WEATHER INSIDE TODAY: Mn1Y EDITORIAL ...... 12 HIF: 701 Low: ~ FOCU$ ...... 16 lUESDAY: 1UV1Y STYL£ ...... 21 and pleasant SPORT$ ...... 25 HiF: low 701 Low: 306 HUMOR ...... 29 CLASSIFIEDS ...... 31 JAME S UNIVERSITY MONDAY OCTOBER 17, 1994 VOL 72, NO. 15 Democratic candidate teaches class Robb encounters student ~ally on Quad by Cyndy Liedtke news editor was met by a large group of students with a variety of political philosophies Thursday on the Quad. Robb, the incumbent Democratic candidate for U.S. Senator from , was walking down the steps of Wilson Hall when about 80 supporters and opponents rushed to greet him, following him down to the Quad in front of AJumnae HaJJ and to the stairs between W.ilson and Keezell halls. As College Republicans, Young Democrats, Clean Up Congress members and other students crowded around Robb, chants such as ''Say no to North" and "No job for Robb" could be heard around the Quad. Some students placed North stickers on Robb's back while others tried to ask him questions. Accord ing to Glenn Hastedt, professor of political science. Robb was on campus for a "non-political address" to Hastedt's I :40 p.m. International Relations Theory class. Following his address on foreign relations to the class. Robb came out of the breezeway between Wilson and Maury halls where he was immediately approached by students wanting to shake his hand, ask a ; MIKE HEFFNER/ flhoi/J tditor question or meet the senator. Politically active students were Senatorial candidate Chuck Robb meets supporters and pro- students outside Wilson Hall Thursday afternoon. holding signs showing their support for Robb, or his main opponent, about 45 minutes for Robb to greet "I was embarrassed that people in blame on the College Republicans Freshman Annie Schouw ~id. "I Oliver North. Others held up signs them. an upper-education level university who were present for Robb's am so embarrassed by this pathetic showing their support for any Some students were not pleased would do and say some of the things appearance because "they couldn't be attempt for students to be politically candidate except North. by the reaction to Robb's appearance. that' you would only expect to see in responsible for everybody that active. Just because you don't agree The two camps, one of Robb and Jeff McKay, president of Young a grade school," McKay said. came." with someone, you shouldn't go one or anti -North supporters, had Democrats, said he was disappointed He was not specific about the Junior Kelley Odell said. "It's not around pinning sticker; 10 h1 s back. been waiting on either side or the by some of the things that were said things he thought were inappropriate. right to follow him around like that. steps in front of Wilson Hall for for and done Thursday. McKay also said he couldn't place whether you· rc for North or Rob b." ROBB page 2

by Lee Bumgarner with the animals is that animal life is expendable. and 11 ~~ there to be manipulated." Schmllt srud. staff writer Fellow ARC member Neva Davis. a senior studiO art and About 15 members of JMU's Animal Rights Coalition English major. said the grou p got about 130 signatures on its protested in front of Burruss Hall on Thursday against the use of petition that asked the b1ology department to stop conducting live animals in a lab for vertebmte physiology classes. vi visection. ARC President Michael Schmitt, a senior physiology and art Davis said the group was approached by several current major, said he fell "really good" about the group's midday members of tht cln..~s during the protest. protest against vivisection, surgery perfonned on living animals "Some from the class said they were really glad we we re for medical research. doing it. and others said they liked the class," she said. The group did a lot of thinking about its opposition to One of those who liked the class is junior health science vivisection during the summer, but it wasn't until after the group major Christie Fariss, who said she was offended by the way the members met with the head of the biology department in protesters portray biology majors. She said she felt the group September and nothing changed that they decided to oct. Schmiu was making them look like ruthless killers. said. ..They made it sound like 20 or 30 turtles were killed in each The general goal of ARC is to educate people on campus and class," she said. in tbe surrounding community about animal rights with Fariss said because her class was uncomfonable doing it, the demonsuations like the one held Thursday from II a.m.· 2 p.m., professor taped the vivisection of a turtle for her human he said. physiology class and then showed it to them. 1000 LAPLAN'I'Eismior JMoiOifOPM' Schmitt said the 4-year-old group opposed vivisection Bmily Levenson, vertebrate physiology class member and OUI8Icle ...,._Hill Th.ndllr, ...... m;;IICtlvleD because it shows a lack of ~spect for the weU-being of animals. caM for • -.In IIIIMIMil 1111ce ..c1 tultiM "I thiJI)t the one dlinJ thar is learned through the ex~men ts ANIMALS page 2 '• •· .;:..-r•••76-i'f•J• "• · • . , , ·" 'II,. .. ,, ••,•' t',-~.·~· •s•·•s' ···~- '·~·s•· .•. • ~•.. ••• .•. ~· ...... , .. , •• .• ,, ...•.~ .· •···fl •..... ·~·· ·~ ·• ·· -' ·'•' ·• • . .. • • • • • • •. •,.• •..,· ~• • • a• • • • ; • • • •,.• • • , • tf _. # 4 .I t • • •• "' • • • • •• .. • • '•"t t • • •• t •t •t • ' • • '•' " • • • • • • • • • ' • • •' .. • .- , • ,._ , • 2 Monday. Oct. 17 1994 THE BREEZE Robb ______conelnued from page 1

Oliver 1\unh \IIden• . I am so their support for North cmharra,~cd for everyone ~ho d1d Chris Smith. first vice chairman of that" College Repubhcnns, said they were Other "udent!> \\ere pleased with there to !>how !>upport for North and the 'ho" of support 1n th1s to get students involved 1n the contrO\ ef\llll race. election. Scott P1nsker, chanman of McKay. who was there when College Rcpubllcani> ca lled it "n Robb arrived. said he thought Robb tremcntloul> v1ctory for the was commg tt.• JMU later than he did, Republican p.1rty un campm." o r they would have hod more He added. " I thought IRobbl Mudentll there to greet him. woultl have hatl more \Upport than Brian McEntire. founder of JMU thb. I'm 'urpri,cd" Clean Up Congress, wall also Bret llrhd.. chairman of the awaiting Robb's arrival. lie said. V1rgin1a fet:h C'ollepc Republican~. "We hclieve Robh to he one of two liUid. " It \hi\ a-we,ome I commend viable alternative, to North 111 th111 Scou Pin, lor orgo11111ng th1s.'' race." llrhcJ.. ,,utl h1' group c.une to !>how Ruhh i!> mvolvctl in a three-way 'uppon lur Oli\cr Nun h. race with North nnd Mar\hull In .1 pre" l'tln I ere nee later that Coleman. "ho i~ running for office day. Robh \Jid he had been told JM U a!> an mdcpcntlcnt. ha' one nl the mo~t active College A poll conducted by Virginia RcpuhhC.IIl\ ~hap tcf\ In Vlrg\013 Common\\Calth Umvcrsity la~t -week " It'' ccrta1nly the b1ggeM Nonh indicates a tic bC t\I. Cen Robb and groupth.n I have encountered." Robb North. wuh hoth of them havmg 39 'au.l " They \I.Crc loud. they \I.Cre percent of the vote. The poll ind1cntes Coleman has 12 percent " of the vote and 10 Th ey were loud, they percent of voters are undecided. were boisterous, but they Robb said Thursday. "It's a very close race. I were orderly. " expect it to remain a very close race. I don't Chuck Robb expect anyb.ody to be . , . able 10 call th1s one early mcumbcnL Democratic cand1da1e for Senate on the evening of Nov. 8." boisterous. but they were orderly," he He said he was going to campaign said. throughout the Commonwealth Robb sa1d he shook hands with "every waking hour" for the rest of everyone when he came in , even the election discussing the issues of when they "were chan ting slogans, the campaign and his record in the not all of which I could completely Senate. CRAIG NEWMAN/ semor photographtr hear or understand. but I don't lhink Robb said he would be in the were designed 10 show their support Shenandoah Valley two or three Unknown streaker for my candidacy " more times before the November When Robb arrived in the parking election. At the Parents' Weekend football game Saturday afternoon, a lone underwear~lad lot behind Maury and Wilson halls, a Following his VISit to Individual runs across the field durrng halftime while carrying a makeshift flag bearing group of College Republicans were Harrisonburg and JMU on Thursday, Greek letters. The streaker left the field In time for the second hatf to begin, and the Dukes waiting for h1m. They greeted him Robb continued on his campaign trail ended the game with a 31-23 win over Villanova. For more on the game, see page 25. with vanous signs and chantS voicing with a stop in Winchester. Animals ______continued from page 1

senior health services administration major. said vivisection is because [the castration] wasn't done properly." Levenson said she approves of the biology department's done in groups. that way a student can choose to organize the Davis sai d at the end of the two-week period of Injections, position. identification system or 10 keep track of notes. the mice are killed, and the weight of one of their sex organs is Computer simulations are useful but are no substitute for the ''No one has done anything they don't want to because no one measured. use of real animals, she said. is forced to," she said. For Schmitt and the other members of ARC, modern "No mauer how Life-like it could be, it wouldn't be the same There was no comment by the biology department on the technology holds the key to ending practices like these. as looking at it, touching it, feeling it," Levenson said. current controversy other than a statement released that said in "There are plenty of alternatives out there that achieve the She said the animals do not experience pain during part that " .. no credible evidence exists that we arc not in full same information that would be cheaper, more innovati ve and vivisection. complinnce w11h the appropriate regulations." more in line with JMU's emphasis on technology," Schmiu said. "All the animals are anesthetized. It not as though anything Davi\ s:ud the group knew of two fom1s of vivisection done Among these alternatives is the use of computer programs happens to them when they are not [anesthetized]," Levenson by the b1ology department the group considers cruel. that simulate vivisection. According to the biology depanment's said. In one t:,I~C. <1 turtle IS opened up and chemicals are dropped statement, it is "aware of the increasing ability of computer Members of ARC have to understand vivisection is done in on m he an to \ee liS reaction. In the other. ~tudem~ castrate technology and watching closely developments in virtual the name of sc1cnee and education, she sai d. mu:c and lnJCCt them with honnones over a two-week period. rcahty." Despite this, Schmiu said it is unnecessary for live animals to ~he \Uid. The stntemcnt goes on to say the department will continue to be used. Acconl1ng to Dav1~. former ~ tudcnt s of Vertebrate use vivisection because "biology is a skill-oriented discipline "To suggest that you have to cut an animal open in order to Phy"ology told th e group. "A large number of mice d1ed requiring hands-on experimentation." understand its functioning is ridiculous,'' he said.

.•. "To tire press alone, chequered as it is with abuses, the world is indebted for all the triumphs which have been gained by reason and humanity over error and oppression." - 1am es Madison

Nicole Motley, edt/or C.J. Grebb, destgn edt/or Stephanie Kriner, style editor Karen Brewer, copy editor Craig Newman, mana,~ing ed1/or Kristin Rough, graphics editor Karen McLaughlin, asst. slylc editor Jonathan Rhudy, advertising manager Cyndy Liedtke, news edllor Larry Cooper, focus ed1/or Alison Boyce, sporls editor Rip DeLuca, Jennifer Overman, 11ews edilor Sharon LaRowe, asst. focus editor Craig Landis, asst. sports ed1tor Alan Neckowttz. Crlst le Breen, 11$!>1. newsedrlor Mark Sutton, opinion editor Mike Heffner, plloto editor David Wendelken, advisers Karen Bogan, asst. opi11ion editor Lorrtn Wolf, ass/. pltolo editor

Thl.' llrt'('ll' 1S pub!J~hed Monday ond Thursday monungs and dtstnbuled lhroughoul JMU and the local Hamsonburg commumty. Mailing address is The 8n.YU, Anthony•Seeger Hall JMU. Harrisonburg. Virginia 22807. r-or advcrtl~lng and l'ditonal off•«s call 568-6127. Comments and compla111ts should be addressed to Nicole Motley, editor. • THE BREEZE M onday. Oct. 17 . 1994 3 Activities set to promote JMU affected by restrictions Alcohol Awareness Week on travel by state employees by Stacey Danzuso happen when one or both persons by Zeni Colorado contributing writer involved are under the influence. Alcohol Awareness Week is a st'!/f_ w_rt'_re_r___ _ The average college student nationally recognized event that drinks 34 gallons of alcohol a year, begins today and will be celebrated Gov. George Allen issued an according to Randy Haveson. JMU at JMU through a sencs of executive memorandum Sept . 30 substance abuse counse lor. programs ending Friday. establishing new travel restrictions Statistics like these help raise Alcohol Awareness Week is for all state agencies. people's knowledge about alcohol sponsored by a commillee of JMU According to the executive consumption and the purpose of representatives from the Recreation memorandum. "It is the policy of the Alcohol Awareness Week, he said. Center, Substance Abuse Research Commonwealth of Virginia to limit The purpose of Alcohol Center, Office of Residence Life, travel costs to only those expenses Awareness W eek i s to "draw Heallh Center, Intercollegiate that are necessary for attention to the abuse of alcohol Athletics, Counseling and Student essential services to the and the people it affects." said Development Center, and Commonwealth's citirens." •The head of a state ageney must approve Wanda Lee. assistant director of the Panhellenic Council. JMU is a state agency and Is an individual's travel costing more than Office of Residence Life. "This According Haveson, the therefore affected by the governor's week gives us all a chance to say planning commiuee " hopes to raise action. $500. we care about you and how much the students' consciousness related A university memorandum sent to • No more than two employees can attend a you consume. It's not to say don't to alcohol abuse." JMU faculty and staff by Assistant drink at all," she added. He said. "Awareness IS Controller J.W Meyers said the new conference requiring an overnight stay. A ccording to Haveson, the 34 imponant. The college thing is to regulations will impose restrictions (Regulation does not affect employees who hold gallons of alcohol that each student go out and get ttas.hed. This week is on all u01 versuy travel involving executive office in the S.£.Onsonng organization drinks in a year could rill up every so that you can reflect on what you conventions. conferences. seminars, Olympic-size swimming pool at are doing to yourself." workshops and training programs. or are p convention-or. conference.) every university in the United Haveson added that drinking is " The executive memorandum States. " You could go to the moon so widely accepted as a pan of the directs presidents to ensure that and back 17 times if you stacked all college experience that people attendance at all conferences and of the beer cans drank by college don't see the damage it's doing conventions meets the standard of students each year," he said. until it is too late. The week is a necessity." Meyers' memorandum Haveson said the statistics also time to give more education so that said. show a change in the demographics people will take a look at what they According to Meyers' of binge drinking, or having five are doing to themsel ves. memorandum. in following Allen's drinks or more at one sitting. This The programs sponsored by restrictions only two st

by Zeni Colorado Virginians for Chuck Robb, a Democrats. said that the main reason Cathy Robb said she want~ people to W11h four women tn the Robo staff writer volunteer grassrootS effon organized for choosing Cathy Robb to speak is ask them selves wh1ch candidate fam1 ly. 1ncluding three daughh!l'\ and by Cathy Robb and other young because she is a student. understands the issues. ha really their mother. Cathv Rollh 'a1d her Cathy Robb, daughter of U.S. Virginians. Cathy Robb and the "As a student. she can tell us from thought about the ~~'uc-; and can father IS particularly 'trong on Sen. Chuck Robb (0-Va.}, spoke to "Chuck" Wagon Tour '94 go to cities a student 's perspective what the transform the1r knowledge of the women. S ISSUCS. about 30 JMU students Wednesday and colleges in Virginia promoting issues imponant to us are," McKay issues into program~ . "He's always llcen pro-rhou:e. He in Taylor Hall as pan of a brown-bag Chuck Robb and encouraging young said. "Chuck Robb can really an wer understands that choice ~~ one ut the lecture series hosted by the Young people to vote in the upcoming Ca thy Robb said, " I want to your quest ions. and he'll do more most personal. prh Jlc dcctstnns J Democmts of JMU. November election. inform students why it's imponantto than just play with words," she said. woman can make

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CHECK IT OUTI MOST OF THE EVENTS ARE THE BREEZE Monday. Oct. 17. 1994 5 JMU celebrates 30th Parents' Weekend Mom, dad bring support, love to students and business to Harrisonburg, campus

by Betsy Smith on Saturday and 10 a.m.-4 p.m. on Sunday. staJfwrlter " We extended store hours because parents are interested in some JMU gifts and also like They cane. They saw. They bought outlhe to browse for Christmas presents for their boobtore. students," Matlhews said JMU arude:nll, fiiCUlty and staff welcomed Between Parents' Weekend and parents and family to this year'• Parents' Homecoming, business for the bookstore is Weekend. where old« adults took the campus exceptional. ''The alumni and parents are big by 110nn and c:elebnled a weekend of pma. suppon here," she said. putieJ and loll of food with their children and The main attraction of Parents' Weekend the JMU community. was the JMU-Villanova footbaJI game. Arter Parenti' Weekend hu long been a tradition tailgating panics and cocktail gatherings. a at JMU, ICCOidin& 10 Fred Hilton, director of nearly full s t adium cheered the Dukes to Media Relations. This year marks the 30th victory as parents and students both sat and c:onaecutive P.-nts' Weekend, he said. with wau:hed the show together. about 10,000 to IS,OOO parent• auendina Gerald Smith, a JMU parent, was impressed IICtiviliel. Tbe weekend C«

That's why people shop Wt-BtLtrVt IN hn-e at the Valkjs ilzrgest and most 9LD-IASMI9NED unilpu gift, colkctib/e, VALUrs · and O!ristmllS store. Houn: • • • • • • • • Mon-Sat Stop by and ue how Green we m4J help you Beans Shotsie's ~~-~ C risQ:nas & •-s · ~---- ~ w ·~ "· ~ - COllectibles 433-9627 •N A Col/ector sparatlise . .. ,, .

Oct. 20 Oct. 21 ~·-id :i ;:: . ;::- Oct. 22 . . · 'i ~ <1 4 ra ;.: ,. ., t ·,if< · :J ~}Y Monaay Ocr! ·17: . · AU movie• except Sanda,.. are s•.so. TALENT- SHOW Sbowtlmes are 7 and 9GO unleu o~noted. 6 p.m. GaLleRy TaLk . Sanda,. mo.-tea are lree!! CaD tbe UPB bodlne at X4UPB by rbe aKTIST *** 7 p.m. Receprzon In Duke 8 p.m. Poemy ReaOinq­ BU1{"RUSS ..+4 ,, THE BREEZE Monday. Oct 17 1994 7 Mfirmative Action Office makes plans for year

by Coletta Roalf Wadley·~ JOh "to ellu«.:ate the contributing writer JMU communi!) <~bout the pohcy. he satd In an effort to educate the Accordmg to W.uJiey. the th1rd members of the JMU community goal ~~ to assist the Climate T an orgamzat1on prornotmg cn\lrnnmcnt th.u I' t on ltH ih ' 111 the scatus of women at JMU. UI\CU\\Illll anu prugre" At the meeting. Wadley cxplamcd ll,t\Jng gameJ f.; rumkd)-!1.' ln> m the current JM U affirmative acuon v.orl..111g v.11h the Oha•• <'' II Rl)!lll' policy and his plans for C:omrna"ion, WaJk~ l tHnp.m.:d tht· implementing a revised aftlrmativc Cll\ironmcnt ol l\l' .t..tulll 111 action program. Mo~t of the current Varg111iJ to the l'll' arorlll ll' lll 111 Oh1u affi rmative action goals were already lie dc,cnhcu ratl'. !!l'lllll·r and .tge in place before Wadley arrived. n:la11un' 10 Ohto ,,, "h•"tdt· and Wadley !>Old he spent thi s pa!>t 1nt1rn1daung.'' \\htll.' rn \ llt!lll l.a therl.' year redefimng and priori11zmg those 1\ .I ( hmatc or "lllUIIIl'rl'lll'l'.. hl ,,11\l goals. which tncludc increasi ng ''People arc nCII l lllllllllllll\,lllng female and minority employment .md that " lack of pmgrc''· · \\ .lllh.· ~ opportunities. increasing awareness suttJ. refcrnng to JMll. lk 1' J~1l ·, of the Americans with Disabilities frr!>l lull-lime afllrm.llt\ e .1ctwn Act and sexual harassment and of ficcr becoming involved wnh the Climate Wadley i~ hopeful thuu~h . an a Task Force. BECKY MULLIGAN/.~wff plrutogr and services. freshman that focu~c-. on what tn do visible and talk with people at JM U. Affirmative Action Plans. This goal A second goal is to sponsor Accord1ng to Wadley. JMU had tn a haro~<>ment ''tuataon Th1<. "The affirmative action program will be accomplished through workshops on sexual harassment and already begun a strong program for tnformauon ts al'o ;t\Jtlahle 111 the ... serves as a resource center for the meetings with campus organizations the Americans w1th Disabi lities Act ADA. The un1versity has created a student handbook auainment of goals and objectives as and depanmcms and by moni toring of 1990. task force and Implemented policies " H you · ~c got a\,mcnt stated in the universi ty's affi rmative recruitment procedure~ . Through the workshops. Wadley concerni ng Americans with prohlcm. I Jon't rurc who you arc. action plans of racully. staff and Hopefull y. the outcome of this said new strategies should be disahiht1cs, he sa1d. you t·an come 1<1 me:· \\ .1Jlcy sa rd.

conWeektinued from page------3 ------Traveoontinued from page~------3 ----- held at 7 p.m. in Taylor Hall. rm. can be had without getting blasted." employee,," Mc~l.'r' <.,ud "II ~uu .tr..: ahout alcohol-related issues. 304. und Wi ll addre !>S ISSUC!t Some or the events that Colleguuc nlso head of a !.late ag~·n~ \ l·nr mh~:r travehn!l to do ~our Jnh. then \CIU .trl· Other evcnu. urc not as physical. concerning alcohol and friend.\. llc.tlth and Fitncs~ Tour has planned ~tate .lgcncacs. the ·•!!enn he.ld mu't nut at kctcd ... Tonight at 7 p.m. in the llighlnnds "Worncn and Alcohol" will he .tre a rod climtung wall. hungee run, approve ~uch tru,cl. Fur cx.tmple\ 11111\er'll) Room "Get Real . Get Talking!" presented by Nancy Joh nston of vekro ny wull and an alcohoiiQ test. According w 1\lcycn' trip~ 1nvnlle -tulll.'nt l!ruup' ' ul·h ·" will be presented. Th1s progmm will Mary Baldwin College on Oct. 19 at Thel>c will all take place on the memorandum. the total co~t " athlctH' team~ t•r th l· b.111d '' lw have a talk show format and will the Women's Resource Center 111 commons. Free T - ,hirt~. S4ucc1e defined h\• co''' ,1\\Ull.ltcd with travel lur 'tuJl•nt ll'l'fllltart!! l•'·"''n'. feature a panel of recovering Logan llall a\ part of the center·~ txmlc~ and fn!;bec~ w11l be gaven out tran,port:illun. lod~ang. meab. ~! eyer-. ,,11d 1\tuJent, .md '1.1 1I ot alcoholics. soc1al drinkers and bro\\ n-hag programc; at noon. Throughout the wed. \ludcnt!> and conlcrem:c rcgt,tr.lllllll .and tr,umng the'c gmup~o \ll•uld "''' tw ll',tr tlll'U professtonal!t. The program There wi II abo f.1culty can panu.:1patc an building fCC\. h) the numhcr 1\1 rl·upJ,· "" thl' tr •r is geared toward audience be u clac;, dealing with "The Wall." Th1' 1c; a visual dic;play "We arc prell) hmlled nlrl.'ady .1~ If tha: tnp l'l"t' 111 11 10: th.111 'i-5!K l. participation and will the i~MIC of alcohol ol peoples' cxpc11cnce~ with alcohol. tar "' n1Ciney '" conccrncu.'' Meyer\ Carner'' "!!llOme arc 'llld Friday for tralld .mthont.IIIOII pcrspcct i ves of 309 from 3-6 p m ncgatavc.'' Gretnhl 'l> Week IS ~a1d . lriJl' \\ (l U(J neeu th l.' ' ll!llJIUfl.' ot On Oct. 18. risl.. choices. alway!! held during the th1rd week of Meyer~ !.Jid he '' ' C.trn,·r Ill' ,,ud "Remember Wh at On Oct. 20. October and i:r. a nationwide event dnrafacatmn I rum uf laca.JI, 111 · Wl· .1rc gutnl! w rl'IJlk''' th.ll the Was Real . Armband Awareness ll:tYe\00 wifl that began in 1983. according to Ric:hmonll nn llHIIl) or lhl' \ ll'l.' prl'\IUCnl'. 01 ' \lll l•ltl' \Il l' Remembrance" IS being present a program on Grcmhi. JM lJ ha~ been obscrvmg 11 res trtCIIOilS IOlflO\l'U hy thl\ Jlll''ldl'llh and ul.'.lll' .Ill' L'l\cn the sponsored by Panhelll.'nic. Week alcohultsm in the fur at teaM l>C\'en years and focu'>C\ mernurandu m .luthnra t\ 111 .luthorlll' IIIP' · \lcH'I' Accordmg to L1sa Welsh. fanuly. "Get Real. I t'~ Not on drawing allenuon to the 1ssue" Nc\l. 't<~h! pul1n '' u ... u.all\ ,,ut.l co-chair for \Oc1al ond sister Your Faull: Growing up tn an as.,ociatcd wath ,1lwhol .thu\C. ,JCt'OmpilnteJ h\ Jlfctl ~· dllrl'' '' f'ftt• tdC,I Ill h,a\1 11 1:! .til l>Ororities. pan1c1pantlo loign a pledge Alcoholte Family" \llll be presented The program<. ma) be geared mtorm1ng the .lj!l.'lll' ••n hem tu j!ll tr.IJ1,,1lll111h gu th rt>u gh ••Ill' rwr,ttn I' to wear a blacl. armband from 111 Taylor Hall. rm. 304 at 7 p.m. toward student\, hut the mformatton ahout cnfon·tng Jll'\\ rej!ul.lllnn' not r~·"""' · lw .tdJe.t morning unttl 5 p.m. and can only Collcgaatc ll calth and F11ne'" pcnams to everyone "E,cry smgle Meyer ... 'a1d l>r Stephen StL''' .nt. ht' td ''' the tolk to other people wcanng Tour will be \Cl up on the commons pcr!lon should try to get 10 sornc "We ha\C IIIII \'l'l ll'(l'llL'U thO~e dcp<~rt ment nl he.tlt h 'l l~lll'l' '· , ,ml armbands. The armbonds !lignify the from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Oct. 20 and Oct. event or panic1pate 1n some way," procedure<.," he 'a~J he Ulll'' not chink tlw ne\\ n· ~ m n ' loss of friends and romi ly who have 21. The company YIJ.ils about 50 Gremhi sajd, Some of ttw "'liC'- arc 1101 clear. will allect ha' dep .trtlll~lll 111 tho: died from alcohol-related problems. schools a year and has agreed to Haveson said. "Alcohol awal'l'nCS\ he \:lad. "There arc 'tlme rca I It fc Ulli\Cr,ll\ "We hope at will ha ve an effect on come to JMU tha s year for Alcohol IS worked on all year 'round and e'umplc~ that llon 't 111 the pohcy · It ·,huuhJn' t .allcl't our people." Welsh said A table will be Awareness Week. needs to be addressed Maybe this description .... " dcp.trtmcnt cl\crl~ rnu,·h It '"'ulu set up on the commons so people can According to Crembi, Collegiate one week will spark Interest to keep There has been ~orne confuston JU'>I ~ a httlc dcl,l\ 1n p.lpcr,,urt.; ... sign up, and everyone is welcome to Health and Fitness Tour attempts to it going." whether tnps 1nvolv1ng the Stcw<~n ~aad . participate, she said. show "physical challenges are fun: it He added, "Everyone on campus attendance of ~>tudcnt'< would he Meyer~ satd. "The pohcy ~~ not Also Oct. 18. Haveson will be promotes a healthful lifestyle." knows someone who 1s an alcoholic. affected or not. !laying that you cannOt go on thl' tnp. sponsoring a program called "Get She said the tour is "about natural and no one knows what to do. The "First you have to 11sJ... whether You just have to go through more Real, Help a Friend." This will be highs and showing that good times worst thing to do is not do anything." you arc going as students or student procedures to do 11." 8 Monday, Oct. 17. 1994 THE BREEZE

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••::• .... m... '!l" ::s ••, -.nlqil~ ]MU Bookstore For further information visit Warren Hall • 568-3989 THE BREEZE Monday, Oct 17. 1994 9 OUT&ABOUT

H=~!"J!'JL•=~~~~ ~~~ • ~ lfl"TT...tll- weekend. They include tbe foUowtng: - JudJiug for lbe Homecoming B~nner Contest. Baonen will be on display IOday in residence halls and Warren Hall. Campus POLICE LOG ~ orpn.iz.alion-. eel halls show lbeit creativity and school spirit with banners thai wiU be displayed at the Godwin Field Festival on Sarurday. byGregFroom Destruction of Private Property A "ValleybalJ" tournament will take place Oct. 18 on Hanson police reporter • Unidentified individuals reportedly damaged the headlight and Field, J..7 p.m. Srudent teams compete for fun and pril.e$. windshield of a car parked in upper L-lot between 7:45 a.m. and On Oct. 19 from 3-4:30 p.m., students can partJcipate in 4:45p.m. Oct. 10. "Anything Goes" contests on Godwin service road. The event Evidence reportecly Indicates that a BB gun was used. will feature outrageous contests like gurney races, scavenger Campus pollee repoft the following: races and other oontests. Grand Larceny Univenily Program Board will sponsor a Homecoming Bicycle Accident • Unidentified IndiViduals reportedly stole a Swiss Army watch, a Revue Oct. 20 at 8 p.m. In Wilson Hall Auditorium. UPB, • Ablcyclst reportedly struck a motor vehicle at the entrance to K· silver ring, and a walet containing a bank card and $25 cash !rom a MasterCard ACfS and guitarist Mike Rayburn will host tbe lot on South Main Street 814:11 p.m. Oct. 11 . Godwin Hal swim locker room between 4:30 and 7 p.m. Oct. 11 . Lineup of student entertainment. The bicyctlst repoltedly came around a blind comer of Theatre II and struck lhe vehicle. The blcycfiSt was thrown into the windshield Petty Larceny of the car. • Unldentlfled Individuals reportedly stole merchandise from a Elaht needed to fill judicial board The bicyclist was transported to Rockingham Memorial Hospital. 'flie student judlcial coordinator is looking for interested vending machine in the lobby of Wine·Prlce Han at 8:45 a.m. Oct. The driver of the car reportedly refused treatment for glass cuts on 13. students to apply for the Mlnor Violations Judicial Board the hand. The eight-person Minor Violations Judicial Board functions The stolen merchandise Is valued at about $50. as an appeals board to the student judicial coordinator's Personal Abuse decisions on violations ranging from parting tickets to alcohol DUI • Ast\.dent was charged judicially with verbaDy abusing a student • Student Oooglas C. Kirby, 20, of Frederldcsburg, was arrested abuse. ticket writer in F-lot at11 :50 a.m. Oct. 12. Any student may apply for membership on the board. and charged with driving under the Influence of alcohol and Applications may be picked up in the Student Government underaged possession ol alcohol at the entrance to G-lot near Mr. Destruction of PubUc Property Chips a.t1:13 a.m. Oc1. 13. Association office in Taylor Hall. • Student Matthew B. Utter, 20, of Harrisonburg, was arrested and Applications are due Oct 20. Klrby reportedly was rei\Jming from a Melrose Caverns party. A charged with destruction of public property and drunk in public at 1.75 liter bottle of vodka reportedly was found under the front 11:52 p.m. Oct. 13. passenger seal of Kirby's car. JV basketball team to host tryouts Utter allegedly kicked a door causing It to shatter in Godwin Hall. 'nle JMU men's basketball team will be having tryouts for a He reportedly stated he had been drinking vodka at the party. • Unidentified individuals reportedly ignited a poster taped to a • Student Erll

• English Graduate Organization book sale, entrance to • English Graduate Organization book sale. entranCe to Keezell Hall , 9 o.m.· 2 p.m. Kcezell Hall, 9 a.m.- 2 p.m. • "Sexual Violence and Social Policy," a Vi siting • Anthropology/Sociology Society meeting, SpotSwood Scholar Lecture, Grafton-Stovall Theatre, 4 p.m. Hall porch, 5 p.m. Anyone Interested is welcome. • EQUAL meeting, Taylor Hall, nn. 305, 5 p.m. • Golden Key meeting, Taylor Hall, rm. 305, 5 p.m. • Students for Coleman meeting, Maury Hall, rm. G-5, • Circle K meeting, Wam:n Hall Piedmont Room. 6 p.m. 5:30p.m. • Contemporary Gospel Singers rehearsal, Mus1c Building, NEWS FILE • Hispanic Committee of Harrisonburg meeting. Blessed rm. 142, 7-9:30 p.m. Open to everyone. Talking Book Center needs Sacrament Church, 6 p.m. For more information contact Paul Fugelsang at434-7260. • Psychology Club meeting, Maury Hall, rm. 205. 7 p.m. volunteers to aid vlsuallv imoalred • ''Get Real . .. Ge.t Talking!" Alcohol Awareness Week • "Get Real, Help a Friend," Alcohol Awareness Week The Staunton Public Ubrary is looklng for JMtl students to panel discussion. Warren Holl Highlands Room, 7 p.m. activity, Taylor Hall, rm. 3b4, 7 p.m. assist patrons of the TalJc.jng Book Center. The Talking Book • College Republicans meeting, Taylor Hall. rm. 400. • Young Democrats meeting, Warren Hall Allegheny Center records books, magazines and reference materials for 7:30p.m. Room. 8p.m. persons who are unable to read due to visual impairments or • First Right of JMU meeting. Taylor Hall, rm . 311. 9 p.m. physical disabiUlies. Service-learners are needed for the Senior Out:reach Project. \\'l'dncstftllf 19 Tlrursdtztf 20 Responsibilllies for the project would include assisting persons ' wilb book selection, reading avallable lists, completing book . order forms and recording books on tapes. • 'Women and Alcohol," brown-bag lunch, Women's • Collegiate Health and FiLness Tour, commons, 10 a.m.- Anyone who is interested in making a difference in their Resource Center, noon. 5p.m. community can contact the Center for Service-Learning, Taylor • "International Trade-Where to go after GATT and • Career Day sponsored by the Poliucal Science Dept., Hall, rm. 205, or call X6366. NAfTA," Grafton-Stovall Theatre, 2:45 p.m. Phillips Hall Ballroom, I :3()-5:30 p.m. All interested • OCTAA (On Campus, Tal.k:ing About Alcohol) class, welcome. Camp Heartland makes bus tour Taylor Hall, rm. 309, 3-6 p.m. • Asian Studies Forum presents "Chinese An," presented Camp Heartland's Journey of Hope bus tour will .stop at JMU • AAUP meeting, "What faculty do: teaching, research and by 1-Hsiung Ju, Burruss Hall, rm. 44, 7 p.m. Oct. 21 and 22 to celebrate Homecoming and make an • "Get Real, It 's NoL Your Fault: Growing Up in an educational preaentatlon about AIDS. service," Taylor Hall, rm. 305. 3:30p.m'. Last year. JMU students raised $5,000 for Camp Heartland, • Amnesty International meeting, Jackson Hall, rm. 103. Alcoholic Family," Taylor Hall, rm. 7 p.m. the largest summer camping program in the 5 p.m. • "Women and the Law: Issues for lhe 1990s and the 21st devoted to the needs of cbiJdre:n affected by fUV or AIDS. • Political Science Society meeting, Maury Hall, rm. I 0 I , Century," hosted by the Women's Issues Network, Chandler Wben tbey arrive on Oct. 21, eigtu children ages 10-19 will 5:30p.m. Topic of discussion will be lraq. Hall Shenandoah Room. 7:30 p.m. speak about their personal atruA}es with the disease in Wilson • Cavin& club meeting, Jackson Hall, rm. 2, 6 p.m. • Clean Up Congress, Jackson Hall, rm. 103, HalJ Auditorium • 3:30p.m. • IncerVarsity Oaristian Fellowship meeting, Miller Hall, 7:30p.m. On Oct. 22 the children will paticipate in the Godwin field • "The Man from Ganymede." JMU Theatre U, 8 Festival rm. 101,7 p.m. • Hlrmony "Taylor Hall. rm. 402, 7 p.m. p.m. All seats $3. For mature audiences.

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Alcohol Awareness Weelc October 14-21, 1994 ·The Wall" OCT. 22-23 I;::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: J EXPOLAND An opportunity for JMU students, faculty and staff to 1 Oa.m.-4 p.m. acknowledge their positive and negative experiences associated with alcohol Systems (N ew & Used ) and other drug choices. Wall bricks available at the Information Table in Upgrades, Printe rs, Warren Hall Post Office Lobby on Oct. 14-15, and 17-21, Softwa re, CD's & Mo re!!! and Alcohol Awareness Week activities. $ 1 .00 O ff Admission with this Ad GET REAL, GET FIT POWER WALK, 5:15 PM, Hillside Fitness Center rrCaJI 703-337-7582 FRI 14 MON GET REAL. .•.G ETTALKING, Highlands, 7 PM. A talk showformat of students and professionals discussing their alcohol use, non-use, 17 and recovery. Dr. Mark Usry, Moderator.

" REMEMBER WHAT WAS REAL" , Armband Rem emberance. lUES Students designated to wear black armbands will signify the loss of friends 18 and family who have died from alcohol related problems.

" GET REAL, HELP A FRIEND" , Taylor 304, 7 PM RANDY HAVESON, JMU Subustance Abuse Counselor WED " WOMEN AND ALCOHOL" , NANCY JOHNSTON, LPC, CSAC, AMSTERDAM $225 19 Women's Resource Center, 12 noon, Brown Bag PARIS $229 PRAGUE $2S9 OCTAA(On Campus, Talking Abo ut Alcohol) class, Taylor 309, 3 • 6 PM. MEXI CO C. $149 A new way of looking at high and low risk choices and self-assessment. RIO DE JANEIRO $41S JOHANNESBURG $699 TOKYO $369 TtiUR COLLEGIATE HEALTH AND FITNESS TOUR, COMMONS, $184 20 10 AM - 5 PM. Get a natural high by testing yourself with these challenging activities: Faro an: ca' h "" ay on a rouml tnp Rock Climbing Wall, Bungee Run, Velcro Fly Wall, Alcohoi iQ Test, Mountain Biking purchl'>C from \\'a,Jungton IX. 'lludcntur Challenge and more!!! I·acuity fl) rn2y he rcquin.:d Taxt'!l & ,ur charJ(c;' nul tndudt•d 1-:trc, 'uhjn 1 w dllllj(C "GET REAL, ITS NOl: YO UR FAULT: GROWING UP IN AN A LCOHOLIC FAMILY", FREE "Student Tr1ads" Taylor 304, 7 PM, RANDY HAVESON, JMU Substance Abuse Counselor. FRI COLLEGIATE HEALTH AND FITNESS TOUR, COMMONS, 10 AM - 5 PM 21 AEROBIC DEMONSTRATION, COMMONS, 12 NOON

Sponsored by the Alcohol Awareness Week Plann~ng Commrtte Recreation, Substance Abuse Research Center. Off1ce of Residence Lrfe , Heahh Center, Intercollegiate AthletiCs, Counseling and Student Development Center. and Panhellenic. THE BREEZE Ml ndil) Od. 17 1qn 4 ll Trail ___ Show__ Habitat ______continued from page 3 continued from page 5 continued from page 5 money "Ill be then used to help build Accord1ng 10 Cogw.. cll. an .ll.ll\c Virginia for supporting gays in the but JMU would also benefit if one of Hoops for Habitat. With Sigma Nu. someone else's house. member IS dcfmed a~ ~omeom: o.~. ht military. He is very good on those its students wins the grand pme. the group played basketball for a Construction on the house will regularly attends meeting' .md issues, "she said. A S I 0,000 award is given to the week while receiving contnbuuons begin next year on March 24, and parliC1p3tes 10 the group'~ 3t;IIVIIIC,, Cathy Robb said her father is first-place winner's school, 55,000 in from local businesses, he said. construction w1ll occur during the Miller said thi' ~~ the f•r" ''perhaps the least prejudiced person l the form of a scholarship and SS,OOO An event called Hack for evening on weekday~ and all day semester the group 1s J JML c;h.tptcr know" and that he supports the idea for the campus activities board. Humanity was held a few weeks ago dunng the weekends, Cogswell s:ud. The group uself IS three years old hut that to be a strong country, all people Freshman Carmen Hasurd. a in front of Hills1de Hall where According to Miller, the house 11 wu called the Shcn,mdoah Vulle' have to be included. contestant in the competition, said students had an opportunity to hacky will be built in do\l.ntown Hab1tat for Humanity chapter • Chuck Robb, a former Virginia that when she s1gned up, she didn't sack all day wh1le buymg food and Harrisonburg on Kelly Street. Membership due~ ..rc S 10 a governor, has been hailed as know about the chance to go further T-shirts from Habital., Miller srud. In order to volunteer to hdp bu1ld ~eme•aer and the gruup meet' 111 "education governor" by the Virginia than a first-prize award at JM U. Also, during Humanity Week, the house, contraCtOM Will SUJ>CfVISe Taylor Hall. rm 304 every Monda~ Education Association, his daughter "I'm not like out to win for the Valley Mmi-golf contributed 40 whot students do. Cogswell sa1d at 7p.m said. money or anything," she said. " I JUS t percent of its profits from students Miller said foremen und "R 1ght nnw we 'rc 10 a groo.~. th He is a strong supporter of public thought I would do il to meet who 1dent1fying themselves with specio.lisLo; will do lllSks that students penod We ha' e been gettm~ the education and does not support tax people." Habitat before playing, M1ller said can't do such as foundation buildmg. dllentl()n that 'o'C need. and m>o.~. we credits for private or home schooling, But Haszard. who will be singmg Habitat for Humnnlly 1~ an JMU 's chopter of Habitat has hope to mu'\lmll.e th" by cnl.trg•n~· Cathy Robb said. her original country song "I Need a in ternational group that aims to about 40 active members and about our group !'iO th.ll we tan bet:ume "First and foremosl., we've got to Cowboy" and playing guitar, said it eliminate homelessness through a 200 people on 1ts mailing h~t. more cfficu:nt," Miller sa1d. educate all of our children. We've could be a good opportunity for her partnership with the community, got to put the money. the energy and to break in to the music business. Cogswell said. the faith in the public school Like Haszard. jun1or Tanya Anyone who ha.~ a JOb and IS m system," she said. Tatum, who w1ll be singing a R&B need of housing can apply through 'These arc the kids who will one song, said she didn 't know about the the natjonal organi1.ation for housing. day be making the decisions." she chance to go to California and win she said, but that person must be m added. S 15,000 1f she makes it to the fmals. need of housing and can not currently Cathy Robb said she encourages Tatum said the money doesn't own or rent an apartment or house. everyone to get out and vote in the really matter, and she never enters Miller said many restrictions and U.S. Senate race on Nov. 8, keeping contests for pnzes. "I JUS t love to red tape are involved 1n the in mind that this person will be sing," she said. "Just seeing people's application process, but she hopes the serving as senator for the next six faces is enough for me." individual chapter will evenrually be years. But she added, "It wouldn't bother able to handle the application process "We are not talking about me al all to win." once the chapter is big enough. somebody who is running for 'Mr. Jina Smiley, a freshman who will According to Cogswell. once the Nice Guy.' We are tallung about the also be singing a country song, said application is approved, the new person who is going to take us into she knew about the chance to win homeowner will then have to spend a the 21st cenrury," Cathy Robb said. $15.000 and go to California when certain amoun1 of time building the The next stop for Cathy Robb and she entered the contest house and will have to repay the the "Chuck" Wagon Tour '94 will be "1 try not to get my hopes up or construction bill. a fund raiser tonight at 7 p.m. in anything, but that $15,000 would be Cogswell said the national wonderful," she said. "I'm hoping organization then works with the new Richmond with special guest., actor MIKE HEFF ERiphoto tdllor Alec Baldwin. 1'11 be in Nashville one day." homeowner in order to work out For more information call Jay The Homecoming Revue is free some kind of payment schedule that Junior Katie McGrath helps pound In the last nail on the roof of the Hyland at (703) 823-8 187. and open to the public. is convenient for the family. That playhouse built on the commons this week by Habitat for Humanity. They built It for the program 'Your Place After School.'


~'b "' ~ rfi·.&P""'"'. ~ tc1J.Ii~ ~· J,~ GET REAL... HELP! Attend the Alcohol Awareness Week Pro~ams (Oct. 14th-21st) and learn the answers to these questions and more. See ya there!

Sponsored by the Alcohol Awareness Week Planning Committee 12 Monday. Oct. 17. 1994 THE BREEZE EDITORIAL

~ Pa!t~~r 4- CetJ... 'BLOCK~ • C.AfroMt-' vJer~t+T' ~OOAA + 1V l®kite--+­ :futee~ ... g~~ ~~ ... Don••• A where-do-you-get-off dart to the obnoxious person who felt the need to slam the director of "Wait Until Dade." The experimental theatre is a place for students to expe~nt .. . if you want perfection, go'relace your shoes on Broadway! Sent in by two students who may not love the art but respect the artist. Pa&••• A well-deserved pat to the editorial board of The Breeze for taking the initiative to teU "Uncle Ron•• that be needs to get out of his office and some time for his "kids" here at JMU. oclt 'em up and don't ever Jet 'em go- this seems to opened up a brand oew prison as a part of the new judJcial l Sent in by a freshmtJn who has yet to see his be the rally cry behind Gov. George Allen's $2.2 complex. Upon touring the faci lity, a number of people billion initiative that abolishes parole for repeat and commented to the Daily News-Record that the jail was too nice. "Uncle Ron" anywhere on campus. L first-time offenders. But even though the bill has When visitors caught sight of a fully operational exercise room already been signed into effect. Allen is still lacking the means and numerous cable television book-ups, they felt slighted. llleir to raise the money needed to fuel the buHding of 27 new prisons frustration stemmed from the fact that their tax dollars were Dan... throughout Virginia. being spent for the bettennent of prisoners' comfort. Although Allen has denied any possible w increase as a And this ftustration is quite valid because even when they are A dart to all those single studiers who insist on result of this program, the fact remains that something else will in jail, the criminals still seem to be pick-pocketing the working, have ro be sacrificed for this expensive experiment. The fact tax-paying public. using the group study rooms. My group and I also remains that the philosophy behind the plan itself is suspect. It will be the working public who stand tall and resist the wandered around the third floor of the library only to With so many loose ends of this unproven solution still untied, building of one of Allen's new prisons in.their town. Ha)'TlUIJ'ket fmd five of the rooms taken by singles. one can't help but wonder why this bill is atop Allen's wish list. went nuts at tbe proposition of an edi.IC8lional fun park. how wiiJ Sent in by soi1U!one who thinks that if you are a The answer to that enigma is hardly. an Obscure one. Allen is they react to a shiny new prison in its place? playing cool by quickly signing into effect a bill upon which Nonetheless, it may still never happen. For even though tbe lone studier who desperately wants to sit in a group much of his campaign was based By doing this, he avoids the biU is as good as law on paper, there is no gold to back that · study room, you need to maJce a friend with another inevitable cry of the voters that is beard when a campaign paper up. Allen still has got to find a way to pay for the plan. lone studier first. promise is not met ("read my lips''). In the perfect cod, Allen has Among Allen's possible financial solutions Include the selling of met his promise, and the public is convinced that these 27 new surplus state land, the issuing of bonds, even the privatization of prisons will be the answer to the overwhelming crime problem some prisons, according to the News-Record. Plans like this rely in the Commonwealth. on a voter referendum; and if the vote doesn't go through, a Pa&••• Politically. the move is seamless, but pragmatically, it results strain is placed on the plan. in money spent for an ineffective and haphazard program. Such a referendum places the banking power in the bands of A warm fuzzy pat to the big-hearted guy and girl The philosophical basis behind the abolishment of parole the people, where this backwards and overinflated plan can who FLEX-ed coffee and chips for us while we were rests on the assumption that the possibility of a long prison term finalJy be put to rest. To think that scare tactics are going to camped out on the commons for Mercy House. will deter people from committing violent or nonviolent crimes. clean up the crime problem Is foolish. Crime comes from Also, with no parole. offenders are guaranteed an extended stay, hopelessness, and until we can cut down on the number of Sent in by the sisters ofAlpha Sigma Alpha and thereby keeping them off the streets. hopeless people who feel the need to reson to crime, we will not the brothers of Sigma Pi who might not have This is a Band-Aid solution to an ongoing and never-ending be rid of it. More prisons merely address the effect of the survived the sub-t.ero temperatures otherwise. problem. Locking more criminals up' will only result in more problem, not the cause. overcrowded prisons and a mass of people publicly supported by One needs merely to look at the plan to see the flaws. Allen w dollars. may be fulfillint a campaign promise by signing the biU to Nowadays, a prison term can be a rite of passage for an inner­ abolish parole in Virginia. but he is noc doing much to solve the Dart... city youth. Going to jail is not always the less desirable crime problem. alternative to everyday life. In an everyday life that is filled with This approach to crime is merely a temporary one that may A dart to those people wearing the T-shirts poverty and violence. a free meal and a place to sleep might be slow crime for a while but will never put it to rest. In a time of proclaiming "mean people suck:• With all this much more attractive than going home to a hopeless situation. streamlining and restructuring of government, this seems hardly political correctness crap, you •d think these people With this kind of attitude toward incarceration, how can we the most seamless plan. expect jail to act as a deterrent? We cannot.: So when we lock up Yes. we have our promise. Nobody can call George Allen a would have enough courtesy to respect my right to these often violent criminals, many merely shrug and set their liar, but gjven his decision to spend $2.2 billion of non-existent be a jerk. minds to becoming assimilated to ~n life. With parole gone. money on an Ineffective crime solution, we can't call him a Sent in by someone who takes pride in his comical the Conunonwealth wiD be stuck with the tab for all the new great problem solver either. anitude. prisoners. ln effect. the plan does nothing more than foster a huge, dependent population to suck dry the resources of the TM hmue editoritJJ reflects the views of 1be Breeze editorial independent • ·board which consists of·tlte editor. maMging editor, and This imbal~ already exists. Just last month Harrisonburg opinion editors. · Pa&••• A gracious pat to the JMU aerobics instructors and aU those who participated in '"The world's largest aerobics class" Oct. 10. We collected more than 120 cans of food for the Valley AIDS Network. Thanks for donating your time; it was a great wot'ksbop for a great cause. Sent in by somebody who appreciates a helpful hand. .\ I OP/ED THE BREEZE Monday, Oct. 17. 1994 lS

I.F I"TI < I:~ 'I ()'Ill F Fl>l'l < >J: An expanded Voters beware, Ollie North Is lying; aracious response to my broadside made me feel like a complete horse's ass, wbicb, I suppose, is appropriate. cultural view don't be fooled by 'a lot of bluster' By way of redemption, I can only promise to be more civil, balanced and fair-minded for the remainder of my time IMU. To the Edllor: atJMU. As an international student at I have met many students who are unaware of the different cultures outside Members of the JMU community beware! A Readers' the United States. Digut uticle bas caJied this man a liar. Former President Steve KJng In classes that I have attended, I have observed that many bas bu W . Reagan brlndcd blm dishonest. u Wright Harrison, Mnlor students view the United States as the center of the world. a former Sovran Bank chairman and bead of Virginians for Englleh Some srudents think that most foreigners want to Uve here Reagan. Roben McFarlane, his former boss at the National and that everyone wants to become an American citizen. As Security Council, has decried his untruthfulness. Annapolis I listen to them, I stan to see how ignorant most of these clusmates aod fellow Marine Corp officers bave challenged students are. The way they idolize their beloved country is his integrity, citing his distortion of the facts and tendency sometimes excessive. towards self-inflatjon. Senau>r has blasted his criminal behavior; so has former Virginia Governor A. . Page after paae of testimony before congressional committees document Guest Columnist his felonies and his callow disregard for federal laws and the u.s. Coostitw.ioo. This man's simplistic vision for America is one of armed -Isabel Ko camps, prolifcrabng prisons and synthesis of chwch and state. He offers a lot of bluster but no thoughtful cures to the After living on four different continents and visiting complex problems of our nation. many counuies, I can cenainly say that not everybody wants Srudents, staff and faculty members beware! This man is to come and Uve here and there are many countries just as not wonhy to be our senator. "glorious" as the United States. Such ignorance concerns many international students Dr. Bob Beruon who do not feel completely accepted and respected as profeMor Don't support segregated event; foreigners. •rt department Homecoming should be colorblind As a JMU student myself, I believe the administration should lake definite steps to increase its students' awareness Sex Week opponent apologizes; To the Editor: or the rest of the world. I am a 1990 graduate of JMU. and being an active, local First. instead of reducing liberal studies requirements, the promises future falr-mindedness alumnus, I always took forward to Homecoming administration should increase them, especially courses enthus.iastically. This year, however, I am displeased with the about non-Western cultures. Of the many JMU courses To the Editor: scheduling of Homecoming events. about foreign cultures, only one is required. Students could I would Like to take this opportunity to apologize to JM U's Multicultural Student Serv ices is sponsoring a learn more about global cultures, but the administrntion does EQUAL members, in particular, and the student body in wine and cheese pany for black alumni. I happen to not be not really encourage students to do so. generaJ for my letter in the Oct 10 Bruu. As many of you black, so who is sponsoring my wine and cheese party? ThJs Second, if guest teachers and speakers from other pointed out. my characterizations of EQUAL members were event is the only event scheduled as a segregated opportunity countries and cultu res were invited to JM U, cenainly most unfair, mean·spirited and grossly exaggerated. for those that fit such a description. students would benefit from their knowledge. An American Some of the open and explicit descriptions of sexuality If JMU does not want to support all alumni equally professor's lecture about the Indians in South America will aired during 1\iesday's forum struck me as being in poor taste attending aJI events. then JMU should arrange segregated rarely surpass a lecture by a teacher who has actually Lived for a public event Nonetheless, my response, delivered in the events for all races. in South America and encountered descendants of the Incas. spirit of 'Tora, Tora. Tora.' was out of all proportion to the Why is it that in today's society, with citizens screaming Third, by increasing its number of international students, original offense. It was deliberately aimed at provoking for equality, JMU insists on singling out races and colors. JMU would encourage American students to interact with outrage in certain quarters, and that effect was certainly instead of unifying itself as a colorblind institution. foreigners and learn about their cultures. JMU could offer achieved - for no good reason - and at the cost of inflicting financial aid and recruitment to international students; so far. real burt on real people who didn't deserve it Angle Suter JMU offers almost none. The current exchange programs To EQUAL, again. I'm truly sorry. Your classy and Cl... of1990 have not been as effective as possible because JMU does not have supportive services, such as English as a second language course. language laboratories and tutors especially for them. Also. JMU's publicity is inadequate to reach large Struggling free from depression numbers of international students. Although its publicity has I had a rather vivid dream tber------·------.topics was his battle with improved during the past few years, New England other night Actually, it was more G C l . deprasion. He spoke of wanting to universities and colleges are much beller known to of a nightmare. ln it, Prozac bad uest 0 umntst tear down the myths that society international students than JMU is. International enrollment become an illegal drug. bas about the disease. wiU not rise without more effort I searcbed franticaJ iy for a way I felt a sense of freedom listening Most Importantly, JMU should provide more social to bonic as much as possible. Then -Jennifer Carroll to him. I wanted to jump up and activities during which American and international students I retreated into dank, dark comers exclaim, ''Bill, I've been depressed could interact. where I could partake in tbe illicit activity, all the while hoping tool" The limited nu mber of multicultural events does not nobody would notice, nobody would guess that I needed this. Luckily, I didn't encourage American students to meet these different and I was strange. I was different. What kind of person would But then be did something that smacked me down. He said that talented students from other countries. When students gather they think I was if they knew I took (look left, look right) be felt prozac was a drug that people took to feel good and not deal for a social event. they can appty what they have learned in proTAc. with their problems. As much as I respect the man, I disagree with class with real people. foreigners can learn and appreciate The scariest pan of all was when I woke up. The most him. American culture, and vice versa. frightening thought was that my dream was a reflection of my That was the night I had the drum. Some dreams are hard to Encouraging interaction with people from different life. read. This one was pretty straight forward. cultures will help students prepare themselves for the real About two months ago I broke free from an imprisonment. I I felt like I was doing something bad, something wrong. If a world. whicb includes all sorts of cultures. Involvement was depressed for years. As it increased, it stole many things person is depressed, shouldn't they consider all the possibiUties? I fosters both unity in the academic community and greater from me - including my thoughts, self-esteem and feeling of felt like someone should say something. I thought maybe I 'll write a awareness about the world. sensuality and worth. column (without my name. of course). Many JMU students seem to lack an interest In learning Thi& past summer my parents talked me into seeing a doctor. Then I realize4, stigmas exist because we allow them to. Nobody about different cultures, possibly because the administration His diagnosis was clinical depression, and his prescription was can make me feel embarrassed if I don't allow myself to be does not fuUy encourage students to participate in courses prozac. ashamed. Being strong doesn't mean that nothing touches you, It about global culture or in multicultural events. 1 hate the idea of putting chemicals into my body. I bate !bat means you've been touched. I know now that my depression didn't It is imponant to realize how much the world has to science is so inconsislellt - what is reality and truth today is make me weak, but dealing with it made me strong. offer. It is DO( just a world of hamburgers and Hollywood canc:ec-causing tomorrow, and vice versa. Taking prozac hasn't changed me as a person. It hasn't made me movies. Instead of tolerating each other, we should all Above all. I bMed beiaa perpecuaUy sad. I baled the feeling feel good just so I can forget my problems. Instead. it bas Ufted off respect and appreciate the unique qualities in one another. of hopelessness that often overwbelmed me. I bated that life bad the blanket that was suffocating my life. It has given me the If the American students were more aware about what is become a blale against myself. So, I did the worst - I took the strength to deal with my problems and the realization that there is really happening in Asia. Latin America, Africa and Europe, medicatioo and felt like I was giving up. hope. they would understand why some foreign srudents would The funny thing is-, when someone is sick, they take Prozac isn't for everybody, and maybe someday it will no longer rather go home than live here. medicatioo to feel better. In our aoc:iety though, if someone feels be for me. For now, for the first time in a long time, I have some JMU needs to take steps which will increase the cultural down or depresled- that feeling is belittled. We expect them control in my life. awareness of its students. Diversity and unity will certaJnly to snap out of it and get on with life. The bUtb is, It feels preuy damn good. bring smiles to the different students at JMU. Depression ia ao illness, and there are remedies. Recently William Styron spoke on campus. Among his Jennifer Carroll u a unior mi.W comnwnication major. Ski Free

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Men's So«u at R1chmond Umve~uy, 1M. at WiUJ:un & Mwy 10116; vs William & Mary, Sunday 1116. I p.m. WIUT'en Field Field Hockey at RAndolph MDCOn, 10119 Men's Rugby vs. Longwood. 11 ·2 p m, Sunday 10123. Godwm Field. Ed Lee Tourney 10129. Women's Rugby vs Radford. 2-S p.m • Sunday 10123. Godwm Field. Ed Lee Tourney 10129. Water Polo at UNC·O\Opcl Hill 10122·23.111 Atlanta 1115-11/6.

Nutrition Analysis Siifl up to meet with the Nutrition Educntion Starr in the Well ness Center. Receive a co rnputeri~cd printout of your diet and recommendntions for improvement • . JMU Slutte Nights IMO und 11 /3,7:30-10 p.m. Free admission to Skntetown USA with JAC. rentals $1 Yoga Classes in Godwin 205 every Monday nt noon; Thursday at 5: I 5 p.m. Tai Cbl Classes in Godwin 20S every Monday and Wed ne.~ dny at 5: IS p.m. Wellness Wednesday: Every Wednesday 1n Taylor203. 10119. 7 p m. "Don't Su-es~ With Me!" I0126. 7 p m • Advice for C:lrccrs in the 90's" 1112, noon " FieJCib11it~ and Abs Exerc1~~· •...•...... ••..•.•.••..• 1112. 7 p.m. "Nutrition R e _c r ea t •.o 'l~LJ~ c ~ • v ~ 1_1 ~-~- 1119 "Se lf· E.~teem • .lame• Med leon Unlvera l ty Stli-Dtscovuy Serie$ • Taylor 203 10118.5:30 p m.• Taylor 203 "IntroductiOn to Mcditnt1on" 568-6669 1111. S.30 p m . Showker 105 " Hypnos 1 ~: Myths & Realities" All activities are open to undergraduates, graduate students, and fac ufty or staff with a valid JAC. lAgan FitMSS Center · Newly rcde.oHgned ocrob1c: workout focility located in bllscmcnt of Loann Hall. featuring Ufccycle\. Llfe!>teps. Concept II Rowers and a Schw1nn Audyne Mon - Thur<> 2 • 9 p m Fri 2·5 p.m Sun 5 • 7 p m Swim Across America An mcenu ve program to continue your lop swimming through the full month~. Rc,istcr at the Issue Room (Godwin 123). A successrul journey camJO o free L•Sh1n! THE BR EEZE Monday. Oct. 17. 1994 15 A brutal return to the Emperor's domain " Let's cut the crap, shall we? We ,ll pretend to educate your chtldren,. and they'll pretend to Learn. "

A torrent of laughter issued forth from the noisy room. w1th it. Show the picture." The air was thick with hot air and the smell of good cheer. Two lackeys rushed forward to unveil a huge painting of a Emperor Carrier and his court were meeting to decide the young couple standing under a tree next to Newman Lake. future of the M adisonian Empire. My brother and I listened "This is supposed to represen t life here in Madisonia. But it's at the door. waiting ro hear the next proposal. Heresies also a great example of the type of people we aim to produce. "I know!" the Emperor exclaimed. "Let's lower the Note the perky, vacant look on the girl's face. She's requirements for leaving the Empire. That way we can spend immaculately groomed. On the left. the guy is wearing jeans. less money on those pesky classes and more on neat-o a dirty T -shut, a dirty hat worn backwards and a smug technological gadgets!" -Eric M. Johnson expression on his unshaven face." "Hear, hear!" the court responded and clanked their steins The crowd of parents hegan to shift on their benches. together. They didn't know what to think. "Our Madisonian Empire is Perhaps I ought to explain. Last year, the Emperor called parents. All of a sudden. my brother stopped dead in his tracks, dedicated to following all educational fads. T he on l y me to his palace to tell me how he's going to change the pointed and screamed. "My God! It looks like Death!" drawback is that Progress is a Oeeung goddess. and we never Empire and eventually conquer the world. M y brother Alan "No. that's only Carner Library," I reassured him. know where she' ll veer off to next Who cares? r II be around has recently decided to Immigrate to our empire, and I "But .. . the older half is a nco-clru.stcal Bluestone. and the no matter what happens .. At thl<>. the Emperor 1uggled to brought him along to spy on the All-Powerful One. other half is so ugly! Why would they do such a horrible thing?" himself " Let's increase our population to 15,000!" someone I grabbed my foolish kin and slammed him against the One of the fathers feebly ra1sed h1c; hand "Your shouted, to general acclamation. library's bleak. gray wall. "Look. snothead, 1f you want to Immensity. Ruler of All. we thought we wl!rt pa)lll!! for the Just then a servant walked by with a huge stein. "Who is survive around here, you'd better learn two things: FirM. it's not improvement of our children's minds." that for?'' I inquired. Gibbons Dining Hall, it's 0 -hall. Second, new is aiWtlVS beuer. ''Come on! You aren't sending your kids here to become ·~rhe Emperor. of course." the servant replied. Don't ask why. It just is." educ:ated! You want them 10 graduate and get good job,!" the " II would be our honor to g1ve this drink to llis Majesty," My brother looked at me with tearful eyes. "Eric. what have Emperor bellowed. "Let's cut the crap. shall we '! We' ll I said. they done to you?" pretend to educate your children, and they'll pretend to learn. The servant shrugged his shoulders. "Do as you like.'' he "I have learned to conform. It keeps me out of trouble,'' I The realm ic; so much happier that way.'" said, relinquishing the vessel before he walked off. retoncd. Stunned silence. " That's about it. Any otherque~uons?" "What did you do that forT Alan asked. "The Emperor The crowd was tiling into the amphitheater as we arrived, and Alan stood up. The guards looked at him menacingly. I will be furious if he doesn't get this!" we slipped into one of the rear benches. Emperor Carrier sat on tried to make him sit down. to no avail. The Emperor saw 1 smiled. "Little one, I have a plan." From my pocket I his throne. flanked by a dozen guards in full armor. He arose. him. "Ah. yes. The pasty-faced lad in the back. Whm 's your produced a small flask. and the crowd deferemially fell silent. question?" "What's that?" " Hello. I'm very glad 10 speak with you today," he began. "I wanted 10 ask about the nickname everyone uses for "ll's a vial of truth potion. Let's see what happens if we "As you know, we are commemorating a very special occasion. you." give it to His Majesry.'' I poured the purplish-red substance One hundred years ago today. construction began on Port The Emperor grinned. " You mean 'Uncle Ron?"' into the beverage. "You give it to him, since he doesn't know Monarchy Road just outside of the Empire." "No. I was thinking of 'Slick Ronnie."' who you are." Then he got an odd look on his face, and his complexion The guards cut him to pieces before he even had a chance Alan scurried into the chamber and came out empty­ turned from yellow to blue and then back to normal. "The potion 10 run. handed. is working!" I whispered excitedly to my brother. Belter him than me, I guess. "Okay,let's go before anyone sees us," I said. His Majesty cleared his throat. " Actually, I 'm not very glad We quickly wai.Jced towards the amphitheater, where the to see you. I was having a perfectly happy time in a meeting, Breeze columnist Eric Johnson will gradUIJte in a few Emperor was going to meet with his new subjects and their and now I have to pretend as if I like you people. So let's get on months, provided the guards don't find l1im first. The Latest Singles and groups of2 and 3 welcome/ Thing: In Breakfast. SLoney's Late-NigLt Breakfast Bar. ,.,... .

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Women'• rugby club c.ptaln I


...... ·~== .....illli .. •lll --.. fA ...._...... ,_ d• ... tiDallllt ...... " ~...... be~ ...... Pbippl Mid 1M beaer a pl.,.. Wca~~~e~, the leu IIUI)' 'lite Ia 10 be ~ ... die typiclltenpeS end hniiJes, but you Cln lean I lol 110 prevenl terioial Injuria." AU of tbe litis act 1 p;od lluth at the ,up,y Injuria" heading in 11w B~eu·s police loi recendy wbidt ltlled ibll ~ indiviGJals suscained inj~ aa a receat pne. One Wll lreMCd atlhe game. the OCber two were taken to Rockinafwn Memorial Hospital. Many of the girls saJd the people who are the most concerned with the fact that they play rugby are their moms. "My mom was a little upset at first, but we jtl$t agl'eed on the 'don't ask, don'ttell' idea. She doesn't ask lf I get burt in tbe game, and I can't tell her," Caranfa said. Jackson added that once they got over the initial nervousness, most of the mothers wm very supportive. Injuries aside, the greatest daily difficulty for the players might be keeping their clothing Intact Duetln Rodgera (wtth biiH) Mel ...... ICI'I1111118ge Th..-.ct.y In prep.ndlon for "In my position people bjnd onto my shorts, so they get pulled down a Setwcl8y'a game at Brldg1w1W. ~ ...... ~ Jcusl .· THE BREEZE Monday. Oct 17. 1994 17 R

Prop John St8fford blocks during • llneout drill at ... Thuradly'• practice. occer hyfirid

..... picbd up die baU Md bepa runain& wildly across the field dg ...... adler~ ....of ruabY W8l born • .....,. it Is lbe ..-.. llillllily lblt 10 imrfpellhe aport's diehards, ~ . ---.....a, 1111 flilal-llelrtle to anive wilhout w• scars. ()!dille bM beea 1111Jia1 witb a ...,aaed sboulcler for a year. "The oa1J lllina thal'a boldllra .., - ...., is boDe llld muacle," he says fnatly. He pi8Da on IUIJDI'J for lbe lajury but only after the season ends. Realpendaa would like 100-- lime away from competition, he says. 'l1le •)'ldcp of die pme 111111 lie in its physical brutality. s..lor J.R. Dodd ..,a. '"It's a physical pme. l guess that's why people ..., a.ial bldi ., it. ~·· JUCb a macho thina." 0"dlae aays. ...._ pya bave never seen or heard of rugby before -..tocollep." ...... M .,.._. foolball in hiah school, O'dcue was inuoduced to llelfOilla Ida,...... y.r. He ..,. people often auodMr ruJby with football minus the pedded .... but In reality, ""Rupy loots alm011 euctly like tackle soccer." ..,...... IIIIDIJiioa , ,.... play oa1J halls wballbe ball aoes out of bounds• RUGBY page 19 on~ld ...... 411 ...... -. and_, .-e friendl. J li¥tP IIIII ~*"eli .-., 11 a dab level, tbe competition 1111...... , ...... • ...... _ad an flllbe ._are ~here to • ..\...... - .... appl...:lkid .. He W8l raJ Impressed whit .. ~ .... k .-to help. I tboqbl IMt wu pretty cool ._..,..... II ..fJI oar rivals, and he llil1 waru to help us," she llilcL lelllle dlb II Certlllly a force to be COIIIendcd with. 8lld ae, IN a J10UP of lirla dill can reach fellow Sludetits a Bide ._,.,..., ...llicllm and jult havina a good time. ..

••il'iliiiJJGd. a. own field. RiihiiDW payttJIIilil?4h••.-.IM ...... and~" Maloiley

Bec-.e lila :WiDen play - up aad dowa the East Coast. travel expenses_. M C*lly. "Luc '1fM we flaYed in Adalia .tTenne55ee. and we also play Peon Swe. BOIIoO Collcp, ~ Vennoat." O.yton said. Jackson Slid she thinks bccoalina a v_..ity teem would take away from the tradition of the sport. "We we raponaible for our own discipline, and we can take cnmpletc credit for our own accomplishments." Maloney said because rugby isn' t very common at the high school level, molt of the girls are leamin& u they play. "We a't hi~ IJyOUtJ, just an informational meeting. Most of what we know rA the pmc is just passed on from year to year, which really adds to the lraditioaal MpeCt of the game," she said. The playera all aaree that ooe of the best aspects of playing rugby is the C8IDIIIderie amana all the sills throughout the league. They said they In their atruggle for control, the taller JMU women'• rugby plllyena (In white) ent ~.,...... _ .....,"n Ill the bllll • their ehorW tMnunllt8e ehout dlrectlone and cheer them on.

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~:,?:nro~- ...... 6«. :!fSJ FROZEN CHEESE, PEPPERONI OR COMBINATION $ ASSORTED VARIETIES $ ~7:z~:Lux~ -- ...... ]~L 4/: J g:::,e:a~n~~~~.t .~z rs 'B~::;,::~tCTED VARIETIES Sf' g Big K Sf99 6.S-oz. so~t Drinks 12·Pak Nlea I 5 ...... 11-cz T .. 11-oz Cans CARNA TION, ASSORTED FLAVORS $ f JJ KEEBLER Hot Chocolate ...... zesta Saltines THE BREEZE Monday. Oct 17. 1994 19 RugbY------~------contlnued from page 17 together It is a social group in excess of the An older gentleman stand on the sideline sport." during a match against Radford Universny, E1ght team members. some in fratem111es, pKing up and down the field as he follows the two from England, and several serving as high-speed action. campus cadets, ca111lte Pit" their home. He almost resembles a man standing poised Located behind Wine-Price Hall. The Pit, on the edge of a golf course w1th his Ooppy previously known as the Graffiti House. is the fishing hat, khaki shorts and white socks pulled official watering hole for the ruggers and their up hlgh over h1s ankles. on-field opponents. This spectator could pass for a player's The residence earned its name "because our mild-mannered father. Mild-mannered, that is, house is a mess. it's dark and spooky here. and until he opens his mouth. things crawl out and bite us," O' dette says with Coach Bill Boyd stands on the sidelines, ominous sarcasm. He swears his housemates hands casually in must keep the his pockets as he ------Harrisonburg air yelJs, "Come on ''M l . . . h freshener industry forward. Oet your y On y aSSOClatzOn Wlt in business. asses moving!" • No wonder they O'delle says, JMU other tha n rugby lS can't keep their "He is a perfect place clean, O'deue matCh for the s~ri l alcohol. " says. They're of the club and JUSt always hosting for where we are post-game parties. with rugby." "Rugby guys in Boyd does more Bill Bo d general are off the than just coach the Y waH and really guys. He also JMU men's rugby coach rowdy," he says. parties with them. adding that the O'dette said with a l augh, ''He's from r o w d i n e s s Scotland, and he likes his beer. He comes over propagates itself easy into the m'ood of the1r after some of the games and has a few with the parties. guys. Moore says. "They're kinda' raucous, wild. "He doesn't stay long lhoogh," O'deue was We just party hard." quick to quahfy. "His wife wouldn't let h1m." And they party hard with their enemies,too. "My only association with JMU other than "It's actually the best pan of the rugby rugby is alcohol." Boyd says, smiling broadly. tradition," Moore says. "because on the field The players take pride in the fact that both you end up beating the hell out of each other," their coaching staff and team are diverse. then party together afterward. bringing together a cross section of men. "A lot of football player [mentality) is the Some will say the friendships and 'hate your enemy' thing," Moore continues. camaraderie found in rugby makes the sport 'That's not pan of rugby. The grudges on somewhat of a fraternity in itself. the field are never carried over ... It· s Rugby club Vice President tan Jones. a gentlemanly to shake hands on the field and BECK)' MULLIGAN/Jra){i>/tt1111J(Wf1lltr senior, says. 'The guys live together, 1\ang out show your face at the party." Scrumhatf Chris Moore puts a spin on the rugby ball.


Helen Norton, Deputy Director Work and Family Programs Women's Legal Defense Fund

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by Nltban Becker lnd tuch Music Thealre class. Many atudents according 10 Leech. Freshman Alex Cheney who plays Georg colllri.bMling writer &om Leech 'a clasa are also in the play. He pointed out that recent hit films like Now.clt said, '1hls is the best show I've ever "She Loves Me" is based on Miklos Laslo's "SieepiC$5 in Seaale" have had similar lhcmes. worked with. It's inctcdible. Both the theatre Thole who are lookiq for love in all the comedic play "PufumeTie." Its Broadway Leech said about the !heme of the play, ..ihe and music departments worked together wrona pieces ahould ao 10 Latimer· Shaerrer production ran in 1963 and wu revived in perfect penon is out there somewhere, and if without any ltind of competition or c:onflicL" Thealre thiJ week. 1993 10 be nominaled for nine Tony awards. you realJy believe and look hard enough, you McCashin said, "Any musical production can fmd that person." has to be a colltborative effort between both ) T'bey 1M)' not find ll there. but a liulo bop8 Julie Drinkard Fox, publicist for the JMU Leech said he chose 10 direct this romantic schools." The two departments have looked &bow music md may School of Theatre and Dance, said the play brou&hl duou&h KtiQa comedy because it is small, sophisticated and forwud to such a production for several years. make their aeuch seem a little leu would ..,.,WIIO the ltUdent body becalse it tw wonderful music, witty lyrics, comedy, and "everybody loves musicals." Tbe play is one of four performances that ~ "evcrytbjnJ worb ow pcrf8Cily." The production "She Loves M e" is a make up the theatre series of the Mastetpiece Fox laid, more people on campus m in the collaborative effort of the School of Theatre Season, which also consists of the music, P R 1·. \ 'I L \ \ ' community &end 10 come out 10 musicals. lnd Dln<:e and the School of Music. The cast dance, encore and family series as well as "Muaicala tend 10 sell the best of all the members are from both schools, providing a special events. Ouest direcaor ADdy Leecll will pruent lhowa we do," she said. variety of lheab:ic:al experiences that creates an ..She Loves Me." a muaical sea in the 1930s The music in "She Loves Me" is very envirorvnent in which all can learn &om each Perf~es will be Jseld atl.Aiimu.Scii/Jeffu &hal c:alla'l lrOUDd IWO clerb in a ClOillinenlal accessible, said Associate Profeuor Robert other, Leech said. Tlt.eOire Ott Oct. 18-22 at 8 p.JPL lJifd Oct. 23 tJl perfumery who are lookin& for &rue love McCuhin who namod ..She Loves Me" and The music department provided M c:Cashin. 2 p.m. General admission ticuts an SB ; lhrou&h rbe pencnals. .. Romantic AarnospheTe" u two sonas that to conduct the accompanyina chamber adm.i.uiort for ~N.or ciliUJLS, cltiJdren 12 lJifd Audience members may remember Leech IUdiences may find Cllla1aiiUn&· orchestra, u well as vocal directoT Brenda JOfllller lJitd JMU f«/Jty, Jl4jf and stll.thttls is &om his JMU perfonnmca • a lbldent 01 his Alona with the music, audience members Witmer, a ptrt-time instructor. SS Oct. 18-19 and S6for tile rtmaifling days. more recent JMU Dinner Thealre productions should alJo enjoy the play itself, Leech said. In addition to the director, the set and Tltose buying tickets at the door are includina "Whoopee!" and '1'he F018iper." Ahhoo&h the play is set 60 yean in the put, costume designs were provided by the theatre eltCOIITaged to Mrive 20 trtilt.Mtts before show He hu relllrDed 10 JMU for a semester to direct the lbe:me ia still current 10 modem audiences depattmenL time. Cafe 4ishes out good indian cuisine, charm Indian-American restaurant serves delicious food in a casual atmosphere by Misty Watrous cofllribUlillg wri~r

While some restaurantl have peal food and some ha~e a c:Junnina atmosphere. few put both IOJdhe:r for a peckaae. Located on North Main Sareet just put Court Square, the lndilft 4: American Cafe. American Cafe ia quite unique in that respect. While its warm, ali&htly apicy air and twanay but unobtrusive Indian music IIIDOUnCed ill etmicity, the hardwood Door, booths and wooden tabla lealiq two 10 ei&hl made me realize this cafe could eMily pas for a peat lillie coOeae hln&ouL RLVIL\V

While a c:on.. booch of five 01 six younc people provod the validity of IUCb a possibility, the cafe's crowd was diverse and by no meiii.S limited 10 coUeae stUdents. Ah. but how about the food, you ask? Oh. I ran inlo my usual problem when ordering ethnic food: pron\meiation and t:rmslation. Fortunalely, our waitreu wu a friendly Youn& woman who aeemod eaaer 10 explain the diJhes and even auucsted a few lha1 abe particularly liked. 1 To whet our appetites, she guided us t.b the r.etb lt.abob, a choice which we commended her on later. The cbarcoal-arilJed chunks of marinated beef were delicious, tender and juicy. Cov..S in a zesty &laze. they were a flltinl prelude 10 rbe rest of the meal. Bven thou&h I am wary of the whole cuny issue, I soon diacovered d:W lho apic:e level of eai:b diJh ia dec.ermincd by the Cllltomer. The restaurant baa fo\U\d a unique way to extend holpiaality. Fomwll&ed in tbe true tradition of c:usromer lel'Vice. the cafe UICI a aumeric:all)'ltan &om tn. to 4 - with tn. bein& the least spicy and 4 beina abe apiciat - that ia pctic:ularty belpfW 110 people lib mytelf wbD .-en 't wed 10 heavily apic:ed fooda. My re.. dilpeDed. I decided on the port bundalle temderloin, and otay, I oaly diose a apice level of two. The adl'ee came wilh a hefty .-viDa of .,.:k.od white rice, the tender pork was amolhered in a rich UVOI)' sauce thal w• inlenpened with a variety of veaeaablel auc:h u red peppera, peen peppers and onioM. I abo mjoyed the un, just one of the IUD)' lndi.m brOids liMit the c:tle .-.• . A c:roa becween pila tn.I.S white tn.d, the 0.. •..una circle of bread .,. a JDOd comptimen& 110 the MIXE REFFNEI/p.\ofo .Jilor polk. The lnda.n a Amerlcen C.t., loclited on North Mil In Strlll, oftwe food that may be novel to et\HMnte In an abnoephere that boll•• comfort and flmlllarlty. ' .. , . .. .-, ..~,,, 21 Monday. Oct. 17. 1994 THE BREEZE



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i Put your picture on your credit card. A Citibank Photocard is tough for anyone else to use, unless they look just like you.

,.. THE BREEZE Monday. Oct. 17. 1994


In Doom II: Hell on &rth, pleyera do not control a character on the ecreen. They become the charactera them•lvea, traveling In • maze that echoea with crlea from monawa who are from Hell. Doom.ed! Hell takes over computer screens, draws players to other world

For sophomore inteanted science and This aspect of the game caused some their ability to draw the player into a computer by Lee Bumprner tedmolo&Y major Andrew Aamot the ability to problems for students when the first Doom world that seems very Capriotti said one staffwrlltr play inlenctively over a computer network is a aame WIS released December or last year. reason these games never get boring is because major draw of the twO Doom games. Capriotti and others found themselves doing they are so engrossing. pile of bloody bodies lies on the floor "'ne of the very, very, very, exciting things more "Dooming" than homework. He said the games are different from other after a massive aun bailie. The soWld of about the game is the ability to play four What keeps these games so entertaining is A monsters from Hell can be heard all players over a network," A~rnot said. GAME page24 around as one quickly maneuvers through a Usin& a computer network like the one in complex three-dimen.aional maze of darkly lit the Wampler Hall computer lab, a group of corridon. Tak:ing a chance, one goes down a four people can play the game against each dark hole in a ne•by comer, not knowing what other. to eJtpect. According to senior English major John This horrific image is one of many similll' Capriotti, thi1 Is possible because the game scenes from the ultra-violent computer games reproduce& the same gaming world from four Doom and Doom TI: Hell on Earth. difierau perspectives. So players can challenge .. You run around shooting things, their friends with out being in the same room buically," sophom«e integrated science and with them, as they would be if playin& 1 technology major Thomas Hillhouse said. Once Nintendo game. a player eruers this computer-generated world, Tyree said another part of the game's this is the main foe.., he said. popularity came from the ability to create one's Oct. 10 saw the releue of the sequel to own levels. Doom. Doom n: Hell on Earth. According to .. Anybody can basically a level the Oct. 11 edition of Tlv WaJJ Strut lOIUNJI, oneself. You can get tons of levels off 6SO,OOO copies of the aame •e expected 10 be Internet." he said. shipped in the first week. People with access 10 Internet, the glojlal The a~me is u popul• here in Harrisonburg network of connected computers, c an u il is becomin& elsewhere accordina to Grea download the•e new leveu into their VAX Tyree senior auiatant sales manaaer for ICCOUDl mel then their personal computer. Softw•e Eu:. in Valley Mall. Senior Capriolli. aarees with Tyree that the Ty!ec said customen have boupu about 3S aame lceepla player's intereat by allowin& for ogpiel of lbe aame since i&s releale. This is a multiple levels of play. tarao ·number of pnes 10 tell in mch a &bon '1'he pme hal infinire.replay ability ..• It time period accardin& to Tyree. never grows old." he said. Sophomore Andrew Aamot playa Doom II: Hell on Earth on hla computer.

.. 24 Monday. Oct. 17. 1994 THE BREEZE Cafe ______continued from pag9 21 at the cafe. ln the meantime, I ordered a luscy, a non­ Served in a bowl of milk, the block of alcoholic Indian drink that tasled like a liquid hornem8de cheese resembled cream cheese and version of cinnamon touL Served over ice, it tasled even sweeter than lhc luacy. lt wu the contained a variety of spices. It's milky only i~an I left moslly unrouched. That's no( 10 say tbe luscy wu bad. thou&)\. sweetness was a little too strong to drink with •"'Architecture: Selections from the Kathleen Ewing Gallery,"' Oct. dinner, but in small sipc it works wonderfully While I enjoyed the dessert. it was too rich. as an after-dinner drink. As for price, the cafe is quite affordable, 3-28, New Image Gallery: Zirkle House. I would probably suggest a more traditional even for a strUggling college student. From • " Artwork by Kim Mattison and Crystal Baker," Oct. 17-29, drink, like tea or water, to compliment the to dessert, my meal cost just over Artworks Gallery: Zirkle House. $14. meal. •"Artwork by John Hamson," 17-29, The Other Gallery: Zirkle After dinner, I was also determined 10 rry an Oh. sure, that's a little more expensive than Oct. ethnic dessert over the more ll'aditional ODe$ on Taco Bell, but the service and excellent food House. the menu, such as cheesecake or apple pie, so I were definitely worth the few extra bucks. •"Kenneth Goldsmith: A Portrait of the Writer as a Young Artist We're just lucky it doesn't charge for ordered rassmalL I .was swprised to learn that Selected Works from the Collection of A.G. and Martin Rosen," Oct. it consisted of a sweet cheese made on location atmosphere. 1_7- Nov. 11, Sawhill Gallery. Game theatre continufXI from page 23 Such a realistic violent game hu caused •"'She loves Me,"' 8 p.m. Oct. 18--22 and 2 p.m. Oct. 23, Latimer­ computer games because of their emenive opposition from some peopl~ Shaeffer Theatre. envirorunenL Junior business admininration major • "The Man From Ganymede," 8 p.m. Oct. 2()..23, Theatre D. "You get involved in the game much more Ouislian Mueller's native Oermany banned &he •"'Aladdin and the Magic Lamp,'" 7:30p.m. Nov. 4, Wilson Hall than you have in any game previously," he game due 10 its violentn.lll.We. said. "It is one of the forbidden games, and it Auditorium. The game causes such involvement because deserves it too beca~e there is no sense r.o it," . of its atmosphere and fast-person perspective. he said. Mueller said the violence in the aame HllfS lC A player lw a field of vision instead of playing is 'UMeSsecary. with a character one can see on the screen, The German government bans computer • Flute O\oir,8 p.m. Oct. 24, Anthony·Seeger Auditorium. Caprioui said. So, players feel like they are games it deems gratuitously violent with no •Symphonic and Concert Band, 8 p.m. Oct. 25, Wilson HaD Auditorium. acrually in a heiJ on earth. redeeming value, he said. •Octubafes~ 1 p.m. Oct. 26 and 28, and 8 p.m. 26-'17, Instead of direc ting a character on the Although Mueller's 8CCUSations may be true, Oct. Anthony-Seeger screen, players actually become the chancters. this does not stop avid Doom players from Auditorium; 8 p.m. Oct. 28, Wilson Hall Auditorium. This makes the game more realistic; it brings playing the games. •Parade of Ownpions, 8 a.m. Oct. 29, Bridgeforth Stadium. them even closer 10 the monsters from hell who They f&nd the game to be worthy of its fame. are c rying. They enter a world that is "It's kind of senseless unless you get into &he sometimes 100 real for some players. world of the game," Aamot said. Without playing, you can't know the purpose of the Capriotti finds this aspect of the game • Dr. Ruth Westheimer,8 p.m. Nov. 7, Wilson Hall Auditorium. enough to frighten him. game, which is noble. "It just scares the daylights out of you .The point of the game is to save humanity, sometimes," Capriotti said. not kill aimlessly, he said.

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Kickoff return for touchdown game highlight A friendly warning to future JMU opponents: Don't kick the ball to Dwight Robinson. He will hun you. He will make you pay. Just ask Villanova. Saturday, the Wildcats kicked the bal1 to Robinson. and the results went like this: 138 yards on two returns. one for a touchdown. He wa s named co -defensive Ea ~tcrn College Athletic Conference Player of the Week for hjs heroics against V illanova. At the I :41 mark of the first quarter. the Wildcats kicked a field goal to pull 10 7-3 Then Robinson struck. He took the ensumg kickoff on the 6-yard line. slid paM a fe-w nailing arms. bounced to the outs1dc and rocketed down the len sideline for 94 yards. The touchdown was the second l onge~t k1ckoff return in JMU history. Gary Clarl.. ran back a kickoff for 95 yards in 1983 Once 10 the end zone. Robin on stood motionless w ith hands on hips. os if to admire hi work. But he wasn't done yet. Villanova ev1dently didn' t v1ew Robinson as a maJOr threat. A fter sconng to CRAIG NEW!'tiANistnior phtuographtr cut the lead to I 4- 10. they k icked to Robinson again. Junior defenalve end Jullua Wllllama (92) recovenra fumble by VIllanova junior quarterback Tom Marchese In the first quarter. Wrong move. One yard deep in the end zone. Robinson took the kick and burst straight up the middle before being brought down at the JM U 44-yard line. He actually was stopped Dukes stay on playoff track by one of his own blockers. " I didn' t think they were gonna kick it back to me again," Robinson said of the with victory over Villanova second return. "That one would have went the distance. too, if I'd had my head up." After Robinson's second return, by Alison Boyce defense because our offense djdn'l believe me. different individuals on Saturday. Villanova wised up. Short kicks to JMU's spons ediJor Our defense did." he said. Jeter led the group for the second week in a up-backs were the order of the day. Things went well for the Dukes early on row with 96 yards on I 4 carries, while Cawley "When they stan squib kicking, they're It's a good thing football teams aren't after sophomore linebacker Brian Smith sacked was second with 88 yards on 16 attempts. conceding the ball to you on the 35- or 40- awarded points based on style. vmanova quarterback Tom Marchese and They'll have to exploit all their resources to yard hne, which is a great concession," Save for a 94-yard kickoff return for a caused a fumble. Two plays later, JMU junior handle W & M , whom the Dukes played JMU head coach Rip Scherer said. touchdown by JMU senior Dwight Robinson, it tailback Kelvin Jeter ran the ball in from the closely last year and beat in 1992 when the Robinson's full-ti me j ob for the Dukes is was not a pretty sight in the game Saturday ViUanova 7-yard line for a 7-0 JMU advantage. Tribe was nationally ranked. as their best cornerback, where he was cited between JMU and Villanova. The Wildcats responded with a field goal, Like the victory over Boston University on as a preseason 1-AA All-America. The Dukes overcame a sluggish three but Robinson's kickoff return immediately Oct. I , the upcoming game has malce-or-break Villanova didn' t have much success quarters to pull out the 31-23 win in front of after brought the Dukes back into the game implications for the season. throwing his way either. They tried in the I 5,000 Parents' Weekend spectators at with a 14-31ead. "We' ve got some momentum. With William fourth quarter. and Robinson got his second Bridgeforth Stadium. " There was one guy who touched me," said & Mary getting beat, that gives us a little more interception in as many games. ''This is the ugliest game we've probably Robinson. who was named co-defensive of a shot," Scherer said. A senior . Robinson is slowly had this year overall," JMU head coach Rip Eastern College Athletic Conference Player of " All we can worry about is ourselves. Our establishing himself in JM U's record books Scherer said. "I just think we have to accept the the Week. for his performance. ''When I caught whole focus is to talce things one game at a He's averaging 34.2 yards per return this fact that a win' s a win. We can't get greedy. the ball, it was kind of kicked short. I started up time, to play each game like it's the only game season. among the best in 1-AA. His retu rn We're five-and-one, and there's a lot of teams the field, and it was wide open." we' re going to play." yardage Saturday eclipsed JMU's entire that probably played real well today and played Despite the early lead. the offense didn' t VIllanova 3 7 0 13 -13 first-hair offensi ve output. a real good game and lost." find a consi stent groove until the fourth JMV 14 0 0 17-31 Saturday's performance vaulted him Included in that list is No. 7 William & quarter. The Dukes had three turnovers during ahead of Rodney Stockell as JMU"s all-umc Mary. upset by the University of Massachusetts the game, all in the first half. Like the rest of FIRST QUARTER kickoff return leader with 1,368 career 23-14 on Saturday. the offense. JMU junior quarterback Mike JMU - Jeter 1 run (Coursey kick). 4:46 yards. The touchdown Is Robinson·s third The Tribe comes to JMU for Homecoming Cawley also stnJgglcd before the break. VU- Kiefer31 FG, 1:41 from a kickoff retum in his ca reer. Ocl. 22. JMU, W & M and Boston University Before fil'!ishing the day with 149 yards JMU - Robinson 94 kickoff return (Cour;ey ktck), Robinson has the mentality that he can are aJJ battling New Hampshire for first place passing on I 0-of-21 attempts, he was 2-of- 10 1:29 break a long one every ume he touches the in the Yankee Conference. for 34 yards total in the first two quarters. SECOND QUARTER football. and why no1'! He tallied retu rns of The Dukes, now 3- I in the Yankee " I've just got to come 9ut and produce," VU - Cowsene 2 run (IGefer kick). 13·30 51 and 62 yards earlier m the season. Conference, have only staned their season two Cawley said. " I want really badly to have a full He also spreads the kudos around to his other times with an overall record of 5- 1 or game from stan to finish with no mistalces. FOURTH QUARTER teammate.. " ll"s not me. It's really the guy~ better since they moved to Division 1-AA in play the perfect game. But I haven't even JM U -Coursey 30 FO. 10:33 up front.'' Robinson said. '"All I do is just 1980. come close to thal" VU - Co~-sene 7 run (Ieick failed). 7·SO run through. People think I' m being modest. In 1987, the Dukes started off the year with The inconsistency caught up with the Dukes JMU - Brooks 30 pass from Cawley (Coursey butt he guys up front get the blocks:· kick). 6:59 a 7-1 record under coach Joe Pun.ycki. In midway through the third quarter. With JMU He let his emotions guide him on the 1991, Scherer's first season at JMU, the Dukes JMU - Jeter 3 run (Cowsey kick). 6:59 clinging to a 17- 10 lead, Villanova drove the VU - Finneran 19 pass from Man:hese (Ktcfcr field Saturday. After his interception he opened with a 5- 1 record. ball 80 yards in six plays for a 7-yard kick), 0:37 sprinted over to the JMU crowd and slapped They are the only two years JMU has ever toucbdown. "live" with the fans. Only a fe w games . received a bid to the NCAA playoffs. Freshman placekicker Mark Kiefer' s extra INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS remain in his JMU career. and he wants ~ Scherer knoW$ that teams who want to be RUSHING - JMU, JetCT 14-96. Cawley 16-88. point hit the upper left goal post at the last Agee 8-23. Byrd 4-8, Perry 1-(·2), Jones 1-{--4). them to be memorable. playins late in Novernbet C.H-'-t-take uy 'ltiOment, giving JMU the one-point advantage. Lyons 4(-13). Townes 2- 12. Po.~ koy 1-2. VU, " Now, every game means a little bit o~1fgftt)y. ... Villanova never even challenged afier the Cowsette 19-126. Dcnnis 4-13. Shepard 3·7, more to you. You never really understand II Although Villanova came into the game 3-3 play. as JMU rolled off two more touchdowns. Marchese 12-(-36) that until you' re a senior." Robinson s:ud. overall and 1-3 In the Yankee Conference, he The W ildcats finished the scoring with a PASSING - JMU. Cawley 10.21-1· 149, LyoM 0..2- " Every time I go out now, 1 want to perform warned his team about the potential threat of touchdown in the last 37 seconds. ().0. vu. Marchese 18-30.1 -227 like I' ve never performed before.'' the Wildcats. Plagued the last few weeks with an almost RECEIVING - JM U, Perry 3-32, Brooks 2-50, And that could spell trouble for William Allen 2-26. Jones 2- 15, Jeu:r I -26. VU , finnerun 6· ''The unfortunate thing is I must speak in a non-exi stent running gante, 1he Dukes & Mary. different language to our offense than I do our accumulated 21 0 yards rushing with nine 13 I, Shepard S-40. Pecritto 3·20, Carter 3·2S, Hunt 1- 11

------·------~~-~ 26 Monday. Oct. 17. 1994 THE BREEZE Dukes continue domination oyer CAA opponents McSorley, Kankkunen help make Monarchs latest conference victim in 5-0 shutout they wete even in position to connect on the by Mike Wissot one--two punch. staff writer " I saw Pat coming in on the left side," Swords said ...H e's a fast player, so I knew be If any teams in the Colonial Athletic could make it." Association plan to upset the lOth-ranked JMU Two minutes later, McSorley connected on men's soccer team. they are running out of a free kick to sophomore midfielder Mark ume for this year's campaign. Miles, who closed the deal with a header into The Dukes extended their unbeaten streak the left comer. against CAA competitors to 23 games. rolling Miles filled in for junior team captain over Old Dom1nron Universny 5.() on Saturday Nathan Fairchi ld. who injured his ankle at afternoon at Reservoir Street Field. Towson State. "It was a crucial game for us to win." head "Mark played a good game today," Martin coach Tom Manin said. "As we get down said. "Obviously, Nate is a big factor in our toward-; the stretch, the games do become more midfield, but Mark made some big plays meaningful and more emotional." today.'' Junior midlielder Patrick McSorley led the The Dukes added a fifth goal late in the offensive attack agomst the Monnrchs. sconng game, as ju'nior midfielder David Clarke a goal ond adding an assist. burned an ODU defender before serving a McSorley has scored in JMU 's last three cross pass from the left side to freshman game . bringing h1s season point totals to 19. forward Geoff Honeyseu, who forcefully JMU hfled its record to 12-1-0 overall and tallied the fourth header of the game. 5-0.0 in the CAA while ODU fell to 6-5·1 and ''One of the most enjoyable things today is 2-2-0. that we thought that we had a superior game to After the game began with 37 minutes of [ODU) in the air," Manin said. "We got som~ scoreless play, the Dukes took the lead when goals at critical ttmes today. When we got junior midfielder Kaarlo Kankkunen crossed a ahead. we were more patient going forward, comer kick to junior sweeper Dan Ensley for a possessing the ball until we had something to header. our advantage." Kankkunen then found senior forward Mark Sophomore goalkeeper Barry Purcell Ellis, who scored past junior goalkeeper recorded five saves and lowered his goals­ Nathan Olansen from 10 yards out. against average to 0.30, which ranks among the After his pass to Ellis, Kank.lcunen tied the MIKE HEJIFNERiphoto ed1ror top five national leaders. JMU all-time leader in assists with 26. Sophomore mldflelder Mark Miles heeds the ball Saturday against the Monarchs. '1lhought the guys who came off the bench With the two-goal margin at halftime. today did real well," Swords said. "We need Manin told his terun to stay focused and not let The Dukes never allowed the Monarchs an into the far right comer of the net. everyone to stay focused since we've got some the Monarchs score a quick goal. advantage. "1 don't think you're going to see nicer big games coming up." "We told our guys that if we score right Capitalizing on a confused ODU defense, goals than the one McSorley scored," Martin JMU remains at home to play Mount St. away. it's 3-0 and the game is over. But if they junior defender Kyle Swords lofted a pass from said. "Diving headers are probably the most Mary's (Md.) on Oct. 19 at 4 p.m. The Dulces score to make it 2-1. then it 's anybody's 40 yards out to McSorley, who electrified the dramatic plays in soc:x:er." are undefeated in six previous outings against game." Parents' Weekend crowd with a diving header Swords said he sponed his teammate before the Mountaineers. Men's basketball celebrates new season with scrillllllage

The JMU men'• buketbllll teem ldcked off the aurt of the 1984-95 besketbaU eeeson with ., lntraaqulld acrtmmege Saturday In Godwin Hell. The Dukes return as the Colonial Athletic Association champions end will be trying to return to the NCAA tournament for the second 8t!Wght yeer. Left, Junior guard Denen McUnton goes up 8glllnst freshmen Jeme. Pelham. Below, ...latent coach Ken Tyler talks to players on the bench.

PHOTOS BY MAGGIE WELTER/senior photogrophtr


c THE BREEZE Monday. Ocl. 17. 1994 27 SPORTS HIGHLIGHTS

< 'H< ):-;:-; <'( H ':'\THY 26TH ANNUAL PENN STATE WO:\IEI\.. S TE!\NIS Senior forward Danyle Heffernan tallied the game-winner off an assist from junior back Jen OPEN-NATIONAL 1994 East Regional Team Wilds at the 67:00 mark. Ron Hopkins Memorial INVITATIONAL BC's Julie O'Bear was responsible for the Invitational, Peaks VIew Park, Championships, Eagles' only score of the game. The Dukes Team Stapdlnq Lynchburg Princeton University outshot the Eagles 28- 15 and had six more 1. George10wn 43 comers than BC. JMU lost two of three matches at the East JMU JpciJJidyal Results 2. Pem State I 07 JMU's record now stands at 13-1 -1 3. JIIOil Ale1ind« 26:41 3. William & Mary 120 Regional Team Championships. The team 11. Drew Holloway 27:46 4. West Virginia 133 dropped the rust match to Syracuse on Friday WO.MENS SOCCER 12. RyanMummem 27:51 S. Appalachian SL 170 wilh a fmal score of 4-0. 13. Fem.on Clre)' 27:52 6. Kansu 180 In the consolation semifinals. the Dukes Dukes top Villanova 16. Seat Hllrin&ton 28:07 7. Nebruka 182 overcame Seton Hall by a score of 4-2. Senior 21. C.J. KeUer 28:35 8. Alabama 196 Caroline Cox, senior Deb DeYulia and junior JMU defeated the Waldoats by a score of3-l. 23. M.-.baU Smilh 28:49 9. Florida 205 Kalie Piorkowslti tallied singles wins. The Freshman midfielder Aimee Vaughn scored 27. CbriJ Kuma 29:39 10. Peruuylv.Ua 285 doubles teams of Cox and freshman Dawn just nine minutes into the game wsth an assist 28. Keith Hflharn 29:41 11. Clemson 290 Jessen and junior Meredith Jamieson and from senior Julie Reule. 32. Curtis Lauiler 30:47 12. Jnes Madison 304 Piorkowslc:i contributed with wins. Villanova responded at43:30 with a goal, but "'f1C RMllll (Meg) 13. Cornell 308 The consolation fmal saw JMU losing 5-2 to Vaughn scored again just five minutes later. . 1. 'berty 18 14.FOU 329 Brown. Jessen and Piorlcowski accounted for Senior midfielder Carrie Proost assisted on 2. Jamu Mlditon SS IS. St. Joseph's 344 the team's only points with singles vi<:tories. Vaughn's second goal. 3. Vqinia Military 1nst. 7S 16. Vqinia 397 Syracuse won the tournament and advances Proost tallied her second assist when she 4. LynchburJ TriCk Club 89 10 a playoff for a ber1h in lhe rw:ion.aJ toumamenL passed to freshman forward Tracy Harriott, JMU lpdlyldyal Standlnp who scored the Dukes' third goal or the game. JMU Jpcllyldu' Rcsultl twomcpl 46. Jesse Tolleson 26:43 FIELD HOCKEY JMU outshot the Wildcats 18-lS. The Dukes 1. Tr~eey Livenaood 19:01 49. Jeff Monago 26:48 2. JessK:a Tremblay 19:05 had four comer kicks to VU's one. Senior 63. Pat Anderson 27:00 13-game winning streak goalkeeper Cheryl Carr had seven saves with 3. Samanlha Bates 19:07 71. Breu Albert 27:05 4.JodiReise 19:14 stopped by Massachusetts one goal scored against her in 90 minutes of 16. Jon Schlesinger 27: II play. JMU's record now stands at 6-5-1 while S. Cindy Price 19:31 JMU, who had won 13 games with only a tie 81. Ryan Foster 27:16 Villanova dropped 10 7-5- l. 8. Kiersten Murray 20:30 10 blemish lheir record, lost Sunday in an upset 9. Sarah MaUhes 20:35 102. Chris Allport 27:38 111. Jason Brewer 28:02 10 Massachusetts by a score of 2-1 in overtime. FOOTBALL 10. JenniferOrth 21:07 Sophomore rnidfielder Carole That.e scored 11 . Tammi Stewart 21:25 JMU's only goal of the game at the 32:30 15. Jennie Snelling 21:55 VOLLEYBALL Yankee Conference Results 19. Karin Redilla 22:49 marie. Streya VolJa of UMass scored the game­ 20. Fatima Joyner 23:20 George Mason def. JMU 15-11, 15-4, 10-15, winning goal 7:30 in10 the ovenune. Delaware 28, Richmond 3 21. Amy Kott 23:35 15-8 In Friday's game against Boston College, Maine 35, Connecticut 31 James Madison 31, Villanova 23 American def. JMU 15-10, 15-6. 15-13 JMU defeated the Eagles 2-1. Junior forward Team Rcwtta CWomcgl Kelley Bloomer drew first blood 62:41 into lhe New Hampshire 42, Lehigh 10 I . James Madison 15 JMU Record: 9-14 overall, 0-2 Colonial game, scoring off an assist from senior forward Massachusetts 23, William & Mary 14 2. Liberty 46 Athletic Association Eileen Amaldo. Boston 35, Northeastern 14

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