Herrick Family Association Founded in 2001 Richard L. Herrick, Founder and President Emeritus Kenneth Herrick, Vice President Emeritus Joann Nichols, Editor Emeritus Vol. 15 Issue 2 Virgil Herrick, Counselor Emeritus June 2019 Check our new Web Page: www.Herrickfamilyassociation.org or find us on Facebook! * * * Save the Date Early September of 2020 Planning is underway for the next HFA meeting and trip to England in early September of 2020. We hope that you can join the group and explore some of our English ancestor’s histories, homes and towns while enjoying beautiful England. We are working on ideas for places to visit, speakers to add to our knowledge of Herrick family history, and research topics to pursue. Please contact Nancy, Deborah or Michael if you have ideas or suggestions. Thank you. Nancy’s email is
[email protected], Deborah’s email is
[email protected], and Michael’s is
[email protected]. * * * Message from our President Dale Yoe: As some of you know our organization has been in an ever- changing way since our last meeting. Our thanks to Michael Herrick for filling the void initially and our thanks to Sharon Herrick for acting as President during the transition. I have now been selected to hold the office of President, at least until we have our next meeting. My goal is to help the HFA move forward, as it has for the past 18 years, and continue with our mission and goals. I would like to encourage all to help bring in the next generation- our children and grandchildren- into the HFA to take an active part and to help us move into the next phases of our research.