured any time or indulgence or if First Title does not enforce any provision of this policy or any of its rights under it, First Title will not be taken to have waived its right to enforce the provisions of this policy or its rights under it.

7.4. No variation of or endorsement to this policy will be of any effect unless it is made in writing and is signed by First Title. Any variation of, or endorsement to this policy will be subject to the terms and conditions of this policy and will not, unless specified by First Title in writing, modify the terms and conditions of this policy or alter the Policy Date or increase the Policy Amount.

7.5. If at the time any claim is made under this policy the Insured has the benefit of another valid contract of insurance covering the same loss, the Insured must submit a claim under that insurance policy before claiming from First Title and First Title will not pay more than its rateable proportion of Actual Loss. In all other respects First Title’s rights and obligations under this policy will remain unaltered.

7.6. The Insured must obtain the prior written consent of First Title before discussing the existence or terms of this policy other than with a potential purchaser, lessee or mortgagee or their respective advisers.

7.7. All notices required to be served on or given to First Title under this policy must include a reference to the policy number and the property address and be delivered to: Claims Department, First Title Insurance plc, London International Press Centre, 76 Shoe Lane, London EC4A 3JB or to any other address notified by First Title to the Insured from time to time. Such notice shall be effective on the date received by First Title.

7.8. This policy will be governed by laws of England and Wales and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.

7.9. A person who is not an Insured has no right to rely upon or enforce any term of this Agreement under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999. No Insured may assign to any other person any right or cause of action in connection with the policy, without First Title’s prior written consent.


8.1 The Insured has the right to cancel this policy provided they are a “consumer” within the definition of the Insurance New Conduct of Business Sourcebook(ICBOS) but only within the time limits set out in this clause. A

All policies underwritten by First Title Insurance Plc Registered in England No. 1112603 Registered Address: London International Press Centre First Title Insurance plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. 76 Shoe Lane, London EC4A 3JB

“Consumer” is any natural person who is acting for purposes which are outside his trade or profession.

8.2 If the Insured wishes to cancel the Policy the Insured must inform First Title in any one of the following formats:

8.1.1 by post to First Title Insurance Plc, London International Press Centre, 76 Shoe Lane, London, EC4A 3JB;

8.1.2 by fax to First Title Insurance Plc on 0870 389 9980; or

8.1.3 by email to [email protected].

8.2 The Insured must notify First Title of the Insured’s decision to cancel the policy within 14 days from the date the Insured receives this policy document.

8.3 Within 30 days of receiving notice of cancellation from the Insured, First Title will refund to the person who paid the premium (who may not be the insured named in the policy schedule) the premium paid on issue of the Policy less any reasonable costs incurred by First Title in providing cover under the policy such costs being 80% plus Insurance Premium Tax of the policy premium.

8.4 If the Insured chooses not to cancel this policy under this notice within the time limits set out above, the Insured will be legally bound to the terms and conditions of the policy.

8.5 If the Insured has a mortgage, the Insured must have the lender's consent before the Insured exercises the right to cancel.

Complaints we cannot settle may be referred to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

First Title Insurance plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority and is a member of the Financial Ombudsman Service. © First Title Insurance plc 2009

All policies underwritten by First Title Insurance Plc Registered in England No. 1112603 Registered Address: London International Press Centre First Title Insurance plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. 76 Shoe Lane, London EC4A 3JB


1. This summary

This summary outlines some important features of First Title’s Legal Indemnity Policy of Title Insurance for Known Risk. The policy sets out the whole terms and conditions on which insurance is given and it is important that you read it carefully.

2. This company

The policy will be issued by First Title Insurance plc.

3. The insurance

You have been offered a legal indemnity policy of title insurance for Known Risk(s) specified in paragraph 4 of the Schedule.

4. Exclusions and limitations

First Title will not be liable: if anyone who expects to benefit from the insurance does not disclose something which First Title could consider material in deciding whether or not to offer insurance, or for anything set out in paragraph 3 of the policy (which is headed “Exclusions”) or specified as “Additional Exclusions” in the Schedule.

If you do not observe other terms and conditions of the policy this may reduce or remove your right to claim under it.

5. The duration of your insurance

Cover given for a Known Risk protects the Insured named in the Schedule and anyone who buys the land or the title from the named Insured or takes a mortgage of the land or a lease of it from the named Insured (as set out in paragraph 1 of the policy, headed “Definitions”). You should check periodically to ensure that the policy still meets your needs.

Coverage for the Known Risk(s), will, in the majority of cases (save for Local Authority Search) provide coverage for the Insured’s successors in title, in perpetuity. Our Defective Lease and Maisonette risks are capped at twenty-five years.

6. Claims procedure

Claims under the policy should be made to Head of Claims at First Title on 0870 389 2171 or by e-mail to [email protected].

7. Cancellation Rights

The Insured’s right to cancel is set out in the policy.

9. Law

Any legal disputes in relation to the policy will be covered:

All policies underwritten by First Title Insurance Plc Registered in England No. 1112603 Registered Address: London International Press Centre First Title Insurance plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. 76 Shoe Lane, London EC4A 3JB

by the Law of England and Wales where the Land is situated in England or Wales by the Law of Scotland where the Land is situated in Scotland by the Law of Northern Ireland where the Land is situated in Northern Ireland

10. Complaints

For further information or if you wish to complain about any aspect of the service you have received, please contact First Title Insurance at London International Press Centre, 76 Shoe Lane, London EC4A 3JB. If your complaint is not dealt with to your satisfaction you can complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service, South Quay Plaza, 183 Marsh Wall, London E14 9SR. Telephone: 0845 080 1800. There are some instances where the Financial Ombudsman Service cannot consider your complaint. Making a complaint will not prejudice your right to take legal proceedings.

11. Compensation

Should First Title Insurance become unable at any time to meet claims against it the Financial Services Compensation Scheme may protect the Insured’s interests. There are maximum levels of compensation the Insured can receive under the Scheme. The Insured will normally be covered for at least 90% of the payment due under the Insured’s policy. For further information the Insured can contact the Scheme helpline on 020 7892 7300 or visit their website at www.fscs.org.uk.

12. Other information

Please note this document provides a summary of the key features of the Legal Indemnity Policy of Title Insurance for Commercial Property – coverage for known risk. It does not set out the full terms and conditions of the Known Risk Policy, these can be found in the policy document, which is attached. The policy is a legally binding contract between the Insured and First Title Insurance plc.

First Title Insurance plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Financial service complaints we cannot settle may be referred to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

© First Title Insurance plc 2008

All policies underwritten by First Title Insurance Plc Registered in England No. 1112603 Registered Address: London International Press Centre First Title Insurance plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. 76 Shoe Lane, London EC4A 3JB

Accounts Department London International Press Centre 76 Shoe Lane London EC4A 3JB

Please make payment by BACS. Reference 196804/00199407 must be quoted in full.

Sort code: 40-15-05 Account number: 92188309 HSBC Bank Plc First Title Insurance Plc

Your Reference

Contact Name Mr Daniel Rubie - Fladgate LLP Client Reference 196804 Our Reference 00199407

Type of Policy Issued KR

Policy Number 11003600004

Policy Date 23/12/2010

Insured Property Address Ardsley House Hotel Doncaster


Amount of Insurance £1,500,000.00

Net Premium Amount £1,690.00

Insurance Premium Tax £ 84.50

Total Amount Due £1,774.50

Thank you for choosing to insure with First Title.

If you would prefer to pay by cheque please return this form to the accounts department with your remittance made payable to First Title Insurance Plc. Please write our reference number as shown above on the reverse of the cheque.

All policies underwritten by First Title Insurance Plc Registered in England No. 1112603 Registered Address: London International Press Centre First Title Insurance plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. 76 Shoe Lane, London EC4A 3JB APPENDIX H


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