50Th Anniversary Head Start Timeline
Head Start Timeline Delve into key moments in Head Start history! Explore the timeline to see archival photographs, video, resources, and more. 1964 War on Poverty: On Jan. 8, President Lyndon Johnson takes up the cause of building a "Great Society" by declaring "War on Poverty" in his first State of the Union Address. The goal of the War on Poverty is to eradicate the causes of poverty by creating job opportunities, increasing productivity, and enhancing the quality of life. Watch this historic State of the Union Address. The Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 is enacted and includes programs such as: Job Corps, Urban/Rural Community Action, VISTA, Project Head Start and many more. Watch Small Miracles, a short video about these programs. Case for Early Education: As a former teacher in a one-room schoolhouse in Texas, President Johnson believes strongly that education was the key to breaking the cycle of poverty. Moreover, child development experts have found that early intervention programs could significantly affect the cognitive and socio-emotional development of low-income children. State of the Union, 1964 1965 Cooke Report: Dr. Robert Cooke sets up a steering committee of specialists to discuss how to give disadvantaged children a "head start." The committee develops recommendations that feature comprehensive education, health, nutrition and social services, and significant parent involvement. Read the Cooke Report [PDF, 47KB]. Head Start Launch: On May 18, President Lyndon B. Johnson officially announces Project Head Start from the White House Rose Garden. Head Start launches in the summer of 1965, serving more than 560,000 children and families across America in an eight-week summer program through Head Start Child Development Centers throughout the United States.
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