2 22012012 HOOLYLY CRROSSOSS MEENN’S SOOCCERCCER AT A GLLANCEANCE HOLY CROSS QUICK FACTS COACHING STAFF MISSION STATMENT Location: . .Worcester, MA 01610 Head Coach:. Marco Koolman (Gannon, 1991) COLLEGE OF THE HOLY CROSS Founded: . 1843 Record at Holy Cross / Years:. .First Year Enrollment: . 2,872 Career Record / Years: . .201-75-28 / 15 Years DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS Color: . Royal Purple E-Mail Address: .
[email protected] The Mission of the Athletic Department of the College Nickname: . Crusaders Assistant Coach:. Chris Gbandi (Connecticut, 2002) of the Holy Cross is to promote the intellectual, physical, Affi liations: . NCAA Division I, Patriot League Men’s Soccer Offi ce Phone:. (508) 793-2726 and moral development of students. Through Division I President: . Rev. Philip L. Boroughs, S.J. Mailing Address: . .Men’s Soccer Offi ce athletic participation, our young men and women student- Director of Admissions: . Ann McDermott College of the Holy Cross athletes learn a self-discipline that has both present and Offi ce Phone: . (508) 793-2443 One College Street long-term effects; the interplay of individual and team effort; Director of Financial Aid: . Lynne M. Myers Worcester, MA 01610 pride and self esteem in both victory and defeat; a skillful Offi ce Phone: . (508) 793-2265 management of time; personal endurance and courage; and Director of Athletics: . .Richard M. Regan, Jr. the complex relationships between friendship, leadership, TEAM INFORMATION and service. Our athletics program, in the words of the Associate Director of Athletics:. Bill Bellerose 2011 Overall Record:. 2-13-2 Associate Director of Athletics:. Ann Zelesky College Mission Statement, calls for “a community marked 2011 Patriot League Record: .