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O PoSe e THE NEGRO WORLD, SATURDAY, O@I’OBER 3, 1931 Cayuga.Club 2is BelstratLaundry Celebrates J. FinlevWilson, Head of Elks,Solomon uonorsotOwasco 1NegroChb women Nattve.Afrt.canIT ...... ~ ? ¯ UIIIOll IU N.~UUP___g_L ~IU l~ew UIIICeD lor ~ lead ¯ ~" GivesOut Plans for 1932 The o eera=mbers of the TheHon ealy10nderof Its TenthAnmversary ’ ept. Z b ColoredWomen’s Auxiliaryof th0 OwascoDemocratic Club of the 17th >promisedto do the hardestwork of WASHINGTON, D. C.--Grand Ex-< A. D., 106 WestllSth street, met on a[t~l RulerJ. FinleyWilson of the theirpast to bringin a redletterre- Sundayin their clubrooms,and had " port when the conventionmeets at a most delightfultime, for this was Ji B. P. O. Elksof the World,in an LosAngeles, Cal., in August,1932. interviewwith the AssociatedNegro the climaxof their eucceasof the Press,announced the 1932 program The JuniorElks will receivefull hard work in their bazaar.The work "~ and plansof hismonster organization, attentionthis year, with 100 new of the 17th A. D., led by the noble whichclosed its 32ridannual conven- herdsto be set up, with 25 alonein and energeticPresident and Organ. tionin Philadelphialast week. the state of,Texas, where 25 new izer, Mrs. Rosa LampkinDenniaton lodgesare alsoto be set up. Accord- Accordingto the statementmade and her co-workerehas attractedthe ing to the plansof the ruler.Texas attentionof allthe politicalleaders ,, by Mr. Wilson,the yearof 1932 will will have the largeztdelegation of embracea numberof expansions,new in theirrespective districts. The har- any state in the Union at Los An- mony that worl~ in this district additionalfeatures, with especial at- geles.In the educationalfield a new tentionto theeducational work of the forms an examplethat all leaders featureis beingintroduced for the willdo wellto practice. order,and the promulgationof the firsttrial, Elk creed among the youngerJuvc- Mr. William Solomon,the white Theboys and girls etrlvlng for edu- ?l- nlles.Also the improvedfinancial loader,assures all who residein his statusof the orderwill be takcnunder , catquircd onal prizesto writeof theessays Elks of will notbe more rs- districtthat he is theirleader iu consideration. serviceand deeds,and that he ap- than 500 words,on subjectsdealing The biggestproject of the yearwill withthe racequestion, and withthe preciatesthe servicethat each citi- be the drivefor the nationalshrine United States Constitution, the 13th, zen readerson ElectionDay. ¯ the locationof whichhas not yet been 14th, 15th and 19th Amendmentso! Mr. E. J. Young,better known as - "Deacon Young" and who is now of announced.In connectionwith thls, the¯ Constitution. In his characteristic it is alsopromised that a plantwill ganizerof a groupof men in the dis- manner,Mr. Wilsonsmilingly stated trictsimilar to the groupof women, be builtby the Elks,for the menu-:¯ i that he hoped the Elks would dis- factureof all the regaliaand eqmp- cover a Fred Douglas among the and whu himselfserves the Women’s ment of the orderthereby g v ng em- Auxiliaryas Director,with his co- writers,who wouldshatter the eco-’ ploymentto some of the race group. workers,attracted a largegathering nomic chains of today,as Douglas on Sundaythat not only encouraged One hondrednew civil libertiesshatteredthe chains of slaveryin his: leagueswill be establishedduring the day. the men of the districtto be a part of the Club, but causedmany ether year,iL is hopedand all will continue From the Bermudas,the Bahamas, underthe supervisionof JudgeWalter men outsidethe districtto seekmem- theAntilles, the Philippines, Central bership. H. Land, Norfolk, Vs., chairman; and South America,and old Mexico, ....RobertJ. Nelson,Washington, direc- On last Thursdayevening the Club have alreadycome greetingsfor the met in theirregular meeting, and had tor, and George W. Lee, Memphis, 1932 convention,and every promise Tenn.,secretary. In arrangingfor this the honorof theirleader, Hen. Wll- of earnestcooperation from those movementall the leadersheld a con- foreignparts, all of whichbade good !llam Solomon,to addressthem. ferencewith Mr. Wilsonprior to the Commissioner~3oldberg, who al- adjournmentof thc convention,and and progressLo Lhe order.According to Mr. Wilson,each of these coun- ways appreciatesbeing in the pres- triesand placeswill have a fulldele- ence of this Club, corroboratedthe ation on hand in Los Angelesnext statementmade by Hen. Win. Solo- mon, who said that he felt that the Commentingon the past eonven- 17th A .D. in Its continuedgrowth 3, Mr. Wilsondeclared that it "has with the two faithfulleaders would been the most harmonious,best man- be the bannerdistrict in the Cityof aged, and conductedmeeting we have New York. ever had."He was loudin his praise Mrs. Sara Paul, an Executive of the courtesyand treatmentac- Member, game much praise to the cordedthe Elksin Philadelphia,and Presidentand her co-workersof this pointedwlth prideto the fact that Women’sClub, and fell that their -/. disorderlyconduct was at a minimum.work had been crowned with suc- cess. The President,Mrs. Denniston,in appropriatewords, then thankedthe leadersfor theirpraise bestowed on Coming! her and her co-workers, "We know how to speak many WILLIAMR. SHERRIL thingswhich are false as if Will Contribute to THE NEGRO WORLD Beg/nnJng With the Issue of OCTOBER I0 In His Inimitable Manner A BRILLIANT FEATURE "AS I SEE IT" /PQIgeI __ THE NEGRO WORLD, SATURDAY,OCTOBER 3, ]gS___ll By~" ~ SAUC OILIER EDITORS ~,. Uu~ s~ eoJA, OO#o MISDIRECTED ENERGY ThingsPolitldans Don’t Like Cs~ulg~9~IS S,~Lenas &~=e. New Ye~ Fmbdfl~zedlStl MB. OANDm’S CLOTHES WhenI wasyounger a great deal of mytime was Representativesof the Civil Service Reform As- & tmlPor~ every6agm-’~y m the tn~’e~ ~ theNears Raea by the Negrowarm Publt~att~ Co~Inc. The conference now going on in, spentarguing on thesubject of religion.Italways s~ciationandof sevenother organizations willat- England, in which Mahatma Ghsndi hasbeen and will be a mostinteresting snbjeet for tenda publichearing at theoffice of State Civil speaks for the nationalistsof British H. G. MUDGAL- -- -- Acting East India, have made this little 97. discussion,buta verydangerous one. There is no ServiceCommissioner Jolln C. Clarkto askthat SUBSCRIPTION RATES TO THE NEORO WORLD pound brown-skin man the big newe betterway to losea good thecommission refuse to exempttwenty-two new of the day. He more than any other /riendthan to opposehiln positionsof assistant clerk of the New York City $g.50 OnoYeas .................... sa.0osingle individualin the world repre- atoYeu .................... 1~ SixMonth~ .................. 1~0 inhis religious beliefs. MnnldpalCourt front competitive service. The 8kMentlm , .................. Thres Monti~ ..........0o,0o01.00 sents an idea. In it he predicts ,. ,~ .lffannm .................~ three hundred million human bezngn My opinions have judgesof theconrt and the Municipal Civil Service Entered es second cla~ matter AprU IS. IS19. at ths Post- will attain a new status. changedconsiderably since Colmnissionhave asked that the positions be ex- olMes at New York. N. Y. under the Act of March g, 18’/0. For ono with such possibilitiesof thedepression started. The empted. ~t~B: ~ive r~m~ to GrosSet Hew York; ~m c~ overturning the world as it is now ekew]~ro In the U. 8. A.’ ten cents In forei~ eountri~ + governed, Ghandl is very simple In factthat we havesuch his dress. He wears a loll cloth of abilityshould nlisdirect hisenergy in collecting Nes~ World dou not knowingly aceept questlonabteor .fmud- largecongregations insuch adveltlsins.Rcodenl Ot The Negro Worldare eam e~.l.~,rrtqt~a~lhere white cotton, a garment but ~|ttie moneyfor whollyNON-PRODUCTIVE uses. He toous ..c..o.t. ~.,fa..-- o.t+~ payor 4"~",,,~ "~" bigger than the breech clout of the beautifuland expensive ~ThO,+....ta,+.+on’-,-.+ ~L..+,~ w.7_,. +7...... American Indian. Sometimes he adds church edifices devotesIris wonderful ability togetting people ready No. lO a homemade shawl and eandais. The is butfurther evidence and TO DIE,rather than preparing then1 to avoidthe ,VOL.XXX. NEW YORK, oCrOBER 3, 1931 men and the women who find happi- ness or misery in dress must be MOST CONVINCING hellof poverty and misery ltere oll earth. amazed at the indifference of this PROOF that Negroes Itis proof, however, from our prese:’t l:oint of THE NEGRO WORLD PLATFORM Indian leader to what he wears, CANbc organized.Negroes CAN imiid cittu’chcs view,that re’ligion, aswe know it, s.Is:go.i:’ MIS- To Championa NegroNationhood by Redemptionof Whetherhe is right or they, at least 1. he has proved that a man’s place in thatcost $500,000. .Many of tile C]lurche’.~ in]-[ar- DIREC*rEDENERGY. A people,w::’:thcr they Mrlea. the world can be maintained by pure lemwithin a stone’sthrow of nit as 1 writeare arcblack, brown, yellow or pink,lnust have some 2. To Make the NegroRace.Conscious. thought with no help from clothes. outletfor their emotions. In RussiaComunmisn~ 3. To BreatheIdeals of Manhoodand WomanhoodInto The nurse girls, the clerks, the col- valuedat from$200,000 to $-100.000and on one EveryNegro. legions, the beau brnmmeis who inparticular thereare no n:orl(/c:gc,¢. provklesthis outlet. They are substituting theteach- 4. To AdvocateRaelal Self.Determination. measure their accomplishmentsb:¢ the Recentlythe newspapers carried the following ingsof CarlMarx for religion. In fact, they ate 5. To Makethe NegroWorhI.Conseinns. degree with which they keep up with article.When yon read it you will possibly nndcr- nankinga religion ofCoululUlllSUl. 6. To PrintAll the News That Will Be haterestingand ln- the fashloes,call learn a lessonfrom Ignoranceand religious enthusiasm h,~) hand iu ttruetiveto theNegro. Ghandi. stand what] meanv,’hco I say that:’e’.i:fiuu a.; pr.:’.c- 7. ToInstill Racial Self-liclp. We ought to keep from stealit~g in liced ]Lv 2(cgrocs i+ in I::~t’i,at least. ),IISDI- hand.hldiu’s poverty stric’ken millious arevery de- order to buy a new hat or a new vot,t.If halfof theencrgy used by theHindns 8. To InspireRacial Love atul Selg-Respeet. coat. We can have our social re;ax- RI’.’CTL:.I)]:~NILRGV.