2019 Legislative Directory Arkansas Senate Arkansas Senate

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2019 Legislative Directory Arkansas Senate Arkansas Senate ® 2019 Legislative Directory Arkansas Senate Arkansas Senate Bob Ballinger (R) Cecile Bledsoe (R) Ark. Senate 5 Ark. Senate 3 Berryville • (870) 350-5175 Rogers • (479) 636-2115 bob.ballinger@arkansashouse.org Cecile.Bledsoe@senate.ar.gov Will Bond (D) Ronald Caldwell (R) Ark. Senate 32 Ark. Senate 23 Little Rock • (501) 396-5400 Wynne • (501) 682-6107 will.bond@senate.ar.gov ronald.caldwell@senate.ar.gov Eddie Cheatham (D) Linda Pondexter Chesterfield (D) Ark. Senate 26 Ark. Senate 30 Crossett • (870) 364-5659 Little Rock • (501) 888-1859 eddie.cheatham@senate.ar.gov lchesterfield@comcast.net Alan Clark (R) John Cooper (R) Ark. Senate 13 Ark. Senate 21 Lonsdale • (501) 262-3360 Jonesboro • (870) 761-0130 alan.clark@senate.ar.gov john.cooper@senate.ar.gov Arkansas Senate Arkansas Senate Breanne Davis (R) Jonathan Dismang (R) Ark. Senate 16 Ark. Senate 28 Russellville • (479) 970-0081 Beebe • (501) 766-8220 breanne.davis@senate.ar.gov dismang49@hotmail.com Lance Eads (R) Joyce Elliott (D) Ark. Senate 7 Ark. Senate 31 Springdale • (479) 435-5139 Little Rock • (501) 603-9546 lance.eads@senate.ar.gov Joyce.Elliott@senate.ar.gov Jane English (R) Scott Flippo (R) Ark. Senate 34 Ark. Senate 17 North Little Rock • (501) 257-7670 Bull Shoals • (870) 421-3420 jane.english@senate.ar.gov Scott.Flippo@senate.ar.gov Stephanie Flowers (D) Trent Garner (R) Ark. Senate 25 Ark. Senate 27 Pine Bluff • (870) 535-1032 El Dorado • (870) 818-9219 Stephanie.Flowers@senate.ar.gov trent.garner@senate.ar.gov Arkansas Senate Arkansas Senate Kim Hammer (R) Jim Hendren (R) Ark. Senate 33 Ark. Senate 2 Benton • (501) 840-3841 Gravette • (479) 787-6222 kimdhammer@yahoo.com jim.hendren@senate.ar.gov Bart Hester (R) Jimmy Hickey, Jr. (R) Ark. Senate 1 Ark. Senate 11 Cave Springs • (479) 531-4176 Texarkana • (903) 824-8861 bart.hester@senate.ar.gov jimmy.hickey@senate.ar.gov Rickey Hill (R) Keith Ingram (D) Ark. Senate 29 Ark. Senate 24 Cabot • (501) 286-5054 West Memphis • (870) 735-8610 ricky.hill@senate.ar.gov friendsforkeith@gmail.com Missy Thomas Irvin (R) Blake Johnson (R) Ark. Senate 18 Ark. Senate 20 Mountain View • (870) 269-2703 Corning • (870) 323-1766 missythomasirvin@gmail.com Blake.Johnson@senate.ar.gov Arkansas Senate Arkansas Senate Mark Johnson (R) Greg Leding (D) Ark. Senate 15 Ark. Senate 4 Little Rock • (501) 347-5337 Fayetteville • (479) 422-8599 mark@markjohnsonforarkansas.com greg@gregleding.com Bruce Maloch (D) Mathew Pitsch (R) Ark. Senate 12 Ark. Senate 8 Magnolia • (870) 235-7041 Fort Smith • (479) 883-2072 bruce.maloch@senate.ar.gov mathew.pitsch@cox.net Jason Rapert (R) Terry Rice (R) Ark. Senate 35 Ark. Senate 9 Conway • (501) 336-0918 Waldron • (479) 650-9712 senatorjasonrapert@gmail.com ricefurn@centurytel.net Bill Sample (R) Gary Stubblefield (R) Ark. Senate 14 Ark. Senate 6 Hot Springs • (501) 627-5386 Branch • (479) 635-4314 bill.h.sample@gmail.com gary.stubblefield@senate.ar.gov Arkansas Senate James Sturch (R) Larry Teague (D) Ark. Senate 19 Ark. Senate 10 Batesville • (870) 612-7589 Nashville • (870) 845-5303 jim.sturch@senate.ar.gov Larry.Teague@senate.ar.gov David Wallace (R) Ark. Senate 22 Leachville • (870) 919-8046 david.wallace@senate.ar.gov Arkansas State Senate Main Number: (501) 682-6107 Senate Session Number: (501) 682-2902 Website: arkansas.gov/senate Arkansas General Assembly Website: arkleg.state.ar.us Arkansas Senate Arkansas House of Representatives Fred Allen (D) Sonia Eubanks Barker (R) Ark. House 30 Ark. House 7 Little Rock • (501) 804-7844 Smackover • (870)814-7605 fredallen99@comcast.net sonia.barker@arkansashouse.org Rick Beck (R) Mary Bentley (R) Ark. House 65 Ark. House 73 Center Ridge • (501) 912-1441 Perryville • (501) 889-3556 rick.beck@arkansashouse.org mary.bentley@arkansashouse.org Stan Berry (R) Charles Blake (D) Ark. House 68 Ark. House 36 Dover • (479) 970-7982 Little Rock • (501) 425-9824 stan.berry@arkansashouse.org charles.blake@arkansashouse.org Justin Boyd (R) Ken Bragg (R) Ark. House 77 Ark. House 15 Fort Smith • (479) 262-2156 Sheridan • (870) 917-9205 justin.boyd.pharm.d@gmail.com kenwbragg@gmail.com Arkansas House of Representatives Harlan Breaux (R) Karilyn Brown (R) Ark. House 97 Ark. House 41 Holiday Island • (479) 981-3170 Sherwood • (501) 580-9000 harlan.breaux@arkansashouse.org karilyn.brown@arkansashouse.org LeAnne Burch (D) Sarah Capp (R) Ark. House 9 Ark. House 82 Monticello • (870) 460-0773 Ozark • (479) 667-0975 Leanne.Burch@arkansashouse.org sarah.capp@arkansashouse.org Frances Cavenaugh (R) Craig Christiansen (R) Ark. House 60 Ark. House 47 Walnut Ridge • (870) 886-4000 Bald Knob • (501) 724-5326 frances.cavenaugh@arkansashouse.org craig.christiansen@arkansashouse.org Joe Cloud (R) Nicole Clowney (D) Ark. House 71 Ark. House 86 Russellville • (870) 276-5319 Fayetteville • (479) 445-5337 joe.cloud@arkansashouse.org nicole.clowney@arkansashouse.org Arkansas House of Representatives Bruce Coleman (R) Andrew Collins (D) Ark. House 81 Ark. House 35 Mountainburg • (479) 806-6825 Little Rock • (501) 650-2233 bruce.coleman@arkansashouse.org andrew.collins@arkansashouse.org Cameron Cooper (R) Bruce Cozart (R) Ark. House 44 Ark. House 24 Romance • (501) 230-5635 Hot Springs • (479) 806-6825 cameron.cooper@arkansashouse.org bruce.cozart@arkansashouse.org Cindy Crawford (R) Carol Dalby (R) Ark. House 76 Ark. House 1 Fort Smith • (479) 782-4693 Texarkana • (870) 772-1255 cindy.crawford@arkansashouse.org carol.dalby@arkansashouse.org Andy Davis (R) Marsh Davis (R) Ark. House 31 Ark. House 61 Little Rock • (501) 837-5109 Cherokee Village • (870) 257-3110 andy.davis@arkansashouse.org marsh.davis@arkansashouse.org Arkansas House of Representatives Gary Deffenbaugh (R) Jim Dotson (R) Ark. House 79 Ark. House 93 Van Buren • (479) 474-5895 Bentonville • (479) 222-1234 Gary.Deffenbaugh@arkansashouse.org jim.dotson@arkansashouse.org Dan M. Douglas (R) Les Eaves (R) Ark. House 91 Ark. House 46 Bentonville • (479) 619-9231 Searcy • (501) 827-1344 dan-douglas@sbcglobal.net les.eaves@arkansashouse.org Jon S. Eubanks (R) Brian Evans (R) Ark. House 74 Ark. House 43 Paris • (479) 438-0533 Cabot • (501) 941-4002 jon.eubanks@arkansashouse.org brian.evans@arkansashouse.org Deborah Ferguson (D) Kenneth Ferguson (D) Ark. House 51 Ark. House 16 West Memphis • (870) 735-7098 Pine Bluff • (870) 413-8942 deborah.ferguson@arkansashouse.org kenneth.ferguson@arkansashouse.org Arkansas House of Representatives David Fielding (D) Charlene Fite (R) Ark. House 5 Ark. House 80 Magnolia • (870) 234-6143 Van Buren • (479) 414-1818 david.fielding@arkansashouse.org charlene.fite@arkansashouse.org Lanny Fite (R) Vivian Flowers (D) Ark. House 23 Ark. House 17 Benton • (501) 317-2400 Pine Bluff • (870) 329-8356 lanny.fite@att.net vivian.flowers@arkansashouse.org Jack Fortner (R) Denise Garner (D) Ark. House 99 Ark. House 84 Yellville • (870) 656-7664 Fayetteville • (479) 283-5050 jack.fortner@arkansashouse.org denise.garner@arkansashouse.org Mickey Gates (R) Jimmy Gazaway (R) Ark. House 22 Ark. House 57 Hot Springs • (501) 623-1100 Paragould • (870) 215-1243 mickey.gates@arkansashouse.org jimmy.gazaway@arkansashouse.org Arkansas House of Representatives Don Glover (D) Megan Godfrey (D) Ark. House 11 Ark. House 89 Dermott • (870) 538-4131 Springdale • (479) 200-4460 don.glover@arkansashouse.org megan.godfrey@arkansashouse.org Justin Gonzales (R) Michelle Gray (R) Ark. House 19 Ark. House 62 Okolona • (870) 245-6365 Melbourne • (870) 291-2515 justinrory@yahoo.com michelle.gray@arkansashouse.org Spencer Hawks (R) David Hillman (R) Ark. House 70 Ark. House 13 Conway • (501) 764-6847 Almyra • (870) 830-3004 spencer.hawks@arkansashouse.org dhillman@futura.net Grant Hodges (R) Monte Hodges (D) Ark. House 96 Ark. House 55 Rogers • (479) 381-9091 Blytheville • (870)763-4443 grant.hodges@arkansashouse.org monte.hodges@arkansashouse.org Arkansas House of Representatives Mike Holcomb (R) Steve Hollowell (R) Ark. House 10 Ark. House 49 Pine Bluff • (870) 489-7177 Forrest City • (870) 270-3831 mike.holcomb@arkansashouse.org steve.hollowell@arkansashouse.org Douglas House (R) Lane Jean (R) Ark. House 40 Ark. House 2 North Little Rock • (501) 590-1055 Magnolia • (870) 904-1856 housedouglas@gmail.com l_jean@sbcblogal.net Joe Jett (R) Lee Johnson (R) Ark. House 56 Ark. House 75 Success • (870) 276-5319 Greenwood • (479) 883-6393 joe.jett@arkansashouse.org lee.johnson@arkansashouse.org Jasen Kelly (R) Jack Ladyman (R) Ark. House 28 Ark. House 59 Benton • (501) 303-0716 Jonesboro • (870) 340-7499 jasen.kelly@arkansashouse.org jackladyman@gmail.com Arkansas House of Representatives Fredrick J. Love (D) Mark Lowery (R) Ark. House 29 Ark. House 39 Little Rock • (501) 612-3939 Maumelle • (501) 837-5221 fjlove@att.net markdlowery@mac.com Robin Lundstrum (R) Roger D. Lynch (R) Ark. House 87 Ark. House 14 Elm Springs • (479) 957-1959 Lonoke • (501) 412-8959 robin.lundstrum@arkansashouse.org rogery.lynch@arkansashouse.org John Maddox (R) Stephen Magie (D) Ark. House 20 Ark. House 72 Mena • (479) 394-6060 Conway • (501) 633-0442 john.maddox@arkansashouse.org stephen.magie@arkansashouse.org Julie Mayberry (R) Austin McCollum (R) Ark. House 27 Ark. House 95 Hensley • (501) 888-3522 Bentonville • (479) 426-4141 julie.mayberry@arkansashouse.org austin.mccollum@arkansashouse.org Arkansas House of Representatives Tippi McCullough (D) Gayla H. McKenzie (R) Ark. House 33 Ark. House 92 Little Rock • (501) 766-3177 Gravette • (479) 787-6411 tippi.mccullough@arkansashouse.org gayla.mckenzie@arkansashouse.org Ron McNair (R) Stephen Meeks (R) Ark. House 98 Ark. House 67 Alpena • (870) 754-7962 Greenbrier • (501) 314-9250 rmcnair1950@gmail.com stephen.meeks@arkansashouse.org Josh Miller (R) Reginald Murdock (D) Ark. House 66 Ark. House 48 Heber Springs • (501) 365-3599 Marianna • (501) 940-5157 josh.miller@arkansashouse.org rkm_72360@yahoo.com Milton Nicks, Jr.
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