Operations Committee Meeting Agenda March 5, 2018 – 7:00 PM Council Chambers Whitby Municipal Building Interested in speaking at the meeting? Individuals who would like to speak to an item under Section 6, Staff Reports, must register with the Town Clerk by 10 am on the day of the meeting. Delegation Request Forms are available at www.whitby.ca/delegation and should be submitted to
[email protected]. Please note that individuals are not required to register as a delegation for items under Section 5, Public Meetings. All individuals in attendance for a public meeting will have an opportunity to speak. Page 1. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest 2. Presentations 3. Delegations 3.1 Chris Schafer representing Uber Canada Re: Office of the Town Clerk Report, CLK 03-18 Private Transportation Services By-law 3.2 Paul Windover representing Circle Taxi Re: Office of the Town Clerk Report, CLK 03-18 Private Transportation Services By-law 3.3 Donna Sabo representing You Drink, We Drive Re: Office of the Town Clerk Report, CLK 03-18 Private Transportation Services By-law 4. Correspondence 5. Public Meetings 6. Staff Reports 6.1 Office of the Town Clerk Report, CLK 03-18 6 - 74 Re: Private Transportation Services By-law Recommendation: 1. That the Town Clerk be directed to bring forward the draft Private Transportation Services By-law substantially in the form appended as Attachment 1 to Report CLK 03-18 for enactment; Page 1 of 378 Operations Committee Agenda March 5, 2018 – 7:00 PM Page 2. That the Town Clerk be directed to bring forward a by-law to amend the Fees and Charges By-law #7220-17 to adopt the licensing fees as per Attachment 2 to Report CLK 03-18; and, 3.