Dhupan and COVID 19 prevention

Dhupan (Fumigation): It is fumigation therapy described in Ayurvedic literatures for proper disinfection and sterilization purpose by using Vishaghna, Krumighna and Vrinahara gana drugs for their anti-microbial and disinfectant properties. , , Havana, Yagya are the traditional way to protection of population from the diseases originating from Bhuta (microbes).

Raksoghana dhupana is mentioned for protection against infections ( Kashyap Samhita sthan ch 1) .

Aparajitha dhupa is mentioned for disinfecting the environment and also in all types of fevers . ( Vriddha Vagbhatt: Ashtanga Hrudaya with Commentaries of Sarvangasundara of Arunadatta & Rasayana of Hemadri edited by Pt.Hari Sadashiva Shastri Paradakara, Chikitsastana 1/163 )

Charak has mentioned dhupana karma with guggul , nimba, vacha, kutha, haritaki, sarsapa,yava and ghrita for various disease like Shwaas , kasa ( Charaka Samhita, Chikitsastana3/307-308)

Sushruta has mentioned dhupana karma to be done twice a day for 10 days by using Rakshoghna Ghana dravya like sarsapa, nimba, lavana, ghrita . Microbes are easily destroyed by rakshoghna dravyas. (Sushruta Samhita, Sutrastana19/24-28 )

Fumigation of shelters, homes, living spaces twice a day, in morning and evening by using drugs of krumighna (anti microbial) , vishaghna ( anti poisonous) and rakshoghna (protective) drugs can be effectively used to maintain hygienic conditions and to prevent the spread of COVID-19

General rules for dhupan:  It shall only be done twice a day and for 10 days.  Dhupan shall not be done in enclosed spaces.  Doors and windows shall be kept open for ventilation.  Dhupa shall not contain any chemical constituent , only Medicinal dravyas shall be used.

Dhupan in Kashyap Samhita: There are 40 types of dhupa mentioned in Kashyap Samhita . These dhupa are used for various purposes in treatment and are useful for children.

Collection of dravyas required to make dhupa: The Vaidya should purify his body by fasting and a having a bath. Then he should pray Maitra Agneya and collect dravyas in North ( Uttar ) direction during pushya nakshtra. He should perform holy chantings and sacrifices. Then four young girls devoid of any physical deformities shall pound the dhupa and put in a new vessel and cover it and store it properly. This dhupa shall be used when needed. After first use of dhupa again pratidhupan shall be done to avoid reoccurrence of disease again. In diseases of newly born babies, the mother shall also use dhupan. In this manner dhupa are developed for betterment of mankind. is considered as god of dhupa. And these dhupa reside in Jangam and sthavar.

1.Kustha + Karanja + ambar + vacha+ sarso + goat hair + hinga .

2.Ghee + raal + Krushna ( sauviranjan ) + bhallatak + sheleyak + haridra + daruharidra + laksha + ushira + sarso + arjak ( tulsi) flower + vidanga + tagar + tejpatta + vacha + hinga + netrabala . – This is kumar dhupa. Useful of balak vruddhi .

3. Ghee+ snakes skin+ vulture or owls excreta + vacha + hinga – Apasmar and graha roga

4. Ghee+ guggul + bilva + devdaaru + nameru + yava- Maheshwar dhupa used to destroy graha roga.

5. Cows hair + ghee – Agneya dhupa

Many such dhupa have been mentioned in Kashyap Samhita which work majorly on graha dosha, and balaroga.

Other references dhupan in relation to Corona symptoms ie. Kasa, Shwaas :

1. Manashiladi dhupa – manashila + harital + mulethi + jatamansi + motha + ingudi twak – Useful to treat ek doshaj , dvi doshaj, sannipataj kasa . Jaggery along with as Anupana after dhupan karma. ( Bheshajyaratnawali kasaroga 29) 2. Arkadi dhupa – arka + manashila + trikatu- useful to treat all 5 types of Kasa. ( Bheshajyaratnawali kasaroga 33) 3. Maricha + manashila + rui bark + rui latex ( Chikitsaprabhakar kasaroga ) 4. Sunthi + maricha + pippali + dried rui leaves + manashila ( Chikitsaprabhakar kasaroga )


Dr. Rahul Waghole

All students of Shree Vishwasudha Clinic Special guidance – Vd. Bhau Bagade

Students: 1. Vaishnavi Kale 2. Dhanashri Kakade 3. Snehal Gaikwad 4. Mueza Sayyad 5. Rushikesh Lande