
VOLUME TEN, NO. 8-April 10, 1997-April 23, 1997-Issue 228 FREE

Give the People Light and they will find their own way. V The Wisconsin Light Wisconsin Public 111Refuses Demand to Pull Gay Program Brother Braddock Sends Refund to Unhappy State Senator By Bill Meunier Madison— Wisconsin Public TeleVision refused to give in to the demands of Wis- consin State Senator Scott Fitzgerald (R- Juneau) that it cancel an episode of "In the Life," the nationally syndicated Public Bernadette Peters television show. The episode which aired in most of the ON THE INSIDE: State on April 4th included a segment on SEE INTERVIEWS WITH Gay farmers living in Wisconsin. It was that segment to which the Senator ob- jected. Bernadette Peters on Pg 11 "It casts a negative image of Wiscon- sin," Fitzgerald told The Wisconsin Light. According to Fitzgerald the Farm The Ball Game's Rick Kowal Pg 16 Boys segment is based on Will Fellows book Farm Boys: Lives of Gay Men From the Rural Midwest. Bel Ami's Johann Paulik Pg 21 Fitzgerald admits to not having read the book. He did, however, say that he didn't have to read it because of what he de- scribed as offensive quotes on the book's Anti-Gay Marriage jacket cover. When asked what these It must be Spring While a cold howling wind blew through downtown, Managers and Officers from quotes said, Fitzgerald said one of the Bill Update Rally Milwaukee's Saturday Softball League put the finishing touches on plans for the groups 20i° Anniversary quotes was from a at Milwaukee and Madison will begin Minnesota man who Season during a meeting held upstairs at M & M. Nine teams from talked about being Gay and 15 years old playing an eight week schedule at Sijan Field, 2128 S. KK, on Saturday May 3. This year the SSBL, one of but gave the Capitol Set for the Milwaukee Classic, Memorial Day no other specifics. the oldest Gay softball leagues in the country host two tournaments, "The Gay weekend and the Midwest Invitational Softball Tournament. Labor Day weekend. It's not too late to sign up community should be out- May 12 for a team. To sign up call the SSBL Hotline at 454-9204 or stop in at your favorite team sponsor. Please See Public TV Page 2 By Bill Meunier 4-kuion Wisconsin also want a wide cross The fight over Gay Marriage is still section of people to attend the debate and Interview with Patty McKeithan, Miller raging in Madison. A vote on Lorraine vote on May 13. Serrati's (R-Spread Eagle) anti-Gay Finally they want everyone to call Beer's Vice President Of Corporate Affairs Marriage bill, AB 104, is scheduled to and/or write their state legislator and take place following a six hour debate on express their concerns over passing AB- By Terry Boughner woven into the fabric of this community. Tuesday May 13th. 104. While Chrysler waffles and J. C. Penny We feel very strongly that since our cor- AB 104 has 30 co-sponsors in the State The bill's proponents claim that it is shy's away, Miller Brewing Company porate headquarters is here—and in the Assembly and was recommended for needed because Hawaii may someday steps up to the plate. The Milwaukee- other places where we have brewing fa- approval by the Assembly's Committee on legalize Gay marriages. They say that AB based brewery (the last of the "Big cilities, I might add—we are very com- Children and Families. It is not expected 104 will protect the mstitution of marriage Four" in the Cream City), has not hesi- munity minded. to be derailed in the Assembly which is in Wisconsin. tated about being a good corporate citi- What I like to look at first, even before controlled by the Republican party. "That's nonsense." say the bill's zen. The company supports many out at the external public, is our internal Nevertheless, activists from Action opponents. They are backed by a number causes, some controversial some not, public—our employees. Those employees Wisconsin, Log Cabin Republicans, Rep. of legal experts say that the bill is not but this can be said: Milwaukee, Wis- are involved in various aspects of the Barbara. Notestein (D-Milwaukee) and needed because Wisconsin law already consin, and the country as a whole, have community. They are from various spe- openly Lesbian State Representative forbids Same Sex Marriage. Moreover, received considerable benefit from the cial markets. And they're concerned Tammy Baldwin (D-Madison), are they say that even if another state fact that Miller is there. about our involvement in the community. working hard. Action Wisconsin has legali7es Gay Marriages, Wisconsin Gays Recently, I went out to Miller's corpo- All of our internal communities hit every issued a call for everyone who opposes to and Lesbians will still not be permitted to rate headquarters in Miller Valley to in- ` pitch in and help. They believe that the go there and get married. terview Patty McKeithan who superin- \a Gay community should use this chance to AB-104's opponents backed by a tends Miller grants. The day was bright educate Wisconsin's legislators. number of editorial writers straight and with late winter sun. The air was redo- "Every vote we can change is a new Gay alike have said that it is unnecessary lent of yeast, like being in a room with friend we have found," said one political and mean spirited. bread baking in the oven. activist and observer. Meanwhile, the battle rages on. What * * * In order to help change some votes, a some say is the biggest civil rights battle Terry Boughner: Patty, what's your rally has been scheduled for Monday May is the 90's has been joined and is in full job description here? 12 at the State Capitol. Baldwin and swing here in Wisconsin. Patty McKeithan: (laughs) I'm Vice President of Corporate Affairs, which is Local Ceremony to Honor the Memory of responsible for marketing communica- tions, corporate communications, com- munity relations, the company's contri- Those Who Have Died of AIDS bution and giving program. Milwaukee -- On May 4, the 14th an- volved in the fight against AIDS." We work with Phillip Morris (Miller's nual International AIDS Candlelight Me- Quilts will be displayed, and a reception parent company) on government affairs morial will mobilize people from 290 cit- will follow the ceremony, which 150 peo- issues. Actually, Tom Reed heads up that ies worldwide. In Milwaukee, the event is ple attended last year. Those attending are department within the Division. We work being hosted by the AIDS Resource Centel encouraged to bring a photograph of a very closely on those issues. of Wisconsin (ARCW) and will be held at loved one who died with AIDS to be dis- We have industry issues, which in- 7:00 p.m. Sunday, May 4. in the Harbor played during the candle lighting. volves our alcohol education program— Lights Room in the O'Donnell Park Pa- Attendees will also receive a special, Think When You Drink—and any other is- vilion, 909 E. Michigan Street. This year's living memorial gift courtesy of the Wis- sues that come up which we feel need Patty Mc Keithan ceremony, themed "Telling Stories -- consm Funeral Directors Association and special attention. aspect of the external community. Celebrating the Lives" is being held a few the Milwaukee County Funeral Directors (Laughs). We cover everything. If We always keep in mind, too, that our weeks earlier than past years. Association. there's any problem out there, it comes to business activity should make good social The ceremony will include the recitation Stories Needed Corporate Affairs. sense, and our social activities should of names of those who have died in the The Milwaukee AIDS Project (MAP) is TB: A little background? make good business sense. So there is a last year, the reading of remembrances, collecting personal stories which will be PK: I'm actually an Anny brat. My fa- marriage there. musical selections and the lighting of can- shared to remember those who have died ther was in the military. A lot of my ear- I would be very untruthful with you if I dles by participants. and reflect experiences, hope and mes- lier life was spent outside the country. didn't say that we care about the commu- "The Candlelight Memorial Ceremony is sages of courage. Stories are welcome But I went to school here in Wisconsin. nity. We want the community to be suc- a celebration of life that honors those who from relatives and friends of someone who I've been with Miller for 19 years. cessful, but we also want people to realize have died with AIDS and offers support has died with AIDS, health care providers, Miller and the Community that we are a manufacturing company. for people living directly or indirectly with mregivers and social workers. Text (100- TB: Miller is wide-famed for sup- We put out a consumer product. We feel I-MT and AIDS," said Father Mike Ham- 150 words) must be submitted by April 25 porting our community—among many, we put out the best consumer product in mer of the Catholic AIDS Ministry and to Gary Dennison at MAP, P.O. Box many communities. What impels Miller our category of any other company. master. of ceremony for the local event. 92487, Milwaukee, WI 53202-0487. to be a generous as it is? TB: Oh, I'll second that! "The Candlelight Memorial Ceremony The Candlelight Memorial Ceremony is PK: Miller has been a part of this Mil- community for 142 years. We're Please See Miller Page 5 also reminds e community to get in- Please See AIDS Page 9 waukee April 10, 1997-April 23, 1997-WISCONSIN LIGHT-2 Hawaiian Solons May Not Resolve Gay Marriage Honolulu-AP- The 1997 session of the state Legislature hits the home stretch this week, but lawmakers have many major differences to resolve before the scheduled News From adjournment April 29. Despite urgings at the start of the session that the big three issues carried over from the 1996 session-- no-fault automobile insurance reform, same-sex marriage and the "high three" pension perk for certain lawmakers--be resolved quickly, that has not happened. The Nation The House and Senate don't appear much closer now on the same-sex issue than they were when it deadlocked at the end of last year's session, leading angry voters to dump the senator who headed the Senate's conferees on the issue. Set to Lift Ban on Gays in the Military That senator was Rey Graulty, but he's back this year as state insurance commis- Britain sioner and is a key player in the continuing effort to reform no-fault automobile insur- London, England—The London Times reports that British aimy officers are which would effectively remove the ban on ance to give Hawaii's motorists a reduction in rates that now are second-highest in the drawing up a new code of moral conduct nation. Again, the House and homosexuals and change the =rent strict attitude towards adultery. . Senate remain far apart on the solution. Senior army officers rewriting the discipline and standards guidelines, which were Bigotry Makes Activist of Gay Republican last updated in 1993, believe it is no longer justified to treat individuals differently on the Army Board to approve a new moral code Charlotte, NC-AP- Gay activists in Charlotte are considering their next move the basis of their sexuality. They want against a Mecklenburg County decision to cut funding to eliminate funding for the under which only those individuals whose sexual activities can be shown to have a di- should face disciplinary action or ad- Arts & Science Council. rect impact on a unit's operational effectiveness Mecklenburg County commissioners voted 5-4 to adopt a ministrative discharge. resolution that will cut adventurism, the kind of behavior that can have a money to groups that offer "exposure to perverted forms of sexuality." "What we're talking about is sexual The resolution also prevents any private or nonprofit agency from getting county really bad effect on a unit," one anny source said. Gays and Lesbians serving in theanny would not automati- money unless commissioners approve a separate allocation for each one. Under the new approach, The proposal approved by county commissioners has made Billy Maddalon an ac- cally face administrative discharge if exposed as homosexuals. tivist. The former The change in attitude towards sexuality has been largely driven by the surge in le- president of North Carolina State University's Young Republicans is pursuing a businessman and conservative Republican and has not talked about being Gay in gal cases involving Gay men, Lesbians and Transsexuals who have been public. compensation claims in British and European courts. that a Labour government would lift But that all changed when Maddalon, 29, stepped to a microphone Tuesday and told Jack Straw, the Shadow Home Secretary, said the commissioners what he thought of the proposal. the ban on homosexuals in the Aimed Forces. "I have never ... gone to a public meeting and spoken about my sexuality, but with NGLTF Cautions Against Using Heaven's Gate to what was being said about us, I had to go," he said. Bash Gays Gay Civil Rights vs. Same-Sex Marriage Washington, DC--Will the shock, sorrow and surprise of the recent mass suicide of Augusta, ME-AP- Some lawmakers say there is nothing contradictory about sup- members of the Heaven's Gate cult now turn to rage, resentment and retribution be- porting a Gay civil rights bill and opposing Gay marriages cause of Easter weekend press reports that cult leader Marshal Applewhite may have From the governor on down, many politicians support a Legislative bill that would been Gay? That was the question asked by Kerry Lobel, National Gay and Lesbian protect Gays and Lesbians from discrimination based on sexual orientation. Task Force Executive Director, in response to a news article which appeared in the At the same time, a large number of the same politicians support another bill that Saturday March 29, 1997 edition of . The newspaper reported would prohibit same-sex marriages in Maine and prevent Maine from recognizing such that Applewhite was fired from his teaching job at a Houston university in the late marriages performed in other states. 1960's for having an affair with a male student. The paper also said that Applewhite's Gov. Angus King is the most prominent example of the perceived inconsistency. dismissal led him to seek psychiatric treatment so that he could be "cured" of his Gay King supports the bill barring discrimination in housing, employment, credit and public impulses. accommodations based on sexual orientation. Since the news story broke, Applewhite has been called a "homosexual freak" by the At the same time, King said last week he is leaning toward supporting a ban on son of the cult's co-founder who also described him as "as Gay as they come." same-sex marriage. "My fear is that gays will be scapegoated for the atrocities brought about by the cult not that this particular show is something I leader," said Lobel. "Once again, we may be vilified by those who associate everything Public TV am trying to undermine if it was under- bad, wrong, strange, or tragic with homosexuality," she added. Continued From Page 1 written by members of the Gay commu- Greg Herek, a research psychologist at the University of California at Davis said the nity, or was on commercial television that fact that Applewhite may have been gay may make it easier for some people to con- raged over this. Being associated with would be different. I know tax dollars are nect him to dysfunctional behavior, because of their perceptions of homosexuality and children is not in its best interest," said being used. In the production and the of gay people. "The Heaven's Gate incident is a reflection of the trust that followers Fitzgerald. airing of the show." put in cult leaders," Lobel concluded. "To use this incident to perpetuate the wholesale The segment which Fitzgerald said he When asked if he objected to Gay pro- scapegoating of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered people is unacceptable and had not and would not watch, contained gramming on public television, Fitzgerald will not be tolerated." she said. brief interviews with several Gay and said that he wouldn't object to an infor- Lesbian fanners. All of those featured in mational program about AIDS. When Swiss Discuss Aid for Gay Victims of Nazis the segment were over 21 years of age. asked if he would object to a program Geneva, Switzerland-AP-A Gay delegation met with Swiss officials in February to Furthermore the segment contained no about the fight for Gay civil rights, Fitz- discuss inclusion of Gays in a new $71 million humanitarian fund to aid needy victims mention of sex or even any displays of af- gerald said "That's a decision that needs to of the Nazis. Gays and Lesbians were sent to Nazi concentration camps and extermi- fection. It centered on the reasons why made by public television." nated along with Jews, Gypsies, Slays and Communists. some Gays and Lesbians choose to live on John Mikowski of Wisconsin Public The meeting m the Swiss capital, Bern, a day after the Swiss government formally farms and the fact that people don't nor- Television (WPT) told The Wisconsin founded the fund, underscored that aid will go to all Nazi victims regardless of race, mally think of farmers when thinking Light that WPT was not concerned about religion, political or sexual orientation. The umbrella Gay organization, Pink Cross, about the Gay community. the controversy. "We welcome public said it welcomed the fact that the fund intended to treat all surviving victims equally. Fitzgerald said he also objected to the scrutiny. Healthy debate is good." The Pink Cross will se to it that needy Gay victims of Nazi violence are put in touch segment because the Gay community is "a Mikowski also told The Light that with the fund's administrators. fringe group." He said he would have the Senator Fitzgerald has said some very same objection "if some other fringe positive things about Public Television White House Appoints New AIDS Czar group such as a supremacist group wanted even during this debate. "The Senator is Washington, DC—The White House has announced the appointment of a new an hour on public television.' objecting to five minutes of one program When asked what he meant by saying but he also expressed his appreciation for AIDS czar, Sandra Thurman. A native of Atlanta, Georgia, Thurman is past executive programming.' director of AID Atlanta, the Southeast's first and largest AIDS service provider. Under that Gays and Lesbians were a fringe the rest of our her stewardship, AID Atlanta tripled in size, becoming a multi-million dollar direct group, Fitzgerald responded "they are out- Mikowski also said that the Senator's service agency with 90 staffers and more than 1,000 volunteers. In 1996, she held a va- side of the mainstream." Later in the in- comments did not stir many people. "Af- riety of positions with the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton-Gore re- terview Fitzgerald said he felt the Gay ter the Senator's comments We received election campaign. Most recently, Thunman was a White House appointee to the US lifestyle "is immoral." 10 phone calls opposing airing the show. Information Agency. Thurman becomes the third person to hold the position infor- The Senator did not say whether or not We also received six or seven times that mally known as national AIDS czar. She replaces Patsy Fleming, who stepped down he believed that only mainstream groups number from people who wanted us to air after Clinton's re-election. should have programming on public tele- it." vision. Mikowski said that WPT uses several It's Time for the Stars to Come Out Fitzgerald said his feelings towards methods to determine viewer satisfaction. New York, NY—In the "Comment" section of the March 3181 New Yorker, Hen- Gays are based on his religious beliefs. "In our last survey over 90% of the people drick Hertszberg asserts that there is no good reason why none of Hollywood's leading "Judeo-Christian beliefs have served this said they wanted us to air controversial is- actors are openly Gay. "Familiarity (with Lesbian and Gay issues) has bred (industry) country well for over 6,000 years," he sues. tolerance and respect," Hertszberg says. "Ever since the closet door swung ajar a gen- said. Mikowski says "Its part of our mission - eration ago, movie folk have been streaming through it." Fitzgerald also told The Light that his to air things on all cultures, poltics and He adds that while it isn't viewed as okay for stars to be Gay, it is fully respectable main objection centered on using tax dol- religion. This segment showed Gay and now for stars to play Gay. "The industry evidently believes that audiences will readily lars for what he called "a fringe group." Lesbian farmers, it's important that Gays suspend disbelief to watch a notorious Don Juan pretend to be a faithful husband or, Fitzgerald said that the State of Wisconsin and Lesbians living in rural areas know for that matter, a confirmed heterosexual pretend to be a queen. But under no circum- contributes approximately $8,000,000 to that they aren't alone." stances can Romeo be played by someone who, off duty, might prefer Mercutio to Ju- support public television in the State. He added, "There are probably very few liet." Benjamin Prayz, Executive Director of viewers who haven't disagreed with "In the Life," disputes Fitzgerald's con- something we have put on the air, but DOD Signals Zero Tolerance for Gay Bashing tentions telling The Wisconsin Light "In there are also very few who would say we Washington, DC—Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) on April 8th, the Life" is in fact sponsored by private shouldn't have aired something." obtained from the office of Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) a copy of a Department of De- donations coming from members of the The Senator's comments to the media fense (DOD) memorandum clarifying its position against anti-Gay harassment and Gay and Lesbian community. It receives created a minor stir. Articles about his Lesbian-baiting under "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." no public funding at all We are not sup- demand appeared in many newspapers The memorandum, dated March 24, 1997, states: "This guidance is issued because of ported by public television. We are a around the state. The Senator also was information we have received that some service members have been threatened with membership supported show that is made interviewed on some radio stations. being reported as homosexual after they rebuffed sexual advances or themselves re- available free of chare to Public Televi- Upon hearing of the Fitzgerald's com- ported acts of sexual misconduct by others. The report of such a threat should result in sion stations around the country." plaint that he pledged $120 to public tele- the prompt investigation of the threat itself. Investigators should not solicit allegations Prayz also said "Across the country in- vision and wanted it to show program- concerning the sexual orientation or homosexual conduct of the threatened person." cluding Wisconsin, many Lesbians and ming that was not "offensive," Brother Gay contribute to Public Television. I Stephen Braddock of the St. Camilius Cuban With AIDS Dies of Pill Overdose would like to ask the Senator if he knows AIDS ministry sent the Senator a check , Florida-AP- A Cuban immigrant with AIDS, depressed over the impending how many of those tax dollars he speaks for $120.00. cutoff of Social Security and Medicaid, died Sunday, April 6, of an overdose of pills, about and how many pledge drive dollars That check constituted Braddock's his brother said. come from Gays and Lesbians?" monthly allowance from his order. In an Alfredo Linares, who found out in December he had AIDS, took four bottles of In response to Fitzgerald's contention accompanying letter Braddock said "It is AIDS medication, said his brother Gustavo Linares. that the program casts Wisconsin in a precisely because of views like yours that "He didn't want to die of AIDS," Linares said. "He knew they were going to cut off negative light, Prayz says "Basically he's programming like this is needed and to his checks; mine too. He was afraid he might be deported back to Cuba. It is horrible, saying that he doesn't want Gay men and applauded.. Not to 'act as a catalyst for just horrible. He was so sick and needed the help to stay alive. women to be in Wisconsin. Why don't we the Gay rights movement' as you accuse "Tell Clinton to have pity on us. Please stop this insanity. Stop killing people. A lot just build a concentration camp and put but rather to honestly educate and in- of people are going to die because of this," Linares said of an August deadline for them all in there.?" form." many immigrants who stand to lose federal and state assistance. While backing away from demanding As of press time it could not be deter- " I found him sitting on the floor. He mumbled that he hack taken the pills. I called Wisconsin Public Television not air Gay mined if Fitzgerald cashed Braddock's 911. The ambulance got there right away," the brother said. or Lesbian shows the Senator said " It's check April 10, 1997-April 23, 1997-WISCONSIN LIGHT-3 Urvashi Vaid, Author, LGBT Activist, To Speak at UW-Madison By Victoria Devereux This year's Out & About Series at the University of Wisconsin-Madison will get under way on Monday, April 14, with a lecture by Urvashi Vaid, a nationally known political activist, attorney, writer, leader, and community organizer, who has been involved in the Gay and Lesbian movement for more than 15 years. Vaid, who was born in 1958 in New Delhi, India, emigrated to the US with her family at the age of seven and grew up in Potsdam, New York. She attended Vassar College and graduated in 1979 with a B.A. in English and political science. As an undergraduate, she threw herself into political activism; she was involved in protests over issues such as financial aid, worked with a women's group on cam- pus, organized four feminist conferences, and started an anti-apartheid group. After college, Vaid moved to Boston, became involved with both the feminist and Lesbian and Gay communities there, and attended law school at Northeastern University. When she graduated in 1983, Vaid worked as staff attorney for the Na- tional Prison Project of the American Urvashi Vaid Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in Wash- are inextricably connected for Vaid and to ington, DC. While in this position, she deal with one and not the others does not started the National Prison Project" work make sense to her. Bob Pomerening RN and Doug Johnson RN with prisoners who have HIV and AIDS. Vaid acknowledges that groups which In 1986, Vaid left the ACLU and started focus on a single identity or single issue working as the Public Information Di- (such as race) play an important role in Johnson and Pomerening, MAP Nurses, rector at the National Gay and Lesbian empowering people and training leaders, Task Force (NGLTF). She became the but she does not see this as the long-term Receive National Recognition Executive Director of NGLTF in 1989, a solution. "Identity politics keeps the Gay move- Milwaukee— The position she held for three and a half Milwaukee AIDS for AIDS treatment in Milwaukee. Beyond years. ment separated from straights, whites Project (MAP) is pleased to announce medical assistance, this program also pro- Doug When she left NGLTF in 1992, Vaid separated from Blacks, Lesbians sepa- Johnson, RN., manager' of MAP's vides mental health sessions, cooperative concentrated on writing Virtual Equal- rated from men, people of color separated Clinical Services along with Bob Pomer- therapy sessions, counseling and testinng ity: The Mainstreaming of Gay & Les- from each other, Vaid said. "We become ening, RN., coordinator of MAP's Early services and dental care. Sixteen special- bian Liberation which a devolving series of specific identities Intervention Program have been certified was published in ists are involved in providing these serv- 1995. In her book, Vaid presents an instead as two of the best professionals specialized ices. of a broad community of people analysis of the Gay and Lesbian move- bonded by a shared egalitarian politics." in HIV nursing in United States according "We have obtained experience and ment, an analysis which is unapolo eti- to Association of Nurses and AIDS Care "People who group together on the ba- knowledge at MAP by working not only cally personal, direct, and even critical. sis of (ANAC). with other professionals, but with the con- their sexual orientation still find In an article in The Advocate in Octo- within their groups sexism and racism Johnson and Pomerening were approved sumers," said Johnson. ber, 1995, she acknowledges this: "I think in ANAC's first examination during a na- He explained that for many individuals that have to be dealt with—or if gathering some people are not going to be happy on the basis of race, there is still sexism tional conference in last October. with HIV or AIDS their only form of as- with me. It's a subjective book. I.pushed The Certificate of HIV Nursing represents and homophobia to be confronted," writes sistance is MAP's Health Services De- myself to take positions and not wimp out Suzanne Pharr. recognition of professional skills and ex- partment. "Some of them don't even have by being objective. I'd like to shatter perience, that brings to MAP the reward of The organizers of Vaid's lecture hope their family's support. Often I think how people's sense of complacency." that the services rendered to more than 1,700 hard life must be for these people, but then her visit to the UW-Madison campus HIV positive people in Milwaukee, Ozau- According to Vaid, mainstreaming has will help student and community groups I realize that I have so much to learn from created for Lesbian and Gay people a to start kee, Waukesha and Washington counties. them and their emotional strength — the to think about and to confront state she refers to as "virtual equality"— these issues, to engage in dialogue, and "I think that titles like this stimulate power to fight. I believe it makes us look that is, "a state of conditional equality ourselves professionally as well as add to with compassion, but eventually, to lead to more coalition at them not merely based more on the appearance of accep- building .and cooperation among groups the strength of an organization like MAP. with respect." tance by straight America than on genu- All the experience I gained while working representing minorities. For Pomerening, it is a challenge to be ine civic parity." Urvashi at MAP helped me succeed in obtaining a nurse at an organization like MAP. Vaid will speak on Monday, In Virtual Equality she talks about a April 14 at 7:00 p.m. in the Music Hall this certification," said Johnson. "This "Here we have people from all social lev- backlash against Gay rights, as well as the certification validates things in which we Auditorium (next to the pedestrian bridge els. Some of them with emotional and fear and discrimination Gay people still at the bottom of Bascom believe, like quality care, dedication and economic assistance or support, but part of Hill). Her lec- professionalism." experience despite a greater tolerance in ture is being co-sponsored by the Ten them coming from the streets, suffering society in general. Percent Society, the Lesbian, Gay & Bi- "This certification proves we are able discrimination. This diversity among con- practical skills in the fight She also questions the ultimate goal of sexual Campus Center, the Campus to develop sumers gives us maturity in our profes- movement; for Vaid, against AIDS with competency. This is a the Lesbian and Gay Women's Center, Multicultural Council, sional and personal lives.' this goal is not just the attainment of civil Associated Students of Madison, Chin- good reward for any professional," added For more information about the pro- Pomerening. rights and legal protections, but rather the gari, the Women's Studies Department, grams and services offered at MAP, call achievement of social justice and libera- and the Asian-American Student Union. Certificate of Caring (414) 225-1571. change The Health Services Department at tion which "is going to require a MAP is one of the most complete agencies in people's attitudes, in people's hearts, and in people's values about what they think is good and bad. It's about moral- Congressman Mark Neumann Signs Non- ity." Tell Your Friends That Since plans began for her visit to Madi- son this spring, Vaid has been appointed You Read All About it Discrimination Pledge the Director of NGLTF's Policy Institute. By Jim McFarland The Institute was set up in 1995 and it is in The Wisconsin Light As of today, 24 GOP Senators and 69 described as NGLTF's "think tank" re- Milwaukee—Congressman Mark Neu- GOP House members have certified in representing the 1st sponsible for doing research, strategizing, mann, a Republican writing that they do not discriminate and providing education on GLBT equal- District of Wisconsin, has signed a pledge against Gays and Lesbians in their offices. the basis of ity and civil rights issues. that he will not discriminate on "We are finding more doors opening on "I'm delighted to have Urvashi back in sexual orientation in the hiring, firing or this issue than ever before," said Richard her his office. the Task Force family because I know promoting of personnel in Tafel, executive director of Log Cabin Re- energy and enormous ability will make Neumann, whose distinct includes the publicans. All areas, the Policy Institute a lively national cen- Racine, Kenosha, and Janesville "We will continue to seek meetings with ter for ideas, research, and action," said joins Congressman Scott Klug of the 2nd every Republican office on this matter un- coun- Kerry Lobel, NGLTF's current Executive Men's District (Madison and surrounding til we have a full picture of where the Director. ties) as the two Republican members of Members stand," Tafel said. delegation Awards Shoes the Wisconsin Congressional The Wisconsin chapter of LCR was par- Vaid's commitment to the LGBT who have signed such a pledge. ticularly pleased with Congressman Neu- pledge movement has been recognized by a anOr- Neumann's non-discrimination mann's decision. number of honors and awards. In 1996, came at the request of the Washington of- "We feel that Congressman Neumann's from the Accessories Republicans (LCR), she received the Liberty Award fice of Log Cabin action has vindicated our support of his Lambda Legal Defense & Education which, as one of its top priorities, has re- candidacy," said Jim McFarland, Treasurer Fashionable the non- Fund; in 1994, Time Magazine listed her quested written clarification of of LCR-WI. McFarland noted that many of America's most promising lead- discrimination policies in each GOP in the Lesbian/Gay community had ques- as one "Fallnai Responses to LCR's ers under age 40; and, in 1991, she was Member's office. tioned LCR-WI's support of Neumann and named "Woman of the Year" by The Ad- March 3, 1997 request have begun arriving had labeled Neumann an "enemy" of the Casual • y including from some Re- vocate. Her book, Virtural Equality, at LCR's office, community. LCR-WI knew, on the other won the .American Library Association's publicans who had not publicly clarified hand, that Neumann is a fair-minded con- Gay Nonfiction Book Award and it was a I air MOV . their policies in previous years. servative, and actively supported his cam- .111a, finalist for the Lambda Literary Award. PI of Congress who "NW ”. .10.111• Other GOP Members paign, with LCR-WI members contribut- In Madison have signed the non-discrimination pledge ing a total of $850 in individual contribu- Senator Mike DeWine Vaid will be speaking in Madison about for the first time are tions to the Congressman's campaign. the intersection of race, gender, and sexu- (R-OH), newly-elected Senator Gordon Log Cabin Republicans is the largest Rep. Charlie Bass (R-NH), ality and focusing on how minority status Smith (R-OR), Gay and Lesbian Republican organization, groups can work to bridge the gaps that 939 Rep. Joe Knollenberg (R-MI), and Rep. with more than 50 chapters nationwide and -NV). All were declaring exist between them and build coalitions. Jim Gibbons (R over 11,000 members. For more informa- Vaid has been criticized for her "multi- MAKE IT YOUR SHOE STORE for the first time that the sexual orientation tion, contact Log Cabin Republicans of individual is not a consideration in issue politics," for focusing on "non-Gay Grand Avenue Mall of an Wisconsin at P.O. Box 199, Milwaukee, issues' such as racism and sexism. How- the hiring, firing or promoting of employ- WI, 53201. . ever, as a Lesbian woman of color, the is- MILWAUKEE, WI 271-5175 ees in their offices. sues of racism, sexism, and homophobia -4 April 10, 1997-April 23, 1997-WISCONSIN LIGHT homosexual issues. Well, the last time I straight man feels about a beautiful checked with the IRS, Gays and Lesbians have woman? I can only guess, I do not know. to pay taxes just like everyone else. So what That is why, Senator, I would never pre- do we get for our tax dollars that go to Public sume to speak about heterosexuals. TV? A measly six hours a year! HATE! I would ask the Senator this. Since he HATE! NA has involved himself in matters that affect Please See Letters Page 9 Lesbian, Bisexual and Gay people, would it not be wise to learn about those people? tic GAY After all, the last time I looked, ignorance Deadlines 'O\ was not a Christian value. What is it that April 24th Issue someone once said; be wise as serpents, LIFESTYLE harmless as doves? I seem to remember Articles Friday, April 18th that. ii4t4cis Perhaps it wouldn't be too much to sug- Ads Non-Camera Ready—April 18th • gest that the Senator (and some of his AL colleagues) talk to some people of the Camera Ready—April 21d LBGT community. There are a lot of us, 5:00 p.m. in your District, Senator, in Wisconsin, and all over the world. We're not that dif- ficult to find. May 8h Issue Were the Senator to engage in a little Articles—May 2" honest listening and dialogue, there is no way to say that sympathy and under- Ads say standing would follow. Nor could I Ready—May 2" that he would change his way of thinking. Non-Camera After all, never has it been known that Camera Ready—May 5th knowledge guarantees a change in 5:00 p.m. thought or behavior. But, at least, the next time he spoke, he would know something of what he is talking about. That, in itself, Caution CorvwfuTY STANDARDS! ex•Y! TALK A5CuT OFFENENN6 would be an advance. someone's name appears in .1M••••• The fact that The Senator might learn that election to no way implies sexual orien- office does not confer knowledge or wis- this paper in dom. What he might see is that humility tation. Editorial (Christian humility?) demands the will- ingness to learn. Give the People Light and they Urvashi Vaid Unfortunately the Senator is far from being unique. There are :mile, lots of will find their own way. We seldom write editorials urging people to go hear this speaker or that, but in the them, who, I think, would 'lush at having case of Urvashi Vaid, we'll make an exception. We have had the great good pleasure to speak on nuclear physics or the culture of hearing her speak on a number of occasions and have sat, listening, enthralled. She of Tibet. However, when it comes to The does not mince words, "wimp out," as she would say. We like that. talking about GLBT people, they hold We have also had the pleasure of meeting Urvashi several times. Yes, she is a dy- forth with abandon, having no temerity at Wisconsin namic person, one brimming with life. Her bright, brown eyes sparkle with the energy all that flows out of her for the cause of equality for all. There is more. While many ac- Perhaps it's too much to ask, but I wish tivists we've met drain you with the urgency of their message, Urvashi radiates a soft these people who report about us would Light and glowing charm that warms you through and through. learn about us before they put pen to pa- Urvashi Vaid is one person you should go and hear. Do what you can, but go. Circle per (so to speak). Monday, April 14 on your calendar. And, if possible, meet her. You will find no nicer As far as the Religious Right is con- person than she. cerned, it's hopeless. I think they have Welcome back to Wisconsin, Urvashi. It's good to have you here. some psychological need to believe six impossible things before breakfast, but Marvin Liebman and Allen Ginsberg for the rest, there is no excuse. And what would happen if people, like We have lost two giants from the Gay world this past week, each as opposite from the Senator, did learn about us? What if the other as he could be. they learned that we are defined not by an Marvin Liebman was a conservative, a man of the Ivy League. One could easily act, but by a state of being, not by sex, but imagine him with a pipe at Morey's, sharing a glass of ripe amber ale with William F by whom we love? What if they learned Buckley, Jr. Here they would speak together of things found in leather bound books, that, yes, we are different, but we are no Executive & Editorial Offices while the bells rang out from the towers of Yale. threat to anyone? What if they found out 1843 N. Palmer Allen Ginsberg would have none of that. He was more comfortable in his beloved that we form loving families, that we East Village, having a joint in some smoke-filled room, drinking beer or downing a work and pay taxes and live honorable Milwaukee, WI 53212 scotch. He would read from his poetry, perhaps, to the quiet strumming of someone's lives? (414) 372-2773 guitar. Tomorrow, he would be out on a picket line somewhere, championing his fa- What if they were to say, "Okay, I've vorite cause. learned about you. I still don't like you, LIGHT FAX: (414) 372-1840 But for all their diflbrences in style, Liebman and Ginsberg had this in common: but you are human You should have the they were both Gay. same rights as anyone else, and, for the Office Hours: Liebman came to accept is sexual orientation late in life and wrote about it with an rest, I'll let God judge you and get on Monday almost Mosaic hand. -Friday-10:00 a.m. -5:30 p.m. with my life"? Heavens to schmeerkase, 24-Hour Recording Ginsberg accepted himself early. It was part of him, like everything else, and he America might live up to its promise of sang of it by the door yard, whether lilacs were in bloom or not. equal rights for all and social peace might Publisher Liebman was a Daniel Webster, the "god-like Daniel" of the Senate halls, calling his break out. Now, we couldn't have that, Jerry Johnson people to rise. could we? Ginsberg was like Whitman, defining a whole generation by every word that he Executive Editor wrote. Terry Boughner, Ph.D. They were Gay. Hence, they were both outsiders. Perhaps that's not such a bad thing Arts & Entertainment Editor to be. Perhaps we should remember that creation comes, not from conformity, but Geno from being different; from be always the child with its nose pressed against the win- Letters SpotLight Editor dow pane looking in. Bill Liebman and Ginsberg were like that. The difference in their Gayness was that Meunier Liebman wanted to break the window, while Ginsberg wanted to pull down the build- Tell Me Rep. Fitzgerald! Advertising Manager ing and start anew. We need both. We will miss them. Jerry Johnson TO THE EDITOR: 372-2773 I read in the April 3, 1997 edition of the Columnists and Reporters Editor's Note Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that Rep. Scott Glenn Bishop, Ruthie, Brian Treglown, Fitzgerald (R-Juneau) is opposed to Public TV Barbara Lightner, Bill Meunier, Dasty Sass. airing a program called "In The Life." He ob- Dr. Karen Lamb, Carl Szatsmary, Dr. Suzie On Learning and Senator Fitzgerald jects to taxpayers' money promoting the ho- Shovelit, Sasha Alyson, John Jahn mosexual lifestyle. By Terry Boughner have all rushed out to sign up with the As someone who was interviewed for the There's an old rule that says that if you Communist Party—either that, or devel- program, I'd like to set the record "straight," Associated Press know what you're talking about, overwhelming and insatiable Ap don't oped this so to speak. you shouldn't say anything at all. To put desire to get themselves to Russia as fast The program, "In The Life," has been on the Copyright © 1997 it another way, better to keep quiet and let as they could. air for six years now. It runs for one hour By Novo Graphics, Ltd. people think you're a fool than to talk and I might add that learning about Soviet every other month. In other words, this sixty remove all doubt. Russia did not, in any way, promote So- minute show really airs just 6 times a year. THE WISCONSIN LIGHT is published biweekly by NOVO Senator Scott Fitz- GRAPHICS, LTD.. with offices at 1843 N. Palmer. Wisconsin State viet Russia. In the same manner, learning The producer of the program, John Catania, is Milwaukee, WI 53212. Advertising and copy deadline is the gerald (R-Juneau) first broke the rule, about Bisexual, Lesbian and Gay people a native of the Milwaukee area and that gives Tgursday. prior to publication. Opinions expressed by trampled on the pieces and finally, writers in WISCONSIN LIGHT are not necessarily those if then does not—and cannot—promote sexual Wisconsin a special place in the heart and soul the publisher, editor, or our advertisers. Any reference removed all doubt. orientation. Contrary to what the Senator of the program. made to any individual or organization should not be Fitzgerald appeared on the Jonathan orientation is in- construed as an indication of the same's sexual or affection seems to believe, sexual So, with these facts I'd like to know why orientation or preference. All copy, text, design, photos, and Green show, "The Greenhouse," broad- bred, not inculcated. now? illustrations in advertisements are published with the cast during drive time on Milwaukee's To put it another way, all my life, from understanding that the advertiser is fully authorized and has As I just said, the program's been on the air secured proper written consent for the use of names. WTMJ radio. Appearing with him was every angle, I've heard about heterosexu- for six years. Why is Rep. Fitzgerald com- pictures, or testimonials of any living person. and John Catania, producer of "In The Life," ality. My parents were straight. Every TV plaining about it now? Last year the "In The WISCONSIN LIGHT may lawfully publish and cause such issues. publication to be made; and the advertiser agrees by a TV series that covers LesBiGay and radio program, every movie I saw, Life" crew shot video in Milwaukee for a submitting ads to indemnify and save blameless the The series is broadcast on PBS stations in advanced heterosexuality (promoted it, publication of any error that may be contained in said ad. segment on Gays and Lesbians living in me- WISCONSIN LIGHT does not accept any responsibility for Milwaukee, Madison and around the na- the Senator might say). dium and small sized cities (as opposed to any claims made by advertisers. The entire contents of tion. Yet, I'm Gay, very Gay, very, very WISCONSIN LIGHT are © Copyrighted and protected cities like New York or Chicago). Nothing under the Federal Copyright Act and International Catania was an articulate spokesman, Gay. was said by Rep. Fitzgerald about that par- Conventions. Reproduction of any portion of any issue will well-spoken and succinct. Green showed Senator, despite all that "promotion," I ticular episode. Is it that Rep. Fitzgerald is un- not be permitted without express written permission of moderator a NOVO GRAPHICS. LTD. Legal venue is Milwaukee frounty. himself to be a highly skilled still have no idea, no feeling for, how comfortable with the idea that Gays and Les- Wisconsin. Printed in the U.S.A. who kept things fair and on an even keel. person can find fulfillment in a member bians could possibly live in his district? Then there was the Senator. of the opposite sex. I haven't a clue. As I said earlier, "In The Life" airs six times Subscribe to The Senator apparently is under the il- The closest I can come to it is to think, per year. In all the thousands and thousands of lusion that being informed about some- Well, if I feel this way about Jerry, hours of TV programming per year, I think 6 Wisconsin Light directly to becoming that —that's what a straight man thing leads then—maybe hours in a year comes to a fraction of a frac- One Year-26 Issues thing. feels about his wife. tion in available TV time. So why the fuss For example, for some years I taught a Or, when I see some luscious young over a minuscule few hours? First Class—$32.95 course in Soviet history. By the Senator's man with deep, dark eyes and skin of Rep. Fitzgerald thinks that taxpayer sup- Third Class-516.95 line of reasoning, my students should gold, I "lust in my heart." Is that what a ported institutions shouldn't be dealing with April 10, 1997-April 23, 1997-WISCONSIN LIGHT-5 Planning and Pre-Registration for Gay Games 1998 is in Full Swing Amsterdam—In less than a year, what bian and Gay social world, organisers organizers are (ailing "the biggest inter- say. ceountry gance national sports and cultural event that has Festivities ever been organized in Holland will take The grand opening and closing ceremo- place: Gay Games Amsterdam 1998. This nies will be two highlights of the Games, is the fifth Gay Games and the first for representing the connection between the Europe. sports and cultural programs. Both cere- gala SATURDAY The initiative for the first Gay Games monies will take place in the Amsterdam came from the late Dr. Tom Waddell, a ArenA stadium. MAY 3, 1997 participant at the Olympic Games m Evening programs by the Amstel River Mexico City. Although in 1982, Gay are being planned. These will include Games started out as a sports festival of a concerts of choirs, Gay and Lesbian 7:00 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. few days, every new edition has shown a Bands of America and a Song Contest. growth in the number of participants and There will also be a parade of 50 floats Milwaukee Art Museum sports. traveling the canals of Amsterdam, col- 750 N. Lincoln Memorial Dr. Organizers say that they expect 200,000 lective church service on August 3m and visitors and 15,000 competitors to attend parties every evening in the bars and the Games being held August 1-8, 1998. other venues of Amsterdam. Millions more will watch on TV. Over are currently working on Registration 2,100 volunteers Pre-registration for the Gay Games be- Performances by the event and the number is growing. Friendship Village gan on February 19, 1997 and will close Shoreline, Rainbow Cloggers, Cream on July 31, 1997. The purpose of pre- The heart of the Gay Games will be in City Squares, and special guests. the city center of Amsterdam, in Friend- registration is to ascertain the level of in- Some of the activities taking terest in the sports and cultural events, the ship Village. anticipated turnout of women, as well as place there are: registration and accredi- TICKETS: $10 Advance, $12 At the Door ticket sales, infor- regional interest and registration of peo- tation of participants, ple with disabilities at an early stage. Available at Just Us, Designing Men, Afterwords, mation, demonstration sports and press center. You can pre-register by logging on to: Outpost, and People's Books. Program www.dds.n1/--gaygames, or by wnting to: Cultural Gay Games, P.O. Box 2837, 1000 CV The cultural program which is meant The Country Dance Gala is a part of for participants and visitors, is open to Amsterdam, The Netherlands. everyone. Between 2,500 and 3,000 pay- Official registration begins August 1, Shoreline's Spring Round-Up, May 2-4, 1997. ing participants are expected at about 250 1997 and closes April 30, 1998. For further information, grab a brochure! program parts. For more information, call the Interna- The choir festival of an expected 2,000 tional Callcenter at: +31-20-427-1998. participants will be a highlight. So, too, will be special exhibitions at the Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh Museum 000000000000000000000 00 and international theater productions at the Carre and Stadsschouwburg. The Community Arts Program will NOW'S THE TIME TO show a high diversity of samples of visual and performing art coming from the Les- Miller Continued from Page 1 • PK: So, it's important for us to look at these various consumer groups because they are specialized groups within the broader consumer market. Miller and the LBGT Community Mc TB: Our community has received— and continues to receive a large and generous helping hand from Miller. PK: That's kind of you to say, but ten years ago, when we really got. going in Catch the fun, travel, friendship! the Gay and Lesbian community—Tom Reed was very instrumental in that. I've been involved in it for a long time. So, Just catch it all. . . Today! I'm just glad that we can do it. TB: But I'm not even talking about Milwaukee. Miler supports our com- munity nation-wide. Join a team or join the PK: Yes, this is an area that we are pretty national on. You see you are a very important customer to us, a very cus- SSBL Boosters tomer. We want to make you happy, but we also want to do the right thing. (all the fun, no need to play) This company does things, many, many times, simply because it is the right thing to do. Also, we're large enough so that if we feel that the message is not getting out the way the message should get out about whatever, being Miller Brewing we can do something to help. You can't put a dollar figure on that. There is a deep-seated commitment here at Miller, a commitment to help where and how we can. There are people here who believe very deeply about this. It's nice to have those people around who IT , we're doing. They ex- CATCH have faith in what pand on our ideas and make sure that they're accomplished. Miller and AIDS TB: Miller has contributed much in the fight against AIDS. PK: Ten or eleven years ago when the Softball Teams whole AIDS issue was coining to the forefront and nobody was doing anything else, this company decided it was going Forming to step forward. Somebody had to take Now that first step. We felt very strongly that forget everyone else, we've got to take Anyone Can Play, Call: that first step and it wasn't a problem and we did it. We decided at the time that our com- mitment to the fight against AIDS had to be a long term commitment because the 454-9204 (24 hours) thing is a long term disease. TB: How much as Miller given to the fight against AIDS? Tom Reed: I'm not sure of the dollar 41111.0. figure, but we are the largest corporate immilan,_ ion contributor to the fight against AIDS in the United States. PK: We contribute money, but we con- tribute beer, we contribute our time sitting on boards. We here at Miller, do every- thing that we can to fight this disease. - OUR 20TH EXCITING & FUN SUMMER - We're just really glad that we can do what we do. April 10, 1997-April 23, 1997-WISCONSIN LIGHT-6 Send in the Clowns, "The Focus" hosts sometimes warn that Caller Don't Bother to ID is in use and that action will be taken Tel \ our friends: against harassing phone calls, so callers Clown Show" is Already Here should be polite and be prepared. I read all about it in For the record, Ralph Ovadal is the Commentary by Al Geiersbach Madison preacher who moonlights as a founder and leader of Wisconsin Chris- Those who tire of hearing Conservative firefighter and was investigated for pass- tians United, a group he runs from P.O. The Wisconsin Light Christian Fundamentalists of the Relig- ing anti-Gay hate literature to fellow em- Box 771, Monroe, Wisconsin 53566. The ious Right spewing only anti-Gay hate ployees at the firehouse. Ovadal showed a group's letterhead lists its phone number propaganda might be in the mood for a tape clip of Scott Lively, author of The as (608) 328-4841 and boasts a FAX ma- RALLY so, they can't do Pink Swastika, who gave a presentation little comic relief. If chine at (608) 329-6258. There is a rally scheduled for May better than tune into the "Clown Show" at Greer's church claiming that Hitler's that is broadcast by WVCY-TV, one of Nazi regime and the Jewish Holocaust 12 in Madison to protest the anti- the several religious Fundamentalist radio were products of Gay people. same-sex marriage bill, AB104. and TV outlets operated by Vic Eliason's On the program, Ovadal mentioned a PLAN NOW TO ATTEND! Voice of Christian Youth group. factoid he must have gleaned from Give a Hand to Help Watch the paper for details. In the The "Clown Show" is the segment of Lively's book, namely that the ancient Eliason's "In Focus's TV talk show that's Dorian Greeks of Sparta incorporated a Someone Keep Their meantime, call or write your state regularly hosted by Ralph Ovadal, a bit of homosexuality in the military representative. Tell them your posi- cheesed out dairy farmer from Monroe, training of their young recruits. Lively's Loving Pet tion on this bill. Wisconsin. The "Clown Show" has been assertion was that Hitler rose to power If you do not know who your repre- on Thursdays at Milwaukee-- Be a friend to someone's appearing on WVCY because homosexuality makes people ag- sentative is, call the Legislative Hot- 7:00 p.m., and has been repeated at noon gressively warlike, and he offered as best friend through Pets Are Wonderful on the following Fridays. proof the Spartans, who were noted for Support (PAWS), a pet care assistance line at 1-800-362-9472. Who is Ralph Ovadal? He's ignored by their military prowess. program offered through the Milwaukee AB104 is scheduled for debate and the mainstream press in Milwaukee, un- At a later point in the show, Ovadal AIDS Project (MAP) for individuals in- vote in the Assembly on May 13. Plan less he's involved in some incident of showed a tape clip of counter- fected with HIV disease or AIDS. to be there if you can. tabloid character. He gets more coverage demonstrators at an anti-Choice "rescue" Volunteer opportunities include assist- in Madison, where, for example, he outside a Chicago abortion clinic. Ovadal ing with daily pet chores such as litter box shocked the hosts of one television talk called attention to "a Lesbian" demon- cleaning, dog-walking, feedings, veteri- show by insisting that Jews were eternally strator who held a sign reading "Right to nary transportation, foster care and possi- lost if they refused to accept Jesus Christ. Life Bigots=Pro-Death Penalty Racists, ble permanent placement of pets if neces- Ovadal characterized the person who Anti-Abortion Murderers." sary. asked him at question as "a homosexual, Ovadal's interest wasn't the slogan, but As a PAWS volunteer, you will have a Lesbian," be he doubtless also places the caption that identified the sign as be- the ability to enable those too weak to care rabidly homophobic Orthodox Jewish ing from the "Spartacist League/Sparticus for their pet the option of maintaining a heterosexual males in the lake of fire with Youth Club." He said of the group name, vital asset in their quality of life. A pet her. "And that speaks volumes. They are after may be the most important source of at- CLASS & CULTURE` The Gay press mentions Ovadal fre- the children." tention and love ail individual with HIV or RETAILERS/WHOLESALERS quently, but usually misspells his name. The man obviously confused "Sparta" AIDS receives, and with your help, they PURE SILK Any reasonably educated person who with "Spartcus." One can understand that will not have to fear losing their compan- SEQUINNED/BEADED will watches the "Clown Show" regularly a semi-literate farmboy might never have ions. PAGEANT/DESIGNER GOWNS soon understand how it got its name. Mr. read about Sparticus, the leader of the "This is a great opportunity for people FULL LENGTH DRESSES Ovadal proudly, if somewhat defensively, great slave revolt against the ancient Ro- who love animals and want to make a SHORT DRESSES admits that he lacks a college education. man Republic who has given his name to contribution," said G. Dennison, PAWS JACKETS • VESTS • BUSTIERS Whenever the opportunity arises, he self- left wing groups and to the Spartaciade, coordinator at MAP. " " s provide the MATCHING SHOES/PURSES consciously points out great men, such as the great athletic competition of Eastern kind of unconditional love and support that Abraham Lmcoln, who didn't have the Europe, but even an over-ripe cheese many individuals with HIV or AIDS want, GROUP DISCOUNT/LAYAWAY benefit of formal education. Ralph's lack but they are worried that they will not al- head should have. seen the movie, "Spar- of decent education shows; he apparently ticus." ways be able to care for their pets. PAWS The Grand Avenue gets many of his "factoids" from Funda- Whether you want to voice appreciation helps make many of those concerns disap- Downtown Milwaukee mentalist propaganda tracts rather than for the humor of the "Clown Show" or pear." NIkPlankinton Building • First Floor reputable scholars, and the results are of- want to deplore its homophobia, you can Use the PAWS program at MAP to 414-276-9255 ten hilarious misstatements of fact. called the program at (414) 935-3030 (a help you empower someone with HIV or One of Ovadal's most egregious bloop- toll free 800 number is flashed on the AIDS to find a reason to look forward to ers occurred in December, 1996, on one screen during the program. Callers who tomorrow. For more information on how of his Gay-bashing programs broadcast to state they have a question or comment are you can be of service, call (414) 225- publicize the cause of Ron Greer, the asked their first names and cities. The "In 1541. Depression-Drugs-Anxiety Now, There's Light at the End of the Tunnel

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Pride Institute at Solutions April 10, 1997—April 23, 1997—WISCONSIN LIGHT-7 Transgendered sexual youth. all people, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, People Must Take Their Members picketed the Human Rights straight, and Transgendered. Transgen- Campaign (FIR' C) fundraiser in Chicago dered people have the same right to be Place in the BLG Fight for Equal Rights over HRC's continuing refusal to back part of the democratic process Trans as does -inclusive language for the National Andrew Brett. Those Transgendered peo- Commentary by Brett have been expressed before by Employment Non-Discrimination Act ple who spoke were as moved by this ex- Jacquelyn Anne Richter Bruce Bauer in A Place at the Table and (ENDA). perience as anyone else. Andrew Brett's recent Letter to the Urvashi Vaid's Virtually Normal. This Members of these groups recently trav- Many people have expressed dismay Editor underscores the continuing lack of assimilatiunist point of view is encom- eled to Washington, DC to be part of the when Collin Powell said that civil rights knowledge and prejudice exhibited by passed by the statement, "We are the National Transgender Lobby Day. issues for people of color are based on some members of the Gay and Lesbian same as straight people except our attrac- The Transgender people who testified race and supportable, while those for community toward Transgendered people tion to people of the same gender." Gen- about AB104 testified because this bill Gays and Lesbians are based on sexual (Transphobia). Through this article I ad- der variant people need not apply. was of personal interest to their lives and orientation and are unsupportable. dress some of the misconceptions and er- The Transgender community remains not because any Gay or Lesbian organi- Is this so much different from the roneous stereotypes about Transgenders disorganized and unwilling to fight for zation extended a hand. statement made by Andrew Brett that and the Transgender community and why their own rights. So why were Transgendered people in sexual orientation and gender identity? AB104's (same-gender marriage act) de- The Transgendered couples who testi- Wausau testifying about AB104? For the As long as the dominant culture contin- feat is important to us. Why were Trans- fied about AB104 are members of Gemini same reason Andrew Brett was there. For ues to succeed with the divide and con- those who have intact same-gender mar- genders testifying against AB104? Gender and/or IT's Time Wisconsin. quer strategy, people will be denied equal Being Transgendered is about a per- riages, they do not want to see these torn nghts. If disenfranchised groups will pull These are groups of and for Transgen- apart by language that defines legal mar- son in a male-identified body identify- dered people, groups that provide support together, women, people of color, Gays, ing as a female. nages as only those between one man and Lesbians, Transgenders and friends of all for TG's and fight for TG's civil rights. one woman. This is half true, but 50% of those Members of these same organizations re- these groups, we will be in the majority. seeking gender reassignment are Trans- For those who are single, they look to cently picketed the American Psychologi- the future with hope of a same gender gender men who seek testosterone ther- cal Association's convention in Chicago TELL YOUR FRIENDS: apy, radical bilateral mastectomy and, for marriage with all the same rights and re- over the APA's continued inclusion of sponsibilities as any other mamage. some, phaloplasty. Transgender men are Gender Identity Disorder (GID) in the I read all about it in not mixed up Lesbians. Some are at- For some, they spoke for their Gay and DSM-IVR and misuse of this classifica- Lesbian friends who are in a relationship. tracted to men, some to women, and some tion to harass gender variant and homo- The Wisconsin Light to either, but all identifying as male. The AB104 forum was an open forum for All Transgenders are heterosexual. Absolutely not! For Transsexual women, 90% identify as Lesbian, Bisex- ual or Asexual. Those identifying as Asexual will still express a preference for the company of women, but the results of hormone therapy, life experiences and genital shape prevent them from seeking See Us, Read Us sexual expression. The percentage of Transsexual women who are attracted to men alone—hetero- sexual—is less than 10%. The reverse has shown to be true for Transsexual men. Transsexual men usually identify their ,the WEB: sexual orientation as heterosexual, Bisex- ual or Asexual. Another category exists of Transgendered who are attracted to other Transgenders. Would those constitute same-gender relationships and who would AB104 affect their relationships? A person who is married at the time of transition always gets a divorce be- on cause the partner can not accept this ma or life change. y percent of all marriages or rela- tionships that are intact at the time of transition remain intact after the transi- tion. This compares favorably to the 50% rate of divorce in the heterosexual com- munity. With all the strains that the The Wisconsin Light change makes on a person and the strong condemnation society places on Trans- sexuals, and their friends, it is remarkable that the numbers of sound relationships is proudly announces its this high. Many of the relationships that do end, end for the same reason that het- erosexual relationships end and have nothing to do with the transition process. new Web Site For those with strong relationships, they live in fear that AB104 will annul existing intact marriage relationships or that AB104 will prevent the Transsexual from marrying a person of their choice. Being Transgendered is about gender identity and being Gay is about sexual www.wilight.com orientation. Therefore, our legal and civil rights issues are different. Many of the legal and civil rights issues that affect Gays and Lesbians are the same as those that affect Transsexuals. news from around the country with Transsexuals want secure employment, Get daily updates on important free from discrimination and harassment, that we will not be fired or denied em- our EXCLUSIVE Wisconsin Light News Ticker ployment opportunities based on issues unrelated to our ability to perform the job. bead Top Stories & Selected Articles & Features Transsexuals want equal access to all public accommodations and housing. from our Latest Issue Transsexuals want affordable insurance coverage for all of our medical needs, es- pecially those unrelated to the transition PLUS, Entertainment Features including: process. Transsexuals want to be safe from hate Our "You're Invited" Calendar • The Bar Guide crimes and violence. We want our relationships to have the same legal rights and responsibilities as Announcements • Movie reviews heterosexuals. Are not these the same political and The Book Section & More! civil rights issues that Gays and Lesbians are fighting for? Presently, only three recognize the rights of Transsexuals: Washington, California and Minnesota. Wisconsin's civil rights statutes are un- Use www.wilight.com tested on Transgender rights. The Transgender community has al- send us press releases, letters to the editor, ad copy, ways been a part of the Gay and Lesbian to community. When Christians first came e-mail to America and killed Berdache for their calendar announcements, lifestyle, many of these Berdache were Transsexual. and more! When the Germans rounded up Gays and Lesbians, the first to go were the most visible: the drag , transves- JOIN US ON THE INFORMATION tites, Transsexuals and the butch Lesbi- ans. Leading up to Stonewall, men and SUPERHIGHWAY . . . POINT YOUR BROWSER TO women were often arrested and harassed for their perceived sexual orientation www.wilight.com AND LOG ON TODAY! through their dress. Many of the rioters at Stonewall were, in fact, drag queen His- wilight.com is provided by Nordic Systems, a leading Wisconsin provider of Internet technology for businesses everywhere. panics. The sentiments expressed by Andrew April 10, 1997-April 23, 1997-WISCONSIN LIGHT-8 into his o0s, performing in Manhattan vative, a Christian or a Republican. I am nightclubs and doing poetry readings. a Gay American, and I will retain my in- Last year, he recorded his poem "The dependence from any other label," Obituary Ballad of the Skeletons" with musical Liebman said in a 1995 column in The backing from Paul McCartney and Philip Advocate. "Allen, They Whisper. Allen..." Glass. Kaye produced the single. "I can no longer associate myself with The funeral will be private. In lieu of Rush Limbaugh and other ' conservative' Allen Ginsberg flowers, donations should be sent to Jewel leaders, nor with Pat Robertson and his Heart Buddhist Center in Ann Arbor, 'Christian' brigades, nor with Jesse 1926-1997 Michigan He was survived by his step- Helms and his new 'Republican' major- mother, Edith Ginsberg of Paterson, N.J.; ity. The only identity of which I am ab- New York, NY— Allen Ginsberg, the his brother, Eugene; and several nieces solutely certain is that I am a homosex- counterculture guru who shattered con- and nephews. ual in a country that has little patience ventions as poet laureate of the Beat Gen- with us." eration and mfluenced the next four dec- After Liebman came out, he wrote ades of art, music and politics, died early voluminously about the Gay struggle for Saturday, April 5, 1997, at age 70. Obituary civil rights and the dangers he saw for The bearded, balding Ginsberg died in Gays at the hands of the Right. He put his Lower East Side Manhattan apartment his columns on the Internet as well as surrounded by eight "close friends and Marvin Liebman sending them far and wide, offering old lovers," said his friend and archivist, them for free to any GLBT publication Bill Morgan. The poet was diagnosed A Gay Man that would print them. eight days ago with terminal liver cancer, Among those publications, were Light and he suffered a fatal heart attack, Washington, DC— In a 1990 inter- with Phil McCombs, of The and In Step, then owned by Ron Gei- Morgan said. view man. Liebman wrote well and what he "He made us see that poets were pop Washington Post, Marvin Liebman, conservative political activist and wrote was worth reading, but Ron and I stars," said Lenny Kaye, guitarist with the author, agreed that there was no need for both of Gay man said he regretted his decades of Patti Smith Group and a recent Ginsberg "By not us to publish the same thing. Ron wanted collaborator." He had a sense of liberation silence about his homosexuality. speaking about it, you're denying who a conservative columnist and, at that -- sexual liberation, philosophical libera- point, he had more room, so he pub- tion." you are, what you are," he said. Alan Ginsberg conversation with then lished Liebman in Wisconsin. Ginsberg, whose blend of drug-inspired He recalled a I called Marvin to tell him that, and were interested in art, and lOved each President Ronald Reagan in which visions, love of sex and gut-wrenching con- that he didn't have to send his columns autobiography first emerged during the other," Ginsberg once said of the Beat Reagan called him aside to share about son Ron Jr.'s decision to be- to both publications. We fell to talking 1950s, spent several days in a hospice Generation's founding fathers. "Some cerns and kept in contact ever after that. after his diagnosis. On Thursday, April 3, Gay, some straight." come a dancer. "Aren't dancers . . . aren't sort of . . . funny?" Liebman Seldom had I experienced a more in- he suffered a stroke, fell into a coma and Ginsberg was in the Gay camp, openly dancers teresting and intellectually stimulating never regained consciousness. Gay, proudly Gay, and became a propo- remembered Reagan as asking. necessarily, Liebman had an- time than when I was listening to Marvin He had returned to his apartment a day nent of Gay civil rights -- one of many Not Liebman. His breadth of knowledge and earlier after expressing a desire to die at causes the activist poet embraced. In swered. But he said, "Once again, for the thousandth time, I had stood quietly and facility with words made it almost seem home. 1960, he went on television to call for the as if I were talking to William F. Buck- He wrote about a dozen short poems -- decriminalization of marijuana. He was achingly a Gay man in the closet, com- with Ronald Reagan's ley himself (a man who I greatly ad- one titled "On Fame and Death" -- and arrested in 1967 for protesting against the petent to deal mire). "wore himself out talking to friends," Vietnam War in New York, and was tear- fears about his son, unable to deal openly with the facts of my own life." We talked about the Holocaust. He was Morgan said. gassed a year later while protesting at the most interested in my talks with Gay David Cope, a friend and fellow poet, Democratic convention in Chicago. Marvin Liebman, 73, who, late in life, became a leading Gay civil rights activ- survivors. We talked about Reagan, received one of those phone calls. So did He claimed that closeted Gay FBI di- about "the old days," when many intel- Lawrence Ferlinghetti, who was charged rector J. Edgar Hoover had placed him on ist, a man who for decades concealed his sexual orientation behind a public facade lectuals were joining the Communist with obscenity after his City Lights a "dangerous security list" in 1965, a dis- party. We talked about so many things. Books published Ginsberg's Howl and tinction that led to airport strip searches as a strategist and fund-raiser for the conservative movement, died Once, I asked him what he would want Other Poems in 1956. for several years whenever he returned to American on of heart disease March 31, 1997, at his tombstone. He chuckled and said, "He called all of his old friends from the United States. "Write, `Marvin Liebman. A Gay Man."' many generations personally to make Last year, he was one of the plaintiffs in George Washington University Hospital. Liebman was a founder of such organi- Though we didn't talk often, I will contact with us one last time, voice to a U.S. Supreme Court case aimed at miss our little chats. He was one of the voice," Cope said Saturday. "To me, it knocking down federal regulations on the zations as Young Americans for Free- dom and the American Conservative handful of people in this world whose was a beautiful gesture." hours that "indecent programming" could minds I admire. Ferlinghetti, after speaking to Ginsberg, air on television and radio. Union. He worked for the election of Ronald Liebman is survived by a sister, Elea- stayed up all night writing a poem called Irwin Allen Ginsberg was born June 3, nor Lidofsky of New York. "Allen Ginsberg Dying." 1926, in Newark, N.J., the second son of Reagan as president in 1980, and he "It is high tide and the sea birds cry. poet Louis Ginsberg and his wife, Naomi. came to Washington in 1981 as a public The waves break over him now," Ferling- The family moved to Paterson, N.J.; relations official at the National En- Buy Your Next Vehicle from hetti said Saturday, reading the poem. "... while Ginsberg was a youngster. dowment for the Arts. Us & We Will Donate $250 to Allen, they whisper. Allen." Ginsberg intended to follow his brother In 1990, he announced his sexual ori- Ginsberg's influence was almost inesti- Eugene into the legal profession, and en- entation in a widely publicized letter to the Milwaukee AIDS Project mable. His extraordinary list of acolytes rolled at Columbia. But while still a teen- his close friend and mentor, William F ran the gamut from Abbie Hoffman to ager, he fell in with the Kerouac, Bur- Buckley, the editor in chief of the Na- • Rent-to-Purchase Program almost 67 years Smashing Pumpkins singer Billy Corgan, roughs and Cassady crowd. tional Review. "I am • Trade-ins Welcome Czech President Vaclav Havel to punk "I think it was when I ran into Kerouac old. For more than half of my I Welcome poetess Patti Smith, Yoko Ono to Bob and Burroughs when I was 17 that I real- have been engaged in, and indeed helped • Financing Dylan. ized I was talking through an empty to organize and maintain, the conserva- • Service Warranties Available "Dylan said he was the greatest influ- skull," Ginsberg once said. "I wasn't tive and anti-communist cause, the Con- ence on the American poetic voice since thinking my own thoughts or saying my servative Party of New York, the Gold- (414) 282-9223 Whitman," said Gordon Ball, Ginsberg's own thoughts." water and Reagan campaigns. All the U-SAVE 4739 S. 27th St. editor and friend of 30 years. "I think Another seminal event in Ginsberg's life time I labored in the conservative vine- AUTO RENTAL° Greenfield, WI 53221 that's certainly true." came in 1948: his vision of poet William yard I was Gay." During the conservative, McCarthy-era Blake while he was lying on the couch of He spoke out when he did, Liebman 1950s, when TV's married couples slept his East Harlem apartment. Ginsberg said said, because he no longer could counte- in separate beds, Ginsberg wrote " Howl" he had a "hallucination in 3-D" of Blake nance what he perceived as increasing Climb the Grant'! -- a profane, graphic poem that dealt with reading his poem " Ali, Sunflower." homophobia in conservative speeches his own homosexuality and communist Ginsberg's first taste of notoriety came and fund-raising appeals. upbringing. after the publication of Howl in -1956. He had begun to feel "like a Jew in ' I saw the best minds of my generation Copies of the book were seized by San Germany in 1934 who had chosen to re- Join other gay men destroyed by madness, starving hysterical Francisco police and U.S. Customs offi- main silent, hoping to be able to stay in- and lesbians for, naked," the poem began. cials, and Ferlinghetti was charged with visible as he watched the beginnings of "Howl" then careened wildly through publishing arf obscene book. the Holocaust," he wrote in Coming Out scores of surreal images: "a lost battalion In 1991 interview with The Associated Conservative, his 1992 autobiography. of platonic conversationalists jumping Press -- where Ginsberg briefly worked as Three years later, Liebman severed his down the stoops off fire escapes," people a copy boy in 1948 -- he recalled the '50s ties with the Republican Party and the who "walked all night with their shoes as a time of "total paranoia, suspicious- American conservative movement, and full of blood on the snowbank docks ness, fear, the rich robbing the poor, and he renounced Christianity. Although waiting for a door in the East River to complaining about the poor. ... Mar- born a Jew, he had joined the Roman open a room full of steam heat and ketized, mechanized fake emotions." Catholic Church in 1980, with Buckley opium." Ferlinghetti was acquitted in 1957, but serving as his godfather. -97662: "Howl" was dedicated to Carl Solo- the case generated enormous publicity for "I can no longer call myself a conser- mon, a patient he met during a stay in a Ginsberg and his work. Ginsberg was psychiatric ward. Forty years later, Gins- suddenly in demand. berg was reciting his poetry on MTV for Ginsberg experimented heavily with Generation X-ers. drugs, taking LSD under the guidance of Ginsberg's poetry placed spontaneity the late Timothy Leary in the 1960s. But plore France over metered verse, frank language over he was also a practicing Buddhist, began by Dike! flowery words. His work was often con- each day with a contemplative exercise fessional, discussing his Gay sexual ori- followed by a cup of hot tea with lemon. entation, his mother's death, his relation- As he grew older, Ginsberg became a ships. guru to the counterculture movement. He Join us for the trip of a lifetime, coined "Kaddish," one of his most famous the term "flower power" during ough a works, was an Oedipal poem dealing with the mid-'60s. And he eventually became picturesque his mother's life and death in a mental more accepted by the mainstream. corn . Call for hospital. It was written in his Manhattan His National Book Award came in 1973 free y and apartment, stream of consciousness-style, for The Fall of America: Poems of lesb fueled by a combination of amphetamines These States, 1965-1971. He was a fi- inclu and morphine. nalist for a Pulitzer Prize in poetry in His first exposure to the nascent coun- 1995 for his book, Cosmopolitan RLYSO terculture came when he was a 17-year- Greetings: Poems 1986-1992. : I 0-8 old Columbia University freshman. There Ginsberg toured with Dylan's Rolling he met fellow future beatniks Jack Ker- Thunder Revue in 1977, doing spontane- 191491al!!.!!!!Pcs

ouac, William S. Burroughs and Neal ously .composed blues poems. He toured ...... Cassady. The group, disillusioned by Eastern Europe in 1986, receiving an conventional society, created their own award in the former Yugoslavia, record- subculture of drugs and hedonism. rock band and ing with a Hungarian • "Basically, just a gang of friends who meeting a congress of young Polish poets. N. were very into being literate, and who Ginsberg remained vital and active well April 10, 1997-April 23, 1997-WISCONSIN LIGHT-9 Letters (since it affects more women), and I emphati- and Gays feel from prejudiced heterosexuals. AIDS cally resent it. In other words, the State of It is a sad reality that not only does our Wisconsin steals about half the retirement TBLG community have to fight our common Page 1 Letters Continued From money from about a dozen employees who die oppressors, now we even have to defend one Continued From Page 4 before retiring. Women are twice as likely to another from ourselves. free and open to the public. For informa- I'd like to ask Rep. Fitzgerald just who d0es be victims as men. Officially, discrimination I can hear Ralph Ovadahl, Ron Greer and tion or to volunteer at the event, call (414) he think the "public" in Public TV is? Is it just by marital status and sex is illegal in Wiscon- other Queer-prejudiced people singing loud 225-1523. straight, white, conservative legislators? Does sin. and clear. Other organizations participating in Public TV program just for them? Or does For the years 1990 to 1993, 57 men and 49 S. Butler planning the event include Sinai Samaritan Public TV reflect the greater diverse culture in women over 60 died while actively in state Milwaukee Medical Center/Positive Health Clinic; which we live? service. Of the men, 17 (29.08%) were denied Catholic AIDS Ministry; Children's Hos- Also, keep in mind Public TV's original the benefit. Of the women, 32 (67.35%) were Reply to Joe St. Clair pital of Wisconsin--Wisconsin HIV Pri- mission statement to provide programming to denied, since women are less likely to be mar- mary Care Support Network--Milwaukee communities not served by commercial TV. ried than men (at that time in their lives). TO THE EDITOR: Care Site; Guy Clough; Creative Works; Tell me please, what commercial network airs I'm sure many of your readers are also em- I guess Joe St. Clair received a different Milwaukee County Funeral Directors As- anything even close to "In The Life?" I'd say ployed by the State of Wisconsin, and they, copy of the "Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's" number of Gays and Lesbians sociation SET Ministries; and the Wiscon- that given the too, will be penalized by their marital status Cue Section on March 21' than I did. The of programming sin Funeral Directors Association. living in Wisconsin, six hours and lack of direct heirs. The State Attorney cover on my copy was dedicated to the pro- a year is woefully inadequate. General denies that this is discrimination by motion of MILWAUKEE, not the smoke- Lastly, I'd like to point out to Rep. Fitz- marital status or sex, but it is clearly both. filled, dumpy Gay bars that claim to "support" gerald that there are many serious issues fac- He maintains that it is his duty to uphold the our community, including PrideFest. Or per- CLASSIFIEDS ing the state of Wisconsin. If he has nothing status of the statutes, even when it is unjust, haps Mr. St. Clair failed to actually read the better to do with his time than pick on a TV illegal, and unconstitutional. On this theory, a article. show that only runs six times year, then per- benefit given only to married people or to the For so long we have watched as prominent Bed And Breakfast haps he should leave the legislature and let sole supporters of families, would not breach Lesbians and Gay men get passed over when it Chanticleer Guest House someone willing to tackle the serious issues the state or federal laws. In fact, it is precisely came to recognition for outstanding perform- Located on 30 private acres in picturesque Door take his place. what this is, an insurance given to married ance. For example, Martina Navratalova and County WI. Cindy Van Vreede people for their benefit and their beneficiaries, Greg Louganis never got the opportunities to 4 New Suites in refurbished barn Milwaukee but not to widows or widowers, single people, represent major products even though they Each Romantic Suite includes: Double whirlpool * or unmarried divorcees. were the best in the world in their respective Fireplace * Private Bath * Entertainment Center * David Leavitt The Wisconsin University Union (WUU) sports. The reason for this was not because Balconies * A/C * Breakfast delivered to your room. consulted an attorney who advised them that they were non-charismatic, but because they EDITOR: New heated pool and Hiking Trails on property. TO THE the statute language is such that it would not were Gay. They did not become world cham- For reservation or color brochure, please call Bryon This is in response to the book review of likely be a winnable case in court. Thus, one pions by limiting their competition to the Gay and Danin at (414) 746-0334. David Leavitt's new book "Arkansas." Re- of the few options left is to lobby the legisla- Olympics, but they certainly got the financial 4072 Cherry Rd. (Hwy HH) Sturgeon Bay. viewer Glenn Bishop states that Leavitt's prior ture, or one legislator who will support rewards as if they did. book, "While England Sleeps," was a plagar- changing this language. I am personally very pleased that an out Research ized story of the life of W.H.Auden. Actually, As a mmber of AFSCME, Local 2412, we Lesbian was chosen to represent and promote Health it was British poet Stephen Spender who made are trying to get the word out. Unfortunately, Milwaukee on the cover of our major Lesbians the accusation that the story was of his life, our Council is not cooperating with its mem- STRAIGHT newspaper. As a local Milwau- Study seeks Lesbians for telephone interviews about not Auden. bers, and we are pursuing other avenues of keean who also happens to be a Lesbian, why England feelings and barriers related to breast exams. Confi- But more importantly, "While communication. I am the contact person for can't Sue Cook also represent the larger com- marvelous story; it is Leavitt in dentiality guaranteed. Seeking Midwest women, over Sleeps" is a my Local. Please write me for more informa- munity we all live in? form. I would encourage any of his 51, with no cancer. Please call 1-800-991-5539. d his best tion at: 118 Blue Spruce Lane, Marshall, WI Why must she, or any other Lesbian or Gay fans to read the book. David Leavitt is one of, 53559. man be forced to live within the very small if not the best, Gay authors today. Kristen Zehner confines of the so-called Gay "community?" Employment Brian Treglown Marshall, Wisconsin I would think that life would be quite stale if Chicago all I had were smoky Gay bars and Gay book- Reply to Andrew Brett stores to quench my cultural thirst, which is all BACHMAN FURNITURE Wisconsin Discriminates Mr. St. Claire could point to, to represent our SALESPERSON- Bachman Furniture has an im- TO THE EDITOR: community, much less the City of Milwaukee. open for a salesperson. TO THE EDITOR: mediate full time position I am (sadly) used to Transgendered and Bi- I know I certainly would NOT take out-of- be a self-motivated, professional, I am a long-time state employee, and have Individual must sexual people being forgotten or ignored by town guests to the majority of the bars for lack a strong desire to succeed. As a member of recently become aware that the WRS dis- with many Gay men and Lesbians with everything of anything to do but watch people get drunk. our team you will represent Milwaukee's most criminates against me (and my heirs) if I die from oral language to Queer publications. Now doesn't that sound like a good time? unique store in furnishings and design. We offer after age 60 and my designated heirs are not a However, I cannot allow Andrew R. Brett's Obviously Ms. Cook knows her local his- highly competitive pay and bonus package. Contact spouse, minor or dependent child. This is bla- letter (last issue) of misperceptions, inaccura- tory, architecture and, yes, the kitchee little Dianne at (414) 461-9000 to schedule an interview. tant discrimination by marital status and sex cies and possible underlying Transprejudice places that make Milwaukee so unique. Sue BACHMAN FURNITURE go unchallenged. Cook does an outstanding job promoting Gay INTERIOR DESIGNER- Bachman Furniture has Body Improvement Mr. Brett's comments about his desire to ex- pride when it comes to promotion (of) Pride- an immediate full time opening for an interior de- clude Transgendered persons from the Trans- Fest; she does an equally outstanding job signer. Individual must be a self motivated profes- BiLesGay community feeds right into the promoting the City of Milwaukee when it sional with a strong desire to succeed; enthusiastic, Penis and Nipple Enlargement hands of what the "Religious Right" has been comes to promoting Milwaukee. our team you and sales oriented. As a member of Custom • vacuum pumps or surgical. Gain 1-3 hoping for; Divide and Conquer. It takes a lot of courage for a Gay person to will represent Milwaukee's most unique store in inches. Permanent, safe. Enhance erection. For FREE He states that he is opposed to discrimina- allow him or herself to be featured in the furnishings and design. We offer highly competi- brochures: Dr. Joel Kaplan, (312) 409-1950.. Latest tion in any form, yet there can be no other straight media. We are fortunate to have a tive pay and bonus package. Contact Diane at (414) enlargement info. 1-900-976-PUMP ($2.95/m) word for it, since Transgender people feel the well-groomed, articulate person representing 461-9000 to schedule an interview. same oppression as do Bisexuals, Lesbians our community for a change. And, believe it and Gay men from the same source as do or not, the straight world has taken notice of Massa • e LesBiGays, based not solely on one of our better community leaders and has Housing Share Massage: Male to Male, head to toe, total body mono/homosexuality—rather than a larger actually complimented us as Gay people by massage; no charge, 18-35 y.o., Inn, clean, pleasant fear/hate about whether one pays strict atten- having Sue Cook serve as a representative for Gay male sees man to share lower flat. Available young men please call 305-5777. Day or evening tion to "traditional" roles or not. them, too. June 1". $400 + utilities. Call (414) 278-8310 any appointments available, satisfaction guaranteed! Mr. Brett's shortsightedness is further dem- Jenny Jankowski time. onstrated by his consistent neglect of Bisexu- Milwaukee als in his wording regarding our community Editor's Note: In my considered opinion, Rent— (Sherman Park), Available April House for including the Wisconsin law he refers to, Milwaukee is fortunate to have some of the 1 garage space, own u111. Sec. Dep. $600 1, 2 bdrm, 11111111111111•1 which also protects Bisexuals. He even goes finest LBGT-owned and LBGT-friendly busi- per month. (414) 873-5733 Young, handsome man from Beloms seeks well-to- on to say that the Transgender movement is nesses to be found anywhere in the country. do man for serious relationship. Age not important. not compatible with Gays and Lesbians (and Our bars are among those businesses. While Housing/Rent I'm manly, strapping, educated, serious and honest. Bi's), even though compatible simply means everyone in the community may not go to the Write: Andrei, P.O. Box 104, Minsk 23. Republic of existing together in harmony! bars, many do—and many from out of town Belorta, 220023. Mr. Brett further says that approximately do as well. Milwaukee—house for rent (Sherman Park) Avail. 90% of Trans people are dealing with hetero- What they find is not bars that are "dumpy" April 1; 2 bdrm., 1 garage space; own util.; Sec. sexual issues pertaining to orientation. Where in any degree. On the contrary, our bars are Dep. $600 per month. (414) 873-5733 Oranizations did he get this number from?- I recently con- clean, well-run businesses. The owners and ducted an interview with a facilitator of a staffs are hard-working people who, time after HOME MADE BREAD AT MARTHA'S social club serving the recovering Trans organization who felt that most are time, contribute mightily to various causes and Vacancies in co-op now & fail, S2361 mo & up Galan Club A Lesbian community. Regularly scheduled likely Bisexual. I believe that she would more events in the community. w/utilities. Multi-ailtural, LGBT supportive, veg Gay and and Al-anon, ACOA and other 12 step likely know an approximation than he would. Our bars are not places for people to "get community, families welcome. Lakeside w/garden, AA, NA Farwell Ave., He ends with stating that the Transgender drunk." The writer should rethink her position for dinner 6 PM nightly stay meetings. Openly nightly, 2408 N. piano & sauna. Come community should not try to ride the coattails on this. Like bars everywhere, they serve a so- 225 E. Lakelawn Pl, Madison. (414) 276-6936 for the community. and be under the same umbrella that the "Gay" cial function, but ours more than most, per- 256-8476. (608) National Gay Pilots Association movement started 25 years ago. Uh, excuse haps. Now and traditionally, our bars have welcomes all aviation enthusiasts. me, but I'd like to remind him that Trans- been and are places where many of us can go Sleeping Room for Rent Newsletter, Events, Personals gender and Bisexual people were in the bar and feel comfortable to be in a social situation NGPA, Dept MICE PO Box 27542 and actively participated in the Stonewall Re- among "our own." South 2nd Street 231 Washington, DC 20038-2742 bellion, and have been fighting alongside their (Above C'est La Vie) Yes, of course, in our bars, as in any bar, (703)660-3852 n Gay brothers and Lesbian sisters since the be- some people Carpets * Very Clean imbibe too heavily. But the vast, New Paint & ginning of our liberation movement. vast majority of people drink responsibly—or Call (414) 291-9600 MIDWEST MALE NUDIST GATHERING Get These two groups cannot help it if people not drink at all. There are people who go the naked and have fim with 150 men hme 11-15 near like him consistently ignore Trans and Bi bars who drink only mineral water or soft Kansas City. Send SASE to: MMNG, Box 52, Big contributions by regularly limiting the TBLG drinks. No one is constrained to consume al- Lake, MN, 55309. Http://members.aol.com/ community to the "Gay & Lesbian" commu- cohol if they do riot wish to do so. CLASSIFIEDS mmngsite/index.html. nity/movement. In short, we can be and should be very proud Trans and Bi people teamed up with Gays of our bars. I have taken out of towners to the CLASSIFIED ORDERS: Completely fill out this form and mail to WISCONSIN LIGHT, 1843 N. and Lesbians in Wausau to testify against bars and will be proud to do so again. Palmer, Milwaukee, WI 53212. AB104, but Mr. Brett can't even allow them When it comes to food, Cafe Melange, Glass RATES ARE $2 for each line. Each line can contain up to 42 characters, (including spaces). Indicate if their rightful inclusion in our community. The Menagerie, Grubb's Pub, Just Us, Mama you would like a BOLD HEADLINE of up to three words above your ad for an additional S2.50. Also next time you wonder where they are for ac- Roux, and La Perla, are all second to none. indicate classification under which your ad is to be run. tivism, you'll know that it's this type of Anyone can be proud of taking out of town DEADLINE for placing a classified ad in WISCONSIN LIGHT is noon Wednesday prior to prevalent attitude that keeps them at home. guests, Gay or straight, to dine in any of them. publication. If you mail your ad we must receive it on or before Wednesday. NO CREDIT or BILLING Our Rainbow flag stands for diversity within The bookstore that serves the BLGT com- SERVICES are offered, and we DO NOT accept any classifieds on the phone for placements or our TBLG community which doesn't stop at munity (the only one between renewals. Chicago and the race and age. If Transgenders feel similar op- Twin Cities) is anything but smoky. In fact, 44AME ADDRESS PHONY pression, who gives anyone the right to ex- smoking is not allowed on the premises. clude them? I say our community can use all In my considered opinion, it is the responsi- STATE ZIPCODE' the participation it can get, and I welcome bility and duty of all who are in the LGBT PLEASE CHECK THE. ISSUE[S] IN WUICE YOJJ WOULD LIKE YOUR AD TO APPEAR. them as an equal member of the family. community to support our businesses. In so When Trans (or Bi's) are excluded and ig- many, many ways, our businesses are the _APRIL 24_MAY 8_ nored, that is the exact same hurt that Lesbians health of our community. April 10 , 1997-April 23, 1997-WISCONSIN LIGHT-10 Heaven's Gate is Another Sad Religion Story DIRECTORY OF in the Long History of Faiths Commentary by Ted Schaar have that they will be whisked off the The deaths of the 39 religious cult Earth someday in death or in life to spend members in San Diego is the latest gross eternity in heaven with god and their PROFESSIONALS power of faith to hurt and loved ones. example of the Unfortunately, it is very difficult to kill. That they committed suicide isn't by to me because suicide is sway people from things they have faith itself bothersome in an inviolable right. Inviolable because as the families and friends of the de- there is no way the state can intervene ef- parted cultists will attest. The job is made fectively if an individual is determined to infinitely harder by the age-old slickster kill her- or himself, unless the person is realization that separating the faithful already in custody. from their money is as easy as passing the "I'm on your side." (I don't know about you, but it gives me collection plate. Look at Pat Robertson's a warm feeling to know that the paternal- empire or the pope's. istic arm of government can be ducked; It is no surprise that the leader of the that in the end, individual human will still Heaven's Gate cult was cruelly exploita- Thomas E. Martin attorney at law 765-9413 has dominion over how we treat our own tive of his sheep-like followers; this is Sensitive to the legal issues unique to our community. "containers" despite the state's and standard and ancient behavior that goes other's desire to usurp this authority.) with the title. What bothers me is the intellectual lazi- Money and security, the easy life, are ness showcased by this incident and the normal cult leader goals followed quickly willingness of the unscrupulous to exploit by ego gratification in the form of adora- BRENDA LEWISON tion or fame. The name "Do" will be- Cap this fatal flaw. News reports say the ATTORNEY "Heaven's Gate" members had faith they come as familiar as the name Jim Jones. Labor would be transported upon their deaths to Sexual favors are generally part of the 5027 West picture, too, as was the case with David Employment COMMITMENT a spaceship (perhaps the talk-radio- North Avenue RINGS propagated-hoax "Saturn-like object") Koresh and countless others. Do's brand DESIGNeD FOR of religious sexuality was twisted but no Milwaukee, WI Discrimination THE TWO OF that is suppgsedly. shadowing Comet YOU IN AN Hale-Bopp on its swing around the sun. worse than the catholic church's insis- 53208 EASY ANC/ Tenant's Rights As web surfers, any of these acolytes tence that priests and nuns remain celi- RELAX ED bate. It might even be considered merci- ENVIRONMENT could have typed "Hale-Bopp" into a ,. • ful to neuter those expected to exist in 414-453.3925 search engine and found several sites that +11- -2 2 1, - 711O1 or 1 -,..A00-50ht rationally and completely debunk the idea this most unnatural way. that any such object is accompanying the If you think the friendly pastor on the comet. It is utter nonsense with no basis corner is innocent, think again. By en- c in fact. Either these poor fools didn't couraii f g people to ignore reality m fa- want to know the truth or simply would vor o having faith that there is a god who not accept it when they encountered it. cares about what they do and who will greet them with a big smile in the by-and- Kathleen A. Neville MS, MSW 6col. A This is the power of faith. IA by, they are (46 perpetrating a giant fraud that Psychotherapist Now their cherished faith is the butt of HAIR STUDIO jokes as the world snickers at the absurd- wastes precious time and, worse, ulti- Lakeshore Clinic ity of what they believed. Before anyone mately helps hold down the average 3970 N. Oakland, Suite 502 7004 West National Avenue laughs too hard, however, believing that length of time people live and even the quality of life they enjoy. Shorewood, Wisconsin 53211 Milwaukee aliens are using a comet as a cloak so they can snatch deserving "angels" off the Every year billions upon billions of 414 . 332 . 3331 dollars are poured down a rat hole to keep I (414) 774-8356 Earth is, if anything, less delusional than the cultists' more primary belief, shared the structures and operations of religion by millions of ordinary religious folks, healthy and wealthy. Imagine all the For a that there is life after death. well-appointed churches, the comfortable Timothy KuehneU This fundamental issue has been inves- residences, the gold and the glitter that is Paintings, Prints tigated by scientists for centuries and not everywhere associated with religion. Far team from being a humble occupation, religion Sculpture, Antiques one atom of evidence has been produced approach that people survive death in any animate pays big for its well-trained professionals. Purchased & Sold way. When .people die, alas, they are Now imagine just how dramatically, Sales dead. No spirits or souls, no pearly gates. these many billions applied to medical re- to all Estate search might broaden our understanding Appraisal Services The idea of life after death is accepted your on faith. In our modem world, faith is of life and how to prolong it; imagine generally a conscious decision to ignore how much better the average standard of mental health (414) 265-1305 Ste real evidence or to accept as evidence "I living might be if all the money currently told you so" or "the holy book says so" in being fed into the gaping, greedy mouth questions order to attain a usually self-serving re- of religion was used to improve secular conditions. "Imagine," as • Call me for all your insurance needs sult. In the case of these latest faith vic- turn to tims, they luxuriated in believing they sang, "no religion." were a "chosen" people (nothing new I hope the San Diego tragedy causes PS. people to examine their own faiths, what- AMERICAN FAMILY here) who were on their way to some nir- Psychiatric Services vana on another planet. ever they may be, and to think long and INSURANCE hard about what faith reallyds. Michael Nagy, M.D. AUTO HOME =WIT HEM LIFE a This is not much different from the faith that everyday church-going Americans Fifth in the supernatural is not a friend Patrick Griffin, CICSW, BCD DORI A. PANTHOFER but an enemy; it does not Kenosha, WI 53144 encourage hu- 3601 - 30th Avenue, THE PANTHOFER AGENCY man progress but impedes it. Whether 414-657-5200 626 East Ogden Avenue r TECHI SUPPORT - I draining off money that could be spent Milwaukee, WI 53202-2604 better elsewhere or reinforcing mean- Off (414) 277-7772 • Fax (414) 277-1088 311 WINDOWS 95 spirited convictions, religion is bad news. INTERNET S' UPGRADES Worse news by far than the handful of Quick, affordable computer Heaven's Gate deaths. technical support. At least these cultists only killed them- AUTO-HOME-HEALTH selves. The same can't be said of the Portrait NEAL BRENARD faithful in Bosnia, India, Ireland, the BUSINESS INSURANCE Middle East, and other theistic hot spots Photography 319-0081 around the world. But that's another sad David Matta www.execpc.com/—nbrenard religion story. BW0 Insurance Group, LLC Business • Personal OUTSTANDING Passports Office: (414) 768-8100 Old it Photographs Fax: (414) 768-8110 Copied & Restored Theatrical "Climbing Harder to Meet Your Needs!" Jack H. Smith Pets KELLY VV, CAUFFMAN If buying or selling Real Estate Buying or selling... Forzetleutt Studio. is in your future, 7405 West Harwood Ave. then give me seal your Real Estate Wauwatosa, WI Hasigu414/527-1276 Voice Mail:414/797.7600, Ext. 1718 Broker should Prudentia17.4.11olly Vow 476-3777 414/7074608 http//www.pniproperties.com understand your S An Independently Owned & Operated Member. ant Eyadema! Real Estate AiSInnes, Inc • REALTOR. • MLS • Equal Houstag Oppornmay .8%".".•%m.neleV . P•papa.e lifestyle and goals.

A REALTOR THAT KNOWS YOUR LIFESTYLE! Call Jack Now! BREUSCHER Master's & President's Club Member E Cheryl Fuchs 11 Years Real Estate Experience Over $6.25 Million in `96 Sales A Realtor L OFFICE: 608 - 238-2272 (414) 964-9000 (414) 224-1452 T HOME: 608-882-5255 Federated FAX: 608-238-7447 E-Mail to: Y [email protected] Realty Group Inc. Web site: www.execpc.com/-jhsmith 5317 Old Middleton Road • Madison, WI 53715 THE SPOTLIGHT SECTION April 10, 1997 to April 23, 1997- THE WISCONSIN LIGHT-11

• *

As "Ellen" Comes Out in Prime Time TV l ase t ta az god, The Country is all Agog Milwaukee—It's probably the biggest "make it easy and fun for people to share thing to come along on prime time TV the historic coming out episode on April since Lucy Recardo had "Little Ricky." 30." Bernadette Peters: Expressive, Talented (For those of you who may be too young According to HRC, the kits contain a or too short on memory, I Love Lucy was color poster, party invitations, party plan- the biggest show going in the 50's. Lucy ning tips, an "Ellen trivia game," among Star Of Stage, Screen And Recordings got pregnant—by her husband, no less. other things. Though the word By Jeffrey L. Newman "pregnant" couldn't be To host an "Ellen" house party and re- • used, more people ceive a kit, Bernadette Peters is one of true divas of watched the show on call HRC at (202) 628-4160 or which she "gave birth" visit Nl contemporary . With a than any up to that HRC's web site: org. o time.) The site captivating voice that is unmistakable and provides up-to-the-minute in, We've come a long unique, and her trademark blonde, frizzy way—or have we? formation about the episode and about the • On Wednesday evening, viewing curls, the songstress knows the art of put- April 30, Ellen parties being scheduled nation- Morgan (played by Ellen ting it together and bring an emotional DeGeneres, an wide. open Lesbian in real life) Two power to her performances. on ABC's Ellen, of these parties, both on April 30, will "come out" as a From her masterful one-woman Tony- Lesbian. Nothing like will be sponsored by Wisconsin Light. it has excited so much One Award winning turn in Andrew Lloyd Web- comment "Murphy will be at La Cage in Milwaukee. The Brown" decided to other will be ber's "Song & Dance" to her esoteric and become a single at Scandals in Madison. mother—or "Maude" Watch the next prolific role in ' s Sun- decided to have an issue for further details. abortion (1972). In addition to its calling for day In The Park With George to her daz- parties, HRC In Hollywood and will be zling performance in Sondheim's Into The elsewhere in show biz airing an ad that night on TV to in- land, opinions vary on how the show crease the Woods, Peters has earned a place in mu- will awareness that job discrimina- do. For example, a tion sical theatre history that is unmistakable, spokesperson for TV based on sexual orientation remains Guide speaking on TV's "American legal in 41 and somewhat untouchable. Along the Jour- states. nal," said that their polls indicate According to HRC, ABC way, she has also earned a large and loyal that "no turned down one much" will be watching the show. HRC's request to following, especially in the Gay commu- make a single nation- (Though it may belieVe that not wide purchase of air time, citing nity. too its policy many people will watch the show, TV against "controversial issue "I think Gay people are lovers of per- advertising." Guide's March 29 issue devoted consid- Nevertheless, 59 ABC formers who are expressive and who affiliates have said erable space to a behind-the-scenes that they will throw themselves into things very deeply, look run the ad. at ABC and Disney's development of Seven ABC affiliates which I do. If I thought about all the ac- Ellen have rejected Morgan as TV's first leading Lesbian.) HRC's ad. These are: Chicago; tresses on Broadway, they all probably Houston; Time Magazine in its April 14 issue Knoxville, Tennessee; Nashville, Tennes- have huge Gay followings. Anyone who is quotes Dick Wolf, creator of Law and Or- see; New York, Philadelphia and Wil- deeply expressive would have that kind of der, as saying, "What you'll find is that mington, North Carolina. following I believe. I'm very definitely very Ellen is going to take a real hit on this." honored. It's a great following to have," Critics writing in Time, the New York On the contrary, Bruce Holland, pro- says the 48-year old singer. Times, the Washington Post and in ducer of the Drew Carey show is of opin- fol- publications who have seen the "But I guess I do have a large Gay ion that the "coming out" segment will give LBGT episode say that viewers should not ex- lowing. I just never thought about it that the show a boost, and then everything will and I'm proud!" scenario. way," she says. "I have a lot of friends who go on pretty much as before. pect an "I'm out comes out, but she is not entirely are Gay. I just think that Gay people in As expected, the Religious Right is all in "Ellen" supporters of the theatre, comfortable with her orientation. She will general are big a dither. The Gay and Lesbian Alliance the episode sitting awkwardly in a and they when they like you, they let you Against Defamation (GLAAD) reports that end Lesbian coffee house. know it and they appreciate you." homophobe Rev. Jerry Falwell, has called there be a kiss. "She just The newly married Peters is riding high for a boycott of the show's sponsors. In Neither will "Sond- found out she's Gay," DeGeneres said. these days. Her first live album, this, he joins Don Wilmon of the American heim, Etc -- Live From ," hit Bernadette Peters "She doesn't know how to kiss a girl yet." are often worn as a symbol of AIDS Family Association. the stores on March 11. Recorded last (While J.C. Penney and Chrysler have December during her one-night only show awareness are still effective, as it reminds people of the need to continue the fight pulled out as sponsors, but the others at Carnegie Hall as an AIDS benefit for the have stood firm. ABC says it expects that New York Gay Men's Health Cri- against AIDS. "It's important. I don't see how it hurts," she says. "Some of the AIDS the show will be fully sponsored. The rea- sis(GMHC), the set is an exuberant and son for the network's confidence, it is MAY 2, 3 & 4, 1997 exhilarating collection of familiar and not- groups have asked people not to wear them because they feel it desensitizes speculated, is that boycotts by the Far so-familiar musical theatre gems and pop Right have been proven ineffective.) MILWAUKEE PREMIERE standards and showcases the songstress people to the issue. I don't know if I agree with that. But I suppose, if everyone is not The Philadelphia Gay News (PGN) at her finest. All the proceeds from the quotes Falwell as calling Ellen De- new recording also go to GMHC. wearing them and one person feels strongly enough to wear one, it makes in Generes, "DeGenerate." "I think it's so important that people more pointed, more poignant." While many in the LBGT community 11111111ER know that they aren't alone in this Peters made her television debut at age dismiss the opinions of the members of BY world and that people be able to lead three-and-a-half. At age nine, she made the Religious Right on Ellen as bigotry, UMBERTO openly Gay lives, with marriage and her first stage appearance. Four years openly Lesbian Camille Paglia does not GIORDANO all their rights. It's important that Gay later she landed the role of Dainty June in agree. people feel good about themselves . the of , and soon-after While noting that the entertainment in- They shouldn't feel like they have made her Broadway debut. In 1968, at dustry has been dining off the talents of something to hide," .. Bernadette Pe- age 20, she landed a lead role in George Gay, Bisexual and Lesbian people for ters M!, which was immediately followed by years, Paglia cautions that objections to , the show that made her a Ellen by members of the Religious Right -haired singer is also enjoying The frizzy star and earned her a "are well-founded." recording success via her stellar renewed for best actress in a musical. "People on the left have got to accept Records debut, "I'll Be Your Baby Angel Other Broadway musicals that followed that it is not simply bigotry that causes be- was released last October. Tonight," which include: 's fun romp Mack & lieving Christians to object to this kind of latter is her first album of new mate- The Mabel with , the brilliant element in popular culture," she said. and a half. It features rial in a decade Sunday In The Park With George with the meantime, many of DeGeneres' wide variety of songwriters in- In songs by a , and the emotionallly pow- colleagues have rallied to her support and Lennon and Paul McCartney, cluding John erful Song & Dance -- for which she won support of the show. , Stephen Sondheim the , a Tony Award, Demi Moore, Melissa Etheridge, . and She's also starred in more than a half-a- k.d.lang, and Billy Bob Thornton, have is very excited about the live re- Peters dozen feature films including , shown their support by doing cameos on (1II S cording. She has long been involved in Slaves Of New York, Pennies From the segment. Oprah Winfrey plays Ellen's helping to raise money for the fight against Heaven and , the latter two with therapist in the episode. AIDS, and the standing-room only concert . According to Chastity Bono, "This epi- certainly did that. Moreover, at least once "Bernadette is one of the hardest work- marks a historic turning point in tele- W' a year she headlines a major AIDS bene- sode liEAR ing and most talented performers out history, and we hope that Lesbian A fit, and regularly performs at other benefits vision MOMAMA NODE PHIA! there," says Broadway producer Richard- the show will turn out to 'IL around the country. and Gay fans of Jay Alexander (Les "I've lost two very close friends, Peter Miserables, Miss come out with Ellen. AtkE Saigon), who House Parties USED (Allen) and one of the dancers who worked with Peters on Lloyd Ellen Webber's . "She is truly "Ellen" celebrations are being planned says. 'When Peter worked with me," she amazing, with incredible energy and talent. across the country. On April 30, GLAAD UIHLEIN HALL affected me a lot. When you went, it really She is also one of the most caring people I will sponsor "Come Out With Ellen" parties with someone and you /MARCUS CENTER work that closely know, with a heart of gold." mark the occasion. GLAAD has also lot, you get to know to SUNG IN perform with them a But her recording career has been less established a "Come Out With Ellen" web ITALIAN W/ENGLISH SUPERTITLES soul. He was a good person. But I've their cohesive. In her three decade career, "I'll www.glaad.org. haven't lost a lot of page at 414-273.7206 or been fortunate in that I Be Your Baby Tonight" is Peters' third non- The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Peter was the closest." close friends. has created "Ellen" house party kits to 1 .800.472-4458 Peters believes that the red ribbons that Please See Peters Page 14 THE SPOTLIGHT SECTION April 10, 1997 to April 23, 1997- THE WISCONSIN LIGHT-12 on Film Awniii1010:11.1010000:1001110 `Breaking the Waves' is a Curiously 7' Angry Film with a Gay Twist Reviewed by Glenn Bishop leading to increasingly rash and reckless Breaking the Waves, boasting an Os- behavior and her subsequent excommu- car-worthy performance by Emily Watson nication from the church. The film's cli- is a singular meditation on love and sex max, when it comes, proves to be curi- and religion. ously cathartic. Emily Watson plays Bess, a rather inno- That writer/director Lars von Trier has cent Scottish girl living in a remote closet- crafted a haunted and hauntingly angry knit, fundamentalist Scottish village set film is obvious, much of his anger directed sdme time during the 1970's. Perhaps, as at religion, both the fallacies of faith as her family believes, "not quite right in the well as the hypocrisies of the church. The head", Bess seems deliriously happy mar- most telling moment has spoken at a fu- rying a big lunk of a man named Jan, an neral a most disturbing eulogy: "You are a outsider who works at one of the nearby sinner and you will find your place in Hell." North Sea oil rigs. This is clear meant to indicate the fate Brotherly Love — Joaquin Phonix (left) and billy Crudup portray two diferent brothers "from the wrong side Yet even her happiness seems to trou- awaiting young Bess and her sinful be- of the tracks" who get involved with three wealthy sisters in "Inventing The Abbots. ble Bess, her worries of selfishness evi- havior. dent in her two-way conversations with Gay men and Lesbians viewing Break- `Inventing the Abbotts' is a Dumbly God, of which she has many, and in which ing the Waves are sure to be intrigued by she takes both voices, that of a stern if the relationship between Bess and her Numbly Predictable Tale forgiving God as well as that of a small sister-in-law Dodo (Katrin Cartlidge), a actors, including the oh-so yummy Billy and trusting child who wishes to be both nurse at the local hospital. Dodo has re- Reviewed by Glenn Bishop "Sleepers" Crudup and Joaquin (River's good and happy. mained in this remote place, at the far end Glenn should have been forewarned. little brother) Phoenix. existence suffers a of the Her rather fragile world, largely because of Bess fol- After all. just how often are beauty prod- The year is 1957. The place is a sleepy hurt in a freak lowing the death of devastating crisis - Jan is her husband. ucts given away as premiums at a pre- hollow called Haley, Illinois As the film Although rigging accident and left nearly paralyzed. the film lacks any specific Les- view of a major Hollywood motion pic- opens, the richest family in town, the Ab- When once home he takes a curious lik- bian references, it is difficult not to per- ture? One might have thought to have botts, are again pitching the backyard most of ceive that such feelings ing, at least to Glenn as well as are at the heart of mistakenly found one's way to a sequel to tents. Another family celebration is at little Scottish village, to her the folks of the tremendous devotion to Bess. Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. hand, this latest commemorating the en- come having sex with other men and then Breaking the Waves is a strong, diffi- Instead, as he arrived at Inventing the gagement of the eldest Abbott daughter and tell the resulting stories. Only this, he cult film which challenges rather than Abbotts, Glenn was merely seduced at Alice (Joanna Going). tells Bess, will cure him. merely entertaining the moviegoer. Par- the prospects of the film's highly photo- In this small, God-fearing community, ticularly intriguing is that von Trier makes genic cast of bright, young Hollywood Please See Abbots Page 14 Bess's prospects are few and decidedly no judgments, leaving it up to us to de- furtive. When Jan continues to worsen, cide. Bess becomes increasingly desperate Rating $$$$$ (scale $ to $$$$$$) Silly Dialog, Non-Stop Action Infuse the The. Blonde Leading The Blonde. No-Brainer `Double Team' - By John A. Jahn find himself consigned to "The Colony," a Though he's the nation's top counter- kind of forced retirement home for men of terrorist, Jack Quinn (Jean-Claude Van his profession. Damme) wants to retire from the spy When Stavros returns to retaliate game. But on the eve of his last mission, against Quinn by kidnapping his pregnant he misses his target—he evil terrorist wife, Quinn enlists the support of a very tall, very bizarre deadly weapons dealer and party animal named Yaz (Dennis Rodman). And that, folks, is what passes for a plot in this film of essentially non- stop violence and one-liner, standup co- median-style dialog ("thanks" to writers Don Jakoby and Paul Mones). Van Damme and Rourke are well within their genre in Double Team, being veter- ans of such action thrillers as Bloodsport, Double Impact, and Universal Soldier (Van Damme); and The Year of the Dragon, and Body Heat (Rourke). And they both give acceptable, passable per- formances here. The real hook of Double Team is, of course, NBA bad boy, crossdresser, crotch kicker Dennis Rodman. Rodman's screen roles prior to this film have been confined to cameo appearances on vari- ous TV sitcoms, as a guest on talk shows, SORVI S KuDR and host of "The Dennis Rodman World Tour" on MTV. His fairly successful auto- biography, Bad As I Wanna Be, recounts his travels thus far through the worlds of , sexual identity and basketball. HELPS Double Team would be nothing more Dennis Rodman than another action vehicle for body- Stavros (Mickey Rourke)—and loses eve- builder karate expert Van Damme were it HIGH SCHOOL EUNION rything in a split second. Quinn wakes to not for the quirkiness of the Green Haired One. Marky Mark's New So, the question begs, "Can Rodman and JANEANE GAROFALO act?" A decidedly qualified "yes" emits Film May Not Live from this film reviewer. Part of the problem in judging his performance in this, his first Up to its Length theatrical release, is the stupifying dialog that everyone in the film must utter. West Hollywood, CA—Miss Paige Thankfully, there isn't much of it, but what Turner, writing for The Triangle Journal there is of dialog consists of supposedly News, reported that she recently attended amusing one liners and gloomy threats. an advance showing in West Hollywood of Rodman's NBA persona is winked at The Wisconsin Light AND TM; IC(], HT ISJR TEOs NE Boogie Nights, New Line Cinema's lat- throughout, as he delivers such obvious to est, in which Mark Wahlberg—a.k.a. lines as "Defense wins the game," "He's Marky Mark—appears in the frontal buff. up! He's in!" (Now, now, it's not what you CORDIALLY INVITE YOU AND A GUEST TO ATTEND A The movie is scheduled for general re- think!), "Air ball!", etc. On and on, lease on May 23. throughout the movie. Game over, please! SPECIAL ADVANCE SCREENING OF The nearly three-hour film, writes Ms. Essentially, Rodman plays himself in a Paige, is entertaining. There are strong different line of business, and let's say he performances by Wahlberg, independent does an adequate job. I feel there's per- ROMY AND MICHELE'S favorite , beleaguered star haps an acting career there somewhere, HIGH SCHOOL REUNION Burt Reynolds, and Fargo Oscar-nominee should he ever tire (or more likely get William H. Macy. tossed out) of professional b-ball. TUESDAY, APRIL 22 • 7:30pm The film contains some "fairly graphic I truly can't recommend you see Double sex" and an "incredible" disco dance Team on the big screen due to the fact WESTOWN CINEMAS number with Wahlberg and the rest of the that it's such a no-brainer, the action is 2440 East Moreland Boulevard • Waukesha cast. only passable, the dialog is inane, and the The "big shot" is saved for last. How- fighting, blasting, exploding action se- writes, don't get your ever, Ms. Paige quences are so numerous as to end up Pick Up Your Passes, beginning immediately at the offices of the hopes up. The goods are not Wahlberg's boring. I can recommend it, perhaps, as a and, she says, "if the audible gasps of no-date night video rental in the near fu- The Wisconsin Light horror in the theater were any indication, ture. 1843 North Palmer • Milwaukee • there will be an additional 13 inches on This film rates a 3. 372-2773 the cutting room floor." THE SPOTLIGHT SECTION April 10, 1997 to April 23, 1997-THE WISCONSIN LIGHT-13 `The Saint' Will Provide a Diverting Evening Where the Popcorn is Free

Reviewed by Glenn Bishop he figures, to put him over his $50 million Whoever said that imitation was the sin- earnings goal. Still, isn't he a little young cerest form of flattery obviously did not for retirement? conceive of Hollywood's continued reli- The Saint's next and maybe final job is ance upon sequels, re-makes and their some rather muddled operation concern- current fascination, big screen adaptation ing the formula for cold fusion as devel- of small screen classics. oped by the beautiful, dyed-in-the-wool Last summer's Mission Impossible romantic Dr. Emma Russell (Elisabeth was a wildly successful, if wildly mindless Shue). action thriller for Paramount. Of course Having previously had an important mi- having that ever-grinning Tom Cruise in crochip stolen by The Saint, Russian the lead couldn't have hurt the box office businessman Ivan Tretiak (Rade Serbed- none. zija) in turn hires him to steal the all im- What was in the vault for 1997? Hey, portant formula which will assure him hero what about The Saint, a popular British status in the long winter night in Red TV series starring a young Roger Moore Square. Seems that Ivan is anticipating in the 1960's. being able to outfox our foxy (pun fully in- (Glenn might add that it was a hit radio tended) hero. show in the US back in the '40s, but he's This occasionally ludicrous, often bewil- much too young to remember that!) dered plot seems rather pointless except So what if Tom Cruise isn't available, for allowing director Phillip Noyce such Val Kilmer revitalized Batman and cost disparate locations from Moscow's famed lots less. Red Square to the charming little univer- However logical this all might have sity squares in Oxford, England for the looked on paper, even a $70 million pro- film's plethoric of chase scenes. duction budget apparently couldn't help. Although donning his myriad of dis- A brief prologue introduces a cute or- guises well enough, Val Kilmer still man- phan youngster with no name but some ages to come off as a junior grade Tom awfully serious superhero aspirations- Cruise. One must ponder what a Cary delusions. A daring late-night breakout Grant or even a Sean Connery might have from the orphanage results in the death of done with the charming, roguish Simon High Voltage- plays a high voltage, high maintenance movie star who rekindles an old flame the little lad's sweetheart. Flash forward Templar. with her ex-husband at their daughter's wedding. about 30-odd years. Poor, lovely Elisabeth Shue, so terrific in That cute little lad is now a rather fetch- Leaving Las Vegas, here seems hope- Sorry Bette Midler Fans, but `That Old ing piece of mature male eye-candy, lessly miscast as the romantic egghead again nameless but whose aliases in- Dr. Russell. To her credit, she does seem Feeling' is Awful cludes a whole churchful of Catholic saint to give it her all, particularly in snuggle names. He decides to go by the name scenes with Val Kilmer. But then again, By John A. Jahn acted role in the film). Simon Templar but let's just call him The who wouldn't? I know she has legions of fans, espe- Dan and Lillie's daughter (Paula Mar- Saint. Hey, ain't that the movie title? To be sure, The Saint is a mildly enter- cially in the LesBiGay community, and to shall) weds a stuffed shirt, up-and-coming The adult Saint (Val Kilmer) is a charm- taining bit of diversion but will probably some, she probably can do no wrong, but Republican, but eventually falls for an ex- ing rogue and master undercover agent look better on the TV screen in your living I have to tell ya, Bette Midler's new ro- ceedingly cute paparazzi whose made a with more disguises than Patrick Swayze room, where the popcorn is free. mantic comedy, That Old Feeling, in a shabby career out of pursuing the some- had costumes in To Wong Foo. All it will Rating $$$ (scale $ to $$$$$$) word, sucks. what aging star, Lillie. The paparazzi, take is just one more successful mission, On the surface, That Old Feeling has photographer Joe, is played by the very elements of a vastly superior film of a few easy on the eyes Dennis Nucci, years back, Sleepless in Seattle. By this, Essentially, the film follows Dan and I mean both films possess soundtracks Lillie rekindling their old flame amidst worth buying, filled with romantic, classic feuding, insults about hair and weight, and ballads, and involving the plot element of the tireless pursuit of their daughter, who's an on again-off again love affair, but the trying to prevent her parents from getting similarities part company there. back together (now that's a twist!). From the first scene, you can easily fig- Once you've sat through the barroom- ure out what's going to happen to the level one liners, totally unbelievable over central characters and their relationships acting, and predictable course of events, over the course of the next hour and a you're left with the standard happy ending half. Such easy predictability is already for the people we're supposed to like, and one nail in this absurd film's coffin. the bad people go sulking off to their mis- It begins with a sumptuous wedding in erable fates. With a decent central cast, which the bride's divorced parents, Dan it's amazing that director and and Lillie (Dennis Farina, Bette Midler) will writer Leslie Dixon couldn't come up with be seeing each other for the first time in a vastly superior romantic comedy. The several years (this separation being pur- romance doesn't move you, the comedy poseful, as they can't stand each other). leaves you chuckling at best. Dan has married an interior designer Please note, I have certainly not blamed whom he began an affair with while still the Divine Miss M for the failure of this married to Lillie. This "other woman," a movie; I don't think even the most loyal standard, cardboard character, is por- fan of hers will be able to say she alone trayed by Gail O'Grady. can save this dreadful film. Lillie, meanwhile, has married psycho- On a 1-10 scale, That Old Feeling is Heavenly Saint- Val Kilmer makes a getaway in the new thriller "The Saint" babbling, self-help guru (David Rasche, in but a 2. perhaps the only decently written and Abbots (Jennifer Connelly) and later into an Continued From Page 13 equally unfortunate connection with eldest FROM THE DIRECTOR OF iCLERKS1 COMES A COMEDY daughter Alice. The Holt boys, J.C. (Billy Crudup) and The problem with Inventing the Ab- THAT S. UNPREDICTABLE ROMANCE CAN BE. Doug (Joaquin Phonix) live just down the botts is that too little time seems to have block from the Abbotts. Yet their reduced been spent in inventing either a fresh THE VILLAGE VOICE circumstances and lack of social connec- story or interesting characters. There tions place them symbolically, if not liter- were certainly no surprises in Kevin "THE FUNNIEST, ally, on the other side of the tracks. Hixon's numbingly predictable screen- In an early scene, one of the film's sadly play. MOST HONEST infrequent moments of humor, young Doug Holt proves to be the most acces- SEX-COMEDY Doug is shown drawing on Elvis-like side- sible character in the film, due largely, burns in anticipation of the Abbott's shin- Glenn imagines, to his role as narrator. I'VE EVER SEEN!" dig. Doug's cool-conscious older brother He is a simple and sweet boy and is -Amy Taubin J.C. is horrified. nicely played by Joaquin Phoenix. Billy In the best 1950's sit-corn logic, to settle Crudup's J.C. too often seems to be a the matter, they turn to Mom (Kathy pale knockoff of James Dean's classic re- Baker), a June Cleaver dress-alike but bel without a cause. "A BLAST OF GLEEFUL filled with the natural paternal wisdom Liv Tyler makes more of Pam than is dispensed weekly by "Father Knows indicated in the script, a combination of PROVOCATION! Best's" Jim Anderson. Peace, at least wry intelligence and a naive radiance. Comic nirvana." momentarily, is restored. Jennifer Connelly has some bright mo- -Peter Wavers Inventing the Abbotts might have ments as the briefly seen Eleanor. been a lot of fun as a sardonic sendup of For all of the film's obvious sincerity and those old, familiar '50's sit-corns, but di- heart, Inventing the Abbotts proves to CHICAGO-SUN TIMES rector O'Connor seems to have more im- be a disappointment, simply too slow and portant matters in mind. Before you can too familiar. "FULL OF say "dysfunctional", the Abbotts are And why were they giving away beauty TRUTH AND Mos shown to be shallow and unhappy. Their products? EXPLOSIVE wealth might allow them to entertain on Rating: $$ on a $$$$$$ Scale an extraordinarily extravagant level but COMEDY! doesn't manage to keep the lovely Alice Completely original." from being two months pregnant at her Art Elements -Roger Ebert engagement party. Widowed young, is a work- Opens New Show ing single mother, an unimaginable con- Art Elements Gallery located at 10050 cept in the 1950's. Further issues of N. Port Washington Rd. Mequon has CHASING class arise from J.C's bitter resentment of proudly announced its new exhibit, Interi- Sex is easy. Love is hard. the Abbotts, whose wealth he believes ors. N XAM (Ar POI,OOM should have been the Holt's. J.C's re- Interiors which runs through April 30 in- HAP ME IMMO IOU eas sentment, which borders on obsessive, cludes a number of artists working with leads him into first a ruined relationship furniture, lighting, screens and home ac- STARTS FRIDAY APRIL 18T" AT A THEATRE NEAR YOU! cwTuwlAvr,. TNT $1-1•11. with wild, middle Abbott daughter Eleanor cessories. 4..E WOW ISCiir MIAILFWV47. 43.1,1 'oft '4.11 THE SPOTLIGHT SECTION April 10, 1997 to April 23, 1997-THE WISCONSIN LIGHT-14 Bernadette Peters A Star who is "Honored" To Have A Large Gay Following Peters her rendition of "No One Is Alone," Ste- Continued from Page 11 phen Sondheim's exquisite ballad of hope from his musical "." Peters, release, and her first in who will sing it as part of her Make-A-Wish more than 15 years. The live album, performance, says the song is one of her "Bernadette Peters - Live at Carnegie favorites as it signifies hope and a belief Hall," also on EMI/Angel Records, is a re- that no one is alone, something she hopes perform- sult of the exquisite and brilliant the Gay community realizes. December. ance last "I think it's so important that people know music industry has changed a lot "The that they aren't alone in this world and that through a lot of variations -- and gone people be able to lead openly Gay lives, theme albums. It's opened up so disco, with marriage and all their rights. It's im- can do what ever you want to do," that you portant that Gay people feel good about says. she themselves . They years ago, while performing at a shouldn't feel like they Two have something to hide," she says. in New York, the head of An- benefit "It's so strange to be talking about Gay gel/EMI records caught the performer's people as they.' It's performance. Afterwards he suggested very strange to sepa- rate one person from another. My world rune line at the M & M Club These guys were among a large crowd that showed up at Milwaukee's M she return to the recording studio and isn't like that, it's just a world where there & M Club for brunch. The popular Glass Menagerie features great Sunday brunches as you can see by the make a new album. The result is the is no separation expressions on these happy well fed customers. breathtaking and wonderous "I'll Be Your like that. It's wrapped up with a lot of different people. But I guess Baby." form on Friday April 18. it's important in a way to be acknowledged Oshkosh Opera Dallas Brass is a dynamic six member S. separately if you are a group who needs group that has been critically acclaimed by people are lovers of per- "I think Gay rights, and certainly that is the case with critics around the country. The group expressive and who House Features formers who are the Gay community ... I mean, the fact that plays a variety of musical styles from into things very throw themselves Gay marriages aren' t recognized is really Broadway to Bach. which I do. If I thought about Two deeply, a shame," she says. "Wouldn't it be great Name Groups Next is Saffire... The Uppity Blues actresses on Broadway, they all all the though if everyone in the world wasn't so Women. This is a must see. Saffire has have huge Gay followings... probably judgmental?" in April produced five albums in its six years of very honored"... I'm definitely Our next issue will feature another existence rising from obscurity to the Peters Bernadette great interview Ashley Mc lssac, the The Oshkosh Grand Opera House lo- world's most popular acoustic blues group. brilliant but controversial musician who cated at 100 High Avenue, Oshkosh, will For ticket information on these and other It's a welcome return from a singer who exposed himself on the Conan O'Brian feature two internationally known groups in upcoming performances call the Grand is captivating and mesmerizing in her abil- show. April. Opera House at (414) 4242355. ity to take a song and make it her own. First up is Dallas Brass which will per- Passionate and hypnotic, Peters wraps herself within the texture and context of each song, drawing upon her own experi- ences to bring forth an emotionally charged performance that only few per- formers can achieve. Critically praised, the C) album is already enjoying brisk sales. Surprisingly, Peters doesn't draw from the singers she heard while growing up. Moreover, she was surprisingly heavily in- fluenced by male performers -- Frank Si- natra, Fred Astaire ("I just adore him"), Andy Williams and Gogi Grant , much more so than and , whom she admired. "I love Judy and Ella, but I never wanted to emulate anyone. I felt it was safer if I just never listened to them too much. If I did, I had to listen and forget. I didn't want any other girl singer in my ear. I didn't want to people to be able to say 'you sing Comedy Comes Out of the Closet!. like so and so.' I wanted to be original." Peters' new set is not what most of her fans will expect however. It's not saturated in Broadway ditties. And it's not subtitled ALL NEW SHOW! the Stephen Sondheim tribute album. (Al- though if she has her way her next album may very well be.) Disarmingly Funny! Rather it is a varied collection of songs V 6 from both the pop and the theatre arena. From the prolific musing of Sondheim ("No One Is Alone") and the carefree simplicity of Rodgers & Hammerstein ("What's The s Use of Wonderin") to the 90's rock of Billy Saturday ,ioel ("He's Got A Way") and the 90's po- etic genius of Lyle Lovett ("I Make Him Feel Good"), the album moves easily through a wide gamut of musical styles, April 19% 1997 never settling in one place too long, but never veering off too far either. "It's very ecclectic, which is what I love about it. It has surprised a lot of people 8:00 pm because it includes music from all walks of life," she says. "People forget that I had a R pop hit on the charts years ago ("Gee wit Whiz"), but that was before I came to Broadway and did all the Sondheim shows and all. People forget that I sing other types of 34 music," she says. "What I love though is being able to jump back and forth between THEATRE the different styles." The new opus also gave Peters an op- portunity to sing a song by one of her fa- vorite contemporary singer/songwriters, Lyle Lovett. "I think Lyle is very witty. He's a fine musician. His guise is great. He al- 2090 Atwood Ave. ways has something going on," she says. "I think his work is very exciting. He is very soulful when he sings. It's the kind of soul Madison, Wisconsin you can hear. It's just incredible. One day I'd love to do an entire album of all Lyle Lovett Songs." One of the other joys of the new album is div $18 in advance 818 at the door (Tax included)

Tickets available at: Barrymore Box Office, Green Earth, Star Liquor, RLYSON Exclusive Company (State St. and High Point Center), Magic Mill ADVENTURES" (1-800-825-9766) (University Ave. and East Town), Room of One's Own. Active travel for gay men and lesbia is for free c Charge tickets by phone by calling the Barrymore Box Office VLLL MOH (608) 241-8633. Praducticns THE SPOTLIGHT SECTION April 10, 1997 to April 23, 1997- THE WISCONSIN LIGHT-15 EurPride `97 Celebrates with Games, a 121 West Main Place • Madison, WI 53703 Parade, and a Gala at Versailles (608) 251-1030 Milwaukee—Are you planning a trip munity are expected in Paris from all to Europe this summer? You might over the world. The march which is want to consider arranging your trip the highlight of the affair is being so that you are in Paris June 20-29. touted as 'the greatest European pa- These are the dates of Gay and Les- rade of the '90's. bian Europride Paris '97. The title of Starting at the Place de la Repub- this year's celebration is "La Ville en lique at 11:30 a.m., the parade will CGIACIAIS Rose." wend its way through the Place de la To put it mildly, this is to be a gala Bastille to the Porte Doree, which is YOUR SPECIAL PLACE - 7-Days a Week • Open at 2pm affair. According to the Paris '97 expected to be reached between 6:00 Mon-Sat, 5-7pm, 2-for-1 committee, it is the "most important and 8:00 p.m. Happy Hour European event of the century with In addition to the parade there will Nightly Specials 8pm-Close over 100,000 members of the LGBT be a "non-stop" series of social affairs community being expected to attend. that include concerts, a EuroPride DJ Ty, Thursday, Friday & Saturday They will be coming from all over the party, an After Hours party, bunches, Continent and the world, drawn to and a tea dance. Paris by "something for everyone." There will be numerous other events EuroGames as well. eikccording to organizers, from June 20-23 June 20 to June 29, "every hour of For tple first time, Paris welcomes every 24 hour period is taken." the 5 European Gay and Lesbian LIG Versailles S • UT Sports Tournament. Competitions are On Thursday evening, June 26, open to everyone, whatever level of there will be a party at the Chateau de ability. More than 5,000 athletes are Versailles. Called the "Nuit De Gala," expected from all over Europe to this will be held in the Hall of Mirrors. compete in everything from Badmin- The Grand Appartements will be open ton, Basketball, Petanque, Volleyball and the fountains will be on. to the Martial Arts. For those of you not familiar with the While the Games are open only to Palace, it was built by King Louis XIV Europeans, the social events sur- in the 17 Century because he Frida rounding them are open to all. There wanted to get out of Paris. Con- Ap it 25 will be a "Girls Soiree," a EuroGames structed where once there had been a Soiree, Closing Ceremonies followed royal hunting lodge, the Palace of Drin Spe by a "Giant Brunch." Versailles became the envy of all of ials EuroSalon royal Europe. June 25-29 Located some 12 miles from Paris, More than 10,000 visitors are ex- the Palace is a vast and magnificent pected at the EuroSalon '97, an exhi- building entirely suitable to the Sun bition for Gay and Lesbian lifestyles. King's magnificence. The gardens This is being billed as "a true kaleido- with their statuary are sights not to be scope of different Gay and Lesbian missed. customs of leisure and expression in Louis XVI was the last French mon- WATCH FOR . . . various countries of Europe and the arch to live at Versailles. world. The Hall of Mirrors has been the site More than 250 exhibitors, associa- of numerous historic events, including Our Special tions, businesses and venues from all the end of the Franco-Prussian War over the world are expected. The Sa- and the treaty that ended World War lon will be divided into theme areas, I. "Ellen's Coming Out Party" devoted to tourism, leisure, sports, For more information on events and and health. tickets, phone +33-1-40-50-63-00 or EuroPride log on to: www.paris97.com APRIL 30 June 28-29 According to organizers, over 200,000 members of the LGBT com- Milwaukee's ULTIMATE Social Gathering Place!

There Is Stop by and 1111. Always See. our Something "Retro' Look! Different at (Men's Shoes - BETWEEN Lower Level) In Between.

la A 0 "Or

f Tommy isn't KIDding about his

O "ZOISII" BIRTHDAY PARTY 4 4, THUR APRIL 17 • 1Opm IN BETWEEN - 625 South 2nd Street — Milwaukee — 273-2693 - THE SPOTLIGHT SECTION April 10, 1997 o April 23, 1997-THE WISCONSIN LIGHT-16

Hooray For Hollywood The Hollywood 10 Party in the Twin Cities was huge success. Shown at the left is a diorama from "Jerry Mc Guire" with a blonde "showing the money." At the right are a group of zany paparazzi who prowled among the 3,500 guests looking for a story. The event raised over $130,000 for local AIDS charities. Room, 626 E. State Street. various characters circulating through the For more information on LOC and ita Hollywood 10 Gala crowd and the hilarious paparazzi who Announcements activities call Emma at 463-7787. cornered guests asking embarrassing SQUARE DANCE SOCIAL ON In the Twin Cities questions while their cameras' flash bulbs SUNDAY APRIL 20 blinded their victims. Raises $130,000 for Silent Auction included vaca- Madison from the Cream City Items in the Those fun folks autographed Squares will be hosting an introduction to tions in the Caribbean, and LAURA FLANDERS SPEAKS ON Square Dance at 1579 S. Second Street AIDS Groups movie posters. First prize in the raffle was Hollywood 10, the 10th Annual Oscar Hollywood vacation that included visits to FRIDAY APRIL 18 from 1 P.M. to 4 P.M. a Wear some comfortable clothing and Night party in the Twin Cities raised over movie studios. WORT Radio, Progressive Magazine shoes, nothing special is needed. Square $130,000 for AIDS on March 24th. Over During commercial breaks local perform- and Rainbow Bookstore Coop invite you to Dancing is a great activity for singles, 3,500 (not counting over 300 volunteers) proceedings lively. Actors a special reading and book signing ers kept the for couples or groups. It is growing in also per- Laura Flanders, author of people including local media personalities from the Broadway hit "Rent," "Real Majority, popularity in the Gay community. Media Minority: The Cost of Sidelining and politicians attended the annual Oscar formed. Actors from Fargo (which drew wild women in Reporting." RAINBOW HEIGHTS ASSOC. Night Gala in the Twin Cities making it the applause every time it was mentioned largest Oscar party anywhere. also made a special The reading and signing will take place RUMMAGE SALE APRIL 26 during the broadcast) from 5:30 to 7:00 P.M. at Mother Fool's They watched the Oscar ceremonies in appearance. The Rainbow Heights Association, a Coffeehouse, 1101 Williamson Street. an elegant theater, ate delectable desserts tenth annual Oscar night party. new neighborhood group will hold a large This was There is a $5.00 suggested donation Oscar events sanc- rummage sale from 8:30 to 5:00 at 1722 donated by local restaurants, bought raffle It is one of only three with all proceeds benefiting The tickets and bid on a Silent Auction. tioned by the Academy of Arts and Sci- Progressive. N. 52nd Street. The sale will include items from over 20 The gala included actors and dioramas ences. All told the galas have raised over FRONTIERS HOSTS READING Lesbian and Gay households and a from movies nominated for Oscars such as $500,000 for AIDS charities in the Minnea- BY J. ALLEN KIRSCH APR 19TH selection of baked goods and "Jerry Mc Guire" which featured a blonde polis/St. Paul area. Noted author J. Allen Kirsch will present refreshments. , "showing the money." Other Our own Dusty Sass was in the Twin Cit- a reading from his most recent novels, The purpose of the sale is to raise funds scenes included a Madonna look alike ies on a press tour and attended Hollywood "Madlands" and "God's Little Isthmus" at for a decorative planter for the North Ave. waving from a balcony, (Evita), a musical 10, which he describes as one of the best Gene's Home, 1417 Squire Place, Business Improvement District. score and piano player, (Shine), a woman affairs he's ever been to. (and Dusty's been Rainbow Heights is a new group for Middleton, (near Parmenter St. and High sitting on a Sphinx (The English Patient) to and through a lot of affairs) Look for residents in the Washington Heights area. Point Rd.) and a woman in a flannel nightgown sitting coverage of the Twin Cities in an upcoming Kirsch's books are set in Madison in the Their April meeting will be held on April 22 at 7:00 at Divine Word Lutheran Church, on a John Deer tractor (Fargo). issue. 1980's and include a large and colorful The Oscar theme was also carried on by cast of characters both Gay and Straight. 55th and Lloyd. P-FLAG MEETING ON APRIL 20 HIT SUMMER LEAGUE P-Flag will hold its monthly meeting at FORMING WITH MAY 13 the Quaker Meeting House, 1704 Roberts MEETING Court at 2:00 on April 20. New and experienced bowlers are The topic of the April meeting is religion. invited to join HIT's Summer League. The There will be handouts and Christian and at OIS non-Christian faiths will be League will bowl for 8 weeks represented. Milwaukee's Landmark Lanes, 2220 N. Farwell. (next to the Oriental Theater). MILWAUKEE Each team will consist of five bowlers. SATURDAY The cost is. $8.00 per week which GAY MEN'S GROUP FORMS AT includes, 3 games, a banquet and trophies NIGHT THE COUNSELING CENTER for the two teams. The Counseling Center of Milwaukee The League begins on May 20 and runs 11:30pm is forming a Gay Men's General Issues through July 22. Bring your own team or Group to discuss issues of sexual identity, let HIT place you on a team at its intimacy, HIV, Relationships and Self organizational meeting held at the Esteem. Landmark Lanes on May 13. There is fee of $10.00 per session. Editor's Note Madison also held an Os- Interested parties should call the Support party. The Wisconsin Light Group Program at (414) 271-2565. car Night regrets that because it was a production LOC HOLDS GAME NIGHT ON night for our previous issue, and Dusty was ex'S NiG,* SATURDAY APRIL 19. on a Twin Cities press tour we were unable understand ir LOC, wants all its sisters to join in the to cover this fine event. But we fun at its monthly meetings the third that despite a snow storm, Madison's affair, FRIDAY NIGH Saturday of each month. which benefited the Rodney Scheel House Its April Meeting will be game night from and the United also came off very well. 7 PM to Midnioht at the Yankee Hill Party 11:30pm WISCONSIN LEATHERMEN'S CLUB NIGHT & PARTY 4OR figs>

-,; g Or "St at the SUNDAY thru r e•C* 11. °O# BOOT CAMP THURSDAY SALOON 8pm-Close

coieop Saturday, MILWAUKEE'S April 19 VEST LEATHER/LEVI BAR If VIE Open Sunday -Thursday at 3 PM, Friday and Saturday at 2 PM 209 East National Avenue • Milwaukee 10pm to Close 414/643-6900 231 S. 2nd Street • Milwaukee SPOTLIGHT SECTION THE April 10, 1997 to April 23, 1997- THE WISCONSIN LIGHT-17 Maw • This is one party where you don't have to Noon to help teach some of the basic skills worry about how you look since all the of softball to new players. This will be a lights will be out. great tune up for the beginning of league Scandals is located at 121 Main Street, play on Saturday May 3 . Vladison. For more information call the SSBL Hot- line at 454-9204. ou're invited BOY CONTEST AT THE 1100 JOSIE LYNN BENEFIT AT THE CLUB IN MILWAUKEE .MAD HATTER IN WAUSAU Vicki and Anne of the Mad Hatter being The Argonauts of Wisconsin bring you the generous souls that they are, are SATURDAY APRIL 12 Milwaukee. one of the highlights of the year for Mil- throwing a party to get Josie Lynn, Miss It will be open season on all the ball waukee's Leather Scene, the annual Boy Gay Wisconsin US of A out town and into players, members of the booster club and contest. the National finals held in Dallas, Texas. AN EVENING WITH FRIENDS their fabulous fans. Everyone is welcome A kick off cocktail party will be held at Seems poor Josie doesn't even own a BENEFITS THE UNITED to stop on by and wish the SSBL a suc- South Water Street Docks, 354 E. Na- ten gallon hat and needs your help so she cessful 20 th season. tional. Then the action moves over to the can best represent the Badger State. An evening to remember is on tap for Don't miss the first official event of the those attending "An Evening With Friends" 1100 Club for the 10:00 contest. There will a show starting 10:30. The big anniversary season. The party starts at located at 1100 S. First The United's annual benefit. The 1100 Club is performers will donate all of their tips to 5:00. The Argonauts Daddy Contest will The event features wine, a cash bar, hor Street. Ms. Lynn's travel fund. The bar is located held at the bar on Saturday April d'ouvres and live jazz, all in the wonderful also be at 320 Washington. atmosphere of Olbrich Botanical Gardens, 26. RAW ENTERTAINMENT AT EAU DADDY CONTEST AT THE 1100 3330 Atwood Ave, Madison, WI. CLAIRE'S TRADING CO. Tickets are available at Borders Book CLUB IN MILWAUKEE Store, Collen One, Community Phar- SATURDAY APRIL 26 The 1100 Club will be site of the annual Milwaukee may not be exporting as Daddy contest sponsored by the Argo- mancy, Green Bush Bar, Orange Tree Im- much beer as it used to, but now it has ports, A Room of One's Own, and The SOFTBALL FUND RAISER AT nauts of Wisconsin. new export to help pick up the slack, ex- The contest begins at 10:00. For more United. otic dancers. MILWAUKEE'S MAMA ROUX of the year again, information on this event, write to North- Tickets are $25.00 each and well Yes, some of Milwaukee's finest will be Yes, it's that time green, the air smells woods Productions Inc, Box 1104, Mil- worth the cost. featured not only behind the bar but on the when the grass turns sweet and the softballs start flying. Mama waukee, WI 53201. bar as Raw Entertainment hits Eau 1875 N. Humboldt, Mil- TURN ABOUT NIGHT AT Claire's Trading Company at 11 PM. Roux's located 1t celebrates the beginning of the The Trading Company is located at 304 waukee SUNDAY APRIL 27 WAUSAU'S MAD HATTER Softball League's 20th anniver- Eau Claire Street. Saturday The Mad Hatter celebrates spring with sary season with a gala fund raiser bene- BENEFIT ART SHOW FOR ROW its own Turn About Night. There will be a fiting its first year team. AT THE auction full of MAD HATTER fabulous show, a fabulous FRIDAY APRIL 25 A Beer bash, raffles, drink specials and The Mad Hatter will be the scene of a fabulous prizes, fabulous music, fabulous more await those attend. Help welcome benefit art show for Rainbow Over Wis- a pretty evening. people and in general LIGHTS OUT AT SCANDALS Mama's into the SSBL and have a great consin. The show begins at 3:00 and will Proceeds will be used to keep Mad Having a bad hair day??? Make up time in the process. The fun starts at 9:00. run until 9:00. patrons supplied with safe sex ma- Hatter doesn't look quite as good as you would Everyone is welcome to attend and Wisconsin. pick terials and for Rainbow Over like??? Don't fret girl, head on down to the SSBL CLINIC AT SIJAN FIELD up something for their home. Showtime is at 9:00 and the event con- Lights Out Party at Scandals. The SSBL will be holding a clinic at tinues until close. The Mad Hatter is lo- cated at 320 Washington Street, in the heart of downtown Wausau. (If you live in Green Bay take the Napalese Lounge DISCOVER WISCONSIN'S GAY special to the Mad Hatter for all the fun.) ENTERTAINMENT COMPLEX! 4 Different Places to Party, Dance or Relax THURSDAY APRIL 17 7 Bars • 2 Dance Floors 4 Sound Systems Video Food Games • Dancing TOMMY CELEBRATES HIS B-DAY AT IN BETWEEN Tommy, that hot little scamp, who hangs out behind the bar at In Between is having a big birthday bash at In Between, 625 S. Second Street and YOU are invited to join in the party. It's Tommy's last 20ish birthday but you certainly wouldn't know that by looking at and surprises for all of Fri, him. There will fun April 18 his many old friends and the new ones he will make that evening. The party starts at 10 PM. Don't miss it. FRIDAY APRIL 18 'BACARDI PARTY" BACRADI PARTY AT LA CAGE You won't want to miss out on the Meet the "Bacardi Boys" Big Bacardi Party at La Cage. Meet the Barcardi Boys, Take Advantage of Drink Specials • Giveaways Give Aways and Drink Specials and of course enjoy the hot atmosphere of Milwaukee's hot Dance Bar. We are again issuing LaCage Cards. Pictures will be taken on The party starts at 9:00 and runs till close. La Cage is located at South Friday Nites from 10-11:30pm only. There are 200 cards Second and National, Milwaukee. available at $5/each. SATURDAY APRIL 19 WI LEATHER MEN'S CLUB • SUN DAYS "Staying Alive" with NIGHT AT THE BOOT CAMP Drag out that dead animal skin and head the 7O's on down to the Boot, the Boot Camp Sa- loon that is for the Wisconsin Leather Men's Club Night and party. 70's Disco + 70's Drink Prices • There will be plenty of like minded hot butch men on hand, raffles and fun for 8pm - DJ everyone. All proceeds from this event go the Community Center Trust Fund. If you can't make the party but wish to donate to TUESDAYS - PRIZE NIGHT! the Fund send your check to the Commu- nity Center Trust Fund, Box 1686 Milwau- kee, WI 53201. Drawings every half hour • The Boot Camp, one of Wisconsin's premier Leather and Levi Bars is located --.K8 winners nightly • Win up at 209 E. National, Milwaukee. to $50! • Grand Prize MR & MISS EMERALD CITY USA drawing - every 90 days - PAGEANT AT ZA'S One of the premier shows of the year for S PUB All weekly winners eligible our friends in Green Bay takes place with GRUB Sandwiches the Mr and Miss Emerald City Pageant at Char Broiled for Grand Prize Drawing. - Za's. This title is coveted by talented per- Appetizers formers from throughout the Fox Valley Darts First Grand Prize: A trip p Pool 8pm-3:30am• area. -Sat, ___Kfor 2 to Las Vegas! Interviews are scheduled for 7:00, show- Wed -( time will be at 10:30. Don't miss it. Za's is located at 1106 Main Street, Green Bay. Open SSBL SEASON OPENING Nightly at 8pm PARTY AT THE BALL GAME DJ & DANCING 7 NITES A WEEK The SSBL will be opening its 20th anni- versary season with a big Anniversary 801 - 807 South 2nd Street • Milwaukee - 383-8330 Bash at the Ball Game, 196 S. Second St. \ THE SPOTLIGHT SECTION April 10, 1997 to April 23, 1997 -THE WISCONSIN LIGHT-18 because I just like to make new friends. didn't ask you about? D. S. Speaking of new friends, is there R.K. I know the Gay life is a very young anyone special in your life? oriented life style. It seems sometimes R.K. No not right now. I am available. that the age brackets are more separated DUSTY'S CORNER Come and get me! (laughs) than they should be. D.S. You seem to be able attract a Just because you are older doesn't wide variety of people to the Ball Game. mean you are cruising and going after R.K. That's true. Sometimes some peo- younger people. Rick Kowal: Serving Up Good Times and ple will say 'Oh there are older people who That's what life is all about, first you are go to that bar.' We do have some older younger and then you get older. I think Conversation at The Ball Game people who come in. But we also have a the younger generation are more career By Dusty Sass wide variety of people coming in. oriented than was the case in the past. At a time when Disco hadn't even I believe that you don't have to cruise all But on the other hand the older generation been thought of, two friends Gene O'- the time. If there's no one there you are has the experience that comes with life. Brien and Rick Kowal opened a Gay bar interested in, you can still have a great The two should complement each other. on Milwaukee's near South Side. time striking up a conversation. That's what they do at the Ball Game. Twenty Four years later that bar, the We think we have good cruising material Well Rick as long as you stay as young Ball Game still exists in the same loca- for any age. (Something this interviewer at heart as you have always been, we tion, 196 S. Second St, serving an can also attest to) can all look forward to the Ball Game's eclectic mix of young and old alike. D.S. Is there any one thing that you 50 th anniversary 26 years for now. Gene is gone now, but owner Rick can say is the secret to your longevity Kowal and his mother, Nettie, carry on and ability to stay open when so many the tradition of good fun, good drinks others don't last? and good conversation. While other R.K. If I knew the right reasons I could Milwaukee Theater bars and trends have come and gone, stay open for another 50 years without the people at the Ball Game have con- worrying about anything. I think if you en- Groups Put Out tinued to do what they do best, serving joy life or enjoy people folks pick up on up good times in a homey, clean and that. Tthey know that you really like them. Help Wanted Sign secure environment. Plus we watch for our customers, if there The Help Wanted Sign is out at the Mil- Go into the Ball Game on two con- any undesirables we get rid of them. My waukee Public Theater and the Mask and secutive nights and you will see differ- customers know that. Puppet Company for their Summer Pro- ent things go on. Sometimes it will be Plus I want to mention that we have lots duction of "Dream Carnival" a multi-media somebody playing the piano, some- of people who come in from other cities production that will tour this summer. times a hot game on the TV, but what- especially Chicago and the Twin Cities. The groups are looking for applicants for ever is different one thing remains con- They are always telling me how much they a variety of paid and volunteer positions stant, the friendly service and the like coming to Milwaukee, because the including: Production Stage Manager, Mu- friendly attitude of the customers. bars are safer and better run. The bar sic Assistant and Players, Puppet Artists Talk to Rick and you'll wish you could owners of Milwaukee are to be compli- and Puppeteers, Dancers and Movers. bottle his positive outlook on life, his mented on running nice clean establish- For more info on how to apply and/or D.S. Why did you stop doing shows? cheerfulness and his friendliness. We ments. tryout for these postions contact Milwau- R.K. We didn't have the capacity for the were fortunate to catch up with .this That's another thing about attracting kee Public Theater at (414) 347-1685. whirlwind of activity and learn about people, and then you started getting into good people. You can go into a bar and were open- some of the perspectives of this unique the time when the disco bars you can tell by how clean it is what kind of and thoroughly charming man - Dusty ing. It was pretty competitive. people it attracts. Sass D.S. What do you attribute the Ball D.S. How much has Nettie your mom Game's staying power to? Dusty: How long has the Ball Game influenced you? 1 506 North 3rd Street • Superior, WI a friendly bar, it's a place where been open R.K. It's R.K. She is always a hard worker, and I sEAL 4N Rick Kowal 24r years. people come to talk. Years ago I put two consider myself a hard worker. c,41 dr D.S.Over that long a period of time TV's in. I was one of the first to do that. You have to work in the business, my that, they you must have seen a lot history. People said to me 'Oh don't do Mom taught me that. I will clean the floor R.K.Yes I have. I've seen a lot of new can watch TV at home.' wash the toilets or anything else that I ask JTb bars, and different owners. Yeas ago the But we are kind of a sports bar and the anyone else to do. owners and people all used to know each TV's gave people a chance to watch a D.S. Are there any changes in store (7151394-2580 other. Now a days people don't go from game with their friends. And when the for patrons of the Ball Game? Like are games aren't on it gives them something bar to bar. you going to add male strippers or Thursday • Karaoke - 8Pm This is especially true of-some of the or- to look at and talk about while they were something? ganizations in Milwaukee. I get letters with there. R.K. I'd like to have a bunch of those Friday & Saturday • DJ - 9:30Pm Some sports bar are huge and cold, but the wrong name on it. I even get letters (laughs), but right now we are getting • NIGHTLY SPECIALS • for a former manager who's been dead for we have a nice warm atmosphere. Our ready Spring. two years. customers like that. D.S. What would you like to say that I The community takes more of a interest D.K. Anyone who is a regular at the in AIDS. Before it used to be everyone Ball Game has met your charming went to the bars and there wasn't that mother. Has Your Mom Been Involved much politics, there weren't that many or- in the Bar? 1875 North Humboldt • Milwaukee ganizations geared to Gay life like there is R.K. Yes, everyone who comes into the 347.0344 now. bar knows her. She helped a lot espe- D.S. Why did you decide to go into cially with the cooking. (Which this inter- Grill Hours view can tell you is always great) Monday the bar business? TM thru Thursday: 4-10 pm R.K. I worked for Boston Store. They She loves her bar dice too at age 85. Friday and Saturday: 4-11 pm My Mom was a bartender and an owner Friday Fish Fry - Cod or Catfish wanted to transfer me and I didn't want to Sunday Brunch from 11 am-3pm go because my dad was sick. Plus I Her and my Dad owned Steny's (across plus full menu with worked as a bartender at various places the street from La Cage) and they also grill open to 8 pm owned another bar on East State Street. Carry-out Orders Available and my friend Gene O'Brien. wanted to MasterCard/Visa Accepted open a bar. The D.S. In other words don't get into a lump Your Eastside building was available Personal Checks upon Approval and we took it. dice game with your Mom, Neftie? Alternative D.S. O'Brien sounds Irish Does that R.K. Yes (laughs) She is pretty good. Serving great St. Pat's Day come from Gene? D.S. How did you decide to do what Cajun, American & R.K. Yes, we opened a few days before the Ball Game does? G,RILL St. Pat's day in 1972. So we decided to R.K. Everybody tries to make changes. Mediterranean Cuisine make St. Pat's Day our anniversary. Our clientele wasn't the dancing disco In fact when Gene died in 1984, he dieo type. We started out with softball years the day after St. Pat's Day. ago. We have a bowling teams too. - D.S. What do you like about owning a We used to have Sheepshead tourna- Gay Bar? ments too, but we needed the room during R.K. I've always dealt with the public all the summer for the Ball team. my life. Before Boston Store, I was a Basically I let the customers decide AL. salesman for a local restaurant. which direction we go in. I am always I always liked being with people, and we open to suggestions. wanted to have a safe bar D.S. So what are some biggest where people chal- P could go and have a good time. lenges you face as a Bar owner? D. S. What are some of the things you R.K. Keeping up with the competition, don't like about owning a bar? keep up or be overridden by it. It's one or FUND AI R.K. It's very time consuming when you the other. That's always a challenge for own a business. People think you just any small business. open the door and everything is there, but D.S. There is a lot more competition it's not. now isn't there? Help Welcome Our New There is always something to plan, R.K. Yes, there were only a handful of something to work on, something to do. bars when we started, now there are quite Which is good, but it leaves very little time a few. for yourself, or for the employees working We have fantastic people who come into Team Into the League there. our bar. That's one of the reasons I love D.S. So what do you with your spare this businesses, the support I get. I think time? of our bar's patrons not just as customers R.K. Well my Mom's been ill for a quite a but as friends. We are always open to while. That takes up a lot of my time. anyone who needs help. Plus I take a vacation once a year. Noth- D.S. You really being enjoy in the bar Saturday, April 26 ing exciting, well maybe someday. business don't you? D.S. What kinds of activities do you R.K. Yes I do. It's like having a new do that make the Ball Game unique? show each day when you open up, al- 9pm R.K. We have a lot of bus trips to the though it's not Broadway it could be. May casino's. We used to go the horse races, be I always wanted to be a star. but we haven't done that lately. D.S. Anyone who comes into the Ball seer sash it Plus our customers. They are the ones Game, can't help but the notice, people who make our bar, any bar unique. We are really friendly... have a great mix of people. R.K. That's true. You do get cliques Raffles 611 D.S. What about the shows you used when you go into the bars even our bar. to do? By us everyone seems to talk. They love R.K. Years ago we had some great to talk and talk, which is great because Surprises iat shows. We were one of the few bars to that's what we are there for. And when I have shows. Jamie Gay was our first Miss am there, I try to talk to the people who Gay Milwaukee. are there, not because I own the place but THE 4POTLIGHT SECTION April 10, 1997 to April 23, 1997- THE WISCONSIN UGHT-19

=t. MIA a --= S

ductions. His name was Garreth. When I 9th Annual Lambda Literary Award [1Statues of the told him that I was a reporter from out of town, that seemed to pique his curiosity Sacred Band and he asked me what story I was working Finalists Named on. Milwaukee--This year, the Ninth Annual Vanita, Columbia Chapter 3 "Bobby Calder. You know University him?" I Lambda Literary Awards testify to devel- Surface By Terry Boughner asked. Tension, Meg Daly, ed., Touch- opments in Gay and Lesbian publishing stone Summary: A young reporter, Tony "Yeah, I did." He paused to glance with the addition of a Transgender cate- Too Queer, Martinelli, has been assigned by his editor around. So far as I could Victoria A. Brownworth, Fire- see, no one gory. brand to go to Washington and find out what seemed to be paying any particular atten- "The Lammys have always tried to re- Gay Men's Studies happened to Bobby Calder, Senator Chris tion to us. "I knew him real well." Again he flect trends in Gay and Lesbian publish- Boys Like Us, Patrick Merla, ed., Avon Calder's son. There is a suspicion that the looked around nervously. "You wanta get ing," said Jim Marks, publisher of the Cracks in the Iron Closet, David Tuller, boy has been murdered. On the train to outta here? Get some coffee some- Lambda Book Report, which sponsors thing?" Faber & Faber DC, Tony meets Nicholas Bartoli, a slimy and organizes the annual awards. "Once Farm Boys, Will Fellows, ed., University We left the creature who comes on bar and started up Con- we received all the nominations and dis- of Wisconsin necticut Avenue, to him. To avoid the risk going away from the Cir- cussed them with our finalist committee, it One More River to Cross, Keith Boykin, cle, of running into Berta in walking at a brisk pace. I couldn't help became clear that there were more than Anchor noticing DC, Tony gets off the how jumpy he was, as if, at any enough high quality books to justify cre- Radically Gay, Harry Hay, Will Roscoe, train at Silver Spring. second, he expected somebody to grab ating an additional category." ed., Beacon him. A total of 28 books were considered for Lesbian Poetry I stood on the sta- A half block along, we got to a place the Transgender category. Among the fi- All-American Girl, Robin Becker, Univer- tion platform at Silver called the Stoa, actually two places in one. nalists was one book by a past Lammy sity of Pittsburgh Spring and watched as The front of it was a bookstore. The coffee winner, Transgender Warriors (Beacon) Arc of Love, Clare Cross, ed., Scribner the train headed south into D.C. I figured shop was in the back and had glassed in by Leslie Feinberg, whose Stone Butch Furious Cooking, Maureen Seaton, Uni- I'd seen the last of Nicholas Bartoli. I could wall on the far side. As befitted the name, Blues (Firebrand) was a Small Press win- versity of Iowa put him in some garret of my mind where I the place had a Grecian decor; stark white ner in 1994. Home in Three Days. Don't Wash, Linda kept such strange and passing people who columns, some greenery, and here and Testifying to the continued hunger for Smukler, Hard Press I never expected to see again. I crossed there bouquets of the most beautiful red Gay and Lesbian life stories were the ex- Shift, Jeredith Merrin, University of Chi- the platform to catch a Red Line Metro roses I thought I'd ever seen. Even in ceptionally strong Gay and Lesbian Biog- cago train that would take me right to the other Hastings, I thought, there were none raphy/Autobiography categories. Mark side of the city, to Dupont Circle, the heart whose vivid color and size could equal Doty, whose Atlantis won last year's Gay Gay Men's Poetry of Gay D. C. Twenty minutes later and I these. It wasn't crowded. We found seats Men's Poetry award, appears as a finalist Anesthesia, Kenny Fries, avocado was there. at a corner table by the windows, ordered for the second time for his exquisitely Angel, Interrupted, Reginald Shepard, The city, ugh! The heat and humidity coffee, and lit cigarettes. written AIDS memoir Heaven's Coast University of Pittsburgh were stultifying, the stench of exhaust "You wanta know about Bobby?" Gar- (HarperCollins). Joining him are the late Eros in Boystown, Michael Lassell, ed., fumes burned my nose. Crowds of people reth asked, stopping as the waiter came African-American Gay activist Assoto Crown pushed by. If I needed any reminder why with our coffee. Only when he had gone, Saint's posthumous Spells of a Voodoo My Night With Federico Garcia Lorca, I'd turned my back on all this, I had it now. did Garreth continue. "He's dead." Doll (Masquerade), Lush Life (FSG), the Jaime Manrique, Painted Leaf Nearby, I spotted a young man hand- His finality startled me. "How do you biography of Billy Strayhom, Fenton What the Body Told, Rafael Campo, ing out flyers of some kind. He was cute, know?" Johnson's Geography of the Heart Duke Asian by the looks of him. He was wearing After looking around to assure himself, (Scribner) and Truth Serum (Houghton- Lesbian Mystery sandals and a frayed pair of denim cut- I guessed, that no one was near enough to Mifflin), by Bernard Cooper, whose past Baby It's Cold, Jaye Maiman, Naiad offs, showing a smooth, golden, well- hear, he went on to tell his tale. honors include a Pen/Faulkner award for Final Take, Jackie Manthorne, Gynergy defined, swimmer's physique. He had met Bobby two months before Maps to Anywhere (Georgia). Inner Circle, Claire McNab, Naiad I was going to take one of his flyers as in Dupont Circle when he walked past and An equally impressive Lesbian Biogra- Liberty Square, Katherine V. Forrest, an excuse to find out who he was, but saw him sitting on a bench. Their eyes phy category spotlights a biography of ac- Berkley that, I decided, would have to wait. I was met and locked. Bobby went home with tress and director Robber's Wine, Ellen Hart, Seal sweaty. I felt grungy, like half the dirt in Garreth that night. The next morning, (Knopf), the second Le Galliene biography Gay Men's Mystery D.C. was clinging to my skin. What I Bobby told Garreth who he was, and that to be selected as a Lammy finalist. Also Death of Friends, Michael Nava, Putnam needed was a shower and some fresh he was looking for a place to stay. He said selected are Doris Grumbach's memoir, Murder on the Appian Way, Steven clothes. Maybe then I'd be ready for a he could pay. He had a job bussing tables Life in a Day (Beacon), Honor Moore's Saylor, St. Martin's tryst. at a place called Ganymede's down on M account of her grandmother's life, The Simple Justice, John Morgan Wilson, Before I'd left Hastings, I'd made a Street. With no hesitation at all, Garreth White Black Bird (Viking), Tone Os- Doubleday reservation at the Dupont Plaza Hotel, a invited Bobby to move in with him. borne's Coming Home to America (St. Time to Check Out, Grant Michaels, St. small place, having a fair degree of luxury, After that, they spent all the time to- Martin's), and Accidental Activist (Scrib- Martin's that sits right on the Circle itself. The room gether that they could, "like people do," ner), Candace Gingrich's account of how Tribe, R.D. Zimmerman, Dell I got was okay, nothing special, a stan- Garreth said, "when they're falling in love, she became a Lesbian activist in the wake Lesbian Biography/Autobiography dard issue for that kind of thing. It did, head over heels in love." of her half-brother Newt's election as Accidental Activist, Candace Gingrich, however, have two things going for it: it As Garreth spoke, there was a far Speaker of the House. Scribner was cool and had a broad window offering away look in his eyes, a look, too, of infi- Mainstream, university and small Eva Le Gallienne, Helen Sheehy, Knopf a good view of the passing scene below. I nite sadness, a look of one remembering presses shared nearly equally in this Life in a Day, Doris Grumbach, Beacon stripped down to my white jockey briefs things that once had been, a lost love. His year's finalist. HarperCollins, St. Martin's, Coming Home to America, Tori Os- Alyson, Beacon, Simon & and went to the window to have a look. coffee grew cold in his cup. His cigarette Schuster and borne, St. Martin's Cleis Press each Right beneath my window I saw a van burned itself out in the ashtray A single had four finalists, with White Blackbird, Honor Moore, Viking Cleis' Body Alchemy stopped for a light. I wouldn't have paid spiral of iron-gray smoke rose into the air. being selected as a Gay Men's Biography/Autobiography finalist in three any attention to it, but on its side I saw a Bobby was happy. He told Garreth that categories. Other double Geography of the Heart, Fenton John- finalists included Too Queer (Firebrand) son, figure of seated lion done in gold, curi- he was happier than he'd ever been, but Scribner he was afraid it wouldn't last. They and Boys Like Us (Avon). Heaven's Coast, Mark Doty, Harper- ously, the same kind of drawing I'd seen year in which the en- Collins wouldn't let it last, he said. This was the first on Bartoli's card. There was nothing on Awards process was Lush Life, David Hadju, FSG "Who'd he mean by `they'?" I asked. tire Lambda Literary the side of the van to indicate what it was. the aegis of the Spells of a Voodoo Doll, Assotto Saint, Garreth drank some coffee and lit an- administered under Save for the lion, it was blank, again like Foundation, which offi- Masquerade other cigarette as he glanced around the Lambda Literary Bartoli's card. The light changed, the van of the Lambda Truth Serum, Bernard Cooper, Houghton room. "His mother, her people, her sup- cially assumed ownership went on, turning right on P Street before it December 1996. Mifflin porters. He was afraid of her, real afraid, Book Report in disappeared from view. will be announced at a Humor but he wouldn't tell me what for. All he Award recipients I finished my cigarette and flopped in Chicago, Illinois on Fri- History of Lesbian Hair, Mary Dugger, would ever say is that he knew something gala banquet face-down on the bed. I was soon fast 30, 1997 on the eve of the Doubleday about her that was bad, very bad, but he day, May asleep. American-Booksellers Association annual Homo Handbook, Judy Carter, Fires:de * * wouldn't tell me any more than that be- convention (Now known as BookExpo Kurt Cobain & Mozart are Both Dlad, cause he said it would be too dangerous America. Tim Barela, Palliard I awakened at ten after eight, got up, for me to know; that they'd kill me, too." Lesbianism Made Easy, Helen E.s 41- showered and dressed in reasonably tight "Why didn't he go to the authorities?" Lambda Literary bach, Crown denims and a white short sleeved sports "What authorities? There's no authori- So You Want To Be A Lesbian?, Liz shirt, opened a couple of buttons at the ties to go to, Tony, not in this town, not Tracey & Sydney Pokorny, St. Martin's top. A quick comb through my hair, a with someone like her. She's got power Award Nominations Transgender and, like Bobby said one time, she knows splash of cologne and the mirror told me I Lesbian Fiction Body Alchemy, Loren Cameron, Cleis how to use it to get what she wants." Gar- was ready. If You Had a Family, Barbara Wilson, Gender Shock, Phyllis Burke, Anchor reth paused to smoke his cigarette and After a quick bite at a sidewalk café on Seal Honey, Honey Miss Thang, Leon E. Pet- give a quick look around. "In the end, she the corner of Connecticut and Q, I went Memory Mambo, Achy Obejas, Cleis tiway, Temple University She had him killed." Garreth across the avenue to a bar called Ron- used it. Seven Moves, Carol Anshaw, Lieutenant Nun, Catalina de Erauso, "I know that, Houghton del's. Long and narrow, it had two floors. leaned toward me in his seat. Mifflin Beacon Tony. I know that because every night The first was packed, but the second floor Towards Amnesia, Sarah Van Arsdale, Transgender Warriors, Leslie Feinberg, to Gany- was quiet, more intimate, with a couple of when he was working, I'd go Riverhead Beacon him up. He'd tell me, TV's playing videos, the sound set loud mede's and pick What Keeps Me Here, Rebecca Brown, enough so you could hear if you wanted Tony, tell me that's what was going to HarperCollins and soft enough to ignore if you wanted to happen, tell me. He was so afraid. That Gay Men's Fiction talk. last night, he wasn't there. When I asked, Beauty of Men, Andrew Holleran, William Hey Milwaukee, the I was standing with my back against a they told me that he'd gone out into the Morrow Fleets wall, when I became aware that someone back ally to have a cigarette about an hour Funny Boy, Shyam Selvadurai, William was standing beside me had said some- before and never came back. That's not Morrow Come meet thing. I turned my head to see a guy in his Bobby, Tony, not to come back. He was in Iowa, Patrick Moore, Hard Candy Sailor Billy* early 20s, very cute and dressed pretty love with me, deeply in love with me. He Law of Enclosures, Dale Peck, FSG at Afterwards! much as I was with his snug-fitting denims wouldn't have just left, not up and left me, Pagan's Father, Michael Arditti, SoHo no way would he have just left. You know (*and his friends Master showing off well-turned thighs. Lesbian Studies Billy, San Francisco Billy "Did you say something?" I asked, try- something?" Girls Next Door, Lindsay Van Gelder & and Western billy too!) ing to be pleasant. "What?" Pamela Brandt, Simon & Schuster "Just hi," he answered with a kind of "We were gonna leave, get outta this Love Between Women, Bernadette J. shy, lonely little smile. country, go to Holland `r Denmark, live Brooten, University of Chicago Afterwords Books • 271C N Murray • 963-9089 We shook hands and exchanged intro- Please See Statutes Page 19 Sappho and the Virgin Mary, Ruth to April 23,1997-THE WISCONSIN LIGHT-20 THE SPOTLIGHT SECTION April 10, 1997 On the Set With Johann Paulik and Some Other Bel Ami Boys By Tony Trabor I kept fluffing my lines (which was not iews the fluffing I'd have liked). Sitting beside Bel Ami's most popular stud starlet, Johann Paulik, wasn't the most relaxing position I'd ever been in. Every time he looked at me with those drop dead For Fans Johann Paulik, "Bel Ami: gorgeous green eyes i lost the plot and forgot what I was going to ask him. is a Must-Have Book Let's get it straight: I'm no spring Intimate Friends" chicken and it wasn't the first time I'd sat this time it Reviewed by Glenn Bishop Lukas' Story, Tender Strangers and and chatted with a Gay icon but Beginning rather inauspiciously with a Frisky Summer. was special. I remembered viewing 'Boy series of photo layouts in some of the Now, in this large format, full-color photo Oh Boy' and hitting the normal speed the delectable better skin magazines, then quickly fol- book, the photographer Bel Ami has cap- button when I glimpsed butt naked. It lowed by several lushly filmed explicit tured his many gorgeous models in a wide Johann lying in a haystack ever viewed a sexual videos featuring blue-eyed cover- variety of poses, invariably seen lan- was the first time that I'd on. I'm not boy Lukas (who, much like other such guishing against radiant, outdoor settings. soft porn video and got turned celebrities as and Madonna, seems Although perhaps not- exactly to every usually a chicken fancier but there's not to need a last name), the Bel Ami Gay man's taste, the models in Bel Ami: always a first time. boys have taken Gay America by storm. Intimate Friends are undeniably attrac- I'd gone over to Casa Amigos, a It was surely then just a matter of time tive, good-looking, fresh-faced youths, all fabulous villa in Portugal's Algarve region, before their youthful splendor would grace the more appealing for their easy smiles to stay with one of my best friends, Roy holiday and by the pages of a similarly enticing coffee ta- and, of course, their characteristically Whitehouse, for a short ble book. generous endowment. sheer coincidence (that's my story the middle of a Bel Ami: Intimate Friends (Pb $39.95), While he is certain to again be labeled a anyway) I found myself in starring published by the prolific German publisher sex-crazed pedophile following this re- porno shoot for Pride Video which of male erotic, Bruno Gmunder is just that view, Glenn must admit that it is difficult to six of Bel Ami's boys, a straight actor and book. dismiss the obvious appeal that this book actress and two of Pride's own simmering Johann Paulik because possesses for many Gay men. starlets from London. "I always choose young guys their To be sure, Bel Ami: intimate Friends When I arrived at the guest house it was they are more open minded about get is a beautifully produced book, filled with early afternoon and the pool was sexuality, once they get older they views lushly romantic, exceedingly naturalistic festooned with some of the most desirable married, settle down, form strong eyes upon in my go". " photographs. Still, it's going to take more young men I'd ever laid and worse - let themselves than that to expect Gay men to part with long life. They were diving in and out of Do you have sex with any of them?" the asked for price of $39.95. the cool blue pool or lying alongside in "All of them. They get their training from A leisurely perusal of the pages of Bel various states of undress. Looking at them myself and the other boys. We have Ami: Intimate Friends reveals, Glenn made me feel like a voyeur as I glanced parties at my home where they all meet learn the imagines, a pictorial fantasy of an idyllic, around to see if the object of my frustrated up with each other, have tea and innocent lost youth. These comely lads desire was anywhere nearby but was told work. Making videos is expensive and you are invariably portrayed gazing invitingly he was down in the orange grove shooting can't go on a shoot with novices." into the camera lens, as if welcoming the a scene for 'Summer: The I resisted asking for an invitation to one reader into their sun-drenched summer- First Time' one of the two videos they of their sessions - I could guess what the time paradise. were making. answer would be. A fantasy? To be sure but a genuinely Experience warned me that I'd be "Johann has been with you almost four frier,,,,, disappointed when I met him. It had years now and he's no longer a boy but a appealing fantasy. Only one photograph seems oddly conceived and curiously out happened in the past when I'd met Jeff man. Will he be working with you for much of place: one in which the exceedingly Stryker, who'd turned out to be five foot longer?" I enquired. tall and American artificial, and also when now that he's filled out a bit so photogenic Johan Paulik is seen with "I prefer him e m friend sporting I'd met Kris Lord and the other American and is more mature; he still has a lot to . rollerbiades and erections. porn boys, performing in the Bad Boys I think that he's even more Just where are two attractive lads going offer and Just who are the Bel Ami boys, you Ball, all of whom had bad attitude than when he started, so to go rollerblading in the great outdoors? attractive now might ask? With names like Dano Sulik, problems. he'll be around for sometime to come". And why do they sport erections? Inquir- Ion Davidov, Martin Valko and of course, I also knew that the camera frequently Who could disagree with that? ing minds, like Glenn's, want to know. current Bel Ami superstar coverboy Johan lies and with Photoshop you can even favourites and Antoine Bel Ami: Intimate Friends is a wel- "We all have our Paulik (please see accompanying inter- make Gary Bushell look attractive. Korda is one of mine. Could he be the one come addition to the increasing body of view), these attractive, youthful Eastern I crept through the orange blossom nude male coffee table tomes for that follows in Lucas and Johann's European lads captured the hearts of Gay the laden trees and spotted the camera crew young and the young at heart. footsteps to becomes a big star?" men the world round in such videos as and director, Xavier, gathered in a group "He is a beautiful boy but this is his first by a shed, and there, lying naked on a video so it's too early to say how popular "Seven Moves" is a Gripping makeshift bed trick-acting, was Johann he'll be. We'll have to see how he with co-star Matthew (Mad About The develops; at the moment he makes a very Mystery that Will Not Let You Go Boy). good bottom". Johann looked even more beautiful than He certainly has a gorgeous 'bubble' Reviewed by Carol AnseIm back. What she discovers, is that she he did in Boy Oh Boy and Chain Reaction, butt. "You think you love me, but you don't really doesn't know Taylor. And she had positively glowing, with an enormous grin I leave the busy Bel Ami, and while even know me. You don't have a ... clue," been willing to turn Taylor into the person only equaled by the size of his erection. walking along the beach with newcomer says Taylor to Chris during one of their she wanted her to be. This leads Chris He's now a young man but still retains a Antoine, I wondered if he was enjoying minor fights. After four years of sharing a and the reader td ponder how much any- boyish charm and innocence that is rare making his first Gay porn video. He clearly living together, Taylor storms out of the one can really know someone. And what to find. His porn career started when he is as he has no difficulty in getting house. And disappears. lengths should we go in our attempts to do was just 18 and, as he celebrated his 22nd erections for his sequences with the other So begins Seven Moves by Carol An- so? birthday in March just gone, he's now boys or for photo sessions. shaw, a first-class mystery by a first-class Seven Moves is a book of several lay- been in the business for four long years. I ask if he's ever had sex with men writer. ers. It's part murder mystery, part rela- During that time he's made about 14 before. Taylor, a professional photographer, left tionship story, with more than one possi- videos half of which were 'hard' ( he "Only with Bel Ami and the boys, never behind her dog, her clothing, everything ble outcome. There is so much more go- hasn't been keeping count). with anyone else". He joined them when except her car, camera bag, and the ing on in this book. During the interview Bel Ami sat in the he was 17 (their age of consent being clothes she was wearing. Did she meet Chris and Taylor have an assortment of next room trying to sort out problems he's lower than ours) and since then has had with foul play? Or did Taylor leave Chris friends who wrestle with similar questions. having with camera equipment and several 'training sessions' in preparation of her own free will? Plus, Chris is a therapist who is so dis- deciding which beach locations he should for his 18th birthday when he could start Chris starts her search for Taylor by traught over Taylor's disappearance that use for a film he's making later. Johann is making films. calling their friends, driving past the bars she can hardly help her clients. his favourite boy and it's clear that they Like the other boys he comes from a looking for Taylor's car, and calls the po- Anshaw's is a provocative storyteller. are both very close, although he treats all good family and had a decent education lice to report a missing person. Even Her writing is crisp, with a good ear for of his boys with equal respect. They hug and upbringing. He also, is in the business though Taylor's family hires a private de- dialogue. The characters and their situa- and kiss each time they meet and he in order to travel and make some money tecti e, Chris becomes the real sleuth as tions are so believable. You can really trusts Johann to get on with our interview before he starts his military service in she examines the relationship, looking feel for Chris' dispair when Taylor doesn't without interfering in any way. October. thrbugh her pain and grief, for clues to return home. Bel Ami doesn't like to give interviews I'm fascinated to know if he's Gay or Tay cr's whereabouts. Seven Moves is a must read for mys- himself and hates his photo to be taken; straight, a question that once again seems Gilt-is' journey takes her to Morocco and tery lovers. `-e works in a legally sensitive and very to cause puzzlement and I begin to STATUTES peared around here?" I asked. competitive business. I have to tell him understand why. In Eastern Europe it's "Maybe. I don' know. Johnny thinks that I'm very impressed with all of his boys not a question of straight or Gay - you go Continued from Page 18 so." while trying desperately try to hide my with who you fancy and no one is free. We'd got most ot the money saved "Johnny?" infatuation with them. bothered. Their society and thinking is up. We were gonna get married. That's "Johnny Chang. He's head of Gay They are all so polite, so sensitive, so very different to ours, they neither what two people in love do, isn't it?" He Search, a group of one, him. You oughta obedient, so thoughtful and so stunningly condemn nor condone, they are, quite paused and sucked deeply on his ciga- talk to him. I can put you in touch. Ti)ny, aood looking. "I'm very careful who I take simply, non-judgemental. This was clear rette. "Christ, I wanted him, wanted Bobby you gotta find out what happenec to on for this work and they're carefully when they were filming. so much." Bobby, what really happened—an' you vetted by myself and the other boys. None The boys have to able to get an erection A tear glistened on Garreth's smooth gotta get it into print." of them are hookers, if they were to start frequently and, if having difficulty, will cheek. I reached out to take his hand, to "I'll do my best," I promised. selling themselves or taking drugs I'd just accept assistance from any source send give him what comfort I could. At the For maybe 15 minutes more, Garreth them on their way". available. They'll flick through a "Why not same time, thinking that someday, I talked about Bobby and the love they'd hookers?" Penthouse Magazine for the beaver shots, "They're wanted to know a love like that. had. Finally, I was forced to excuse mysell hopeless: They have too much get one of the other boys to give them a attitude to begin with "Then, to top it off," Garreth continued, to go to the men's room. That's where I and think that they blow job or obtain help from any eager know how to "his goddamn mother gets ups and boo- was, standing in front of a urinal, when the have sex before a camera journalist or director standing nearby: Sex but they don't, which hoos about her 'poor lost' son. That's shit! door blew in. I got back out into the res- makes them difficult is sex to them. to direct. My boys all come from good She knows what happened and she taurant as quickly as I could where I saw Rebecca Tremain confirmed my beliefs. backgrounds and I've even met some of doesn't give a crap. The White House is to my horror that the whole corner where She's a vivacious British actress with a their parents so that I can get understand string of credits to her name and has a worth a son, isn't it?" Garreth and I had been sitting had been them even better. starring role in Summer: The First Time'. Garreth settled back in his chair, with- blown away. "Do their parents know that they're The boys competed for her favors drawing his hand from mine. The waiter There were people, screaming, moan- making porn?" throughout the shoot, especially Johann came by and poured more coffee before ing, crying out for help. The air was full of going on his way. "No, that wouldn't be wise, they think for whom she has a soft spot. She had smoke and dust, part of the roof had fallen that they're models". "You think maybe there's some con- difficulty in getting her head around the in. I looked down. There, laying in a bed of "All of your boys are very nection with the other guy's young. Is that who've disap- mangled roses, was Garreth's head. intentional?" Please See Paulik Page 21 THE SPOTLIGHT SECTION April 10, 1997 to April 23, 1997- THE WISCONSIN LIGHT-21 41, have never eaten there better move quick. The place fills up fast around dinner time S and rightfully so. Mama's food has been one of Milwaukee's best kept secrets, but the word is spreading. THE After that of course I will be at La Cage for their big Bacardi Party. The Barcardi Boys will be there to serve my every need. By Dusty Sass Olbrich Botanical Gardens. It's a wine urn er, i mean my beverage needs. And RECAPS... tasting, jazz music kind of thing for a very isn't it nice that George and Corey are Well the Turn About Night at Za's was a worthwhile cause. throwing a special party on a night on a big hit and a whole lot of fun. It was a Course no trip to Mad Town would be Friday night so everyone who has benefit for ROW, Rainbow Over complete with stopping at Manoeuvres Saturday off (and that's most of us) can Wisconsin. it sure was nice to see so and the Mad Bar, where Mike, Charlie come stay out late and enjoy it without many people turning out to support a and crew really know how to make you having to worry about being tired at work worthwhile organization. feel welcome, Scandals where Mike and the next day? Then on Easter I had a great time at Nancy Newman and their great staff are Saturday April 19 is one of those days Scandals during its Easter Egg hunt. Mike always ready to show you a great time and when I wish was triplets so I could go to and Nancy really know how to throw a Geraldine's where Ray and Company are everything. The SSBL is holding a season great party. So does Mama Roux's. Even ready able and willing to show you some opening party at The Ball Game (good though most of those on hand were too great hospitality. choice hey) to beginning the celebrations Where MEN are not HARD wimpy to enter the Easter Bonnet Contest, Speaking of Geraldine's, Ray's Café will of its 20 Anniversary Season. the egg raffle was a great success. The no longer be open after hours. Ray says Players, boosters and fans are all invited to FIND! raffle was a benefit for Nelli Mae Jones, there were too many problems with to share in some food, great cheer and Mama's candidate for Possum Queen. providing reliable service. good fun. The party starts at 5:00. You go girl. If I was anywhere near Wausau on the Then there is The Wisconsin Leather Last but not least, I wiled away the evening of the 11th, I would want to stop in Men Club Night at The Boot Camp closing hours of the holiday at M & M at The Mad Hatter for its "Ternehnut (where else???) The party benefits The listening to Terri and Corky do their Night." The proceeds go towards making Community Center Trust Fund (a very Karoke thing. They were in fine form. sure everyone who has sex does it safely. worthy cause). The Cream City Chorus concert on On Wednesday April 16 I'll be at La Last but not least is the Mr and Miss SUNDAYS Saturday April 5 was good and so was the Cage for its two for one night. What a Emerald City Pageant at Za's in Green Firebird's party at the Boot Camp. great idea, hot music, hot men in a hot bar Bay. Za's is always a fun place to visit Coming Up offering drinks at 2 for 1. Thanks George and especially when there is a big event On Friday April 11, I will start out with we love ya for this one. like this one. one of those tah Just I Ic Fiqh Fries Then Thursday April 17, I'll be over at In If I could get to Eau Claire I would want it will be off to UWM for the screening of Between for Tommy's last 20ish Birthday to take in the Raw Entertainment show at QrCGr "Gay Cuba." After the flick it will be time to party. Can you believe that he's turning the Trading Company. This show head down to La Cage for some hot 29??? ( He looks more like 20 or 21). As consists of entertainers from dancing with some hot men. By the way, if regulars know, parties at In Between are Hey since we closed down all those you haven't seen what George, Corey and always good. Hope you'll join me in breweries we gotta find something to Company have done to the back bar do wishing Tommy a Happy B-Day with many export. I just hope they leave a few hot stop in. It looks fabulous. happy returns. men behind fnr the rest of PITCHER + PIZZA = $7 Saturday April 12 you can find me in Friday April 18, I'll stop in at Mama Then on Friday April 25 it will party time Madison at the United's Big Shindig at Roux for one of their great fish fries. Cod with my leather friends. This is the beginning of the big Daddy Boy Weekend. The festivities get underway with a cocktail party at South Water Street Docks from 6:30 to 8:30. This wiii Eatertaiamate wide be followed by the Boy Contest at The 1100 Club at 10:00. TUESDAYS At some point that evening I will be APPLETON MADISON MILWAUKEE MILWAUKEE heading up to Mad Town for the Lights Continued Continued Out Party at Scandals. have never of One's Rascals Bar & Grill A Room been to a Lights Out Party Own Book store but i hear from 702 E. Wisconsin those who have 317 W. Johnson Club 219 This Is It been that they are a real Appleton, WI 54991 418 E. Wells So if you Madison, WI 53703 219 S. 2nd St. gas. aren't afraid of the dark. I 95,4-9262 Milwaukee, WI 53202 257-7888 Milwaukee, WI 53204 do hope you will join me there. 271-3732 278-9192 Saturday April 26 the 1100 Club hosts DOOR COUNTY Geraldine's the Daddy Contest at 10.0n But ! do hope 3052 E. Washington Designing Men Triangle that you will join me at Mama Roux for Chanticleer Guest Madison, WI 53704 120 S. First 134 E. National their first ever Softball Fundraiser. They House 241-9335 Milwaukee, WI 53204 Milwaukee, WI 53204 have a new team in the SSBL and the 4072 Cherry Rd Manoeuvres 389-1200 383-9412 whole place will be rocking with Sturgeon Bay, WI 150 S. Blair 1100 Club Walkers Point Cafe excitement. There will be a Beer Bust, 54234 Madison, WI 54703 1100 S. 1st St. 1106 S. First St. Raffles, Drink specials and more. PITCHER NITE = $4 746-0334 258-9918 Milwaukee, WI 53204 Milwaukee, WI 53204 Well that wraps it up. Hope to see you 647-9950 384-7999 out and about soon. Meanwhile play safe EAU CLAIRE Mary's and he proud!!!! Fannies The Trading Co. 2526 E. Washington Zippers Madison, WI 53704 200 E. Washington 819 S 2nd St. 304 Eau Claire St. Milwaukee, WI 53204 Paulik Eau, Claire WI 244-2939 Milwaukee, WI 53204 643-9633 645-8330 Continued From Page 838-9494 Pralre Garden 21 THURSDAYS Bed & Breakfast In Between idea of the boys fucking each other ana The Wolfs's Den 625 S. 2nd St RACINE 302 E Madison W13172 Hwy 188 also wanting to fuck with her and Johann COCKTAIL Lodi, Wi 53555 Milwaukee, WI 53204 blew it early on when he told her that she EauClaire, WI 54703 273-2693 JoDees 832-9237 1-800-380-8427 2139 Racine St. 'has breasts like my mother' - not a good Just Us Racine, WI 53403 chat up line by any standards but his HOUR ALL GREEN BAY Scandals 807 S. 5th St. 634-9804 unassuming boyish charm soon won her 121 W. Main St. Milwaukee, WI 53204 over. Brandy's II Madison, WI 53703 383-2233 What About Me? understand them" she DAY & NITE! 600 6th St. "Don't even try to 1126 Main St 251-1030 value. WI 53403 told me "Just accept them at face Green Bay, WI 54301 La Cage Racine, give 632-0171 We seem to have lost their ability to 437-3917 The Shamrock 801 S 2nd St. affection unconditionally". Customer 117 W Main St. Milwaukee, WI 52304 shows them that Club Cheeks ROCKFORD It's true. If someone 232 S. Broadway Madison, WI 53703 383-8300 they care they return it in abundance. 255-5029 hard- Green Bay, WI 54303 La Perla Restaurant The Office These are clearly unlike some of the in the Appreciation 430-9854 Sunprint Cafe 734 S. Fifth St. 513 E. State St. faced porn boys we nurture 638 State Street Milwaukee, WI 53204 Rockford, IL, 61104 'civilized' west. Napalese Lounge Mike Esser, myself, Johann, Antoine Broadway Madison, WI 53703 645-9888 815-965-0344 515 S. and Rene are taking a break by driving to Day! Bay, WI 54303 255-1555 Green Mama Roux Bar & the coast. Rene, who is the interpreter 432-9646 SHEBOYGAN Americain Grill and the only declared Gay in the group, Sass 1875 N. Humboldt Blue Lite tells us that the boys are just ordinary by MILWAUKEE WI 53212 840 S. Broadway Milwaukee, 1029 N. 8th St. European standards; most of the 347-0344 eastern Green Bay, WI 54304 Afterwords Books Sheboygan, 53081 boys in his town are just as gorgeous, 437-7277 2710 N. Murray M & M Club 457-1636 friendly and polite. I make a mental note WI 53211 Milwaukee, 124 N. Water to go there; I'm not going to tell you Za's/Java's 963-9089 Milwaukee, WI 53202 STEVENS POINT where. FRIDAYS 1106 Main St. Green Bay, WI 54301 B's 347-1962 The Platwood Club The boy's English is intermittent and 435-5476 1579 S 2nd St 701 Highway 10W when Johann says "I don't feel well. I've Milwaukee, WI 53204 Rene's Cozy Corner Stevens Point, 54481 got Gonorrhea" Mike nearly has a heart BUFFET KENOSHA 672-5580 3500 W Park Hill 341-8862 attack, thinking that his filming is finished Milwaukee, WI 53208 Ball Game because if one's got it they all have. Club 94 933-RENE SUPERIOR I almost swerve the car off the road Ave 196 S. 2nd 9001 120th Docks before Rene explains that Johann meant DOOR PRIZES WI 53140 Milwaukee, WI 53204 S. Water St. Kenosha, 354 E. National JT's Bar to have said Diarrhea, to much laughter. 857-9958 273-7474 Milwaukee, WI 53204 1506 N 3rd St. Later there's a heated conversation Boot Camp Saloon 225-9676 Superior, WI 54880 taking place between the boys in the back LA CROSSE 209 E. National 394-2580 of the car. I ask Rene to translate COCKTAIL HOUR: Milwaukee, WI 53204 Cavalier Lounge Station 2 Trio Club "We've been discussing Western society Opening till 8pm 643-6900 1534W. Grant advantages and 114 N 5th St. 820 Tower with all of its apparent 2-FOR-1 Drinks (except bottle beer) Crosse, WI 54601 Milwaukee, WI 53204 Superior, WI 54880 decided that we've no regrets about being La Cafe Melange 782-9061 383-5755 392-5373 OPEN Daily 3Prn Sat & Sun 2P"' 720 N. Old World St. raised in a poor country despite all the Milwaukee, WI 53203 10% Club hardships our families endured. You have Pool • Darts • CD Juke Box WAUSAU LAKE MILLS 291-9889 4223 W. Fon Du Lac all these material comforts but still never Pizza & Sandwiches seem very happy. You don't seem very Roads Bar Milwaukee, WI 53216 819 S. 2nd • Milwaukee Cross The Mad Hatter warm towards each other and are W6642 Hwy B C'est La Vie 447-0910 231 S. Second St. 320 Washington suspicious when friendship is offered; you 645-8330 Lake Mills, WI 53551 Wausau, WI 54401 648-8457 Milwaukee, WI 53204 even seem to be afraid to give each othe 276-8890 842-3225 a hug. It seems so sad". It is. THE SPOTLIGHT SECTION April 10, 1997 to April 23, 1997- THE WISCONSIN LIGHT-22


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I'm 59, SMORGASBORD OF MEN This 36 year old, TO THE UMIT I like country life except for the I 80lbs, and very hot and tight. You should be BROWN AND BRED This super hot, 40 year submissive, Bi bottom, 6'1, 1951bs, with Brown fact that it's hard to find what I want. I'm a red LET'S WRESTLE I'm a muscular, good looking, between 40 and 50 and have a place to go. I old, Gay, White male, 55, 1901bs, needs to make hair and eyes, is looking to hookup with other hanky enthusiast, in my 40's. I like to play both the 20 years old, into wrestling. I'm 5'11, with need it hot and hard, and often. (Fox Cities) contact with other sexy, White dudes for brown horny guys for hot times. Be between 25 and 50, top and bottom roles. Let's take each other to the Blond hair, and Blue eyes. I want to meet other 414525 hanky action. (Milwaukee) 429671 limit and enjoy every minute of it. (Houston) hot guys, for movie going, hot times, and sweaty Bi, Gay, or Straight, and of any race and body CHINESE AND BLACK I'm a Chinese and type as long as your height and weight are 415205 grappling. (Minneapolis) 426156 OUT OF CONTROL If you're the dominant male I'm looking for, I'm willing to do your Block male, 5'9, with Brown skin, short hair, proportionate. Dominant, well hung, bodybuilders ANY TIME, ANY PLACE I'm easy to please I'M RATED XXX I'm a Bi guy and I'm feeling Hazel eyes, and a goatee. Would you like to meet anc construction workers are particular turn ons. bidding, whatever that may be. I'm a 44 year because I like to do just about anything that very kinky. I'm 5'9, old, extremely me? (Milwaukee) 429662 Let's just have fun with no strings attached. anyone wants to do. Let's hove a good time 145lbs, and I want (Chicago) 411919 submissive, Bi, CHUB MANIA This chubby, Gay, Block male, together. (Lake City) 429774 to get to know you White male. I'm in many ways. I'm 6ft, 2401bs, is very attracted to other chubby, WHERE'S THE JOKER? Healthy Gay, White TWIN CITIES COMPANION I'm a friendly, in desperate Black men. Let's get together. (Milwaukee) male, 34, 6ft, 1 70lbs, is looking fora Gay, or Bi, into making X- need of control. Gay, White male, 25, looking fora kind, rated movies, 429213 White male, between 21 and 34, and under 510, considerate friend, 30 to 40, who has hopes of (Green Bay) who is into fantasies and role playing. Sample: playing with toys, v26 THE BODY BARBER Are you a little bit curious finding a longtime companion. I'm a professional and many other Riddle me this. What's long and thick and fits into and a student, so I'm busy. I'll make the time for about experimenting in body shaving? We could tight crevices? If you can answer this riddle, you pleasures. Talk to HOT WHEELS I do the whole thing, a partial, or maybe just a trim. you, however. I enjoy movies, fine dining, and me. (Princeton) may be in a may be the Boy Wonder to my Batman. Come on meeting people. (Minneapolis) 415403 For expert body shaving, get in touch with me. Robin, Batman needs you in the batcave. (Cicero) 410232 wheelchair but I You by bock, I do the work. (Milwaukee) 410435 IT FEELS REAL This sexy Transvestite with love to have fun 417826 GOOD BYE, like everybody beautiful, long hair, full red lips, and a nice, tight, CITY LIFE I love TAKE A RISK Becoming experienced is like rear seeks well equipped men, not necessarily one else. I'm a 42 MEET ON THE MAT I want to meet guys establishing credit. How can I get it if no one will traveling, driving, interested in meeting on the mat for some at a time, who can make me feel like a real walking, fishing, year old male, give it to me? This novice, While male, 44, 510, woman. (Minneapolis) 49056 168lbs. I want to wrestling or judo. You should be under 40 years I 86lbs, is looking for other White males for and camping. In old, in good shape, and weigh over 170Ibs. Some other words, I'm a meet guys companionship and experiential exploits. (De Kalb) ATHLETIC AND EAGER This smooth, athletic, interested in experience on the mat will also come in handy. 414002 clean shaven guy is into almost anything, but is big fan of country (Milwaukee) 420332 life. If you're a Bi having good primarily a top. I'm an attractive, White male, 5'8, times. WHEN IS OUR TEE TIME? I'm a professional, 1551bs, with short Brown hair, and Blue eyes. I male, and share WELCOME ME BACK I recently returned to White male, in my early 30's, looking for a sincere this inclination, call (Janesville) town after living in Chicago for a number of want to meet other sexy guys for hot fun. 429432 man to build a relationship with. I'm S 10, 1901bs, (Minneapolis) 48744 me. (Rochester) years. I'd like to meet new friends interested in with short Blondish Brown hair, Hazel eyes, and a 415177 JOY IN music, and theater. I'd like to go out for dinners goatee. I enjoy movies, concerts, long walks in the FUN AND SUCH I want to meet some nice and talk, and talk, and talk. You know, just have a HOT AND JANESVILLE park, going out to dinner, and playing volleyball looking guys, between 25 and 35, for fun and This straight nice time together. (Milwaukee) 428633 and golf. I enjoy watching most sports. (Evanston) such. I'm an attractive, White male, 34, with dark BOTHERED I want to get acting, Bi male COUPLE OF LAUGHS We're a good looking, 430097 hair and eyes, and a medium build. (Minneapolis) wants to meet a 430237 together with other in shape, couple, in our thirties, looking for people SHOW ME SHE-MALES I've never done hot guys in man, like me, in the northern part of the state to get together and anything like this before but I want to meet a she- SLOW AND STEADY I'm a little shy and don't southern who enjoys good have some laughs with. (Milwaukee) 428844 male who likes to be on top. I'm a 35 year old, want to start too fast. I'm a clean shaven, 39 year Minnesota. I'm a times and Single, White male, 150Ibs, with Brown hair and old, White male with dark hair, Blue eyes, and 35 year old, White friendship. UNLOCK THE SHACKLES I'm the product of a Brown eyes. (Evanston) 430288 some body hair. Let's begin by talking and getting male. Don't make (Janesville) strict, religious upbringing and I need to let loose. to know each other. (Minneapolis) 429769 me wait any 429049 I'm looking for my first same-sex experience with YOU'RE GETTING WARM I have a feeling that longer. (Rochester) 411762 a Transvestite, Transsexual, or she male. I'm a I will soon meet the man I have been looking for. UPTOWN BOY This White, submissive male, SLIM AND MUSCULAR This slim, muscular, very masculine, White male, 29, 6ft, with a nice I'm a very attractive, Hispanic male, 57, with dark 24, 5'8, 140Ibs, seeks an attractive, dominant SET A COURSE FOR ADVENTURE Serve it White male with long hair and .•• art seeks a build, Brown hair and Blue eyes. I'm clean and hair and eyes, and a goatee. If you think you're the male, 30 to 45. I'm an uptown boy into B&D, down the line for a clean winner. This masculine, Black male for no strings, no holds ..rred, healthy and don't smoke or drink. (Milwaukee) special guy I've been seeking, call right away. crossdressing, watersports, light to medium S&M, Gay male, 45, 5'11, 1 75lbs, likes to play tennis action and, possibly, a regular thing. I'm 413459 (Evanston) 429598 and lots more. I guess you could say I love it all. and travel. I'm interested in meeting men, under attractive, 40 years old, S11, 150Ibs. (Minneapolis) 429409 55, who seek fun, friendship, and whatever else (Madison) 429932 A CLASS ACT Handsome with a kind heart, I UKE TO OPEN WIDE I like to provide service happens. (Rochester) 427675 sharp mind, slender body & exceptional to men, between 18 and 35, who are good ULTRA BRITE SMILE I'd like to dazzle you with EVERY WHICH WAY BUT LOOSE I'm character. Financially successful, yet down to looking, clean, healthy, and, of course, well my bright, white smile. I'm a good looking, clean SOUTH OF THE CITIES I live about an hour versatile. This attractive, 33 year old, White earth. Emotionally secure & open minded with a endowed. I'm a clean shaven, White male, 511, shaven, masculine, 24 year old, White male, with south of the cities, but am worth the trip. This male, 5'10, 1 80lbs, with Blond hair, and Blue rather irreverent sense of humor, & fun to be with. 180lbs, with Brown hair and Blue eyes. (Evanston) Brown hair and eyes. I enjoy movies, travel, and clean cut, young looking, 36 year old man, 6ft, eyes seeks hot, well endowed top men and At 42, life is good. I'd like it to be wonderful; 428772 sports. I want to meet another Gay, White mole, 1901bs, with short Brown hair, Bluish Green eager, smooth bottoms for very exciting, safe, might you be the cause? Seeking the right guy, 21 to 30, with similar interests, for a possible eyes, and a good build, wants to make new times (Madison) 429531 under 30, who appreciates substance, sensitivity, OUR DAY WILL COME I believe that there's relationship. (Minneapolis) 429492 friends and see what develops. I have a variety & warmth. No hurry, friends first, then....? someone out there whose interests will match mine. of interests. Let's talk. 428338 SURF THIS TURF This handsome, 44 year (Milwaukee) 413620 I'm a 43 year old, Gay, White mole, 5'6, 1301bs. I ENEMAS R US Into the enema scene? It's fun, old, White male surfer boy wants to be your like movies, quiet evenings, dining out, bike rides, it's safe, and it makes you feel all warm and good. Wisconsin butthole surfer. If it feels as good for you as it is ORAL AFTERNOONS This Gay, White male, and more. If you're a Gay, White male, 30 to 45, Giving and receiving are equally exciting. Talk to fun for me, we'll have a great time. (Madison) professional writer, 510, 180lbs, would like to you may be the one for me. Let's start as me. (Minneapolis) 429332 meet Gay, White, or Asian, males, 18 to 40, for friends. THE CLOSET IS FINE Because I am not 429454 (Matteson) 415168 oral afteirxxxis and evenings. Experience not TWIN CITIES STUD If you like tall, hairy, interested in coming "out", I want a relationship TIME ON MY SIDE I may be in a wheelchair necessary. I'm a smoker and moderate drinker. masculine men, read no further. I'm with a man who feels the same way. I'm a A PIECE OF THE ROCK This Block male, singer a 30 year old, but I have many gifts to give. I'm a sincere, (Milwaukee) 412856 and dancer, is a bottom and wants to establish a White male, 6'3, 21 5lbs, with Blond hair, Green Single, Gay, White male, 37, 6ft, 195)bs, with stable man, interested in making a new friend to friendship with a top man, preferably Black, but I'm eyes, and a hairy bad. I like to play around with Black hair and Green eyes. I like golf, tennis, spend time with. (Madison) 429318 BULLS EYE I'm a bottom looking for very well flexible, in the area. You should be masculine and other hot guys, between 20 and 40. Check me cross-country skiing, the Packers, Brewers, and hung guys who love to be orally serviced. I'm very fun loving. (Rockford) 47085 out. (Minneapolis) 429092 going out for dinner. I want a non-live-in, KEY TO THE CITY I need someone to show hairy, 511, 1751bs, with Brown hair, Brown eyes, monogamous relationship with a similar guy, me the Gay way in Madison. I'm a 32 year old, and a mustache. I like movies, football, baseball, REAM ME, CREAM ME I'm a total TV slut and CALL ME THE ENERGIZER I'm a bottom and I between 28 and 40, who is in shape and has no White male, 6ft, 1 75lbs, with Blond hair, Blue bowling, darts, and many other things. sex pig. I'm love it. I especially get off on orally gratifying a looking for wild, kinky bed partners beard or goatee. (Appleton) 414829 eyes, and good looks. I don't have much (Mukworago) 428445 who ore ready to ream me and cream me. We'll well endowed partner. I'm a Bi, White male, 28, and I BOBBING FOR experience and need a patient, nice guy to help talk sleazy photos and videos and have a raunchy wont to meet hung, top guys, who ore Bi or APPLETON I'm new in town me get SUNKY KINKY I'm a very attractive, Bi, White Gay or whatever, to feed my throat and want to meet hot guys for erotic times. Let's assimilated. I like the outdoors, working good time. I'm always in nylon stockings, 6 inch and the rest of out, running, rollerblading, biking, music, and male in search of very kinky, dominant males, 18 my urges. Call me because I'd love to tell you get together and enjoy each other's body. I'm a heels, and showgirl makeup. (Rockford) 428539 much more. (Madison) 428609 to 25. I'm Oft, 2001bs, with Brown hair and Blue more. (Minneapolis) 428853 mascu Me, 24 year old, White male, 5'10, eyes. I'm very discreet and hope you are too. I LOOKING FOR THE RIGHT GUY This 1 70Ibs, with a good build. I'm clean and often get to the Twin Cities THE ABUSE EXCUSE I'm into kinky sex, HOT TIME TONIGHT This attractive, on the weekend. attractive, Gay, White male, 35, 6ft, 1751bs, with discreet. (Appleton) Tr 12778 (Superior) 430219 bondage, S&M, that sort of thing. Sleaze is my professional White male, 25, has dark features, Brown hair, Blue eyes, ond a smooth body seeks a mustache, and a variety of interests. I want to middle name. I'm a White male, E9, 2301bs, with BRING ON THE EATS I'm an eater, a needer, OUR another Gay, White male, 25 to 35, who is meet nice looking men, 21 to 38, who are TALENTS COMBINED I want to try a mature, a beard and a hairy body. I'm a little on the thick and a feeder. This 33 year old, White male, relationship with an stable, and relationship oriented. A masculine, well endowed, and have good honest and mature Gay, mustache and side. If you like to be abused, leave your number. 5'11, 1901bs, with Brown hair and eyes likes White male, under 30. I'm a hairy body win you bonus points. builds. Let's start with hot times. I'm open to all Gay, White male in Let's get together and see if sparks fly. (Wheaton) (Minneapolis) 413297 very well hung guys who enjoy being orally my twenties, S10, 170Ibs, with Brown hair and v29202 serviced while kicked back in a chair and on all possibilities after that. Facial and body hair are eyes. I like music, dancing, socializing, movies, ALL FOR ME This 43 year old, dominant, Gay, big plusses. (Madison) •cr1 fours. I also like bowling, darts, movies, and 1130 rollerblading, and conversation. I'm curious to see White male, is looking for a young, totally passive, socializing. (East Troy) 429731 Iowa who is HOW DEEP IS YOUR FANCY? Need a hot what we can stir up. (Wausau) yl 1717 •-• male, 18 to 35, willing to be all for me. You will dress and undress for me. I will have you HAIR EVERYWHERE I want to meet a well top to tickle your fancy? I'm eager to take on the TIMID BUT TRUE I'm a little shy about doing CAN WE TALK? This Bi curious, White male, 37, when, where and how I want you. You will endowed man for sensual play and more. I'm an job. I'm a well endowed, White male, 26, 6'1, this but I want to meet some friends. I'm a 27 year is looking for a man I can feel comfortable talking understand what I mean by desire. Your reward is attractive, very hairy, White male, 511, 180lbs, 1 85lbs, with light Brown hair, and Brown eyes. old male, 5'9. Let's meet. (Wisconsin Rapids) to, in order to sort out my feelings. I'm an attractive, total-pleasure. Tell me about your body and just with Brown hair and eyes. I like to bowl, play I'm looking for erotic encounters with willing 41753 honest, open minded guy, 5'8, 1601bs, interested how submissive you can be. (Minneapolis) darts, fish, go to movies, and play cards. Come bottoms, between 18 and 30. (Madison) in fishing, camping, and outdoor sports. You 428591 to me. (East Troy) 422820 CENTRAL WISCONSIN CURIOUS I'm curious should be a masculine, trim, good looking guy, 413412 and inexaerienced but I'm ready to shore some between 25 and 40. Race doesn't matter. I want SPRING BLOOM This 45 year old, White male, A SUCKER FOR SKINHEADS This versatile, good, sae, fun with the right guy. I'm an quality friendship, not necessarily quantity. (Des seeks a guy, in his mid thirties, to take to movies, BROWN EYED !JOY This good looking, Black male, 38, 5'7, wants to meet a well attractive, 28 year old, White male, 6'2, 1851bs, Moines) 427659 and out to dinner. Maybe romance will bloom. Brown eyed male wants to meet nice looking, endowed, versatile top, of any race, for fun. I'm with Brown hair and Blue eyes. Let's make friends (Minneapolis) 428733 well hung, muscular men for fun times. I like to stocky and very orally talented. I'm especially on the phone and let it flow from there. Minnesota do just about anything, especially bowl, play interested in bearded, hairy guys with shaved 415189 MORE MR. NICE GUY I'm a nice guy and am darts, go to movies, and socialize. (East Troy) heads. (Milwaukee) 412750 having trouble finding someone who appreciates 413055 PHENOMENAL PHALLUS I'm a business ARE YOU STABLE AND ABLE? I seek a dating it. This Gay, White male is S8, 1 35lbs, with Blond GOING PLACES I know we can go places traveler who covers the whole state. I'm very well relationship that can turn into something hair, and Green eyes. I'd like to have a special CHECKERED FLAG This Bi guy is looking for together. This African American male, 5'8, endowed and want to meet guys who are similarly permanent. I'm on attractive, White male, 6ft, relationship with another nice guy but am looking regular get togethers with someone in the area. 1451bs, with Black hair and Brown eyes wants gifted. I'm a White male, 39, E9, I 65lbs, and 185)bs, clean shaven, with Brown hair, and Blue for friends, as well. (Minneapolis) 414545 I'm a big sports fan. I love football, Noscar to meet another guy interested in going to shaved all over. I'm extremely submissive and eyes. I'm looking for a physically fit male, of about racing, camping, and the outdoors. Discretion is movies, out to dinner, and hanging out in front open to virtually anything. "12330 my height, with a good job, who is a top. One of I'M READY FOR YOU I'm a 38 year old, a must. (Eau Claire) "3004-4 of the television. I like well built, African my long term goals is to adopt a child. I need a White male, with Cerebral Palsy and a hearing Americans, Hispanics, and White males. SEX ON MY MIND This adventurous, clean I LOVE WORK BOOTS It seems to be hard to stable partner. (Bloomingbil) v11019 impairment. I'm able to deal with those challenges, (Milwaukee) 430584 shaven, Bi White male, seeks similar men for sexy but I'm still lonely without you. I'd like to meet a find what I'm looking for. I want to meet other sessions. I'm 35, 6fl, 200)bs, with Brown hair. I LEAN AND MEAN This tall, thin, clean shaven, hairy man, with a medium build, who is well men who are fumed on by feet and socks. I BE A SPORT This shy, 37 year old, White like outdoor activities like camping and hiking. I White male, 35, is o dominant bp. I'm looking for endowed and, perhaps, shares my interest in especially like Nike Airs, work boots, and white male is into all sports, indoor and outdoor. I live in northern Wisconsin where there am many a thin, submissive bottom for very hot times. movies, travel, swimming, and computers. I also socks. I'd also like to meet fetish free friends to also like movies and relaxing at home. Call for remote campsites where we can act out our (Minneapolis) 414682 • like long conversations. (Minneapolis) IT 12680 mess around with. (Eau Claire) 429754 more information. (Milwaukee) 430465 fantasies. 4241 FOR YOUR FREE AD CALL 1.800.596.6366. THE SYSTEM WILL DO THE REST! April 10, 1997-April 23, 1997-WISCONSIN LIGHT-23

account becomes significant because, if St. Eulalia, Patroness true, it make Eulalia the first Christian woman to receive the dubious honor of MEN! CALL NOW! of Drag Queens being executed in the same manner as Christ. By Brian Treglown (Not too long after this, the Emperor The selection of a patron saint to serve Constantine the Great would ban cruci- as a protector—a sort of special guardian, fixion throughout the Roman world as a actually—over a segment of Catholics is means of crucifixion in honor of Christ.) a long-standing tradition. There is a Now, the point of all this is that in the non saint for people with epilepsy (St. church named for her in Barcelona, St. Vitus), and one for poets (St. Cecilia). Eolalia is depicted on the cross in a dress, There is even a patron saint for postal almost as if the figure were a cross- employees (St. Ganriel), though one dressing Christ. wonders if Gabriel isn't occasionally One final note: for reasons unknown, asleep at the switch given some postal Eulalia is already patron saint of sailors. employees' habit of periodically going on Drag queens and sailors, both under Eu- shooting rampages. lalia's all-caring umbrella? Could be in- So, with so many occupations and life- teresting. styles represented, it seems fitting that drag queens should now have someone who would provide this special guardian- shy' for them, too. BestD Outreach Clearly, the logical patron saint candi- date for Catholic drag queens is St. Eula- Schedule for April lia. She was born m 304 AD, in the Spanish town of Merida. Enlalia was a pious child, a fervent believer in the Sat. April 12-9:00 p.m. to midnight Catholic Christian faith. So, when the ruler, Maximian, began decreeing that Mama Roux people must make sacrifices to the gods, Wed. April 16-9:00 p.m. to midnight Eulalia was troubled. Though only 12 Sherman Park Rainbow Assc.. years-old at the time, she believed the April 17-6:30-8:30 p.m. edicts were blasphemous. No way would UWM Union Concourse she comply. Wed., April 23-10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Enlalia's mother realized that her spir- Boot Camp Saloon ited child was courting danger. If she Wed., April 23-10:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m. were to openly defy. the ruling, there was (Testing only sure to be persecution. So, she took the No one-to-one OUTreach) child from Merida to the countryside, hoping for safety in distance. But Eulalia was not to be denied her fury. She made a special trip to see the presiding judge. When he tried to appease her, legend has it that she spat at him and reproached him for enforcmg a rule that would deny the existence of one God. Not GOY ORGY a smart move. Her actions gave the judge no choice but to sentence her to death. At this point, the details get cloudy. As 24-Hr. Relief so often happens with history retold many times over the centuries, there is no clear I-900-860-MENN consensus on how Eulalia was executed. 1-900-745-2398 ( 6 3 6 6 ) One story is that she was burned to death. Another is that she was tortured and her 1-800-721-8664 $1.49 PER MIN. Must be 18 years or older. body impaled with large hooks. © 1997 Compuline, Reno, NV. TOUCH-TONE PHONE REQUIRED. A third story—one that is of interest to us here—is that she was crucified. This $2-4/Min. 18+ itetiCii MAN M 1-0N-1 WITH KINKY LEATHER STUDS HOT-AS-HELL ROUGH GROUP SEX 140)0J-e1/41140Jtit MC/VISA OR AMEX: 1-800-575-4088 KINKY MILITARY TOPS: 1-900-745-4320 0 .411. SHAVED SLAVEBOYS: 1-900-745-3459 18 Yrs. • $2.00-3.99/Min. HAIRY BEAR STUDS: 1-900-745-4845 Ont " 1-0N-1 WITH SLEAZY-TALKIN' DUDES mALE-cR ctiECA WILD GROUP JACK • DUDE TALES on our EBSITE, I SM 115$1004/04t1/ 0) iv MCNISA OR AMEX: 1-800-354-4688 WILD LATIN TOPS: 1-900-745-1250 ▪ VOICE.MAILPERSONALS HOT GAY COUPLES: 1-900-745-3120 At HORNY BLACK DUDES: 1-900-745-7273 HOTCYBERSEX: www.dudejack.com ▪ MESSAGENOTIFICATION DIRECTCONNECT The Original USA Cay Party Line 1.268.404.546 Ogg GROUP ACTION, BACKROOMS ONE-ON-ONE, LOCAL DATING TRY IT LIVE LIVE! 24 GROUPRATIO N Hours 1 11:01.

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26.0 ;4 A J199-7 BY ALLSoN1 OECHDEL ul*



arJt LOLL s; face of Student Life, and the UWM Women's GLBT Speaker's Resource Center. For more information on this events, contact Speaking From the Right Series at Features the GLBC at (414) 229-6555, email glbeetcsd.uwm.edu, or snail mail to Union Genetics and Abortion Rights Combine to Transgender and Box 251, PO Box 413, Milwaukee, WI 53201-0413. Make Gay Genocide a Possibility Transsexual issues Commentary by Jim McFarland continue to argue that women should April Events Note: The opinions expressed in this have the absolute right to decide whether Milwaukee--What does it mean to be Trans- column are the opinions of the author, or not to bring an unborn child to term, Transgender issues similar they will have to gender? How are not of Log Cabin Republicans (LCR). accept the fact that to those faced by Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Street coming LCR has no official position on the issue many, if not most of the homosexual un- 42nd born people? of abortion, and there are both pro-life children will be aborted. Learn answers to these and other questions members and pro-choice members of But I am certain that most of them will to Milwaukee at this Speakers Series program. Members The Broadway Musical "How to Succeed LCR. be as concerned as I am about the specter from the Milwaukee chapter of Gemini Gen- It was bound to happen eventually. As of genocide through abortion. Will they in Business Without Really Trying" has der Group, an organization that supports the been cancelled and will be replaced by the science comes closer and closer to iclenti- argue, instead of "Every child a wanted present for a child", "Every Transgender community, will be award winning 42"1 Street. f • g the genetic basis of homosexuality, child a wanted child by my discussion on Transgender and Transsexual the ability to determine an unborn child s standards of which children should be identities. They will be speaking about their 42nd street will run from June 10 to June sexual orientation has entered the realm wanted"? Will they hypocritically tell at Marcus Center for the Performing women that experiences of their coming out process, of 15 of possibilities. It was only a matter of they should have to carry an challenges they have faced, and other issues. to-ts in Uihlein Hall. Perofrmance times time before someone commented on the unborn child to term if that child is homo- in Room are Tuesday through Friday at 8:00 PM, sexual (but not, for instance, if the The program will begin at 7:00 PM potential of aborting Lesbian or Gay un- child E280 of the UWM Student Union located at Saturday at 2 PM and 8:00 PM and Sun- born children. has Down's Syndrome)? Or will they 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM. turn a 2200 E. Kenwood Blvd. All GLBT Speakers day at That time has come, as Nobel Prize blind eye to genocide on a large Series programs are free of charge and open to Tickets purchased for "How to Succeed winning scientist Dr. James Watson scale'? re- the public. will be honored for 42nd Street. cently stated that he thought it would be Pro-choice activists often accuse pro- For tickets call the Marcus Center Box lifers of ignoring the The series is sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian, appropriate for women to abort homosex- plight of women Bisexual Community at UWM, the UWM Of- Office (414) 273-7121 ual babies if a genetic test for homosexu- who find themselves in the midst of an ality becomes available. In typical liberal unplanned pregnancy, and rightly so. But fashion, he opined essentially that it at the same time, it seems to me that pro- would be cruel to bring a homosexual choice activists are equally guilty of ig- WHAT CAN YOU GET baby into a world full of prejudice, and noring the plight of unwanted unborn that it would be unfair to a mother to have children, to the point that they often dis- FROM VOLUNTEERING AT ARCW? to sacrifice the prospect of having grand- miss an unborn child as "nothing but a children by bringing such a baby to term. mass of cells" rather than as a human be- N • Dr. Watson and others might not admit ing that has human qualities. it or understand it, but he has m a sense Perhaps the advent of genetic testing for stated that genocide against homosexuals homosexuality will cause pro-choice Les- ttt is acceptable. What difference does it bians and Gays to consider, for the first make if it is unborn homosexuals who are time, the humanity of the unborn child. eliminated or If we come to see some kk.;;Nt, ro adult homosexuals who are unborn children t \\. eliminated (as the Nazis did)? The end as Gay brothers or sisters, maybe we will result is the same: the extermination of a come to see unborn children in general as class of humans without their consent. human beings like us, entitled to the same ua While some pro-choice advocates have rights that we have. If we do not, we may expressed face a time when there outrage against eugenics, abor- will be no more tit§t:st. tion, which would include abortion of homosexuals born into this world. Ti homosexual babies identified by genetic testing as well as abortion of female ba- bies identified by amniocentesis (which $4; , happens now, although to a limited ex- A place to meet people tent), pro-choice activists fail to under- stand that Dr. Watson's position in favor and-snake new friends... of aborting homosexual babies identified by genetic testing is merely the logical Give A Gift That Gives a safe and affirming and necessary result of the pro-choice All Year Round movement's mantra: "Every child a social and work wanted child". If it is true, as pro-choice activists ar- environment... gue, that a woman should bring an unborn child into this world only if she wants the A Subscription to child, then it should be perfectly accept- experiences to able for a woman to abort a child because enrich your life or she or he is homosexual. After all, as Dr. The Wisconsin Watson has pointed out, having a homo- Light build career skills... sexual child always brings grief to par- ents, if for no other reason than that lesbi- a chance to help people ans and gays face so much prejudice and hatred in this world. in your community. I am sure that some Lesbians and Gays believe that they would have been better Get 26 Issues With ii off never havingshbebeen born when com- pared to the hardship of living in this ho- The Latest News u have a tot to gain.. a lot to give. mophobic society as a homosexual. Cer- tainly, those Lesbians and Gays who have Entertainment Reviews committed suicide felt this. For more information call Of course, the difference is that those Special Features Lesbians and Gays had the choice of 414-225-1556. whether to live and. die and made that choice, whereas homosexual unborn chil- • dren would be denied that choice in the Mailed First Class - $32.95 event of genetic testing for homosexual- Mailed Third Class - $16.95 ity. And many of us, probably the major- ARCW ity of us, have decided for ourselves that AIDS RESOURCE CENTER OF WISCONSIN, INC. we are better off alive, as difficult as that The Wisconsin Light might be in this world, than dead. 1843 N. Palmer The advent of genetic testing for homo- Volunteers are especially needed sexuality will create a difficult quandary Milwaukee, WI 53212 for pro-choice Lesbians and Gays. If they for Gay Outreach in Milwaukee.