In the Name of God the Compassionate the Merciful

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In the Name of God the Compassionate the Merciful In the Name of God the Compassionate the Merciful Archives of Iranian Medicine Board of Consultants Y. Aghighi MD S. Koochekpour MD PhD A. Ahmed MD (USA) H. Malekafzali MD PhD A Monthly Peer-Reviewed Medical Journal M. Akbarian MD A. Malekhosseini MD Founded in 1998 by the J. P. Allain MD PhD (England) A. Marandi MD Academy of Medical Sciences of the I.R. Iran S. Asfar MD FACS (Kuwait) S. Masood MD (USA) F. Azizi MD M. Matin MD ISSN: Print 1029-2977, Online 1735-3947 S. Bahram MD PhD (France) V. Mehrabi MD M. Balali-Mood MD F. Moattar PhD B. Bastani MD (USA) K. Mohammad PhD Chairman: Iraj Fazel MD FACS H. E. Blum MD (Germany) F. Motamedi PhD Editor-in-Chief: Reza Malekzadeh MD S.H. Borghei MD A. Nadim MD PhD Chairman of the Editorial Board: Karim Vessal MD B. Boroumand MD B. Nikbin PhD Y. Dowlati MD M. Nooraie PhD Associate Editors and Editorial Board G. H. Edrissian Pharm D N. Parsa MD PhD (USA) Shahin Akhondzadeh PhD B. Eghtesad MD (USA) D. Paydarfar MD (USA) Mohammad-Hossein Azizi MD A. Emadi MD PhD (USA) G. Pourmand MD Moslem Bahadori MD H. D. Fahimi PhD (Germany) S. Rad MD Arash Etemadi MD PhD A. Fazel PhD B. Z. Radpay MD Hasan Farsam, PhD A. Gasparyan MD PhD (Armenia) F. Rahimi MD Farshad Farzadfar MD N. Ghahramani MD (USA) H. Rezvan PhD Sadegh Massarrat MD R. Gharib MD M. H. Sanati PhD Siavosh Nasseri-Moghaddam MD R. Ghohestani MD PhD (USA) M. R. Sedaghatian MD FAAP (UAE) Touraj Nayernouri MD B. Guyuron MD FACS (USA) F. Saidi MD Siavoush Sehhat MD FACS M.A.Haberal MD FACS(Turkey) H. Sajjadi MD (USA) Ismail Yazdi DMD F. Habibzadeh MD S. Shariat MD Mohammad-Reza Zarrindast PhD M. Haeryfar PhD (Canada) F. Shokri PhD Editorial Office: P.O.Box: 19395-4655, Tehran, Iran M. Haghshenas MD M. Sotoodeh MD Web: F. Ismail-Beigi MD (USA) E. Sotoodeh-Maram PhD Tel: +98-218-864-5492 B. Jahangiri MD M. Ugurlucan MD (Germany) Fax: +98-2188656198 K. Kalantarzadeh MD (USA) A. Velayati MD E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected] N. Kamalian MD M. Vessal PhD Online Submission: A. Khaleghnejad MD P. Vosugh MD General/frmMainJournal.aspx K. Khazaie PhD (USA) M. Zali MD Editorial Statistical Advisors Ali Feizzadeh MD MPH Archives of Iranian Medicine is indexed in PubMed/ Asieh Golozar MD MPH MEDLINE, ISI Web of Science, EMBASE/Excerpta Leila Ghalichi MD MPH Medica, SCOPUS, CINAHL, PASCAL, CSA, SID, and Ahmad Reza Shamshiri MD MPH ISC. Kamran Yazdani MD PhD Statements printed in this journal, although believed to be reliable and accurate, are those of the authors and no Editorial Staff liability can be accepted by the Academy and Editorial Shokoufeh Borzabadi MSc (copy editor, executive director) Board for errors of commission or omission incurred Siamak KarimkhanZand (design and layout) in the published material. 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The entire manuscript should be submit- incidence, course, and management of diseases and pertinent ted as a single file. medical problems. Manuscripts with didactic orientation and subjects exclusively of local interest will not be considered Structure of Articles for publication. Text of the Original Articles should include title page, ab- stract, keywords, introduction, materials/patients and meth- Peer-Review System at AIM: Manuscripts are first reviewed ods, results, discussion, acknowledgment, references, tables, by the editorial staff to ensure their appropriateness relevant to figures, and legends, enumerated from the title page. The the framework of the journal. Manuscripts are also excluded length of the text should not exceed 4500 words excluding by the editors if there are major faults in the methodology of the references. All Clinical Trials should include patients’ in- research. Peer reviews are handled anonymously and com- formed consent forms and the approval of the bioethics com- ments are discussed in weekly editorial sessions. Reviews are mittee of the corresponding university/institution. Review then sent to the corresponding authors for proposed modifica- Articles are solicited by the editor, but AIM will also accept tions and the new version of the manuscript would be peer- submitted reviews. The authors of review articles are invited reviewed for a second time by one or two external reviewers. to contact the Editorial Office before preparing a review ar- ticle. The journal will only consider unsolicited review arti- Submission: Manuscripts must be submitted in English. cles from authors with substantial research background in the Contributions will be considered for publication with the un- subject. Systemic reviews with sound methodology of such derstanding that they are exclusively submitted to AIM, have studies do not require the above-mentioned condition and are not been previously published elsewhere (except in the form greatly encouraged. Both solicited and unsolicited review ar- of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, review or the- ticles undergo peer review and editorial processing as original sis), and are not under consideration by another journal. The papers. covering letter should designate one author as “correspond- Case Reports and Brief Reports should be limited to 2000 ing author” and all other authors should personally sign the words. Both should include abstract, keywords, case presen- submission covering letter. Manuscripts should be prepared in tation, discussion, acknowledgment, references, and 1 – 4 accordance with the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts figures. Necessary documentations of the case(s) such as: pa- Submission to Biomedical Journals” proclaimed by the In- thology reports, laboratory test reports, and imagings should ternational Committee of Medical Journal Editors (available be included in the submission package. Brief reports should from: Authors are responsible for all not have more than one figure and/or table. statements made in their work. The right is reserved to incor- porate any changes deemed necessary by the editorial board Opinion is a forum where researchers can present their points to make contributions harmonized with the editorial standards of views on various controversial issues of science, at large, of the journal. Accepted manuscripts become the property of and medicine, in particular. The submissions should not be AIM. Manuscript submission to AIM is possible in one of the more than 1000 words long with at most one Figure, Graph or following two ways: a) Mail submission: One original copy Table, and ten references. along with two blinded review copies (without names and af- filiations of authors) should be submitted to: Photoclinics should be up to 1000 words. The maximum The Editor-in-Chief, number of pictures is four. Number of references should not Archives of Iranian Medicine, Editorial Office, exceed ten. Academy of Medical Sciences of I.R.Iran, P.O. Box: 19395-4655, Tehran, Iran. Commented Summaries from Current Medical Litera- ture are specially welcomed. Herein, authors comment on a A floppy diskette/CD containing the manuscript and all re- work which might provoke controversies in an Iranian setting. lated material should accompany this submission. The authors Such comments reflect practice variations and proposed solu- may propose three potential reviewers in the field of the study; tions tailored to the prevailing conditions in the region. however, their endorsement depends on the editorial decision. b) Online submission: AIM provides an online submission History of Contemporary Medicine in Iran: Manuscripts and peer review system that enable authors to submit their pa- narrating how modern medicine has been established in Iran, pers online and track progress via a web interference. For on- how outstanding scientists have contributed to its progress, ii Archives of Iranian Medicine, Volume 15, Number 5, May 2012 and what has happened over the past decades to our health- Figures should be used only if they augment comprehension care system are of paramount importance to us and are wel- of the text. Drawings and graphs should be professionally comed. prepared in deep-black and submitted as glossy, black-and- white clean photostats. Professionally designed computer- Letter to the Editor: AIM welcomes letters to the editor. Let- generated graphs (grayscale or color) with a minimum of ters, up to 500 words, should discuss materials published in 600 dpi laser printer output is also acceptable. Each figure the journal in the previous six months. They can be submitted should have a label on the back, listing the figure number, either by e-mail or regular mail. Letters are subjected to the title of manuscript, first author, and an arrow indicating the editorial review and editing for clarity and space. top. Illustrations should be numbered as cited in the sequen- tial order in the text, and each should have a legend on a Title Page should include title; author(s) information, includ- separate sheet.
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