The 80th Legislature, Regular Session Cumulative End of Session Report

The A&M University System Office of Governmental Relations July 2007

Table of Contents

Overview of the 80th Regular Session...... 1

Overview of the State Budget Overview ...... 9 Higher Education Funding ...... 13 General Academics Institutions...... 14 Texas A&M System Research & Service Agencies ...... 19 Health Related Institutions...... 21 Employee Benefits...... 25 Riders: Article III Special Provisions ...... 27 Riders: Article IX General Provisions ...... 30

Bill Facts ...... 33

TAMUS Institution-Specific Legislation ...... 34

Overview of Key Higher Education Legislation...... 44

Other Bills of Interest That Passed...... 82

Bills of Interest Not Passing ...... 87

Bill Analysis Task Force Members...... 128

Governmental Relations Team and Assignments ...... 129

Overview of the 80th Regular Session

“A session like no other”: this has become a hallway comment about the Regular Session of the 80th Legislature. While it is true that each session assumes its own character as the old Members exit and the new ones are sworn in, and of course each has its own share of hot issues; yet, the 80th Session does stand out from the ordinary in many ways.

The 80th Session took an unusual turn even before it opened, when in November a public challenge was mounted against a sitting Speaker of the House, the first time in over 40 years this had occurred. Speaker ultimately held on to the Speaker’s gavel for a third term in what was regarded as a “close vote”. Nevertheless, the dissatisfaction that led to the Speaker challenge remained a constant undertone throughout the Session. For example, the House voted to override the Speaker’s ruling on a procedural matter, a rarity that long- time observers could not recall happening. This small “victory” seemed to embolden the insurgents, for next came a controversy over the routine setting of bills for the Local and Consent Calendar. Some Members suggested that the L & C Calendar appeared to be “short” of bills by Members who were not “on the Speaker’s team”. The L & C calendar being such an important vehicle for all Members (and since under House Rules it only takes one Member to knock a bill off the L & C Calendar), this issue became a galvanizing point even for some of the Speaker’s loyalists, resulting in intermittent turmoil and interruption of the Calendar in the closing days of the session. By ‘Sine Die’, five Members had announced their candidacy for Speaker in the 81st Session, the Parliamentarian and her assistant had resigned and been replaced by two former House members, both longtime allies of the Speaker. Armed with the Rules interpretations of his new Parliamentarians, the Speaker asserted, and prevailed, that he alone held the absolute power to determine when and if to recognize a Member to speak on the House floor. Nonetheless, while tensions and emotions ran high throughout the closing week-end of the Session, most of the important legislation was acted upon by ‘sine die’.

The Senate was not without its own contretemps as well. Lt. Governor Dewhurst’s press to enact Jessica’s Law, a bill requiring stricter punishment of repeat child sex offenders, and his push for a vote to take up and consider a Voters’ Identification bill both proved divisive in the usually collegial Senate. Resistance from prosecutors and victim’s rights groups made negotiations on Jessica’s Law quite contentious, though ultimately a resolution was reached and Jesssica’s Law was passed overwhelmingly. The Voter ID legislation died without a vote in the Senate, but not without rousing such acrimony that a bipartisan delegation of Senators was dispatched to meet with the Lt. Governor over his handling of it.

At the start of the session Governor Perry issued an unprecedented Executive Order mandating that all girls entering the sixth grade receive the Human Papillomavirus vaccination. During his State of the State Address, the Governor recommended sale of the State Lottery to private interests and raised a few other bold initiatives. Comptroller Combs provided the Legislature the good news that the state would have an estimated $14 billion in new revenue over FY 2006-2007. Legislative leaders, holding to a conservative path in order to pay for the property tax reductions approved in the 3rd Called Session of the 79th Legislature in spring 2006 and still have some of the revenue available for the 2009 session, nevertheless had to work their way through much consternation, debate and competing

Page 1 TAMUS Office of Governmental Relations proposals about how much of the estimated surplus should be spent, refunded or saved. In the context of leadership style issues and the unprecedented surplus, the House and Senate had difficulty finding consensus. The Governor’s insistence on formatting some of higher education’s funding so that it would be exposed to his line item veto stalled the entire appropriations bill in the closing days of the Session. Then, his veto of 55 pieces of legislation, some deemed surprising and controversial, ensured that the 80th Regular Session would not go down as a quiet, business-as- usual session.

Overview of Issues

This overview is furnished to summarize and provide a record of some of the major issues of 80th Regular Session; special attention is given to issues of importance to The Texas A&M University System and its members. Given the statewide reach of programs, research, and services delivered by the System and its members, the range of legislative issues affecting the System and its institutions is broad. In addition, some issues which were not resolved this session will be noted since they remain priorities to constituencies, legislators or leaders and are therefore likely to be encountered as issues in the future.

Higher Education Issues In addition to the undivided attention always devoted to the appropriations bill, several higher education policy issues were considered by the 80th Legislature. A brief overview of some key legislation is provided below; further details relating to individual bills may be found within the body of this report.

Top 10%: Adopted in 1997, Texas’ “Top 10%” law has been a hotly debated provision in recent sessions. The law provides automatic admission to any public university in Texas to any high school students who graduate in the top 10 percent of their class. For this the third session proposals have been offered to relax its provisions so that universities could use multiple factors, in addition to high school rank, in determining the composition of their prospective freshmen classes. Again this session over 15 bills, including HB 1186 by Representative Geanie Morrison, HB 78 by Representative Dan Branch, and SB 101 by Senator , were filed to adjust the status quo in some form. SB 101, as amended, became the primary vehicle for change and would have allowed a university to opt into a program requiring 50 percent of its freshman class to be accepted strictly on the class rank of Texas High School students. An additional 10 percent of its freshman class would be chosen from the pool of top 10 percent students based on a variety of factors. Negotiated components of the bill would have required additional financial aid for top 10 percent students, a sunset of the new option in six years, and a guarantee that any students not granted admission to their first choice institution within a university system would be automatically admitted to their second choice university within that same system. The closely negotiated agreement allowed a bill modifying the Top 10% Law to pass the Senate for the first time. In the House, the bill was passed as amended, thus requiring a conference committee to resolve differences between the two chambers. On the last evening of the session for the legislature to take action, the conference committee report passed the Senate by a vote of 28-2 but was rejected by the House 66-75, with a coalition of inner city and rural members combining to defeat the bill. While modification of the Top 10% rule remains a priority for some institutions, in the aftermath of this session’s inaction, it is unclear what

Page 2 TAMUS Office of Governmental Relations changes will be acceptable to both chambers. Nevertheless, all indications are that this is likely to remain an issue yet again for the 81st Legislative Session.

Tuition Deregulation: Efforts in the 79th Legislative Session to set limits on university Boards of Regents to set tuition, specifically in the Senate, created expectations that such efforts would be intensified this session. More than twenty legislative bills were filed dealing with the issue of tuition deregulation. Ultimately, none was successful and the discretion to set tuition rates remains in the hands of the Boards of Regents. However for a second session, the divergence of views between the two chambers regarding the authority to set tuition seemed to harden. The Senate continues to hold serious reservations about the original decision to deregulate tuition and desires to limit, if not eliminate, granting such discretion to the university Boards, while the House, at least under the Speaker Craddick’s leadership, remains committed to the concept of using this tool as a primary method of providing additional funding for higher education. This issue remains one which will likely be subject to continued consideration and debate in future sessions.

Tuition Revenue Bonds: Under the “alternating session” pattern which had informally become customary since 1991, the 80th Session was not expected to be a tuition revenue bond (TRB) session. Moreover, the Legislature in the 3rd Called Session of April 2006 had authorized, but not funded, over $1 billion of TRBs. The TRB issue for the 80th was focused on whether the debt service required for the previous authorization would be fully funded by the 80th Legislature. To the relief of all involved, and as legislative leaders had promised in spring 2006, the funding needed to service the debt for the newly authorized TRBs was fully funded in the base bill as filed, thereby meeting one of the key legislative goals of the System, as well as for all of higher education.

Competitive Knowledge Fund: The Competitive Knowledge Fund was created to encourage the development and expansion of research and instructional excellence of select universities which had demonstrated success in competitive research of at least $50 million per year. The Fund was created by transferring $66 million of existing funds from the four participating universities and adding $27 million in new funding. Based on the $50 million criterion, Texas A&M University, the University of Texas, the University of and are the only four universities sharing in the fund at this time.

Texas Southern University: After initially calling for a state appointed conservator with extraordinary powers to make sweeping changes to address previously identified problems, Governor Perry accepted a less radical reorganization plan to restructure the institution’s operations. The nine sitting members of the Board of Regents resigned by request during the session; however, a plan to replace them with a smaller, reform-minded board during this time of crisis was rejected by House members. In addition, a rider to the appropriations bill was proposed that would have provided for stricter oversight; however, while acknowledging the need, the legislature felt that it deserved the dignity of legislation rather than a rider. The Governor replaced five board members immediately, including three positions with individuals who had served on a study group which had prepared extensive findings and recommendations relating to future operations of TSU. The Governor has indicated he will fill the remaining four seats on the Board of Regents, but has not done so at this writing.

HPV Mandatory Vaccination In January, Governor Perry issued an Executive Order requiring Texas girls be vaccinated against a cause of cervical cancer, Human Papillomavirus, before entering sixth grade. The

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Order proved to be controversial on all sides. Conservatives in and out of the Legislature argued vaccination could encourage promiscuity and usurp the rights and responsibilities of parents. To some legislators, the mandate was seen as perhaps usurping powers that should be exercised by the legislative branch. An informal ruling of Attorney General Greg Abbott, requested by legislators, held the Governor’s order had no legal weight. Representative Dennis Bonnen filed and passed HB 1098 which overturned the HPV Executive Order and also prohibited state agencies from requiring the vaccine for school enrollment. Passed early enough in the session to leave time for lawmakers to overturn a veto, the Governor allowed the bill to become law without his signature.

Texas Youth Commission Allegations of staff misconduct at the Texas Youth Commission facility in Peyote contained in a Texas Ranger investigation but not pursued by the local district attorney triggered one of the seminal issues of the 80th Session. As investigations into the allegations sharpened, the TYC scandal reached crisis proportions. Concerns were raised over the operation of TYC, inmate abuse by staff, insufficient and inappropriate staffing, and internal extensions of sentences. Under increasing public scrutiny of the escalating allegations, the Senate, in a rare evening session, passed an emergency resolution calling for the Legislative Audit Committee to meet and recommend the appointment of a conservator by the Governor. Four days later, the Legislative Audit Committee met and recommended placing TYC under conservatorship or, in a departure from the Senate’s recommendation, having the state auditor’s office write a detailed rehabilitation plan. Rather than appoint a conservator, the Governor chose to appoint Texas A&M University System deputy general counsel Jay Kimbrough to act as a special master in developing a plan to rehabilitate the damaged agency. Kimbrough’s performance was thorough, praised and sufficiently progressive to allow the Legislature to focus on pursuing legislation designed to provide a more permanent solution.

SB 103, by Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa and sponsored by Representative Jerry Madden, represented a complete overhaul of TYC seeking to drastically reduce the agency’s size while bolstering the employee to youth ratio to ensure the physical and sexual abuse scandal of the past year is never repeated. The major provisions of the legislation moved misdemeanor offenders out of TYC and back to their communities, required the hiring of 800 more guards to meet a 12 to 1 employee to youth ratio and requires the release of youth inmates at age 19. Additional provisions created strong new investigative procedures to examine claims of abuse, a family “Bill of Rights” on visitation, contacts with inmates and how to file grievances and provide for an ombudsman to act as an advocate for the inmates. Finally, the bill creates a new agency leadership structure with the Governor appointing a commissioner, subject to Senate confirmation, to serve for two years with a citizen board resuming oversight in 2009. The bill was signed by the Governor.

Water Planning SB 3, by Senator Kip Averitt, was the state’s first major water planning bill in a decade and contained many provisions from a failed effort to accomplish similar goals last session. Setting guidelines for water conservation and for protecting the ecology of the state’s rivers, lakes, bays and estuaries, it acknowledged the necessity of and allows for regional decisions on reservoir sites rather than naming the sites in the legislation. This compromise resolved a major controversy over the inclusion of the proposed Marvin Nichols and Fastrill reservoirs for ’ use. Subjected to criticism from rural law makers that its water use was excessive, the reservoirs were removed from the bill until last minute negotiations and intervention by Governor Perry and Lt. Governor Dewhurst led to their restoration. However, the

Page 4 TAMUS Office of Governmental Relations compromise provided that cities and water districts must begin spending money on those reservoirs by 2015 or risk losing their regional designation.

SB 3, as passed, also contained much of the same water conservation and environmental flow language contained in HBs 2 and 3 by Representative Robert Puente who sponsored SB 3 in the House. The bill intends to address the environmental flow issue without alienating those land owners who have existing permits or who might be seeking future water permits. It acknowledges the importance of a standard for environmental flows in each basin; creates a basin by basin approach to be guided by a scientific advisory committee and permitted by TCEQ; and allows environmental flows to be limited in times of droughts.

Transportation Toll Roads: The 78th Legislature passed major transportation legislation creating the “Trans-Texas Corridor,” a $184 billion plan to construct four-thousand plus miles of toll ways, railways and utility lines across the state. Using a public-private partnership to oversee its development, the “TTC” has generated wide scrutiny, criticism and debate as it moves forward. As the 80th Session opened, there was intense discussion of what should be done to “reign in” perceived abuses, missteps or questionable motivations of private partners as well as the Texas Department of Transportation. Numerous pieces of legislation addressing differing concerns were filed and the debate began.

HB 1892 by Representative Wayne Smith was amended in the House to include a two-year moratorium on toll projects to be completed with private equity comprehensive development agreements. Additional amendments gave the North Texas Tollway Authority right of first refusal on the SH 121 & SH 161 projects, an exemption from the moratorium for Loop 9 in Dallas and US 281 in . The bill passed out of the House and then the Senate, with changes which were later agreed to by the House, sending the bill to the Governor’s desk. After asserting HB 1892 as passed would risk billions of dollars in federal funding, Governor Perry made it clear that issues such as primacy, local toll authorities’ right of first refusal and strict review terms for CDAs were more problematic than the concept of a two year moratorium and that, absent a compromise on such issues in a subsequent bill, he would veto HB 1892 and call a special session on the moratorium and other transportation issues.

In an attempt to resolve the issues at hand and avoid summertime in Austin, Senator Tommy Williams, Senate sponsor of HB 1892, allowed his companion bill, SB 792, to be amended to create a vehicle to address the Governor’s concerns. The bill was passed by the Senate and moved to the House where it passed on a vote of 143-2 with minimal amendments but requiring a conference committee. On the day after SB 792 passed the House, Governor Perry vetoed HB 1892. The conferees reached an agreement on a bill satisfying the concerns of the Governor by omitting the much discussed “Amendment 13” designed to prevent possible attempts to circumvent the moratorium by simply calling the public-private partnerships by a different name – facilities agreements. After placing a number of clarifications in the House record, the House passed the Conference report and sent the bill to the Governor’s desk. Governor Perry signed the bill on June 11, 2007.

Traffic Light Cameras: There has been much debate over whether cities have the right to issue civil citations through the use of unmanned cameras posted at traffic lights. Many bills were filed during the 80th Session addressing this growing red-light camera trend in cities around the state. Two measures, HB 1623 and SB 1119, were passed to clarify the rights of cities. These bills, both sponsored by Representative Larry Phillips and Senator John Carona,

Page 5 TAMUS Office of Governmental Relations place some restrictions on camera use and the revenues collected from fines. Cities will be required to study an intersection’s traffic volume and frequency of red-light violations before installing cameras, and must also determine whether the cameras result in a reduction of accidents in order to keep the camera in place. Cities will only be allowed to keep a limited portion of the revenue generated from the fines, and the rest must be spent on traffic safety and regional trauma centers.

Social Issues Every session there are numerous polarizing social issues considered, and the 80th Session was no different. This session some of the biggest issues dealt with the Children’s Health Insurance Plan, voter identification requirements, and strengthening child predator penalties.

Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP): In the 2003 78th Session, facing a $10 billion shortfall, legislators had cut funding for CHIP, tightened enrollment requirements, and outsourced its operation. Since that time, the number of children covered by the program has dropped by at least a third leaving millions of federal dollars on the table, and shifting portions of the burden of costs of medical care for uninsured children from the state to the counties and their taxpayers. In the 80th Session, Representative Sylvester Turner and others, pushed for changes to increase CHIP enrollment and ease the restrictions instituted 4 years earlier. HB109, by Representative Turner, sponsored by Senator Kip Averitt, was the vehicle for these changes although nearly 30 other CHIP bills were filed. Representative Turner used his political capital as Speaker Pro Tempore and his own considerable persuasive powers to win over skeptical Members, and ultimately pass the legislation after a last minute point of order was pulled down. HB 109, as passed, will add approximately 128,000 new children to the program and extend the eligibility filing requirements from six months to 12 months, with an electronic verification every six months for the highest earning CHIP families.

Voter ID: Requiring would-be voters to show identification to establish eligibility to vote has been a partisan issue, supported by Republicans and opposed by Democrats; so it is no surprise this precipitated one of the most contentious debates of the 80th Session. HB 218, by Representative Betty Brown and sponsored by Senator Troy Fraser, sought to prevent and deter voter fraud by requiring proof of personal identification at the polls. After six hours of debate on the House floor, the measure passed with a close vote, divided mostly along party lines. In the Senate, Democrats were united in their effort to block consideration of the bill on the Senate floor by maintaining eleven votes against the bill, thereby denying the twenty- one vote minimum required to allow consideration under the Senate’s traditional two-thirds rule.

In a surprise move, Lt. Governor Dewhurst attempted to bring the controversial bill up for debate when Senator Carlos Uresti was absent from the floor while ill with the flu. The motion to consider initially passed with the Lt. Governor refusing to recognize a vote by Senator John Whitmire who was momentarily absent from the floor. This created discord within the chamber, and to restore order, the Lt. Governor allowed for a revote, but would not delay it for the return of Senator Uresti. Ultimately, Senator Uresti, who had been notified of the vote, returned to the chamber in time to cast his vote and block the bill. The following day the Lt. Governor’s office issued a statement criticizing Senate Democrats in general and Senator Whitmire in particular. While the Lt. Governor later said he had not approved the letter, its content outraged members on both sides of the aisle and shut down Senate business for the day. Senators caucused without the Lt. Governor, and sent 3 Senators to meet with him to air the frustrations of the chamber. After calm was restored to the

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Senate, Senator Mario Gallegos, who underwent a liver transplant at the beginning of the session, vowed to remain in Austin against his doctors’ orders to block further consideration of the Voter ID bill. In consideration of Senator Gallegos’ condition, Lt. Governor Dewhurst pronounced HB 218 dead several days before the session concluded, thus ending the drama.

Jessica’s Law: The top legislative priority for Lt. Governor Dewhurst this session was enactment of a measure known as “Jessica’s Law” to require stiffer punishment for repeat child sex offenders. The Lt. Governor laid out his “Texas Children First” agenda in the opening days of the session with Jessica’s Law as the capstone of the plan. HB 8, by Representative Debbie Riddle and sponsored by Senator , as originally filed, would have directed prosecutors to pursue death sentences for repeat child sex offenders. However, debate on the bill was halted after concerns were raised by local prosecutors over the potential negative effects in securing convictions and the constitutionality of the death penalty provisions for non-capital offenses. Ultimately consensus was reached and HB 8 was passed, creating one of the toughest “Jessica’s Laws” in the nation. The compromise language allows, but does not require, the death penalty for repeat offenders, requires lifetime GPS monitoring of convicted serial offenders, eliminates the statute of limitations in child sexual assaults, and creates a minimum 25 years to life sentence for specific offenses.

Other Key Issues During the 80th Regular Session of the Legislature, several other major policy bills were filed, some of which passed and many of which did not. Examples of the higher profile bills include utility rate reform, “castle” defense doctrine, record votes and traffic light cameras.

Utility Rate Reform: SB 482, by Senator Fraser and sponsored by Representative Phil King, was filed in response to the growing consumer unrest over high electric rates. Specific issues were raised with TXU, which while seeking approval of its sale to private investors, was accused by some of abusing its power. The legislation would have put new rules into place to protect low-income residents against disconnections, prohibit charging deposits to customers with good payment histories and allowed regulators to issue higher fines for abuses by corporations. However, the bill was killed on a point of order in the waning days of the session, and there was not time to revive the measure.

“Castle Defense” Doctrine: SB 378, by Senator Jeff Wentworth and sponsored by Representative Joe Driver, was passed to give Texans the right to use deadly force to protect their homes, businesses and vehicles without having to prove they first had tried to flee. Previously a 1973 Texas law stated that a person must attempt to retreat before firing a gun at an intruder. The measure received widespread support for its protection of citizens from lawsuits if they injured or killed a trespasser. A related measure, HB 991 by Representative Patrick Rose and sponsored by Senator Bob Deuell, requiring the identities of concealed handgun permit carriers to be kept secret, was also passed.

Record Votes: Representative Dan Branch and Senator John Carona proposed a constitutional amendment requiring each chamber to record its votes on certain legislation. HJR 19 is a compromise between the House’s desire for fewer record votes and the Senate’s preference for roll-call votes at nearly every step of the lawmaking process. The final measure, which must be approved by voters, will require both the House and Senate to take on-the-record votes on final passage of all substantive bills. Texas was one of only a handful of states without a record vote requirement on the books.

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Bill Facts

Legislation Filed & Passed

The following table provides a summary comparison of legislative bill activity from the 80th and 79th Regular Sessions.

80th Legislative Session 79th Legislative Session Type Filed Passed % Filed Passed % HBs 4140 955 23.1% 3592 876 24.4% HJRs 108 10 9.3% 102 5 4.9% SBs 2050 526 25.7% 1892 512 27.1% SJRs 64 7 10.9% 43 4 9.3% TOTAL 6362 1498 23.5% 5629 1397 24.8%

Bill Analysis Task Force

A legislative session requires the highest and best efforts of enormous numbers of the A&M System institutions’ faculty, administration, and staff. In addition, because the Texas Legislature meets regularly only 140 days every other year, a session necessarily operates on its own highly compressed clock and takes no prisoners when it demands responses from institutions. One of the principal instruments we have created to respond to the demands of a session is the Bill Analysis Task Force (BATF). The BATF provides a timely synopsis of all legislation that affects the A&M System member universities and agencies. These analyses of key bills are provided to the Chancellor, his Executive Officers, System CEOs and the Governmental Relations Team, so that they will be better prepared to furnish information to and communicate the A&M System’s legislative program to the legislature and governor during the fast-paced session. Of note, all the BATF members serve voluntarily and take on these extra duties while continuing to carry out their regular duties, and without extra compensation. This session the Office of Governmental Relations tracked and kept watch over some 1,500 plus bills, about 24% of all the bills that were filed. The Task Force members provided in-depth analyses for more than 700 of these tracked bills. Without the support and assistance of all the individuals who serve the Bill Analysis Task Force, the Texas A&M University System would not have been able to provide legislators and their staff the information they required during the session. The names and affiliation of members of the Bill Analysis Task Force may be found in the Appendix.

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Texas A&M University System Institution-Specific Legislation

The following summary includes legislation that directly affects a member institution of The Texas A&M System or the entire System.

System-wide or System Office

HB 317 by Miller/Fraser – Relating to a study regarding the issuance of revenue bonds for certain campuses and centers of institutions of higher education. HB 317 deletes the 1500 FTSE requirement placed for system centers via HB 153, 3rd Called (Sections 55.1751(d) and (e) and 55.1755(d), EducationVETOED Code, are repealed). The bill would require the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to conduct a study to determine: the merits of permitting a public institution of higher education to issue bonds for the purpose of funding capital projects at branch campuses, extension centers, system centers, and multi-institutional teaching centers, regardless of the level of student enrollment; and student enrollment levels that may be appropriate to serve as a statutory prerequisite for issuing those bonds.

HB 589 by Aycock/Fraser– Relating to the student enrollment required for certain institutions of higher education to operate as general academic teaching institutions and to receive certain revenue. HB 589 would amend Education Code to lower the threshold for Texas A&M University – Central Texas System Center in Killeen, Texas A&M University – Kingsville System Center and The University of North Texas at Dallas to become a free-standing generalVETOED academic teaching institutions by changing the methodology by which the students are calculated. The methodology in the bill would calculate the 1,000 full-time students threshold per academic year, defined as the fall and spring semesters and the summer session of the academic year.

HB 2074 by Krusee/Ogden - Relating to the creation of the East Williamson County Multi-Institution Teaching Center. HB 2074 directs the Temple Junior College District to establish, in conjunction with at least one other institution of higher education (the bill does list Tarleton and the center in Killeen as possible partners), the East Williamson County Higher Education Center which will be administered under a formal agreement entered

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into by the Temple Junior College District and the member institutions. The Center will provide higher education opportunities to the residents of the region by offering academic credit courses and programs from the member institutions, and will work with the local community to identify and offer courses to meet the workforce development goals of the region.

HB 3114/SB 1495 by Swinford/Zaffirini - Relating to student fees at component institutions of The Texas A&M University System. HB 3114 is an omnibus student fee bill for the A&M System. This bill creates a new student fee advisory committee at each institution of the A&M System that will review all increases and uses of student service- related system-wide fees. The bill authorizes new intercollegiate fees at Texas A&M International University, West Texas A&M University, and Texas A&M University-- Commerce and a student vote referendum to enact those fees. It also increases the cap for the Recreation Sports Fee from $100 to $175 per semester. This bill requires the amount of the fees to not be increased to an amount that exceeds 10% or more above the total amount of the fee as last approved by a majority vote of the student body at the respective institutions.

Texas A&M University

HB 3 by Puente/Averitt - Relating to the management of the water resources of the state, including the protection of instream flows and freshwater inflows, and to the management of groundwater in the area regulated by the Edwards Aquifer Authority and to the operations and oversight of the authority. A comprehensive water bill that includes Texas A&M University (the research entity working on the project is the Texas A&M Institute of Renewable Natural Resources, a unit of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and Texas Cooperative Extension.) With the assistance of Texas A&M University, the state shall cooperatively develop a recovery implementation program through a facilitated, consensus-based process that involves input from the Fish and Wildlife Service, other appropriate federal agencies, and all interested stakeholders. Texas A&M University shall assist in the creation of a steering committee to oversee and assist in the development of the cooperative agreement develop a program document that may be in the form of a habitat conservation plan. The steering committee shall work with Texas A&M University to: (1) establish a regular meeting schedule and publish that schedule to encourage public participation; and (2) not later than October 31, 2007, hire a program director to be housed at Texas A&M University. Texas A&M University may accept outside funding to pay the salary and expenses of the program director hired under this section and any expenses associated with the university's participation in the creation of the steering committee or subcommittees established by the steering committee.

HB 120 by Brown/Shapiro - Relating to state funding and tuition charged for courses provided during off-peak hours at certain public institutions of higher education. HB 120 establishes a two-year pilot program that authorizes the University of

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Texas at Austin, Texas A&M University and Texas Tech University to offer reduced tuition for courses taken during off-peak hours. Enactment is contingent upon an appropriation to offset loss of tuition revenue; however no appropriations were made for this program in HB 1.

HB 1330 by F. Brown/Ogden - Relating to extending the pilot program providing for reduced undergraduate tuition during a summer term or session at Texas A&M University. The 79th Legislature established a pilot program that reduced summer tuition rates to three-quarters of the regular rate in 2006 or 2007 for resident undergraduate students at Texas A&M University. This was done as an incentive for students to take summer courses in order to facilitate a timely graduation and to maximize the use of instructional facilities that tend to be underused during the summer. A contingent funding requirement was included and because appropriations were not made, the provision was not active. HB 1330 reauthorizes this program for 2008 if a specific appropriation is made to offset tuition. In the new appropriations act, HB 1 Art. III-54 appropriates $3 million for this program.

HB 1493 by Bonnen/Janek - Relating to the establishment and operation of a severe storm research and planning center. HB 1493 creates the Severe Storm Research and Planning Center. The center will work with the University of Houston, Rice University, Texas A&M University, Texas A&M University at Galveston and others to provide weather modeling that will give more accurate warnings when storms approach the Texas coasts. Ultimately, the models will be able to determine what neighborhoods need to be evacuated, rather than entire counties, affecting the number of people involved in evacuations.

HB 2834 by F. Brown/Ogden - Relating to the use of land on the main campus of Texas A&M University in College Station. Under current law, the board of regents of The Texas A&M University System is authorized to grant The Association of Former Students a lease of surface area not to exceed five acres on the original main campus on which the association can construct and occupy a building for use consistent with the association's stated purposes. The Association would like to lease an additional contiguous three acres for a new Aggie Ring Plaza, expanded parking and enhanced services for Texas A&M University and alumni. Since the current building was dedicated in 1987, the association staff has doubled, and the number of former students has nearly tripled, thus creating a need to expand. HB 2834 increases the maximum amount of acreage that the board is authorized to lease to the association from five to eight acres.

SB 3 by Averitt/Puente - Relating to the development, management, and preservation of the water resources of the state; providing penalties. A comprehensive water bill that includes the same language relating to Texas A&M University (the research entity working on the project is the Texas A&M Institute of Renewable Natural Resources, a unit of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and Texas Cooperative Extension) as HB 3.

SB 99 by Zaffirini/Guillen - Relating to the identification of and provision of assistance to colonias and for tracking the progress of certain state-funded projects that benefit colonias. SB 99 directs certain state agencies and institutions of higher education to report information to the Secretary of State's office regarding the status of water, wastewater, and other infrastructure projects in colonias. Texas Cooperative

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Extension as well as an institution that “receives funding from the state for projects that provide assistance to colonias” is specifically mentioned; this includes Texas A&M University. The bill requires the Secretary of State to compile information received, prepare a report about the progress of state-funded colonia projects, and report to the legislature.

SB 1234 by Zaffirini/Rose - Relating to the five-year master plan for higher education in this state. SB 1234 requires that the Coordinating Board master plan to take into account students that “are sufficiently prepared to meet the challenges associated with participation in the public affairs of the state and in the global economy.” This bill requires the master plan to define the missions and roles of public institutions of higher education in a way consistent with state needs and goals; establish more effective methods for funding higher education; establish a coherent long-term financial aid strategy that takes into account both needs and merit; strengthen collaboration between two-year and four-year institutions; and develop and institutionalize long-term collaboration betweenVETOED primary, secondary, and higher education. The plan shall include a look at statewide faculty workforce numbers and needs. Specific language includes “consideration of concerns regarding the current and projected student enrollment and enrollment capacity of The University of Texas at Austin and Texas A&M University and of methods for ensuring that those institutions maintain competitiveness with other public and private flagship institutions of higher education.” It requires an assessment of additional “flagship” institutions for the state.

Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi

HB 1417 by Hinojosa / Ortiz - Relating to the student endowment scholarship and internship program fund at Texas A&M University--Corpus Christi. SB 1417 authorizes the board to charge the student endowment fund fee within the limits provided for the purpose of creating a student endowment fund at Texas A&M-Corpus Christi, and sets forth the specifics related to the imposition of the fee, any increases in the fee, and other related items.

SB 1418 by Hinojosa / Ortiz. Relating to the establishment and operation of a spatial reference center at Texas A&M University--Corpus Christi. As proposed in SB 1418 the board may create and operate a Texas spatial reference center at Texas A&M- Corpus Christi for the purpose of facilitating the federal height modernization project, conduct basic and applied research regarding elevation and geodetic and vertical datum, and collect geodetic data for state mapping and control. The center will be identified as the official digital spatial center for the state. SB 1418 was amended to SB 1436.

Texas A&M International University

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SB 1051 by Zaffarini / Guillen - Relating to course requirements for students enrolled in joint degree programs between certain general academic teaching institutions and foreign universities. SB 1051 requires a foreign student to successfully complete the America Way course as part of their joint baccalaureate degree program. This course is designed to provide a foreign student with a familiarity and understanding of United States government and civic life and their sources, development, and character. Effective 6/16/07.

Texas Agricultural Experiment Station

HB 2546 by Noriega/Carona - Relating to the sale of ammonium nitrate; creating an offense. HB 2546 amends the Agriculture Code to require a person who sells or offers for sale ammonium nitrate or ammonium nitrate material to hold a registration certificate from the Texas Feed and Fertilizer Control Service. The Texas Feed & Fertilizer Control Service is a regulatory division within the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. The bill defines "ammonium nitrate material" as solid fertilizer that includes ammonium nitrate as a component, if the nitrogen content from the ammonium nitrate is at least 28 percent of the fertilizer by weight. The bill requires a seller to display the registration certificate in his or her place of business and to take specified steps—including fencing or enclosure, lockup when unattended, daily inspection, and inventory control—to secure ammonium nitrate or ammonium nitrate material against vandalism, theft, or other unauthorized access. The seller must retain the sale record for at least two years and must make it available only on the request of the Department of Public Safety, a federal law enforcement agency, or the Office of the Texas State Chemist. HB 2546 requires the Service to adopt rules allowing a seller to refuse a sale based on the season or the sale location. A registrant who violates legal requirements is subject to registration suspension. The bill provides that the purchase of ammonium nitrate or ammonium nitrate material with the intent to manufacture an explosive device is a third degree felony, except for holders of certain federal permits or licenses relating to manufacturers, importers, dealers, or users of explosive materials. The bill provides that the sale by a nonregistrant, the presentation of a false ID, or tampering with ammonium nitrate or ammonium nitrate material stored on the property of another is a Class A misdemeanor.

SB 3 by Averitt/Puente ( Includes HB 3/ HB 4 by Puente.) Relating to the management of the water resources of the state, including the protection of instream flows and freshwater inflows. SB 3 amends various sections of the Water Code to set out a new regulatory approach to provide surface water to meet environmental flow needs. The bill creates an Environmental Flows Advisory Group supported by an Environmental Flows Science Advisory Committee (SAC), to oversee regional consensus- based Bay and Basin Stakeholders Committees as they develop environmental flow standard recommendations for consideration by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). These stakeholder committees would also be supported by Basin and Bay Expert Science Teams (BBESTs). The TCEQ, the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB), and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) is responsible for coordinating with the advisory group and stakeholder committees, providing reports regarding the groups'

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recommendations, and providing technical assistance. The bill allows the TWDB to use money in the research and planning fund of the Water Assistance Fund No. 480 to compensate members of the SAC and the BBEST for meeting expenses. It also allows the TWDB to pay contract costs for technical assistance to SAC and BBESTs and costs incurred by political subdivisions designated as representatives of the stakeholder committees. Scientists at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station will contract directly with TWBD for technical assistance and research as required by the legislation.

SB 1762 by Shapleigh/Guillen - Relating to a study by the Texas Water Development Board regarding the impact of climate change on surface water supplies in this state. SB 1762 requires the Texas Water Development Board, in coordination with the Far West Texas Regional Water Planning Group, to conduct a study of the possible impact of climate change on surface water supplies from the Rio Grande. The bill requires the board to convene a regional conference on the subject, with participants to include representatives of the Far West Texas Regional Planning Group, water authorities, industrial customers, agricultural interests, municipalities, fishing or recreational interests, environmental advocacy organizations, and institutions of higher education. It sets out an agenda for that conference and requires the board to report its findings to the legislature not later than December 31, 2008. The Texas Agricultural Experiment Station will work with TWDB in providing technical and research capabilities.

Texas Cooperative Extension

HB 2045 by Phillips/Duell - Relating to revenue from Texas State Rifle Association specialty license plates. This bill requires 50 percent of the net revenue from the TSRA license plate will support scholarship programs for the TAMU system and that the other 50 percent support 4-H shooting sports programs within Texas Cooperative Extension.

HB 2345 by Anderson/Aycock/Watson - Relating to the creation of the Texas Organic Agricultural Industry Advisory Board. HB 2345 amends the Agriculture Code to create the Texas Organic Agricultural Industry Advisory Board, staffed by and attached administratively to the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA). The bill requires the advisory board to review and provide guidance on rules impacting the Texas organic agricultural products industry, and to assist the TDA in assessing the status of such products, developing a public education and awareness campaign regarding such products, and developing recommendations to the agriculture commissioner and legislature to promote and expand the industry. The Board is required to have members from higher education and research.

HB 2458 by B., Cook/Brimer - Relating to the licensing and regulation of structural pest control by the Department of Agriculture and the abolition of the Texas Structural Pest Control Board. This bill amends the Occupations Code and adopts other law to abolish the board and to transfer its functions to the TDA. The bill establishes a Structural Pest Control Service within the TDA and creates a structural pest control advisory

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committee. The bill adopts new detailed provisions applicable to pesticide application and integrated pest management among school districts. Texas Cooperative Extension is directly associated with the IPM (integrated pest management.)

Texas Engineering Experiment Station

HB 3693 by Straus/Fraser- Relating to energy demand, energy load, energy efficiency incentives, energy programs, and energy performance measures. HB 3693 establishes several energy efficiency mechanisms intended to provide near-term reductions in consumption and demand. The bill enhances existing energy efficiency programs, enables more customer demand management, updates building energy codes, and requires state agencies to purchase more efficient equipment and appliances. Specific to The Texas A&M University System, the bill: (1) requires institutions of higher education to purchase the commercially available model of light bulbs that use the fewest watts for the necessary flux or light output and is compatible with the light fixture; (2) requires governmental entities including institutions of higher education to report on a publicly accessible Internet website the metered amount of electricity, water, or natural gas consumed and the aggregate costs for those utility services (3) requires the Energy System Laboratory of the Texas Engineering Experiment Station to make recommendations to the State Energy Conservation Office (SECO) regarding the adoption or substitution of more stringent provisions of the state building energy codes; (4) includes institutions of higher education and state agencies in energy efficiency programs relating to Texas building energy performance standards, including the establishment of a goal to reduce electric consumption by 5 percent each fiscal year for six years. This provision can be waived for institutions of higher education if SECO determines that, before September 1, 2007, the institution adopted a plan for conserving energy with a percentage goal for reducing the consumption of electricity and that the institution submits reports on the conservation plan each calendar quarter; and, (5) requires the Energy Systems Laboratory of the Texas Engineering Experiment Station to develop different report formats for rating newly constructed residences from those of existing residences in regard to home energy ratings.

SB 12 by Averitt/Bonnen- Relating to programs for the enhancement of air quality, including energy efficiency initiatives; providing penalties. SB 12 increases the scope of the Texas Emissions Reduction Program to reduce emissions from mobile and other sources. The bill seeks to reduce statewide emissions from electrical generation units by providing for the updating of building energy codes, encouraging the purchase of efficient appliances, and providing efficiency standards for school districts, institutions of higher education, state agencies, and governmental entities in counties. Specific to The Texas A&M University System, the bill extends the Texas Emissions Reduction Program to 2013 and thus continues the responsibilities of the Energy System Laboratory (ESL) of the Texas Engineering Experiment Station under the program through that date. The bill also includes similar language to that found in HB 3693 regarding the requirement of ESL to make recommendations to the State Energy Conservation Office (SECO) regarding the adoption or

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substitution of more stringent provisions of the state building energy codes and the inclusion of institutions of higher education and state agencies in energy efficiency programs relating to Texas building energy performance standards with the waiver provisions.

Texas Engineering Extension Service

HB 2694 by Hamilton/Janek - Relating to the disaster contingency fund. The bill permits state agencies and local governments to request funding from the Disaster Contingency Fund to pay for costs incurred in implementing preventive emergency measures and costs incurred in repairing damage suffered during a disaster. The bill requires the Governor's Division of Emergency Management to administer the fund and develop and implement rules and procedures for providing emergency assistance from the fund. The provisions could include emergency response activities of the Texas Engineering Extension Service and the Texas Forest Service.

SB 11 by Carona/Corte- Relating to homeland security; providing a penalty. This is a comprehensive homeland security bill that, among other things, establishes a statewide mutual aid system to provide integrated statewide aid response capacity between local government entities and addresses lapses in the state’s ability to mitigate threats and to respond to disaster situations. Specific to The Texas A&M University System, the bill requires the Governor’s Division of Emergency Management to develop a statewide mutual aid program for fire emergencies in consultation with state fire protection agencies (Texas Engineering Extension Service and Texas Forest Service), applies leave of absence provisions to members of Texas Task Force 1 under the Texas Engineering Extension Service, and requires emergency management training for certain appointed public officers.

Texas Forest Service

HB 15 by Chisum/Ogden - Relating to making supplemental appropriations and reductions in appropriations. HB 15 appropriates $44 m to the Texas Forest Service for reimbursement expenses incurred during the last fire season. Effective 6/15/07.

HB 1915 by Swinford/Duncan - Relating to the creation of an online volunteer fire department registry by the Texas Forest Service. HB 1915 establishes a fire department listing to be maintained by the Texas Forest Service that includes a complete list of fire departments and firefighting resources within the state.

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HB 2694 by Hamilton/Janek - Relating to the disaster contingency fund. HB 2694 permits state agencies and local governments to request funding from the Disaster Contingency Fund to pay for costs incurred in implementing preventive emergency measures and costs incurred in repairing damage suffered during a disaster. The bill requires the Governor's Division of Emergency Management to administer the fund and develop and implement rules and procedures for providing emergency assistance from the fund. The provisions could include emergency response activities of the Texas Engineering Extension Service and the Texas Forest Service.

HB 3315 by Keffer/Duncan - Relating to the imposition and collection of certain insurance taxes and the adoption of certain reciprocal or multistate agreements relating to those taxes. Legislation passed during the 77th Session that assessed a $1 surcharge on certain insurance policies relating to the structure within an area served by a volunteer fire department. The fund established generated $15 million per year and is administered by the Texas Forest Service to assist volunteer fire departments with equipment and training. HB 3315 was amended late in session by including language from HB 2868 by Swinford. This bill increases the surcharge which will generate $30 million per year.

SB 11 by Carona/Corte - Relating to homeland security; providing a penalty. SB 11 is a comprehensive homeland security bill that, among other things, establishes a statewide mutual aid system to provide integrated statewide aid response capacity between local government entities and addresses lapses in the state’s ability to mitigate threats and to respond to disaster situations. Specific to The Texas A&M University System, the bill requires the Governor’s Division of Emergency Management to develop a statewide mutual aid program for fire emergencies in consultation with state fire protection agencies (Texas Engineering Extension Service and Texas Forest Service), applies leave of absence provisions to members of Texas Task Force 1 under the Texas Engineering Extension Service, and requires emergency management training for certain appointed public officers.

Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory

HB 2024 by Kolkhorst/Estes - Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory. HB 2024 is the Sunset Commission legislation recommending the continuation of Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory. Statute changes include deletion of language specifically stating the Lab is not part of TAMUS. Other minor operating changes were adopted and the Sunset clause removed.

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Overview of Key Higher Education Legislation


HB 590 by Delisi/Zaffirini –Relating to standards of conduct for and conflicts of interest of state officers and employees. HB 590 clarifies and strengthens ethical standards that apply to state officials and employees by promoting consistent ethical policies among state agencies. TAMUS already has in place an ethics policy that fulfills the requirements of the current statute and these proposed changes. However, HB 590 requires that the ethics policy be distributed to each new employee and officer within three business days upon hire.

HB 1268 by Van Arsdale/Ellis- Relating to the award of attorney's fees under the terms of certain contracts with a governmental entity. HB 1268 requires that if a contract between a governmental entity (including an institution of higher education) and another party requires the other party to pay the governmental entity's attorney's fees if the governmental entity prevails in a dispute, then the contract must also provide that the governmental entity will pay the other contracting party's attorney's fees if the other party prevails. The term "Contract" includes construction contracts, as well as contracts for services, public works, and the purchase of supplies, materials or equipment.

HB 1497 by Van Arsdale/Williams - Relating to the consequences of the failure by a person requesting information under the public information law to timely respond to certain written communications from a governmental body. Previously, if a governmental body made a permissible inquiry under Section 552.222, Government Code, to a requestor about the requestor’s request and the requestor did not respond, there were no means by which the request could be closed out or complied with. HB 1497 provides certain conditions by which a written inquiry communication to which a requestor does not respond is considered to constitute a withdrawal of the request by the requestor. The bill also prohibits the requestor's request, if it included the requestor's physical or mailing address, from being withdrawn in such a manner unless the applicable entity sends the permissible inquiry to that address by certified mail.

HB 2248 by Van Arsdale/Williams - Relating to the ability of a governmental body under the public information law to request a redetermination from the attorney general on dismissal of litigation relating to the same issue. HB 2248 would amend Government code, ch. 552 to allow for the dismissal of a suit when a requestor withdrew a request for information under the Public Information Act. If, while a suit was pending against the attorney general, a requestor voluntarily and expressly withdrew or abandoned the request for information, a court could dismiss the suit if all parties agreed to the dismissal. The attorney general would determine whether the request was voluntarily withdrawn or was abandoned. This determination then would be represented to a court, and if the court

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consented to the dismissal, a governmental body could ask for new decision, or reconsideration, of the attorney general concerning the same information that was at issue.

HB 2564 by Hancock/Wentworth - Relating to the authority of a governmental body to require the payment of a charge before complying with certain requests for the production of public information or for copies of public information. HB 2564 authorizes a governmental body to establish a reasonable time limit (36 hours during a 12 month time frame) on the amount of time that personnel are required to spend producing information in compliance with a request for public information. The bill also provides a process in which the governmental body may charge a fee if the time limit required for information production is exceeded. The bill also lists entities that are exempt from such requests, such as radio and television stations and newspapers.

HB 3291 by Otto/Averitt - Relating to a prohibition against the governing board of a public institution of higher education entering into certain contracts relating to permanent improvements at the institution. HB 3291 requires the governing board of an institution of higher education cannot enter into a contract with a person relating to a permanent improvement project at the institution under which the institution makes contractual payments to the person that are not reflected on the institution's financial statement unless the board: (1) is specifically authorized to enter into the contract by other law; or (2) receives prior approval by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

HB 3382 by Naishtat/Uresti - Relating to providing certain computerized instructional material for blind and visually impaired students at public institutions of higher education. HB 3382 requires textbook publishers to make electronic copies of textbooks and other assigned written materials promptly available to universities, if requested, for use by visually impaired students. The bill also prohibits publishers from charging an entity for the material and subjects publishers who fail to comply with the law to administrative penalties imposed by the Coordinating Board. To protect against copyright violations, students will purchase textbooks and the university will provide proof of purchase for the actual textbooks from the bookstore. Furthermore, publishers will not have to provide electronic copies of the textbook if copyrights prohibit it, the publication is out of print, or the publication is a format that cannot be converted into an electronic file.

SB 129 by West/Smith - Relating to reporting of gifts of cash or a cash equivalent to public officials. SB 129 would require that a gift of cash or cash equivalent reported on a personal financial disclosure filed with Texas Ethics Commission include in the description of the gift a statement of the gift’s value. Previously, a person subject to personal financial disclosure has to report a gift only as a “check” or “money order” without disclosing the face value. SB 129 would close this loophole.

SB 276 by Wentworth/Rose – Relating to student members of the board of regents of a state university or state university system. SB 276 removes the requirement that the student's name be removed from an application for student regent before consideration by the university's chancellor or president. SB 276 updates the eligibility requirements for appointment as student regent by requiring the student to be in good academic standing throughout the person's term and by setting a minimum grade point average of 2.5. SB 276 provides that a student regent is entitled to reimbursement for travel expenses.

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The term of a student regent on the board of regents of a state university system or state university that under the law in effect immediately before the effective date of this Act was to expire February 1, 2008, is extended to expire on May 31, 2008. The changes in law made by SB 276 apply to a student regent on the board of regents of a state university system or state university serving on or appointed after the effective date of this Act. SB 276 is effective 5/23.

SB 175 by Wentworth/Parker - Relating to the calculation of certain deadlines under the public information law. Various current statutes, including the Public Information Act, use a variety of terms referencing a day in which a person is generally required to work. This variation in terms can, at times, cause complications to arise in the calculation of certain deadlines. SB 175 clarifies that the term "business day" is to be used to calculate certain deadlines and makes conforming changes to other sections currently using the term "working day." Effective 6/15/07

SB 300 by Ellis/Paxton - Relating to the duration of judgment liens in favor of the state. SB 300 prevents a judgment in favor of the state or a state agency, including an institution of higher education, from becoming dormant and extends the life of a judgment lien from 10 to 20 years, thereby reducing the time and costs associated with the renewal process.

SB 592 by Wentworth/Parker – Relating to special notice to the news media of the meeting of a governmental body in certain situations under the open meetings law. This bill would modify and broaden the methods that may be used to provide notice of an emergency meeting of the governmental body or the addition of an emergency item to an agenda of a meeting of the governmental body to members of the media who have made a request for such notice in accordance with the statute. Currently the notice methods permitted are telephone or telegraph. This bill would permit notice by telephone, facsimile transmission or electronic mail. Effective 6/15/2007

SB 608 by Ellis/Callegari - Relating to restrictions on state contracts with certain contractors. SB 608 amends the Government Code to prohibit a state agency from accepting a bid or awarding a contract, including a contract for which the purchasing authority is delegated to a state agency, that includes proposed financial participation by certain persons who were involved in certain contract violations or assessed penalties in certain enforcement actions with regard to the relief, recovery, or reconstruction efforts as a result of Hurricane Katrina, as defined, or any other disaster, as defined, occurring after September 24, 2005.

SB 1046 by Wentworth/Morrison - Relating to the provision of notice to institutions of higher education of meetings of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and to telephone conference meetings of the board. Currently, the Coordinating Board is required to mail an agenda to the chairman of each governing board and the chief administrative officer of each institution of higher education at least 30 days before a meeting. This requirement has not been changed since the Coordinating Board's inception in 1965. Current law authorizes governing boards for institutions as well as the Board for Lease of University Lands to meet by telephone conference call under certain circumstances. However, the Coordinating Board is not provided with similar privileges.

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SB 1046 includes the Coordinating Board under the same provisions as governing boards of institutions with regard to holding telephone conference calls. This bill also decreases the advance notice required for the board meetings from 30 days to seven days

SB 1325 by West/McCall - Relating to the eligibility of relatives of public college and university board members to receive certain scholarships; providing a criminal penalty. SB 1325 prohibits relatives of public college and university board members from receiving certain scholarships from the institution or system whose board the member serves, with certain limited exceptions.

SB 1306 by Wentworth/Goolsby -Relating to the attendance by a quorum of a governmental body at certain events under the open meetings law. Senate Bill 1306 clarifies existing law to include ceremonial events and press conferences within the exceptions to meetings under the Texas Open Meetings Act. This clarification provides that no formal action may be taken at these events, in conformance with the current requirements of the Texas Open Meetings Act. SB 1306 is effective 5/22.


HB 1250 by C. Howard/Patrick - Relating to prohibiting discrimination based on a student's secondary school in awarding certain financial aid for higher education. Home school students are not currently eligible for scholarships from the TEXAS Grant fund or the B- On-time Loan Program. HB 944 of the 78th Legislature required state-supported colleges and universities treat home school graduates on the same basis as public school graduates for purposes of college admission. HB 1250 amends the eligibility requirement for certain public higher education scholarship and loan programs so that home school graduates are eligible for those scholarships and loans.

HB 1748 by Morrison/Shapiro - Relating to the administration of Texas governor's schools. The Governor’s School Program, created by the 79th Legislature, focuses on developing college readiness for public school students through summer programs. The original statute provided for the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to have oversight over the program. However, through a memorandum of understanding, the Coordinating Board has assumed oversight over the program. Because of this, a statutory change giving Coordinating Board legal over the program is needed. HB 1748 transfers the various aspects of oversight of the Governor’s School Program from TEA to Coordinating Board.

HB 2198 by Flores/Janek - Relating to authorizing certain public junior colleges to offer baccalaureate degree programs. In 2003 the legislature created a pilot project to allow selected public junior colleges to offer limited baccalaureate degrees in applied science and technology, providing the opportunity to examine the effectiveness and feasibility of a permanent program. Since that time, South Texas College, Brazosport College, and Midland College are now accredited as Level II baccalaureate degree-granting institutions. HB 2198 removes the pilot status of these programs and makes the granting of baccalaureate degrees in applied science and technology at these schools permanent. This bill also authorizes the Coordinating Board to authorize additional public junior colleges, if they meet all the stated prerequisites, to participate in the baccalaureate degree program.

HB 2235 by Guillen/Zaffirini - Relating to the creation of a technology center grant program for rural counties. Requires the Office of Rural Community Affairs to

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establish a grant program, subject to available funds, under which the office awards grants to public institutions of higher education, public high schools, and governmental entities located in a rural county for the development and operation of multi-instructional technology centers that provide certain services.

HB 2237 by Eissler/Shapiro – Relating to grants and programs for dropout prevention, high school success, and college and workforce readiness in public schools. HB 2237 requires the TEA, in coordination with the LBB to establish an online clearinghouse of information relating to best practices of campuses and school districts regarding dropout prevention in addition to other areas previously set forth in this subsection. It also directs the Coordinating Board to establish academies at institutions to improve the instructional skills of teachers under the state’s Certification of Educators and train students enrolled in a teacher preparation program to perform at the highest levels in mathematics, science, and technology. The bill authorizes THECB to adopt rules as necessary to administer this section. HB 2237 requires the institution, before it establishes an academy under this section, to apply through a competitive process, as determined by Coordinating Board. Requires the institution to have a teacher preparation program approved by the State Board for Educator Certification or be affiliated with a program approved by the certification board. The bill requires the Coordinating Board to allocate $8.75 million each year to establish mathematics, science, and technology teacher preparation academies.

HB 2608 by Hughs/Eltife - Relating to funding for applied research for a clean coal project or certain other projects for the generation of electricity from coal. Requires the Coordinating Board to use money available for the purpose from legislative appropriations, including gifts, grants, and donations, to support applied research related relating to certain clean coal projects and certain electricity generation.

HB 2639 by Smithee/Duncan - Relating to risk management programs for members of fraternities and other student organizations at public and private postsecondary educational institutions and to certain insurance requirements for fraternities. HB 2639 requires institutions of higher education to provide a risk management program for members of fraternities and of other student organizations recognized at the institution. The bill makes attendance at this risk management seminar mandatory for certain individuals. In addition, the bill requires the Texas Department of Insurance to study what insurance is currently available to fraternities that adequately cover certain risks. The study must consider levels and types of coverage and methods of attainment, and to report the findings to certain elected officials not later than January 1, 2009.

HB 2978 by Morrison/Shapiro - Relating to engineering recruitment programs established by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. HB 2978 requires the Coordinating Board to design and administer a one-week summer program to take place on campuses that offer engineering degree programs and establish and administer a degree scholarship program for students who graduate with certain credentials. The board shall establish and administer, using funds appropriated for that purpose, scholarships for students pursuing a degree in engineering at a general academic teaching institution. To qualify for a scholarship under this section, a student must: (1) have graduated with a grade point average in the top 20 percent of the student's high school graduating class; (2) have graduated from high school with a grade point average of at least 3.5 on a four-point scale or the equivalent in mathematics and science courses offered under

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the recommended or advanced high school program; and (3) maintain an overall grade point average of at least 3.0 on a four-point scale at the general academic teaching institution in which the student is enrolled.

HB 3382 by Naishtat/Uresti - Relating to providing certain computerized instructional material for blind and visually impaired students at public institutions of higher education. HB 3382 requires textbook publishers to make electronic copies of textbooks and other assigned written materials promptly available to universities, if requested, for use by visually impaired students. The bill also prohibits publishers from charging an entity for the material and subjects publishers who fail to comply with the law to administrative penalties imposed by the Coordinating Board. To protect against copyright violations, students will purchase textbooks and the university will provide proof of purchase for the actual textbooks from the bookstore. Furthermore, publishers will not have to provide electronic copies of the textbook if copyrights prohibit it, the publication is out of print, or the publication is a format that cannot be converted into an electronic file.

HB 3443 by D. Howard/West - Relating to the Texas hospital-based nursing education partnership grant program. HB 3443 establishes a new Texas Hospital-Based Nursing Education Partnership Grant Program administered by the Coordinating Board. The goal is to increase the number of nurses in Texas by fostering innovation through partnership models, leveraging existing expertise and infrastructure in both practice and academia, and expanding nursing education. Requires the Coordinating Board and the Board of Nurse Examiners to establish a single application process under which a hospital-based nursing education partnership may apply both for approval as a pilot program

HB 3826 by Morrison/Zaffirini - Relating to high school curriculum requirements for admission to public institutions of higher education. The state's current higher education plan, Closing the Gaps, calls for the recommended high school program to be the default curriculum in Texas high schools. This plan also calls for the recommended high school program to be a minimum requirement for admission to general academic teaching institutions in this state. The recommended high school program became the default curriculum for students entering the ninth grade in 2004. HB 3826 requires the recommended high school program for admissions if that program is available to a high school student. The bill reconciles these changes in automatic admission requirements, such as the Top 10% law, and clarifies the eligibility of students for automatic admission. This bill would create a uniform admissions code for all institutions of higher education.

HB 3851 by Morrison/Shapiro - Relating to the admission of high school and community college transfer students to institutions of higher education. HB 3851 requires the Coordinating Board to adopt rules establishing a standard method for computing a student’s high school grade point average in a certain manner. The bill also requires the annual report each general academic teaching institution is required to submit to Coordinating Board to include the high school grade point average in the demographic breakdown describing the composition of the institution’s entering class of students. HB 3851 also requires each institution to adopt a written policy to promote the admission of undergraduate transfer students to the institution.

HCR 159 by Morrison/Shapleigh - Requesting that the governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker appoint a select commission on higher education and global

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competitiveness. HCR 159 requests that the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, and the Speaker of the House of representatives create a select commission on higher education and global competitiveness to draft a Texas Compact that reflects a long-term vision and step- by-step plan to attain certain goals by 2020. This resolution also provides that the commission is to examine certain issues related to global competitiveness in educational attainment. This resolution provides that the commission be composed of 15 members, with a presiding officer elected by its members, to include five members appointed by the Governor, five members appointed by the Lieutenant Governor, and five members appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The resolution provides that, in making appointments to the commission, efforts be made to include representatives from the business community and academia and other experts with interest in higher education and current and future workforce needs and to include representatives that reflect the demographic diversity of Texas. The resolution also provides that the commission submit a full report, including findings, recommendations, a plan and timeline for implementing the recommendations, and enabling legislation, to the governor and the legislature by November 1, 2008.

SB 138 by Nelson/S. King - Relating to promoting the retention and graduation of students enrolled in professional nursing programs. SB 138 directs the Coordinating Board to consider and develop methods to improve retention and graduation of nursing students and to recognize programs with a graduation rate of at least 85 percent. The current graduation rate from initial nursing programs in Texas is 56 percent.

SB 139 by Nelson/Kolkhorst - Relating to a study on improving the curricula of professional and vocational nursing education programs. SB 139 requires the Coordinating Board in consultation with the Board of Nurse Examiners to conduct a study regarding nursing program curricula improvement. Legislation requires the study to focus on methods to improve instruction on providing safe and high-quality nursing care to patients. SB 139 requires the Coordinating Board to complete the study and distribute the report to certain parties no later than December 31, 2008; the bill also requires the report to include detailed recommendations regarding certain methods of improvement.

SB 140 by Nelson/Kolkhorst - Relating to a study of the feasibility of providing immunizations to certain students enrolled in health professional degree programs. SB 140 authorizes a study to determine the feasibility of providing immunizations at low cost or no cost to health professional degree students who are unable to afford the required vaccines. Students enrolled in health professional degree programs are currently required to show proof of specific vaccinations before interacting with patients. However, some of those students may not be able to cover the costs of those immunizations in addition to other costs related to their degree program

SB 141 by Nelson/Morrison - Relating to a feasibility study regarding joint health science courses at a public or private institution of higher education. In SB 141, the Coordinating Board members of the Health Professions Council, and representatives of certain institutions of higher education may study the feasibility of health professions students taking combined health science classes.

SB 289 by Nelson/Morrison - Relating to the use of professional nursing shortage reduction program grants to encourage clinical nursing instruction by part-time faculty at public or private institutions of higher education. SB 289 encourages nursing schools to utilize more part-time or adjunct faculty by allowing professional nursing

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shortage reduction grants to be used for part-time faculty. This will help schools recruit nurses to serve as faculty who wish to remain in practice but also have a desire to teach.

SB 469 by Brimer/Patrick - Relating to the creation by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board of a certificate of recognition for persons who contribute certain gifts or donations to public institutions of higher education. SB 469 requires the Coordinating Board to produce a certificate of recognition to any person who contributes $10,000 or an equivalent in gifts, within one year's time, to any institution of higher education for any purpose, program, or activity of the institution. The institution of higher education is to submit a written request to Coordinating Board. Upon receipt and if the individual qualifies, the Coordinating Board is to produce the certificate of recognition to be presented by the institution of higher education.

SB 649 by Shapleigh/Morrison - Relating to a study by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board concerning the effectiveness of joint partnerships between institutions of higher education. Authorizes the Coordinating Board to conduct a study to determine whether institutions of higher education, including component institutions of different university systems, may effectively enter into joint partnership agreements to develop certain programs, make certain personnel appointments, and maintain certain facilities. SB 649 requires the Coordinating Board, if it conducts a study, to report to the legislature not later than January 1, 2009. The bill also requires the report to include recommendations for implementing effective joint partnerships between institutions; legislation is aimed at the TTHSC and UT-El Paso relationship.

SB 992 by Nelson/D. Howard - Relating to the use of money from the permanent fund for health-related programs to provide grants to nursing education programs. The current dedication of money from the tobacco lawsuit settlement funds to nursing education will expire on August 31, 2007. SB 992 continues the current dedication of a portion to support nursing schools.

SB 1007 by West/Giddings - Relating to student representation on the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and certain coordinating board advisory committees. SB 1007 authorizes a student to serve as a non-voting representative on the Coordinating Board. The bill also authorizes students to serve on student-issue advisory committees of Coordinating Board. The appointment by the governor follows the same procedures and requirements as the student regent appointment.

SB 1046 by Wentworth/Morrison - Relating to the provision of notice to institutions of higher education of meetings of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and to telephone conference meetings of the board. Currently, the Coordinating Board is required to mail an agenda to the chairman of each governing board and the chief administrative officer of each institution of higher education at least 30 days before a meeting. This requirement has not been changed since the Coordinating Board's inception in 1965. Current law authorizes governing boards for institutions as well as the Board for Lease of University Lands to meet by telephone conference call under certain circumstances. However, the Coordinating Board is not provided with similar privileges. SB 1046 includes the Coordinating Board under the same provisions as governing boards of institutions with regard to holding telephone conference calls. This bill also decreases the advance notice required for the board meetings from 30 days to seven days

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SB 1050 by Zaffirini/Patrick - Relating to the administration of the work-study student mentorship program by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. SB 1050 requires the Coordinating Board to develop a work-study mentorship program under which eligible college students are authorized to mentor and counsel other students. The bill authorizes students to serve as mentors in GO Centers and in high schools, and authorizes nonprofit organizations to partner with institutions of higher education to pursue the objectives of the program.

SB 1051 by Zaffirini/Guillen - Relating to course requirements for students enrolled in joint degree programs between certain general academic teaching institutions and foreign universities. SB 1051 exempts foreign students enrolled in joint degree programs with Texas universities from the statutorily required 12 semester credit hours of Government/Political Science and Texas and American History. This legislation requires such students to take a four-hour “American Way” course as set forth in the bill. This exemption would apply only to foreign students enrolled in joint degree programs conferred by both a Texas and a foreign university.

SB 1053 by Zaffirini/Aycock - Relating to assessing the quality and effectiveness of academic advising services offered by public institutions of higher education. SB 1053 requires the Coordinating Board to establish a method for assessing the quality and effectiveness of academic advising services available to students at each institution of higher education. In establishing the method of assessment, the board shall consult with representatives from institutions of higher education, including academic advisors and other professionals the board considers appropriate. The methodVETOED of assessment established under this section must: (1) include the use of student surveys; and (2) identify objective, quantifiable measures for determining the quality and effectiveness of academic advising services at an institution of higher education. Not later than September 1, 2008, the board shall establish a method of assessment.

SB 1138 by Duncan/Smithee - Relating to risk management programs for members of fraternities and other student organizations at public and private postsecondary educational institutions and to certain insurance requirements for fraternities. SB 1138 requires institutions of higher education to provide a risk management program for members of fraternities and of other student organizations recognized at the institution. The bill makes attendance at this risk management seminar mandatory for certain individuals. In addition, the bill requires the Texas Department of Insurance to study what insurance is currently available to fraternities that adequately cover certain risks. The study must consider levels and types of coverage and methods of attainment, and to report the findings to certain elected officials not later than January 1, 2009

SB 1231 by Zaffirini/Morrison - Relating to refunding tuition and mandatory fees at institutions of higher education for dropped courses and student withdrawals. This legislation was suggested by the public university business services officers. SB 1231 relates to the amount of tuition and fees that must be refunded to students who drop a course or withdraw from an institution. Some academic institutions now offer academic terms and sessions in addition to those recognized in current law—such as ‘minimesters’. The proposed changes address refunds for different lengths of academic terms. Section 54.006(g), Education Code is repealed to conform to current law. The statute authorizing minimum tuition for general academics and health related institutions was repealed in 2001.

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A floor amendment was added in the House, HB 116, stating that an institution of higher education may not permit a student to drop more than six courses, including any course a transfer student has dropped at another institution of higher education, under certain circumstances. Various exceptions and requirements, some to be promulgated by the Coordinating Board, apply.

SB 1234 by Zaffirini/Rose - Relating to the five-year master plan for higher education in this state. SB 1234 requires that the Coordinating Board master plan to take into account students that “are sufficiently prepared to meet the challenges associated with participation in the public affairs of the state and in the global economy.” This bill requires the master plan to define the missions and roles of public institutions of higher education in a way consistent with state needs and goals; establish more effective methods for funding higher education; establish a coherent long-term financial aid strategy that takes into account both needs and merit; strengthen collaboration between two-yearVETOED and four-year institutions; and develop and institutionalize long-term collaboration between primary, secondary, and higher education. The plan shall include a look at statewide faculty workforce numbers and needs. Specific language includes “consideration of concerns regarding the current and projected student enrollment and enrollment capacity of The University of Texas at Austin and Texas A&M University and of methods for ensuring that those institutions maintain competitiveness with other public and private flagship institutions of higher education.” It requires an assessment of additional “flagship” institutions for the state.

SB 1325 by West/McCall - Relating to the eligibility of relatives of public college and university board members to receive certain scholarships; providing a criminal penalty. SB 1325 prohibits relatives of public college and university board members from receiving certain scholarships from the institution or system whose board the member serves, with certain limited exceptions.

SB 1601 by West/F. Brown - Relating to the operation of the Joint Admission Medical Program and to admission to the program. The Joint Admission Medical Program was created to encourage qualified, economically disadvantaged students to prepare for and attend medical school. SB 1601 removes the 10 percent limitation on program openings for private or independent institutions of higher education, allocates one opening each year to each private or independent institution, and allows for up to 30 percent of the openings in certain situations to be allocated for such institutions. The bill updates the eligibility requirements for admission to the program by allowing a student to have enrolled at an institution of higher education, including a community college, and removes nontraditional students from application to the program. It modifies the deadline date for submitting applications to the program. SB 1601 expands the discretion of the institutions in selecting a director to implement the program, and it clarifies the scope of the Joint Admission Medical Program Council's ability to accept gifts and raise money.


HB 86 by Branch/Ogden - Relating to tuition rebates provided by general academic teaching institutions to students who participate in the Reserve Officers' Training

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Corps. To participate it the state’s $1,000 graduation rebate, a student must graduate within 3 SCH’s of their degree plan. ROTC hours are not usually a part of a degree plan and these students are often ineligible for the rebate. HB 86 exempts ROTC hours from being counted when determining a degree plan in relation to the rebate.

HB 125 by Delisi/Van de Putte - Relating to tuition and fee exemptions for the children of certain military personnel. Currently, Texas veterans who attend a university are exempt from paying tuition and fees. The children of a military member who is killed while serving are also eligible to obtain the same exemption. However, the children of a military member who becomes totally disabled while serving are not eligible for the exemption. HB 125 extends the exemption from tuition and fees to the children of members of the armed forces of the United States or of the Texas National Guard or the Texas Air National Guard who became totally disabled as a result of a service-related injury.

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HB 741 by T. King/Zaffirini - Relating to an exemption from tuition and fees at public institutions of higher education for children of certain volunteer peace officers who are killed or disabled in the line of duty. Under current law, children of certain firefighters, police officers, and volunteer firefighters who have been killed or disabled in the line of duty are exempt from payment of tuition and fees at public institutions of higher education. However, volunteer peace officers are not included in this exemption. HB 741 expands eligibility for the exemption of tuition and fees at public institutions of higher education to the dependents of volunteer law enforcement officers who have been killed or disabled in the line of duty.

HB 1187 by Morrison/Van de Putte - Relating to vouchers for tuition and required fees at certain institutions of higher education and excused absences from public school for students who sound "Taps" at a veteran's funeral. There is a lack of available musicians to perform "Taps" at military funeral services. HB 1187 provides a tuition exemption program to allow eligible students to play "Taps" at military funeral services in exchange for a tuition voucher at an institution of higher education in Texas. A voucher must be issued in the amount of $25 for each time a student sounds "Taps" as described in the legislation.

HB 2173 by B. Cook/Brimer Relating to the continuation and functions of the Prepaid Higher Education Tuition Board. Sunset bill for the Prepaid Higher Education Tuition Board until 2019. The board oversees the state’s two 529 college savings plans. The Texas Guaranteed Tuition Plan (Texas Tomorrow Fund) allows Texas families to prepay college tuition and is backed by the full faith and credit of the state. The board temporarily suspended enrollment in 2003 because of the uncertain effects of tuition deregulation. The board also oversees Tomorrow’s College Investment Plan that works much like a 401(k) but with after-tax dollars. This plan helps parents save for college, but is not guaranteed by the state.

HB 2702 by Truitt/Shapiro - Relating to tuition and fee exemptions and health benefits coverage subsidies for certain adopted children. Current law allows for children adopted out of foster care to be exempted from tuition at Texas' state colleges and universities. This tuition exemption has also been interpreted to be available to children adopted internationally. HB 2702 clarifies the terms of this tuition exemption by eliminating the allowance for a person who adopts internationally to use the exemption.

HB 3900 by Morrison/Shapiro - Relating to the Texas Tomorrow Fund II prepaid tuition unit undergraduate education program. HB 3900 creates the Texas Tomorrow Fund II as a trust fund outside of the State Treasury. The fund would receive deposits paid to purchase prepaid tuition contracts and earnings from investments. The fund's assets only could be used to pay the costs of program administration and to make payments to general academic teaching institutions and two-year institutions of higher education on behalf of beneficiaries. This program differs from the existing Texas Tomorrow Fund by individual purchasing "units" each of which is worth one percent of one year’s tuition and required fees. Once a child enters an institution of higher education, the Texas Tomorrow Fund II pays that institution the money initially invested in the child's account or the costs as outlined in the legislation. The payout scheme and investment provisions also differ from the current fund.

SB 201 by Nelson/Morrison - Relating to tuition exemptions at public institutions of higher education for certain professional nursing program preceptors and their

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children. SB 201 allows nurse preceptors and their children to use tuition exemptions within two semesters of the preceptor's service.

SB 457 by Watson/Menendez - relating to the eligibility for education benefits of surviving minor children of certain public employees killed in the line of duty. Currently, Section 615.0225(a), Government Code, provides that a surviving child of a public service or law enforcement employee killed in the line of duty, such as a police officer or firefighter, is entitled to receive certain education benefits, such as tuition, housing, and food costs at an institution of higher education. However, the language applies only to a child who was claimed as a dependent on the employee's federal income tax return. Because a child can only qualify as a dependent for tax purposes for one person, this provision may inadvertently exclude a divorced or unmarried employee's child from receiving such benefits. SB 457 amends current law to authorize education benefits for a child of a public service or law enforcement employee killed in the line of duty regardless of whether the employee is the custodial or noncustodial parent.

SB 685 by Van de Putte/Escobar - Relating to an exemption from tuition and mandatory fees for certain members of the Texas National Guard. Currently the Texas National Guard Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) provides an exemption from the payment of tuition to an institution of higher education. SB 685 exempts required fees and to tuition for members of the Texas Military Forces attending institutions of higher education for up to 12 credit hours per semester through TAP.

SB 1231 by Zaffirini/Morrison - Relating to refunding tuition and mandatory fees at institutions of higher education for dropped courses and student withdrawals. This legislation was suggested by the public university business services officers. SB 1231 relates to the amount of tuition and fees that must be refunded to students who drop a course or withdraw from an institution. Some academic institutions now offer academic terms and sessions in addition to those recognized in current law—such as ‘minimesters’. The proposed changes address refunds for different lengths of academic terms. Section 54.006(g), Education Code is repealed to conform to current law. The statute authorizing minimum tuition for general academics and health related institutions was repealed in 2001. A floor amendment was added in the House, HB 116, stating that an institution of higher education may not permit a student to drop more than six courses, including any course a transfer student has dropped at another institution of higher education, under certain circumstances. Various exceptions and requirements, some to be promulgated by the Coordinating Board, apply.

SB 1232 by Zaffirini/Morrison - Relating to the manner of payment of higher education tuition and fees and to the repayment of emergency student loans. This legislation was suggested by the public university business services officers. SB 1232 provides flexibility in installment plans used by students to pay tuition and fees to an institution of higher education. The bill authorizes electronic agreements for emergency loans, and allows an origination fee, rather than interest, to be charged for an emergency loan. The bill also repeals a duplicative section of code.

SB 1233 by Zaffirini/Morrison - Relating to the general property deposit paid by a student to a public institution of higher education. This legislation was suggested by the public university business services officers. Current law does not authorize the application of general property deposits made by students at institutions of higher education

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toward balances other than those incurred in libraries or laboratories and does not provide a time frame for institutions to determine whether students might enroll for another semester of classes before any refunds are made. SB 1233 authorizes a general deposit to be applied toward other balances and provides institutions time to identify all amounts owed by a student and to determine whether the student intends to enroll in another semester or summer session.

SB 1446 by Duncan/McCall - Relating to the removal of indirect cost recovery fees from the list of items that must be accounted for as educational and general funds by institutions of higher education. SB 1446 reconciles the definition of “educational and general funds” with the 2003 legislative changes regarding the accounting of indirect cost recovery fees. In essence this legislation deletes the requirement that these costs be accounted for as “educational and general funds.”

SB 1640 by Williams/Chism - Relating to the student loan program administered by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and to the exemption from fees and tuition of certain persons at institutions of higher education; authorizing the issuance of bonds. SB 1640 authorizes the issuance of up to $500 million in general obligation bonds to finance education loans through the Hinson-Hazlewood College Student Loan Program. There is $250 million in general obligation bonds remaining and that amount is projected to be exhausted by spring of 2009.


HB 4 by Puente/Averitt - Relating to water conservation. Section 9 of the bill directs the Coordinating Board to encourage each institution of higher education to develop curriculum and provide related instruction regarding on-site reclaimed system technologies, including rainwater harvesting, condensate collection, or cooling tower blow down. Section 10 of the bill also states that procedural standards adopted by SECO must require that on-site reclaimed system technologies, including rainwater harvesting, condensate collection, or cooling tower blow down, or a combination of those system technologies, for nonpotable indoor use and landscape watering be incorporated into the design and construction of: (1) each new state building with a roof measuring at least 10,000 square feet; and (2) any other new state building for which the incorporation of such systems is feasible. However, the procedural standards required do not apply to a building if the state agency or institution of higher education constructing the building determines that compliance with those standards is impractical and notifies the state energy conservation office of the determination and provides to the office documentation supporting the determination. Section 10 of this Act takes effect September 1, 2009.

HB 34 by Solomons/Brimer - Relating to the prohibition of certain payments or other inducements regarding a workers' compensation claim; providing an administrative violation. HB 34 prohibits paying, allowing, or offering fees, rebates, or other considerations in exchange for the referral of medical or case management services on a claim

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HB 66 by Leibowitz/Watson - Relating to power management software for state agencies. HB 66 requires the Department of Information Resources (DIR) to select by competitive bid a power management software program for state computer networks and personal computers. Institutions of higher education will only have to purchase or lease such software if DIR, in consultation with the Information Technology Council for Higher Education, determines that the institution's use of software would provide cost savings.

HB 85 by Branch/Van de Putte - Relating to credit card marketing activities at postsecondary educational institutions; providing a civil penalty. HB 85 prohibits marketing outside times and locations, if any, that are approved by institutions' governing boards, requires credit counseling and financial educational materials to be provided during new student orientation at an institution that has designated a location for a campus credit card marketing activity, and ensures that students receive additional credit usage information. HB 85 provides a civil penalty for persons who intentionally violate the provisions.

HB 374 by Pickett/Zaffirini - Relating to use of state buildings and grounds by a television or film production company. A state agency or other state governmental entity may allow a production company to use a state building or grounds under the agency's or other entity's charge and control to produce a film, national broadcast, episodic television series, or commercial that is approved by the Music, Film, Television, and Multimedia Office. The bill authorizes the MFTMO to approve a proposal, subject to the final approval of the state agency or other state governmental entity that occupies the building or uses the grounds, if the office makes certain determinations and the production company provides a certificate of insurance covering certain aspects of the production. HB 374 requires a state agency or other state governmental entity to notify the production company in writing of any cost subject to reimbursement. The bill requires the production company to reimburse the cost not later than the 21st day after the date on which it receives notice from the agency or other entity.

HB 447 by Callegari/Jackson - Relating to contracts by governmental entities and related professional services and to public works performance and payment bonds. HB 447 creates a new section of the Government Code (2264) that consolidates alternate project delivery processes for most governmental entities into a single chapter of the Government Code and expands the types of entitiesVETOED that may use these procedures and the types of projects for which these procedures are used. However, institutions of higher education (not including community colleges) are exempt from the new statue; Subchapter T of Chapter 51, Education Code is not amended and will continue to be the governing law. The bill also amends the small contractor participation assistance program run by the Texas Building and Procurement Commission to ensure full opportunity for participation in public works projects by small contractors (also passed via SB 704); the focus on assistance is in the bonding aspect of contracting. This section does not affect higher education since it only applies to those projects that TBPC administers.

HB 462 by Miller/Fraser - Relating to the authority of certain municipalities to collect an infrastructure fee from certain governmental entities. The 78th Legislature passed legislation that removed the burden of storm water drainage fees from colleges and universities. Some small communities say this has become a financial strain for funding water drainage projects where large use of storm water drains comes from colleges and universities. HB 462 allows the city of Stephenville to collect storm water drainage fees from Tarleton State University.

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HB 473 by Solomons/Van de Putte - Relating to benefits provided under the workers' compensation system, including fee guidelines for medical benefits and payment of benefits under interlocutory orders. HB 473 clarifies the Labor Code to fit the law authorizing deviations from the medical fee guidelines to its original intent and to close the loophole under which voluntary networks have been operating.

HB 724 by Solomons/Jackson - Relating to workers' compensation claims for certain medical benefits, death benefits, and burial benefits. Prior to HB 7, a party to a medical dispute who disagreed with the decision of an independent review organization could request a contested case hearing. HB 7 changed this where any party that disputed an independent review organization decision must file a request for judicial review in Travis County. This bill adds the right for a party to a medical dispute who disagrees with an independent review organization to request a contested case hearing.

HB 860 by Paxton/Williams - Relating to management, investment, and expenditure of institutional funds and adoption of the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (UMIFA). HB 860 replaces the UMIFA with the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act in order to provide modern articulations of the prudence standards for the management and investment of charitable funds and for endowment spending. The bill also provides guidance and authority to charitable organizations concerning the management and investment of funds held by those organizations and provides for additional duties for individuals who manage and invest such funds.

HB 1003 by Giddings/Watson - Relating to professional licensing requirements for independent review of certain medical decisions regarding workers' compensation claims. Previously, independent review organizations that review workers’ compensation cases are authorized to use doctors not licensed in this state. However, this limits the ability of the division of workers’ compensation of the Texas Department of Insurance to sanction reviewing doctors for misconduct, if misconduct is found. HB 1003 requires an independent review organization that uses doctors to perform reviews of health care services in workers’ compensation cases to use only doctors licensed to practice in Texas.

HB 1005 by Giddings/Van de Putte - Relating to the timely submission of a claim for payment by a workers' compensation health care provider. HB 1005 provides that a health care provider of workers' compensation health care services does not forfeit his or her right to reimbursement if the claim for payment is timely filed, but erroneously filed with the wrong insurer. The bill also allows extension of the deadline by agreement of the parties or in catastrophic situations.

HB 1188 by Morrison/Shapiro - Relating to the Texas emerging technology fund. This bill permits appropriated amounts from the Emerging Technology Fund be used for staff and administration of Emerging Technology Fund activities, not to exceed $600,000 per year. The bill changes from 25 percent to 16.67 percent the amount from the Texas Emerging Technology Fund to be used to match funding from research sponsors, and changes from 25 percent to 33.33 percent the amount from the Texas Emerging Technology Fund to be used to acquire new or enhance existing research superiority at public institutions of higher education. The bill provides that no more than 2.0 percent of the amount allocated for

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incentives for commercialization activities may be invested directly in a regional center of innovation and commercialization. In addition, the bill permits the Office of the Governor to use the Emerging Technology Fund to make loans and charge interest and to take an equity position in the form of stock or other security when considering granting an award from the fund and sell or trade a security for the benefit of the fund.

HB 1495 by Callegari/Nichols -Relating to a bill of rights for property owners whose property may be acquired by governmental or private entities through the use of eminent domain authority. HB 1495 would establish the Landowner’s Bill of Rights Act in Government Code, sec. 402.031. The bill would charge the Attorney General with preparing a written bill of rights for an owner whose property could be acquired by a governmental or private entity through eminent domain. Entities with eminent domain power would be required to send or provide the bill of rights document to the person listed as the most recent owner prior to commencing negotiations for the acquisition of a property. The statement would have to be printed in an easily readable manner and, if possible, posted on the web, if the condemning authority were a governmental entity. When filing a petition to commence eminent domain proceedings, the condemning authority would state that it supplied the subject property owner with a bill of rights statement as provided in the bill. The bill would take effect September 1, 2007.

HB 1788 by Pitts/Hegar - Relating to the planning, reporting, and review of the state's information resources. HB 1788 would require state agencies to submit an information resources deployment review no later than December 1 of each odd-numbered year which would include an inventory of the agency's major information systems, major databases and applications; and a description of the agency's existing and planned telecommunications network configuration. The Information Technology Council of Higher Education (ITCHE) will work with DIR and review all rules that are modified in regard to the impact upon higher education.

HB 1789 by Pitts/Hegar - Relating to the management and oversight of information resources projects. HB 1789 defines and requires the use of IT project management practices, requires state agencies to use IT project management practices that are consistent with DIR guidelines, and clarifies the role of the Quality Assurance Team, which includes the Legislative Budget Board, State Auditor's Office, and DIR, regarding the evaluation of major information resources projects. The bill also deletes the Electronic Government Program Management Office as a required entity within DIR. The ITCHE will review all rules that are modified in regard to the impact upon higher education.

HB 1886 by Callegari/West - Relating to the procurement methods of certain political subdivisions and certain other entities for the construction, rehabilitation, alteration, or repair of certain projects. This bill requires governmental entities to designate or select architects or engineers for job order contracting projects and prohibits the procurement of design services through interlocal agreements except in certain circumstances. Section 10, 11, and 12 of the bill deal with these issues as they relate to institutions of higher education.

HB 2006 by Woolley/Janek - Relating to the use of eminent domain authority. HB 2006 provides for certain changes, additions, and deletionsVETOED to various codes and provisions in Texas law in order to reform the limitations, process, and other aspects of the power of eminent domain and condemnation in this state.

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HB 2365 by Truitt/Duncan - Relating to financial accounting and reporting for this state and political subdivisions of this state. HB 2365 would create Chapter 2264 of Subtitle F, Title 10, Government Code to provide guidelines for financial accounting and reporting standards. The bill sets requirements under the chapter regarding the accounting and reporting of financial activities for the state and its political subdivisions. The language permits the state and its political subdivisions to account for other post-employment benefits (OPEBs) on a pay-as-you-go basis. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board has issued Statements 43 and 45 creating accounting standards for OPEBs, including retiree health. It would require pension systems and their governmental sponsors to disclose both prior service liabilities, and an ongoing net OPEB obligation reflecting liability for any funding shortfalls. The reporting of OPEBs under the provisions of the bill is permitted to follow either a pay- as-you go basis or the GASB reporting standards. The bill would require the Employees Retirement System (ERS), the Teacher Retirement System (TRS), the Texas A&M University System and the University of Texas System to communicate to its members the extent of the system’s commitments regarding OPEBs. Also, certain disclosures about OPEBs would be required in financial reports of the state and its political subdivisions and the governmental entity would disclose the accounting, financing and funding policy used to report OPEBs. HB 2365 takes effect for the A&M System effective FY 2008; the communication to A&M System employees regarding OPEBs must occur by December 1, 2008.

HB 2625 by Murphy/Hegar - Relating to the determination of prevailing wage rates in Texas counties. Current statute allows political subdivisions to use the locally adjusted Department of Labor Davis-Bacon wage rates in lieu of conducting their own surveys, provided these wage rates were determined within a three-year period of bidding on a public works project. However, the Davis- Bacon wage rates are set by the federal government and are not always adjusted in a timely manner. This presents a problem for a political subdivision that has chosen to use them. HB 2625 allows political subdivisions to use the most current Davis-Bacon wage rates available for their area. The change in law would lead to consistency between state and federal law.

HB 2639 by Smithee/Duncan - Relating to risk management programs for members of fraternities and other student organizations at public and private postsecondary educational institutions and to certain insurance requirements for fraternities. HB 2639 requires institutions of higher education to provide a risk management program for members of fraternities and of other student organizations recognized at the institution. The bill makes attendance at this risk management seminar mandatory for certain individuals. In addition, the bill requires the Texas Department of Insurance to study what insurance is currently available to fraternities that adequately cover certain risks. The study must consider levels and types of coverage and methods of attainment, and to report the findings to certain elected officials not later than January 1, 2009.

HB 2918 by Isett/Deuell - Relating to state information technology contracting and procurement practices. HB 2918 eliminates redundancies in authority for information technology purchases, streamlines and clarifies information technology purchase methods, and allows "assistance organizations" to use DIR's cooperative contracts. The bill also requires that the project delivery framework be used for contracts over $1 million in value that involve outsourcing a function or process.

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HB 3106 by Isett/Hegar - Relating to the implementation of enterprise resource planning by the comptroller. The bill would amend and transfer the responsibility for enterprise resource planning from the Department of Information Resources' Electronic Government Program Management Office to the Comptroller of Public Accounts (CPA). The bill would also require the CPA to ensure that the uniform statewide accounting project included enterprise resource planning and allow the CPA to require state agencies to modify, delay, or stop the implementation of individual enterprise resource planning systems, or to replace or modify their internal enterprise resource management planning systems to provide uniformity. The bill would also create the Enterprise Resources Planning Council which would consist of representatives from the Department of Information Resources, the Health and Human Services Commission, and the Information Technology Council of Higher Education, among others. The council would develop a plan that contains key requirements, constraints, and alternatives for the Comptroller's implementation of enterprise resource planning standards. In addition, the Comptroller would report to the Legislature before each legislative session concerning the status of the implementation of the council's plan.

HB 3290 by Otto/Nichols - Relating to expanding the scope of an audit by the state auditor when the state auditor finds evidence of gross mismanagement. HB 3290 requires the State Auditor’s Office, in the course of an audit of the operations of a state agency or institution, to expand the scope of the audit to other aspects of the agency's operation upon a finding of gross mismanagement or grossly improper management oversight practices.

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HB 3430 by Strama/Hegar - Relating to the availability of information about state expenditures and rules, including the creation of a state database containing information on state expenditures, and to certain comptroller reports, and to certain amounts received by institutions of higher education. The bill requires the Comptroller, with the cooperation of other state agencies, to create a database of state expenditures, including contracts and grants, the amount, date, payor, and payee of expenditures, and a listing of state expenditures. The Comptroller is directed to present the information in a searchable, downloadable, and intuitive manner. The database will exclude any private, personal, or confidential information. The Department of Information Resources will have to provide a prominently displayed link to the database on the home page of the "TexasOnline" project. The bill requires each state agency that maintains a generally accessible Internet site to provide a link to the expenditure database. HB 3430 also requires each state agency to provide the Legislative Budget Board copies of each major contract entered into by the agency and each request for proposal, invitation to bid, or comparable solicitation related to the major contract. The bill also requires the LBB to post on the Internet, rather than to include in the information posted on the electronic procurement marketplace, each major contract of a state agency and each request for proposal, invitation to bid, or comparable solicitation related to the major contract. This section does not apply to institutions of higher education. The bill also includes a section related to student health centers; it requires that revenues received by higher education student health to be used for the construction, maintenance, and operation of such student health centers.

HB 3560 by Swinford/Janek - Relating to transferring to the comptroller the duties of the Texas Building and Procurement Commission that do not primarily concern state facilities and renaming the commission the Texas Facilities Commission. This bill divides the duties and responsibilities of the Texas Building and Procurement Commission (TBPC) between the Comptroller of Public Accounts (Comptroller) and a new state agency, to be named the Texas Facilities Commission (TFC). All powers and duties of TBPC that relate to the following areas are to be performed by TFC: charge and control of state buildings, grounds, or property; maintenance or repair of state buildings, grounds, or property; construction of a state building; purchase or lease of buildings, grounds, or property by or for the state; child care services for state employees; and surplus and salvage property. All other powers and duties of TBPC will be transferred to the Comptroller, including: statewide procurement; training and compliance; statewide HUB program; travel procurement; fleet management; and support services. The bill increases the membership of the State Council on Competitive Government (CCG) by one, to include the state’s land commissioner. The bill also replaces the TBPC presiding officer with the presiding officer of the Texas Facilities Commission as a member of the CCG. The bill requires the functions and responsibilities assigned to the Texas Facilities Commission to undergo Sunset review, with a report, containing evaluation and recommendations, presented to the 81st Legislature. The bill requires the functions and responsibilities transferred to the Comptroller to undergo Sunset review, with a report, containing evaluation and recommendations, presented to the 82nd Legislature. The bill also requires local governments and nonprofit organizations who agree to certify minority/women-owned businesses as HUBs to make online searchable databases of certified businesses available to the public. HB 3560 creates new HUB requirements for state agencies, including establishing HUB goals as part of the good faith effort. Also, the SAO will now be required to consider whether or not HUB goals have been met when auditing agencies for HUB program

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compliance. Compliance with the HUB program will now be considered a key performance measure in the appropriations process. As a result, additional HUB information will be required as part of the LAR. HB 3560 also creates two new purchasing preferences for vendors; one is for goods produced or offered by a Texas bidder that is owned by a service-disabled veteran (as defined by 38 U.S.C. Section 101(2) and who has a service-connected disability as defined by 38 U.S.C. Section 101(16)) and goods. The other is for contractors providing foods of higher nutritional value for consumption in a public cafeteria; preference may be give to contractors who provide foods of higher nutritional value and who do not provide foods containing trans- fatty acids for consumption in the cafeteria (using the Department of Agriculture’s nutrition standards).

HB 3693 by Straus/Fraser - Relating to energy demand, energy load, energy efficiency incentives, energy programs, and energy performance measures. Omnibus energy efficiency bill that impacts institutions of higher education. Sections 3 and 6 of the bill direct institutions of higher education to purchase the most commercially available, cost-effective light fixture for educational or housing facilities that: (1)Ais compatible with the light fixture; (2)Auses the fewest watts for the necessary luminous flux or light output. Section 8 of the bill directs institutions of higher education to track the use of electricity, water, or natural gas and report the information on a publicly accessible Internet website, if available, or another publicly accessible location. Section 12 of the bill includes institutions of higher education and state agencies in energy efficiency programs, relating to Texas building energy performance standards; each institution of higher education is to establish a goal to reduce the electric consumption by five percent each state fiscal year for six years, beginning September 1, 2007. However, this section does not apply to an institution of higher education that the State Energy Conservation Office determines that, before September 1, 2007, adopted a plan for conserving energy under which the agency or institution established a percentage goal for reducing the consumption of electricity.

SB 12 by Averitt/Bonnen - Relating to programs for the enhancement of air quality, including energy efficiency standards in state purchasing and energy consumption; providing penalties. This bill includes similar language to what is included in Section 12 of HB 3693; each institution of higher education is to establish a goal to reduce the electric consumption by five percent each state fiscal year for six years, beginning September 1, 2007. However, this section does not apply to an institution of higher education that the State Energy Conservation Office determines that, before September 1, 2007, adopted a plan for conserving energy under which the agency or institution established a percentage goal for reducing the consumption of electricity.

SB 297 by West/Lucio - Relating to the composition of the committee appointed to review the uniform general conditions of state building construction contracts. The Texas Building and Procurement Commission is required to appoint a committee to review the uniform general conditions of state building construction contracts. This committee was comprised of twelve members nominated by a variety of state agencies and associations as representatives from various parts of the construction trade. SB 297 designates two individuals appointed by the Texas Building and Procurement Commission each representing a different minority contractors association, to the composition of the committee and removes the appointment to the committee by the commission from the list submitted by the executive director of the National Association of Minority Contractors.

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SB 324 by Deuell/Fraser – Relating to contingent payment clauses in certain construction contracts. SB 324 governs the enforceability of contingent payment clauses in construction contracts. It deals primarily with the relationship between a contractor and its subcontractors providing work or materials for both public and private improvements. The following provisions directly affect the System. (1) The System, as the property owner or contracting authority, must furnish certain information upon request of the contingent payor (most often the contractor). The information includes name, address, telephone number, etc. of the System, but also a statement that funds are available and have been authorized for the full amount of the construction contract. (2) If the System fails to provide the required information, the contingent payor (most often the contractor), contingent payee (subcontractor) and sureties are relieved of any further performance under their contracts. (3) States that the System cannot prohibit a payor from using a contingent payment clause in its contract with subcontractors.

SB 470 by Brimer/Keffer – Relating to the submission of uniform financial reports. State agencies report financial information (including expenditures) utilizing the Uniform Statewide Accounting System (USAS). While the format for agency data is standardized at the USAS level, it is not standardized for more detailed reporting, due to the fact that agencies utilize different internal financial systems. SB 470 authorizes the comptroller of public accounts to design a new data collection system that will allow all agency financial data to be collected and reported in a uniform structure. SB 470 grants the comptroller's office rulemaking authority to implement the system.

SB 471 by Brimer/Eiland – Relating to certain information reporting requirements regarding workers' compensation claims. SB 471 requires the collection of workers' compensation data through rule instead of statute and removes specific data elements and reporting requirements in statute.

SB 737 by Williams/Kolkhorst - Relating to the amount of hazardous duty pay for certain state employees. SB 737 provides that a full-time state employee’s hazardous duty pay for a particular month is $10 for each 12- month period of lifetime service credit accrued by the employee, rather than the lesser of either that amount or $300 (previous cap).

SB 757 by Heger/Callegari - Relating to the planning and management of state telecommunications services by the Department of Information Resources. Previously, management of the state telecommunications system was governed by the Telecommunications Planning and Oversight Council (council). This bill transfers some of the authority of the council to the board of directors of the Department of Information Resources (DIR) and also requires the council to consult with DIR under certain circumstances. This bill amends the Government Code by requiring the Department of Information Resources (DIR) to establish plans and policies for the system of telecommunications services managed and operated by DIR. DIR is required by the bill to provide the information collected under this section to the council in a manner consistent with state and federal security restrictions. The bill requires the council to consult with DIR to establish plans and policies for a system of telecommunications services. The bill requires DIR to consult with the council regarding telecommunications elements of the State Strategic Plan.

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SB 968 by West/Chisum - Relating to financing tools for certain obligations for public improvements and for certain obligations of The University of Texas System. SB 968 updates Chapter 1371, Government Code, (a) to authorize state agency and other local government issuers of debt obligations to employ modern interest rate management products in order to reduce borrowing costs, manage interest rate risks, or both and (b) to require that they observe prudent financial practices in authorizing and monitoring interest rate management agreements.

SB 1046 by Wentworth/Morrison – Relating to the provision of notice to institutions of higher education of meetings of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and to certain telephone conference meetings of the board and other boards of institutions of higher education. SB 1046 includes the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board under the same provisions as governing boards of institutions with regard to holding telephone conference calls. SB 1046 also decreases the advance notice required for the board meetings from 30 days to seven days.

SB 1310 by Wentworth – Relating to the reimbursement of travel expenses for state employees. SB 1310 requires state agencies to process travel reimbursement requests within 45 days of submission, if the expenses are not in dispute. This bill also requires state agencies to reimburse state employees for reimbursable travel expenses within 30 days of any resolution of a dispute between the agency and employee in regard to travel expenses. Effective 6/16/2007.

SB 1138 by Duncan/Smithee - Relating to risk management programs for members of fraternities and other student organizations at public and private postsecondary educational institutions and to certain insurance requirements for fraternities. SB 1138 requires institutions of higher education to provide a risk management program for members of fraternities and of other student organizations recognized at the institution. The bill makes attendance at this risk management seminar mandatory for certain individuals. In addition, the bill requires the Texas Department of Insurance to study what insurance is currently available to fraternities that adequately cover certain risks. The study must consider levels and types of coverage and methods of attainment, and to report the findings to certain elected officials not later than January 1, 2009.

SB 1332 by West/Chavez - Relating to the establishment of debt management policies and guidelines by the Bond Review Board, including the approval by the board of certain interest rate management agreements, and to other matters affecting public finance. SB 1332 requires the Bond Review Board to complete an annual debt affordability study (DAS) regarding the state's current debt burden, to identify additional not self-supporting debt that the state can accommodate and monitor how annual changes and new debt authorizations affect certain economic indicators. The bill also sets forth requirements for hiring financial advisors for the issuance of public securities and related matters and investment consultants for the investment of debt proceeds.

SB 1615 by Averitt/Isett - Relating to the collection of delinquent obligations owed to the state. SB 1615 authorizes the attorney general to authorize a requesting state agency to employ, retain, or contract, subject to approval by the attorney general, and subject to the agency's compliance with applicable guidelines established by the attorney general, one or more persons, to collect the obligation; or if the attorney general determines it to be economical and in the best interest of the state, to contract with one or more persons to collect the obligation.

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HB 522 by Woolley/Duncan - Relating to adoption and operation of requirements regarding health benefit plan identification cards. HB 522 establishes an advisory committee to develop data elements required to be made available by health plan issuers and administrators. This will, in turn, enable physicians and other providers to generate requests for eligibility information at point of service. This group will also make recommendations regarding "smart cards", etc. A final report must be issued by 12-1-2008.

HB 590 by Delisi/Zaffirini - Relating to standards of conduct for and conflicts of interest of state officers and employees. HB 590 provides that state officers or employees having a conflict of interest in violation of state law or the state agency’s ethics policy is subject to termination or discipline, and the officer or employee may also be subject to civil or criminal penalties under other statutes or rules. State agencies are required to adopt an ethics policy, not later than January 1, 2008, that is consistent with Subchapter C, Chapter 572, Texas Government Code. Also, state agencies must distribute the policy and the relevant state statute to new officers and employees within three business days of beginning employment or qualifying for office, and agencies must also distribute such items to each agency employee by January 1, 2008. HB 590 tasks the Office of the Attorney General with developing, not later than November 1, 2007, a model policy that state agencies may use. If a person reports to an appropriate prosecuting attorney a violation of agency ethics policy that is also a criminal offense, the prosecuting attorney is required to notify the Texas Ethics Commission of the status of the investigation within 60 days of the person’s report. The Commission shall assist the prosecuting attorney’s investigation upon request.

HB 1275 by McClendon/Rose/Uresti - Relating to the appeal by an individual entitled to a veteran’s preference of certain adverse employment decisions. HB 1275 provides that an individual entitled to a veteran’s employment preference under state law who is aggrieved by a hiring or retention decision of a public entity or state public work may appeal the decision. The appeal must be filed as a written complaint with the governing body of the public entity or public work. The governing body must respond to the complaint not later than the 15th business day after receiving the complaint. The governing body may render a different hiring decision than the one appealed if the governing body determines that the preference was not applied. A public entity is now required to include in its quarterly veterans preference report filed with the Comptroller the number of complaints filed and resolved during the quarter.

HB 1919 by Davis/Van de Putte - Relating to health benefit plan coverage for treatment for certain brain injuries and serious mental illnesses. HB 1919 requires coverage for non-standard services such as community reintegration, post-acute transition services, and various types of cognitive and behavioral therapy necessary as related to an acquired brain injury. This legislative change must be provided to participants in writing on an annual basis. The bill also requires coverage for generally recognized services for children between the ages of two and six who are diagnosed with autism. Coverage beyond six is at the discretion of the group.

HB 2015 by Smithee/Duncan – Relating to the reporting of claim information under certain group health plans; providing administrative penalties. HB 2015 provides requirements for health plan issuers to provide governmental entities with requested

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claim information within certain timeframes or incur penalties. The bill also provides that a report of claim information as provided under the bill is confidential and exempt from public disclosure.

HB 2427 by Truitt/Whitmire - Relating to the continuation and functions of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas; providing penalties. HB 2427 primarily affects public school district employees. However, one change that affects future TRS disability retirees requires that if an individual on TRS disability retirement receives compensation from employment that, when combined with their retirement annuity is greater than their income before retirement, their annuity would be reduced on a sliding scale.

HB 3322 by Truitt/Watson - Relating to a plan-to-plan transfer of certain assets from the TexaSaver 457 plan administered by the Employees Retirement System of Texas to a 457 plan created by an institution of higher education. The 78th Legislature authorized an institution of higher education to create and administer a deferred compensation savings plan under Section 457 of the federal IRS code. Under a Section 457 plan, governmental employees are authorized to save for retirement by deferring compensation on a pre-tax basis through payroll deductions. Acting under the authority granted by the statute, a board of regents could establish such a plan for its employees. Prior to that, the only Section 457 plan available to those employees was the TexaSaver Program offered by the Employees Retirement System. An IRS limitation on account transfers prohibits active university employees from transferring assets from the TexaSaver Program to an institution’s Section 457 plan before severance from employment. However, federal law authorizes a plan-to-plan transfer of all plan assets from one eligible governmental plan to another within the same state. HB 3322 facilitates the plan-to-plan transfer authorized by federal law such that the assets of the TexaSaver Program that belong to an institution’s employees are transferred to that institution’s Section 457 plan.

SB 11 by Carona/Corte - Relating to homeland security and protection of the public, including protections against human trafficking; providing penalties. SB 211 provides, in relevant part, that a state employee holding an amateur radio station license may be granted leave up to 10 days each fiscal year to participate in specialized disaster relief services without any deduction in salary or loss of leave if the Governor and the employee’s supervisor approve the leave. The number of state employees eligible for this leave is capped at 350 employees at any one time during a fiscal year. The Governor’s Division of Emergency Management is tasked with coordinating the establishment and maintenance of the list of eligible employees. Also, SB 11 provides that state officers or employees who are members of a state or federally authorized Urban Search and Rescue Team (Texas Task Force 1 under the Texas Engineering Extension Service) are eligible for paid leave for time engaged in authorized training or duty not to exceed 15 workdays per federal fiscal year. These state officers or employees are also protected against any loss of time or leave, and are entitled to be restored to the position held prior to being ordered to duty.

SB 22 by Nelson/ Delisi - Relating to long-term care insurance and a partnership for long-term care program and to the eligibility for certain home and community- based services. HB 22 pertains to the partnership for long-term care program, part of the medical assistance program. It deals with “asset disregard” for individuals eligible for medical assistance for long-term care services. If an individual is covered by the TAMUS Long-Term Care program, medial assistance would not be considered until benefits were exhausted under the TAMUS Long-Term Care plan.

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SB 737 by Williams/Kolkhorst - Relating to the amount of hazardous duty pay for certain state employees. SB 737 provides, in relevant part, that a full-time state employee, including a commissioned peace officer of an institution of higher education, may be eligible for hazardous duty pay in the amount of $10 for each 12-month period of accrued lifetime service credit, as determined on the last day of the preceding month. This amount is no longer subject to a $300 cap. Officers receiving hazardous duty pay before August 1987 for state service before May 29th of that year no longer have part of the amount capped at $300.

SB 1846 by Duncan/Truitt - Relating to funding for, and benefits provided under, the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. The bill would allow the Teacher Retirement System to require that the rate of contribution to the Teacher Retirement System (TRS) retirement trust fund by active members be increased up to 6.58 percent if a supplemental benefit payment is authorized by the legislature and TRS determines that after paying the supplemental benefit payment the funding period of the pension trust fund would exceed 30 years by one or more years. The bill would stipulate that the state contribution rate may not be lower than the active member contribution rate and that the state contribution rate shall be 6.58 percent for the 2008-09 biennium. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board has also increased the ORP rate to the same level. The bill would exempt school districts and institutions of higher education from return-to-work retiree employer surcharge payments for retirees who retired before September 1, 2005. The bill would direct TRS to make a one-time supplemental benefit payment to eligible annuitants in September 2007 equal the lesser of $2,400 or the amount of the regular annuity payment to which annuitants are entitled for August 2007. The bill would allow TRS to delay payment in order to allow the determination of actuarial soundness and to determine whether an increase in the active member rate, as permitted by the bill, is warranted



HB 84 by Branch/Carona - Relating to issuance and renewal of a driver's license of an elderly person. This bill will require elderly drivers (those over the age of 85) to pass a vision test and field driving test every two years. At the request of authors of the legislation, the Texas Transportation Institute provided background information on crash involvement of drivers by age group.

HB 160 by Menendez/Wentworth - Relating to a study on the relocation of freight trains away from residential areas of the state. This bill requires the Texas Department of Transportation to conduct a study to determine the economic feasibility of relocating freight trains that carry hazardous materials away from residential areas in municipalities with populations of more than 1.2 million and report the results of the study to the Governor and the Legislature no later than March 1, 2008.

HB 310 by Goolsby/Carona-Relating to the transfer of registration and license plates between vehicles with the same owner. This bill will allow persons selling a vehicle to remove the plates and registration sticker and allow the seller to either destroy

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them or transfer them to another vehicle owned by the seller, placing greater pressure on the buyer to properly follow TxDOT’s transfer requirements so the vehicle ownership is properly documented.

HB 323 by Hamilton/Lucio - Relating to seat belts on buses that transport schoolchildren. This bill requires all school buses purchased by school districts purchased after September 1, 2010 to be equipped with seatbelts for each passenger and all school- chartered buses contracted for use by a district on or after September 1, 2011 to be equipped with seatbelts.

HB 423 by Corte/Carona - Relating to requiring that medical examiners and justices of the peace report certain deaths that result from a motor vehicle accident to the Texas Department of Public Safety. This bill will change the procedures for a coroner, medical examiner or justice of the peace to report information related to alcohol- involved fatal crashes, and holds the potential for substantially improving data collection and analysis in support of research related to impaired driving conducted by the Texas Transportation Institute. The Texas Transportation Institute provided testimony on the bill at that request of the authors.

HB 570 by Leibowitz/Carona - Relating to the use of motor vehicle registration or license plate information collected by a toll project entity. This bill stipulates that information taken from license plate photographs either manually or through automated enforcement technology can be used only for toll collection and law enforcement purposes.

HB 922 by Truitt/Carona - Relating to the power of a municipality to enforce compliance with speed limits by an automated traffic control system. This bill prohibits a municipality from implementing or operating an automated traffic control system to enforce speed limits on a highway or street under its jurisdiction.

HB 1052 by Callegari/Carona - Relating to requiring warning signs before intersections at which a municipality uses a photographic traffic monitoring system to enforce compliance with a traffic-control signal. This bill requires a municipality that uses a photographic traffic monitoring system to post signs that would notify drivers that they are approaching an intersection that is monitored by a photographic system.

SB 766 by Ogden/Gattis - Relating to the transfer of powers and duties for accident reports from the Department of Public Safety to the Texas Department of Transportation. This bill transfers the powers and duties related to the collection, tabulation, and analysis of vehicle accidents from the Department of Public Safety (DPS) to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT).

SB 792 by Williams/W. Smith - Relating to the power of counties and certain other public entities with respect to certain transportation projects. Statewide transportation legislation that will, among other things: (1) ensure that local toll authorities have the first option to build new toll projects and may use state rights of way as needed; (2) require local toll authorities and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to agree to certain business terms when a project is first proposed and to perform a Market Valuation Study based on those terms to determine a road’s total value; (3) allow local toll authorities to propose that needed state roads be built as toll roads; (4) modify comprehensive development agreements (CDAs) by limiting CDAs to 50 years, mandating that the state’s

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future buyback cost be stipulated in the CDA, clarifying that competing tax roads cannot be built within four miles on either side of a CDA toll road; and requiring CDA revenue be used only for other projects in the region in which it is generated; (5) place a two year moratorium on some CDAs, and (6) allow TxDOT to issue $3 billion in bonds to borrow against future gas tax revenue.

SB 1119 by Carona/Murphy - Relating to the authority of a local authority to implement a photographic traffic signal enforcement system; providing for the imposition of civil penalties. This bill would authorize a local governmental entity to by ordinance implement a photographic traffic signal enforcement system and provide that the owner of a motor vehicle is liable to the local government for a civil penalty if the vehicle is operated in violation of the instructions of that signal. If a contract is entered into for the administration and enforcement of such a system, a local authority would be prohibited from agreeing to pay the contractor a specified percentage of, or dollar amount from, each civil penalty collected.


HB 66 by Leibowitz/Watson - Relating to power management software for state agencies. The bill requires the Department of Information Resources (DIR) to research and select available power management software and that the software be used by state agencies to reduce the amount of energy required to operate state computer networks and networked personal computers. An institution of higher education is required to purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire and use power management software only if the DIR, in consultation with the Information Technology Council for Higher Education, determines that the use of power management software would provide cost savings to the state.

HB 2713 by Bonnen/Averitt - Relating to an interim study concerning the state's demand for electric generation capacity, the development of a long-term energy plan, and the effects on the environment of electric generating facilities. The bill creates the Interim Special Committee on Electric Energy GenerationVETOED Capacity and Environmental Impact.

HB 3070 by Strama/Watson - Relating to a study of methods for increasing the availability of certain information on energy efficiency of certain residential property. This legislation requires the State Energy Conservation Office to conduct a study of methods for increasing the availability of certain information on the energy efficiency of certain residential property, to establish an advisory committee, and to establish standards for rating the energy efficiency of new and existing residential property. The Energy Systems Laboratory of the Texas Engineering Experiment Station provided technical assistance to the authors on this legislation at their request and provided testimony on the bill.

SB 831 by Ellis/Straus - Relating to energy savings performance contracts. This bill extends the financing term on energy savings performance contracts from 15 years to 20 years.

Homeland Security

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HB 823 by Ritter/Williams - Relating to the liability of certain licensed or registered professionals for damages arising from certain services provided during an emergency. The bill provides that licensed architects and engineers are not civilly liable due to a fault in the performance of services during a government-declared disaster unless the fault results from gross negligence or willful, wanton, or intentional misconduct.


HB 899 by W. Smith/Deuell - Relating to the operation and functions of the Texas Board of Professional Engineers and the regulation of the practice of engineering. This bill amends the Engineering Practice Act in several ways, including to remove conflicting statutory language, add a member to the board, reduce the professional fee for license holders over 65 years of age, and clarify when an engineer must use a seal.

HB 1188 by Morrison/Shapiro - Relating to the Texas emerging technology fund. This bill permits appropriated amounts from the Emerging Technology Fund be used for staff and administration of Emerging Technology Fund activities, not to exceed $600,000 per year. The bill changes from 25 percent to 16.67 percent the amount from the Texas Emerging Technology Fund to be used to match funding from research sponsors, and changes from 25 percent to 33.33 percent the amount from the Texas Emerging Technology Fund to be used to acquire new or enhance existing research superiority at public institutions of higher education. The bill provides that no more than 2.0 percent of the amount allocated for incentives for commercialization activities may be invested directly in a regional center of innovation and commercialization. In addition, the bill permits the Office of the Governor to use the Emerging Technology Fund to make loans and charge interest and to take an equity position in the form of stock or other security when considering granting an award from the fund and sell or trade a security for the benefit of the fund.

SB 99 by Zaffirini/Guillen - Relating to the identification of and provision of assistance to colonias and for tracking the progress of certain state-funded projects that benefit colonias. The bill would require the Secretary of State to compile information received from various state agencies and institutions of higher education that receive funding from the state for projects that provide assistance to colonias and to maintain the classification system used to track state-funded projects related to water/wastewater services or paved roads, and other assistance to colonias.



HB 14 by Keffer/Nelson - Relating to creating the Cancer Research Institute of Texas and abolishing the Texas Cancer Council; granting authority to issue bonds and HJR 90 by Keffer/Nelson - Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the establishment of the Cancer Research Institute of Texas and authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds for the purpose of scientific research of all forms of human cancer. HB14 would create the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas and would subsume the role of the Texas Cancer Council by absorbing it but maintaining all of functions and obligations. Following voter approval in November, the

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Institute would be created and funded with General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $3 billion for 10 years; the bonds would be issued incrementally, at no more than $300 million a year. The funding would be issued as grants to public or private entities to expand cancer research and to make Texas a global leader in the fight against cancer. TAMHSC or the College of Medicine has one of 9 non-voting seats on the Scientific Review Committee. Grant recipients must show 50% matching funds which can be direct funds or supporting infrastructure such as salaries, laboratory/equipment. The program would be funded by the issuance of General Obligation bonds to be paid from the first available GR funds. This program will be the largest ever use of general obligation bonds to fund a non-infrastructure project. There would be no fiscal impact in the 2008-09 biennium, but the state would expect to begin paying out of GR after the first bond is issued in FY 2010, at a cost of roughly $16 million, followed by an increase peak in 2020 and then a gradual decrease as the final issuance of bonds is paid off in 2030. 77,000 Texans are diagnosed with cancer every year, and 35,000 die from the disease. A 1998 study by the LBJ School for Public Affairs estimates $14 billion in both direct and indirect costs from the disease annually. In 2008, cancer would directly and indirectly cost Texans $30 billion.


HB 109 by Turner / Averitt - Relating to eligibility for and the administration of the child health plan program. As of January 2007, CHIP is serving only 321,815 children when there are 1.4 million children in the state of Texas lacking health care coverage. Out of those children, there are over 700,000 children that are currently eligible but not currently enrolled in CHIP. Currently, Texas is 18,000 children below CHIP budgeted caseloads for 2006. HB 109 provides statutory changes and appropriations to increase CHIP enrollment by 200,000 children. Reinstates 12 months of continuous coverage instead of six months, and reinstates "income disregards" expenses that drop a family's income to the eligibility level, such as child care expenses or work related expenses. HB 109 eliminates the assets test, and will reinstate a community outreach and education campaign to utilize school-based health clinics, community based organizations and coalitions to provide information and educate the community on CHIP, and eliminate the 90-day waiting period during all stages of the application process, unless the child was previously covered under another health benefits plan. HB 109 requires HHSC, during the sixth month following the date of initial enrollment or reenrollment of an individual whose family income exceeds 150 percent of the federal poverty level, to review the individual's family income, authorizing HHSC to use electronic technology if available and appropriate, and to continue to provide coverage if the individual's family income remains within the income eligibility limits.

SB 10 by Nelson / Delisi - Relating to the operation and financing of the medical assistance program and other programs to provide health care benefits and services to persons in this state. SB 10 seeks to improve the health status of Medicaid recipients and reduce the number of uninsured in Texas through reforms to the Medicaid program. There are 5.5 million uninsured Texans, and in general, half the population are either uninsured or have some form of public coverage. In addition, the bill provides mechanisms to allow the HHSC to identify state and local funds that can be verified to provide a match for available federal funds. Texas currently leaves millions in available federal funds unclaimed and the commission is obviously looking for ways to maximize the state funds that can be listed to match federal funds.

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SB 10 allows Medicaid-eligible workers to enroll in an insurance plan offered by an employer and use Medicaid dollars to help offset the cost. Under the premium assistance program, the state is eligible for up to $1 billion annually in federal funds to help pay for private insurance. This could help provide health insurance to insure more than 200,000 working, uninsured adults. SB 10 provides seed funding for multi-share programs in which insurance is offered through partnerships between employers, employees and other entities. The TAMHSC School of Rural Public Health is mobilizing to assist communities in taking advantage of this section of the law. SB 10 also allows pilot programs to encourage health behaviors among Medicaid recipients; authorizes HHSC to implement Health Savings Accounts in Medicaid if the strategy is found to be cost-effective; allows HHSC to seek an 1115 waiver to provide tailored benefits packages under Medicaid, based on population needs; authorizes the use of co-payments for non-emergency visits to emergency rooms; includes a pilot program to promote the adoption of electronic medical records usage in Texas Medicaid; and includes language of SB1095, requiring a study by the Texas Health Policy Council, UT San Antonio Center for State Demographics, and Texas Medical Board on increasing medical residency programs.


SB 138 by Nelson / S. King - Relating to promoting the retention and graduation of students enrolled in professional nursing programs. SB 138 seeks to increase nursing graduation rates (currently 56% on average), by requiring the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) to consider and develop methods to promote retention and graduation of students enrolled in a professional nursing program, including recommendations on financial aid and other recommended methods. In addition, SB 138 requires CB to establish a program to recognize nursing programs that reach a graduation rate of 85 percent or more. SB 138 is of interest to TAMHSC as it seeks approval to create a College of Nursing and collaborates with nursing programs in the TAMU System.

SB 139 by Nelson / Kolkhorst - Relating to a study on improving the curricula of professional and vocational nursing education programs. SB 139 requires the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), in consultation with the Board of Nurse Examiners, to conduct a study regarding nursing program curricula improvement. SB 139 also requires the study to focus on methods to improve instruction on providing safe and high-quality nursing care to patients. Report due 12/31/2008.

SB 289 by Nelson / Morrison - Relating to the use of professional nursing shortage reduction program grants to encourage clinical nursing instruction by part-time faculty at public or private institutions of higher education. The nursing shortage in Texas is exacerbated by a shortage of quality nursing faculty. Nursing schools have difficulty recruiting and retaining faculty, as many practicing nurses make higher salaries than faculty and wish to remain in active practice. SB 289 encourages nursing schools to utilize more part-time or adjunct faculty by allowing professional nursing shortage reduction grants to be used for part-time faculty. This will help schools recruit nurses to serve as faculty who wish to remain in practice but also have a desire to teach.


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HB 1066 by Delisi / Nelson - Relating to electronic health information, electronic health records, and creating the Texas Health Service Authority Corporation. HB 1066 creates the Texas Health Services Authority, a non-profit, public-private collaborative charged with implementing the state-level health information technology functions identified by the Texas Health Information Technology Advisory Committee. The corporation is charged with facilitating development of a seamless electronic health information infrastructure to support the health care system in the state and to improve patient safety and quality of care. The corporation is established to promote, implement, and facilitate the voluntary and secure electronic exchange of health information and create incentives to promote, implement, and facilitate the voluntary and secure electronic exchange of health information. The corporation has no authority and shall not engage in any of the following: (1) the collection and analysis of clinical data; (2) the comparison of physicians to other physicians, including comparisons to peer group physicians, physician groups, and physician teams, and to national specialty society adopted quality measurements; (3) the creation of a tool to measure physician performance. The corporation is governed by a board of 11 directors appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate. The governor shall also appoint at least two ex officio, nonvoting members representing the Department of State Health Services. The Governor shall appoint as voting board members individuals who represent consumers, clinical laboratories, health benefit plans, hospitals, regional health information exchange initiatives, pharmacies, physicians, or rural health providers, or who possess expertise in any other area the governor finds necessary for the successful operation of the corporation. (Definition of “physician” includes a medical school or medical and dental unit, as defined or described by Section 61.003, 61.501, or 74.601, Education Code, that employs or contracts with physicians to teach or provide medical services or employs physicians and contracts with physicians in a practice plan.)

HB 2542 by Kolkhorst / Estes - Relating to the continuation and functions of the Office of Rural Community Affairs. HB 2542 enacts the recommendations of the Sunset Advisory Commission (commission) by creating a new 11-member board, continuing the agency for an eight-year period, and including several changes in law to address additional areas needing improvement within the office. HB 2542 requires the office to: • assist rural communities in the key areas of economic development, community development, rural health, and rural housing, • serve as a clearinghouse for information and resources on all state and federal programs affecting rural communities, • identify and prioritize policy issues and concerns affecting rural communities in the state while in consultation with certain individuals and groups, • make recommendations to the legislature to address the concerns affecting rural communities.

SB 140 by Nelson / Kolkhorst - Relating to a study of the feasibility of providing immunizations to certain students enrolled in health professional degree programs. SB 140 requires the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) to conduct a joint study regarding the feasibility of providing free or discounted immunizations to economically disadvantaged students enrolled in health professional degree programs at institutions of higher education in Texas. The bill also requires the study to examine potential methods of providing those

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immunizations, and requires DSHS and THECB to submit a joint report including findings of the study and recommendations to the legislature no later than January 15, 2009.

SB 415 by Lucio / McReynolds - Relating to a risk assessment program for Type 2 diabetes and the creation of the Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment Program Advisory Committee. SB 415 enhances the diabetes risk assessment program, (ancanthosis nigricans (AN) screening program in certain elementary schools), which is administered by the Border Health Office of UT-Pan America. Currently, the program serves public school students throughout the state and has assessed more than 2 million children for the visual markers of the disease. SB 415 establishes the Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment Program Advisory Committee to advise the on the program conducted under the chapter, and it designates a list of representatives that may be appointed to the advisory committee by the executive commissioner and it also provides a list of representatives appointed by the chairman of the council.

SB 530 by Nelson / Eissler - Relating to physical activity requirements and physical fitness assessment for certain public school students. SB 530 provides that a school district shall require a student enrolled in kindergarten or a grade level below grade six to participate in moderate or vigorous daily physical activity for at least 30 minutes throughout the school year as part of the district's physical education curriculum or through structured activity during a school campus's daily recess. A school district shall require students enrolled in grade levels six, seven, and eight to participate in moderate or vigorous daily physical activity for at least 30 minutes for at least four semesters during those grade levels as part of the district's physical education curriculum.

SB 1058 by West / Hodge - Relating to the creation of a reintegration counseling program for certain veterans and service members. SB 1058 requires the Department of State Health Services and the Health and Human Services Commission to develop a directory of services and other resources, tools, and counseling programs available to aid veterans and their immediate families in the reintegration process. SB 1058 also requires the adjutant general's department to develop a program to provide referrals to service members for reintegration services. It requires the department, in developing the program, to consult with the state military forces, the National Guard Bureau, the United States Veterans Health Administration, the Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine, and The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.

SB 1601 by West / F. Brown - Relating to the operation of the Joint Admission Medical Program and to admission to the program. SB1601 clarifies the operation the Joint Admission Medical Program by changing deadline dates and criteria for admissions to the program. Fifteen percent of the eligible positions are to be reserved for sophomore-level students (to accommodate students entering from community colleges).


HB 604 by D. Howard/Wentworth - Relating to the appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes of certain land used for wildlife management under a conservation easement. HB 604 amends Section 23.51 of the Tax Code to allow certain land to qualify for appraisal as wildlife management land without the current requirement of being appraised as qualified open-space land at the time the land is converted to wildlife management use.

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HB 967 by Guillen/Zaffirini - Relating to the reappraisal for ad valorem tax purposes of agricultural or open-space land on which the Texas Animal Health Commission has established a temporary quarantine for ticks. House Bill 967 amends the Tax Code to entitle the owner of agricultural or open-space land on which the Texas Animal Health Commission has established a temporary quarantine for ticks to a reappraisal of the land for the tax year in which the quarantine occurs.

HB 1090 by Swinford/M. Jackson - Relating to the establishment of a program by the Department of Agriculture to make grants to encourage the construction of facilities that generate electrical energy with certain types of agricultural residues, waste, debris, or crops. The bill requires that the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) with the assistance of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and the Public Utility Commission (PUC), establish an Agricultural Biomass and Landfill Diversion Incentive Program to provide grants to farmers, loggers, and diverters who provide agricultural biomass to facilities that: are located in the state; placed in service after August 31,2009; generate electric energy sold to a third party using agricultural biomass; and use the best available emissions control technology.

HB 1188 by Morrison/Shapiro - Relating to the Texas emerging technology fund. HB 1188 permits appropriated amounts from the Emerging Technology Fund be used for staff and administration of Emerging Technology Fund activities. The bill changes from 25 percent to 16.67 percent the amount from the Texas Emerging Technology Fund to be used to match funding from research sponsors. The bill changes from 25 percent to 33.33 percent the amount from the Texas Emerging Technology Fund to be used to acquire new or enhance existing research superiority at public institutions of higher education. The bill provides that no more than 2.0 percent of the amount allocated for incentives for commercialization activities may be invested directly in a regional center of innovation and commercialization.

HB 1472 by Aycock/Otto/Wentworth - Relating to the annexation of land for which property taxes are imposed based on the land's value for agricultural or wildlife management purposes. House Bill 1472 amends the Local Government Code to prohibit a municipality from annexing land appraised for tax purposes as land for agriculture, wildlife management, or timber production use unless the municipality offers to make a development agreement with the landowner and the landowner declines to make the agreement.

HB 1526 by W. Smith/Seliger - Relating to incentives for and the use of alternative leak detection technologies for air contaminants. House Bill 1526 amends the Health and Safety Code to require the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to establish an incentive program that allows and encourages an owner or operator of a facility to use voluntarily as a supplemental detection method certain alternative technologies to detect leaks and emissions of air contaminants. The bill specifies regulatory incentives the commission may provide and establishes conditions and requirements for the use of the alternative technologies. The bill also limits enforcement action against a program participant for a leak or emission that would be punishable as a violation either of the law or of the facility's permit if the leak or emission was detected with an alternative technology and would not have been detected otherwise.

HB 2006 by Woolley/Janek - Relating to the use of eminent domain authority. HB 2006 would amend the Government Code, the Local Government Code, and the Property Code relating to procedures for the state or a political subdivision of the state to exercise the

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power of eminent domain. Included in those procedures is the requirement for a governmental entity to authorize the initiation of the condemnation proceedings at a public meeting by a record vote. In addition, an entity with eminent domain authority that wants to acquire real property for a public use is required to make a bona fide offer to acquire the property from the owner voluntarily.

HB 2235 by Guillen/Zaffirini - Relating to the creation of a technology center grant program for rural counties. House Bill 2235 amends the Government Code to require the Office of Rural Community Affairs to establish a rural technology center grant program not later than October 1, 2007, to award grants to public institutions of higher education, public high schools, and governmental entities in counties with a population of not more than 125,000 for the development and operation of certain multi-institutional technology centers. The executive committee of the office is required by rule to establish the program's procedures and guidelines, and the office is authorized to seek, receive, and spend money to implement the program. The bill requires the office to award the first grants under the program not later than January 1, 2008.

HB 2328 by Woolley/Whitmire - Relating to the offenses of cruelty to livestock and nonlivestock animals. Previous law included both livestock and nonlivestock animals in the offense of cruelty to animals. House Bill 2328 amends the Penal Code, Family Code, Health and Safety Code, and Occupations Code to modify the offense of cruelty to animals to apply only to livestock animals.

HB 2417 by Swinford/Averitt - Relating to the responsibility for and management of the fuel ethanol and biodiesel production incentive program. HB 2417 transfers all responsibilities, management, administration and oversight of the Fuel Ethanol and Biodiesel Production Incentive Program from the Economic Development and Tourism Division of the Office of the Governor to the Department of Agriculture.

HB 2542 by Kolkhorst/Estes - Relating to the continuation and functions of the Office of Rural Community Affairs. House Bill 2542 amends the Government Code to continue the Office of Rural Community Affairs until September 1, 2013. The bill revises the powers and duties of the office in part, mandating that it serve as a clearinghouse on state and federal programs affecting rural communities, consult with specified other parties to identify and prioritize policy issues and concerns affecting rural communities, and assist those communities in the key areas of economic development, community development, rural health, and rural housing.

HB 2543 by Kolkhorst/Ellis - Relating to the continuation and operation of the Texas Animal Health Commission; providing penalties. House Bill 2543 amends the Agriculture Code to continue the Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) until September 1, 2019. It requires the TAHC to comply with and implement certain management actions adopted by the Sunset Advisory Commission and to report to the commission on that topic by specified deadlines. The bill updates and revises various statutes reflecting across-the- board sunset provisions. It makes multiple changes extending or clarifying TAHC's jurisdiction to include exotic livestock, domestic fowl, and exotic fowl, as well as other livestock.

SB 415 by Lucio/McReynolds - Relating to a risk assessment program for Type 2 diabetes and the creation of the Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment Program

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Advisory Committee. SB 415 will require the University of Texas-Pan American Border Health Office (Office) to administer a risk assessment program for Type 2 Diabetes. The bill also will establish a Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment Program Advisory Committee.

SB 552 by Deuell/Truitt - Relating to the accreditation of basic food safety education and training programs for food handlers. The bill amends the Health and Safety Code to require the Department of State Health Services to accredit an education or training program for basic food safety for food handlers. The executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission is required to adopt rules to define the basic food safety training or education required to be included in a course curriculum. The bill prohibits the course from being longer than two hours and would allow a program to require a participant to achieve a passing score on an examination. A program accredited under the provisions of the bill may be delivered through the internet.

SB 556 by Lucio/McReynolds - Relating to the creation of an interagency obesity council. SB 556 creates an interagency obesity council comprised of the commissioners of state health services, education, and agriculture, or their designees.

SB 573 by Brimer/Hilderbran - Relating to an interim study concerning the breeding of white-tailed and mule deer in this state. SB 573 creates a new select interim committee to study the practice of breeding white-tailed deer and mule deer. The committee will consist of ten members, appointed by the Lieutenant Governor, the Speaker of the House, and the Governor.

SB 1339 by Estes/Chisum - Relating to allowing money in the disaster contingency fund to be used to provide assistance to producers of agricultural products affected by a disaster caused by severe drought or wildfire. State law provides for a disaster contingency fund that can be used if the demands placed on funds regularly appropriated to state and local agencies are unreasonably great for coping with a particular disaster. Senate Bill 1339 amends the Government Code to authorize fund disbursements to a state or local agency to provide assistance to producers of agricultural products affected by or recovering from a disaster caused by severe drought, wildfire, flood, storm, or hurricane.

SB 1440 by Hegar/Hughes - Relating to certain duties of the Office of Rural Community Affairs relating to assisting, and providing information regarding, volunteer fire departments in rural areas. Senate Bill 1440 amends the Government Code to add working with interested persons to assist volunteer fire departments and emergency services districts in rural areas to the duties of the Office of Rural Community Affairs. The bill provides that the emergency services district program established by the office may assist fire departments in rural areas with the recruitment and retention of volunteer firefighters, provide information relating to assistance programs offered to rural volunteer firefighters, and provide rural homeowners with information relating to the benefits of volunteer fire departments

SB 1714 by Seliger/Smithee - Relating to regulation of dairy products. SB 1714 applies to non-Grade A manufactured milk products the same manufacturing standards as applied to Grade A milk, resulting in a more uniform system of dairy regulation in Texas.

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Other Bills of Interest That Passed

HB 119 by Brown/Ogden - Relating to the exemption from competitive bidding for certain purchases.

HB 155 by Joseph/Eduardo - Relating to correcting errors in the distribution of benefits by a public retirement system.

HB 208 by Flores/Lucio - Relating to the eligibility of students enrolled in joint credit or concurrent enrollment programs for extracurricular activities and University Interscholastic League competitions.

HB 387 by Callegari/Patrick - Relating to the repeal of the law relating to the Texas National Research Laboratory Commission.

HB by 463 Flores/Carona - Relating to the regulation of air conditioning and refrigeration contracting; providing an administrative penalty.

HB 472 by Solomons/Van de Putte - Relating to the regulation of third-party administrators, including administrators with delegated duties in the workers' compensation system of this state; providing administrative penalties.

HB 534 by Smithee/Seliger - Relating to authorizing the lease or conveyance of certain real property owned by Amarillo College.

HB 544 Strama/Watson - Relating to reduced tuition and fees for certain junior college district students who reside outside of the district.

HB 550 by Dukes/Zaffirini - Relating to the eligibility of certain victims of family violence for unemployment compensation.

HB 735 by Straus/Williams - Relating to the discontinuation of the Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund.

HB 868 by Haggerty/Shapleigh - Relating to the recreational facility fee at The University of Texas at El Paso.

HB 902 by Crowder/Estes - Relating to a student fitness and recreational fee at Texas Woman's University.

HB 921 Delisi/Ellis - Relating to the sharing of information among state agencies.

HB 957 by Orr/Ellis - Relating to participation by certain state employees in a default investment product under a deferred compensation plan.

HB 1003 by Giddings/Watson - Relating to professional licensing requirements for independent review of certain medical decisions regarding workers' compensation claims.

HB 1157 by West/Seliger - Relating to a student services building fee at The University of Texas of the Permian Basin.

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HB 1237 by Farabee/Hegar - Relating to the confidentiality of certain information of a person licensed to practice law held by governmental bodies.

HB 1297 by Delisi/Nelson - Relating to the creation of the state employee wellness program.

HB 1418 Kolkhorst/Ogden - Relating to the name of Sam Houston State University.

HB 1427 by Alonzo/Zaffirini - Relating to an optometry career program at the University of Houston.

HB 1505 by LucioIII/Lucio - Relating to a fee to support intercollegiate athletics at The University of Texas at Brownsville.

HB 1560 by Callegari/Jackson - Relating to liability of a governmental unit for certain recreational activities.

HB 1602 by Van Arsdale/Fraser – Relating to venue in civil actions under the Jones Act.

HB 1614 by Gattis/Ogden – Relating to the establishment and use of a columbarium on the campuses of certain institutions of higher education. HB 1700 by Hilderbran/Fraser - Relating to a project for the development and implementation of a nature science curriculum for public school students.

HB 1775 by Wayne/Zaffirini – Relating to authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds for the expansion of school of nursing facilities at Stephen F. Austin State University.

HB 1788 by Pitts/Hegar – Relating to the planning, reporting, and review of the state's information resources.

HB 1853 by Corte/Van de Putte – Relating to exempting certain state agencies from certain laws relating to real property transactions.

HB 2004 by Giddings/Lucio – Relating to requiring that a doctor who reviews a workers' compensation case be certified in a professional specialty appropriate to the care received by the injured employee.

HB 2061 by Keffer/Williams – Relating to the disclosure of social security numbers under the public information law.

HB 2103 by Kolkhorst/Ogden – Relating to a pilot program to award scholarships to certain correctional officers enrolled at Sam Houston State University.

HB 2112 by Patrik/Hegar – Relating to banning handguns and certain other weapons from parking areas associated with schools or educational institutions; providing criminal penalties.

HB 2120 by Deshotel/Williams – Relating to the wages credited to an individual for the purpose of computing the individual's unemployment compensation benefits.

HB 2190 by Truitt/Duncan – Relating to eligibility to serve as executive director of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.

HB 2198 by Flores/Janek – Relating to authorizing certain public junior colleges to offer baccalaureate degree programs.

HB 2222 by Heflin/ Uresti – Relating to the membership of the Food and Fibers Research Council.

HB 2252 by Taylor/Williams – Relating to disclosure of information about health care-related services or access to health care information provided to persons covered by health benefit plans.

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HB 2293 by Noriega/Watson – Relating to a requirement that state agencies purchase low-emissions vehicles as a minimum percentage of their vehicles purchased.

HB 2341 by Truitt/Duncan – Relating to certain investment products made available to certain public school employees.

HB 2358 by Otto/Duncan – Relating to the deposit of certain employer contributions to the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.

HB 2371 by Morrison/Zaffirini – Relating to hearings regarding cease and desist orders against certain persons operating a career school or college without proper authority.

HB 2548 by Smith/Averitt – Relating to coverage limitations in health benefit plans.

HB 2664 by Truitt/Duncan – Relating to audits of public retirement system actuarial valuations, studies, and reports.

HB 2694 by Hamilton/Janek – Relating to the disaster contingency fund.

HB 2713 by Bonnen/Averitt – Relating to an interim study concerning the state's demand for electric generation capacity, the development of a long-term energy plan, and the effects on the environment of electric generating facilities.

HB 3107 by Isett/Ogden – Relating to the creation and re-creation of funds and accounts in the state treasury, the dedication and rededication of revenue, and the exemption of unappropriated money from use for general governmental purposes.

HB 3249 by Truitt/Brimer – Relating to the powers and duties of, and the entities reviewed by, the Sunset Advisory Commission.

HB 3443 by Howard/West – Relating to the creation of the Texas Hospital-Based Nursing Education Partnership Grant Program.

HB 3470 by Delisi/Williams – Relating to the program of supplemental health coverage for individuals eligible under the TRICARE military health system offered through the Employees Retirement System of Texas.

HB 3564 by Darby/Duncan – Relating to the transfer of Angelo State University to the Texas Tech University System.

HB 3699 by McCall/Williams – Relating to the management of public school land and the investment of the permanent school fund

SB 161 by Wentworth/Deshotel – Relating to intercollegiate athletics fees at institutions within the System.

SB 214 by Fraser/Hilderbran – Relating to authorizing the transfer for consideration of certain fractional mineral interests held by the state to certain landowners.

SB 247 by Ellis/McClendon – Relating to prohibiting the investment of state funds in certain private business entities doing business in Sudan.

SB 282 by Gallegos/Dutton – Relating to notice regarding the availability of programs under which a student may earn college credit in public schools.

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SB 285 by Shapiro/Hill – Relating to the imposition of certain fees on students enrolled at The University of Texas at Dallas.

SB 458 by Watson/Giddings – Relating to workers' compensation medical benefits for certain prosthetic or orthotic devices.

SB 469 by Brimer/Patrick – Relating to the creation by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board of a certificate of recognition for persons who contribute certain gifts or donations to public institutions of higher education.

SB 480 by Janek/Gattis – Relating to the definition of private or independent institution of higher education applicable to certain statutes.

SB 563 by Ogden/Madden – Relating to assistance by the attorney general in the prosecution of certain offenses involving the unlawful appropriation or misapplication of state property.

SB 596 by Wentworth/Turner – Relating to the confidentiality of certain information involving real estate transactions of the School Land Board, Veterans' Land Board, General Land Office, or land commissioner.

SB 687 by Shapleigh/Solomons – Relating to the use of TexasOnline by state agencies and local governments.

SB 908 by Brimer/McClendon – Relating to the continuation and functions of the State Office of Risk Management.

SB 924 by Brimer/Solomons – Relating to rules and policies adopted by state agencies regarding engineering or architectural errors or omissions.

SB 955 by Whitmire/Turner – Relating to use of electronically readable information on a driver's license or personal identification certificate by certain organizations that sponsor youth programs.

SB 1007 by West/Giddings – Relating to student representation on the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and certain coordinating board advisory committees.

SB 1169 by Janek/Elkins – Relating to the reimbursement of an insurance carrier for the overpayment of certain workers' compensation benefits.

SB 1436 by West/Creighton – Relating to the transfer of responsibility for the National Flood Insurance Program from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to the Texas Water Development Board and the administration and funding of the program.

SB 1447 by Duncan/Gattis – Relating to the investment authority of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.

SB 1499 by Zaffirini/Corte – Relating to the meeting notice that a governmental body may post in certain emergency situations.

SB 1719 by Ogden/Chisum – Relating to directing payment, after approval, of certain miscellaneous claims and judgments against the state out of funds designated by this Act; making appropriations.

SB 1729 by Carona/Solomons – Relating to the inspection, installation, maintenance, and repair of elevators, escalators, chairlifts, people movers, moving sidewalks, platform lifts, and related equipment.

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SB 1731 by Duncan/Zerwas – Relating to consumer access to health care information and consumer protection for services provided by or through health benefit plans, hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, and birthing centers; providing penalties.

SB 1761 by Uresti/Deshotel – Relating to the pilot program to provide health services to state employees in state office complexes.

SB 1884 by Williams/Thompson – Relating to prompt payment penalties.

SB 2033 by Williams/Chisum - Relating to the issuance of general obligation bonds by the Texas Public Finance Authority for certain maintenance, improvement, repair, and construction projects.

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Bills of Interest Not Passing

The following is a list of bills that were tracked by the Office of Governmental Relations that did not pass:

HB 9 by Crownover - Relating to the elimination of smoking in all workplaces and public places; providing penalties. Last Action: 5-23-07 Set on Senate Intent calendar

HB 10 by Chavez - Relating to certain gaming activity conducted by an Indian tribe or tribal organization. Last Action: 5-03-07 House failed passage to 3rd reading

HB 13 by Swinford - Relating to homeland security issues, including border security issues and homeland security staffing requirements; making an appropriation. Last Action: 5-25-07 House point(s) of order sustained by Rep. Burnam, Lon (D-90)

HB 39 by Paxton - Relating to the determination of resident status of students by public institutions of higher education. Last Action: 4-19-07 Left Pending in House State Affairs

HB 42 by Paxton - Relating to the electronic database of major state contracts. Last Action: 5-18-07 Senate Government Organization filed committee report

HB 49 by Chavez - Relating to the minimum wage. Last Action: 3-21-07 Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 50 by Chavez - Relating to the residency requirements for tuition and fee exemptions for certain military personnel and their children. Last Action: 1-29-07 - Referred to House Defense Affairs and State-Federal Relations

HB 59 by Isett - Relating to the management, security, and protection of personal information and governmental records; providing a criminal penalty. Last Action: 4-17-07 - Left pending in House Business and Industry Committee

HB 67 by Leibowitz - Relating to energy-saving devices and options for vending machines in buildings owned or leased by the state; imposing an administrative fine. Last Action: 4-03-07 - Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 72 by Hill - Relating to reporting of gifts of cash or a cash equivalent to public officials. Last Action: 3-08-07 - House Elections hearing set for 03/14/2007.

HB 78 by Branch - Relating to limitations on the automatic admission of undergraduate students to general academic teaching institutions. Last Action: 2-26-07 Left Pending in House Higher Education Committee

HB 94 by Martinez - Relating to employer contributions for certain employed retirees under the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. Last Action: 1-29-07 Referred to House Pensions and Investments Committee

HB 104 by Riddle - Relating to information required to establish resident status in connection with tuition and fees charged by public institutions of higher education. Last Action: 4-19-07 Left pending in House State Affairs Committee

HB 116 by Brown - Relating to limitations on the number of courses that students may drop under certain circumstances at public institutions of higher education. Last Action: 5-10-07 Set on House floor calendar for 05/10/2007

HB 122 by Dukes - Relating to promoting the importance of higher education in public schools. Last Action: 4-10-07 Left pending in House Public Education

HB 127 by Delisi - Relating to the requirement that state agencies report the cost of services and benefits provided to unlawful immigrants. Last Action: 4-16-07 Left pending in House State Affairs

HB 134 by Villarreal - Relating to the teacher certification in early childhood education. Last Action: 3-20-07 Left pending in House Public Education

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HB 139 by Jackson - Relating to health services provided to health benefit plan enrollees by certain out-of-network health care providers. Last Action: 4-12-07 Left pending in House Insurance

HB 141 by Jackson - Relating to the determination of resident status of students by public institutions of higher education. Last Action: 4-19-07 Left pending in House State Affairs

HB 144 by Deshotel - Relating to a preference in state purchasing for products from disaster areas. Last Action: 1-30-07 Referred to House Government Reform

HB 154 by Pickett - Relating to the abolition of the Texas Transportation Commission and the creation of a commissioner of transportation as an elected statutory state officer. Last Action: 3-20-07 Left pending in House Transportation

HB 159 by Zedler - Relating to the determination of resident status of students by public institutions of higher education. Last Action: 5-09-2007 House point(s) of order sustained by Rep. Tommy Merritt

HB 193 by Guillen - Relating to the minimum wage. Last Action: 2-21-2007 Left pending in House Economic Development

HB 201 by Menendez - Relating to an offense of using a wireless communication device while operating a motor vehicle. Last Action: 4-17-2007 Left pending in House Transportation

HB 209 by Flores - Relating to eligibility for an award through the Early High School Graduation Scholarship program. Last Action: 5-15-2007 Referred to Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

HB 212 by Woolley - Relating to eliminating automatic admission to certain public institutions of higher education based on high school grade point average. Last Action: 2-26-2007 Left pending in House Higher Education

HB 213 by Isett - Relating to the constitutional limitation on the rate of growth of state appropriations and the constitutional creation of three special funds to replace the economic stabilization fund. Last Action: 1-30-2007 Referred to House Appropriations

HB 217 by Jackson - Relating to a landowner's repurchase of real property previously acquired by a governmental entity through eminent domain. Last Action: 2-21-2007 Left pending in House Land and Resource Management

HB 220 by King - Relating to the rights and liabilities of an employer with respect to the carrying of a concealed handgun. Last Action: 3-28-2007 Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 225 by Paxton - Relating to prohibiting the use of state money for certain biomedical research. Last Action: 4-13-2007 Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 232 by Ritter - Relating to employer contributions for certain retirees under the Teacher Retirement System of Texas who are employed by an institution of higher education. Last Action: 3-01-2007 Not heard in House Pensions and Investments

HB 236 by Alonzo - Relating to the minimum wage. Last Action: 2-21-2007 Left pending in House Economic Investment

HB 237 by Alonzo - Relating to a study and report concerning predicted faculty retirement at general academic teaching institutions. Last Action: 1-31-2007 Referred to House Higher Education

HB 250 by Riddle - Relating to the constitutional limitation on the rate of growth of state appropriations. Last Action: 4-10-2007 Re-referred to House Appropriations

HB 253 by Smith - Relating to the authority of the Department of Public Safety and certain local law enforcement agencies to establish a checkpoint on a highway or street to determine whether persons are driving while intoxicated. Last Action: 4-02-2007 Left pending in House Law Enforcement

HB 260 by Callegari - Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations and the use of surplus state revenues. Last Action: 1-31-2007 Referred to House Appropriations

HB 262 by Coleman - Relating to the minimum wage. Last Action: 2-21-2007 Left pending in House Economic Development HB 266 by Anchia - Relating to the designation of certain election days as state holidays.

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Last Action: 2-28-2007 Left pending in House Elections

HB 268 by Anchia - Relating to coverage for prescription contraceptive drugs and devices and related services under certain standard health benefit plans. Last Action: 3-27-2007 Left pending in House Insurance

HB 270 by Anchia - Relating to the use of the Texas emerging technology fund and other incentives to promote new energy technology; imposing a tax. Last Action: 1-31-2007 Referred to House Appropriations Subcommittee on Regulatory

HB 277 by Madden - Relating to the creation and operation of a state virtual school network to provide education to students through electronic means. Last Action: 4-27-2007 Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 291 by Jackson - Relating to requiring governmental entities and contractors with governmental entities to participate in the federal work authorization program; providing a penalty. Last Action: 4-16-2007 Left pending in House State Affairs

HB 293 by Farrar - Relating to health benefit plan coverage for reconstructive surgery following mastectomy. Last Action: 3-27-2007 Left pending in House Insurance

HB 305 by Farrar - Relating to the prohibition of employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. Last Action: 1-31-2007 Referred to House Business and Industry

HB 317 by Miller - Relating to the student enrollment required for the issuance of certain revenue bonds for facilities at Texas A&M University--Central Texas. Last Action: 6-15-2007 Vetoed by the Governor

HB 327 by Leibowitz - Relating to the minimum wage. Last Action: 2-21-2007 Left pending in House Economic Developments

HB 338 by Leibowitz - Relating to the collection and reporting of employment information regarding beneficiaries of certain health care services and employee health benefit plan coverage. Last Action: 1-31-2007 Referred to House Insurance

HB 345 by Flynn - Relating to the collateralization of certain public funds. Last Action: 5-15-2007 Referred to Senate Finance

HB 350 by Vo - Relating to retirement benefits for members of the elected class of the Employees Retirement System of Texas. Last Action: 5-04-2007 Sent to House Local/Consent calendar

HB 351 by Anchia - Relating to prohibiting a grant from the Texas Enterprise Fund to a recipient who employs an undocumented worker. Last Action: 2-01-2007 Referred to House Economic Development

HB 354 by Howard - Relating to estimating the rate of growth of the state's economy for purposes of the constitutional spending limit. Last Action: 3-04-2007 Re-referred to House Appropriations

HB 355 by Herrero - Relating to a franchise tax credit for wages paid to graduates of certain institutions of higher education. Last Action: 4-04-2007 Left pending in House Ways and Means

HB 360 by Strauss - Relating to venue in civil actions brought under the federal Employer's Liability Act or the Jones Act. Last Action: 2-01-2007 Referred to House Civil Practices

HB 375 by Anchia - Relating to the development of a state strategy for increasing the availability of low-emission automotive fuels for Texas drivers. Last Action: 4-11-2007 Sent to House Calendars Committee

HB 381 by Allen - Relating to the use of public junior colleges to provide training to state agency employees. Last Action: 4-17-2007 Sent to House Calendars Committee HB 383 by Bonnen - Relating to providing for a student who qualifies for automatic admission to an institution of higher education to maintain that status for transferring between institutions in certain circumstances. Last Action: 2-26-2007 Left pending in House Higher Education

HB 390 by Callegari - Relating to the eminent domain authority of The University of Texas System. Last Action: 2-01-2007 Referred to House Government Reform

HB 393 by Menendez - Relating to reporting of gifts to public officials; imposing a penalty.

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Last Action: 2-01-2007 Referred to House Elections

HB 396 by Cook - Relating to the development of a standard method of computing a student's high school grade point average. Last Action: 4-03-2007 Referred to Senate Education

HB 400 by Goolsby - Relating to the eligibility of a high school graduate for automatic admission to an institution of higher education. Last Action: 2-26-2007 Left pending in House Higher Education

HB 415 by Eissler - Relating to the automatic admission of undergraduate students to a general academic teaching institution that is a component institution of a university system. Last Action: 2-26-2007 Left pending in House Higher Education

HB 419 by McClendon - Relating to divestment by the Employees Retirement System of Texas and the Teacher Retirement System of Texas of certain investments related to the Republic of Sudan. Last Action: 2-01-2007 Referred to House Pensions and Investments

HB 447 by Callegari - Relating to contracts by governmental entities for construction projects and related professional services and to public works performance and payment bonds. Last Action: 6-15-2007 Vetoed by the Governor

HB 451 by Thompson - Relating to the minimum wage. Last Action: 2-21-2007 Left pending in House Economic Development

HB 459 by Miller - Relating to the removal, relocation, or alteration of certain monuments or memorials on state property. Last Action: 3-21-2007 Postponed until 7-04-2007

HB 467 by Pickett - Relating to an energy efficiency products pilot program. Last Action: 3-27-2007 Left pending in House Regulated Industries

HB 469 by Phillips - Relating to computation of the standard service annuity under the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. Last Action: 3-08-2007 Left pending in House Pensions and Investments

HB 471 by Solomons - Relating to the cost of obtaining copies of an injured employee's medical records for use by an ombudsman under the office of injured employee counsel's ombudsman program. Last Action: 3-06-2007 Left pending in House Business and Industry

HB 497 by Madden - Relating to resolution of disputes arising under certain construction contracts. Last Action: 5-19-2007 Senate State Affairs filed committee report HB 499 by Castro - Relating to the minimum height required for guardrails on bridges or overpasses. Last Action: 3-06-2007 Left pending in House Transportation

HB 500 by Castro - Relating to notice to certain public school high school seniors and their parents or guardians of automatic college admission. Last Action: 3-26-2007 Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 501 by Castro - Relating to a survey to monitor the postsecondary education plans of seniors at public high schools. Last Action: 2-05-2007 Referred to House Public Education

HB 506 by Bailey - Relating to the regulation of the practice of construction and program management for capital improvement projects of school districts. Last Action: 2-05-2007 Referred to House Licensing and Administrative Procedures

HB 510 by Farabee - Relating to health benefit plan coverage for certain mental disorders in children. Last Action: 4-30-2007 Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 511 by Farabee - Relating to the rights and liabilities of an employer with respect to the carrying of a concealed handgun. Last Action: 2-26-2007 Left pending in House Law Enforcement

HB 514 by Farabee - Relating to providing a discounted rate for electricity provided to school districts. Last Action: 2-22-2007 Left pending in House Regulated Industries

HB 533 by Dukes - Relating to a prescription drug retail price registry and disclosure of a list of prescription drug retail prices. Last Action: 2-06-2007 Referred to House Public Health

HB 537 by Thompson - Relating to research using human cells and tissues. Last Action: 4-13-2007 Left pending in House State Affairs

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HB 540 by Martinez Fischer - Relating to the creation of a hotline to report suspected incidents of impaired driving or dangerous driving. Last Action: 2-06-2007 Referred to House Law Enforcment

HB 543 by Strama - Relating to the eligibility of certain adjunct faculty members of public institutions of higher education to participate in a state group benefits program. Last Action: 2-06-2007 Referred to House Insurance

HB 544 by Strama - Relating to reduced tuition and fees for certain junior college district students who reside outside of the district. Last Action: 6-15-2007 Vetoed by Governor

HB 571 by Gonzales - Relating to retirement benefits for certain teachers. Last Action: 2-06-2007 Referred to House Pensions and Investments

HB 580 by Deshotel - Relating to the adoption of an alternative base period for computation of unemployment compensation benefits. Last Action: 3-21-2007 Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 581 by Aycock - Relating to the student enrollment required for Texas A&M University--Central Texas to operate as a general academic teaching institution. Last Action: 6-15-2007 Vetoed by Governor

HB 592 by Escobar - Relating to the amounts to be appropriated for the state contribution to the teacher retirement program for fiscal years 2008 and 2009. Last Action: 2-06-2007 Referred to House Appropriations.

HB 598 by Guillen - Relating to publishing notice of certain agreements with state agencies in the Texas Register. Last Action: 2-26-2007 Left pending in House Government Reform.

HB 601 by Thompson - Relating to the requirement that state agencies identify and address adverse human health and environmental effects on minority populations and low-income populations. Last Action: 4-24-2007 Left pending in House Government Reform.

HB 612 by Branch - Relating to participation by private or independent institutions of higher education in the tuition equalization grant program Last Action: 4-10-2007 Left pending in House Higher Education

HB 614 by Quintanilla - Relating to requiring a standard change interval for a yellow signal at intersections at which a municipality uses a photographic traffic monitoring system to enforce compliance with a traffic-control signal. Last Action: 5-18-2007 Left pending in Senate Transportation and Homeland Security

HB 623 by Chavez - Relating to the residency requirements for tuition and fee exemptions for certain military personnel and their dependents Last Action: 3-27-2007 Left pending in House Defense Affairs and State-Federal

HB 639 by Hughes - Relating to information included in legislative appropriations requests of state agencies and in the budgets submitted by the governor and the Legislative Budget Board. Last Action: 2-06-2007 Referred to House Appropriations

HB 640 by Hughes - Relating to the online posting of expenditures by state agencies. Last Action: 2-26-2007 Left pending in House Government Reform

HB 641 by Coleman - Relating to application of the minimum wage to certain governmental entities. Last Action: 4-12-2007 Sent to House Calendars Committee

HB 647 by McCall - Relating to the making and acceptance of political contributions by statewide officers and members of the legislature before and during a special session; providing a criminal penalty. Last Action: 5-18-2007 Senate State Affairs Committee

HB 656 by Coleman - Relating to health benefit plan coverage for an enrollee with certain mental disorders. Last Action: 2-06-2007 Referred to House Insurance

HB 659 by Coleman - Relating to coverage of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa as serious mental illnesses under certain group health benefit plans. Last Action: 2-06-2007 Referred to House Insurance

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HB 663 by Dukes - Relating to the performance of a private commercial contractor that provides a service of a state agency. Last Action: 3-12-2007 Left pending in House Government Reform

HB 664 by Dukes - Relating to the adequacy of health maintenance organization health care delivery networks and availability of preferred provider benefits; providing penalties. Last Action: 3-12-2007 House Insurance Substitute offered

HB 665 by Dukes - Relating to the sharing of client information among certain state agencies. Last Action: 3-12-2007 Left pending in House Government Reform

HB 667 by Van Arsdale - Relating to prohibiting the investment of state funds in certain private business entities doing business in Sudan. Last Action: 2-06-2007 Referred to House Pensions and Investments

HB 668 by Dukes - Relating to the office of inspector general. Last Action: 3-26-2007 Left pending in House Government Reform

HB 685 by Orr - Relating to the exemption of volunteer fire departments from certain motor fuel taxes. Last Action: 4-19-2007 Referred to Senate Finance

HB 695 by Villarreal - Relating to the effect of changes in high school enrollment on the eligibility of a graduating high school student for automatic admission to a general academic teaching institution. Last Action: 2-26-2007 Left pending in House Higher Education

HB 699 by Turner - Relating to the confidentiality of certain information involving real estate transactions of the School Land Board, Veterans' Land Board, General Land Office, or land commissioner. Last Action: 3-16-2007 Sent to House Calendars Committee

HB 706 by Thompson - Relating to equal access to places of public accommodation. Last Action: 4-04-2007 Left pending in House Civil Practices

HB 712 by Noriega - Relating to the residency requirements for tuition and fee exemptions for certain military personnel and their dependents. Last Action: 4-11-2007 Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 722 by Burnam - Relating to the establishment of a global warming task force Last Action: 3-08-2007 Left pending in House Energy Resources

HB 734 by Chisum - Relating to contingent payment clauses in certain construction contracts. Last Action: 3-27-2007 SB 324 considered in lieu of HB 734.

HB 752 by Dutton - Relating to the right of an employee to time off from work to participate in certain school activities of the employee's child. Last Action: 2-20-2007 Left pending in House Business and Industry

HB 753 by Dutton - Relating to the right of an employee to time off from work to meet with certain persons affecting the education of the employee's child. Last Action: 2-20-2007 Left pending in House Business and Industry

HB 754 by Dutton - Relating to payment of wages to certain employees who miss work to perform jury duty; providing a criminal penalty. Last Action: 4-12-2007 Sent to House Calendars Committee

HB 756 by Dutton - Relating to the Commission for Affordable and Accessible Health Benefit Plan Coverage. Last Action: 4-24-2007 Left pending in House Government Reform

HB 756 by Dutton - Relating to exempting certain general academic teaching institutions from the requirement that certain high school graduates be granted automatic admission. Last Action: 2-26-2007 Left pending in House Higher Ed

HB 795 by Dutton - Relating to an exemption from or refund of tuition and fees for lower-division students enrolled in a general academic teaching institution who maintain a high grade-point average. Last Action: 2-07-2007 Referred to House Higher Ed

HB 796 by Dutton - Relating to property purchased or leased by a charter school using funds other than state funds. Last Action: 2-07-2007 Referred to House Public Education

HB 811 by Dutton - Relating to governmental liability. Last Action: 4-11-2007 Removed from the agenda

HB 813 by Dutton - Relating to discovery procedures for a claim against a governmental entity under the Texas Tort Claims Act.

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Last Action: 4-25-2007 Left pending in House Civil Practices

HB 826 by Anchia - Relating to the use of motion sensor technology in certain state buildings, public school facilities, and higher education facilities. Last Action: 3-05-2007 Left pending in House Government Reform

HB 827 by Anchia - Relating to the purchase of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles by state agencies. Last Action: 4-30-2007 Left pending in House Government Reform

HB 834 by Dutton - Relating to limiting the tuition rates that certain public institutions of higher education may charge to resident students. Last Action: 2-07-2007 Referred to House Higher Education

HB 836 by Davis - Relating to excepting the birth date of a governmental official or employee and certain other information that could be used for the purpose of identity theft from required disclosure under the public information law. Last Action: 2-07-2007 Referred to House State Affairs

HB 841 by Raymond - Relating to leave for junior college district or university system employees who are physically assaulted while on duty. Last Action: 3-26-2007 Left pending in House Higher Ed

HB 894 by Raymond - Relating to faculty compensation policies at institutions of higher education. Last Action: 2-08-2007 Referred to House Higher Ed

HB 897 by McClendon - Relating to tuition and fee exemptions for certain military personnel and their dependents. Last Action: 4-11-2007 Sent to House Calendars Committee

HB 900 by Villarreal - Relating to the prohibition of certain discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity or expression. Last Action: 4-07-2007 Left pending in House Government Reform

HB 908 by Zedler - Relating to requiring governmental entities and contractors with governmental entities to verify employee information through the federal work authorization program. Last Action: 2-08-2007 Referred to House Government Reform

HB 919 by Eissler - Relating to coverage for certain mental disorders in children under a health coverage plan established by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas under the Texas School Employees Uniform Group Health Coverage Act. Last Action: 3-05-2007 Left pending in House Insurance

HB 936 by Burman - Relating to the minimum wage. Last Action: 2-21-2007 Left pending in House Economic Development

HB 939 by Naishtat - Relating to the creation of the individual development account program to provide savings incentives and opportunities to eligible low-income individuals and households. Last Action: 4-10-2007 Sent to House Calendars Committee

HB 956 by Hochbery - Relating to reducing the cost of college textbooks; providing a penalty. Last Action: 4-17-2007 Sent to House Calendars Committee

HB 960 by Herrero - Relating to a policy regulating the use of the textbooks required for certain courses offered by public institutions of higher education. Last Action: 3-12-2007 Left pending in House Higher Education

HB 962 by Krusee - Relating to the rate of the state gasoline and diesel fuel taxes. Last Action: 2-28-2007 Left pending in House Ways and Means

HB 970 by Christian - Relating to the adoption of state agency rules that impose certain costs on local governments or persons. Last Action: 5-02-2007 Sent to House Calendars Committee

HB 982 by Corte - Relating to disclosure of certain information related to the exercise of the power of eminent domain. Last Action: 4-27-2007 Sent to House Calendars Committee

HB 992 by Rose - Relating to certain rights and liabilities of an employer regarding an employee's access to a concealed handgun. Last Action: 3-26-2007 Sent to House Calendars Committee

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HB 999 by Anchia - Relating to the adoption of energy efficiency and conservation standards for the design, construction, and renovation of public school instructional facilities. Last Action: 3-08-2007 Left pending in House Energy Resources

HB 1002 by Giddings - Relating to intensive preparation academies to prepare public school students to take a state exit-level assessment instrument. Last Action: 4-10-2007 Left pending in House Public Education

HB 1004 by Giddings - Relating to the right of an injured employee to time off from work for treatment of a compensable injury; providing an administrative penalty. Last Action: 3-20-2007 Left pending in House Business and Industry

HB 1007 by Van Arsdale - Relating to an electronic database of grant assistance provided by state agencies. Last Action: 2-26-2007 Left pending in House Government Reform

HB 1021 by Leibowitz - Relating to ensuring that at least 75 percent of dedicated revenues are spent for the purpose of the dedication. Last Action: 2-12-2007 Referred to House Appropriations

HB 1037 by Farabee - Relating to certain rights and liabilities of an employer regarding an employee's access to a firearm. Last Action: 2-26-2007 Left pending in House Law Enforcement

HB 1056 by Truitt - Relating to creation of a minimum data set for the collection of information on health professionals by the statewide health coordinating council. Last Action: 4-24-2007 Referred to Senate Health and Human Services

HB 1069 by Zedler - Relating to required disclosures to health benefit plan enrollees regarding professional services provided by certain non-network health care providers; providing penalties. Last Action: 3-19-2007 Left pending in House Insurance

HB 1073 by Gonzales - Relating to ethics training for legislators and certain other state officers and employees. Last Action: 2-12-2007 Referred to House Elections

HB 1078 by Rose - Relating to working papers and electronic communications of State Office of Administrative Hearings administrative law judges. Last Action: 3-15-2007 Sent to House Local/Consent Calendar

HB 1088 by Swinford - Relating to the definition of "biodiesel" as a component of motor fuel. Last Action: 2-12-2007 Referred to House Agriculture and Livestock

HB 1089 by Raymond - Relating to civil actions against persons who file complaints with governmental agencies or quasi-governmental entities. Last Action: 4-20-2007 Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 1099 by Lucio - Relating to the establishment of a school of law at The University of Texas at Brownsville. Last Action: 4-23-2007 Left pending in House Higher Ed HB 1104 by Paxton - Relating to the duration of judgment liens in favor of the state. Last Action: 4-03-2007 Laid on the table

HB 1105 by McClendon - Relating to the state contribution to the Teacher Retirement System of Texas, including an adjustment to the standard service retirement annuity. Last Action: 4-19-2007 Referred to Senate State Affairs

HB 1106 by Lucio - Relating to considering ownership interests of disabled veterans and recipients of the Purple Heart in determining whether a business is a historically underutilized business for purposes of state contracting. Last Action: 4-20-2007 Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 1128 by Coleman - Relating to coverage of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa as serious mental illnesses under certain group health benefit plans. Last Action: 3-27-2007 Left pending in House Insurance

HB 1130 by Leibowitz - Relating to civil actions against persons who file complaints with governmental agencies. Last Action: 2-28-2007 Left pending in House Civil Practices

HB 1135 by Farabee - Relating to certain incentives offered in relation to an accident and health insurance policy for participation in health promotion or disease prevention programs. Last Action: 2-12-2007 Referred to House Insurance

HB 1151 by Eiland - Relating to the responsibility of The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston to provide health care services to certain residents. Last Action: 2-12-2007 Referred to House Public Health HB 1152 by Eiland - Relating to enforcement of certain insurance provisions in and related to construction contracts.

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Last Action: 3-07-2007 Left pending in House Civil Practices

HB 1153 by Eiland - Relating to indigent health care. Last Action: 3-26-2007 Removed from agenda.

HB 1163 by Gallego - Relating to tuition and fee exemptions at public institutions of higher education for the spouses of certain military personnel. Last Action: 3-27-2007 Left pending in House State Affairs and State-Federal Relations

HB 1169 by Coleman - Relating to health benefit plan coverage for certain physical injuries that are self-inflicted by a minor. Last Action: 3-27-2007 Left pending in House Insurance

HB 1173 by Coleman - Relating to authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds or other obligations to fund capital projects at public institutions of higher education; making an appropriation. Last Action: 3-19-2007 Left pending in House Higher Ed

HB 1182 by Davis - Relating to the provision of a preference in certain governmental purchasing decision for vendors or contractors that provide health care benefits to employees. Last Action: 4-10-2007 Sent to House Calendars Committee

HB 1185 by Morrison - Relating to the sale of facilities of public institutions of higher education to real estate investment trusts. Last Action: 3-26-2007 Left pending in House Higher Ed

HB 1186 by Morrison - Relating to the automatic admission of undergraduate students to general academic teaching institutions. Last Action: 4-25-2007 Sent to House Calendars Committee

HB 1205 by Keffer - Relating to the prohibition of certain employment discrimination regarding an employee who is a volunteer emergency responder. Last Action: 6-15-2007 Vetoed by the Governor

HB 1208 by Keffer - Relating to the submission of uniform financial reports. Last Action: 2-13-2007 Referred to House Government Reform

HB 1213 by Pitts - Relating to mutual assistance agreements entered into by certain municipalities and private institutions of higher education for the purpose of enforcing state law and to additional powers, privileges, and immunities of peace officers employed by private institutions of higher education. Last Action: 5-17-2007 Left pending in Senate Education

HB 1224 by Davis - Relating to health benefit plan coverage for enrollees with autism spectrum disorder. Last Action: 5-10-2007 Set on House Floor Calendar for 5/10/2007

HB 1227 by Smithee - Relating to the regulation of health benefit plan issuers and dissemination of information to patients, physicians, and other providers. Last Action: 4-17-2007 Left pending in House Insurance

HB 1233 by Branch - Relating to the establishment of a law school in the city of Dallas by the University of North Texas System. Last Action: 4-23-2007 Left pending in House Higher Ed

HB 1238 by Noriega - Relating to the operation of a student health center at an institution of higher education. Last Action: 5-08-2007 Referred to Senate Subcommittee on Higher Ed

HB 1247 by Taylor - Relating to workers' compensation subclaims. Last Action: 2-13-2007 Referred to House Business and Industry

HB 1249 by Villarreal - Relating to the eligibility of certain transfer students for a TEXAS grant. Last Action: 4-30-2007 Left pending in House Higher Ed.

HB 1255 by Isett - Relating to the discontinuation of the Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund Last Action: 2-20-2007 Left pending in House Regulated Industries.

HB 1259 by Martinez - Relating to a cost of living increase applicable to benefits paid by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. Last Action: 3-15-2007 Left pending in House Pensions and Investments.

HB 1262 by Martinez - Relating to civil liability for the breach of security of certain computerized data containing sensitive personal information. Last Action: 2-14-2007 Left pending in House Business and Industry.

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HB 1285 by Zedler - Relating to accreditation requirements for certain workers' compensation insurers and self- insurers. Last Action: 5-11-2007 House failed passage to engrossment

HB 1291 by Hochberg - Relating to the clean school bus program. Last Action: 4-10-2007 Left pending in House Environmental Regulation

HB 1299 by Strama - Relating to governmental liability for a violation of the federal Americans with Disabilities Act. Last Action: 3-23-2007 Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 1300 by Strama - Relating to allowing certain military personnel to receive certain federal and state higher education benefits concurrently. Last Action: 3-27-2007 Left pending in House Defense Affairs and State-Federal

HB 1301 by Zedler - Relating to the appointment of an attorney for a workers' compensation claimant in certain judicial review proceedings initiated by a workers' compensation insurance carrier. Last Action: 2-14-2007 Referred to House Business and Industry

HB 1306 by Taylor - Relating to workers' compensation subclaims. Last Action: 4-05-2007 House Business and Industry substitute offered

HB 1315 by Bailey - Relating to the qualifications of a person in the chain of command over fire protection personnel. Last Action: 4-23-2007 Re-referred to House Urban Affairs

HB 1328 by Smith - Relating to political contributions and expenditures; providing a criminal penalty. Last Action: 2-14-2007 Referred to House Elections

HB 1335 by Bohac - Relating to the Texas emissions reduction plan, including the motor vehicle purchase or lease incentive program under the plan Last Action: 4-10-2007 Left pending in House Environment Regulation

HB 1339 by Menendez - Relating to the eligibility for education benefits of surviving minor children of certain public employees killed in the line of duty. Last Action: 4-12-2007 Not heard in House Pensions and Investments

HB 1348 by Thompson - Relating to the discontinuation of the Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund Last Action: 2-20-2007 Left pending in House Regulated Industries

HB 1349 by Burnam - Relating to a prohibition against institutions of higher education entering into certain contracts regarding the development or production of nuclear weapons. Last Action: 4-16-2007 Left pending in House Higher Education

HB 1358 by Gattis - Relating to the definition of private or independent institution of higher education applicable to certain statutes. Last Action: 5-14-2007 Referred to Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

HB 1363 by McReynolds - Relating to a risk assessment program for Type 2 diabetes and the creation of the Type 2 Diabetes Risk Assessment Program Advisory Committee. Last Action: 2-19-2007 Referred to House Public Health

HB 1367 by Madden - Relating to access to the criminal history record information of students, prospective students, and prospective employees by certain public or private postsecondary educational institutions. Last Action: 4-23-2007 Left pending in House Higher Education

HB 1375 by Peña - Relating to making an appropriation to The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio for the purpose of supporting the Regional Academic Health Center. Last Action: 2-19-2007 Referred to House Appropriations

HB 1378 by Smith - Relating to the creation and administration of the public school mathematics and science teachers undergraduate education scholarship program. Last Action: 4-16-2007 Left pending in House Higher Education

HB 1392 by Turner - Relating to the right of an employee who is a parent of a child enrolled in a special education program to time off from work to meet with certain persons affecting the education of the child. Last Action: 4-17-2007 Referred to Senate Business and Commerce

HB 1395 by Guillen - Relating to the state contribution to the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. Last Action: 2-19-2007 Referred to House Pensions and Investments

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HB 1405 by Flores - Relating to the operation of video lottery games for this state to provide additional money to fund governmental programs; the creation, powers, and duties of the Texas Gaming and Boxing Commission; the powers and duties of the Texas Lottery Commission, the Texas Racing Commission, and the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation, and the regulation of gambling activities in this state; making an appropriation; providing penalties. Last Action: 2-19-2007 Referred to House Licensing and Administrative Procedures

HB 1409 by Cook - Relating to the procedure for the initiation of and the award of certain costs in eminent domain proceedings. Last Action: 2-28-2007 Left pending in House Land and Resource Management

HB 1410 by Keffer - Relating to the discontinuation of the Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund Last Action: 2-19-2007 Referred to House Regulated Industries

HB 1427 by Alonzo - Relating to an optometry career program at the University of Houston. Last Action: 6-15-2007 Vetoed by the Governor

HB 1429 by Alonzo - Relating to the coverage by certain health benefit plans of mammograms performed by certain health care providers. Last Action: 3-27-2007 Left pending in House Insurance

HB 1430 by Alonzo - Relating to the creation of the Bureau for Economic Development and Hispanic Studies. Last Action: 4-19-2007 Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 1431 by Alonzo - Relating to the establishment of the Sustainable Water Supply Research Center at The University of Texas at Arlington. Last Action: 5-15-2007 Referred to Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

HB 1434 by Rose - Relating to exempting books purchased by university and college students from the sales tax for a limited period. Last Action: 3-12-2007 Left pending in House Higher Education

HB 1436 by Rose - Relating to health benefit plan coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders. Last Action: 3-12-2007 Left pending in House Insurance

HB 1437 by Coleman - Relating to health benefit plan coverage for acute or chronic medical conditions. Last Action: 3-27-2007 Left pending in House Insurance

HB 1438 by Oliveira - Relating to health benefit plan coverage for certain tests for the early detection of cardiovascular disease. Last Action: 4-25-2007 Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 1444 by Guillen - Relating to an increase applicable to benefits paid by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. Last Action: 2-19-2007 Referred to House Pensions and Investments

HB 1445 by Noriega - Relating to an exemption from tuition and mandatory fees for certain members of the Texas National Guard. Last Action: 3-27-2007 Left pending in House Defense Affairs and State/Federal

HB 1464 by Zedler - Relating to peer reviews of health care services performed under the workers' compensation system. Last Action: 2-20-2007 Referred to House Business and Industry

HB 1465 by Zedler - Relating to the payment of benefits under an interlocutory order under the workers' compensation system Last Action: 2-20-2007 Referred to House Business and Industry

HB 1467 by Deshotel - Relating to reservations of the state ceiling and priority carryforward classifications for certain projects under the private activity bond allocation program. Last Action: 5-23-2007 Removed from Senate Local/Consent calendar

HB 1477 by Turner - Relating to reimbursement under preferred provider benefit plans for services provided by licensed podiatrists. Last Action: 4-17-2007 Left pending in House Insurance

HB 1486 by Naishtat - Relating to the establishment of the stem cell research program. Last Action: 4-13-2007 Left pending in House State Affairs

HB 1489 by Woolley - Relating to the use of certain surplus revenue in the unemployment compensation fund. Last Action: 4-19-2007 Laid on the table

HB 1520 by Coleman - Relating to student fees at Texas Southern University. Last Action: 4-16-2007 Left pending in House Higher Education

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HB 1533 by Homer - Relating to a ban on human cloning; providing penalties. Last Action: 4-13-2007 Left pending in House State Affairs

HB 1536 by Homer - Relating to job order contracts entered into by school districts, public institutions of higher education, navigation districts, and certain other governmental entities. Last Action: 3-05-2007 Left pending in House Government Reform

HB 1556 by Pickett - Relating to the management of certain public land. Last Action: 5-08-2007 Postponed until 05/29/2007

HB 1568 by Goolsby - Relating to the selection by certain governmental entities of providers of landscape architectural services. Last Action: 3-26-2007 Not heard in House Government Reform

HB 1580 by Thompson - Relating to excepting dates of birth of employees of governmental bodies from required disclosure under the public information law. Last Action: 2-22-2007 Referred to House State Affairs

HB 1600 by Thompson - Relating to a study concerning maximum lifetime benefit limits under health benefit plan coverage applicable to hemophilia-related services, supplies, pharmaceuticals, and biologics. Last Action: 4-12-2007 Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 1604 by Zedler - Relating to the identification information required of applicants for a driver's license or for certain public benefits, public services, or governmental employment. Last Action: 5-01-2007 Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 1613 by Gattis - Relating to the delivery of prescription drugs for certain state health plans by mail order; providing an administrative penalty. Last Action: 5-23-2007 Set on Senate Intent calendar for 05/23/2007

HB 1635 by Dukes - Relating to agreements for the automatic admission to public institutions of higher education of certain undergraduate transfer students and to reports by those institutions of information relating to the transfer students. Last Action: 2-22-2007 Referred to House Higher Education

HB 1650 by Leibowitz - Relating to a fixed tuition rate provided by general academic teaching institutions and public lower-division institutions of higher education to certain undergraduate students. Last Action: 2-26-2007 Referred to House Higher Education

HB 1664 by Zedler - Relating to the designated doctor's examination under the workers' compensation system. Last Action: 2-26-2007 Referred to House Business and Industry

HB 1668 by Aycock - Relating to the issuance of revenue bonds to fund facilities at Texas A&M University--Central Texas. Last Action: 4-26-2007 Referred to Senate Finance

HB 1685 by McClendon - Relating to exemptions from employer contributions for certain employed retirees under the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. Last Action: 2-26-2007 Referred to House Pensions and Investments

HB 1690 by Bailey Relating to the provision of a preference in certain state and school district construction contracts for contractors that provide health benefits to employees. Last Action: 2-26-2007 Referred to House Government Reform

HB 1702 by Howard - Relating to restrictions on the automatic renewal of contracts. Last Action: 5-10-2007 Set on House floor calendar for 05/10/2007

HB 1713 by Allen - Relating to benefits paid by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. Last Action: 2-26-2007 Referred to House Pensions and Investments

HB 1729 by Leibowitz - Relating to exempting textbooks for university and college courses from the sales tax. Last Action: 2-26-2007 Referred to House Ways and Means

HB 1730 by Leibowitz - Relating to the enforceability of certain contracts between an employer who does not have workers' compensation coverage and an employee of the employer. Last Action: 4-17-2007 Left pending in House Business and Industry

HB 1731 by Leibowitz - Relating to reporting requirements for employers not covered by workers' compensation insurance. Last Action: 2-26-2007 Referred to House Business and Industry

HB 1740 by Cohen - Relating to the requirements for preconstruction permit renewals.

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Last Action: 2-26-2007 Referred to House Environmental Regulation

HB 1746 by Giddings - Relating to the establishment of a school of pharmacy in the city of Dallas by the University of North Texas System. Last Action: 4-30-2007 Left pending in House Higher Ed

HB 1757 by Hughes - Relating to the obstruction of emergency vehicles at railroad crossings. Last Action: 5-15-2007 Referred to Senate Transportation and Homeland Security

HB 1782 by Howard - Relating to the applicability of across-the-board salary increases to employees of institutions of higher education. Last Action: 4-30-2007 Left pending in House Higher Ed

HB 1783 by Howard - Relating to the marketing of credit cards to students at a postsecondary institution and to certain young persons; providing a civil penalty. Last Action: 5-01-2007 Left pending in House Business and Industry

HB 1794 by Veasey - Relating to an open document format for electronic state documents. Last Action: 3-26-2007 Left pending in House Government Reform

HB 1796 by Hochberg - Relating to the refund of tuition and fees at institutions of higher education. Last Action: 2-26-2007 Referred to House Higher Ed

HB 1829 by Raymond - Relating to prohibiting human cloning and other uses of human tissue by institutions of higher education; providing penalties. Last Action: 4-13-2007 Left pending in House State Affairs

HB 1843 by Allen - Relating to the authority of a school district to implement a monitoring system that records images of vehicles that pass a stopped school bus; providing for the imposition of civil penalties. Last Action: 2-27-2007 Referred to House Public Education

HB 1858 by Murphy - Relating to the computation of public high school grade point averages. Last Action: 2-27-2007 Referred to House Public Education

HB 1870 by Delisi - Relating to authorizing certain state elected officials to conduct a marriage ceremony. Last Action: 4-25-2007 Left pending in House Juvenile Justice and Family Issues

HB 1877 by Delisi - Relating to authorizing certain state elected officials to conduct a marriage ceremony. Last Action: 4-25-2007 Left pending in House Juvenile Justice and Family Issues

HB 1878 by Olivo - Relating to longevity pay for certain campus peace officers employed by a state institution of higher education or public technical institute. Last Action: 4-23-2007 Not heard in House Higher Ed

HB 1880 by Kolkhorst - Relating to restrictions on investments by certain public retirement systems of this state. Last Action: 4-19-2007 Left pending in House Pensions and Investments

HB 1890 by Raymond - Relating to exempting books purchased by university and college students from the sales tax for a limited period. Last Action: 2-27-2007 Referred to House Ways and Means

HB 1894 by Howard - Relating to the use of money from the permanent fund for health-related programs to provide grants to nursing education programs. Last Action: 4-16-2007 Left pending in House Appropriations Subcommittee on Higher Education

HB 1905 by Smith - Relating to provision of health care services by health maintenance organizations and preferred provider benefit plans. Last Action: 3-19-2007 Left pending in House Insurance

HB 1911 by Elkins - Relating to workers' compensation fee guidelines. Last Action: 4-25-2007 Re-referred to House Business and Industry

HB 1914 by Eiland - Relating to certain information reporting requirements regarding workers' compensation claims. Last Action: 4-17-2007 Not heard in House Insurance

HB 1916 by Gonzales - Relating to requiring all public institutions of higher education to use the common course numbering system. Last Action: 2-28-2007 Referred to House Higher Education

HB 1940 by Zedler - Relating to the resolution of certain medical disputes regarding workers' compensation claims. Last Action: 3-20-2007 Left pending in House Business and Industry HB 1957 by Ortiz - Relating to benefits under certain health benefit plans for prenatal care, birth of a child, and postdelivery care.

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Last Action: 3-27-2007 Left pending in House Insurance

HB 1963 by Solomons - Relating to rules and policies adopted by state agencies regarding engineering or architectural errors or omissions. Last Action: 3-26-2007 Left pending in House Government Reform

HB 1970 by Zedler - Relating to workers' compensation fee guidelines and payment adjustment factors used in conjunction with those guidelines for certain health care services. Last Action: 4-11-2007 Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 1974 by Miller - Relating to the regulation of pharmacy benefit managers; providing administrative and criminal penalties. Last Action: 4-13-2007 Removed from agenda

HB 1982 by Latham - Relating to the creation of the Public Education Management Institute of Texas. Last Action: 4-25-2007 Left pending in House Public Education

HB 1986 by Coleman - Relating to health benefit plan coverage for an enrollee with certain mental disorders. Last Action: 3-27-2007 Left pending in House Insurance

HB 2006 by Woolley - Relating to the use of eminent domain authority. Last Action: 6-15-2007 Vetoed by the Governor

HB 2009 by Rose - Relating to the sale of instructional materials to students of institutions of higher education. Last Action: 3-12-2007 Left pending in House Higher Ed

HB 2011 by Rose - Relating to health benefit plan coverage for a hospital stay following mastectomy and certain related procedures. Last Action: 3-27-2007 Left pending in House Insurance

HB 2014 by Smithee - Relating to the operation and regulation of certain consolidated insurance programs. Last Action: 4-25-2007 Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 2016 by Smithee - Relating to requirements for certain contracts with physicians and health care providers. Last Action: 4-17-2007 Left pending in House Insurance

HB 2031 by Giddings - Relating to the student enrollment required for the issuance of certain revenue bonds for facilities at the University of North Texas Dallas Campus. Last Action: 5-10-2007 Set on House floor calendar for 05/10/2007

HB 2039 by Callegari - Relating to the collection of certain data for the Texas Natural Resources Information System and the duties of the Texas Geographic Information Council. Last Action: 5-2-2007 Laid on the table

HB 2046 by Phillips - Relating to monthly benefits for certain retirees of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas who return to work. Last Action: 5-14-2007 Left pending in Senate Intergovernmental Relations

HB 2055 by Cook - Relating to a tuition and fee exemption available to the dependents of certain military personnel. Last Action: 3-27-2007 Left pending in House Defense Affairs and State-Federal

HB 2059 by Miles - Relating to the right of an employee to time off from work if the employee, or a family or household member of the employee, is a victim of family violence or a violent felony offense. Last Action: 4-11-2007 Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 2097 by Bailey - Relating to the eligibility for unemployment compensation benefits of certain individuals who perform services for educational institutions. Last Action: 3-05-2007 Referred to House Economic Development

HB 2102 by Kolkhorst - Relating to the abolishment of the Office of State-Federal Relations as an independent agency and the transfer of the duties and functions of that agency to the office of the governor. Last Action: 3-13-2007 Left pending in House Defense Affairs and State-Federal

HB 2103 by Kolkhorst - Relating to a pilot program to award scholarships to certain correctional officers enrolled at Sam Houston State University. Last Action: 6-15-2007 Vetoed by the Governor

HB 2107 by Chavez - Relating to the establishment of debt management policies and guidelines by the Bond Review Board. Last Action: 4-16-2007 Not heard in House Financial Institutions

HB 2116 by Parker - Relating to health benefit plan coverage for home defibrillators. Last Action: 3-06-2007 Referred to House Public Health

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HB 2121 by Kolkhorst - Relating to the amount of hazardous duty pay for certain state employees. Last Action: 4-17-2007 Left pending in House Appropriations Subcommittee on Criminal Justice

HB 2128 by Murphy - Relating to sexual abuse and child molestation prevention training for certain public or private institutions of higher education employees and volunteers who work at programs for minors. Last Action: 5-07-2007 Referred to Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

HB 2141 by Rose - Relating to student members of the board of regents of a state university or state university system. Last Action: 4-23-2007 Left pending in House Higher Ed

HB 2153 by McClendon - Relating to the right of an employee to time off from work to participate in certain school- related activities of the employee's child. Last Action: 5-10-2007 Set on House floor calendar for 05/10/2007

HB 2161 by Villarreal - Relating to the authority to approve schools of nursing. Last Action: 4-16-2007 Left pending in House Higher Ed

HB 2172 by Ritter - Relating to the acceptance of political contributions by candidates for and holders of state executive and legislative offices and by specific-purpose committees related to those candidates and officeholders and to the reporting of political contributions and expenditures by those candidates, officeholders, and committees and by general- purpose committees; providing a criminal penalty. Last Action: 3-06-2007 Referred to House Elections

HB 2186 by Woolley - Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of property owned by certain nonprofit corporations that provide chilled water and steam to certain health-related institutions of this state. Last Action: 5-10-2007 Laid on the table

HB 2199 by Taylor - Relating to payment of physicians and health care providers for care provided to persons covered by certain health benefit plans. Last Action: 3-19-2007 Left pending in House Insurance

HB 2208 by Gallego - Relating to the acquisition by the Parks and Wildlife Department of certain real property in Brewster County owned by the permanent school fund. Last Action: 4-18-2007 Left pending in House Land and Resource Management

HB 2213 by Vo - Relating to the use and disclosure of social security numbers by institutions of higher education. Last Action: 3-07-2007 Referred to House Higher Ed

HB 2217 by Vo - Relating to grants for higher education and workforce readiness programs in public schools. Last Action: 5-14-2007 Referred to Senate Education

HB 2225 by Giddings - Relating to student representation on the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and certain coordinating board advisory committees. Last Action: 5-23-2007 Removed from Senate Local/Consent calendar

HB 2233 by Corte - Relating to information technology security practices of state agencies. Last Action: 5-23-2007 Set on Senate Intent calendar for 05/23/2007

HB 2247 by Van Arsdale - Relating to the cancellation of the voter registration of persons who are deceased or not citizens of the United States. Last Action: 5-18-2007 Not heard in Senate State Affairs

HB 2262 by Eiland - Relating to indemnification provisions in construction contracts. Last Action: 4-25-07 Left pending in House Civil Practices

HB 2273 by Rodriguez - Relating to tuition and fee exemptions for certain military personnel and their family members. Last Action: 3-27-07 Left pending in House Defense Affairs and State-Federal

HB 2275 by Davis - Relating to parental access to information concerning a child's coverage under a health benefit plan or status under certain state-funded health care programs. Last Action: 3-07-07 Referred to House Public Health

HB 2276 by Chisum - Relating to financing tools for certain obligations for public improvements. Last Action: 4-24-07 Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 2279 by Strama - Relating to the use of energy-efficient light bulbs in certain state buildings, public school facilities, and higher education facilities. Last Action: 4-10-07 Sent to House Calendars committee HB 2284 by Naishtat - Relating to an energy-efficient building accreditation program. Last Action: 4-10-07 Sent to House Calendars committee

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HB 2289 by West - Relating to retirement and health insurance benefits of school district peace officers under the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. Last Action: 4-12-07 Left pending in House Pensions and Investments

HB 2290 by Christian - Relating to procedures to help ensure that certain state agency actions are consistent with the meaning and intent of applicable legislative enactments. Last Action: 5-03-07 Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 2298 by Leibowitz - Relating to prohibiting discrimination against certain employees who sustain an injury in the course and scope of employment. Last Action: 4-25-07 Left pending in House Business and Industry

HB 2299 by Paxton - Relating to equipment used for irrigation systems. Last Action: 5-07-07 Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 2305 by Talton - Relating to the availability under the public information law of certain documents filed with a county clerk or a district clerk. Last Action: 3-27-07 Left pending in House Business and Industry

HB 2314 by Rose - Relating to the confidentiality of certain communications involving an ombudsman program established by an employer as an alternative dispute resolution service. Last Action: 3-08-07 Referred to House Civil Practices

HB 2329 by Smith - Relating to the creation of consumer report cards for the comparison of health care plans. Last Action: 5-10-07 Set on House floor calendar for 05/10/2007

HB 2331 by Parker - Relating to the repeal of public prevailing wage rate laws. Last Action: 3-28-07 Left pending in House Economic Development

HB 2339 by Bonnen - Relating to authorizing certain public junior colleges to offer baccalaureate degree programs. Last Action: 3-26-07 Left pending in House Higher Ed

HB 2343 by Martinez - Relating to providing a discounted rate for electricity provided to certain school districts. Last Action: 3-08-07 Referred to House Regulated Industries

HB 2369 by Morrison - Relating to a study of developmental education provided by public institutions of higher education. Last Action: 3-08-07 Referred to House Higher Education

HB 2372 by Morrison - Relating to the computation of a student's high school grade point average Last Action: 5-08-07 Set on House floor calendar for 05/10/2007

HB 2373 by Morrison - Relating to the purchasing and contracting practices of junior college districts; providing criminal penalties. Last Action: 3-08-07 Referred to House Higher Education

HB 2374 by Goolsby - Relating to the attendance by a quorum of a governmental body at certain events under the open meetings law. Last Action: 5-09-07 Laid on the table

HB 2376 by Gattis - Relating to the investment authority of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. Last Action: 5-03-07 Laid on the table

HB 2382 by Coleman - Relating to the rates of tuition charged to students of institutions of higher education. Last Action: 3-08-07 Referred to House Higher Education

HB 2386 by Lucio - Relating to establishing a health science center and medical school in the Rio Grande Valley. Last Action: 3-08-07 Referred to House Higher Education

HB 2405 by Hardcastle - Relating to paying the costs incurred by a state agency that is deployed by the governor to respond to a natural disaster or other emergency. Last Action: 5-08-07 Referred to Senate Transportation and Homeland Security

HB 2413 by King - Relating to student loan repayment assistance for speech-language pathologists employed by a public school. Last Action: 3-12-07 Referred to House Public Education

HB 2416 by Swinford - Relating to the use of eminent domain for highway or other transportation purposes. Last Action: 3-12-07 Referred to House Land and Resource Management

HB 2421 by Keffer - Relating to funding of the emergency services retirement trust fund and the statewide wildfire protection plan. Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to House Pensions and Investments

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HB 2422 by Leibowitz - Relating to the accessibility of emergency crossovers on a state highway toll project. Last Action: 5-16-07 Not heard in Senate Transportation and Homeland Security

HB 2430 by Farrar - Relating to a discount on workers' compensation insurance premiums for employers who elect to implement substance abuse testing of employees. Last Action: 4-20-07 Left pending in House Business and Industry

HB 2443 by Callegari - Relating to the operation, organization, and management of governmental entities, including the repeal of certain obsolete laws. Last Action: 5-01-07 Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 2464 by Parker - Relating to the calculation of certain deadlines under the public information law. Last Action: 3-12-07 Referred to House State Affairs

HB 2465 by Parker - Relating to special notice to the news media of the meeting of a governmental body in certain situations under the open meetings law. Last Action: 3-12-07 Referred to House State Affairs

HB 2373 by Homer - Relating to monthly benefits for certain retirees of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas who return to work. Last Action: 3-12-07 Referred to House Pensions and Investments

HB 2488 by Bohac - Relating to exempting textbooks for university and college courses from the sales tax. Last Action: 3-12-07 Referred to House Ways and Means

HB 2515 by McClendon - Relating to the continuation and functions of the State Office of Risk Management. Last Action: 3-27-07 Left pending in House Business and Industry

HB 2517 by Davis - Relating to damages for certain harassment by an employer. Last Action: 3-13-07 Referred to House Economic Development

HB 2519 by Davis - Relating to transition-to-work benefits under the workers' compensation system for certain employees who have incurred a compensable injury. Last Action: 3-13-07 Referred to House Business and Industry

HB 2550 by Smith - Relating to authorized investments in securities or property for foreign companies Last Action: 5-04-07 Sent to House Local/Consent calendar

HB 2556 by Zerwas - Relating to authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds for Prairie View A&M University. Last Action: 3-13-07 Referred to House Higher Education

HB 2567 by Strauss - Relating to energy savings performance contracts. Last Action: 3-27-07 Left pending in House Regulated Industries

HB 2582 by Naishtat - Relating to prohibiting employer retaliation against certain employees who report abuse, neglect, or exploitation of an elderly or disabled person. Last Action: 3-13-07 Referred to House Human Services

HB 2597 by Homer - Relating to allowing state employees and employees of a public junior college to receive payment for a portion of accrued vacation or sick leave at a discounted rate. Last Action: 3-26-07 Left pending in House Higher Ed

HB 2604 by Miles - Relating to planning and administration of the state's historically underutilized business program Last Action: 4-18-07 Sent to House Local/Consent calendar

HB 2613 by Veasey - Relating to tuition and fees charged to employees of public institutions of higher education and a spouse, child, or dependent of those employees. Last Action: 3-13-07 Referred to House Higher Education

HB 2620 by Isett - Relating to state facility management and maintenance practices. Last Action: 5-10-07 Referred to Senate Government Organization

HB 2633 by Bolton - Relating to requiring a record vote by each house or committee of the legislature on bills, proposed constitutional amendments, amendments to bills and proposed constitutional amendments, and certain other actions and to public notice of the record vote. Last Action: 3-13-07 Referred to House State Affairs

HB 2635 by Chisum - Relating to directing payment, after approval, of certain miscellaneous claims and judgments against the state out of funds designated by this Act; making appropriations. Last Action: 3-13-07 Referred to House Appropriations

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HB 2650 by Rose - Relating to the creation and administration of the teacher, engineer, or professional nurse undergraduate education scholarship program. Last Action: 3-13-07 Referred to House Higher Education

HB 2658 by Giddings - Relating to the development of college preparatory mathematics and science courses for use in public high schools. Last Action: 4-10-07 Left pending in House Public Education

HB 2658 by Zerwas - Relating to coverage for bariatric surgical procedures under the Texas Employees Group Benefits Act. Last Action: 4-30-07 Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 2690 by Haggerty - Relating to false claims against the state and actions by private persons to prosecute those claims; providing a civil penalty. Last Action: 3-13-07 Referred to House Civil Practices

HB 2704 by Woolley - Relating to the regulation of the use of human cells and tissue, including a ban on human cloning; providing penalties. Last Action: 4-13-07 Left pending in House State Affairs

HB 2709 by Isett - Relating to the deposit of certain public funds with federally insured financial institutions. Last Action: 5-15-07 Referred to Senate Finance

HB 2713 by Bonnen - Relating to an interim study concerning the state's demand for electric generation capacity, the development of a long-term energy plan, and the effects on the environment of electric generating facilities. Last Action: 6-15-07 Vetoed by Governor

HB 2733 by Gattis - Relating to the creation of an office of state contract management at the Texas Building and Procurement Commission. Last Action: 5-18-07 Not heard in Senate Finance

HB 2753 by McClendon - Relating to public financing of the Employees Retirement System of Texas, including a cost- of-living adjustment. Last Action: 3-14-07 Referred to House Pensions and Investments

HB 2755 by Thompson - Relating to who is a dependent for the purposes of the Texas Employees Group Benefits Act. Last Action: 3-14-07 Referred to House Insurance

HB 2778 by Villarreal - Relating to increasing the number of transfer students at general academic teaching institutions. Last Action: 3-14-07 Referred to House Higher Ed

HB 2781 by Coleman - Relating to renaming the State Auditor the Texas Government Accountability Office, and the expansion of the powers and duties of that office, including the creation of an office of inspector general. Last Action: 3-26-07 Left pending in House Government Reform

HB 2786 by Paxton - Relating to the preparation of fiscal notes. Last Action: 5-08-07 Referred to Senate Finance

HB 2790 by Burnam - Relating to investments in environmental technologies by certain public retirement systems in this state. Last Action: 4-19-07 Not heard in House Pensions and Investments

HB 2801 by Garcia - Relating to requiring a record vote by each house or committee of the legislature on bills, proposed constitutional amendments, amendments to bills and proposed constitutional amendments, and certain other actions and to public notice of the record vote. Last Action: 3-14-07 Referred to House State Affairs

HB 2804 by Garcia - Relating to the rates of tuition charged to students of institutions of higher education. Last Action: 3-14-07 Referred to House Higher Ed

HB 2805 by Garcia - Relating to reopening enrollment in the prepaid higher education tuition program. Last Action: 3-14-07 Referred to House Higher Ed

HB 2828 by Taylor - Relating to the release of a motor vehicle accident report or certain information in a motor vehicle accident report, providing penalties. Last Action: 5-14-07 Referred to Senate Transporation and Homeland Security

HB 2842 by Herrero - Relating to the applicability of across-the-board salary increases to employees of institutions of higher education. Last Action: 3-14-07 Referred to House Higher Ed

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HB 2845 by McClendon - Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. Last Action: 5-08-07 Laid on the table

HB 2863 by Coleman - Relating to coverage for health care for Texans. Last Action: 3-28-07 Left pending in House Public Health

HB 2868 by Swinford - Relating to assessment of certain insurers to fund the volunteer fire department assistance fund. Last Action: 5-15-07 Referred to Senate Finance

HB 2871 by Turner - Relating to the creation and administration of the chemical dependency counselor undergraduate and graduate education scholarship program. Last Action: 3-14-07 Referred to House Higher Ed

HB 2880 by Homer - Relating to monthly benefits for certain retirees of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas who return to work. Last Action: 5-18-07 Not heard in Senate State Affairs

HB 2888 by Rodriguez - Relating to retirement benefits for law enforcement officers employed and commissioned by certain institutions of higher education. Last Action: 4-26-07 Left pending in House Pensions and Investments

HB 2920 by Miller - Relating to the use of a prescription drug formulary by a group health benefit plan. Last Action: 3-15-07 Referred to House Insurance

HB 2925 by Keffer - Relating to false claims against the state and actions by the state and private persons to prosecute those claims; providing a civil penalty. Last Action: 4-18-07 Left pending in House Civil Practices

HB 2965 by Vo - Relating to measures to reduce faculty substitutions of certain higher education textbooks. Last Action: 3-15-07 Referred to House Higher Ed

HB 2966 by Strama - Relating to providing that dedicated revenues received from specialty license plate fees may not be used for general governmental purposes. Last Action: 4-10-07 Re-referred to House Appropriations

HB 2974 by Morrison - Relating to the manner of payment of higher education tuition and fees and to the repayment of emergency student loans. Last Action: 3-15-07 Referred to House Higher Ed

HB 2979 by Morrison - Relating to a study regarding state financial assistance to students enrolled at public institutions of higher education. Last Action: 3-15-07 Referred to House Higher Ed

HB 2980 by Morrison - Relating to refunding tuition and mandatory fees at institutions of higher education for dropped courses and student withdrawals. Last Action: 3-15-07 Referred to House Higher Ed

HB 2981 by Morrison - Relating to the general deposit paid by a student to a public institution of higher education. Last Action: 3-15-07 Referred to House Higher Ed

HB 3001 by Chisum - Relating to verification of information disseminated by state agencies. Last Action: 3-15-07 Referred to House Government Reform

HB 3002 by Christian - Relating to student loan repayment assistance for speech-language pathologists employed by a rural public school. Last Action: 3-15-07 Referred to House Public Education

HB 3003 by Christian - Relating to the investment of public funds in ways that benefit the state and local economies and to the selection of local financial institutions for the deposit of public funds. Last Action: 4-16-07 Left pending in House Financial Institutions

HB 3004 by Christian - Relating to the investment of public funds, including making investments in ways that benefit the state and local economies, and to the selection of local financial institutions for the deposit of public funds. Last Action: 4-16-07 Left pending in House Financial Institutions

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HB 3013 by Bolton - Relating to the charges for certain public information maintained by a government body. Last Action: 3-15-07 Not heard in House State Affairs

HB 3014 by Martinez - Relating to employer and retiree contributions for certain employed retirees under the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. Last Action: 3-15-07 Referred to House Pensions and Investments

HB 3036 by Delisi - Relating to tuition and fee exemptions for the spouses of certain military personnel. Last Action: 3-27-07 Left pending in House Defense Affairs and State-Federal Relations

HB 3037 by Delisi - Relating to employment leave to comply with certain family or medical obligations; providing a civil penalty. Last Action: 5-10-07 Set on House floor calendar for 05/10/2007

HB 3047 by Martinez Fischer - Relating to information provided to parents of public school students regarding financial aid for postsecondary education. Last Action: 3-19-07 Referred to House Public Education

HB 3051 by Martinez Fischer - Relating to subsidies relating to Spanish language college advanced placement tests. Last Action: 3-19-07 Referred to House Public Education

HB 3057 by Callegari - Relating to the acquisition of real property for public use. Last Action: 5-26-07 House point(s) of order sustained by Rep. Yvonne Davis

HB 3061 by Pena - Relating to the creation and administration of the professional nurse graduate education scholarship program. Last Action: 3-19-07 Referred to House Higher Ed

HB 3062 by Pena - Relating to exempting textbooks for university and college courses from the sales tax. Last Action: 3-19-07 Referred to House Ways and Means

HB 3065 by Truitt - Relating to a study on increasing the number of medical residency programs, medical residents, and physicians practicing medical specialties in this state. Last Action: 4-11-07 Not heard in House Public Health

HB 3075 by Howard - Relating to the transfer of course credit between public and private institutions of higher education. Last Action: 3-19-07 Referred to House Higher Ed

HB 3080 by Hildebran - Relating to funding of the tuition equalization grant program. Last Action: 3-19-07 Referred to House Higher Ed

HB 3087 by Phillips - Relating to the development of applied mathematics and science courses for use in public high schools. Last Action: 3-28-07 Left pending in House Public Education

HB 3120 by Miles - Relating to automatic admission to institutions of higher education for children of certain public servants killed in the line of duty. Last Action: 3-19-07 Referred to House Higher Ed

HB 3126 by Callegari - Relating to the planning and management of state telecommunications services by the Department of Information Resources. Last Action: 3-19-07 Referred to House Government Reform

HB 3139 by Menendez - Relating to criminal history checks for state employees, applicants for state employment, and certain other persons who may perform work for the state. Last Action: 4-16-07 Left pending in House Government Reform

HB 3161 by Ortiz - Relating to advisory committees that recommend entities receive grants from the Texas Enterprise Fund and the Texas emerging technology fund. Last Action: 4-16-07 Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 3163 by Ortiz - Relating to the proportional distribution of money from the Texas Enterprise Fund and the Texas emerging technology fund to different regions in this state. Last Action: 4-04-07 Left pending in House Economic Development

HB 3168 by Swinford - Relating to incentives for biofuel production, distribution, and use in this state. Last Action: 5-24-07 Failed to suspend rules

HB 3172 by Talton - Relating to limits on the appropriations by the Legislature. Last Action: 4-10-07 Re-referred to House Appropriations

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HB 3201 by Brown - Relating to the regulation of certain postsecondary degrees and of private educational institutions or other persons offering to confer such degrees, and to the use of those degrees by a person for certain purposes. Last Action: 3-19-07 Referred to House Higher Ed

HB 3213 by Rodriguez - Relating to the consolidation of state vehicle fleets. Last Action: 3-19-07 Referred to House Government Reform

HB 3215 by Branch - Relating to the eligibility of private or independent institutions of higher education to participate in the advanced research program administered by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Last Action: 5-10-07 Referred to Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

HB 3218 by Elkins - Relating to state agency rules affecting small businesses. Last Action: 4-11-07 Left pending in House Economic Development

HB 3224 by Murphy - Relating to creating a database of and issuing identification cards to certain essential first responder personnel who operate or restore critical infrastructure. Last Action: 4-24-07 Left pending in House Defense Affairs and State-Federal Relations

HB 3227 by Branch - Relating to the payment of a fee or penalty imposed by a public hospital owned or operated by a governmental unit for the parking of a vehicle operated by or for the transportation of a person with a disability. Last Action: 3-20-07 Referred to House Transportation

HB 3234 by Alonzo - Relating to the requirement that governmental entities give preference to Texas-based companies in awarding certain financial services contracts. Last Action: 4-30-07 Left pending in House Government Reform

HB 3239 by McClendon - Relating to an option to participate in the Teacher Retirement System of Texas by a member of the optional retirement program. Last Action: 3-20-07 Referred to House Pensions and Investments

HB 3240 by Strauss - Relating to building energy performance standards. Last Action: 3-20-07 Referred to House Regulated Industries

HB 3241 by Strauss - Relating to energy efficiency incentive programs administered by electric utilities. Last Action: 3-27-07 Left pending in House Regulated Industries

HB 3242 by Strauss - Relating to this state's goal for electric energy efficiency. Last Action: 3-20-07 Referred to House Regulated Industries

HB 3244 by Strauss - Relating to energy efficiency incentive programs administered by electric utilities. Last Action: 3-20-07 Referred to House Regulated Industries

HB 3245 by Strauss - Relating to electric energy efficiency goals and programs. Last Action: 3-20-07 Referred to House Regulated Industries

HB 3253 by Pitts - Relating to judicial review regarding issues other than compensability or income or death benefits under the Texas Workers' Compensation Act. Last Action: 3-20-07 Referred to House Business and Industry

HB 3254 by Pitts - Relating to prohibiting employers from requiring employees to make certain charitable contributions. Last Action: 3-20-07 Referred to House Economic Development

HB 3260 by Branch - Relating to the establishment of a center for the study of advanced instructional methods. Last Action: 5-08-07 Set on House floor calendar for 05/10/2007

HB 3278 by Isett - Relating to the collection of delinquent obligations owed to the state. Last Action: 4-18-07 Left pending in House Ways and Means

HB 3279 by Isett - Relating to group health benefit plan coverage for an enrollee with certain mental disorders. Last Action: 3-27-07 Left pending in House Insurance

HB 3280 by Isett - Relating to treatment of pharmaceutical services provided through specialty and mail order pharmacy services operated under contracts between governmental entities and pharmacy benefit managers. Last Action: 3-20-07 Referred to House Public Health

HB 3282 by Branch - Relating to the authority of issuers to enter into contracts for services in connection with the issuance of public securities. Last Action: 3-15-07 Referred to Senate Finance

HB 3302 by Davis - Relating to the use of eminent domain authority for the purpose of the acquisition of real property for public use. Last Action: 3-20-07 Referred to House Higher Ed

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HB 3303 by Davis - Relating to a research and program to focus on eliminating achievement gaps among minority students. Last Action: 3-20-07 Referred to House Higher Ed

HB 3324 by Escobar - Relating to financial aid. Last Action: 5-07-07 Left pending House Higher Ed

HB 3326 by Flores - Relating to authorizing the operation of video lottery games by licensed horse and greyhound racetrack operators, to the operation of video lottery by Indian tribes, to the authority of the Texas Lottery Commission and the Texas Racing Commission, and to the conduct of gambling in this state; providing penalties. Last Action: 5-01-07 House Licensing and Administrative Procedures hearing cancelled

HB 3334 by Frost - Relating to the amount of hazardous duty pay for certain state employees. Last Action: 4-17-07 Not heard in House Appropriations Sucommittee on Criminal Justice

HB 3335 by Flores - Relating to the operation of video lottery games for this state to provide additional money to fund governmental programs; the creation, powers, and duties of the Texas Gaming and Boxing Commission; the powers and duties of the Texas Lottery Commission, the Texas Racing Commission, and the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation, and the regulation of gaming and other gambling activities authorized by law in this state; making an appropriation; providing penalties. Last Action: 5-01-07 House Licensing and Administrative Procedures hearing cancelled

HB 3338 by Burnam - Relating to building code standards for energy efficiency performance. Last Action: 4-19-07 Left pending in House Energy Resources

HB 3339 by Burnam - Relating to use of the money from the Texas enterprise fund to promote renewable energy technology. Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to House Economic Development

HB 3361 by Coleman - Relating to health benefit coverage for children and grandchildren. Last Action: 3-27-07 Left pending in House Insurance

HB 3364 by Farrar - Relating to the revision of building energy efficiency performance standards. Last Action: 4-19-07 Left pending in House Energy Resources

HB 3364 by Farrar - Relating to the employment by state and local governmental entities of individuals who have been convicted of crimes. Last Action: 4-04-07 Left pending in House State Affairs

HB 3375 by Thompson - Relating to prompt payment penalties. Last Action: 3-20-07 Referred to House Insurance

HB 3379 by Cook - Relating to groundwater conservation districts regulation of groundwater use by political subdivisions. Last Action: 3-20-07 Referred to House Natural Resources

HB 3391 by Villarreal - Relating to the residency requirements for tuition and fee exemptions for certain military personnel and their dependents. Last Action: 3-20-07 Referred to House Pensions and Investments

HB 3445 by Isett - Relating to long-term funding of benefits for certain retired governmental employees. Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to House Pensions and Investments

HB 3448 by Rose - Relating to limiting the amount of designated tuition that a public institution of higher education may charge if legislative appropriations are sufficient to pay certain costs of the institution. Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to House Higher Ed

HB 3449 by Rose - Relating to the imposition of an intercollegiate athletics fee at Texas State University--San Marcos. Last Action: 5-21-07 Certified for Senate Local/Consent calendar

HB 3450 by Rose - Relating to coordination of postsecondary curricula and to an academic planning Internet website to support academic progress by students enrolled at public institutions of higher education. Last Action: 4-16-07 Left pending in House Higher Ed

HB 3453 by Rose - Relating to permissible inquiries by a public information officer of an educational institution to a requestor requesting information about a student under the public information law. Last Action: 5-08-07 Referred to Senate State Affairs

HB 3454 by Callegari - Relating to contracts between governmental entities and pharmacy benefit managers. Last Action: 4-23-07 Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 3462 by Paxton - Relating to excepting certain information from required disclosure under Chapter 552, Government Code.

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Last Action: 4-04-07 Not heard in House State Affairs

HB 3464 by Guillen - Relating to establishing an office of state statistician. Last Action: 5-10-07 Referred to Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

HB 3472 by Delisi - Relating to the promotion of an electronic health record system for health care programs or health insurance plans administered by the State of Texas. Last Action: 4-18-07 Left pending in House Public Health

HB 3484 by Kolkhorst - Relating to the programs and functions of The Texas A&M University System and Sam Houston State University. Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to House Higher Ed

HB 3522 by Oliveira - Relating to authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds for the University of Texas at Brownsville Institute for Homeland Security and Emergency Management Integration Studies. Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to House Higher Ed

HB 3530 by Isett - Relating to consumer access to health care information and consumer protection for services provided by or through health benefit plans, hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, and birthing centers; providing penalties. Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to House Public Health

HB 3533 by Isett - Relating to the limit on the rate of growth in appropriations and to the authority of the comptroller to reduce the state sales tax rate for designated periods. Last Action: 4-18-07 Left pending in House Appropriations

HB 3536 by Garcia - Relating to a pension increase for retired teachers. Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to House Pensions and Investments

HB 3539 by Branch - Relating to interest rate management agreements related to financing certain public improvements. Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to House Insurance

HB 3540 by Garcia - Relating to health benefit plan coverage for enrollees with autism spectrum disorder. Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to House Insurance

HB 3550 by Haggerty - Relating to false claims against the state and school districts and actions by private persons to prosecute those claims; providing a civil penalty. Last Action: 4-25-07 Left pending in House Civil Practices

HB 3551 by Callegari - Relating to the management of the state vehicle fleet. Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to House Government Reform

HB 3556 by Ortiz - Relating to the establishment of a school of engineering at Texas A&M University--Corpus Christi. Last Action: 4-30-07 Left pending in House Higher Ed

HB 3568 by Rose - Relating to the operation of certain health benefit plans. Last Action: 4-17-07 Left pending in House Insurance

HB 3578 by Rose - Relating to the confidentiality of certain communications involving an ombudsman program established by an employer as an alternative dispute resolution service. Last Action: 5-18-07 Left pending in Senate Jurisprudence

HB 3598 by Lucio - Relating to excepting certain real or personal property information from required disclosure under the public information law. Last Action: 4-23-07 Left pending in House State Affairs

HB 3610 by Raymond - Relating to ethics training for governmental officers and governmental financial advisors. Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to House Elections

HB 3612 by Alonzo - Relating to the authority of issuers to enter into contracts for services in connection with the issuance of public securities. Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to House Financial Institutions

HB 3616 by Alonzo - Relating to the selection of financial advisors by governmental entities. Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to House Financial Institutions

HB 3625 by Bolton - Relating to background and criminal history checks and for certain state employees who interact with children or supervise persons who interact with children. Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to House Law Enforcement

HB 3626 by Lucio - Relating to the date on which eligibility for benefits begins under certain programs for governmental employees and retirees.

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Last Action: 4-17-07 Left pending in House Insurance

HB 3642 by Corte - Relating to homeland security; providing a penalty. Last Action: 4-24-07 Left pending in House Defense Affairs and State-Federal Relations

HB 3646 by Kolkhorst - Relating to the length of certain contracts between a state agency and a private entity Last Action: 4-23-07 Left pending in House State Affairs

HB 3649 by Allen - Relating to the exception of an audit working paper of a school district from required disclosure under the public information law. Last Action: 4-26-07 Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 3691 by Geren - Relating to the ethics of public servants. Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to House Elections

HB 3703 by Geren - Relating to general state government fiscal matters. Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to House Appropriations

HB 3713 by Krusee - Relating to the permissible uses of the state highway fund. Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to House Appropriations

HB 3717 by Krusee - Relating to the requirements for the position of executive director of the Texas Department of Transportation. Last Action: 4-03-07 Left pending in House Transportation

HB 3722 by Krusee - Relating to authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds for the Texas A&M University--Central Texas East Williamson County Higher Education Center Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to House Higher Ed

HB 3720 by Krusee - Relating to authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds for the Texas A&M University--Central Texas East Williamson County Higher Education Center Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to House Higher Ed

HB 3724 by Elkins - Relating to the reimbursement of an insurance carrier for the overpayment of certain workers' compensation benefits. Last Action: 4-27-07 Sent to House Calendars Committee

HB 3727 by Kolkhorst - Relating to authorizing the issuance of tuition revenue bonds for Sam Houston State University for facilities in Montgomery County. Last Action: 4-30-07 Not heard in House Higher Ed

HB 3728 by Kolkhorst - Relating to state education fiscal matters. Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to House Appropriations

HB 3729 by Kolkhorst - Relating to the requirements for home-taught driver education courses. Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to House Law Enforcement

HB 3733 by Crownover - Relating to the creation of a Medicaid health savings account pilot program. Last Action: 4-19-07 Failed Passage from Committee

HB 3737 by Herrero - Relating to a fixed tuition rate provided by general academic teaching institutions and public junior colleges to certain undergraduate students. Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to House Appropriations

HB 3743 by Bohac - Relating to the timeframe under which an employee must return to work after an emergency evacuation period expires. Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to House Business and Industry

HB 3747 by McClendon - Relating to the use of money from the Texas rail relocation and improvement fund for rail projects. Last Action: 5-23-07 Set on Senate Intent calendar for 05/23/2007

HB 3763 by Chavez - Relating to requiring a contractor to provide health insurance to its employees as a condition of eligibility for the award of certain state contracts. Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to House Government Reform

HB 3767 by Keffer - Relating to state fiscal matters. Last Action: 5-01-07 Left pending in House Ways and Means

HB 3788 by Truitt - Relating to a study of certain actuaries that enter into actuarial service contracts with public retirement systems. Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to House Pensions and Investments

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HB 3795 by Branch - Relating to funds appropriated to institutions of higher education. Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to House Pensions and Investments

HB 3823 by Delisi - Relating to eligibility for workers' compensation death benefits based on a compensable injury. Last Action: 4-30-07 Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 3824 by Smith - Relating to the tuition charged to students of institutions of higher education Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to House Higher Ed

HB 3828 by Morrison - Relating to performance incentive funding for institutions of higher education. Last Action: 5-18-07 Senate Education filed committee report

HB 3829 by Morrison - Relating to information required to establish resident status in connection with tuition and fees charged by public institutions of higher education. Last Action: 4-19-07 Left pending in House State Affairs

HB 3830 by Morrison - Relating to exemptions from payment of tuition and mandatory fees and waivers from payment of nonresident tuition at public institutions of higher education. Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to House Higher Ed

HB 3850 by Taylor - Relating to payment by pharmacy benefit managers of certain clean claims. Last Action: 5-07-07 Set on House floor calendar for 05/10/2007

HB 3904 by Anchia - Relating to payment by pharmacy benefit managers of certain clean claims. Last Action: 4-30-07 Relating to the voluntary disclosure of public information

HB 3906 by Anchia - Relating to contingent fees paid to influence the purchase of goods or services by a state agency; imposing a penalty. Last Action: 4-30-07 Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 3918 by Truitt - Relating to the state contribution to the Employee Retirement System of Texas. Last Action: 3-28-07 Removed from agenda

HB 3919 by Truitt - Relating to supplemental payments by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to House Pensions and Investments

HB 3922 by Callegari - Relating to supplemental payments by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to House Business and Industry

HB 3923 by Callegari - Relating to reform of the manner in which certain public entities are protected from large risks associated with employee health benefits. Last Action: 4-30-07 Left pending in House Government Reform

HB 3924 by Rose - Relating to student members of the board of regents of a state university or state university system. Last Action: 5-09-07 Laid on the table

HB 3927 by Rose - Relating to pharmacy networks for health benefit plans for certain governmental employees. Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to House Insurance

HB 3929 by Crownover - Relating to funding of the Alternative Fuels Research and Education Division of the Railroad Commission of Texas. Last Action: 5-23-07 Removed from Senate Intent calendar

HB 3943 by Herrero - Relating to requiring certain public officials to receive training relating to emergency management. Last Action: 5-09-07 Sent to House Calendars committee

HB 3950 by Delisi - Relating to the establishment of the Health Professions Scope of Practice Review Commission. Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to House Public Health

HB 3963 by Castro - Relating to the creation of the Texas state health benefit plan program; providing a penalty. Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to House Insurance

HB 4005 by Brown - Relating to the creation of the Research Valley Innovation District. Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to House County Affairs

HB 4130 by Coleman - Relating to the governance of certain state agencies. Last Action: 5-01-07 Referred to House Higher Education HCR 30 by Bonnen - Designating the Texas blind salamander as the official State Amphibian of Texas. Last Action: 5-26-07 Vetoed by the Governor

HCR 45 by Dutton - Requesting The University of Texas at Austin to lead a study by several Texas public universities to examine how young black males in Texas are affected by the benefits and detriments of living in Texas.

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Last Action: 2-12-07 Referred to House Higher Education

HCR 82 by Dutton - Directing the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to develop and implement policies and programs to be adopted by Texas universities that address the incidence of discrimination and harassment on campus. Last Action: 2-27-07 Referred to House Higher Education

HCR 95 by Dutton - Requesting The University of Texas at Austin to study the effectiveness of the Texas Education Agency in dealing with low-performing students and other matters. Last Action: 2-27-07 Referred to House Public Education

HCR 159 by Dutton - Requesting that the governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker appoint a select commission on higher education and global competitiveness. Last Action: 5-22-07 Sent to Governor

HCR 193 by Swinford - Expressing support for ongoing state-led border security operations to control the Texas-Mexico border and ensure the safety of the people of Texas. Last Action: 5-15-07 Referred to House Tranportation and Homeland Security HCR 194 by Swinford - Expressing dissatisfaction with the federal government's failure to secure the border and enforce immigration laws. Last Action: 4-20-07 Sent to House Calendars committee

HJR 2 by Isett - Proposing a constitutional amendment to limit the rate of growth of appropriations from all sources of revenue except the federal government; to establish a disaster fund, managed by the governor, for use to prepare for or respond to a natural disaster or emergency; to fund the property tax relief fund; to require a gubernatorial declaration before money may be appropriated from the economic stabilization fund; and to authorize the legislature to appropriate money for tax rebates; making a constitutional appropriation. Last Action: 4-18-07 Left pending in House Appropriations

HJR 4 by Dunnam - Proposing a constitutional amendment allowing general law to provide for the vote required to be elected governor. Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to House Elections

HJR 10 by Chavez - Proposing a constitutional amendment permitting recognized Indian tribes to conduct gambling or other gaming activity on certain tribal land. Last Action: 4-17-07 Left pending in House Licensing and Administrative Procedures

HJR 30 by Jackson - Proposing a constitutional amendment to allow the repurchase of real property acquired by a governmental entity through eminent domain. Last Action: 5-22-07 Senate passed to enrollment

HJR 43 by Thompson - Proposing a constitutional amendment establishing the Texas Institute for Regenerative Medicine, authorizing the issuance of bonds for the purposes of the institute, and prohibiting the legislature from prohibiting stem cell research. Last Action: 4-13-07 Left pending in House State Affairs

HJR 46 by Paxton - Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the governor to reduce the amount of an item of appropriation in an appropriations bill. Last Action: 2-06-07 Referred to House Appropriations

HJR 50 by Jackson - Proposing a constitutional amendment to require the election of the speaker of the House of Representatives by a public vote conducted by a roll call vote or electronic voting machine. Last Action: 3-05-07 Left pending in House State Affairs

HJR 53 by Paxton - Proposing a constitutional amendment regarding limitations on taxation and expenditures by the state government and local governments. Last Action: 3-05-07 Left pending in House State Affairs

HJR 58 by Ritter - Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to authorize casino gaming, to authorize the operation of video lottery games by licensed horse and greyhound racetrack operators, licensed casino operators, and recognized Indian tribes, and to regulate the locations at which casino gaming may be conducted, and establishing a higher education trust fund from state gaming revenues to pay tuition and fees for the postsecondary education of Texas high school graduates. Last Action: 4-13-07 Removed from agenda

HJR 59 by Elkins - Proposing a constitutional amendment to allow the legislature to override a veto of the governor following a legislative session. Last Action: 4-30-07 Left pending in House State Affairs HJR 62 by Goolsby - Proposing a constitutional amendment allowing bills and resolutions to be introduced at any time during a regular session of the legislature. Last Action: 2-22-07 Referred to House State Affairs

HJR 71 by Hildebran - Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the allocation and use of the sporting goods sales tax revenue to fund state and local parks.

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Last Action: 4-24-07 Sent to House Calendars committee

HJR 79 by Anderson - Proposing a constitutional amendment to prohibit the state or a political subdivision from taking private property for the primary purpose of economic development or to benefit a particular private party. Last Action: 2-22-07 Referred to House Land and Resource Management

HJR 80 by Rose - Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing a student member of the board of regents of a state institution of higher education or state university system to serve a term that differs from the terms served by the other members of the board. Last Action: 4-23-07 Not heard in House Higher Ed

HJR 95 by Christian - Proposing a constitutional amendment directing state and local governmental entities that invest public funds to make investments that will benefit the Texas economy to the extent that it is possible to do so under a prudent investment strategy. Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to House Financial Institutions

HJR 102 by Hildebran - Proposing a constitutional amendment creating a trust fund for providing financial support to students attending private or independent institutions of higher education in this state. Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to House Higher Ed HJR 106 by Herrero - Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for open meetings of each House of the Legislature, and its committees and subcommittees. Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to House State Affairs

SB 1 by Odgen - General Appropriations Bill. Last Action: 4-02-2007 Left pending in Senate Finance.

SB 4 by Shapiro - Relating to open-enrollment charter schools and the creation of public charter districts. Last Action: 05/20/2007- Set on House floor calendar for 05/22/2007

SB 31 by Nelson - Relating to the creation and administration of the rural physician training scholarship program. Last Action: 05/16/2007- Left pending in House Public Health

SB 33 by Nelson - Relating to hepatitis B vaccination for students enrolled in certain health-related courses of study in an institution of higher education. Last Action: 05/16/2007- Left pending in House Public Health

SB 35 by Nelson - Relating to a purchasing preference for contractors who provide foods of higher nutritional value and who do not provide foods containing trans fatty acids. Last Action: 05/20/2007- Set on House floor calendar for 05/22/2007

SB 49 by Zaffirini - Relating to exempting books purchased by university and college students from the sales tax for a limited period. Last Action: 05/14/2007- Re-referred to House Higher Education

SB 51 by Zaffirini - Relating to leave for junior college district or university system employees who are physically assaulted while on duty. Last Action: 05/14/2007- Not heard in House Higher Education

SB 56 by Zaffirini - Relating to prohibiting human cloning and other uses of human tissue by institutions of higher education; providing penalties. Last Action: 01/23/2007- Referred to Senate Health and Human Services

SB 59 by Zaffirini - Relating to the authority of certain law enforcement agencies to establish a checkpoint on a highway or street to determine whether persons are driving while intoxicated. Last Action: 04/18/2007- Removed from Senate Intent calendar

SB 60 by Zaffirini - Relating to the securing of a child passenger in a motor vehicle. Last Action: 05/17/2007- Voted favorably from House Transportation

SB 62 by Zaffirini - Relating to the creation of the individual development account program to provide savings incentives and opportunities to eligible low-income individuals and households. Last Action: 05/20/2007- Set on House floor calendar for 05/22/2007

SB 72 by Lucio - Relating to the establishment of the Worksite Wellness Advisory Board and the implementation of worksite wellness policies at state agencies. Last Action: 05/20/2007- Set on House floor calendar for 05/22/2007 SB 85 by Hinojosa - Relating to a moratorium and other limitations on increases in designated tuition charged by public institutions of higher education. Last Action: 04/10/2007- Left pending in Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SB 89 by Van de Putte - Relating to the residency requirements for tuition and fee exemptions for certain military personnel and their dependents. Last Action: 03/05/2007- Voted favorably from Senate Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education as substituted

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SB 95 by Ellis - Relating to the minimum wage. Last Action: 01/23/2007- Referred to Senate Business and Commerce

SB 96 by Ellis - Relating to designated tuition. Last Action: 04/10/2007- Left pending in Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SB 100 by Shapiro - Relating to stabilizing the amount of tuition charged to certain residents of this state by general academic teaching institutions. Last Action: 04/10/2007- Left pending in Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SB 101 by Shapiro - Relating to limitations on the automatic admission of undergraduate students to general academic teaching institutions. Last Action: 05/27/2007- House rejected conference committee report

SB 105 by West - Relating to the establishment of a law school in the city of Dallas by the University of North Texas System. Last Action: 05/22/2007- Set on House floor calendar for 05/22/2007

SB 114 by Van de Putte - Relating to the sale of instructional materials to students of institutions of higher education. Last Action: 05/18/2007- Sent to House Calendars committee SB 116 by Carona - Relating to requiring governmental entities and contractors with governmental entities to participate in the federal work authorization program; providing a penalty. Last Action: 01/29/2007- Referred to Senate Transportation and Homeland Security

SB 128 by West - Relating to the eligibility of a high school graduate for automatic admission to an institution of higher education. Last Action: 04/10/2007- Left pending in Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SB 132 by Wentworth/Straus - Relating to the establishment and operation of a motor bus-only lane program. Last Action: 05/20/2007- Set on House floor calendar for 05/22/2007

SB 146 by West - Relating to the creation of higher education enhancement districts; authorizing sales and use taxes and property taxes. Last Action: 01/29/2007- Referred to Senate Finance

SB 164 by Deuell - Relating to priority for health care providers in the distribution of certain vaccines. Last Action: 05/18/2007- Sent to House Calendars committee

SB 165 by Carona - Relating to the rate of the state gasoline tax and diesel fuel taxes. Last Action: 05/15/2007- Referred to Senate Transportation and Homeland Security

SB 170 by Janek - Relating to training requirements for certain youth programs Last Action: 01/29/2007- Referred to Senate Health and Human Services

SB 172 by Janek - Relating to indigent health care. Last Action: 05/03/2007- Not heard in Senate Health and Human Services

SB 177 by Wentworth - Relating to the liability of licensed professional engineers for damages arising from certain services provided during an emergency. Last Action: 01/29/2007- Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 194 by Jackson - Relating to the eligibility of certain individuals with terminally ill spouses for unemployment compensation. Last Action: 05/20/2007- Set on House floor calendar for 05/22/2007

SB 197 by Wentworth - Relating to a prohibition on state officers or employees who are not United States citizens representing the state in matters concerning certain foreign governments. Last Action: 01/29/2007- Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 200 by Nelson - Relating to the expansion of faith- and community-based health and human services initiatives. Last Action: 01/29/2007- Referred to Senate Health and Human Services

SB 202 by Nelson - Relating to incentives to recruit and retain allied health education program faculty. Last Action: 04/23/2007- Left pending in Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SB 203 by Nelson - Relating to a study of the feasibility of providing immunizations to certain students enrolled in health professional degree programs. Last Action: 01/30/2007- Referred to Senate Health and Human Services

SB 205 by Nelson - Relating to the privacy of protected health information. Last Action: 05/17/2007- Sent to House Calendars committee

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SB 207 by Ellis - Relating to application of the minimum wage to certain governmental entities. Last Action: 01/30/2007- Referred to Senate Intergovernmental Relations

SB 211 by Fraser - Relating to the student enrollment required for Texas A&M University--Central Texas to operate as a general academic teaching institution. Last Action: 05/14/2007- Removed from Senate Intent calendar

SB 212 by Fraser - Relating to the issuance of revenue bonds to fund facilities at Texas A&M University--Central Texas. Last Action: 05/02/2007- Removed from agenda

SB 223 by Ellis - Relating to a loss of computerized data or breach of computer security involving sensitive personal information. Last Action: 04/17/2007- Not heard in Senate Business and Commerce

SB 238 by Shapiro - Relating to authorizing certain community colleges to offer a baccalaureate degree program in interior design. Last Action: 01/30/2007- Referred to Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SB 240 by Gallegos - Relating to eligibility for an award through the Early High School Graduation Scholarship program. Last Action: 03/05/2007- Not heard in Senate Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SB 250 by Ellis - Relating to limits on political contributions and direct campaign expenditures by individuals; providing civil and criminal penalties. Last Action: 01/30/2007- Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 260 by Gallegos - Relating to authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds for the University of Houston Center for Mexican American Studies. Last Action: 01/30/2007- Referred to Senate Finance

SB 273 by Estes - Relating to a student fitness and recreational fee at Texas Woman's University. Last Action: 04/12/2007- Referred to House Higher Education

SB 278 by Gallegos - Relating to the creation of a state occupational health and safety plan; establishing a maintenance tax. Last Action: 01/30/2007- Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 279 by Gallegos - Relating to the establishment and operation of a public building mapping information system by the Texas Building and Procurement Commission. Last Action: 05/02/2007- Left pending in Senate Transportation and Homeland Security

SB 281 by Gallegos - Relating to excepting dates of birth of employees of governmental bodies from required disclosure under the public information law. Last Action: 01/30/2007- Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 287 by Lucio - Relating to the appointment of an attorney for a workers' compensation claimant in certain judicial review proceedings initiated by a workers' compensation insurance carrier. Last Action: 04/27/2007- Sent to House Calendars committee

SB 294 by Williams - Relating to the discontinuation of the Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund. Last Action: 01/30/2007- Referred to Senate Finance

SB 301 Ellis - Relating to the authority of the governor to grant one or more reprieves in a capital case. Last Action: 02/14/2007- Referred to Senate Criminal Justice

SB 314 by Ogden - Relating to considering ownership interests of disabled veterans and recipients of the Purple Heart Medal in determining whether a business is a historically underutilized business for purposes of state contracting. Last Action: 02/14/2007- Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 317 by Brimer - Relating to allowing the State Preservation Board to purchase, lease, or maintain indoor plants for the Capitol or Capitol extension. Last Action: 02/14/2007- Referred to Senate Administration

SB 346 by Duncan - Relating to indemnification provisions in construction contracts. Last Action: 04/25/2007- Referred to House Civil Practices

SB 354 by Carona - Relating to the operation and regulation of certain consolidated insurance programs. Last Action: 05/04/2007- Removed from Senate Intent calendar

SB 356 by Jackson - Relating to contracts by governmental entities for construction projects and related professional services and to public works performance and payment bonds. Last Action: 02/21/2007- Referred to Senate Government Organization

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SB 357 by Jackson/Swinford - Relating to the establishment of a program by the Department of Agriculture to make grants to encourage the construction of facilities that generate electrical energy with certain types of agricultural residues, waste, debris, or crops. Last Action: 05/17/2007- Sent to House Calendars committee

SB 364 by Nelson - Relating to the licensing and regulation of dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants, and dental laboratories; providing penalties. Last Action: 05/18/2007- Sent to House Calendars committee

SB 365 by Nelson - Relating to the creation and implementation of the health professional education grant program. Last Action: 05/18/2007- Sent to House Calendars committee

SB 368 by Ellis - Relating to the elimination of smoking in all workplaces and public places; providing penalties. Last Action: 04/19/2007- Left pending in Senate Health and Human Services

SB 372 by Shapleigh - Relating to notice regarding the availability of programs under which a student may earn college credit in public schools. Last Action: 02/21/2007- Referred to Senate Education

SB 380 by Van de Putte - Relating to required disclosures to health benefit plan enrollees regarding professional services provided by certain non-network health care providers. Last action: 05/10/2007- Sent to House Calendars committee

SB 381 by Van de Putte - Relating to considering ownership interests of disabled veterans and recipients of the Purple Heart in determining whether a business is a historically underutilized business for purposes of state contracting. Last Action: 02/21/2007- Referred to Senate State Affairs SB 383 by Ellis - Relating to the sharing of information among state agencies. Last action: 02/21/2007- Referred to Senate Government Organization

SB 402 by Averitt - Relating to the development and implementation of personnel policies and procedures for certain state agencies. Last Action: 03/12/2007- Left pending in Senate State Affairs

SB 412 by Shapleigh - Relating to the provision of a preference in certain governmental purchasing decisions for vendors or contractors that provide health care benefits to employees. Last Action: 02/21/2007- Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 413 by Shapleigh - Relating to the prohibition of human cloning; providing penalties. Last Action: 02/21/2007- Referred to Senate Health and Human Services

SB 420 by Lucio - Relating to establishing a health science center and medical school in the Rio Grande Valley. Last Action: 05/14/2007- Referred to House Higher Education

SB 424 by Shapleigh - Relating to lobbying by former members of the governor's executive staff; providing civil and criminal penalties. Last Action: 02/21/2007- Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 425 by Carona - Relating to the state contribution to the Teacher Retirement System of Texas, including an adjustment to the standard service retirement annuity. Last Action: 02/21/2007- Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 434 by Shapiro - Relating to the duty of a governmental body to redact the social security number of a living person from certain information the governmental body discloses under the public information law. Last Action: 02/21/2007- Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 445 by Hinojosa - Relating to design and construction standards for newly constructed state buildings. Last Action: 05/08/2007- Left pending in House Government Reform

SB 446 by Hinojosa - Relating to an open document format for electronic state documents. Last Action: 03/26/2007- Left pending in Senate State Affairs

SB 447 by Hinojosa - Relating to governmental liability for a violation of the federal Americans with Disabilities Act. Last Action: 02/21/2007- Referred to Senate State Affairs SB 475 by Uresti - Relating to the computation and payment of certain benefits, including supplemental payments of a retirement or death benefit, by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas; making an appropriation. Last Action: 02/21/2007- Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 477 by Uresti - Relating to the creation of the State Office of Inspector General; providing an administrative penalty. Last action: 02/21/2007- Referred to Senate Government Organization

SB 479 by Janek - Relating to the operation of a student health center at an institution of higher education. Last acton: 05/21/2007- Senate Education filed committee report

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SB 486 by Shapiro - Relating to the Texas emerging technology fund. Last Action: 05/03/2007- Referred to House Economic Development

SB 491 by Lucio - Relating to the adoption of an alternative base period for computation of unemployment compensation benefits. Last Action: 02/21/2007- Referred to Senate Business and Commerce

SB 492 by Lucio - Relating to a cost of living increase applicable to benefits paid by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. Last Action: 02/21/2007- Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 514 by Hegar - Relating to the confidentiality of certain information of a person licensed to practice law held by governmental bodies. Last Action: 02/21/2007- Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 516 by Van de Putte - Relating to allowing certain military personnel to receive certain federal and state higher education benefits concurrently. Last Action: 05/18/2007- Sent to House Calendars committee

SB 517 by Janek - Relating to tuition and laboratory fee exemptions at public institutions of higher education for certain police officers enrolled in criminal justice or law enforcement management-related coursework. Last Action: 03/26/2007- Not heard in Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SB 523 by Seliger - Relating to student services building fees at The University of Texas of the Permian Basin. Last Action: 05/17/2007- Sent to House Local/Consent calendar

SB 529 by Watson - Relating to the clean school bus program. Last action: 05/20/2007- Set on House floor calendar for 05/22/2007

SB 532 by Carona - Relating to requiring government entities to inform landowners of their right to seek counsel in eminent domain proceedings. Last Action: 02/26/2007- Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 534 by Hegar - Relating to certain rights and liabilities of an employer regarding an employee's access to a concealed handgun. Last Action: 05/20/2007- Set on House floor calendar for 05/22/2007

SB 554 by Shaplegh - Relating to contracts entered into for the employment of a chief executive officer of a public institution of higher education. Last Action: 04/23/2007- Left pending in Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SB 557 by Ellis - Relating to reports regarding the consideration of certain factors by public and private institutions of higher education in admissions. Last Action: 02/26/2007- Referred to Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SB 558 by Ellis - Relating to reporting of gifts of cash or a cash equivalent to public officials. Last Action: 02/26/2007- Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 568 by Ellis - Relating to group health benefit plan coverage for an enrollee with certain mental disorders. Last Action: 05/17/2007- Sent to House Calendars committee

SB 571 by Uresti - Relating to the tuition and fee exemption available to certain military personnel and permitting those personnel to transfer the exemption to a child. Last Action: 02/26/2007 - Referred to Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SB 576 by Nichols - Relating to prohibiting the use of eminent domain to take private property for recreational purposes. Last Action: 03/06/2007- Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 577 by Ellis - Relating to the portion of designated tuition required to be set aside to provide student financial assistance at institutions of higher education. Last Action: 04/23/2007 - Referred to Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education SB 578 by Ellis - Relating to a limitation on increases in the total amount of tuition charged by public institutions of higher education. Last Action: 04/10/2007 - Referred to Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SB 579 by Ellis - Relating to a limitation on increases in the total amount of tuition and compulsory fees charged by public institutions of higher education. Last Action: 04/10/2007 - Referred to Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

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SB 588 by Nelson - Relating to the authority of the comptroller of public accounts to perform administrative, economic, fiscal, or policy research or analysis regarding certain issues and to assist political subdivisions with related research or analysis. Last Action: 04/30/2007- Left pending in House Government Reform

SB 609 by Ellis - Relating to the payment of higher education tuition and fees for certain military personnel and their dependents. Last Action: 04/23/2007 – Not heard in Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SB 612 by Lucio - Relating to a fee to support intercollegiate athletics at The University of Texas at Brownsville. Last Action: 04/02/2007- Senate Education filed committee report

SB 630 by Patrick - Relating to the creation of a public integrity unit in the office of the attorney general to prosecute offenses against public administration, including ethics offenses, and offenses involving insurance fraud. Last action: 02/27/2007- Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 636 by Hegar - Relating to excepting certain crime victim information from required disclosure under the public information law. Last Action: 04/02/2007- Certified for Senate Local/Consent calendar

SB 641 by West - Relating to employee leave from work to address family violence situations. Last Action: 02/28/2007- Referred to Senate Business and Commerce

SB 646 by Ellis - Relating to prohibiting human cloning; providing a penalty. Last Action: 02/28/2007- Referred to Senate Health and Human Services

SB 647 by Ellis - Relating to the use of unencumbered surplus state revenues to create a permanent fund for indigent defense. Last Action: 02/28/2007- Referred to Senate Finance

SB 655 by Seliger - Relating to the membership of the governing board of the Department of Information Resources. Last Action: 03/30/2007- Removed from agenda

SB 658 by Seliger/Naishtat - Relating to an energy-efficient building accreditation program Last Action: 05/09/2007- Not heard in House Government Reform

SB 674 Zaffirini - Relating to health benefit plan coverage for routine patient care costs for enrollees participating in certain clinical trials. Last Action: 05/21/2007 - Senate State Affairs filed committee report

SB 695 by Ellis - Relating to the designation of certain election days as state holidays. Last Action: 02/28/2007- Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 700 by Lucio - Relating to state agency rules affecting small businesses. Last Action: 05/22/2007- Set on House floor calendar for 05/22/2007

SB 711 by Shapleigh - Relating to the use of TexasOnline by businesses to apply and pay for certain permits. Last Action: 06/15/2007- Vetoed by the governor

SB 717 by Ellis - Relating to the selection by certain governmental entities of providers of landscape architectural services. Last Action: 03/13/2007- Certified for Senate Local/Consent calendar

SB 725 by Lucio - Relating to health benefit plan coverage for certain tests for the early detection of cardiovascular disease. Last Action: 03/06/2007- Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 728 by Van de Putte - Relating to incentives offered in relation to certain health benefit plans for participation in programs promoting disease prevention, wellness, and health. Last Action: 03/06/2007- Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 730 by Carona - Relating to a study concerning maximum lifetime benefit limits under health benefit plan coverage applicable to hemophilia-related services, supplies, pharmaceuticals, and biologics. Last Action: 05/15/2007- Received in the House SB 739 by Williams - Relating to the rights and liabilities of an employer with respect to the carrying of a concealed handgun. Last Action: 03/06/2007- Referred to Senate Criminal Justice

SB 750 by Deuell - Relating to the creation of the Office of State Inspector General. Last Action: 05/15/2007- Referred to House Government Reform

SB 769 by Zaffirini - Relating to contracting issues of state agencies, including ethics issues related to state contracting. Last Action: 05/20/2007- Set on House floor calendar for 05/22/2007

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SB 771 by Van de Putte - Relating to exempting certain state agencies from certain laws relating to real property transactions. Last action: 04/03/2007- Left pending in Senate Natural Resourcs

SB 774 by Jackson - Relating to liability of a governmental unit for certain recreational activities. Last Action: 03/06/2007- Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 808 by Williams - Relating to disclosure of information about health care-related services or access to health care information provided to persons covered by health benefit plans. Last Action: 03/07/2007- Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 815 by Hegar - Relating to health benefit plan coverage for vaccination against human papillomavirus. Last action: 03/07/2007- Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 822 by Wentworth - Relating to the creation of the atmosphere modification research program and center. Last Action: 05/22/2007- Sent to House Calendars committee

SB 861 by Shapleigh - Relating to the creation of employee wellness programs by state agencies. Last Action: 04/24/2007- Removed from Senate Intent calendar

SB 866 by Watson - Relating to the creation of the Texas Organic Agricultural Industry Advisory Board. Last Action: 03/21/2007- Voted favorably from Senate Subcommittee on Agricultural Resources as substituted

SB 874 by Van de Putte - Relating to the tuition and fee exemption available to certain military personnel and permitting those personnel to transfer the exemption to a child. Last Action: 05/20/2007- Set on House floor calendar for 05/22/2007

SB 888 by Watson - Relating to the applicability of across-the-board salary increases to employees of institutions of higher education. Last Action: 05/18/2007- Sent to House Calendars committee

SB 899 by Ellis - Relating to design and construction standards for newly constructed or renovated state buildings, public school facilities, and higher education facilities. Last Action: 03/19/2007- Left pending in Senate Government Organization

SB 902 by Brimer - Relating to the continuation and functions of the Prepaid Higher Education Tuition Board. Last Action: 03/07/2007- Referred to Senate Government Organization

SB 903 by Brimer - Relating to the abolishment of the Office of State-Federal Relations as an independent agency and the transfer of the duties and functions of that agency to the office of the governor. Last Action: 05/25/2007- House appoints conferees

SB 905 by Whitmire - Relating to the continuation and functions of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas; providing penalties. Last Action: 03/07/2007- Referred to Senate Government Organization

SB 906 by Brimer - Relating to the licensing and regulation of structural pest control by the Department of Agriculture and the abolition of the Texas Structural Pest Control Board. Last Action: 03/07/2007- Referred to Senate Government Organization

SB 910 by Estes - Relating to the continuation and Senate State Affairs Last Action: 3-15-07 Referred to Senate Government Organization

SB 912 by Estes - Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory. Last Action: 03/15/2007- Referred to Senate Government Organization

SB 915 by Brimer - Relating to the powers and duties of, and the entities reviewed by, the Sunset Advisory Commission. Last Action: 03/12/2007- Referred to Senate Government Organization

SB 929 by Jackson - Relating to the resolution of certain medical disputes regarding workers' compensation claims. Last Action: 05/22/2007- Set on House floor calendar for 05/22/2007

SB 944 by Janek - Relating to participation in the advanced research program by certain private institutions of higher education. Last Action: 04/23/2007- Left pending in Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SB 951 b Hegar - Relating to participation of hospitals in certain health care delivery networks. Last Action: 03/07/2007- Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 963 by Shapleigh - Relating to the recreational facility fee at The University of Texas at El Paso. Last Week: 05/17/2007- Sent to House Local/Consent calendar

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SB 967 by Harris - Relating to injurious or disruptive conduct at major venue sporting events; providing penalties. Last Action: 03/07/2007- Referred to Senate Criminal Justice

SB 980 by West - Relating to the minimum wage. Last Action: 03/07/2007- Referred to Senate Business and Commerce

SB 996 by Watson - Relating to employment leave to comply with certain family or medical obligations; providing a civil penalty. Last Action: 04/03/2007- Left pending in Senate Business and Commerce

SB 1001 by West - Relating to requiring a contractor to provide health insurance to its employees as a condition of eligibility for the award of certain state contracts. Last Action: 03/14/2007- Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 1005 by Janek - Relating to the confidentiality of social security numbers maintained by certain governmental entities. Last Action: 03/14/2007- Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 1023 by West - Relating to limiting use of money in the Texas Enterprise Fund to recipients that provide health benefit plans. Last Action: 05/20/2007- Set on House floor calendar for 05/22/2007

SB 1029 by Shapiro - Relating to performance incentive funding for institutions of higher education. Last Action: 05/14/2007- Not heard in Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SB 1036 by Ellis - Relating to information technology security practices of state agencies. Last Action: 04/24/2007- Referred to House State Affairs and State-Federal Relations

SB 1040 by Lucio/Goolsby - Relating to education and examination requirements for the issuance of a driver's license. Last Action: 05/09/2007- Sent to House Calendars committee

SB 1043 by Duncan - Relating to the creation of an online volunteer fire department registry by the Texas Forest Service. Last Action: 05/10/2007- Left pending in Senate Natural Resources

SB 1044 by Deuell - Relating to revenue from Texas State Rifle Association specialty license plates. Last Action: 05/01/2007- Removed from Senate Local/Consent calendar

SB 1045 by Wentworth - Relating to providing that a performance evaluation of the commissioner of higher education or of a chancellor or university president is confidential. Last Action: 05/16/2007- Failed Passage from Committee

SB 1052 by Zaffirini - Relating to tuition credits for students who complete the core curriculum at two-year public institutions of higher education. Last Action: 04/27/2007- Referred to House Higher Education

SB 1053 by Zaffirini - Relating to assessing the quality and effectiveness of academic advising services offered by public institutions of higher education. Last Action: 06/15/2007- Vetoed by the governor

SB 1054 by Zaffirini - Relating to the conduct that constitutes hazing and to the application of hazing laws to certain former students of an educational institution. Last Action: 03/14/2007- Referred to Senate Education

SB 1055 by Zaffirini - Relating to establishing a commission to study and report on the projected need for faculty at public and private institutions of higher education. Last Action: 03/19/2007- Voted favorably from Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SB 1064 by West - Relating to the purchasing and contracting practices of junior college districts; providing criminal penalties. Last Action: 05/18/2007- Sent to House Calendars committee

SB 1065 by Shapiro - Relating to high school success and college readiness in public schools. Last Action: 03/14/2007- Referred to Senate Education

SB 1075 by Wentworth - Relating to the permissible uses of the state highway fund. Last Action: 03/14/2007- Referred to Senate Finance

SB 1088 by Shapiro - Relating to use of a portion of the money in the Texas Mobility Fund for mass transit projects. Last Action: 03/14/2007- Referred to Senate Transportation and Homeland Security

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SB 1095 by Uresti - Relating to a study on increasing the number of medical residency programs, medical residents, and physicians practicing medical specialties in this state. Last Action: 05/20/2007- Set on House floor calendar for 05/22/2007

SB 1101 by Duncan - Relating to the reporting and disclosure of financial arrangements between referring health care providers and diagnostic imaging providers; providing penalties. Last Action: 05/15/2007- Removed from Senate Intent calendar

SB 1102 by Duncan - Relating to financial accounting and reporting for this state and political subdivisions of this state. Last Action: 05/10/2007- Removed from Senate Intent calendar

SB 1131 by Lucio - Relating to the rates of tuition charged to students of institutions of higher education. Last Action: 04/10/2007- Left pending in Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SB 1143 by Deuell - Relating to prohibiting certain ranking of physicians by health benefit plans. Last Action: 05/15/2007- Referred to House Insurance

SB 1145 by Shapiro - Relating to the computation of a student's high school grade point average. Last Action: 03/14/2007- Referred to Senate Education

SB 1146 by Shapiro - Relating to online performance reports for public institutions of higher education. Last Action: 05/23/2007- Removed from House Local/Consent calendar

SB 1147 by Shapiro - Relating to the administration of Texas governor's schools. Last Action: 03/14/2007- Referred to Senate Education

SB 1149 by Ellis - Relating to compensating persons wrongfully incarcerated for interest paid or owed on college loans. Last Action: 03/14/2007- Referred to Senate Business and Commerce

SB 1150 by Hinojosa - Relating to the establishment of a school of engineering at Texas A&M University--Corpus Christi. Last Action: 04/16/2007- Left pending in Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SB 1166 by Duncan - Relating to the reporting of claims information under certain health benefit plans; providing administrative penalties. Last Action: 03/14/2007- Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 1176 by Ellis - Relating to a requirement that a full TEXAS grant be awarded to each eligible applicant in an academic year. Last Action: 04/23/2007- Left pending in Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SB 1190 by Patrick - Relating to the establishment of a commission on state government spending to address waste, fraud, and abuse in state agency operations. Last Action: 04/30/2007- Left pending in Senate Government Organization

SB 1210 by Carona - Relating to the use of eminent domain for highway or other transportation purposes. Last Action: 3-14-07 Referred to Senate Transportation and Homeland Security

SB 1221 by Carona - Relating to the provision of a preference in certain state construction contracts for contractors that provide health benefits to employees. Last Action: 3-14-07 Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 1234 by Zaffarini - Relating to the five-year master plan for higher education in this state. Last Action: 6-15-07 Vetoed by the governor

SB 1242 by Averitt - Relating to tuition exemptions granted by public institutions of higher education to students who have served in certain school district tutoring programs. Last Action: 4-16-07 Voted favorably from Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SB 1248 by Nelson - Relating to the establishment of the University of North Texas Health Science Center Health Institutes of Texas. Last Action: 3-14-07 Referred to Senate Subcommittee on Higher Edducation

SB 1276 by Van de Putte - Relating to student loan repayment assistance for speech-language pathologists employed by a public school. Last Action: 3-19-07 Referred to Senate Education

SB 1292 by Nelson - Relating to creating the Cancer Research Institute of Texas and abolishing the Texas Cancer Council; granting authority to issue bonds. Last Action: 5-21-07 Removed from Senate Intent calendar

SB 1299 by Wentworth - Relating to access to certain archaic information excepted from required disclosure under the public information law.

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Last Action: 5-22-07 Set on House floor calendar for 05/22/2007

SB 1309 by Wentworth - Relating to false claims against the state and actions by the state and private persons to prosecute those claims; providing a civil penalty. Last Action: 5-04-07 Sent to House Calendars committee

SB 1330 by Patrick - Relating to prohibiting the investment of state funds in certain private business entities doing business in Iran. Last Action: 4-16-07 Sent to Senate State Affairs

SB 1350 by Patrick - Relating to limits on the appropriations by the Legislature. Last Action: 3-19-07 Referred to Senate Finance

SB 1359 by Ellis - Relating to the authorization and regulation of casino gambling and to the creation, powers, and duties of the Texas Gaming Commission; authorizing taxes; providing civil and criminal penalties. Last Action: 4-26-07 Left pending in Senate State Affairs

SB 1377 by Shapleigh - Relating to studies and determinations by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board regarding funding to accomplish the goals of the state master plan for public higher education "Closing the Gaps." Last Action: 4-04-07 Left pending in Senate Subcommittee on Higher Ed

SB 1382 by Nichols - Relating to authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds for the expansion of school of nursing facilities at Stephen F. Austin State University. Last Action: 3-20-07 Referred to Senate Finance

SB 1387 by Van de Putte - Relating to the designated doctor's examination under the workers' compensation system. Last Action: 3-20-07 Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 1398 by Williams - Relating to the ability of a governmental body under the public information law to request a redetermination from the attorney general on dismissal of litigation relating to the same issue. Last Action: 5-08-07 Removed from Senate Local/Consent calendar

SB 1400 by Lucio - Relating to the establishment of a school of law at The University of Texas at Brownsville. Last Action: 5-04-07 Voted favorably from Senate Subcommittee on Higher Ed as substituted

SB 1400 by Lucio - Relating to the establishment of a school of law at The University of Texas at Brownsville. Last Action: 5-04-07 Voted favorably from Senate Subcommittee on Higher Ed as substituted

SB 1418 by Hinojosa - Relating to the establishment and operation of a spatial reference center at Texas A&M University--Corpus Christi. Last Action: 5-18-07 Sent to House Calendars committee

SB 1419 by West - Relating to the creation of the Texas Hospital-Based Nursing Education Grant Program. Last Action: 3-20-07 Referred to Senate Subcommittee on Higher Ed

SB 1423 by Brimer - Relating to funds exempt from the Public Funds Investment Act. Last Action: 3-20-07 Referred to Senate Finance

SB 1427 by Averitt - Relating to participation by private or independent institutions of higher education in the tuition equalization grant program. Last Action: 4-30-07 Referred to House Higher Ed

SB 1442 by Hegar - Relating to a property owner's right to a binding third-party appraisal in connection with the use of eminent domain authority. Last Action: 3-20-07 Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 1449 by Ellis - Relating to the human resources employee-to-staff ratio for state agencies. Last Action: 5-14-07 Left pending in House Government Reform

SB 1451 by Ellis - Relating to the Safe Routes to School Program. Last Action: 5-18-07 Sent to House Local/Consent calendar

SB 1454 by Van de Putte - Relating to veteran's employment preferences. Last Action: 5-08-07 Left pending in House Defense Affairs and State-Federal Relations

SB 1459 by Seliger - Relating to indemnification requirements relating to a clean coal project. Last Action: 4-30-07 Referred to House Energy Resources

SB 1488 by Patrick - Relating to an undergraduate education scholarship program for students who agree to teach in public schools in this state that have teacher shortages. Last Action: 5-18-07 Sent to House Calendars committee

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SB 1496 by Zaffarini - Relating to the partial forgiveness of Texas B-On-time loans for certain graduates of four-year public and private institutions of higher education. Last Action: 5-18-07 Sent to House Calendars committee

SB 1507 by Janek - Relating to the transfer of the primary duties of the Texas Building and Procurement Commission to the comptroller and the General Land Office. Last Action: 4-23-07 Left pending in Senate Government Organization

SB 1516 by Janek - Relating to authorizing certain public junior colleges to offer baccalaureate degree programs. Last Action: 3-20-07 Referred to Senate Subcommittee on Higher Ed

SB 1527 by Eltife - Relating to the consolidation of state vehicle fleets. Last Action: 4-23-07 Left pending in Senate Government Organization

SB 1528 by Eltife - Relating to state facility management and maintenance practices. Last Action: 4-23-07 Left pending in Senate Government Organization

SB 1538 by Frasier - Relating to venue in civil actions under the Jones Act. Last Action: 3-20-07 Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 1569 by Patrick - Relating to the automatic admission of undergraduate students to a general academic teaching institution that is a component institution of a university system. Last Action: 4-10-07 Left pending in Senate Subcommittee on Higher Ed

SB 1570 by Patrick - Relating to the eligibility of an undergraduate student for automatic admission to public institutions of higher education. Last Action: 4-10-07 Left pending in Senate Subcommittee on Higher Ed

SB 1571 by Patrick - Relating to requiring a minimum SAT or ACT score as a prerequisite to the automatic admission of an undergraduate student to certain public institutions of higher education. Last Action: 4-10-07 Left pending in Senate Subcommittee on Higher Ed

SB 1572 by Shapleigh - Relating to reports of performance data of private or independent institutions of higher education and to the publication of that data. Last Action: 5-18-07 Sent to House Calendars committee

SB 1573 by Shapleigh - Relating to the affordability of enrollment in public institutions of higher education and the availability of certain financial and academic information to students enrolled in those institutions. Last Action: 4-23-07 Left pending in Senate Subcommittee on Higher Ed

SB 1581 by Van de Putte - Relating to eligibility for unemployment compensation benefits based on the claimant's availability to do part-time work. Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to Senate Business and Commerce

SB 1603 by West - Relating to eligibility for student financial assistance awarded from designated tuition charged by institutions of higher education. Last Action: 5-04-07 Voted favorably from Senate Subcommittee on Higher Ed

SB 1641 by Williams - Relating to the student loan program administered by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and to bonds issued in relation to that program. Last Action: 5-03-07 Left pending in Senate Finance

SB 1652 by Ellis - Relating to the waiver of governmental immunity. Last Action: 5-07-07 Left pending in Senate State Affairs

SB 1678 by Uresti - Relating to a suit against an employee of a governmental unit alleging negligence in the course of the employee's employment. Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 1681 by Averitt - Relating to health benefit plan coverage for children and grandchildren. Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 1684 by Averitt - Relating to coverage limitations in health benefit plans. Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 1699 by Shapiro - Relating to the administration, organization, amount, structure and delivery of financial aid programs and services to students attending institutions of public, independent and private higher education in Texas. Last Action: 5-18-07 Sent to House Calendars committee

SB 1720 by Ogden - Relating to making supplemental appropriations. Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to Senate Finance

SB 1721 by Ogden - Relating to certain fiscal matters affecting governmental entities.

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Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to Senate Finance

SB 1745 by Eltife - Relating to monthly benefits for certain retirees of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas who return to work. Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 1748 by Nichols - Relating to the collateralization of certain public funds; providing administrative penalties. Last Action: 5-03-07 Left pending in Senate Finance

SB 1749 by Duncan - Relating to the transfer of Angelo State University to the Texas Tech University System. Last Action: 4-19-07 Certified for Senate Local/Consent calendar

SB 1754 by Ellis - Relating to the authority of certain institutions of higher education in this state to use private money to perform scientific research regarding regenerative or reparative medical therapies or treatments. Last Action: 4-12-07 Referred to Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SB 1754 by Ellis - Relating to the collection and dissemination of certain information for a federal firearm background check. Last Action: 5-22-07 Senate passed to engrossment

SB 1767 by Watson - Relating to physician licensing requirements for utilization review of medical decisions regarding workers' compensation claims. Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 1768 by Watson - Relating to the cost of obtaining copies of an injured employee's medical records for use by an ombudsman under the office of injured employee counsel's ombudsman program. Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 1770 by Watson - Relating to the development of a comprehensive energy plan. Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to Senate Business and Commerce

SB 1772 by Watson - Relating to establishing a commission to study and report on a long-range plan for higher education in this state. Last Action: 4-04-07 Left pending in Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SB 1779 by Uresti - Relating to public financing of the public education employee retirement system and an annual cost-of-living adjustment for certain retirement benefits. Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 1784 by Duncan - Relating to information that must be provided by a registered lobbyist. Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 1791 by Jackson - Relating to a review by the Sunset Commission of the eminent domain authority of special districts and the abolition of that authority unless continued by the legislature. Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 1793 by Ogden - Relating to the creation and re-creation of funds and accounts in the state treasury, the dedication and rededication of revenue, and the exemption of unappropriated money from use for general governmental purposes. Last Action: 3-21-07 Referred to Senate Finance

SB 1795 by Ogden - Relating to increasing the amount of bonds and other public securities that may be secured by a pledge of and payable from revenue deposited to the credit of the state highway fund. Last Action: 5-23-07 House point(s) of order sustained by Rep. Dunnam

SB 1802 by Uresti - Relating to providing certain computerized instructional material for blind and visually impaired students at public institutions of higher education. Last Action: 5-08-07 Referred to House Higher Education

SB 1803 by Uresti - Relating to establishing an office of state statistician. Last Action: 5-04-07 Not heard in Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SB 1812 by Duncan - Relating to electronic publication of legal notice. Last Action: 5-14-07 Left pending in House Judiciary

SB 1817 by Carona - Relating to eligibility for certain unemployment compensation benefits. Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to Senate Business and Commerce

SB 1834 by Hegar - Relating to treatment of pharmaceutical services provided through specialty and mail order pharmacy services operated under contracts between governmental entities and pharmacy benefit managers. Last Action: 5-22-07 Set on House floor calendar for 05/22/2007

SB 1835 by Hegar - Relating to prohibiting the use of state money for certain biomedical research. Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to Senate Health and Human Services

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SB 1845 by Duncan - Relating to the deposit of certain public funds with federally insured financial institutions. Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to Senate Finance

SB 1847 by Duncan - Relating to Employees Retirement System of Texas collection of member contributions. Last Action: 5-17-07 Left pending in House Pensions and Investments

SB 1848 by Duncan - Relating to state fiscal matters. Last Action: 5-22-07 House point(s) of order sustained by Rep. Dunnam SB 1854 by Gallegos - Relating to the exception of an audit working paper of a school district from required disclosure under the public information law. Last Action: 5-20-07 Set on House floor calendar for 05/22/2007

SB 1860 by Zaffirini - Relating to a pilot project regarding funding for professional nursing education programs offered by general academic teaching institutions and health-related institutions. Last Action: 4-05-07 Removed from agenda

SB 1885 by Williams - Relating to the management of public school land and the investment of the permanent school fund. Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to Senate Finance

SB 1891 by West - Relating to the voluntary disclosure of public information. Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to Senate Criminal Justice

SB 1900 by Shapiro - Relating to the Texas tomorrow fund II prepaid tuition unit undergraduate education program. Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SB 1902 by Van de Putte - Relating to the vaccination against bacterial meningitis of certain first-time students at public institutions of higher education. Last Action: 5-07-07 Not heard in Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SB 1910 by Jackson - Relating to workers' compensation fee guidelines Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 1911 by Shapleigh - Relating to universal health coverage for Texans. Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to Senate State Affairs

SB 1919 by Watson - Relating to establishing a commission to study and report on the allocation of state resources for medical education. Last Action: 4-16-07 Left pending in Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SB 1939 by Van de Putte - Relating to credit card marketing activities at postsecondary educational institutions; providing a civil penalty. Last Action: 4-16-07 Referred to Senate Business and Commerce

SB 1940 by Van de Putte - Relating to educational programs and a collaborative educational initiative in the North Texas region. Last Action: 3-22-07 Referred to Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SB 1962 by Zaffirini - Relating to authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds for Prairie View A&M University. Last Action: 5-03-07 Left pending in Senate Finance

SB 2040 by Jackson - Relating to coverage for bariatric surgical procedures for certain state employees. Last Action: 5-20-07 Set on House floor calendar for 05/22/2007

SB 2048 by Shapleigh - Relating to a prohibition against certain activities by a person employed in the financial aid office of a public institution of higher education. Last Action: 5-14-07 Left pending in Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SB 2049 by Zaffirini - Relating to certain prohibitions regarding the relationship between student loan lenders and public or private institutions of higher education. Last Action: 5-23-07 Set on Senate Intent calendar for 05/23/2007

SCR 3 by Wentworth - Encouraging the state's colleges and universities to implement policies to safeguard the academic freedom of faculty and students alike and ensure the diversity of opinion not only in the classroom and campus but beyond; and, be it further. Last Action: 3-26-07 Left pending in Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SCR 27 by Watson - Requesting the lieutenant governor and speaker of the House of Representatives to create a joint interim committee to study issues relating to the higher education system in Texas. Last Action: 3-06-07 Referred to Senate Education

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SCR 28 by Watson - Urging the Texas congressional delegation to support legislation to expand telemedicine/telehealth services. Last Action: 5-18-07 Sent to House Calendars Committee

SCR 47 by Shapleigh - Requesting that the governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker appoint a select commission on higher education and global competitiveness. Last Action: 4-27-07 Certified for Senate Local/Consent calendar

SJR 3 by Duncan - Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring a four-fifths record vote of the membership of each house to enact a law granting the power of eminent domain. Last Action: 5-02-07 Left pending in House Land and Resource Management

SJR 3 by Duncan - Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring a four-fifths record vote of the membership of each house to enact a law granting the power of eminent domain. Last Action: 5-02-07 Left pending in House Land and Resource Management

SJR 9 by West - Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to permit a district created to provide local funding to support public institutions of higher education to impose an ad valorem tax if approved by the voters of the district. Last Action: 1-29-07 Referred to Senate Finance

SJR 18 by Zaffirini - Proposing a constitutional amendment extending the period of maturity for bonds and notes issued by certain higher education entities. Last Action: 2-21-07 Referred to Senate Subcommittee on Higher Education

SJR 26 by Patrick - Proposing a constitutional amendment to permit the attorney general to prosecute offenses against public administration, including ethics offenses, and offenses involving insurance fraud. Last Action: 3-06-07 Referred to Senate State Affairs

SJR 28 by Wentworth - Proposing a constitutional amendment to allow the legislature to override a veto of the governor following a legislative session. Last Action: 3-06-07 Referred to Senate State Affairs

SJR 40 by Hegar - Proposing a constitutional amendment affecting the methods by which an appointed member of a multimember state board, commission, or other governing body may be removed from office and providing that the holdover provision of the Texas Constitution does not apply to the member Last Action: 4-11-07 Left pending in Senate State Affairs

SJR 41 by Patrick - Proposing a constitutional amendment to establish a commission on state government spending to address waste, fraud, and abuse in state agency operations. Last Action: 4-30-07 Not heard in Senate Government Organization

SJR 42 by Patrick - Proposing a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of the legislature. Last Action: 3-19-07 Referred to Senate State Affairs

SJR 43 by Nelson - Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the establishment of the Cancer Research Institute of Texas and authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds for the purpose of scientific research of all forms of human cancer. Last Action: 5-21-07 Removed from Senate Intent calendar

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SJR 45 by Ellis - Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to authorize the operation of limited casino gaming by licensed operators and recognized Indian tribes and to authorize the operation of video lottery games by licensed horse and greyhound racetrack operators and recognized Indian tribes, requiring the legislature to create a Texas Gaming Commission to regulate gaming and casino-based development projects in this state, and establishing a higher education trust fund from state gaming revenues to pay tuition and fees for the postsecondary education of Texas high school graduates. Last Action: 4-26-07 Left pending in Senate State Affairs

SJR 48 by Ogden - Proposing a constitutional amendment to limit the time during which a person who holds an appointive position that is subject to senate confirmation on a multimember state board or commission continues to perform the duties of the office after the expiration of the person's term of office. Last Action: 5-14-07 Voted favorably from Senate State Affairs

SJR 56 by Williams - Proposing a constitutional amendment regarding limitations on the rate of growth of expenditures by the state government. Last Action: 4-16-07 Left pending in Senate Finance

SJR 60 by Duncan - Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the continuation of the constitutional appropriation for facilities and other capital items at Angelo State University on a change in the governance of the university. Last Action: 4-19-07 Senate Education filed committee report

SJR 61 by Duncan - Proposing a constitutional amendment increasing dedicated funding for the major repair or rehabilitation of buildings and other permanent improvements of institutions of higher education that were not created as a part of The University of Texas System or The Texas A&M University System. Last Action: 5-18-07 Sent to House Calendars committee

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Bill Analysis Task Force

The following is a listing of those individuals that served as analysts on the BATF for the 80th Legislative Session.

Academic Related Issues Gordon Evans Verna Dewees Deanna Holladay Kevin McGinnis Agriculture Related Issues Paul Bozeman Joe Cox Maria Robinson Bill Dugas Matt Walton Margaret Hale Jim Hull Legal Related Issues Mark Hussey Mike Godfrey Robby Dewitt Jay Kimbrough Antonia Aguilar Engineering Related Issues Brian Bricker Arturo Alonzo Brooks Moore Bernie Fette Tim Coffey Martha Ginzel Eddie Gose Bill May Jorge Canales Jan Faber Facilities/Construction Related Issues Jerry Brown James Davidson Karen Royal Scott Kelley Finance Related/General Operation Warren De Luca Issues Don Barwick Real Estate Related Issues B.J. Crain Dan Buchly Jeff Wickline Student Service Related Issues Health Education Related Issues Tom Reber Barry BLeidt Cindy Ceen Jim Joyce Kenneth McLeroy Jeff Phelps Robert Schwartz Doug Venuti

Human Resource Related Issue Joni Baker Patti Bonneson Ellen Gerescher Sheri Meyer

Investment/ Treasury/ Workers Comp Issues Greg Anderson

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