Estimates Committee 2008 Questions Taken on Notice ( 17/6/2008 to 20/6/2008 )
Estimates Committee 2008 Questions Taken On Notice ( 17/6/2008 to 20/6/2008 ) Date: 19/06/2008 Output: Biological Parks Sub Output: Visitor and Education Facilities Subject: Repairs and Maintenance From: Mrs Fay Miller MLA to Hon Len Kiely MLA Minister for Parks and Wildlife 8-5 Question: What repairs and maintenance programs have been carried out on biological parks over the last three years? Answer: Answered On: 28/07/2008 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 TOTAL TWP Capital and R Expenditure for Parks R&M CW Total R&M CW Total R&M CW Total R&M as CWat 5 June 2008Total R&M CW Total R&M CW Total R&M CW Total R&M CW PARK Alice Springs Desert Park 174,200 197,500 371,700 137,900 37,900 175,800 115,600 168,300 283,900 108,000 173,700 281,700 288,800 133,100 421,900 161,200 213,000 374,200 124,000 10,600 134,600 1,109,700 934,100 2,043,800 Territory Wildlife Park 316,700 157,700 474,400 392,000 132,700 524,700 379,000 152,300 531,300 337,900 131,000 468,900 328,000 171,100 499,100 380,100 219,300 599,400 265,000 16,800 281,800 2,398,700 980,900 3,379,600 490,900 355,200 846,100 529,900 170,600 700,500 494,600 320,600 815,200 445,900 304,700 750,600 616,800 304,200 921,000 541,300 432,300 973,600 389,000 27,400 416,400 3,508,400 1,915,000 5,423,400 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 TOTAL Bio-parks R&M CW Total R&M CW Total R&M CW Total R&M CW Total R&M CW Total R&M CW Total R&M CW Total R&M CW PARK George Brown Botanical Garden 98,800 201,800 300,600 69,900 235,900 305,800 63,100 51,700 114,800 130,300
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