)o'{! 7/:tt,/73 rz,,t"'i.". 4r* L R"* VOLUME 18 July 19?3 Numbe r 211

MARK GIBBNNS SHOWN N RECORD 20 KII,O AT {]T}I ANNUAL PANTHER PANT. .1:0,1:33, July 28, L97 3. TEZ -a dneane 6*'sare


NEW Featur* ft the 70's:

"Anti-wear plug' at heel fot niles


the 1972 U S Olympic Coach' the "Cortez was conceived Originally designed in the mid-sixties bY BillBowerman' asthesupremetrainingshoeforthe|ongdislancerunner.Thecortezcombinedathicklong.wearingo!terso|ethe road shock and reduce leg fatigue' simultaneously elevating with a Iutllength sponge mio'sote cusnlorito absoru a new concept in distance training shTj-,lvllL heel to reduce Achilles tendon strain. The Cortez was lit""Il"j] evolved the Cortez intoa line to meet the varying n€€ds ence of the 60's as a base, Bill Bowerman and NIKE have of all runners,

The Athletic DePt. 3 THE LONG DISTANCE LOq Iy Southeh California Stridels) to a nearly udreald A PUBLIC,{TION FOR RUNNERS BY RUNNERS per{ect score in the teafr race (6 points). volEe 18, No. 2ll .Iury 1973 Bilr Gookid, Sa! Diego TC, {inished r9th i! Z:3r:52, a Publi6hed molthly sde! the au6pices of the United new u.s. age-40 best by 206 (old hark was by Wart States Tlack & Field Federation, lZ25 N. loth Ave., Renaud). The race was sponsored by tie We6t Yatley TC Tucson, Aiizona 8 5? 02. & San Mateo Recreation Dept. Amual Subscription Rates: $5. 00. Add $3.00 foi lsl Teah: l. Beverly Hills Stiiders 6; 2. West Valley TC-A ( -a6b Va:l o! b5.00 Ior Ai. M";r ir U.5, A, & Cdnada, 24; 3. Big Vailey Harriers, Stockron, Calit. 35.,4. WV- sihgle copies and back is€ue6 - 50f. TC-B, 50; 5. Fresno Pacific College 5l; 6. West Valley S".o,d..a_' pos agc pa:o a lucsor, Ar:zona, J&S 'rA' , 76: 7. Cuher City AC, 79; 8. Staifold RC,87; New 6ub6cliptions and renewals should be sent ilirectly 9. Northern Cali{orhia Seniors ',A" 96; 10. SFoc, 103. to the USTFF, c/o Calr W. Cooper, Executive Director, 1225 N. 10th Ave., Tucson, Arizona 85?02. Plea€e sead .ac ra6ulr. ard a!ri.t.6 for pub' "ar:oh ,o H. B. Ross, Edito!, 306 We6t Center St., Woodbury, N.J. 08096. CLASSIFlED ADVERTISEMENTS - Adve!ti6e youl ev€nt ro increase your entries, or your product to increa€e sa1e6. ($3.00 per in6ertion). Full or 1/Z page advertis- ing rale6 sent upon !eque€t. CLUB SPECL{L| 5 o! more paia o{ Nikc Nylon Boston r?3 to one addless - $r5.00 per pai!. Nike - $r1.00 per pair. Add $1.00 pe! pai! po€tage. Imhediate delivery, 6-12. Write: Th€ Jog Shop, Jam€s Morris, 1203 E. Warren, Brownfield, Tef,.?9316, ANNOUNCING- Third Amual Sr'itchback Scamper - Suq- day, October 21, 1973 2.Ql P, M. 7.8 miles alons the hi6totic S\ritchback Txail Jrotu Sfrdit Hill to the top of Mo@t Piggah overlooking Jie Thorle, Pa. AAU san- ctioned, Sponsored by Carbon Coutyrs Rec!eatioa Auth- ority. I.formation from Edward Gildea, The Valley Gaz- eiite, 102 lV. Watea St., Lan610rd, Pa. 18232. MEET 1NFORMATION - TI'IRD ANNUAL MASTERS INDMDUAL AND TEAM A.A.U, 10,000 Meters l9?3 Championship, November 1?th at 2:00 F. M. EST, Lorain Costy Cotuuhity College, r00q\orrti ^bb-Road, yrrr, ot.o. ^cF c.oL 5 40_ra, 50-59, 60-69, ?0 and over- Team lace can includ€ aiy combination oJ age groups, Entry Fee: $3.00 ler indi- , oLa . 5 c.00 pc. rczn 18 n a- pd. . r.\: I tn\, Fac- D:.-.ror: ia, l,11rlh-lm, C-., ro!s-.orrr)

DOUG SCHMENK WINS NATIONAL AAU MARATHON san V"L-o, .a I., -s" 7- DoLg S, hmen , l asr l A tC, Zz-yea!.-old, lecolded a per6onal be6t and era!ed Don Kardongrs cour€e mark o{ z:18:05 with a stelting 2:15:48, second best by an American this yea! and sev- enth be6t ever by an individual, His hargin of wictory was over 4-minutes, certainly a spectacuLar achieve' heht considering the quality of the lield he had just de- ].]'Is?iu,(]'[rIj!6 leated, Joln Vitate dsplicated his 1972 Iihish by a narrow hargin ol lour seconds over .urpri6e third-placer Don Kennedy! North Calolina TC, who imploved hi6 PR by €ode seveb dlnute s. !!. ku ur N {rrJ rE fri A gloup oI ter lunner6 pa6sed by the lirst checkpoint in a swilt 25:45, but five mile6 later it was only six oa €eveh. By the {ifteen mi1€ mark, the group was cut to ju6t three: scbaenk, Vitale, abd Bernard Alten of Ens- landrs Pover Athletic Club. Shoatly lhereafte!, the Lo6 Angeles math teacher took coomand {oa good. Hi6 pace didbrt laltel a bit as he pressed on lo his imDres6ive maigin of victory, Don KeEedy, rho wa6 never too tar behind the leade!6, but had never ru4 in the lead pack, cloeed the gap on Vitale by 6ome 30s in the 1a6t mile, aad jrst missed €ecood place by fou! 6ecoods. Phil camp (4th) led the Beverty Hit16 Striders (former- 4 (Joh ihe Elder), Les Pawson & Don Heinicke _ all Iamiliar nades lo readers ol the Lohg Di6tance Los. It is a16o usuauy suPposed that Clarence DeMar was our mo€t €uccessfut oLtrnpic marathoner but i{ we in- clude the so-called 'uofficial' o1]mPic6 ol 1906 then Joe Forsha{ outshone DeMar. 1896 - A. Blake DNI l9!q - 6. A. Newtonj ?, J. creean :.999 - r. T. Hicks: 2. A. core,vr 3. N€f ion L9!q - 3, w. Flanrj 12. i. F.rsha(; lvl. Slring DNF .!.2!g - l. J. Hayes:3. Foishalrr:. n. iIalton;9" Louis Tewanidat 14. S. rlatch. T. \1olrissey and M.J. Rya DNF. There ie.e 1c !h!ee rLnne! 1i6its dtil 1932. _1914- 3. G. Stlobino;4. A. Sockaieis; 8. J. Elxreben 10. For6haw; 12, c. D€r'iari :. -..raoima; 17. H. Smith; r8. T, LilLey. J aer:oids and M.J. Ryan are listed aB 'uPlacei 4 !3L- 7. J. Orgaai U. C. Linder, 12 c r'1€1Lo!. A. Roth DNF. !4- 3. c, DeMali 16. F. wendlinei lE F zlhai % 23. w. Chulchill, ?5. MeUo!. R .illiams DNF l93g - 5. J. Rayi 9. A. Michelse.; 2?. De\lari 31. J. Henigan;,1I. H. Flicki 44' W. Agee l93Z - ?. Michelsen; u. H. Oldagi (Henisan' DNF) lil6 - rs. .1.e. Kelley. ELlison 'Tatzan Brovn aid Wtu. McMahon are listed as I'withdr€1'". -llSq - J.A. Kelley, L. Pawsoa, Do. entrants. Olrspics canceued. 1948- 14. Ted Vogeti 21. J,A. Keltey; 2'1. O. Ma@jne! 1952 - i3. V. Dtygall;36. Tom Jone€r 44. Ted corbitt lt3; - 20. Nick coste6; 21. Jobn J. Kellev, Deaa Thack' lrray, DNI 1960 - 19. i, J, KeLley; 30. Alex Breckentidgei 'l8 G- vcKenzie. Mc- .l9g: - 6. Buddy Edelen;11. Billy Nt![sj 23. Pete 1968 - 1'1. Ken Moore; 16. Geo. Yougr 22. Ron Daws' @-- ,, Shortelr 4. K. Moore j 3. Jack Bacheler. In I90,!, the". year the Americans swept the three maiot places, the fralathon times hit thei! all-time lot'^ Hick's rvinaing tide was 3t28t53. I have left all times out ol the above re€me because I co46ide! timeB worth' less a6 method o{ comPaaiag runnets in even sligltlv iliffelent eia6. For example, anyohe who doesnrt ibilk that Emil zatopek i5 at lea6t rhe '{30th be.t 5000 metet !wne! of all time and at least the 10th be6t Czech run- ae! at 5OoO doesn't know too ouch about lllning but st"ictly on a time basis ZatoPek doe6 not rate among the top,l3O in the wo!1d hor among the top 10 in Czech- 0610!"1:a. Do, o". o\e_ ,\ar 'o. zwhil. --Srd ce"d n--

4-MILE ROAD RUN (SHORT), ACTON, MASS. June 20, l9?3. (course Record: 17:56 bv Fat McMahon' L. Jerry LaFla]rde, Ba., l8:25i 2. loo crundy' una' Moore and Bacheler in the 1972 Games and it is comon_ t8:33r 3. Bruce Lehane, uha., 18:37; .1, Howard sclib- 1v but mistaketlY believed that this was the be6t Amefr- ner, Ea., l8:,13r 5. Teray Gallagher, ua , IE:'18; 6' ca shoving ever in aa OI)dPic marathon- It is a16o Perer Stipe, BAA, 19:oo; 7. Bernie Lancaster, BAA, erroneouslv believed that Ar.ericans have not us@1lv 19:02; 8. Albelto Sarazar, NMC, 1!:09r 9. Joe Caiarano' dore keu in the marathon. The following lesud€ Bhould BAA, 19:2.1; lo. Terry McCoy, cSIr', l9:32j tl. Kirk correct tbat earor- Americans swePt the medaL6 in 190'l Pl?ang1e, Tnfts AA, 19:3r; 12. Chuck Rilev, CSU' 19:47 &il almost did it again iD 1908. r9l2' 1920 and 1932 {ere 13. Johr Babington, NMc, 19:56; 1'r. Chet Fortie!, NMC other very strong year6 And, but lor a couple oI mis- 19:5?r 15. Kenneth Gurski, una., zo:ol; 16 Glean char- fortEes, 1964 could have been a veav strong vear' boneau, LAC, 20:OZ; L?. Thomas Knatr, NMC, 20:07; is rotaot generallyeeneraly lnovDeo that the g'S had an Ollmpic 18. Steven Sweeney, Ea. , 20:11; 19. Richard soirh, ua. 'had e f ."- is+o ahd rhe olympic s b€ en held our iep! - 20:12 j 20. chris cauahan, LAc, P9_n - ?0:11i 1! (16r finiBhed)-R-.i:c,€t: seDtatives in rhe darathon vourd have been Joha A. Keuey unat.. z0:18j 22. Bruce Jenket, wS, 20:23. 5

1973 A. A, U. vASltRSt IATATIDN CAAUtlOlrSHlPs Aifir 2o-l(IrrMtrER ttALI( CITAITPIOI{SIrIPS S.n Dtaa., Ju!, 3 A s.Ll-pdced € r.ce lnd a stMa ch.l16a. by ti11Alld ove! th. l$t rI' r11.. [email protected] €tned tte Can.dlan rhe tt fel3r , tkt. blr sdn Dle$n Blll Coo*ln dur.d to lFld ro. of irs earlr 1.'d drp ffid€! CEbe PaEe11r3 y..!-old r.cord. AlreD, GooLtn did t t titr.ior lEd pnshed the plce'nd tlEou8h Dort of the fi*t td btles buL nt8dotr yt€1d.4 to th. srr.3s of hld.tts Amrtcrn iecord pace tn the 10,000-tut€rs and drpp.d dt, AlLd, btr {qry.ft.r rtrIla rb€ saG r.ce F rdrr, hld dropp.d 23 3..onds brck.c ts rnd cloktn'ldo. trted Lo leeF rh. prc. tolla Lo Ttr d@ Lhe ttiie. He di;DFd Ftu 5:31 to s:4t rtl.r th.drh tuhlv btle..nd 4i16.-rcs;r- vtrs ro.osem hlr €n€rn dnd uk . brd ifr.r tlEt urt. v.. lrd r:5? b..t,...nd rh€. tiE uc€ re6llv As cootrn;ldty b.!.n ro to 6:12{11. p.c., All.n 6.8ft t6 clDD.tdnllts ld.l and c1.3ed t. jut 1',1f , n1nut. bettlnit th. rtnner .t th. trp. 6d onlt 6e r.cdrl oEr the fotur |reaftlitle, sc*e coldl'€ra, llltnots Tlack Club, and lrdald tltllerr snonmtst Tr.cL chb, ,ee rum{rs sr€ consew*Iv. r...d, r{nl8h{na thtrd .nd roulth stth €v.nly-plced effor(t ltthotat.d.tng To'lw luckrnph.! las -to6tu on Lhm lookl.q rde rhe 10.000+r.r efaolr tu &e! tr.- vtou;. Th. ilrtr3h 54-v..r-old c,ry.d ov€r t€n ltrures frm P.uI R€e.e'r le?2 Dtvlslon II r.cirrd ln Dlactrr rlfrh over-dll. The Dtvrrtd III r.coid !1so fell vtth Url.n l,rtller. ou! hort .t the Getu! Asv ftac €lder,._tpptns 4I s..dd3 of'John onLoy,'s I9l? rttrd. John Kellv cdttNed ht3 ddt*nce tn the [email protected]€t ll 1*, r'hntna .ealn tn l:51:07 atrd Dcn rohnson sh6r;ac. knocled.lmst 16 Ernutee off th. *o_'4r_old Dtvl.1d ll !.cod a thlrd ol.ce finrsn b€h1id Lod Isllndr3 Jolh tlt.k n 'ttt [email protected]{rl]tck'Tu;ttn,dderl.eP'def4lntne€fforttotEug!El..v.l. thd c@-tLrld tn ro A.A.U- Marachon "drirrlnsTae cmrettlld stt th. s€ntot3 T!.ck Club eda. tlte s.n Dl.go Tr6ck club 10 ro rl i2. i, !5 rl,ces .o s.n D{eao'e l, 4, a 6). 11'€ ka l.raer Btlt{.h cdl{ h'd thelr m a."i oii"i x.iit.;s;rcl.d"th. N;!tl€- V"!s rt L. 12 aid the Htah st.rd club ttnl'h.d ____ 'i_it'. ri"_ld;; rdlled ftEtfullv de!c,6! thruah th€ !ac. lltidat 1t dtd up to 70o nt 11:00 Inntdtrv .! 632. '.e

I9]] A. A. t. NASTEP.S' :'AMTL(IN CBAg?TONSHIPS aae 5{t1e 1o_rlle 1. !i11 e6okln, smc a0 2. [r11 Allen. trTF (C,n) Lt25.55 3. sr€ve coldbers, lrlTc 40 4. IrN'rd Mllle!, snoY'Tc 5. Tm Buckinshro, L€.nac rEnal5a 6. Alex RaEeLl., rclc 1! 7, Don lon.s, src ?! 3. Dsvtd P.rker, sTc q Rob.rt coffer. Te:d{ 10. Bryon cAtteri, sndmc to- 11. Bitdn F!e@n, sAt 4' 12. Emte {ake, smc 13. Bob c.@n, sTc ':: 14. John sulttun, csu '!: 30:53 15. Ted Andt&8, H,avAc rEna) 1l 16. vaEe zooL. smc 19 17. reil Hefford. otronn (Ens) 4t 13. charlee L'hr!.3rde, lN.t(8ng,1l 19, Btll Fr€e&,n, j.wc 9a 19 21. Rrchxtd Blots, vetdc (Ena) 40 22. Delbetc l,tn,o. smc 21, Ldtence Dut nt, orionrErg)45 33:58 24. Rob€rr Bruc., unrt ll 25. Dvrn ?ottt, BHHS 1! 26. Don Luceto, ticsrc 11 27. rohn Lofrus, M.n.tlca l1 23, L.ra zt66@n, uMr 1: 29, Rlul Arhedu, smc l2 35:t5 30. Tmv Gd.!, ccac '!1 31, cc!b., D.nvYxca Ft.i.l! )) 35r02 12. urb.n J,4tller. smc 9a 3i15:31 31. rrt ctl. src 1! J4- ?ui.n. LFch, HsTc lY 35. Robert krnsc€dt, Br}s !! 12r25 16. Don l-oc!n, cCcD ?9 37, Tont DiMd, DCtl {znA) 11 38. Btll cortei, STc - ): 39. odn Ashcrort, 3:1rt59 9-11 40. td A1@1?|-, smc :j al. Dlcl Eby. svrc ll a2 sli re.. {onH (Ens) qq 41. A1 cltrt, STC 36: ll {4. ltelbelt PhtlllF, }l{c 40 45. L.l.nd voecrs.;an8, src lq 46. Sldn.y To6be, I]STC t? 15.31 2t11r2, 3.25:21 l-rrr a7- J6tm r{droYa. sTc !l 43. I-d nob.!rs. sTc 41 39:13 49. Thds !assie!. um. (Eng) tO, Joe Teesd.I., v.lBAc 4! 36:18 at29:os 51. Dd rh@3, udt 1'l 35.31 52, ctfl DettLt. un.t 51. all;n Laxtoi,. r,c{Novet(Ens) 49 5a- c.he eioeobeck. smc 43 3t35:19 12_rI 5t. dn!1d z.rtn. nsTc 54 t6. Ullltm Jenltne, lhrnrrc GnB) ! ? 57. I|!lt Sr6ck. 53. schufflet. AF.R 38:51 ts- Rd ltendrti. smLrc 51 60. Ttl@s Jones. sTc 53 2:38:05 61. ssce Inch,ai, src +'l 62. Phrltp s6v€ne, Lst 19 36:og 63. clr G!!rett. smc 64. rlfr.d ruc!6r. ortdfl rEnB) :l 65. AIln llrrlllb, u*t 33r31 66. lnl. DtE i, smC 69 6 57. Fmn T@uh!. sr,r0c 63. J..t x.11r. smc 70. A. J. RGI'r?&m tl. st.n Pofftlt. !f!!rc^r (EM) 72. Jde st.rh.rson. sloa - 73. Rtch.rd Fimftr. SuIc 7&. Xrdtr !{dr, sDic 75. noel JormEd, smC 4:59:00 1-Iv WTEIAN I,IOUlll IS |,ARATSOX 9z shrlvd r. Lum. Kr.11.t. uMr *Nd Dlvrsron r Record: ord R.cotd 2:33:05 bv cr.hao P3h.11. 1972'. l;i:#',-,. xNd Drvrsion rt ie.o!d: 5. Jtrdttn Celstbnv. udr old P€cord 2:56:57 bv 5- altlb! tultrr. i;t 52 5l:15 Prul F.esej src, 1972. 7. IFtn Sp€ctor, !m{s Dtvtslon rlr!d. 3. kfy o'Ne11, Xont.e 55 51:35 105tIt '*Nd01d Re.old l:13:53 hv A MARATHON FOURTH MARKS A MAHOPAC FIRSTI SCHOOLBOY SECTION (?4 starter6, Tl fbishe?6) 7 Mahopac, N. Y., Jury ,4, 1973- Bill \4i1bur ol the New 1. Erich Komdat, 15, Mahopac lds, 45t49; Z. Hal Ogneio- York AC and Irisbdan Morgan FeEell breezed throush dhy, 16' NYc, 45:55; 3. Ralaei Lua, 19, Brookrylr, 46: E.3 mtle6 o{ Mahopac countryside to finish one-two in 59' 4. Bria Rothlusg, i6, P€ek6k ! N.Y-,47:12;5. the filst Mahopac Road Ru sponsoredby the Mahopac Kurt L&caslel, i8, ltharto!, N,J.,,!8:16;6. Joe De- Paients Club and the K. ol C. Co@ciL#57:13. Rose, 15, chappaqua, N.Y., 48:36; 7. Mike calangelo, The lace dleF 1?3 stalters who battled the aaio, the 15, Monsey, N.Y., 48:25; 8. Calt Edgerton, Mahopac, washed-out streets, and rhe dsch€duled hazards of mud N.Y.,50:16;9. Joh! Colebsl._y, 16, wharton, N.J.,50: s1ide6 and {oot-deepwater luildle6 alosd Lake Mahopac. 3?i 10. Vince Cbiappefta, Ja., 1?, Port Was}nngtoD HS, Wilbur led throughout tbe race, in which a 6urplisingly L.L,50:40;11. Hubert Vollher, 17, Mahopac, 50:59; large nlrmber of 158 r@ner6 lihished ahd was clocked in 12. Bob Lakis, 16, Mahotac, 50:59; 13. Angelo caicia, a winnihg tide oJ'!3:52. Feanell of the Millrose AA €x- 16, NYc, 5l:15; 14. Mike Duswalt, 18, Hopatcolg, N.J., cil€d the crowd by challenging the leader Ior the last 5l:59; 15. Jeft Ro6en, 17, Ossining, N. Y. , 52:03; 16. quartex miLe abd finished with a time oI43:59. The Jotb Eich, 17, Cafmel, N.Y., 52:08; t7. Std alaDkin6o!, townspeople lihed the roads and le6londed with applause Oak Ridge, N,J., 52:46; i8. Chris Lehrld, 15, Mahopac, ahd drinks as the runer€ liled by interaittently. 52t55i 19. Dave Nerson, 16, Croton Fatls, N.Y.,52:59; Third place went to Ciles Kemp, formel Swarltmore 20. Jin Clyde, 18, Valley Cottage, N.Y., 53:08; 21. Ron College runer and Met. AAU l5km champion, He cap- Tewett, l?, Peekskill, N. Y., 53:13; 22. Jffie. AiLe6. tured the l5km title at Scal6dale in ApriL. 17, Mt. Kisco, N.Y., 53:17;23. WaIt Mccotuerr, 16, Fenhell was daking his first startinthe a!ea, Formel- Whaltoa, N.J., 53:l8i 24. Dan Paicoii, 16, Mahopac, ly of Ireland, he att€oded N4urray State coUege ia Ken- 53,22, 25- Rabett MaMi, 16, Oueens, N. Y., 53159. tucky la6t yea!. He is now living ib the Brou. Teaa: l. Mahopac H. S. , 5or 2. Jeffeison H,S. , N. J. , Veteaan Jim McDonagh, 49, {inished ninth in 4?:35 to 68;3. Pearl River H.S., N.Y.,151. just b€a! ou! Joe Buxn6 by 6eveh seconds lor the,10-.19 FEMALE RUNNERS (13 staarers, rz finishers) year trophy. BiU Baob6toh, 6o-year-ord Ner York City l. Nina Kusc6ik, Huntington, N.].., 55:03; Z. Marsaret rrlnei, took the over 50 rrophy ia 60:52. The yougest Athay, lZ, Chappaqua. N.].., 56:22; 3, Katie Tob;, 19, runner to finish was l0-yea!-old Dolia Stetch oI Brook- Mamaroneck, N. ]., , 63:35; ,!. Debbie petLitlo. 16. Va1_ 1yn, N. Y. let Cottage, N,t,,67:Z2t 5. Carolile Mauer, 18, Ma- OPEN DIV. - i. Bill lfi1bur, 23, Unionvill€, N. Y. , ,13 hopac, N.Y., ?1:r7;6. TobyLetuer,30, Folest Hil1s, 52;2. Mo!gan Fennel\, 22, BraB, ,13r59; 3. ciles \.Y., ?Z:05j ?. Mary Holfman, t9, Brooklta, ?4:57; Kemp, 22, NYC, 41.22', 1. Totu Bit.h, 19, Brewster, 8, Doria Stetch, 10, Blooklld, ?8:tO, 9. Verodica Vac- N.Y., 45iZ?;5. Francis Spadalo, 23, YoaktownHts., caro, Mahopac, ?9:07; lO. Lofaine Lubin, 44, Scarsdate, 46:I8;6. BiLlOrBrieh, 20, SayviLle, N.Y., 46:45;7. 82t46i 11, Mary Mu!!hy, 38, Mahopac, 86:15t tZ. Karen SyL Pascale, 24, Peekskill, N,Y., 47:13r 8. Dave S€ne- creene, 16, Mahopac, 86124. --Joe Kleinermd-- challe, 32, New Paltz, N. Y. , 4?:181 9. Jim McDoaagh, 49, Brou, N. Y,, .17:35; t0. Joe Burns, !'!-, Bolata, SECOND ANNUAL STATEN ISLAND AC 3 3/4-MILE N.J,, ,!?:'!Z;11, Bob Kaplan, 30, Pomona, N.Y., 4?:50; RUN, Clove Lake Park, Staten Island, N,Y., Suday, 12. Euiotl Michaet, 19, MitLwood, N.Y.,.18:25;13. Phil Jury 8, l9?3 l:00P.M. weaiher: velyhot! 95 degrees, See, 19, Yorktown Hts., ,18:3lj 1,1. AI Meehaa, 31, O1d Course Recoid: 18r50 by Af,t HaU, l9?2. Greenwich, Conn,, 48:51;15. creg Milia, 17, Montro6e, l. Althu! Hall, 26, uat,, S,1., 18:12.6 (New Meet and N.Y., 48:59j 16. Ethie Rivas, 23! Brou, 50:17;17. co-r"" B-co-d): '. Jo" Pe6

PRAIRIE STRIDERS ALL-COMDRS T1\TO. N,4IIi -R'J:.' Se:auer Field, SDSU, Brooking6, SouLh Dakora, 5r.::: h\y 22, 19?3 P. M. . 9:00 Weather: 55o, ,'. ",.., ...... Lar'yB.c^."y, Madiso'.SD. .0:0'.. 4. V" l d ... ., Cherokee, Ia., 10:07; 3, cary Bocl6an, Mt. lanc IC, I0:31;4. Qene Benson, E1gif, Mim-, l0:'!1; 5. \,I:] e lL!- lcp, Lemo:. sD. r0:h7:6. pUC".w?t, sro.- ..-, r., 1l:43i 7. Rich GreeDo, creat Plains Stride}6, 11:5n; E, Pat welch, PalkstoD, SD, 14:40. (li fidishers)

PAT IIANNON WINS RRC CROSS COUNTRY 1 Phila. , Pa. , Ssday, July 29, i973 9:00 A. M. - On a I course that was certainly a augged test, particularl)' th ( the hot,hmid corditions, Pat Ha@on, Bucknell Univer- €:r), rgffpd' .ome a ujhne. over lle air'l B-tmon c Plateau a-c coarse in Fairhout Fark, covering 5 mil- d es in 28:41. John Hargreaves, Faeklin & Marshall Col- l€ge ace, was a distabt second in 30:02. Joh Mitzel ol Phiiadelphia's ceorge Washington H. S. , c whipped a stlong {ie1d to win the high school 2 1/z-mi1er o !:14:19- l. Pat Hatuon, Bucknel1, 28:41;2. John Ha,_ gleaves, F&M, Laacaster, Pa., 30:0?; 3. Scott Baltram l3 MARATHON MILLS ROAD RA(]F] SIXI'H ANNUAL MOUNTAIN 4th ANNUAL ARNOLD r4,. 19?3- Don Kemedv Julv 4, 1973 9:30 A'Aa Boone, N. C. , Saturday, July Crbberland, Rhode Island, 14 Einutes in hot & h@id- This lac€ smashed the course record bv almost Weatbet: Cloudy & extlemelv adual Mo@tain Marathon held iD con- over fou miles of scenic co@trv road6 wiMing the 6t! was contested juction with the GlanaEather Moetair Highled Cares- with modefate hilL6. 3333 Ieet ard at the fiaish 1 CR; 2 Paul Pilie- The elevatioD at the stalt is 1. Too C1wdy, Ctmberland, 18:15 state Lincorh' l9:20' 5; it is 43oO teet. The race started at APpalachiaD !o, Yonke!s, l8r'l+.6; :. oo. Cout're, r@ thJough dowD- l9:4oi 5' R Marsland' P!ov- UEiver6ity Stadim & the rl:Mels 4. Bill Tleeful, Nolwood, vinding mo@tair roads' Blue Ray Dahforth, Pawtucket, 19:53; ?- town Boone, theD through idence, I9:46,1; 6 US 221. TLe last 1/4 mile of the BilI wyde, Pawtucket, 19:55.5; 8. Rav Ne16on, Paw- Ridge Parkway, and S€ekohk, 20:04 (lst HS); lace is on a tlackin front ot thodseds oI €pectators tucket; 20:oZ 8; 9. Dan O Brien, Pbil Sparlidg' Duke Pawtqcket' 20:14'1 (znd H'S )' at the Scottish Highlaal Games. lO. Mike Shellock, held the old record at zt5ztrr (l91rl' 32 linishers) Uhiversity, (32 sta!ters, Kemedy, thiid in tbe lecent National 3AU Marathon in damed to rePr€BeDt the US'A iD Kosice' FORMER KSU STARS lVD{ REI,AY RACF] 2:19:58, has been Manhatlan, Kansa6, July L5' I9?3- Two forde! Kansas czechostovakia, October 7th. stars-_FrahkRodriquez ahd Chuck 5_mi. to-m. State Univeasity ttack 2:38:13 (30:30, 60:51 the lirst KSU Manhattan TC teo-man ten-mlle l. Don Kemedy, 25, Boone' N.C., CoDD--won Haves, NCTo, 2:41:56 r."ra at KSU's Cbristian Track Rodriguez and I:1?:sz - 13.l-mi,); 2. Galeth Ph Southerrdd, Talahassee, Copp""i*, posted an excellent time oI '18:06 f'r the distance' (3I:1?, 63:13, r:2r:zO);3. the baton five seParate miLes' Thev Fra., 3rO3:o? (33:30, 69:00, l|28t40)t 4. Lee Fidler, calryins rt27.z1lt 5. "":;;.*..a\er.e-d zLo! 4 jo lor Fa.h scoz at' n:le eC. calrolrtoa, Ga., 3,a4toz l3ztrL, 66144' _L-,kCoap8 48:0o'qtol' 0:01 4: claig Harms, CorEnbu6, Ohio, 3:05:56; 6' Joe orFlah- ., t rr"nkDoar'CL'2 com' J! a+45, Z9t3Z, 34t23, 39:O?, 43:44, 48:06); erty, Fayettewille, N.c., 3:07:u; ?. George ' 53.5, I9taO, Doaald RaDev' Marietta, Z. Barry Anilelson & Craig Mcvev, KSU Manhattan TC' Laurinburg, N.C., 3:IO::19;8. Stedlen Fischer, Johnsor Citv' Te@ , 52,23, 3, cy\arlie F'tanklin & Ken Oeest, william Jewell Ga,, 3:12:Ls; 9. 4 Steven Silvet & Aane 3:lZ:5ti IO. Warren C1ark, MorgaatoD, N.C' 3:1?:20; College, Liberty, Mo., 53:4?; ' Garv KSU Manhattan TC, 55:'17; 5 Joe smith & lL. charlie Palae, RiclFond, va., 3rl7r4ztt2' Richa;ds, 3:18:50;13. Steve Bolt' H6t€ - Bob Ridley, KsU MTc, 6Z:40. --Arhe Ri'baads-_ sLa)aon, Blistol, Tenn., vilLe, ALa., 3t2O:O5',14 Randv Heldemd' Staley' Station' NORTHWEST SENIORS TRACK C I-ASSIC N,C.,3tZZt3Zi 15. Robert F!aDkr@, Hutington c!esh.@, Oregon, JuIv 21' 22nd N.Y., 3:36:ooi 16. Tom Baum, sPrirg Lake' N.J', Mt, Hood college, (: o-V,-- I O-lal- l. Norn Qv P-, O:r^ . r'l l--':o 3',42135, 17. Matk Bolt, H@tsville, l.labama, 3t44t42, . Di.. fo.0'6. {4 i5. /. - Pz) Pr - 18. Jack McMenamin, Spriag Lake, N.J'' 3:48:21i 19' ;l,lJ-t 'aO-1o charle€ Geo!- ton, 31111,9; 2. Field Rvan, 33tA3 1;3' Rav Gil' 35:01' Jim Halmon, Toledo, ohio, 3t4atz7i 20. (50-59)- r' Norm Hanseh, 36:23; z Ken Hendrit 3S:02; ge, Va. Beacb, !a.,3r49.O6i Z1- Terrv Wirter6' Dur_ Newport 3. Joe Mal]on, 39:50. (60 plus)- 1, Norm Tamanaha' hao, N.C., 3.5z,zgi 22 walae woodatd, 4l:Z?; 2, Robelt MacTaahahan, 41:'10 3-Mire- l Notm N€w6, Va., 3ta3t59i 23. HagelgaDs' Betbleherc 14:52.6i 2. Alan BeardalL, 14:59 9; 3 CliIl Thom- Pa., 3t5gtz5', 24. Roge: Eitaore' Blacksburg, va' oyter, 4:13:09!' 15:05. ?. (40_'r9)- 1. Rav Hatton, 14:59' 2 rield !A5tZ9t 25. Louis Blout, Favette@Lte, N'C', oson, 27' David ivan, t6:32; 3. Ray GiL, 16:'!1 (50-59)- l Ausie Esca- 26, James Wright, Blacksburg, Va., 4:16:46; tZ'zr; 2. Noro Hansen, 1?:'19i 3 Ken H€ndrix' Wimpee, Caalollton, Ga., 4.17tOZt 28. Jack Turiock' -ittu, 29' Maurice L9:r4. (60 plu6)- l. Nord Tamaoahar 2 John Dick' S?orts East, Woodbuy, N. J. , 4:28:38; Mile- (30-39)- 1. Don McMilLen, 4:34 1; 2 Joln Garcia' Love, Oak Ri.lge, Tem., 4:32:15;30. Ross Yates'49, Patru6' MorgaotoD, 3;A 6; 3. Ken Rectar, 5:09.1. (40-49)- l Bill Fitzser- Befhleheo, Pa., 4t35tz8;31. Jobn ald, .1:35.8;2. Frank Newdan, 5:02 51 3 RavGil' 5: N,C., ,1r40:53;32, Tory Liu, HuDtsvilte, Ala' ' 5:25:00; (50-59)- Augie EscamilLa, 7! z Dean 33. lern Ducan, Prince Georee, va-' 5tz5to0t 34' 03.9. L. Mark 5:16 3i 3. Rav Mahannah, 5:z?'r'':09 (50 plus)- 1 Larry Horrell, Morgeto!, N.C., 5140:00i 35. Sclmidt, Kathv Bud Deacon, 5:43 5; 2. Sid Madden, 5:52 1' Everett, Rutherfo!d, N.J., 12' 5:44:43; 36' 1 37. Bill ThomD_ 880- (30-39)- l. Don McMiLlen, l:55.4; 2 Jav HitL, l:58 Burns, 21, MorgantoD, N.C., 5:4?:59; s-lttt, tr59.4 (40-49)- l. Bill Fitzge!ald, 2:01 1i son, Amelia, ohio, 5:48:01; 38. Allhur Eveiett, J! ' T-biu (56 43 staile!s, 2. George Putelbaugh, ZtA6 \ 3 Doug Hansen, 2:31 0' Ruthe!{ord, N.J., 6:il8:29. entries, (50-59)- r. Dean Sclrmidt, 2tr8 6i 2. Augie EscamiLla' --Geo!ge Phillips - - i:18. Sr 3. Bill corman, 2t23. Z 160 pLus)- l Bud Deacon 2:26.5; 2. Sid Madden, 2t36,5t 3, Mel Shine, 2:39 ?' OHIO RIVER ROAD RUNNERS CLUB 4_M1I-E PREDICI' 2-Mi1e walk- (30-39)- 1. Ken FovL€t' 17t51'7 \50-59)- ION RUN, KETTERINC, Ol{O' JurY 29, 1973 l:5; J...b", l9:I'r.6. (60ptus)-1. Dr' wm' Babnick' 1. Joe Holly, 22t33t Z. Paul :}jetzel, 23:04; 3' Bill Sch- 20:40.7. nier, 23:061 4. chri6 Gravel & Dale ltaves, 23:42; 6' Felix LeBlanc, 24:08, 7. Lee Scuderi, 24:10; S Bob oREcoN AAU oNE HouR RUN' soUTH SALEM H s stalev' 24:11; 9 Jim Bramlage' 24:45! t0' steve Rob- John- JnIy Zr, 1973- Open- l Dave lvilborn, oregon Tc, erts, Z4t46t 11. Todd Derfran, 25:15;12. Stewart Joe walick' n;i1u;. 9a?v; i. z"t ct"y, olegon Tc, ltm, 552v; soh, 28:09; 13 David coaklin, 28:15; 14' 3. Geolf Pietsch,Miami, Fla., rLm, L08v 'Jl H'S _ r' Z9tO9i 15. Lim Houck' 35:19 o"" e"tl, c".;In", 8h, I,o13v H s - t Dugan Bon_ Prediction winncrs- L' schnier' :06;2' L€Blanc' :08; r, 340v.. colleg€- i' Paul Means' 3 walick, :o9i 4 scuderi' :10' wcather:80o' suov n.v. sar"-, lom' roac: rt'.it ot tn. Loom TC, lod, 936v" 4A-49- 1' Jolu Frev' Course: Out & back €huttle on secondatv blacktoP 5ater.9m, IE.]O\..rO-qo- . Ar Pc! d, T'gaco,- m, hj ly!.r-a:b -_Va'are B Y'r'bo-- l.008\'.won"n-r. Ma!_ !n D"uL Do.ile d'4-'r4us/r'um1a' -rrn o* ,r^" ""o*:aHER (.ENT.RAL DtsrRtca 34;55. BertMeyers,IU. 19, F;:li.:::i: :l-, l;18:04i AAU 20 KILO RUN CHAMPIONSH1p)'ANT" Charle6ton, Ill 56. John Sutfin, 30, Robinson, :--., l: !r : ri Harold July 28, l9?3, Spon6ored by Easte^rn tllinois Universitv Fudee, l?, cP Tc, l:18:0?i 5E, -a:l:: r:::1.:, 18, nantoul (12 Miles, ?5,1 ya!ds) Weather: ?2-, oveacast ' Owensboro IQ, 1.18t26, 59, Ciiij :r.l::::, : Mark Cibbens, ex-Unive!sitv ol Indiaa €tar ('l:05 & i:18:29r 60. Eaic lnbody, 11i, 1':ri:; C :- , :18r39i Paul 8rs6 s'chase) bloke the lace op€b at about 3 l/z hiles 61. scott Farmer, L?, Onensbor. lC, :: ::il; 62. a.d by 6 m es had a comanding lead over Phil Davis Kinyon, 15, Viking TC, l:18:1ir il- l: =:--: -.rrt,16, 16, CP- (Univ. of 111inois Chemistry Plofessor). Dike Stilr€tt Cranite Ci!y, IU., 1:19:08: 6'1, Torr i:::.:1r:, aC, I11. and Dennig Detmott ran together {or 9 r/2 miles beiore Tc, l:19:38i 65. Geo!ge Timson, 1i -r-:rll. ' gaineil tiixd which he held. Srirrert 1:19:49i 66. 3en Timson, 21, E,I1!,S:r. :.'ra!';67. Stixiett Position :.cLbie 1ur- €et the course xeco?d ol 1:04:55 ih 1971' but Gibbens Jio Rattin, 16, St.Anne, I1r., L:20:a1r aa. 111.TC, attacked the rugged hilly course to break the old recold nea, 1?, Btazil, Ind., l:20:14j 69. Les cnx, 2i, Tom spulgeon, 25, Houni F.iiei TC, Ind. by 226. Deb.ort, a lst Lt. in the Marines cam€ all the ItzA,!1:70, -!:1rtta3t ' Hubert, No CaroLiha ro codPete in lhc aace l:zor,18; ?1. Tom Titu€, 16, CP IQ, aI\., 7?. way flom Tim he won in 1959 dd 19?0. Jamcs Bagnoli, 20, Ind. Sttide!s, 1:20:59i l3 This fine mid-west race is held on the 4th Saturdav ol Calis, 1t, Vikiog TC, 1:21:01; 74. Mike Rohler, 17, Vik July each year, Information can be obtained bv nriting TC, 11i., l:21:02! ?5. Ketn Richatd6oh, 1b, 9alatine' to M, T. Woodall, Lantz Building, East€ln lllihois, 1:21;08..83. Owen Stanlield, 51, E rU Srrid , Ur:vFrsjly, CharlcsLoo. tll io 6 6 02'. !: zi r==, --Tod Woodall-- 126 started and lZ4 finished. l. Markcibbets, 25, unaf., West Lafavett€, Indiana, 1'i 5D5; DIS'IANCE RUNNING CAMP 3 MILE X-C South Dalota, Saturdav, L:0:1:33 (rll:06- 6-mile); 2, Phil Davis, 27, Illjaois TC, SDS- Course, Brookings, (3 Miles) ao wind. 1:05:o? (3r:22); 3- Dike Stirrett, 21, Eastern I1l. Sl1ld , JuL-\ 2S. -t;3 loroo A.M. 75", clear, r:05:40 (3r:3?);4. Dennis Delmott, 25, UsMc, l:05:56 1{eet 4:.o:i: 1a:25, Jay Morfore, Miller, 1972. (3r:3?); Duane Caston, Zl, Indiana Stat€ TC, 1:06:52 1, Ilari::ais.a, Cherokee, lowa, 15.42,2 Larry 5. < (32:45); 6. Jim Bue1i, t?, unat., Mt. Mor!is, 111., E-e. .. .. , . D. . ):)6: t. Cary Bocrmaa' 1r1:06i'1. Gene Bensod, Elgin, ]:OT:oA Gz,Z1)', ?. Ed Heidblier, 19, eat. , St. Louie, tlouiair 1::{:, LliM,, s,D., I7:15; Mo., 1:o?:20 {32:45)l 8. Royce Harni6h, ?6' unal., Min1,, -:::l::. Care-v Buhler, Almour' caldonia, Il1.,l:o?:31 (32:16);9. Ken Buine' 19, E.Ill. 6. \tili. lL_.::. :€nnox, S.D., l7:16; ?- JeffCarver, Strider6, L:Q8:3? (3'l:04)i ro. Ba!ney Hance, z3' Il1. Tc, Sto.m Lai.. ::. :. l:r18. --Jay Dirksea-- r:08:.18 (33:04); 11. Rick Liv.6ey, 20, E.Ili. Stride!€, ART BOi:::.:- :].S TLLSA RUNNING CLUB LO KM. t:08:58 (34:05); 12. BiLl Car!, 28, Indiana Strid€46, jLi, I:09:05 (33:20); 13.Ale Parris, 19, Purdue TC, l:09:13; Iuisa, Cl:.::-:, :::,. 2E, L9?3- Art BoLt€rill '' 1! LC Kilo Race at \4ohank 14. Keith Jacobi, 21, E.lll Striders, l:09:18i 15. Bob aan aq a-\ i::- . = . .- ir a no cLoudy. O'Conhe11, 24, I11. TC, 1:09:29; 16. Jeff Milrer, l?, Park :.. .11.:ace:i?", Find, l. Ait 3oii.:: , :=l-]ll-= 1", -{lkansas, l1:30 owen6boro Tc, Ky., 1:09:45i l?. Mike Larson' 19, " E.Ill. Strideis, l:10:00! 18, Richard England, 19' una., Bloomington, Ind., i:10:13;19. Rich Bowman, 2l' E.11I. 3. Larr-. -::a:.: . I ::-.a 31:C? StriilerB, l:lQ:16i 20. Dave Hoover, 17, Mattoon' Il1'' 4. Charie: C.:::.. : a:r:le:jilie, Okla,, 3'l:19 l:lO:30; Wend€Ll Anger, 20, Ch.@Paign' I11., L:10:41! 5. Don B;.:.::. l:, a-:i-aL.ra CriY, 35127 Zl. {i 22. Dr. George Branam, !2, Indiana Stridcrs, L:ll:00; 6. Da1-d 5a:a:::, .i, ::lsa, 35:36 (rst r7 Undei) 7\1.'lC, l:11:26; 24. Mike Lelman ?. Br€ar ll -.:hor'a, 35:53; 8. Tony Celliho, 23. Lee Fex!ero, 26, "..:.:, :, 17, St.A6e, I11., l:ll:39' 25. Mike Conloy, 31, E.Ill. 1?, Tulsa, i:l:-: .r !\ estbrook, 23, 'fnlsa, 36t32'' striders, 1:Ll:45; 26. Gary Batea, 22, Ca\gat aC'Ind.. 10. Nola. a::::.i, :=, \ordan, 3?:27; 11. Brue Mac- (t6t 30-39); 12. Terry Hipsher 1:11:58; 2?. Steve Goldberg, '10, Ili. TC, 1:12:05; 28. Mullin, iS, r-:1, l::2? Tony Rove, 18, Owensboro AQ, \iIZtlZi 29. Gary Wi1- 19, Tuls:, l:::a: ll. iiarold McDonald, 45, Bfoken Ar- -::Orsr Tom Merrill, 17, Tulsa, son, ?0, Ind., t:13:04; 30. Scotl Renl€n, Zl, 111., l:13:14 ron, l.;ll !0); 14. 31. Wh. Engldd, 19, Bloomington, I$d.,1t13,22,32 39:1,{i La, -i-:. 3:orining, 'll, Tu15a, 39r35; 16. Bob Bak- Joh! JoDes, 16, Owensboro TC, I:11:31; 33. Greg Dvk- er, 3r, r. sa, =a:!?i l7. Bill Thompson, '10, Jenks, stra, 25, Cha@paign, lU., 1:13:'18; 34. Joln Kesler,19' ',10r21j l!, l:, ax-qen€ Jolhson, 39, Tul6a, 40:58; 19. Riverbed stliders, Ind,, l:13:49; 35. John Turk' 18' vern', hi!es:ac, i3, Tu1sa, 42:41; 20. BiLl Ryan, 42, Telae Haute, rnd., 1rL3:5?; 36. Jobn Keuy, 23, Rantoul, Tdsa, :a:::: 21. Staci Slo!er, r0, Jopli!, Mo., 59:49. I11., 1:14:09;37. Jim Skimel, 23, E.I1l.St!., 1.'14:18j ONE \lILa RaN- 1. JolD Westbtook, 23, Tu1sa, 1:'r9i 38. Keb Xlipp, 24, E.I1l.Str., l:1!:18;39 Kent Davis, 2, Drieht Bufalohead, 24, Midwe6l City, 1:50; 3. Bill 15, TuLsa, 18, Mattoon, Ill., l:14:40; 40. Mark Avery, 16, unat. , Boggs, ,?8, Tulsa, 5i12j 4. Robe!r weaver, Mattoon, 1:14:42: 41. Bill Harbeck, 31, Charleston Pac- 5::2; i. Lo.raine Storer, 14, JoPlin, Mo., 6:22:6. er TC, Ill., |I4:56i 42- Chet Bowers, 15, CP TC, Art 1\ade, a3, Ilulsa, 5:39; ?. Geri storer, tl, JoPlin, 1:15:lo; 43. Dave Scott, 16, viking TC, Iu., l:15:18; 4'1 6:5.r! 8, Mariltn Cay, 21, a!16a, ?:Zli 9. Jio Srorer, Glen Mehling, 15, Vincennes TC, I4d., 1:15:41; 45. Stu ,!0, Jo!1in, Nto., ?:41;10. Jo Ann AduddeU, 28, Tu1sa, Storm, 15, Chalieston Pacer TC, l:15:51; 16. Randy 7:.1t, {14 linishers) --VerD Whitcside-- Stearns, 14, cPTc, l:15:54;47. Tim Dooling, 18,unat., Efiingham, IU,' l:15:59:48. Dave Hartos, i?' Elfing- AAL 5 MILE ROAD RUN, DES MOINES, IQWA cloudy, 49. Art Hulchinson, Maltoon, ltl. , July,1, i9?3 weathel: 750, !artly ham, Irr., 1:]6:07, Bill McDer- l?, l:16:l?; 50. BiU McCme, 16, Matroon, Ill., L:16:20; 1, Bob Hughes, 20, D€s Moines, 26:5'!i Z. Gary wilcox, 35, An- 51. Daie Bead, 26, Madiso!, wisc', 1:16:35i 52. Ed mott, zz, Des Moioes, 28:23; 3. 28:43i 1. NickJolrnsoh, 22, Des Moines, Moll, 33, E.Ilt. Sttid, 1:16:51i 53. Ai Laison, 18, una. , 1.€ny, lowa, , 29r04 Decatur, Ill., 1:16:53; 54. WiU CooPel, 16,CP TC, l:1?: 28:50; 5. Shane Dooley, 1?, DM, {next Page) 15 6. Joln McMichael, 15, De6 Moines (rst HS, new rec- 5, Joha KeeIe, 2,1:,15. ord, old ma!k, 30:52 by Doug Larsan, l97z) 29.12,7. WOMEN -l 3/,|-M es- 1. Suzie Buchanan, 3,1, Phoehix- Mark Steinbers, 17, De€ Moines, 29:53; 8. Jeff Aten, vil]e, Pa., 9:55; 2. Robin Stlyker, 19, PhoenixviLIe, Pa. 16, Des Moines {?nd HS)j 9. Jonn Gersema, 27, Bayata, 13:0?; 3, Judi Faber, 17, Phoenixvllle, Pa., 13:09; .1, lowa, 30:32; 10. Mlke Diment, lZ, Des Moines, 30:35 Debbie Mccluskey, 16, cloucesle! Catholic HS, 14:32j (New Record lor Jr. HS Div.; Old mark, 32:14 by John 5. Pat Sheridah, 15, Glouceste? Cath.HS, 14:54. McMichaer, 1972)j rr, Mark Robert€on, zl, Anamo6a, Iowa, 30:.18; 12. Ceoige Cailson, 30, Ames, Iowa, 31:04 FORT I-AUDERDALE RRC'6 FIRST ANNUAL FLORIDA 13. Davld Rothiau{, 20, West aurlington, loq'a, 31:09; STATE 15 KILO (9.3 MILES) CHAMPIONSHIP RUN l. Doug L'rd"-. 10, DV, ll:l8j l-, re!-! S,hm- /, Zt, c-[strFdr P2!1. tjat c,dalF, rtor'da. w- t. . -u y 1Lh DM, 31:3ii 16, Larry Lockha!t, 24, Ame6, 3i:38j 1?, ?:00 P. M. Conditions: 80 degrees, humid- 15, 000 6pec- Bob Moorehead, 51, Des Moia€s, 32:05 (1st Yet. )r 18. talors. (71 started, 59 finished) Greg Forler, 16, west DM, 32:25 (3rd HS); 19. St€ve 1, Jih Schap€r, 21, Plantation, Fla., 48t27t Z. J,D. w. rF-, 16, lolu sror, Io^2, -:26, 10, B ll S"rg"anl, Evil6izer, Zl, Pomlano, FIa., ,18:56; 3. Pat Clmiel, FortDodg€, Ianrd,32t27, Zl. Tony Woloch, 18, Urban- 2?, Miami, Fla.,,19:.10;4. Neil Murphy, 18, Mi!ama!, dale, Iowa, 32:59r 22. Ixv Steinberg, 44, Des Moines, Fla., 49r50; 5. Tom Elbert, 19, udat., 50:58; 6. Ron 33:56 (2nd vet. ); 23. Ron Fuchs, 4r, Ah€6, 35:ZZ (3rd Qba6e,21, Tm!a, 51:33;7, Terry callagher, 27, Vel.):24. V- hr'gh. A./F.v. lov.. 6:08j.-. L!.r) \ta6s., q2:00: 8, srFwF \4an cy. 6, D crra,:on, F e., lo\ {7:00r c (lst ProBb-., 8. Bonourant, ", 26. rood e ' - 52:06 16-r7 Div. )r 9. CoLetuan Mooney, 33, Plantat- berg, 14, DM, 31t351 21. Jae Woloch, 16, UrbahdaLe, ion, Fla., 52:38j 10. David Blankebship, 23, Lantana, 38:10; ?8. Kathy Diment, 11, DM, 38:25 (lst Jr, HS FIa., 53t25, U. Mike Jacob6, 19, Pompaho, Fla., 53: Girls Div.)j 29, Ed KiUin, ll, DM, 39:45; 30, Joe Gibb6 28; 12. Donald Edgar, 18, Pompano, 54:19; 13. Ed Wikel 32, C.da! Fal1s, Iowa, 39:.1?j 31. Barb Diment, ll, DM, 28, Jacksonville, Fla., 54:46; 14. Mack Roebuck, 20, /0:58: lz. "nF- B:gh"n, 14, san 8". ca r.. I4ahi Shoies, FIa., 55:00; 15. Clayton Nichols, 26, .12:17; 33. BuckMcConeghey, 50, Fairb&k,'afdi'o, Iora, 4.1:0t; Pohpaho, Fla., 55:09i 16. Ab Adahs, 19, Plantation, 34, Tofr Lockhalt, 19, Ades, 4,1:02; 35. Lori Bigham, 55:Zlj 1?. Shamon Sullivan, 19, Lake Wolth, Fla., 55: 10, san Bernardino, Calil., .16:13. (42 linish€rs) 3lr 18. Robert Raadolph, 23, Jacksonville, 55:,12; 19. --Bctty Dibent-- Richard Watlis, 15, Cocobul C!e€k, Fra., 55:53 (lBr 14- 15 Yeai Old Div.)i 20. Drew Viner, 17, Carol City, Fla. ALL.CQMERS T&F MEET, \I'OODBURY, N. J. 55:59; 21. Chlis Quibby, 2?, Coral cables, Fla,, 56:07; \ pa,. A,eub . la7. / 00 o, V. L:gh! ra,n. 22. Dave SutherLahd, 17, Margate, Fla,, 56:.11; 23.Ray l:l4i!9- l. Mike Butynes, Sport6 East, 1.4:35.?i z. Joht RusseU, 34, Ft, Lauder.late, 57:12; 24. Malk Shankin, McFa!1and, St. Josephr6 Pr€p, Phita., 15r50.5i 3. Gary L Hol ) ood. 7F. Daul ra--e r, 52, Co!! Rieger, Spoits Ea€t, L5:55; 4, Toe O61er, Penh AC, Way, Miami, Fla. , 57:28 (lst 50-59 Div. ); 26. Herb 16:oo; 5. Pat Taaino!, spoli; E;sa, 16:,15. . . Mi1"- i, Will6, IV, 13, Tallaha6see, Fla., 58:17;27. Ceoffrey s,e1e cc4oercwa,d, *uj., z. w l,- V;no, MiUer, l?, Miami, 58:.18! 28. Scott W€inkt€, ph: ".t2.-; r(i, Hallen a, PiorFers, 4:1., r: 1, B-!.e V!r -o, Phila. Pron., dale, F1a,, 59:12; 29. Fred Wesley, 23, Hialeah, Fla., 1t26, 4. Joe Siedlecki, Phila. Pioneer6, .1:29,7...H.S. 59:25; 30, Dob Boulanger, 29, Miadi, a9t42t 3L, Bob !!!19-. 1. Bob Marino, wiuiamstown HS, 1:36. z, 2. 'ran Lat-ton, 32, Ft. Lauderdale, 60:27; 32. Jim cossett, M@yah, Gateway Reg, HS, 4:.11.6; 3. Mike Re6enly, 17, Ft. Lauderdale, 60:45j 33. Eric cei66ibger, 26, Bishop Eustace HS, 4:42. 7. . , Masters Mile- 1. Bfown- Miahi, 6l:27; 34. Gary Cohen, 15, Calol City, F1a., o.4: 'r g Fo- 6, S ort6 arL, <: 2, Joru.u m ngh"r , 6Z:07i 35, Stuart cleman, 21, Miafri, 63:11; 36. Walter Cimamin€on, N. J, , 5:20. 3i 3. Bob Colacicco, Black- Champlir, i7, Lake Worth, 62:44; 37. Henderson Cleav. wood, N. J, . H. ( ?1 , 5:28. . S, 2-Mile- l. Mark Yellin, Had- e3, 42, Ft.Pierce, FIa.,61t29 I s t 0 - il 9 ) ; 3 8 . Jon don Twp. HS, 9:45.5, 2. Johh Mitzel, Geo. lvashington Gleman, 21, Miahi, 63:49; 39. Dan D1hwoody, 16, HS, Phila., Cprndno. Perr"!ul--, PS. Coral Cables, 64:17; 40. To@ Metts, 19, Melbourne, 9:55, 4. Joe Siedlecki, Wiltiam€town HS, l0:05i 5. Jelf Fla., 65:14: rl. ^LaoKi..Ler,ll, PalmSpr'.-s, -1a., Deaa,' Ddlsea R€g. HS, 10:07-..!!9- 1. vince Marino, 66:n; 42. Maltin Ailes, 36, Pembroke Pines, Fla., Phi1a. Pioneers, 2:02.81 2. Bruce Marino, Pbi1a. Fiod., 6?:17: 43. Johr Pechini6, 22, Ft, Lauderdale, 6?:58; 2r03,4' 3. Alaa Robihson, P€nnsville HS, Z:0?.l..cirls 44, John Can{ie1d, 49, Ft. Laude!dale, 68:03; 45. Larry 880- l, Pat Helms, Phila. Clippers, 2t23.9t 2. Ursnla C!cehe, 13, N. Miaai Beach, 68:00; 46, Lee Mashburn, Eder, South Jersey Chalge!s, Z:33: 3. Li6a Cahpiglia, 17, Coral Gable€, 68:07;47. David Bryan, l?, Ft. Lau- SJ Chargers, 2:3il.5. derdale, 68:31; 48. Jay Popover, 15, Holl}{ood, Ila., 69:,19; .19. Gene Healton, 33, Fl. Lauderdale, ?O:,19! 50. MIDDLE ATLANTIC RRC RACES, MILL CREEK PARK, Nalhaa Brender, 62, N.Miami Beach, 72:,41 (rst 60-69)j willihsboro, N. J. , Suday, Augu6t 5, 1973 1:30 P.M. 51. John Thomas, 10, Mirmar, Fla., 72r.17 (lst l1 & Hot, 88 degtees, suny, huid. Coursei I & 3/.1 mile Under Div. )i 52. Jack La]1ey, 6r, Merbourle, F1a., ioop around huge fieid, shaded about 1/4 o{ the route. b':'l: 5t. (/Fnc cusL"cl r-,.li, P-rb.olcPre", Ia., OPEN 51/,l-Miles- 1. Joe Gelmaoo, Spolts East, 27:29: 86:52; 54. George Dup!ey, 13, HoU]-ivood, Fla., 86:56: 2. Mike R€senly, Sports East, 27:51.4; 3r Tom O61er, 55. Gary Bernal, 13, Mifaoi!, Fla., 87r0,!; 56, Wm, Penn AC, 28:32; 4. c1ifi HasenJus, ca;den couniy Col- vaa Vrahkea, 12, Miramar, FIa., 88:06; 5?. Dean Bia- reEa;29.03. t 5. Marshall Klein, unat., 33:05.5;6. 6ucci, 10, Miramar, 79:15, 58. Chlis Wagner, 10, Mir- Gray Whel6tone, Hatbofo, N.J., 34:09; ?. G. Weller, amar, 93:56i 59. Tamhy Talle6, 15, Miami, l:46:15. --Ray Russell & G. L. custad-- VETERANS (Over i10) 3 l/z-Miles- 1. Ralph Frazer, Delawaie SC, 19t48, Z. Dr. Stan Bra6on, Media, Pa., RRC of N. Y- SUMMER SPEED PROGRAM, CLOVE 20:3?; 3. Ev Nere11, Mt, Holly! N.J., 21r01' 4. Ray LAKE PARK, STATEN ISLAND, N. Y,, July 31, 1973 samson, Cahden, N. J. , 2l:03i 5. Dan Wise, 24:Q9; ? P. M. (3 M es o{ paved palk paths) _19 3-Mile open - l Joe Pesco, 19, Staten lsldd AC, 14:21; L. Capt. Tom Chllde!s, USMC, spts, (25:28,8, 9r39-8 2. Ed Bowes, 30, New York AC, 14:.13; 3. Rafe Lura, 4t)6. ' 2tA4- - ' r.l. .r, - '. -rnando S -a..2, 22, 19, United-Bohaa, l5:ll; .1. Toh Horaa, 19, Brooklla, Queens, N. Y., \2pt6. lz6to2-2nd, 9.56-znd, 4.45-ZLd, 15:23; 5. F!ed WaLker, 35, St.Anth. BC, 15:30i 6. Bill 2:04-Zbd, 5.1.9-,lth); 3. Orlahdo Martinez, 26, Brook- Go!don, 38, St.Anth. BC, 15:36; ?. PhiI Heit, 28, United lld, 16 pts. (26:13-3xd, 9:51-3rd, 4r53-8th, 2r01.6-lst, Bohaa, 16:30; 8. George Ptice Jf., 24' NYPC, 16:38; 53.6-16t): .1. Peter Gaugb!, 17, Brooklyn, Z3 pt6, ,1.1, 9. Da Dougherty, s!., SIAC, 17:02 (rst Vet. )r 10. iZ6:39- 5th, r0:05-.4th, .4:49- 5th, 2:0?.,1-.1th, 55. 0- 5th) ; Art Kijek, 42, LIAC, 17:07 (Znd Vet.); ll. A6her Gee, to. Broo/ ),, { 1,... /_7.-)_8 ,. t0,6_ ZL, BroE, l?:i1,4; 12. Phil Carducci, 24, United Bohaa, bth, 4r.17-4ih, 2:t0,5-?th, 55.5-r5th); 6. Ji4 Winlield, 17:48. (19 starters, 18 linishers) 20, l{awtholne, N.Y., .ll pts. (26:30-4th, 10:29, 8th, 3-Mile Teenag€ Rw- l. TomBierster, 18, S.I.,1,1:39, +:11'-4tll, Zilz.4-IZt]r, 57.7-I4t1r),7. Bill ilbu!, 23, 9r 2. Hal Ognelodh, 16, United Bohaa, 14:57; 3. Dan uaionville, N. Y. , ,19 pts, (2?:10-6th, 10:0?-5th, 4:52- Dougherty Jr., 18, SIAC, 15:09;4. Ray Escobar, 18, 7!h, 2;10.8-9th, 59.9-zzkd)t 8. Michael cotangelo, l?, NYPC, 15:27; 5. Aogel Garcia, li1, United Bohaa, L5:30j M.aser, N.Y., 57 pt6. (30:16-z9th, l0:30-9th, .l:51-6th, 6. Brian Swensen, I?, S.I. , 15:39i 7. A1 Faison, 15, SI- ziaE.5-5rh, 55- ?-8th), 18, Jim Roseboom (9th) lnwood, Ac, l5:48' 8. Darryl N€dbe, 16, S.1., 15:50j 9. Tohy \. Y- , 66 pts, (28r57, 16th, 111:3?-]lth, ,l:56-9th, Z:13..1- Martinetti, 16, s.I., 15:55; 10. Gaeg Bierster, 15, s.L, 1]th, i8,0-I5th); 10, Jason Gre11er, 25, Queens VilLage, 15:09;11. John Black, 15, S.L, 1i;:20; lZ. Eob Murach, \. t., i1 jrLs.(29:03-18ih, 1l:05-l5th, 5:16-23rd, 2:08.8- 16, Brooklla, 16:24. (22 starters, 20 finishet6) 6ri, aa.l-9th); ll. Dave Blackstone, 30, NYC, ?.1 pts, - -Joe Kleine!man-- ( 2i r2 : - r-:i, I0:3 5-l0th, il:56. l- 9th, Z:18-2oth, 61. r-28thl; 12, 3::- Cobb, 18, BroN, 75 pts. (29:05-l9th, 1l:15- N. Y. RRC SUMMER SPEED PROGRAM 19ih, ::ir:-llth, 2,12-Ilt]r, 57.2-I3t1r)i 13, Ray Escobar, Van Cortlandt Palk Sladillm, July 28, 1973 l0 A. M, :8, B:.L-, ii' )rs. (27:55-9tb, 1l:03-14rh, 5:10,18th, r. V: F OnF-- l. 'in \\:nli-ll, -0, qa".horn", \.Y,, 2:li-r:ri,, :;, i-16th); 14, steve Pouack, 1?, Monsey, l0:05.7j 2. Raeif Luna, 19, Unted Bohaa, 10:36;3, Jer- N,!,, t: j::.i28:26-l1th, lLl9-z?nd, a..I6-23rd, Z:I?.8 ry Mccarthy, 23, BroE, l0:.,17; 4. Fred Walker, 34, -1lth, .:,.-?:ih)! 15. Raefl Luna, 19, Brooklyn, 97pts. St.Anth.EC, 10:.18j 5. Dennis Dri€.oli, 21, Brookl)n, (28ra-1--r::, :r-3-13ih, 5:08-16th, ?:16.4-I8th, 62.2- l0:56; 6. George Haller, 48, NYC, 11r27 (16t vei.)r 7. l5th)i -.. C:::s 5ian.ierwick, i?, Brooklyn, 104 pts- Frank L€nto, 26, Flushing, 1Z:49j 8. Dudley C1a66e, 48, (3l]rt--2.::. :r.-=:si, 5:03-llth, Z:t3,2-llth, a7 -t?r':r.)., United Bohaa, 13:2li 9. Leo Dietz, .18, scarsdale, 13.46t 1."t. \i:a.: a-::r:r:a, j9, NyC, rr0 !ts. (28:06-roth, r0. Marie Roach, 25, Queens, 14:U (16t Female) 10:39-1::h, :: =-::r. ,_:?a. a-3rst, 64. 8-45th); 18. paul 2-Mile Teenage Ruh ' 1, Picrre Vavoules, 18, Longl6- Fe!6.her 1., ,:::.-i:nrsi€ad, N,y., t13pts.129:32- landAC, l0:00,8j Z, Ha1 Ogdelodh, 16, United Bohaa, I0: Zznd, \t .- -- , :: :-:-11,2t22,A-3kh, 60.?-26th)i l0i 3. Ray Escobai, 18, NYPC, 10:l3j 4. Mik€ Hagon, 17, 19, EilLt a .r:r't:: t:. :.c\, 115 pts, (30:20-3Znd, Rockland RRC, 10:19; 5. Jeiry CentroNitz, l?, NYC, l0: ll:38,:-33r.. ::t:-:t::. trt=. =-t6rh, 55,9-ltth): zo. 22; 6. Ed Ewing, 1?, Rockland RRC, 10:3.1r ?. Jerry Has- Ed E*ins, . ::t.::. t..: , !2. pLs,tZE,5A-\4]jh, \\.24. lao, 16, Rockland RRC, 10:38; 8. Jid Roseboom, 18, Inwood, N.Y,, 10:.:l8j 9. AftFoster, 18, Thorn\rood, N.Y, as, ZZ, Eror, t- :: t:r:t-:trr. ta:25,t-?th. 4:56,4 rO:54: lO. Martlh Culie!, 16, LLAC, 11:00. (20 stalteis, -IQL:I., Z:2t-2::.., '.. - : t ierr_ Hastam, lb, 15 finishers) Wimer of Fast Time Plaques lor Van Cort- Sulfern, \.L, =: -::. ::::i-12t1, 11r52-39th,5:19- landt Park S€ries: Teenage- Matt Cehtrowitz, NYAC, 27ti,, 2:1E.a-2:-., i-. - : . ,. Crrc Lr!!ky, lb, 9:23 July 7, L9?3i Open- Tony Colon, NYAC, 8:56.5 Levittown, \. 1. l= r::. :!:21-33rd, 1l:17-20thr 5i1,1- July 7, 1973j Vet. - Joe Burns, United Bohaa! 10:33.6 z0r}.2-.- r. .- :.' on:"hhp)-,18. - -Joe Kl€inerfran-- Meftick, N, ! . la- :::, 1lai29-l.lth, lla7.I-ZIst, at21- 31st, 2:29-.1i}. ..,--2 .i)t 25, V, Benchul, 3'!, NYC, 7,05 MILE RUN, CEDAR GROVE, N,J, RRC 154 pts, (?!:la,:::. 1:2-.1-Z5t1r, 5136-4314, Z.2A.Z- c€darOrov€Res., July Za, 1973 7.aa P.M. (Three laps 29th, 62,1- l-.. j :r. BiU Caiuana, 19, Ozone Paak, ol 2.35-mi1e loop. ) N. Y., 162 rr: ::, Caarles Brtro, 28, Brooklyn, 163; l. Ray Carrol, 18, 38:35t 2, John GarlepF, 35, 39:02; ld, :o - - . 5. ts.or. 68r 'o. Pob"- -'ne, 3. Mike Morgan, 18, 4l:09; ,1. Jay Lampei, 16, 4\:A9.2, ,12, Broo|ltl, \, I. , l7? pts, (L6l Vet, )j 30. Pat Mc- 5. Ed o'Nei11, 29, 11.47t 6. Kay Campbe11, 44, ,12r,19 Dorald, 17, ra.!r1le, N. J. , 1?5; 31. Steve Rothenberg, (Lsf Ovcr .10): 7, Paul Slakie, 32, 45t!.!-i 8. aiU Mulhern "r, 8 .o ... '. 'orM.apuo, 8. BrooLl,n, r8l. 32, 41ta9! 9. Joe Scott, ,18, ,19:54. 33.Irank Jin Clr*..e, 18, Vauey Cottage, N.Y.,189; 34. J. Iranli Lento, 26, F1u6hing, 195j 35. Joe Vidal, 99 SPEND LONG DAY RUNNING IN SUN 19, BroL!, 19i; 36. Tom camelon, .13, NYC, 199 (znd Van Coltlandt Park, Bronx, Jnly 29, 1913- Capr. Tom Vei. )i 3?, Art Ktjek, ,12, Valley Stream, N. Y, & ceo, Childers stationed at the Quantico, Va., bas€, won tb€ HaL1e., ,18, \!C, 202 pts.; 39. Ed OrNeill, Belleville, RRC pentathlo. and gained lcvenge ior last year, wh€n N. J. , 202; ,10. A1 lvlartih, 20, BroN, 203. . ,.17th- Bill in th€ first event of the live he pulled a muscle and had Corae, 51, Sraten I61and, Z?8 pr6, (lst Masters),,5lst- to aetire flom the event. This year he captuled the 5- Nina Kuscsik, 33, Huntineton Station, N, Y,, 294 pts. mile run in 25t28.8, t]re two-mile r@ in 9:39,8 and Lhe I sl r 6nc - .,,7 sr- Po. C":. --. o, B_ory. r0- r). tuile in 4:36..1. In the othe! two event6 he placed second (Yougest runner)... ?5th- Lynn Blackstone, 32, NYc, in the 440 in 54.5 ahd third in the 880 ir 2:0,1.2. He total- 433 pts. (2od Fedale). The codpetition lasted li l/2 €d ei8ht points ia wihning, A total of 97 ruMers started th€ event with 8.1 complet- ing the Iive aaces making up the !aog!am. A11{ihishers FOURTH ANI'{UAL MORRO BAY TO CAYUCOS FUN !eceived award6, RUN (CALIFORNIA) Jue 2,1th l1 a. m. ar low tide. This beach !@ drew 162 startels and 157 linished the six- ! oRT DUPONT PARX, WASHINGTON, D.C.5.5--1f miler, Twenty lini€her6 made it to the Ca)rocos Pier in MILE oPEN RUN, J@e 27, 1973 uder 37 tuinutes. To add lo the fu! Ed Cadena, Vince 1. Dan Reeks, 29:,t7: 2. Bruce Robinaob, 29t57 Engel 3. Bob & Bob Naminga called themselves the Ftorida TC, Thurston, 30:11; 4. Topp€r Powers, 3O:23; Demy though 5. aLL are local rune!6, Last yea!'s winnei, Steve McDohough, 30:34i 6. Jih Ke@ey, 3Or55j ?. phit Harney, manag€d only seventh, but retained hi6 lecord Stewalt, 3l:05i 8. Dave Buzzelt, 3l:l?j ceorge of 32:03. Meet 9. Directoi: Te!!y Recofd, San Lui6 Obis!o, Christophea, 3l:23;10. Bob Harper, 31:24; 11. Tom Cattas, 3ItZ6, 12. Martin Smith, 3t:38;13. Doug Sloc_ 1. tie, Ed Cadeba & Vihce Engel, FTC, 32:38' 3. John rlm, 3?:14j 14. Mike Fleming, 32:2?; 15, paut Falrier, Beaton! CCAC, 33:00;4. Bob NaDninga, FTC, 33:1?; 5. 32:29; 16. Jobr Slocl]m, 32.47i t7. Edwin Jelohe, Johh 32: S.lhickrath, Long Beach, 33t59i 6. Jahes White, 55j 18. Bentrett Beach, 32t59, 19, Rod Steele, Vandenberg, 33:26; 34:05; ?. Steve Harney, Culver City, 34:1Oj 20, Bill Hoss, 33t27i Zl. Bab Julid, 33:33; 22. Bruce Lopez, ct.. ,r: o. 8. Poo"!r Co I, lim har

**r*;,,,'*t*i+liiit!T,+I"..*ti t'ffi**'r***,;'. ;:,'.]"iijf:' l''-' ;; ;;,*il ii#;i:;:"r,"::r,r )i:'j if* *lf U*" =" l;ii f'ir;i,;l;rr;,:,r#ril ;1 l,il ;;1i, i:i:uir";'; :i',^"-,+'lti .:, i ii'i:, i'.*:,t;i"+' :r;., *+,* i=* i:;T:;, T ;::''-i?,;*:*,1.;p.:i","1"",,.n.",'*,l,il "liiLt*nl*,;"';ii"?;'J::;"rll;:""s-..k#'#'"iTTtjnti:1i:i.jffi if 1i,#il: ili',",,;i*.ljr::r-r-?:1i1g= lnilxi"li{i ... .'.:".ry'.'::.. :":i,:_:;j;,,, j,l.--. t:i,;]1,;,,:;t:'.i"":t;:.'1.:;.:::;::' -l " ::_,::1L ,li;!ir.:i:t:":,:i;:;;;; i;,r:":, " .' .''"" e"''. :',r.:*'r'i.'i+t",,;, ';;:.,r:";, i i:..;"":.-tr,#"*,t3rrlqilfi* =l* ;l*,*"u'T*} -*,:, ffi"""ii$:"i'T' J "r*,,,.- :l: , :::- *i:;;i;;l f "?1"' ;l;',r+":;Li:'l;*u'o'u'J"''-''"nu'z B'bFer. i;:ii+:l*j" :'+ ii,l i'* ::l:fi. i:; ;.:::: l, il '..,.;ltlLiil':'U*L"Jll"ixli"'fi'"';111";-'"'" ::i J..::;- li: ,,:: " 1:r:l-1::,* ii :;:,- I ."',1:.iilv;"1;lJiJ:i"","'I'1'tl.x?;:.,:' ffifri ,, {'r:e#*ffi u *r***l 1 ****fffi -r9- 21, Steve Ross, 3tl8t0lt 25, Jih Simonik, uat,, 3il9: fo? ee, ' Sink e:pla4ed after the race, 'I like har;: 21r 26. Dave R. Senf, 3:19:51; 27. John R. Peychar, thoning a lot, but it is an awful hald event, The first 4,1!,M, TC, 3t22t18, ZB. BiU Hamilton, 3tz5tll.,29, tea dites are a lot of lu, you jdst ru along and taik, lemis B. Spars, 3:Z5t44i 30, W,C. Ran6ey, CarlotL, bdt the la6t tew niles are torture. l 3:2ri:51j 31. Tad B. Pinterton, Madi€on Stlide!6, 3:28: Sink trains at Bowliog Greeh, where he is Iinishing i;' 32. Joseph A. Calla, 3tz9t49;33. Pete Wagnea, 3: wolk towald hi6 mastexs degree io HPER. He train€ :2:27; 34. Tohy Rodiez, 6a, , 3t3zt5\! 35. Michael P, vith B. Grs t?ack team during the school year, In pre- Rau, Raubsters, 3:33:00i 36. Lee C. 1lving, 3:33:33; palation for the Glass City Malathon Sink 6aid he train- 3i. Glen M, Goy, 3t15t42;38. Jeffrey L. Martinson, ed aE usualr except for an 18 mile run on Sbday6 & 3t+4.27',39, James E. Schroede!, 3:40:28' 40. Syl Lud- packtng hi6 body with 90% carbohydrates late i4 lhe :1gton, U.w.M.'lC,3t4At44t 41. Knud c. Stobbe, U.w. --J. G. Edwards-- :,,1. lC, 3t40t14i 42. Maak Brauchle, 3:.1.1:05; 43. Jack aeuey, San Diego TC, 3t14t2lt 44. Rick S. Reichertz, 3:16.49t 15. Pete! Kearn6, sa., 3:47:38; ,16. Karl Complete /|lorofhon Resulls .{bend!oth, U.w.M. TC, 3:49:20 ilst Ove! 50)j .17. Nare totn tltne -Edward P, Urbanski, 3:50:55; .18. Cedric N. Michalak, lte 11 sidn y Strk 24 Eoill ng 2t32t7a a.1{.M. TC, 3:sztz8i 19. Cary S. S€9a11, 3t53.24t 5Q, Pete. Allrop 2'3br37 tennis Cohdoh, 3:55:48; 51. Adam B. Laming,lII, ]vlur- ioter Rouill.r 3a Pt.k€r. bg r. v. ' .ay St. Striders, 3t56t07t 52. Ki!k P. Alley, 3r56:12. Dob slu!.er 21 Fiiilluigh, ta. 2:-13:30 lst Woman: Shaaon Cogbi11, 6at., 5:05:00, (7r linished) TtoEs Br]:!i ra {or',nin!to. 2-19.72 Team: i, Univ. Wisconsin-Milwaukee TC, 18; Z. UWM rroo Yrg!.r 29 SBrtoi 2:19143 IC-8, 30r 3. UWM TC-C, .15. P.tfiok lrry 17 liminrlbn, vi. z:^tt@ E.D.rr, lhtis 19 colub$, ot,io Notes, . The temp. vas 85- at the start at 8 a. & " h. J.ff Sch!.ll 19 2:42.59 ;ras up to 93o by noon, with rO0% h@ldity I A larg€ por- B!8. {rit'1.. 24 f,otrto! 2:43:1r -or or rhe .acc ra6 re on Lhc partua)" ^ h:.h a-p 11 Cebierlile, lii. 2:43:44 ,beautiful in Milwalkee Couty. Thi6 helped negate the TI! zrb.utb ?0 lort ir.y!.' I!d. z:44I33 'heat 6omewhat, Only 7l oI the 169 starters finished. 139 1r.o! iol,ror 19 8611€fo!tt1!e 2.44:3a . rio chenp, B:11 \-ioon. .6 l6 ) oI agF. hF JLc. t.r. spFnd.l 31 Tol*ao ?r45t21 completed hi6 sophooore yeal in high school at West !iL. N.10d.. 2a l,6tn Allis Centlal High. His be€t tiae6 are .1:30 & 9:.19, D.nnl. r.rliDg 32 YaooDb, IU. ad.! s.bcb)( 23 M,ple l{6lght! 2t41.6 Last year he von the age 15 & ude! division io the _ac\o rark E u! 23 Fltln, rion. 2r41tl6 NLrmi Ma.-rlon ar du_'-/. wis-on"i'. cr.6 r&a!rbu$ 31 {hd3or, ott. ?t49to3 MINI-MARATHoN (1.r MILES) June r0, 1973 11 Rrtt!.r 24 trylor' }rrcb. 2:50:16 r. .r-<'C-!on.\), -h:nC'ri-F TC, 82:.6.6: z. DaEd la J.rD vr ?:51:ll 29 sylhE 2:51:13 Elger, wat. , 83:20.9i 3. Abie KhatchadoufiaE, uat. , s.!dy fmer ' 85:55. 2i 4. Jell Stracha, unat. 8?:4?,2; 5. Tom Hig- |rlobel RoblEr re cl€aolsld ]itr' 2t52t27 , 2! gins, UCTC, 87r56.3;6. Nerson Quites, Milw, TC, 90: DrD ctruqs. ':3 ToD l-in, Pa. 2:54!06 Papelbon, Lrocbtre 19 Nortb 12.,1;7. Bruce unat., 90:l3t 8. Demis O'Bri- c.rt h.y.D 16 lolcdo 2ta41l6 ed, wat., 90:40.6! 9. Ar Brodzik, UCTC, 91:08. 1; 10. R.ndy rlu.r 17 xeht. 2144.36 Joe Kfeutz, $at,,91t33,3t il. David Warien, Glen- Si.{ Fur.+3y 25 Cl.ftbnd 2.54.44 b.ook \o. | -, ot: ra. 8i tZ. . y Fl"rsFr, . -irfo ^pgor.. 33 le.oy, I.Y. TC, 95:l?.8j 13. Mark Zahgl, @at., 96:08, ?r 14. Otha !ir1 rrlrl 20 ctifi.ld Htd. 2|41.\) Ilaziea, Lakeshoie Orld. , 98:33.1! 15. ? 98:51. 5; 16. rEd sohTartz 19 M bclor 2.a7t3l AlaD Floeler, John 5' c.r!g B.[biy 17 ?dl€do 2t57:54. 98:53: l?. Matquart, ua., 99:02. 2:.Btl9 18. ? Archie King, Glenbrook Area, Doug Roty 99.02,3,19. 99:30. uall lilrE Tobao 2.53139 3, Dan (rst Under 15)i 20. Smith, Oconomowoc, 99:49.6 Bob lyaoh 23 Qry, IDd. zt' 21. Larfy.Susienha, uat., 99:50.3:22. John RodahL, !.8 lzocrrD. 16 Co1nobu6 2:59:10 UWM, 100:05.2: 23. Pat Doyle, Eat., 100:18. 5j 2.1, !r'. Ectcll!. 2a rlhBzoo,rE. 2ra9.2e Milanko Djurdjvioo, Lions club, 100:48.8i 2s. Tim chsl,.. srr.!d.I 39 Toldo 2rs9i45 qrandabu-, Flash's Foli "s, ,00:48.8. (lJ0 bLa! "rs. !sYtit lrtrko 123 {inishers) lst Over 40- AL Brodzk, ea., 9l:08.l. 8..!y ..i.r 16 tc!14 3:Or:1o Ist ove! 50- Ma!6haU Deakin, U,W.M. TC, 1:49:lz. * orsBu !Lc. +.g._group tl:e. 'romen- I. Georgette GooEaa, Madl6on Badgerettes, ,11. JlmRosino, 18, sandu6ky, 3:03:,!8;42. Jo6eph i:53:11' 2. Laulie Mullen, MB, 1:57:21; 3. Jane Janisoh, Holly, 19, Yellow Spaing6, 3:04r01; 43, Claig Tsinih- f!8, l:58:54. aki, 3I, Am Arbor, Mich., 3:04:14; 44. Jell Burkette, Teae: L. U.W,M. 'lC, Z1i 2. Lion6 Ei6enhowe!, .16; 17, Kokoho, Ihd., 3:04:38; .15. Jolu Cole, r7, Circin- 3.Flash Fo1lie6. --Veroon A, NeL6o!-- aati, 3:05:46;46. Bob SchaIer, 18, Toledo, 3:05:50; 47. Ze Sequwa, Curtice, 3:06:08' 48. David Mason sID SINK \{INS THIRD ANNUAL GI-ASS CITY MARATnON 29, Deria, 3t06:43r 49. .41an Marsh, 19. Ashtabula, Toledo, Ohio, J@e t7, i973 8:00 A.M. Weathe!: Huid, 3:0?:33; Cordon -i0", 50. Spicer, i9, Lida, 3:08:Il' 5t. ceo. cooi, cloudy. 270 stalted, 186 {inished. Virce, Jr,, 24, ciard, 3:08:1,1; 52. ceoige ciimore, sid sink, 171 NCAA Steeplecha6e champ & fo!@e! Ame!- 45, Toledo, 3:08:34; 53. Mike Si@s, 24, Tavrat, ican record holde!, i6 u6ed to wiming, but Dot at the Mich., 3:09r10; 54. Rarmond Nado., 33, Toledo, 3:09: 20' 55. Scott Webe!, 30, Toledo, 3:09:24; 56, Herb The 8. 26. 4 steeplechasel made hi6 debut in the mara- Seegert, 37, Roserlle, Mich. , 3tlAtz9, 57. Glen Detry. :lor La6t March in Detloit, and hi€ vin in Toledo is his betly, 21, Bowling Green, 3:10:,13; 58. Matt McDermott rrst tor the event, rrRuning is jusi a 6ideligltt Lo!ai4, 3:11:0.1; 59. Dan Ryar, t8, Toledo, 3i12r23; 60. bl Dd t!'!l:'a- SPRINGFIELD, VERMONT MII{I-Mr\RATHON #".,." -""t. lt, Fe6'or, va.. i: 2:z': ,0. toz! o P.v. rr .2-M -6 r or & hLmrd' j., r:lz: o1. D"dn Mcoua:de' 25' i"i, 'l -" r"cn: I NVc' ,-*. 'o: !o, ro edo t:'r:44: ;;;;"-' i oartlv Irood-

: : ::' j?t,,, #' rli:i,iiitjiti'iiit Ri'lge' uat 29:14;60 Matthew Hitd' NMc' i":;t,:lii;;,;,rl:?:rcedarholm, *tt, ti'tl' i-"'"" stele.:,-;'*':':, ' BA,^., za.azi6. Jo1aI e;-a' z6''lz' zq're --Dick childs-- craham, @a!., zb:z9r 8' Joln butFlfi"ra' *;;;;**+:1',i*';.--'-;iriilt-*'t.,il";,;;," u,',i*"'.",UiSiltiti$ :, ;:i*' i t- :ii- :i, *i'.i"*; ;,il:,l:::,'j:i,,j:'l]';lii"iTr';t ;t' *1;;.i,i:ft:r;i'=;'ri:r":i"1:i :',r^ ;J, :* ;?,,i*tHit'= r'-t' *lJ.t' *: r -rt E *,t],,r *u:

ii'*'ii:#'iij"'i+'*"*'er*r*i:iiff-"H:"";,;i;r$i*1i;i*'"*,;'i,ffi , l],,i::,::;:*":t;,'# ";']i;,-x; T*T*"".i, Til ilrfl*i;,1=+ruil::liit*qtttt * *.-"..", ---'---'-- -' -'--- :xrii'i l;i#i::,t:,',-:":"fi; j;, """' ffii:ii}lrJx:?'j#"",".*f'5 1;:*i#::; ti;::, #l',::::1":'li|'!'"#iii"li#I"""' -;;;;; -'' ;;;., ;:;;;;, ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;, lffi[s;;:{.l;,,,;i i,i3i$il#i;ilidi, ;r-',, .i;l I*.ii:,,,,';*, lf i;*i*,+"*iI:Hi" ;; ri:,iiitn t..',",*:".*:,, i."ll i:."iJ: l ; :*l ;,i].:i I jj:". "i i'' i;'i "l ; ":,: "?,i [il*i*''#+S;tll;;:lti::.' l,r;=*:illJ+i[]i]]*u,.i'-i'"jii?Iili'3li:-" glands'n 'I it",_ffi:mifui"*:t?1,,:' :tj:,l;'" ff;#: i::r z2 ?e BRtNKHAris.NoR! B6urr:eaN PAcrFlc ASsocrATIoN REsuLTs GRIFFITH PARK DISTANCE CLUB 13 KILO RUN sl DLrnrN0r Lot lsF i.i-ut"rs (cou'se Re.o!d:44:53 bv Biu scobev' 1973) 3? BOrTLrk. s!2ANrf 8z J@e ?4, 19?3, weather: ward, srrsv 85 sta!te16' CROSS'COUN- week in 3RD COLLEGE O' CANYONS ?-MILE fini6hers. BiU Scobev capled a succe6sf[1 July l, 19il 1t'eather; Ouite warm' 2-frile and marathon itr the TRY RUN, *tri"n r'. -"" tr'. 880; mile, ol the Creat Britain Yeterans ieah shoeed marathon win (2:40) came just Members r.ireman's OllmPics. His hoL to do ir with a gteaL eflort here' scobev and Malk Kushne! the yo@gstels or" a"r U"fot. tll" race. Both turnc.l iaur:e c'Hara easilv took the hohors AAU Marathon in Bullingam€ 7 davs Ne{iy '1C, rah inihe National on a cross_.ountrv-road course The 2:23 lor a liletime be6l' The combination i.t".. - ra""r'..' crocking is a tough lrdrcr I Fine awards and an in- s. Englisl@an flu took BiLl out at L0 mile teresting course. 2. ilnishers. l. Lauri; o'Hara, ll:11 i-st over 40); 2' 3eh Mattinez' 39r54; 3. Ed chai:2, =-:-a, 1. Guv A!roga6t' 40:33 -a, 40:51; 6 Patlick (1€t HS); 5. Jim ;r!: 22, 6a' ' Mille!. !2:O1]i ? \1r:.: llartinez, '12:06; S Cha!l€s Horn, 42t2at 9. a.a . :1::{1in, 43:oZ (znd over 401; r0' Gary Dobrentz, 2), 'a ' --: -3'44t U Ken Hall, i!'4:04 \'.4Ov-r I : - o '/' 11:0i


SPA 15 KILO RUN CHAMPIONSHIP, SANTA BARBARA 9.3-MILES, Jaly 4, I9?3 - A record field of l?O starte!6 enjoyed super veathe!, although a bit waim, as Mike Wagenbach successlully aleJended hi6 title, Greg Brock,s rt: 0 . ours- r re pro. Fss. L 1-vcr -aitb-- oa the following day the weather changed ro cool and ovexcast. Teams: I. ELATC Z9t 2. BHS 52i 3. SBAA 95j ,1. STC 107; 5, GWAA 108; 6. CCAC U8; 7. SMTC 130, 8. CCAC-3, 18t. 1. Mike Wagenbach, 23, ELA'IC, 46:50 CRr 2. Dare White, BHS, 4?:05; 3. Terry Williads, ,t?:33; ,1. BiU Scob€y, BHS, 4?r37: 5. Dave Haripacki, ELATC, .17:51 irh SO'STH EL MONTE BIIND HANDICAP ?.9 MILES Jult 7, 1973, 1! eather: 1\.aim. I58 starte!6, t.r8 fihish- ers. Both Bill Scobey and Ron Kurrle dilped under Doug Sclmeak's record ol 41:58 set in 19?1, Spohsored br the E1 r,{oEte Recreation Deparrment.

L :.---


in" *tc'0.r. rontr

i, ! crcDrrr. aNokEr i," *rrr''trert'

NEWPORT BEACH RUNS (OPEN & VETS) 10.2 MILES Julv 14, 1973 Women) 1. Doug J. Sclmebk, 50:5? CR; 2. L Pater6on' 5L:27; l.{swpolt Beach l. --l :r:., Cirls, 3. Ro;Ksrre, 25, PCc, 5Lr6i 4. Don Ocana' 53:51; l. Ralph serna, l: ! ::i: ohg, 16:19; 3. 5. Nell Sybelt, 5'4:18:6. R. Duleaat, 51:'l?; ?' Bill Kent Norton, 16rri, s4:56; 8. Gled Jevell' 18' CJTC, Theriaurt, 29, STc, 4th MT. TOM Cll l: l--::, July 2r, 1973 56:l?; r0. R. J. Branch, 56:57 --l 56:LZt 9. D- Bosweu, Weather: Clear a:i .::-, :::i1e Record: Jerrv Alex- a!der, z/:1!, r j


2t eEF!stE I \ r 0AvE 25 csu, 13:4?;21. Paul Schelt, NMC, 13:48;22. Don simi, wa., r3r49i 23. Mike Levin6, ua,, l3:5li 24. Bob 37 NTCHOLSON'SAM Orl-eary, 6a., 13:53i 25. Robert Riorda, ua., r3:56i 26, Mike Tru€, una., l,l:Ooi 2?, Tom Clark, ao 0Lrv€R,O€NNts ua. , 14:02, 28. Dan Kreatz, ua. , 14:05; 29. Tooy Maccario Jr., NMC, l4:l2r 30. Steve Northup, Ea. , 42 DIJF^ND'iICt]AFO 43 FEADI ITLLIAN L4:r4j 31. Challes Ratti, NMC, r4:i6; 32. A1d Dow, 4. €IJLF:^CHTSCCTT CSU, 14:18! 33. Ed Wood, CSU, L4:24i 34. ? l4tz5., 34. Jobn Boofas, BA-4, l1,Z7i 35. Jim Shapiro, BAA.

4-MILE WALK, HoLBROoK, MASS., July 3, 19?3 50 s^razA(I rY03N I. Tom Khatt, NMC, 33:43i 2. ceo. Lattarulo,. NMC, 5l RoPPlYr(!oA' N 34:15; 3. Oary Geofiroy, NMc, 36:16i 4. Demis Slattely LBC, 36ri7; 5. Tony Medeiros, NMC, 36:37. (r3 5' S^XAZANI ILLOYD lin.) 6-MILE ROAD RUN, WHITMAN, MASS., ruLY4,i9?3 1. Peter Bortelleti, 29:59i 2. Jim c!een, 30:0?i 3. Pete! Stipe, 30:28; 4. George ConeJley, 30:43i 5.Dave Ezersky, 3t:04j 6. DD Penze!, 31:13i 7. Steve Oleen, 31:33t 8. Rolahd Lass, 31:35i 9. Robelt Claiizia! 3l:51; r0. Pete! Kucltinski, 32.59t lI. Ed Ca\not, 33tl4i 1"2- Ken Steven, 34f3li 13, Gary Weinet, 34.52i 14-. Dave Liiton, 35:16; 15. chlis Blady, 35:40; 16. Ed Spimey, 63 FoNSIAr oANIaL r<:51: 17. Irm B"rnaro, 36:00r '8. Paui c!aJIe), 3o:.2; la. B. !l.hi aker, 26:2/; 20. lona-hab Avety, a6t^zi 21. Le6 Libby, 36.44i 22. C]rat\eB Ratti, 36:49; 23. Mark 7? vILLARE^Ir croF6 Freitas, 36:54j 24, Steve Rook, 38:26i 25. Wm. Cheaa6, '8:q7i 25. Al red Bp.(h. ,o:lr;27. Robe- Da ey, lo:27 28. Thotuas Keri, 39:30' 29. Jim Shapilo, 39:32; 30, Pete! Donahue, 39:43; 31. Robert 1tade, 39153t 32. Steven Mills, 39:55; 33. Robert Thompson, 40:t4; 3:1. James Pe!!y, .10:2,1j 35. Eruce CobvrL, 4jt26t 36. Fred Leqis, 40:3lj 3?. We. ALay, 1O:54t 38. Andy Mc- Auley, ,f1r00j 39. Richaad Mcsweeney, 4lr44i 10. Jack

i-"-"-":-'r-::'i -:l:'-'r !i: i:i'il _? _ _ 1::i 1::::_':: _- slds i$tsd 6l m tb.t. A9 P^RI5NI XAREN Ma rvin Rothenstein Wins leet",..Hescmbslirelr in showd aits bei4 in the conpany ot smokets whs Wtthout Ever ComPeting qdhens 9. MEI.IKINt DOUC his sile h6led . BY rho M!.aA. U ttired. Mrr- specilic to atone Jor. can be club. r f,ol{i'g' sd' S' ROLIsON' bENIS dr Rotnsleln, ?llrews ju$ ihai In lrying to iak. tnq *a3 lsed, Rdult be daY nyseff a bener p..son lbrough sror ls ninures lhe ftxt rh€ e6 lErRlc(,Fo3aRr wlatevef sufieling €xists. pi.khg up blils dldde. lothen$ein lells ol hG kind PARISN' ol Ihe BulLetin spai\ stull hee I3 replle to the jokeh {ho nake *It, be€us he lno{s 99 sIEDEFNANIOAVE'NILIP Marin Rotlre.:ie'n ms and the rema*s about his roning. At nol gling b ger J.ster NrTcNnaN'srevE uE equivrlent ol a narathon maY 100 hts 61dv !Ece, ne Picked uP slo$er, rNsh€r lorrdk IOI BO r day, rso vortouh ea.h day b€ nm b€ne{ki3l ...He .Durd a nack i. Ne{ Yo|\ ?:3 ?ennis, 4 ckels, 63 'LI(!LINOA din€s, 17 quanen, ttu tl ask! sltot|! Dan lacruie6 e IO3 DUFANO,LOL]ISE state, a summ* cato! opera- gel nd ol @lor Ear 5ead. tor, ln }js nid-{os, h0 6 b€en 6ilr, a 5ut{ay xo*a dd a nnning longer-ndt faster CaDadian haltdollar in t*d - yeaft. canpers and counsel- t06 oaBLsr€N,cNlcK eacn Y.r since lE datud nis o^ have .ajled a'd slud pa& Ae never etea a mce, e coins alons rG 10 rro{ te can r {in an thjrg. e{epi In lj6 pi.vidd book, betid health aid P€ls@r rll RosrNs0Nr auo sa*fadno.. "l dm't {d! ''fteEs a Eusan leing in II2 SCAELATELLA tF]L 4y @Detitidd," Rotxen*'n that sveatsu ," Mawin 6ays. rl1 lanle rith MY rwed rhat Tv exposuie, en' SELF day afte! dry , . . Cdn- dosenenls ald acclaim nis runidg 2,5-M1LE RUN, FRESH POND, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Petiilte roning can go on ror wolldn'r .hsnse j$t e 1o4, Plereas rhe u. Jmn any'thing but anareuF June 28, 1973. (}Ir {inis}tels) olas''ied' lunriis I'n ddhg ish. He no{ Er.als he didnt can cmtinx' dtil dealh cash_ l. Scott Grah@, Mat.,I2t25t 2. Ken Grahd, unai., doNements o! acclain 10 dis_ 12:28; 3. Earl Mccilvery, NMc, Lz:35;4. Joh! ceda!- "'#i"ll no -* sing. ond Fe.h a_e bea{.i^P h" Rdthffiteh torld thd hom, ua., 12:4.1:.. e'rvVcdoy' CSU' lZ:!^,6. ""'." "* ine (Good old sui.nlne' ,ohr Babhstor, NMc, r?:i8: ?. Jir c.cen, B A-A, l2:" : ;.l:l,i$-T:,i";]"'li# d dtE) ls itdepend_ 8, Clic Cleeb, Ma. 2:


For inlormation on any ol lhese ptograms wtite Io:

Corl W, Cooper, Exe.ulive Dite.Iot, Unifed Stdte3 ftock ond Field Federction, 1225 Norrh lOIh Avenue, fucson, Arizond 857os USTIF MARATHON COMPETITION

UST T I' Southwoiern Mararhon calveston, Texs r?ss0 Noih Tex$ Stale college UsTFr Norrh Texds state Mfalhon !dn.21,1911 John Mc Kenzie

USTF I aizond Adnissions Dly

Detroit Ncws USTFI Marathon 39soo 242 Waren Ro.d Plymoulh, Michigd 431?o USTIF Soulhc.*ern M.txthon Gaine$ille, Florida 32601 USTFF Unive.sily otNo ben University of Norihern Iowa Cedf f.lls, Iowa 50613

USTIt Nllional Mardthor Des Moines,lowa so3l l USrtl'NraBthon Run Wichita Siale University USTF'I I9?3 CROSS COUNTRY CHAMP1ONSHIPS AND DISTANCI RUNS

USTFI SecondAn.ual I-ong Crlifof nia srate Univesiry Slale Cross-Count'y Chanpionship at Lo.s tseach,l-onE tseach,

USTITIT lirst Annual Souihiesl(n North Texas Slale Universiiy Cro$Counny Chamrionship USTIr Fi*l Annurl Rocky Mounldi. o.t 17 rt?l JerJ Qu'rrer cros Counlry Chanpiomldp Boulder, Colondo 30302 USTII Third Annual Eetdrn cros Uni\er!irr Pdfk,Pern{l\an's O.t. r3, r97l l'iennsyhania sLk untre6ilr Couty cham!ionship Uni!rBirr Psrk, Penn$ hJnB

usTrrr rourih lnnual Mid Anerica lJnivesily of wisconsin.Parkslde (, r_ueeo_unrD rh:m!!qnsh i0 Gnr! Nit'.nrl C.o$.Counrr f hJnDronshio USIrI Tl'ird verersn! dnd Ma* ;: di

lJnited Staies Track and Field Federation