FINAL PROGRAMME BHIVA Autumn Conference 12–13 November 2015 QEII Centre London

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FINAL PROGRAMME BHIVA Autumn Conference 12–13 November 2015 QEII Centre London London 2015 QEII Centre FINAL PROGRAMME BHIVA Autumn Conference 12–13 November 2015 QEII Centre London including CHIVA Parallel Sessions Friday 13 November 2015 12 CPD Credits Reference No: 98788 www.bhiva.orgBHIVA Conference Organiser: Mediscript Ltd, 1 Mountview Court, 310 Friern Barnet Lane, London N20 0LD T: +44 (0) 20 8369 5380 · F: +44 (0)20 8446 9194 · E: [email protected] CutterguideCutterguide:: N/A PPrintingrinting ProcessProcess:: Offset Size:Size: 210x280+3 mm Pages:Pages: 1 Colors:Colors: C M Y K (4 Color) GDGD:: KC 27496 NatiNativeve FileFile:: Indesign CC WindowsWindows GeneGeneratedrated inin:: Acrobat Distiller 11.0 dolutegradolutegravirv/iabacaviabacavirr /r llamivudineamivudine inner strength THE ONLY SINGLE-PILL REGIMEN BUILTBUILT WWITHITH DOLDOLUTEGRAVIRUTEGRAVIR TheTThhe ttrtreatmenttrreaeatmettmmeennnt eefeffectst feffeecctetscts sseseene seeneenn withiit wthi thddodolutegraviro ldotteelggrurtaegiirrr avwereeerire w cocconsistenteornnses ciissotteennntsit stent acrossacross subgroupssubgroups regardless regardless of o sex,f se x,age, ag erace,, rac ebaseline, baseline viralviral load,load ,background background regimen regimen and a nCD4d C+D TT-cell4-cell count.count . The componentscomponents of o TRIUMEQf TRIUMEQ* wwereere generallygenerally better bette r ttoleratedolerated vs vs Atripla Atrip®la uupp toto 144144 weeks.weeks11-3.-3 BBeforeefore initiatinginitiating treatment treatmen twith wit habacavir-containing abacavir-containin g products,products , HLA-BHLA-B*57015701 ststatusatus mmustust aalwayslways be documented.documented .Abacavir Abacavi rshould should not no bet b usede use ind ipatientsn patien ts knownknown to to carry carry the the HLA-B HLA-*B57015701 aallelellele due due ttoo tthehe ririsksk of hypersensitivityhypersensitivity reaction. reaction. * InIn studiesstudies supportingsupporting TRIUMEQ,TRIUMEQ, DTGDTG 5050 mgmg + ABCABC 600600 mmg/3TCg/3TC 300 300 mgmg were were used. used Bioequivalence. Bioequivalen chase has beenbeen demonstrated.demonstrate1d. VisVisitit for for more more information. information. PrescribingPrescribing In Informationformation alopecia,alopecia, ar tharthralgia,ralgia, muscl musclee disor derdisorders,s, asth asthenia,enia, f efever,ver, el eelevationsvations of A ofLT, ALT,AST aASTnd and TriumeqTriumeq ® dolutegravir 50 mg/abacavir 600 mg/lamivudine 300 mg tablets CPK,CPK, bloo bloodd d ydyscrasias,scrasias, suicid suicidalal ideatio ideationn or suicid or esuicide attemp tattempt,, rhabdom yrhabdomyolysis,olysis, erythemaerythema multi multiforme,forme, Ste Stevens-Johnsonvens-Johnson syndr osyndrome,me, toxic epiderm toxic epidermalal necrolysis necrolysis.. BasicBasic SSeeee S Summaryummary of ofPro Productduct Cha rCharacteristicsacteristics before pbeforerescrib NHSNHS ccosts:osts: 3300 ttablets:ablets: £7 £798.1698.16 EU /EU/1/14/940/001.1/14/940/001. MA h MAolde holder:r: ViiV He ViiValth cHealthcareare UK Ltd, 98 UK0 Ltd, 980 IIndication:ndication: HHIVIV i nin o overver 1 212 ye yearsars an dand ≥ 40 kg. SScreencreen fo forr H LHLA-BA-B *55701701 ppriorrior t oto u suse.e. D oDo no tnot GreatGreat W Westest Ro Road,ad, Bre nBrentford,tford, Midd Middlesexlesex TW8 9 GTW8S. Fu 9GS.rther iFurthernformat informationion is availabl eis f availablerom from uusese ifif H HLA-BLA-B *55701701 ppositive.ositive. Dose:Dose: oonene t abtabletlet o noncece dai ldailyy with with or w iorth owithoutut food. food. Elderly:Elderly: CustomerCustomer C oContactntact Cen Centre,tre, Glax oGlaxoSmithKlineSmithKline UK Ltd ,UK Sto Ltd,ckle yStockley Park Wes tPark, Uxb West,ridge, Uxbridge, LLimitedimited d dataata in in65 65++ yrs yrs.. Creatinine clearance <50 ml/min oorr modemoderate/severerate/severe hepati hepaticc MiddlesexMiddlesex U BUB1111 1B 1BT.T. imimpairment:pairment: NNotot rrecommended.ecommended. Contraindications:Contraindications: HypersensitivityHypersensitivity t oto a nanyy ingingredient.redient. C o-Co-administrationadministration with with dofe tiliddofetilide.e. Warnings/precautions:Warnings/precautions: BBothoth a abacavirbacavir POPOMM andand d dolutegravirolutegravir are are ass oassociatedciated with r iwithsk of riskhyp eofrs ehypersensitivitynsitivity reaction sreactions (HSR). Do n(HSR).ot Do not TTriumeqriumeq i sis a a re registeredgistered tra dtrademarkemark of th eof V itheiV H eViiValth cHealthcareare Group of GroupCompan ofie sCompanies initiateinitiate i nin H HLA-BLA-B *5701+5701+ oorr p previousrevious su suspectedspected aba cabacaviravir HSR. S T rStopiume qTriumeq without without delaydelay i fif H HSRSR su suspected.spected. Nev eNeverr reint rreintroduceoduce any do lanyuteg dolutegravir-ravir- or abacav iorr-c abacavir-containingontaining DateDa te ofof approval:a p p rova l: JulyJ uly 20152015 ZincZinc code:c o d e : UK/TRIM/0037/14(3)UK/ TRIM/0037/14(3) productproduct a fafterter su suspectedspected HSR .HSR. Risk sRisks of la coftic lacticacidos iacidosis,s, lipodyst rlipodystrophy,ophy, immune immune Adverse events events should should be be reported. reported. For Forthe theUK, UK,reporting reporting forms forms and information and information can be can be rreactivationeactivation sy ndsyndrome,rome, ost eosteonecrosis.onecrosis. Monit Monitoror LFTs in LFTs Hep ainti tHepatitisis B/C co-i nB/Cfectio co-infection.n. found at at Adverse events events should should also also be be reported reported to to InconclusiveInconclusive da datata on ronela trelationshipionship betw ebetweenen abacav iabacavirr and MI; m andinim iMI;se a lminimisel modiab allle modifiable GlaxoSmithKline onon 0800 0800 221 441. CVCV r irisksk f afactorsctors (e. g(e.g.. smo smoking,king, hype hypertension,rtension, hyperlip hyperlipidaemia).idaemia). Not recom Notmen recommendedded if if dolutegravirdolutegravir re requiredquired b.d b.d.. (wit h(with etrav etravirineirine [witho [withoutut booste boostedd PI], efavi rPI],enz efavirenz,, nevirapine ,nevirapine, Adverse events events should should be be reported. reported. For ForIreland, Ireland, adverse adverse events events should should be reported be reported directly directly rifampicin,rifampicin, b oboostedosted tip tipranavir,ranavir, carb carbamazepine,amazepine, oxcarb aoxcarbazepine,zepine, phenytoin phenytoin,, to thethe HPRA; HPRA; Freepost, Freepost, Pharmacovigilance Pharmacovigilance Section, Section, Health Health Products Products Regulatory Regulatory Authority, Authority, pphenobarbitalhenobarbital an andd St J oSth nJohn’s’s Wort ).Wort). Use w iUseth c lwithadrib cladribineine not reco mnotme recommended.nded. Use with Use with Earlsfort Terrace, Terrace, Dublin Dublin 2, 2, Tel: Tel: +353 +353 1 1676 676 4971, 4971, [email protected] . Adverse events events Mg/Al-containingMg/Al-containing ant antacids,acids, calc iumcalcium,, multiv multivitaminsitamins or iron orre quiironre srequires dosage dosage should alsoalso be be reported reported to to GlaxoSmithKline onon 1800 1800 244 255. separation.separation. Ca Cautionution wit hwith met fmetformin:ormin: moni tmonitoror renal f urenalnctio nfunction and con sandider mconsideretformin metformin dosedose a adjustment.djustment. Ca utioCautionn with with ribaviri ribavirin.n. Pregnancy/lactation:Pregnancy/lactation: NNotot r recommended.ecommended. References:References: 1. 1. TTRIUMEQRIUMEQ S Summaryummary of ofPro Productduct Cha rCharacteristics.acteristics. June 2 0June15. 2015. 2.2. RRaffia F F AvoidAvoid b breast-feeding.reast-feeding. SideSide e effects:ects: SSeeee S SPCPC fo forr de details.tails. Hea Headache,dache, insomn insomnia,ia, sleep/ sleep/ et aal.l. A AIDS.IDS. 22015;015; 229(2):9(2): 1 6167-174.7-174. 3.3. PPappaappa K K et aal.l. PresentedPresented a tat:: 54 54tthh IIntersciencenterscience dreamdream d disorders,isorders, GI GIdis tdisturbance,urbance, fatig ufatigue,e, hypers ehypersensitivity,nsitivity, anorexia anorexia,, depressio ndepression,, CConferenceonference on on An timicAntimicrobialrobial Age nAgentsts and C handemo Chemotherapy;therapy; Septembe Septemberr 5-9, 2014; 5-9, 2014; dizziness,dizziness, s somnolence,omnolence, let hlethargy,argy, mala malaise,ise, cough cough,, nasal sy nasalmptom symptoms,s, rash, prur irash,tus, pruritus, WWashington,ashington, D CDC,, US AUSA.. TRIUMEQ is is a a registe registeredred tradema trademarkrk of the of ViiV the Healthca ViiV Healthcarere group of of companies. AAtriplatripla is is a a registe registeredred tradema trademarkrk of Bristol-Myers of Bristol-Myers Squibb Squibb & Gilead & S ciences,Gilead LLC. Sciences, LLC. ©2015 ViiV ViiV Healthca Healthcarere group group of companies of companies All rights All reserved. rights reserved. UKUK/TRIM/0022/14(3)/TRIM/0022/14(3) D a Datete of p ofrep preparation:aration: Augus Augustt 2015 2015 UK_TRIM_0022_14(3)_Triumeq_Advert_210x280_Aug2015_GSKDC-PT-UK-2UK_TRIM_0022_14(3)_Triumeq_Advert_210x280_Aug2015_GSKDC-PT-UK-2015-0069_D1.indd015-0069_D1.indd 1 8/14/2015 1:16:54 PM London 2015 QEII Centre INTRODUCTION CONTENTS Programme Summary 4 Sponsors and Exhibitors 15 Programme (BHIVA Autumn) 5–9 Conference Information 16–17 Programme (CHIVA Parallel) 10–11 Exhibition 18 Satellite Symposia and Sponsors’ Workshops 12–13 Speaker Biographies 19–23 BHIVA Committees 14 Dear Colleague elcome to the BHIVA Autumn Conference held at the prestigious QEII Centre in the heart Wof London. I would like to thank Chloe Orkin (Chair of the Conferences Subcommittee), Melinda Tenant- Flowers (Conference
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