



Widely-held mores and other societal constraints can cause In the early 1980s, Dutch botanist PETERA.G.M. DESMET avenues of scientific inquiry to be neglected or deliberately published an article on intoxicating enema rituals in theJour- avoided. This creates opportunities for researchers who nal ofEthnopharmacology (DESMET1983), and later compiled boldly go where few have wanted to go before. We recently a book on the subject titled Ritual and Snuffs in the explored one such area: namely, assessing the efficacy of the Americas (DESMET1985). Despite containing a wealth offas- retention enema as a means for visionary administration. cinating tidbits, the book didn't provide much data regard- ing the effectiveness of enemas or the mechanics of absorp- Our primary focus was on Trichocereus cacti. Did the scant tion. The possibility of dried and ground peyote being ad- indications of mescaline-containing cacti taken via enema ministered rectally as an aqueous was reported hold any merit? Could cactus-based enemas have been by DESMET,who described a affixed to a deer bladder, employed as an effective by non- suggesting that the use of such enemas could have preceded technological cultures? Would such enemas afford any ad- the Spanish invasion. But it is really only certain that peyote vantage to people who had trouble orally consuming cactus? enema administration has occurred in the U.S. in modern times. Nevertheless, DESMETtheorized that mescaline would Little has been written on the topic of visionary plant ad- make a reasonable candidate for enema administration: ministration via enema, despite its clear antiquity. Nearly 90 years ago,USDA botanist WILLIAMEDWINSAFFORDpub- The solubilityprofileofmescaline (MERCK 1983) and the lished a piece on the snuffs derived from Anadenanthera sp. reported good ofthis hallucinogen after oral seeds (SAFFORD1916). In that work, he mentions French sci- ingestion (CHARALAMPOUSet al. 1966) suggeststhat sub- entist CHARLESMARIEDELACONDAMlNE'S1749description stantial absorption can be possible after rectal applica- of the Omagua-an Amazonian Indian tribe-using rubber tion. This is a theoretical viewwhich still awaits experi- mental confirmation, for in the only rectal experiment to ritually administer similar substances preceding known to me, 200 mg of mescaline in a "the repasts of ceremony." He also mentions that extracts caused nothing but adubious mydriasis (MOLLER 1935). believed to have been made from these same seeds were used as enemas by other people. This route was described as be- Anthropologist WESTONLA BARREbelieved that a Chavin ing less powerful than when the material was used as a snuff. ceramic relic represented a San Pedro enema (LA BARRE 1989). A number of stirrup bottles are known which show An anecdotal account of peyote enema use among the clear depictions of San Pedro (SHARON2001). In her book Huichol was presented in PETERFURST'sHallucinogens and The Mochica: A Culture of Peru, art historian ELIZABETH Culture (1976). However, in an early issue of The Entheogen BENSONpresents a scene (shown below) from a Moche ce- Review, editor JIMDEKoRNE suggested that this anorrialous ramic relief that has been interpreted as portraying a stirrup account might have represented a Huichol informant pull- vessel being used to administer an enema (BENSON1972). ing the leg of a gullible anthropologist (DEKoRNE 1995).


RALPH E. CANE(1988) also mentions that enema adminis- More than you need to know? tration may be depicted in Moche ceramics, referencing a book by archeologist FEDERICOKAUFFMANN-DOIG(1979), but that book apparently refers to the same scene described by BENSON(1972).

ROUT'S NOT __... DESMET(1983; 1985) clearly detailed the use of enemas in pre-Columbian societies. Indigenous tribes of the New World employed the rectal route of administration for some psy- choactive used as religious inebriants, recreational in- toxicants, and medical treatments. The Maya left ceramic artifacts documenting the ritual use of enemas that may have contained alcohol, tobacco, and flowering plants such as a water lily.

As our evaluation was concerned with visionary drugs taken as an enema, we will not concern ourselves further with , caffeine, alcohol, or any of the medicinal substances C-2 The Cultivation & Propagation of Cacti - $13 that are better known for their rectal applications.

C-1 OA Cactus Chemistry by Species - $20 Curiously, once we had our project underway and began dis- cussing our research with other people, the most common D-1 Cultivation of Desmanthus by Case & Trout - $11 response was some variation on a short look of addled horror, followed by a rapid change of topics. LIMITED TIME OFFER:

Just Doing Our Job the entertaining video about Australia's As it turned out, it appears as though (in some circles), en- War on Drugs by Aussie film-maker Neil Pike - $22 ema administration is currently practiced on occasions as a Send a self-addressed stamped envelope to be informed of route of administration in modern times. However, this prac- the publication of our forthcoming work: San Pedro (Trichocer- tice is generally kept out of sight. One individual remarked: eus pachanol) and related species. 302 pages; over 850 "Isn't that rather intimate? I mean why would you want to photos & color cover. write about that? Everybody knows it works. Lots of us have

Preview a work in progress: "Trout's Notes on Some other Suc- done it that way." A surprising number of friends expressed culents," chapter 5 in the forthcoming third edition of Sacred similar comments. Cacti. Download this and other PDF with 72 dpi resolution color images from http://trout.yage.net!sc)TNinfo.htm. Such remarks left us perplexed for two reasons. First, enema administration was considered by some to be an "intimate" Prices include postage within the U.S. Foreign orders please inquire for shipping costs. Note that some items are limited. act. And second, these otherwise intelligent, thoughtful, ar- We will gladly hold any item for 14 days to await payment ticulate, and moderately liberal people were not only not talk- if you send us an e-mail request to do so. Payment by check, ing about something that they actually did themselves, but cash, or money order payable to Trout's Notes. California apparently they did not want other people talking about it residents please add 7.25% sales tax. either. This was not due to their fear of revealing a secret prac- tice, but apparently to avoid discussing something "un- seemly." One reporter of good effects even prefaced his In- TROUT'S NOTES ternet post by apologizing for discussing such an "unsavory" POB 12 (Dep t, ER) subject. In Australia, enemas are a well-known route of in- Boonville, CA 95415, USA gestion for many substances, but reporting on such use is trout@yage,net + www.troutsnotes.com similarly considered beneath what is acceptable for public discussion-it is quietly reserved for those with taste aver- sions, weak stomachs, or delicate constitutions.


Of course, there were still the "normal" open-minded people (like one might encounter at BURNINGMAN), whose response when we mentioned our research project was generally some variant of,"Wow, cool!"

PREPARATION The first and third brews were prepared the same way, as described below. The second brew was cooked-up by some- one else and we lack precise preparation details. The plant material was chopped into a salsa-like consistency and an excess of water was added. It was brought to boiling then reduced to a simmer for 2-3 hours. The was allowed to cool. A colander was used to rapidly drain off whatever would pour through it, and this liquid was then fil- tered through a winemaker's straining bag. The pulp was not squeezed at this point. This process was repeated two addi- tional times. A final, fourth simmer at a lower temperature overnight was used to exhaust the marc. In the morning it was filtered with the winemaker's straining bag, and this time the pulp was squeezed. Each of the was separately reduced in volume over gentle heat, without boiling, until they reached consistency of a light oil.' At this point the solutions were combined and the volume was further reduced to what we projected our would be: approxi- mately 130 ml.

We used this preparation method in order to remain within the parameters reported for most traditional societies' ap- proaches to cactus extraction for direct consumption. Our own normal approach would have been to use less liquid, and to include citric acid in order to more efficiently extract the material.

ADMINISTRATION PROCEDURE We used prepackaged enema bottles manufactured by FLEET (and similar brands). These held around 130 ml and could be easily emptied and rinsed before filling with our solution. With our first evaluations, we found that unless a small bit of air was permitted to remain in the bottle, it was impos- sible to squeeze out the last bit of solution without remov- ing the bottle and adding some air. Hence, we used 120 ml as our dose for all subsequent evaluations. Before adminis- tration, we made an effort to ensure our bowels were empty. We took turns administering the enemas to each other. Due to the thickness of the liquid, this sometimes took up to ten minutes. Following complete administration of the dose, we lay on our stomachs for the next 2-3 hours, after which we expelled the remainder.


TIME COURS·E Onset was indistinguishable from the cactus. The first alerts were around 15 minutes, with effects building gradually over the next couple of hours, until full effects were reached around three hours after ingestion. Duration was usually 10-12 hours, although we generally ingested 0.5 mg ofXanax around that point, so we don't know how long it would have taken us to actually reach sleep.

DOSAGE AND RESULTS OUR FIRSTEVALUATIONwasproduced from a stout blue Trichocereus peruvianus. Final pH of the solution was 6.5. We used about 600 grams of wet cactus, to pro- duce each single dose of 130 ml. Although we definitely had effects, they were mild and perhaps equivalent to approximately 300 mg or less of mescaline sulfate.

Others who orally bioassayed this same material, at a dose that was 75%the size of what we took rectally, reported being overwhelmingly buffeted about for some hours by electric waves of force. Friends of theirs who then orally took less than 50% of our rectal dose still reported strong effects.

OUR SECONDEVALUATIONwasa solution prepared from the RS0004 clone of Trichocereus macrogonus. We were not provided with final dosage amount or with YAGE.NET specializes in the development and hosting the preparation method. The odor of the preparation suggested that it had been of entheogen-related web sites made using some citrus fruit or citric acid. One author experienced abdominal with an emphasis cramping for several days after the administration of this tea as an enema. on ethnobotanical suppliers. Psychoactive effects were discernible, but overall very mild. An oral evaluation We're also home performed by another person at the same dose reported similar mild results, to the largest collection of ayahuasca resources suggesting the preparation was not concentrated enough. on the web. OURTHIRDEVALUATIONwasbrewed from a mixture of species, including Trichocer- T Hosting forethnobotanical web sites. eus bridgesii, T macrogonus, T pachanoi, T pallarensis, T peruvian us, T puquiensis, T Web site development and design. and T scopulicola cuttings. All had been drought-stressed before harvest. (Drought- T On-line shopping cart solutions. stressing may increase mescaline content.) This time we used about 500 grams of www.yage.net wet cactus, to produce a single dose of 120 ml. Two hours after administration the remainder was expelled. At the end of another hour we decided that our dose Currently hosting sites jor was insufficient, so a second identical-size dose was taken. This was retained for The Entheogen Review just over an hour. (The physical stress of holding in this second dose made it impossible to retain for any longer than this.) Effects were decided but still fairly Trout's Notes mild, perhaps equivalent to approximately a 300 mg oral dose of mescaline Pablo Amaringo sulfate."

Luis Eduardo Luna An oral evaluation of our third brew was performed by other people. In one case James Arthur this was two people who previously had not taken mescaline, although they had experience with LSD. Both ingested what we used for our initial dose (i.e. what Ayahuasca.Com was thought to be a 400 mg equivalency). One described it as "extremely color- EntheogenUK ful," and got violently ill from it. The other thought it was similar in potency to around 200 micrograms of acid, and commented on some queasiness. Oral evalu- and many more at ation was subsequently performed by two additional people, one of whom was www.yage.netlhosted experienced with mescaline. Both experienced powerful effects, with the experi- enced person equating it to around 400 mg of pure compound. Neither got ill


after drinking it. All of this was in stark contrast to our DIAMOND'S second argument for the advantage of enemas experience with the material via enema, even though we used is that they allow the drug to get into the blood stream faster twice their dose with the same material. than ifit is consumed orally. Food in one's may de- lay absorption. Alkaloid drugs, being bases, hit the stomach DISCUSSION acid and bind with hydrogen, which DIAMOND states slows Overall onset from enema administration was more or less their absorption rate. This doesn't occur with the , the same as taking it orally. The queasy sense was not abol- since it doesn't secrete acid. The problem with DIAMOND'S ished, only transferred lower in the gut. One author of this argument in this case is that-based on our evaluations- article actually had more discomfort from the mild abdomi- the of our cactus enemas was similar to nal cramping than he would have had from taking the same that of our past experiences with oral consumption. amount of cactus orally as a citrate tea. The twinges of nau- sea around onset were still present. This was not particularly DIAMOND'S third argument for the advantage of enemas was surprising, as nausea and vomiting have been reported in that this route allows the drug to "bypass the 's the published accounts for injected mescaline, and both are private line to the liver." Since blood from the enema goes also fairly common side effects from oral ingestion of pure directly into general circulation, the drug makes it into the mescaline salts. brain without having any of it destroyed by the liver. (This same reason is why drugs, when snorted, smoked, or shot, The actual effects were attenuated. Subjective estimates are tend to have more potent effects.) But again, our own cactus that we got maybe about half of the effects as we would have enema results had been less potent than when taken orally, if we had taken the same dose orally. Perhaps a bit more than not more potent. this, but quite clearly not the whole dose. While our Trichocer- eus enemas obviously worked, they didn't work well. It DIAMOND's arguments sound logical. Yet at this point in our seemed possible that the solution's pH could playa role in investigations, our own results were different enough as to its solubility, and an extract that was produced within a lead us to suspect that his pronouncements were likely the particular pH range might possibly be more effective. result of mental extrapolation rather than any actual evalua- tion. Along with our own attenuated effects from mescaline- The subtlety of our own results stood in contrast to those containing cacti, there are assorted anecdotal accounts in the described by JARED DIAMOND in his article "Anatomy of a . lay press that claim a lack of effectiveness from psilocybin- Ritual: Ingestion of Hallucinogens via Enema," which ap- containing mushrooms and from morning glory seeds delivered up the breech. peared in an issue of Natural History (DIAMOND 2001). DIA- MOND claimed hallucinogenic drugs are readily adminis- trable via this route and that delivery and onset were like DIAMOND toes the politically correct line and warns: intravenous administration. He presented three reasons as to why enemas may work better. At the risk of belaboring the obvious, I'll conclude by stressing why this piece shouldn't convinceyou to rush out and giveyourself(or askyour beloved to giveyou) a His first argument was that "drugs taken by rectum can't pro- hallucinogenic enema. Everyargument against taking duce nausea by irritating the stomach or the small intestine. hallucinogenicdrugs by any route applies with fullforce Even if you do vomit, you retain the drug, because vomiting to the enema. Drugs destroy your body slowlyif used expels the contents of the stomach and upper small intes- carefully.They kill you quickly if used carelessly.They tine but not of the ." This argument migh t be cut offyour accessto all the diverse and persistent plea- reasonable for someone who is prone to vomiting. If such a suresofa normal life,in return forbriefflashes ofa single person becomes so nauseated that they vomit up their peyote sickening pleasure.Added to all those general argu- or ayahuasca or whatever before enough of it is absorbed, ments, drug enemas pose other risks of their own.They they may not get off at all. Therefore, an enema might be the are so trickyto administer correctly that they can easily cause severe poisoning or death. Native Americans preferred approach, since it is better to get half of the effects knew that they had to leave enema administration to (based on our own initial results) than none at all. an expert elder.


DIAMONDpresents no rationale for this non-scientific scare JONATHANOTT (2001b) found of tactic, and doesn't seem concerned that his warning might 5-MeO-DMT to be uninteresting, but if combined with a be viewed as conflicting with his earlier assertions. For in- trivial amount of harmala alkaloids they become percepti- stance, "In several New World cultures, the enema was the bly effective. He also reported successfully bioassaying 50 mg technique of choice for taking hallucinogenic drugs," and of bufotenine with 10 mg of harmaline as a suppository, taken "Ritual intake of alcohol and hallucinogens by enema used in a gram of cocoa butter with the addition of a quarter gram to be widespread among Native American tribes and is still of sodium bicarb (OTT2001a). practiced today by some." Both of these statements, when considered together, seem to suggest that there sure must An ENTHOGENUKpost (2004) claimed DPT and 5-MeO- have been (or be) a lot of busy expert elders! DIPT are active via enemas, but it is worth remembering that DPT is not appreciably affected by MAO inhibitors so is not Nevertheless, in defense of DIAMOND'Sarguments on the directly comparable to DMT. Similarly 5-MeO-DIPT is physiological action of enemas, there actually are a fair num- fully active orally, so it should show no problems in rectal ber of visionary plants and drugs that have been successfully administrations. ingested via enema or suppository. For example, ketamine via enema is as active as . This has been anecdot- PHENETHYlAMINES ally reported by numerous people, and experientially con- The available reports concerning phenethylamines sounded firmed by two of this paper's authors." Scant reports indi- promising. The ENTHEOGENUKpost noted above also re- cate that Salvia divinorum solutions have been effective as ported good effects from 2C-B.We have heard similar anec- enemas (SIEBERT2004).4 There has been some success with dotal accounts in the past involving both 2C-B and MDMA tryptamines via enema, particularly when taken in conjunc- being used rectally with success. However, none of these past tion with a MAOI. (Ass-huasca, anyone?) As well, there reports included any dosage details. The ENTHEOGENUKpost have been reports of the use of the phenethylamines MD MA claimed that 6 mg of 2C-B taken as an enema was compa- and 2C-B in enemas with good results. rable to orally consuming 18 mg. It was also noted that taking it via enema did not cause the "burning" effect that TRYPTAMINES results when one snorts 2C-B. This report provided enough SAFFORD'Sremark mentioned earlier-concerning an an- details that it was simple to evaluate-and so we did. thropological account that noted a lessening of effects for Anadenanthera snuff taken up the breech rather than blown Two adult subjects used a known and familiar dose of2C-B up the nose-suggests that DMT and other tryptamines hydrobromide (22 mg), which was dissolved in several mil- might not be ideally delivered via this route. DESMET(1983) liliters of water. Although the dose chosen was about 3.66 and CASE(2000) both reported failure using pure DMT as a times higher than that reported on in the ENTHEOGENUK retention enema in a few milliliters of water. This was taken post, this much was taken specifically because 22 mg barely by DESMET(asbioxalate) up to 125 mg and by CASE(asascor- registered as an oral dose for these two individuals with this bate) as a 95 mg dose. (Both doses are presented here as their compound. Each dose was administered into the rectum us- free-base equivalency.) ing 10-ml plastic syringes. Onset proved to be more like in- sufflation (i.e. faster than oral consumption), but the peak Both 5-MeO-DMT and DMT have been reported as being level reached was indistinguishable from what would have successfully used in along with a Peganum har- resulted from oral ingestion. This stands in contrast to the mala extract equivalent to 3 grams of seeds (TOAD1995). ENTHEOGENUKpost's claim that 2C-B is three times as ac- MAOI inclusion seems to be needed for several tryptamines. tive when taken as an enema, compared to oral consump- While these researchers found that 13-15 mg of5-MeO-DMT tion.Nevertheless, it did indicate that a molecule similar to "was extremely active and very intense," they also noted that mescaline had no trouble getting into the blood stream when 70 mg of DMT free-base produced only a "very mild, but breech-loaded. distinctive DMT trip." It is worth noting that both of the dose ranges described above are reasonably higher than would It appeared prudent to further evaluate mescaline taken as be required via oral consumption with a MAOI. an enema, but this time use a known quantity of pure mes- caline as a salt. Adosage of 350 mg mescaline sulfate was

46 THE ENTHEOGEN REVIEW, POB 19820,SACRAMENTO, CA 95819-0820, USA VOLUME XIII, NUMBER 2 SUMMER SOLSTICE 2004 chosen, as the subject had been previously calibrated for this MECHANICS & PHARMACODYNAMICS amount (as well as having taken the pure compound orally Like DIAMOND(2001), DESMET(1983; 1985) noted the ad- at both higher and lower doses). vantages of rectal administration are that: 1)food in the stom- ach does not delay absorption as with oral dosing, and 2) Even when warmed, the material did not dissolve well in the breakdown of acid-labile drugs by the stomach is avoided. water. Hence, it was taken as a partial suspension.After ap- The disadvantages are that absorption may be interrupted if plication, the relatively minor discomfort of an internal prick- the subject can not retain the material for a sufficient length ling sensation was noticed, but it dissipated within the first of time, that the rectum has a small absorption surface, and hour. (Failure to finely-grind the material prior to its admin- that in some cultures patients have an aversion to inserting istration was suspected to be the cause of this sensation.) foreign material into the posterior orifice of the alimentary Onset followed its normal course, with first alerts in about canal. He also stated: 12 minutes and full effects reached about 3 hours after ad- ministration. Several pronounced waves of nausea accom- Druguptake from the rectum doesnot appear essentially panied onset. The level reached with rectal consumption was different from that in other parts ofthe gastrointestinal fully active and completely in line with what would have tract. Passivediffusionthrough alipidmembrane isprob- resulted from oral consumption. There was no decrease in ably the main governing mechanism of absorption. In effectiveness. contrast to the small intestine, the rectum has no pri- maryfunction as an absorbing organ. It isapproximately It may be important to recall our procedure included admin- 15-20 cm long, and there are no villi and microvillion the rectal mucosa.Consequently,the absorption surface istration in a liquid, whereas the ineffective 200 mg evalua- is far more limited than that of the .Under tion mentioned reported by DESMET(1983; 1985) was taken normal conditions, the rectum merely contains 2-3 ml as a suppository and hence had a smaller surface area avail- of inert mucus, so the small intestine has much more able for its absorption. It is also worth commenting that 200 fluidavailablethan the rectum for drug dissolution from mg of mescaline is a low dose for most people. dosage forms. Despite these potential disadvan- tages, it has been demonstrated that numerous drugs In view of the results for this rectal consumption of mesca- reach effectiveplasma levelswhen given rectallyand in line, it seemed prudent to evaluate the use of a moderate many countries rectal therapy is generally viewed as a amount of citrate or ascorbate added to our cactus brew, in convenient alternative to oral dosing. order to better facilitate absorption (neutral to slightly acid). This raised the question of which was the better site of ab- OURFOURTHEVALUATION,completedby a single individual, sorption: the rectum or the descending colon? It appears as was executed using material from the same brew as our third though this may largely be a function of the volume admin- evaluation. However, in this case we included some filtered istered. The larger the volume, the more regions become in- lime juice. This acidified brew proved highly effective, indi- volved. However, large volumes become increasingly diffi- cating that water solubility is a critical factor in mescaline's cult to retain. The descending colon also has more surface rectal absorption. Conversion of the mescaline free-base and area per centimeter, due to having a differently-configured organic acid conjugates that occur in the plant into citrate surface. The greater area of absorption might also be offset and ascorbate salt forms (both of which will be produced via by the increased blood flow from the descending colon to the use of lime juice) clearly creates a more effective cactus the liver, when compared to the rectum. enema. We don't know what the ideal pH is, but making the solution slightly acid with lime juice works fine. There was Resorption of water occurs along nearly the entire length of one odd side effect noticed from this evaluation: the feeling the digestive tract including both the colon and the rectum. (for want of a better phrase) of being "squeaky clean" inter- Of2000 ml of water taken orally, only some 150 ml normally nally, everywhere. The subject even reported his sweat as remains in the feces. The rest is resorbed by the guts, despite "feeling acidified and bursting with vitamin Cand lime juice." internal secretions, which add another 7200 ml ofliquids as This was not so much specifically a bad side effect, but it was the material travels from the mouth through the intestines. a strange and unfamiliar feeling. This is not just an important recovery process for water. It is also the main mechanism that we use for deriving vitamins and other important nutrients from our gut (MARTINI1998).


It may be that pH effects factor into the disparate absorp- FOOTNOTES tion results in our experiments. Our brews came out slightly 1. Initially reducing each cooking separately was done to avoid any on the acid side (-pH 6.5), which is common for cactus juices. burning that might occur in a longer, combined reduction. Potentially Unfortunately, we lack information about what the ideal pH introducing burned particles into a fluid taken as an enema seemed like should be. The choice of salt might also playa role. a bad idea.

2. As we clearly weren't going to get any higher at this point, we compro- SUMMARY & CONCLUSIONS mised the "purity" of our experiment by taking 100 mg ketamine LM. Could cactus-based enema administration have been effec- each around 6 hours after our first cactus enema. The resulting ketamine experience seemed substantially prolonged from normal and was a won- tively performed in a non-technological society? The answer drous melting-together of"beingness." One of the subjects reported this is "yes," as long as the mescaline is in a salt form that is as the best drug combination yet experienced with ketamine. soluble. (We experienced a decided decrease in the activity per dose, when the mescaline was not in a soluble salt form.) 3. During our research, we were told about an interesting approach to the ketamine enema. It was claimed that this individual would use a with a "shunt" (a length of small plastic tubing with Iure-lok ends) used to As to whether or not this process might afford any advan- carry solutions into an IV needle taped to the patient. One end would be tage to people who had trouble consuming cactus orally, the inserted well up this person's anus, and the other end would be secured to answer is not as simple. We experienced from no less, to more, the person's belt. While out at events or shows, the individual used a sy- discomfort than would be typical if drinking a Trichocereus ringe pre-loaded with ketamine to rectally administer a dose through the tiny plastic line, so that the come-on and dose could be timed as desired. brew. (Normally we have little to no discomfort.) However, it is still possible that the enema might be favored by those 4. As far as we know, there are three reports of having used Salvia divino rum with weak stomachs or strong taste aversions (or perhaps by via the bum. Two of these reports seem credible; one used an aqueous people who just like to put things up their butts). leaf-juice infusion and the other used an ethanolic (SIEBERT2004). A third report, posted to an e-mailing list, which claimed the use of a "Salvia suppository," is known to be a humorous hoax. In the end we decided, due to the extra bother of dose reten- tion and the additional physical distress, that the enema is not a route we will generally opt for in the future. @ botanical preservation corps organic super raw cacao seed nibs These raw nibs are dried at very low temperatures, making them by far the most highly nutritious and medicinal of any cacao we have come across. These purple-brown nibs are bursting with life energy. They have a sharp, vibrant flavor with a mild bitter chocolate aftertaste; very different! As close to fresh beans out of the pod as you can get. Organic Super Raw Cacao seed nibs are $8.00 for 4 ounces; $25.00 per pound; or $86.00 for 4 pounds.

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