October 17, 1994 Vol 72, No
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WEATHER INSIDE TODAY: Mn1Y EDITORIAL ................. 12 HIF: 701 Low: ~ FOCU$ ........................ 16 lUESDAY: 1UV1Y STYL£ ......................... 21 and pleasant SPORT$ ...................... 25 HiF: low 701 Low: 306 HUMOR ....................... 29 CLASSIFIEDS ............. 31 JAME S UNIVERSITY MONDAY OCTOBER 17, 1994 VOL 72, NO. 15 Democratic candidate teaches class Robb encounters student ~ally on Quad by Cyndy Liedtke news editor Chuck Robb was met by a large group of students with a variety of political philosophies Thursday on the Quad. Robb, the incumbent Democratic candidate for U.S. Senator from Virginia, was walking down the steps of Wilson Hall when about 80 supporters and opponents rushed to greet him, following him down to the Quad in front of AJumnae HaJJ and to the stairs between W.ilson and Keezell halls. As College Republicans, Young Democrats, Clean Up Congress members and other students crowded around Robb, chants such as ''Say no to North" and "No job for Robb" could be heard around the Quad. Some students placed North stickers on Robb's back while others tried to ask him questions. Accord ing to Glenn Hastedt, professor of political science. Robb was on campus for a "non-political address" to Hastedt's I :40 p.m. International Relations Theory class. Following his address on foreign relations to the class. Robb came out of the breezeway between Wilson and Maury halls where he was immediately approached by students wanting to shake his hand, ask a ; MIKE HEFFNER/ flhoi/J tditor question or meet the senator. Politically active students were Senatorial candidate Chuck Robb meets supporters and pro-Oliver North students outside Wilson Hall Thursday afternoon. holding signs showing their support for Robb, or his main opponent, about 45 minutes for Robb to greet "I was embarrassed that people in blame on the College Republicans Freshman Annie Schouw ~id. "I Oliver North. Others held up signs them. an upper-education level university who were present for Robb's am so embarrassed by this pathetic showing their support for any Some students were not pleased would do and say some of the things appearance because "they couldn't be attempt for students to be politically candidate except North. by the reaction to Robb's appearance. that' you would only expect to see in responsible for everybody that active. Just because you don't agree The two camps, one of Robb and Jeff McKay, president of Young a grade school," McKay said. came." with someone, you shouldn't go one or anti -North supporters, had Democrats, said he was disappointed He was not specific about the Junior Kelley Odell said. "It's not around pinning sticker; 10 h1 s back. been waiting on either side or the by some of the things that were said things he thought were inappropriate. right to follow him around like that. steps in front of Wilson Hall for for and done Thursday. McKay also said he couldn't place whether you· rc for North or Rob b." ROBB page 2 by Lee Bumgarner with the animals is that animal life is expendable. and 11 ~~ there to be manipulated." Schmllt srud. staff writer Fellow ARC member Neva Davis. a senior studiO art and About 15 members of JMU's Animal Rights Coalition English major. said the grou p got about 130 signatures on its protested in front of Burruss Hall on Thursday against the use of petition that asked the b1ology department to stop conducting live animals in a lab for vertebmte physiology classes. vi visection. ARC President Michael Schmitt, a senior physiology and art Davis said the group was approached by several current major, said he fell "really good" about the group's midday members of tht cln..~s during the protest. protest against vivisection, surgery perfonned on living animals "Some from the class said they were really glad we we re for medical research. doing it. and others said they liked the class," she said. The group did a lot of thinking about its opposition to One of those who liked the class is junior health science vivisection during the summer, but it wasn't until after the group major Christie Fariss, who said she was offended by the way the members met with the head of the biology department in protesters portray biology majors. She said she felt the group September and nothing changed that they decided to oct. Schmiu was making them look like ruthless killers. said. ..They made it sound like 20 or 30 turtles were killed in each The general goal of ARC is to educate people on campus and class," she said. in tbe surrounding community about animal rights with Fariss said because her class was uncomfonable doing it, the demonsuations like the one held Thursday from II a.m.· 2 p.m., professor taped the vivisection of a turtle for her human he said. physiology class and then showed it to them. 1000 LAPLAN'I'Eismior JMoiOifOPM' Schmitt said the 4-year-old group opposed vivisection Bmily Levenson, vertebrate physiology class member and OUI8Icle ...,._Hill Th.ndllr, ....... m;;IICtlvleD because it shows a lack of ~spect for the weU-being of animals. caM for • -.In IIIIMIMil 1111ce ..c1 tultiM a.ba. "I thiJI)t the one dlinJ thar is learned through the ex~men ts ANIMALS page 2 '• •· .;:..-r•••76-i'f•J• "• · • . , , ·" 'II,. .. ,, ••,•' t',-~.·~· •s•·•s' ···~- '·~·s•· .•. • ~•.. ••• .•. ~· ......., .. , •• .• ,, ...•.~ .· •···fl •..... ·~·· ·~ ·• ·· -' ·'•' ·• • . .. • • • • • • •. •,.• •..,· ~• • • a• • • • ; • • • •,.• • • , • tf _. # 4 .I t • • •• "' • • • • •• .. • • '•"t t • • •• t •t •t • ' • • '•' " • • • • • • • • • ' • • •' .. • .- , • ,._ , • 2 Monday. Oct. 17 1994 THE BREEZE Robb _____________ conelnued from page 1 Oliver 1\unh \IIden• . I am so their support for North cmharra,~cd for everyone ~ho d1d Chris Smith. first vice chairman of that" College Repubhcnns, said they were Other "udent!> \\ere pleased with there to !>how !>upport for North and the 'ho" of support 1n th1s to get students involved 1n the contrO\ ef\llll race. election. Scott P1nsker, chanman of McKay. who was there when College Rcpubllcani> ca lled it "n Robb arrived. said he thought Robb tremcntloul> v1ctory for the was commg tt.• JMU later than he did, Republican p.1rty un campm." o r they would have hod more He added. " I thought IRobbl Mudentll there to greet him. woultl have hatl more \Upport than Brian McEntire. founder of JMU thb. I'm 'urpri,cd" Clean Up Congress, wall also Bret llrhd.. chairman of the awaiting Robb's arrival. lie said. V1rgin1a fet:h C'ollepc Republican~. "We hclieve Robh to he one of two liUid. " It \hi\ a-we,ome I commend viable alternative, to North 111 th111 Scou Pin,J..cr lor orgo11111ng th1s.'' race." llrhcJ.. ,,utl h1' group c.une to !>how Ruhh i!> mvolvctl in a three-way 'uppon lur Oli\cr Nun h. race with North nnd Mar\hull In .1 pre" l'tln I ere nee later that Coleman. "ho i~ running for office day. Robh \Jid he had been told JM U a!> an mdcpcntlcnt. ha' one nl the mo~t active College A poll conducted by Virginia RcpuhhC.IIl\ ~hap tcf\ In Vlrg\013 Common\\Calth Umvcrsity la~t -week " It'' ccrta1nly the b1ggeM Nonh indicates a tic bC t\I. Cen Robb and groupth.n I have encountered." Robb North. wuh hoth of them havmg 39 'au.l " They \I.Crc loud. they \I.Cre percent of the vote. The poll ind1cntes Coleman has 12 percent " of the vote and 10 Th ey were loud, they percent of voters are undecided. were boisterous, but they Robb said Thursday. "It's a very close race. I were orderly. " expect it to remain a very close race. I don't Chuck Robb expect anyb.ody to be . , . able 10 call th1s one early mcumbcnL Democratic cand1da1e for Senate on the evening of Nov. 8." boisterous. but they were orderly," he He said he was going to campaign said. throughout the Commonwealth Robb sa1d he shook hands with "every waking hour" for the rest of everyone when he came in , even the election discussing the issues of when they "were chan ting slogans, the campaign and his record in the not all of which I could completely Senate. CRAIG NEWMAN/ semor photographtr hear or understand. but I don't lhink Robb said he would be in the were designed 10 show their support Shenandoah Valley two or three Unknown streaker for my candidacy " more times before the November When Robb arrived in the parking election. At the Parents' Weekend football game Saturday afternoon, a lone underwear~lad lot behind Maury and Wilson halls, a Following his VISit to Individual runs across the field durrng halftime while carrying a makeshift flag bearing group of College Republicans were Harrisonburg and JMU on Thursday, Greek letters. The streaker left the field In time for the second hatf to begin, and the Dukes waiting for h1m. They greeted him Robb continued on his campaign trail ended the game with a 31-23 win over Villanova. For more on the game, see page 25. with vanous signs and chantS voicing with a stop in Winchester. Animals _____________________________________________________________ __ continued from page 1 senior health services administration major. said vivisection is because [the castration] wasn't done properly." Levenson said she approves of the biology department's done in groups. that way a student can choose to organize the Davis sai d at the end of the two-week period of Injections, position. identification system or 10 keep track of notes. the mice are killed, and the weight of one of their sex organs is Computer simulations are useful but are no substitute for the ''No one has done anything they don't want to because no one measured.