Annual Report - 2020 Board of Directors

Ross Rentea MD (And as always an Appeal for your Support) President

Mark Kamsler MD Thanking you Vice-President Treasurer and

Philia Kelnhofer Secretary Continuing our Work!

Andrea Rentea MD Dear Friends, Gordon Edwards We could start with the Covid crisis but let us remember something else first. Tim Heath Ph.D. Occult Physiology, Gene Gollogly a lecture cycle given by R. Steiner in 1911 Paul Barratt MD

Tim Heath Ph.D. This and another date are rather important to anthroposophical medicine. This year we remembered/commemorated the fact that R. Steiner gave the first complete course to doctors in March of 1920. Thus, one could argue

that we are looking at 100 years of anthroposophical medicine. Even though the course was not organized by doctors, nevertheless around 50 physicians still came together and gave R. Steiner

the opportunity to present basics of medical therapy. So together with the Medical Section we can indeed celebrate this important moment.

So why mention the “Occult Physiology”?

It is because already then R. Steiner presented an entire course on a basis for medicine that he

connected to the impulses coming from the stars -hence “occult”.

With the very important Great Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn occurring this December 21st, and R. Steiner giving the so called astronomical course in January of 1921, it is perhaps not insignificant to place ourselves into the impulses that connect our work to the star impulses.

It is with this in mind that we invite you to attend our upcoming “Kolisko Christmas Webinar” on 12/16/2020 , (see info at ) entitled “Meditative Thoughts for the Holy Nights”.

1005 Richards Rd., Hartland, WI, 53029, 1-262-912-0970,

At this point we want to give a deeply felt thanks to all who have continued to support us and make our work possible. We were so grateful for several extremely large donations but also very thankful for many, many in smaller dollar amounts. All were given from the heart and made the work below possible.

Here is a summary of what your donations were used for.

1. Regarding the Corona crisis:

We all are being bombarded daily with information relating to this topic. Perhaps surprisingly (or not) there are diverging points of view among the anthroposophical doctors as well about the degree of danger, contagiousness, necessity of mask wearing (or even if corona or other viruses exist). We at Kolisko have preferred to make practical contributions to the discussions by pointing out f. ex. what can be done “beyond the mask” and how to answer the viral and other similar respiratory challenges with creative anthroposophical remedies-please see our recently given webinars on the Kolisko website. institute-webinars/

2. Research activities  We are continuing our germination experiments that (brief description) will show that even highly potentized (ultra-high diluted) substances can have a demonstrable effect on biological organisms. This methodology initiated by R. Steiner and L. Kolisko will also show the creative results that can bring to the world. The results of these experiments are then incorporated into some of the remedies at True Botanica. (We have made offers to several other institutions to do such work for them too but no takers so far.) One example of a recent germination experiment would be the work on the meteoric iron (literally falling from the skies), called Ferrum sidereum (see the graph to the right). Interestingly the curves indicate that low potencies of this meteoric iron are stimulating the growth of the etheric forces of the seeds while increasingly the higher potencies

1005 Richards Rd., Hartland, WI, 53029, 1-262-912-0970,

suppress the etheric forces…until the cycle begins again at D29 (proving incidentally that the effect is not just lesser because the dilution is higher and less of the original substance is available!)  Following another indication of R. Steiner’s, we are continuing our exploration of the effects of the plant ashes on the effectiveness of remedies. Our latest work is on new formulations of the plant Andrographis, the so called “king of bitters”. As an advance “teaser” please think why it is so important that precisely the leaves of this plant are used; why is it important to add the ashes and the potentized plant material to the formulation of the final remedy? We hope to have more information soon. 3. Educational activities - especially now in a time of travel restrictions, etc., having numerous communications in the form of emails and webinars has been welcomed by the friends in the US but also by interested individuals literally world -wide (South Africa, the Middle East, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, and yes even Germany and Romania!). We have had close to 2,000 (!) attendees both old friends and newcomers.  Emails: “Essentials of ” All 12 emails of this series, connecting basic anthroposophical concepts to practical therapeutic ideas, have been met with enthusiasm. Ex’s would be: ideas on iodium (potentized iodine), external applications with copper and iron ointments, meteoric iron and more.  Webinars We will have given ten webinars this year. Most have been related to therapeutic themes, but some have been intentionally dedicated to more core anthroposophical, meditative and esoteric themes. To our friends it will have been obvious for a long time that we consider one of our main goals to be the re-connection of the core of Anthroposophy and R. Steiner with the daily practical aspects of life. We thus hope to contribute in whatever modest ways to the life of the Medical Section of the Spiritual Goetheanum.

Before we go on, we thought that it might be nice this year to introduce both our new co- workers and those who have been here for a while. After all, even though elemental beings are doing the work it is people who need to help along a little. We asked each to share a couple of lines with all of us – so here they are--plus, if they were too modest, I added a small comment (RR):

1005 Richards Rd., Hartland, WI, 53029, 1-262-912-0970,

Elisabeth (Betsy) Schilz

I contribute to the overall mission by supporting the administrative work and providing the initial response to enquiries. I enjoy paddle boarding with my family, hiking with my Siberian Huskies, and perennial gardening. (When you call, she is most likely the friendly voice you get greeted with-RR)

Neda Sattler

I have been less than a year with the Kolisko Institute and while there is a lot to learn and absorb, I enjoy the work in an anthroposophical environment. I perform several critical steps in the seed germination process from the original selecting of the seeds to the plating, watering, growing, weighing and final tabulation of the results. In my free time I can also be found in the great outdoors with my hiking boots (and sometime with my mom) and camera or at home with a cup of tea and a good book.

Heidi Swan

I have been with the Kolisko Institute for nine years. I currently split my time between our office and my new career in real estate. I spend every extra minute of time with my husband Luke, a professional photographer, and my two very active children Callie (9) and Elijah (15). There is no shortage of items on that to do list. (She is multi -tasking between administrative duties and working on the germination experiments-RR)

Patrick Yockey

At the Kolisko Institute I am responsible for the potentizing of the substances that will be used both for the initial experiments and afterwards for the remedies. I am involved in multiple steps in the germination of the seeds process. (Thank you, Patrick, for your so conscientious work ethic-RR)

1005 Richards Rd., Hartland, WI, 53029, 1-262-912-0970,

Philia Kelnhofer

(I am taking these lines over for Philia because her great contributions to the Institute is matched and outweighed by her modesty-RR): We would have gotten considerably less done at The Kolisko Institute without the tireless efforts of this Board member and co-worker. In spite of recently having baby twins she has continued to supervise all administrative tasks, keep all management duties running smoothly and updated and taken care of too many other duties to mention, duties that an institution cannot exist without.

Mark Kamsler MD

My family and myself at Thanksgiving, 2018. When not busy with work at True Botanica, medical office and the Kolisko Institute, I enjoy a quiet moment to read, do some and take walks in the neighborhood. (Way too modest. Mark also makes sure the gemination experiments are done properly, constantly supervises the functioning of the research tools, facility and equipment, grows some of our plants on the roof top of his house(!) and helps discuss fresh research ideas. In the photo Mark is second from left back row. RR)

Sorina Rentea DC Helped by my chiropractic training I am beginning to research anthroposophical aspects to chiropractic activities, finding out how one can introduce anthroposophical remedies in the care of the locomotor and joint health and preparing a deeper understanding of the digestive system. All a work in progress… but hopefully I will be able to add to the Kolisko Institute work.

1005 Richards Rd., Hartland, WI, 53029, 1-262-912-0970,

Andrea Rentea MD

(Again, for the reasons I have given above I have taken over these few lines. Andrea also seen in the photo above with Sorina-RR)

Andrea is gifted with a keen sense of what will help patients, f. ex. what remedies to use to alleviate ailments. She is the unseen “Quality Control” power behind many of our research ideas. Many contemplated remedies projects need to pass by her and be “blessed” before they are continued. She is also the one to judge first if a researched remedy is worthy to be taken to the True Botanica side of manufacturing. She is currently working on a deeper understanding of women’s conditions. As a grandmother she is a constant guide to her daughters and grandchildren.

Ross Rentea MD

I am honored to work with such a fantastic team and truly great colleagues. Often, I am the spokesperson, the “Voice” of the Institute, and then I become even more aware of what I owe to everybody’s work. Anthroposophy is my life, and I am grateful to be given the opportunity to growing the field of anthroposophical medicine in whatever minuscule manner that may be. Otherwise, in my spare time I try to come to terms with being called “grandfather” of eight grandchildren.

Through the enormous help of our donor friends a lot has been accomplished at the Institute but even immensely more needs to be done. Please continue to help!

1005 Richards Rd., Hartland, WI, 53029, 1-262-912-0970,

We really need you!

Current Status and Projected Financial Needs

Dear Friends,

Gordon Edwards, one of our Board members, never ceases to remind us that we need to let friends know what our needs are. After all these years we probably can safely assume that all of us-in and out of the Institute- know what these might be.

Nevertheless, here are some fresh reminders:

 While the senior doctors/researchers donate their work, salaries need to be paid to the young co-workers!!  Other expenses consist in the purchase of the materials -both biological and instrumentational for the experiments.  The work facility needs to be maintained.  Due to the current corona crisis a lot more communications are taking place over the internet. The service providing companies know this of course and have increased their fees. To be able to host emails and webinars that are accessible to larger numbers of attendees, online costs have gone to thousands of dollars.  And many more (…and yes, we also have to pay for cleaning products and garbage disposal if we want the facility – and us – to be working in sanitary and reliable conditions)

The current funding sources are:

 The True Botanica Company has been involved with significant help. At present however the company itself is operating at or only near break-even levels so that the future support is limited. (We could all help immensely by increasing the purchase of the remedies that the company produces. They are all anthroposophically inspired and manufactured with unique characteristics that are important to all who want to combine physical with spiritual health. For more information, please visit the website at The TB company puts the necessary funds into the operation of its productions but plows all additional monies into the support of the Kolisko Institute. (As mentioned above the doctors are donating their time for Kolisko services rendered.)  Income from fees originating from attending our conferences, webinars, sale of our other work products (future book(s)), etc.  Gifts, bequests and other larger, one-time contributions.  All items above however do not cover most of the needs of the ongoing activities.

1005 Richards Rd., Hartland, WI, 53029, 1-262-912-0970,

We are completely dependent on contributions (tax deductible) of many friendly Donors!!

To summarize, we believe that our research should be supported since:

specifically considered the Kolisko type laboratory work to be “a beautiful task” (“eine schöne Aufgabe”).  A physical facility, active work, ongoing developments are already in place; the principal researchers have the requisite credentials both anthroposophically, business and research wise.  Very positive results have already been obtained; not only can we show which potencies of the remedies are the most active, but we are also beginning to conduct experiments showing the superiority of anthroposophical remedies vs. the other commercially available preparations.  This work can help generate enthusiasm among present and especially among younger upcoming physicians and lay people alike, showing that anthroposophy is creative and constantly renewing itself.  These results can strengthen anthroposophical medicine, which then being more successful can in turn better support the Society as such.  The Kolisko Institute does not charge hundreds of dollars membership fees. We rely strictly on generous voluntary donations.

We hope with your help that we won’t have to interrupt our work.

This work directly helps all those who have an interest in or need of anthroposophical medicine!

A new phase is starting in the life of anthroposophical medical development. While it was enough up until now to become familiar with Rudolf Steiner’s work, nearly 100 years after he laid the groundwork new demands are being made on us. Our colleagues “on the outside” want

1005 Richards Rd., Hartland, WI, 53029, 1-262-912-0970, to see how we work with anthroposophical medicine, what we have done with it over the years, how we now contribute to its further development. Our desire to participate in discussions with our integrative and holistic colleagues must be accompanied by our ability to show that we “walk the talk”.

Rudolf Steiner’s words are catching up to us:

“… Spiritual science places us into life in a practical manner. However, this spiritual science will have to be applied in ways that go beyond that which is being done today. Today one thinks that one has done enough with spiritual science when one has listened to her for a while, and when one believes that she may have had a beneficent, uplifting influence on our soul. That is not enough! Spiritual science must enter into all branches of life in practical actions. In all branches of life, the fruits of spiritual science must show themselves.” (2.18.1916)

Before we close, at the end of another work year we would be remiss not to also thank our “outside” Board members who have helped in many ways, some quiet, some more active, but always accompanying us with warmth and assistance to make our existence possible. Thank you!

Thank you All for your Spiritual and Monetary Support!

With warmest wishes for the coming Holiday Season,

Gratefully yours,

The Kolisko Institute Team


For those for you who may not have received this text several year ago we are including it here again. We hope you will find it informative and motivating to

1005 Richards Rd., Hartland, WI, 53029, 1-262-912-0970, action. In 2020 the situation has become more danger laden to anthroposophical medicine rather than less.

Due to the many significant events of 2020 directly affecting the future of anthroposophic remedies it seems appropriate to start with the obvious question: Is the Kolisko Institute work relevant to these current needs of the time?

We think the answer is YES.

A. The Research at our Institute counters the claim that potentized substances are only based on 18th century mystical, nebulous traditions

th Serial potencies of mistletoe (Viscum album) showing that the 25 potency is strongly inhibiting to the life forces of the seeds. Significant clinical implications follow and need The results of our research to be researched. clearly showed that potentized substances have a definitive effect on the biological life forces of plants in the laboratory, even when so highly potentized (so called ultra- high diluted and agitated) solutions of substances were used that no more physical substance would be demonstrated in the test solutions. (The results are applicable to humans.) This brings the influence of ultra-high dilutions (some of these potencies being part of what is called homeopathy some part of anthroposophically prescribed substances) out of the realm of mysticism into the area of solid science. No more mysticism or mere tradition-based beliefs here!

Or you can read this comprehensive article: process/ .

B. The Research of the Kolisko Institute counters the increasing materialism appearing even in the homeopathic field

1005 Richards Rd., Hartland, WI, 53029, 1-262-912-0970,

Rudolf Steiner valued Kolisko’s work (which we are continuing) so highly since it allowed the proof that spiritual forces are directly and visibly working into the physical world.

This is especially important in our time when in spite of lip-service to the contrary, materialism is actually quite widespread: the “mind” is only a reflection of neurotransmitters; acupuncture meridians are accepted only if physical structures can be demonstrated and electrical impulses shown to flow through them; and even homeopathy and potentized remedies are reduced to “nano- medicine”, i.e. physical particles not spiritual forces are the active forces.

Astonishingly the American Institute of Homeopathy has released a short time ago a letter to conventional physicians trying to get them to give homeopathy a new consideration because:

“…Nano scientists at 12 independent research labs have now consistently confirmed that all (potentized) medicines studied contain various nanostructures, including source and silica nanoparticles which are heterogeneously dispersed in colloidal solution – making homeopathic medicine the first known form of nanomedicine. What’s more – we now know from recent discoveries in nanoscience that each remedy manufactured using traditional methods of trituration and vigorous agitation must in fact contain nanostructures.”

This is where the research into the behavior of potentized substances, research done at the Kolisko Institute, can contribute to ensure that our voice for the recognition of the reality of spiritual impulses will be heard and respected. Rudolf Steiner was already pointing out in 1923 that Lili Kolisko’s work demonstrated that the activity of substance potencies, potencies named by R. Steiner “the activity of the smallest entities” was due to spiritual not material forces.

Is the Institute Research a “Social Impulse”?

Lili Kolisko knew that with her method she could help doctors find out which potencies of the remedies would be best suited to help in the clinical setting!

Unfortunately, she could never realize her dream to cooperate with doctors in this direction.

Her work in the field of serial potencies was taken up in several variations over the decades but never in this cooperative direction of researchers working with doctors and patients to demonstrate that the resulting curves from the laboratory could be translated into

Serial potencies of human blood. The most vitalizing potencies are at D6, D28 and D29. 1005 Richards Rd., Hartland, WI, 53029, 1-262-912-0970, practical applications like remedies which then would be used in clinical situations.

This is the direction we hope to develop and have already made some progress in.

This work is especially important today in a time when the FDA is beginning to look quite closely at the “reality of the homeopathic remedies”.

This experimentation with its ensuing results could potentially be a significant factor in increasing the credibility, visibility and awareness of anthroposophical medicine for the future. Criteria for choosing potencies are a completely unsolved matter despite over 200 years of the existence of homeopathic practice.

This is an area where anthroposophists could have a leading role in the world.

Rudolf Steiner considered the Kolisko method to have a historical importance of the first order.

No wonder that he comes back again and again to highlight her work as in the examples we give here:

 3.31.1920  9.2.1923  8.30.1923  11.15.1923  12.31.1923

He praised her unceasingly, even during the Christmas

Foundation conference (the Data taken from 97 recalculated Kolisko curves. They show that the same D30 culmination of his work). He potency is completely different in its vitalizing capacity depending on the was extremely disappointed substance tested. Consequently, to really understand the behavior of individual that the Anthroposophical substances a curve for each needs to be analyzed.

Society did not concern itself more with this work.

We would love to dispense FREE anthroposophical remedies to patients in need if a collaboration with doctors could be established.

We hereby also want to take the opportunity to extend our offer to come to interested communities FREE of charge to help deepen the understanding and practice of anthroposophy and anthroposophical medicine.

Yes, our work can be of social significance!

Respectfully submitted,

1005 Richards Rd., Hartland, WI, 53029, 1-262-912-0970,

Ross Rentea MD, Mark Kamsler MD, Andrea Rentea MD


1005 Richards Rd., Hartland, WI, 53029, 1-262-912-0970,