KINGSTON SE A.P. & H. SOCIETY INC. MAJOR INFORMATION MAIN SHOW DAY – SUNDAY OCTOBER 6 ENTRY CLOSING DATES: August 30th Best Commercial Fleece Entries – see Wool Section September 27th Dressage & Horseman’s Challenge. October 3rd All Indoor, Livestock & Outdoor Sections and photographs delivered. October 4th All other wool to be delivered for judging – see Wool Section. ENTRIES will be taken in the old Wood Hut room (part of the District Hall), Agnes Street on September 26th (Thursday) & 27th (Friday), October 2nd (Wednesday) and 3rd (Thursday) - 10.00am to 4.00pm. ENTRIES WILL ALSO BE ACCEPTED BY THE FOLLOWING METHODS: Email:
[email protected] Indoor: Post to Box 212, Kingston SE SA 5275 Phone: 0439000954 Outdoor: Box 96, Kingston SE SA 5275 Phone: 08 87672492 THURSDAY All photography to be deposited at the Wood Hut by 4.00pm on October 3rd. FRIDAY All wool other than Best Commercial Fleece to be delivered - see Wool Section. SATURDAY Art, Handicraft and Home Brew entries must be in the Football Clubrooms, and Woodwork in the Scout Hall by 11.00am on Saturday October 5th, as exhibits will be judged in the afternoon. SUNDAY - MAIN SHOW DAY Other indoor exhibits are to be in by 8.30am on Show Day, or be placed in the Football Clubrooms on Saturday from 9:30am. Wool and Farm Produce to the Pavilion by 8.30am on Sunday. Children’s Pets, Junior Show Personalities & Tiny Tots, Speed Shear Competition & Judging of the Outdoor and other Indoor Sections take place on the main day. TRADE SPACE We ask that Trade Spaces remain set up until 4.00 pm on Show Day Under cover: To be set up before 9.00am on Sunday October 6th.