October 2018.



Born in Tønsberg, Norway, 9 January, 1938. Married to Tone Sandmo. Three children: Erling (b. 1963), Inger (b. 1966), Sigurd (b. 1971).


Siviløkonom, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH), 1961. Licentiat, NHH, 1966. Dr. oecon., NHH, 1970.


Royal Norwegian Navy, Admiralty Staff, corporal, 1961-63. Home Guard (infantry), sergeant, 1965-73.


Høyskolestipendiat (graduate fellow), NHH, 1963-66. Amanuensis i samfunnsøkonomi (assistant professor of economics), NHH, 1966-71. Professor i samfunnsøkonomi (professor of economics), NHH, 1971-2007. Emeritus professor from 2007. Prorektor (vice-rector), NHH, 1985-87. Visiting Fellow, Yale University, 1964-65. Visiting Fellow, CORE, Université Catholique de Louvain, 1969-70. Visiting Professor, University of Essex, 1975-76. Visiting Scholar, National Bureau of Economic Research, June-August 1980. Visiting Foreign Scholar, Queen’s University, June 1981. Seniorforsker (senior researcher), LOS-senteret (Norwegian Research Centre in Organization and Management), 1987-92 and 1997-2001. Fellow, Institute for advanced Study, Indiana University, April-May 1993. Scientific advisor, SNF (Foundation for Research in Economics and Business Administration), 1993-2007.


The Norwegian Research Council for Science and Humanities (NAVF); member of Social Science Committee 1973-75, member of the Board, 1982-84. Main Committee for Norwegian Research (Hovedkomitéen for Norsk Forskning), member 1978-81. Committee on Research in Management and Organization (LOS-komitéen), Norwegian Research Council for Applied Social Science (NORAS), member 1987-89. Bank of Norway Research Council, member 1994-2002. Research Council of Norway, Program of Research in Economics of Taxation, Chairman, 2004-2009.

Petroleum Price Board (Petroleumsprisrådet), member, 1976-80. Swedish Government's Economic Commission, member, 1992-93. Government Committee on Priorities in Health Care (Lønning II), member, 1996-97. Government Expert Committee on Investment Policies of the Petroleum Fund, chairman, 2004. J. W. Eides Stiftelse, Board member, 1987-2007. Mirrlees Review group, member 2007-2009. Government Committee on Goal Achievement in Publicly Funded Research (Fagerberg-utvalget), 2010- 2011. Bergen City Museum, Board member 2012-2015.


Econometric Society, Council member, 1984-89. Econometric Society, Chairman of Program Committee, European Meeting, 1978. European Economic Association, Council member, 1986-87. European Economic Association, Member of the Executive Committee, 1988-91. (Vice President 1988, President Elect 1989, President 1990, Past President 1991.) European Economic Association, Chairman of Nominating Committee, 1992. International Economic Association, Member of the Executive Committee, 1989-95. International Institute of Public Finance, Member of the Board of Management, 1998-2005. International Institute of Public Finance, Vice President, 2002-2005.

Institute for International Economic Studies, University of Stockholm, Board member, 1988-2003. Center for Economic Studies, Universität München, Council member, 1991-2009. Chairman 2001-2009. CESifo Group, München, Council member, 2000-2008.


Statsøkonomisk Tidsskrift, editor, 1974-86. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, member of the board of editors, 1976-2005. Journal of , associate editor 1973-83 and 1987-2002. Co-editor 1984-86. European Economic Review, editor, 1986-91. International Tax and Public Finance, associate editor, 1994-. German Economic Review, Board of Editors, 2000-. Journal of the European Economic Association, Advisory Board member, 2003-. Finanzarchiv, member of Advisory Board, 2005-2009. Associate editor 2009-2012. Chairman of Program Committee, Econometric Society European Meeting, 1978.

Acted as referee for, i.a., American Economic Review, Bulletin of Economic Research, Economica, Econometrica, Economic Inquiry, Economic Journal, Energy Journal, European Economic Review, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, European Journal of Political Economy, International Economic Review, International Tax and Public Finance, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Public Economics, Labour Economics, Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies, Norsk økonomisk tidsskrift, Oxford Economic Papers, Pakistan Journal of Applied Economics, Public Finance, Public Finance Quarterly, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of Economic Studies, Samfunnsøkonomen, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie/Journal of Economics.


Econometric Society, elected fellow, 1976. Norwegian Academy of Sciences (Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi), elected member, 1984. Swedish Academy of Sciences (Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien), elected foreign member, 1985. Academia Europa, elected member, 1988. The Royal Norwegian Society of Science and Letters (Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab), elected member, 1999. European Economic Association, president, 1990. NHH Prize for Outstanding Research, 1991. Honorary Doctor (dr. philos. h.c.), University of Oslo, 1997. Order of St. Olav (knight, first class), 1997. NHH Prize for Outstanding Teaching, 1999. Norwegian Research Council, Prize for Outstanding Research (The Möbius Prize), 2002. Honorary doctor, Uppsala University, 2008. Norwegian Academy of Sciences, Fridtjof Nansen Prize for Outstanding Research, 2009. National Academy of Sciences (United States), Foreign Associate Member, 2009. European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), European Lifetime

2 Achievement Award in Environmental Economics, 2009. Samfunnsøkonomen, Special issue, no. 1, 2013: “Agnar Sandmo 75 år.” Norwegian Association of Economists, Prize for best article in the 2016 volume of Samfunnsøkonomen, 2017.

Annual Agnar Sandmo Lecture on Public Policy, NHH, 2008-present Annual award of Agnar Sandmo Junior Visiting Fellowship “for especially promising young researchers under the age of 40”, 2008-present.


European Economic Association, Presidential Address, Lisboa, 1990: “Economists and the welfare state.” University of Oslo, Eilert Sundt Lecture, 1994: “The future of the welfare state.” International Institute of Public Finance, Annual Congress, Opening Lecture, Cambridge MA, 1995: “Public finance and the environment.” Uppsala University, Lindahl Lectures, 1996: “The public economics of the environment.” International Institute of Public Finance, Annual Congress, Opening Lecture, Helsinki, 2002: “Public provision and private incentives.” International Institute of Public Finance, Annual Congress, Opening Lecture, Warwick, 2007: “The welfare economics of global public goods.” European Group of Risk and Insurance Economists (EGRIE), Geneva Risk Economics Lecture, 2009: “Uncertainty in the theory of public finance.” International Institute of Public Finance, Annual Congress, Opening Lecture, Uppsala, 2010: “An evasive topic: Theorizing about the hidden economy.” European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Annual Conference, Opening Lecture, Toulouse 2013: “The early history of environmental economics.” Sciences Po and École Polytechnique, Paris, Public Lecture in the series “Economists facing climate change,” 2015: “The public economics of climate change.”



1. "Hva vet vi om den personlige sparing? (What do we know about personal saving?)" Bergens Privatbanks Kvartalsskrift, nr. 4, 1967, 207-221.


2. "Prisstabilitet og økonomisk vekst (Price stability and economic growth)." Sosialøkonomen, nr. 1, 1968, 10-15.

3. "Portfolio choice in a theory of saving." Swedish Journal of Economics 70, no. 2, 1968, 106-122.

4. "Elementær vekstteori (Elementary growth theory)." Bedriftsøkonomen, nr. 6, 1968, 284-287.

5. "Vekstrate og vekstpolitikk (Growth rate and growth policy)." Bedriftsøkonomen, nr. 7, 1968, 340-344.

6. "Sparing og investering under sikkerhet og usikkerhet (Saving and investment under certainty and uncertainty)." Statsøkonomisk Tidsskrift 82, nr. 3, 1968, 143-163.

7. "Om optimal tidsanvendelse for en rasjonell konsument (Optimal time allocation for a rational consumer)." Markedsøkonomi, Desember 1968, 275-279.

3 1969

8. "Foretagens val av konkurrensmedel varderat ur konsumentsynpunkt (Firms' choice of competitive policies from a consumer point of view)." Leif Lundvall (ed.), Konsumenten och samhället, Rabén & Sjögren, Stockholm, 1969, 209-215.

9. "Capital risk, consumption and portfolio choice." Econometrica 37, October 1969, 586-599.

10. "Velferdsøkonomisk utsyn (Review of welfare economics)." Statsøkonomisk Tidsskrift 83, nr. 4, 1969, 156-172.


11. "Equilibrium and efficiency in loan markets." Economica 37, February 1970, 23-38.

12. "The effect of uncertainty on saving decisions." Review of Economic Studies 37, July 1970, 353-360.

13. "Returns to scale and the average cost curve." Swedish Journal of Economics 72, no. 2, 1970, 149-152.

14. "Den klassiske etterspørselsteoris relevans under moderne forhold (The relevance of classical demand theory)." Statsøkonomisk Tidsskrift 84, nr. 4, 1970, 139-155.


15. "On the theory of the competitive firm under price uncertainty." American Economic Review 61, March 1971, 65-73.

16. "Investment and the rate of interest." Journal of Political Economy 79, November/December 1971, 1335-1345.

17. "Discount rates for public investment in closed and open economies." Economica 38, November 1971, 395-412. (With Jacques H. Dreze.) Reprinted as Chapter 8 in W. A. Niskanen et. al. (eds.), Benefit-Cost and Policy Analysis, Aldine Publishing Co., Chicago, 1973. Also reprinted as Chapter 3 in A. C. Harberger and G. Jenkins (eds.), Cost-Benefit Analysis, The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2002. Also reprinted as Chapter 5 in J. D. Scheraga (ed.), Discounting and Environmental Policy, International Library of Environmental Economics and Policy, Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot, 2003.

18. "Forurensningsproblemene og økonomisk politikk (Pollution problems and economic policy)." Økonomi og politikk: Festskrift til Ole Myrvoll, Aschehoug, Oslo, 1971, 67-77.

19. "Returns to scale and the average cost curve: Reply." Swedish Journal of Economics 73, no. 2, 1971, 261-262.

20. "Samfunnet, bedriftene og forurensningsproblemene (Society, firms and the problems of pollution)." Bedriftsøkonomen, nr. 10 1971, 518-521.

21. “A remark on the transactions demand for money.” European Economic Review 3, March 1971, 83-90. (Pseudonym: Dr. Saschba Telphlluch; with Jacques H. Dreze.)


22. ""Fixed costs" and the competitive firm under price uncertainty: Reply." American Economic Review 62, March 1972, 194-195.

23. "Optimality rules for the provision of collective factors of production." Journal of Public Economics 1,

4 April 1972, 149-157.

24. "Discount rates for public investment under uncertainty." International Economic Review 13, June 1972, 287-302. Reprinted as Chapter 7 in W. A. Niskanen et. al. (eds.), Benefit-Cost and Policy Analysis, Aldine Publishing Co., Chicago, 1973. Also reprinted in J. H. Dreze (ed.), Allocation under Uncertainty: Equilibrium and Optimality, Macmillan, London, 1974, 192-210.

25. "Income tax evasion: A theoretical analysis." Journal of Public Economics 1, November 1972, 323- 338. (With Michael G. Allingham.) Reprinted in M. Ricketts (ed.), Neoclassical Microeconomics, Vol. I, Edward Elgar, Aldershot, 1988. Also reprinted in I. Ehrlich and Z. Liu (eds.), The Economics of Crime, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2006. Also reprinted in J. Alm (ed.), The Economics of Taxation, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2011.

26. "Den private sparing i samfunnsøkonomisk belysning (Private saving from a social viewpoint)." Studier i sparing og sparebankvesen i Norge, Gyldendal, Oslo, 1972, 296-314.

27. "Inntekts- og formuesutjevning i vårt økonomiske system (Income and wealth equalization in our economic system)." Statsøkonomisk Tidsskrift 86, nr. 3-4 1972, 249-265.


28. "Miljøvern og avgifter - noen argumenter og misforståelser (Environmental protection and taxes - arguments and misperceptions)", Bergens Privatbanks Kvartalsskrift, nr. 1 1973, 11-22.

29. "Public goods and the technology of consumption." Review of Economic Studies 40, October 1973, 517-528.


30. "Two-period models of consumption decisions under uncertainty: A survey." J.H. Dreze (ed.); Allocation under Uncertainty: Equilibrium and Optimality, Macmillan, London, 1974, 24-35.

31. "Investment incentives and the corporate income tax." Journal of Political Economy 82, March-April 1974, 287-302.

32. "A note on the structure of optimal taxation." American Economic Review 64, September 1974, 701- 706.

33. "Hva vil miljøvernet koste? Noen økonomiske problemstillinger (What will be the cost of environmental protection? Some economic issues)." I forskningens lys. NAVF 25 år, Oslo, 1974, 177-191.


34. "Public goods and the technology of consumption: A correction." Review of Economic Studies 42, January 1975, 167-168.

35. "Optimal taxation in the presence of externalities." Swedish Journal of Economics 77, no. 1 1975, 86- 98. Reprinted in L. H. Goulder (ed.), Environmental Policy Making with Prior Tax Distortions, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2002.

36. "Beskatning og effektiv ressursallokering (Taxation and efficient resource allocation)." Bedriftsbeskatning, Norges Handelshøyskoles Kursvirksomhet, Bergen, 1975, 18-30.


37. "Direct versus indirect Pigovian taxation." European Economic Review 7, May 1976, 337-349.

5 Reprinted in Gerhard A. Pfann et. al. (eds.), European Economic Review, Half-Century Journal Issue, 2007. Also in 47.

38. "Optimal taxation: An introduction to the literature." Journal of Public Economics 6, July-August 1976, 37-54. Reprinted in Martin Ricketts (ed.), Neoclassical Microeconomics, Vol. II, Edward Elgar, Aldershot, 1988. Spanish translation as "Imposicion optima: Una introduccion a la literatura." Hacienda Publica Espanol, no. 40, 1976, 25-38. German translation as "Optimale Besteuerung - Eine Einfuhrung in die Literatur." M. Rose, H.-D. Wenzel & W. Wiegard (eds.), Optimale Finanzpolitik, Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart, 1981.


39. "Bedrift og samfunn - noen alternative funksjonsfordelinger (Firms and society - some alternative role distributions)." Bedriften og dens omverden, Norges Handelshøyskoles Kursvirksomhet, Bergen, 1977, 11-20.

40. "Portfolio theory, asset demand and taxation: Comparative statics with many assets." Review of Economic Studies 44, June 1977, 369-379.

41. "Kraftpriser, ressursbruk og komparative fortrinn (Energy prices, resource use and comparative advantage)." Statsøkonomisk Tidsskrift 91, nr. 1 1977, 55-61.

42. "Noen samfunnsøkonomiske konsekvenser av nye holdninger til arbeid og karriere (Some economic consequences of new attitudes to work and careers)." Bedriftsøkonomen, nr. 6 1977, 306-309.

43. "Flervareproduksjon under usikkerhet (Multicommodity production under uncertainty)." Bedriftsøkonomi i teori og praksis. Festskrift til Olav Harald Jensen, Norges Handelshøyskoles Kursvirksomhet, Bergen, 1977, 151-162.

44. "Some simplified formulae for optimal income taxation." Scandinavian Journal of Economics 79, no. 4, 1977, 417-423. (With Avinash Dixit.)

45. "La taxation Pigouvienne, doit-elle etre directe ou indirecte?" Cahiers du Seminaire d'Econometrie, no. 19, 1977, 57-70.

46. "Some theorems which are almost true." Revue Economique 28, Novembre 1977, 1009-1012. (With Mervyn A. King.)


47. Essays in Public Economics: The Kiryat Anavim Papers (ed.). Lexington Books, D.C. Heath and Company, Lexington, Mass., 1978. Pp. 364.

48. "Arbeidsmarkedet og konflikten mellom effektivitet og rettferdighet (The labour market and the conflict between efficiency and justice)." Bedriftsøkonomen, nr. 4 1978, 182-185.

49. Mål og midler i industripolitikken (Aims and means of industrial policy). Tanum, Oslo, 1978. Pp. 75.


50. "Pareto som julenisse (Pareto as Santa Claus)." Sosialøkonomen, nr. 10, 1979, 47-48. Also in Ekonomisk Debatt, nr. 8 1983, 570-572.

51. "A note on the neutrality of the cash flow corporation tax." Economics Letters 4, no. 2 1979, 173-176.



52. "Hvilken holdning bør offentlige myndigheter ha til risiko? (What attitude should public authorities take to risk?)" Sosialøkonomen, nr. 3 1980, 25-31.

53. "Welfare implications of the taxation of savings." Economic Journal 90, September 1980, 529-549. (With A.B. Atkinson.) Reprinted with a retrospective by Alan Auerbach in Economic Journal 125, 125 Anniversary Special Issue, March 2015, 464-492.

54. "Kapitalmarkeder og ressursallokering (Capital markets and resource allocation)." NOU 1980:4, Rentepolitikk, Vedlegg I, Oslo, 1980, 179-211. (With Kåre P. Hagen.)

55. "Prissystemer og diskontering (Price systems and discounting)." Statsøkonomisk Tidsskrift 94, nr. 1 1980, 27-51.

56. "Anomaly and stability in the theory of externalities." Quarterly Journal of Economics 94, June 1980, 799-807.

57. "Byråkrati og marked i teoretisk-økonomisk belysning (Bureaucracy and markets in the light of economic theory)." Foretak og foretaksomhet, Norges Handelshøyskoles Kursvirksomhet, Bergen, 1980, 169-180.


58. "The rate of return and personal savings." Economic Journal 91, June 1981, 536-540.

59. "Utgiftsskatt (Expenditure taxation)." Statsøkonomisk Tidsskrift 95, nr. 1 1981, 1-37. (With Vidar Christiansen.)

60. "Fører vi en rasjonell investeringspolitikk? (Do we pursue a rational investment policy?)” Sosialøkonomen, nr. 2 1981, 17-22.

61. "Income tax evasion, labour supply and the equity-efficiency tradeoff", Journal of Public Economics 16, December 1981, 265-288.


62. "Normativ beskatningsteori - problemstillinger og resultater (Normativ tax theory - problems and results)." Statsøkonomisk Tidsskrift 96, nr. 1 1982, 1-22.

63. "The optimum supply of public goods in a mixed economy", R.C.O. Matthews & G.B. Stafford (eds.), The Grants Economy and Collective Consumption, Macmillan, London, 1982, 85-104.

64. "Gode skatteregler (Good tax rules)." E.S. Andersen & T. Greve (eds.), Bedrift og samfunn: Festskrift til Preben Munthe, Aschehoug, Oslo, 1982, 87-94.


65. Kalkulasjonsrente og prosjektvurdering (The social rate of discount and project evaluation). Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, 1983. Pp. 144. (With Kåre P. Hagen.)

66. "Ex post welfare economics and the theory of merit goods." Economica 50, February 1983, 19-33. Reprinted in Wilfried Ver Eecke (ed.), An Anthology Regarding Merit Goods, Purdue University Press, West Lafayette, Indiana, 2007.

67. "Progressive taxation, redistribution and labour supply." Scandinavian Journal of Economics 85, no. 3, 1983, 311-323.


68. "Leif Johansen's contribution to public economics." Journal of Public Economics 21, August 1983, 317-324.

69. "Leif Johansen 1930-1982." Econometrica 51, no. 6, 1983, 1854-1855.

70. "Internasjonale fordelingsproblemer (International distribution problems).” Einar Hope (ed.), Aktuelle problemer i internasjonal økonomi, Bedriftsøkonomens forlag, Oslo, 1983, 104-123.

71. "Et nytt prinsipp for bedriftsbeskatning (A new principle of corporate taxation)." Statsøkonomisk Tidsskrift 97, nr. 2 1983, 81-108. (With Vidar Christiansen).


72. Effektivitet og rettferdighet. Artikler om økonomisk teori og politikk (Efficiency and justice. Articles on economic theory and policy). Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, 1984, Pp. 124.

73. "Prinsipputredning om avveining mellom direkte og indirekte beskatning (The principles of balancing direct and indirect taxation)." NOU 1984:22, Personbeskatning, Vedlegg 1, 337-368. (With Vidar Christiansen.)

74. "Some insights from the "new" theory of public finance." Empirica, no. 2 1984, 111-124. Also as "Einige Erkenntnisse aus der "Neuen Finanztheorie"," Quartalshefte der GZ, IV/84-I/85, 115-127.


75. "The effects of taxation on saving and risk-taking." A.J. Auerbach & M.S. Feldstein (eds.), Handbook of Public Economics, Vol. 1, North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1985, 265-311.

76. "Skattefusk och skatteplanering - några samhallsekonomiska synpunkter (Tax cheating and tax planning - some economic viewpoints)." Ekonomisk Debatt 13, nr. 5 1985, 381-387.


77. "Handel i tjenester. En oversikt over noen teoretiske og handelspolitiske problemstillinger (Trade in services. A survey of some problems of theory and trade policy)." Statsøkonomisk Tidsskrift 100, nr. 1, 1986, 23-47.

78. "Privatisering (Privatization)." R.J. Brunstad & E. Hope (ed.), Markedsstruktur og konkurranse, Bedriftsøkonomens Forlag, Oslo, 1986, 117-136.

79. "Statsøkonomisk Tidsskrift gjennom 100 år - en nekrolog (Statsøkonomisk Tidsskrift through 100 years - an obituary)." Statsøkonomisk Tidsskrift 100, nr. 2 1986, 119-123.

80. "Valg av skattesystem i fremtiden (Choice of future tax system)." Seminar om nordisk skatte- og avgiftspolitikk, Nordisk Råd, Stockholm, 1986, 81-90.


81. "A reinterpretation of elasticity formulae in optimum tax theory." Economica 54, February 1987, 89-96.

82. "Minnetale over professor dr. philos. Karl Henrik Borch (Speech in memory of professor dr. philos. Karl Henrik Borch)." Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademis Årbok, 1987, 199-204.

83. "Trade in services: Theory and policy." EFTA Bulletin 28, no. 2, April-June 1987, 10-12.


84. "Public goods." J. Eatwell, M. Milgate and P. Newman (eds.), The New Palgrave, Macmillan, London, 1987, vol. 3, 1061-1066. Also in J. Eatwell, M. Milgate and P. Newman (eds.), Allocation, Information, and Markets. Macmillan, London, 1989, 254-266.

85. "Trygve Haavelmo." The New Palgrave, Macmillan, London, 1987, vol. 2, 580.

86. "Jan Mossin 1936-1987." Sosialøkonomen, no. 9, 1987, 31-33.

87. "Comment on R.W. Jones, ‘Tax wedges and mobile capital’." Scandinavian Journal of Economics 89, no. 3, 1987, 347-348.


88. "The taxation of household durable goods." Finnish Economic Papers 1, no. 1, Spring 1988, 13-24.

89. "History of economic thought - the Scandinavian contribution." European Economic Review 32, 1988, 491-494.


90. "Lavere moms på maten? (A lower VAT on food?)" Sosialøkonomen, nr. 1, januar 1989, 2-3.

91. "Om nøytralitet i bedrifts- og kapitalbeskatningen (On neutrality in business and capital taxation)." NOU 1989:14, Bedrifts- og kapitalbeskatningen - en skisse til reform, Vedlegg 1, Oslo 1989, 310-334.

92. "Differential taxation and the encouragement of risk-taking." Economics Letters 31, 1989, 55-59.


93. "Noen refleksjoner om public choice-skolens syn på økonomi og politikk (Some reflections on the views of the public choice school on economics and politics)." Norsk Økonomisk Tidsskrift 104, 1990, nr. 2, 89-112. Also as chapter 12 in 100.

94. "Tax distortions and household production." Oxford Economic Papers 42, January 1990, 78-90. Reprinted in P.J.N. Sinclair and M.D.E. Slater (eds.), Taxation, Private Information and Capital, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1991.

95. "Buchanan on political economy: A review article." Journal of Economic Literature 28, March 1990, 50-65. Reprinted in C.K. Rowley (ed.), Social Choice Theory, Vol. II, Edward Elgar, Aldershot, 1993.


96. "Economists and the welfare state." European Economic Review 35, April 1991, 213-239. Norwegian version as chapter 2 in Offentlig politikk og private incitamenter (below). German version (abbreviated) as “Verzerrende Wirkungen”. Wirtschaftswoche 47, no. 47, 1990, 144-150. Hungarian version (abbreviated) as “A közgazdászok és a jóléti állam”. Gazdasági Fórum, no. 4, 1990, 1-13.

97. "Comment: Saving, income distribution and the role of incentives." A.B. Atkinson and R. Brunetta (eds.), Economics for the New Europe, Macmillan, London, 1991, 206-208.

98. "Social insurance and social security: A comment on Professor Atkinson's lecture." Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory 16, no. 2, 1991, 133-135.


9 99. "Velferdsstaten: Offentlig politikk og private incitamenter. " Norsk Økonomisk Tidsskrift 106, 1992, nr. 1, 1-15. English version as ”The welfare state: Public policies and private incentives.” Rector’s Lectures, no. 5, Cracow Academy of Economics, Krakow, 1992.

100. Offentlig politikk og private incitamenter (Public policy and private incentives). Ed. with Kåre P. Hagen, Tano, Oslo, 1992. Pp. 325. Author of chapters 1, 2, 11, and 12.

101. "Trygd og forsikring: Organisering og incitamenter (Social and private insurance: Organization and incentives)." Chapter 11 of Offentlig politikk og private incitamenter (above), 275-298.


102. "Gary Becker's contributions to economics." Scandinavian Journal of Economics 95, no. 1, 1993, 7- 23. French version “Gary Becker, prix Nobel 1992: la science économique, science de l’ensemble des comportements humains,” Problèmes économiques, Hebdomadaire No. 2.339, 1er septembre 1993, 1-10.

103. "Optimal redistribution when tastes differ." Finanzarchiv 50, no. 2, 1993, 149-163.

104. "Ragnar Frisch on the optimal diet." History of Political Economy 25, no. 2, 1993, 313-327.

105. "Comment on Dasgupta, 'Poverty, resources and fertility'." A. B. Atkinson (ed.), Alternatives to Capitalism: The Economics of Partnership, Macmillan, London, 1993, 244-245.

106. Nya villkor för ekonomi och politik. With , Per Molander, , Olof Petersson, Birgitta Swedenborg and Niels Thygesen. SOU 1993:16, Stockholm. Pp. 209. English edition, Turning Sweden Around, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1994. Pp. 241.

107. "Options for economic and political reform in Sweden." with Lindbeck, Molander, Persson, Petersson, Swedenborg and Thygesen, Economic Policy 17, October 1993, 220-263.


108. "Monopsonistic wage discrimination, incentives and efficiency." Labour Economics 1, March 1994, 151-170.

109. "Et bifokalt syn på økonomisk politikk: Tilfellet Sverige (A bifocal view of economic policy: The case of Sweden)." Stabilitet og Langsiktighet. Festskrift til Hermod Skånland, Aschehoug, Oslo, 1994, 157-174.

110. "Motivasjon, marked og etikk (Motivation, markets and ethics)." Regnskap og Ledelse. Festskrift til Arne Kinserdal, Bedriftsøkonomens Forlag, Oslo, 1994, 365-373. Reprinted in Praktisk økonomi & finans, nr. 1, 2003, 7-13.

111. "The scope for taxation and public expenditure in an open economy." with Vidar Christiansen and Kåre P. Hagen, Scandinavian Journal of Economics 96, No. 3, 1994, 289-309.

112. "The tax they pay may be your own: Promotion, taxes and labour supply." Scandinavian Journal of Economics 96, No. 4, 1994, 463-479.

113. Perspektiv på arbeidsledigheten (Perspectives on unemployment). Ed., Fagbokforlaget, Bergen, 1994. Pp. 144. Author of Chapter 1, «Arbeidsledigheten i perspektiv» (Unemployment in perspective), 7-17.


114. “Public finance and the environment.” L. Bovenberg and S. Cnossen (eds.), Public Economics and the Environment in an Imperfect World, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1995, 19-35.

10 115. “Social security and economic growth.” European Institute of Social Security Yearbook 1994, Acco, Leuven, 1995, 157-173.

116. “The welfare economics of the welfare state.” Scandinavian Journal of Economics 97, No. 4, 1995, 469-476.

117. The Future of the Welfare State (ed. with T. M. Andersen and K. O. Moene). Blackwell, Oxford, 1995, pp. 197.

118. "Velferdsstaten - resultater, problemer, reformer (The welfare state - achievements, problems, reforms)." Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi, Årbok 1994, Oslo, 1995, 89-102.


119. ”Carl Julius Norstrøm - et faglig venneportrett (Carl Julius Norstrøm - a friend’s academic portrait).” S. Ekern, F. Gjesdal and A. Sandmo (eds.), Analyser og perspektiver i bedriftsøkonomi. Festskrift til Carl Julius Norstrøm, Fagbokforlaget, Bergen, 1996, 7-12.

120. "Utfordringer for den offentlige sektor (Challenges for the public sector)." Michael Lundholm (ed.), Utmaningar för den offentliga sektorn, Nordiska Ekonomiska Forskningsrådet, Rapport 6, Uppsala, 1996, 7-19.

121. "Foreword" to A.K. Dixit, The Making of Economic Policy: A Transaction-Cost Perspective, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1996, ix-xii.

122. "Environmental taxation." Research 1996: Annual Report and Program, Department of Economics, Uppsala University, 1996, 11-17.

123. "Hur långt bör vi gå i utjämningen av inkomster? (How far should we go in the redistribution of income?)" Ekonomisk Debatt 24, no. 8, 1996, 619-630.


124. "Einar Hope og SNF (Einar Hope and SNF)," with Lars Mathiesen; K.P. Hagen (ed.), Deregulering og konkurranse, Fagbokforlaget, Bergen, 1997, 189-195.


125. “Ekonomisk teori och inkomstutjämning (Economic theory and income redistribution).” Skatter och Välfärd, Nr. 1, 1998, 70-72.

126. “Comment on P. J. Hammond and A. Villar, ‘Efficiency with non-convexities: Extending the Scandinavian consensus approach’.” Scandinavian Journal of Economics 100, No. 1, 1998, 37-40.

127. “The welfare state: A theoretical framework for justification and criticism. ” Swedish Economic Policy Review 5, No. 1, 1998, 11-33.

128. “Redistribution and the marginal cost of public funds. ” Journal of Public Economics 70, December, 1998, 365-382.


129. “Taxation, migration and pollution.” with David E. Wildasin, International Tax and Public Finance 6, February, 1999, 39-59.

130. “Asymmetric information and public economics: The Mirrlees-Vickrey Nobel Prize.” Journal of

11 Economic Perspectives 13, Winter, 1999, 165-180.

131. ”Flatere skatter? (Flatter taxes?)” NOU 1999:7, Flatere skatt, Vedlegg 1, 195-207.

132. ”Amartya Sen og velferdsøkonomien: To bidrag til forståelsen av eksterne virkninger (Amartya Sen and welfare economics: Two contributions to the understanding of external effects).” Sosialøkonomen, no. 3, mars 1999, 14-17.

133. “The public economics of redistribution and the welfare state.” Review of Population and Social Policy 8, 1999, 139-154.


134. “Towards a competitive society? The promotion of competition as a goal of economic policy.” E. Hope (ed.), Competition Policy Analysis, Routledge, London, 2000, 6-19.

135. The Public Economics of the Environment. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2000. Pp. x + 163.

136. “Preben Munthe som akademisk forfatter (Preben Munthe as an academic writer)”, G. Hjeltnes, G. F. Rieber-Mohn and E. Rudeng (eds.), Ordet er fritt. En bok til Preben Munthe, Aschehoug, Oslo, 2000, 173- 194.

137. “Fantasi og teori: Kommentar til Stiglers ‘An academic episode’ (Fantasy and theory: A comment on Stigler’s ‘An academic episode’)”, Magma 3, no. 4, 2000, 67-71.

138. “Det rike lands problemer. Noen kommentarer til Holdenutvalgets innstilling (The rich country’s problems: Some comments on the report of the Holden Commission). ” Sosialøkonomen, no. 6, september, 2000, 16-19.

139. “Neoclassical economics and institutions .” Sosialøkonomen, no. 9, desember, 2000, 19-22.

140. Social Security in the 21st Century (ed. with B. Holmlund and E. Steigum). Blackwell, Oxford, 2000, pp. 213.


141. “Income taxes.” International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 2001, vol. 11, 7273-7279.

142. “Grønne skatter og doble gevinster (Green taxes and double dividends).” Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab, Forhandlinger 2000, DKNVS, Trondheim, 2001, 181-191.

143. “Offentlig tjenesteproduksjon: Teorier om (in)effektivitet (Public service production: Theories of (in)efficiency).” Økonomisk forum 55, no. 6, september, 2001, 30-37.


144. “Efficient environmental policy with imperfect compliance.” Environmental and Resource Economics 23, September, 2002, 85-103.


145. "International aspects of public goods provision." I. Kaul et. al (eds.), Providing Global Public Goods: Managing Globalization, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003, 112-130. Reprinted in V. Tanzi and H. H. Zee (eds.), Recent Developments in Public Finance. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2011.

12 146. “Bridging the tax-expenditure gap: Green taxes and the marginal cost of funds.” S. Cnossen and H.-W. Sinn (eds.), Public Finances and Public Policies in the New Millenium, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2003, 159-178.

147. “Globalisation and the welfare state: More inequality, less redistribution?” D. Pieters (ed.), European Social Security and Global Politics, Kluwer Law International, The Hague, 2003, 45-60.

148. “Samfunnsøkonomer som skribenter (Economists as writers).” Økonomisk Forum 57, no. 6, september, 2003, 19-21.

149. “Globalization and inequality in the welfare state: Causes and consequences.” Daniele Franco and Alberto Zanardi (eds.), I sistemi di welfare tra decentramento regionale e integrazione europea, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2003, 27-46. Italian translation as “Globalizzazione, disuguaglianza e stato sociale.” Diritto ed economia dello stato sociale, no. 7-8, 2003, 7-26.

150. “Why do we need public health care services?” Inger Johanne Pettersen and Harald Siem (eds.), 400 Years and the Way Forward, Fagbokforlaget, Bergen, 2003, 96-103.

151. “Public provision and private incentives.” Nordic Journal of Political Economy 29, no. 2, 2003, 87- 104.


152. “Striking the balance: Economics and the environment,” European Review 12, no. 1, 2004, 81-94.

153. “Adam Smith og konkurransen: Et kritisk blikk på den usynlige hånd (Adam Smith and competition: A critical view of the invisible hand) .” Kåre P. Hagen, Agnar Sandmo and Lars Sørgard (eds.) Konkurranse i samfunnets interesse. Festskrift til Einar Hope, Fagbokforlaget, Bergen, 2004, 140-156.

154. “Environmental taxation and revenue for development.” A. B. Atkinson (ed.), New Sources for Development Finance, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004, 33-57.


155. “Taxation and tournaments.” (With Mats Persson) Journal of Public Economic Theory 7, no. 4, 2005, 543-559.

156. “Ulikhet og omfordeling - behovet for nye perspektiver (Inequality and redistribution - the need for new perspectives).” Ekonomisk Debatt 33, no. 6, 2005, 21-33.

157. “The theory of tax evasion: A retrospective view.” National Tax Journal 58, no. 4, December, 2005, 643-663.


158. “John Stuart Mill: Klassisk og moderne (John Stuart Mill: Classical and modern).” Økonomisk Forum 60, no. 6, 2006, 39-50.

159. Samfunnsøkonomi - en idéhistorie (Economics - a history of ideas). Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, 2006. Pp. 389. Second printing 2007.

160. “Hvordan kan vi løse pensjonsproblemene? (How can we solve the pension problem?)” Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi, Årbok 2005, Oslo 2006, 379-389.



161. ”Global public economics: Public goods and externalities.” Économie Publique/Public Economics 18- 19 (2006/1-2), 57-75.

162. ”Teoretiker og praktiker: Johann Heinrich von Thünen (Theorist and practitioner: Johann Heinrich von Thünen).” Praktisk økonomi & finans 23, no. 1, 2007, 109-115.

163. ”Léon Walras and the Nobel Peace Prize.” Journal of Economic Perspectives 21, no. 4, Fall 2007, 217-228.

164. ”Burden sharing in climate change policy.” DICE Report. Journal for Institutional Comparisons 5, no. 4, Winter 2007, 3-7.


165. ”Skatter og skattepolitikk gjennom 100 år (Taxes and tax policy during 100 years).” (With Vidar Christiansen), Samfunnsøkonomen 64, no. 6/7, 2008, 17-28.

166. ”Public goods.” Steven Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume (eds.), The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Second Edition, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2008. (Revised and extended version of 1987 article.)

167. ”Pigouvian taxes.” Steven Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume (eds.), The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Second Edition, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2008.

168. ”The invisible hand in the history of economic thought.” Research 2007: Annual Report and Program, Department of Economics, Uppsala University, 2008, 5-14.


169. “Den nordiske modellen: Eksterne og interne utfordringer (The Nordic model: External and internal challenges).” Bjørg Ofstad, Olav Bjerkholt, Kari Skrede og Aanund Hylland (red.), Rettferd og politikk: Festskrift til Hilde Bojer på 70-årsdagen. Emilia, Oslo, 2009, 164-174.


170. “Commentary by Agnar Sandmo [on “Environmental taxes”].” Dimensions of Tax Design: The Mirrlees Review. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010, 536-547.

171. “Uncertainty in the theory of public finance.” The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review 35, no. 1, 2010, 1-18.


172. Economics Evolving. A History of Economic Thought. Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford, 2011. Pp. viii + 489.

173. “The scale and scope of environmental taxation,” Emilio Albi and Jorge Martinez-Vazquez (eds.), The Elgar Guide to Tax Systems. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2011, 300-327. Spanish translation as “Alcance y ámbito de la imposición ambiental,” Papeles de Economía Española 125/126, 2010, 291-307.

174. “Adam Smith: Den samfunnsøkonomiske vitenskaps far (Adam Smith: The father of economic science).” Eivind Balsvik og Susanna Maria Solli (red.), Introduksjon til samfunnsvitenskapene. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, 2011, 42-59.

175. “Atmospheric externalities and environmental taxation.” Energy Economics 33, Supplement 1,

14 December 2011, S4-S12.

176. “Et åpnere forskningssystem (A more open research system).” (With Ådne Cappelen and Jan Fagerberg), Samfunnsøkonomen, nr. 9, 2011, 4-11.


177. “An evasive topic: Theorizing about the hidden economy.” International Tax and Public Finance 19, no. 1, 2012, 5-24.


178. Serbian translation of Samfunnsøkonomi – en idehistorie (no. 159 above).. Slasnik, Belgrade, 2013. Pp. 431.


179. “Økonomen i samfunnet (The economist in society).” Magma 17, 06-07, 2014, 15-17.


180. “The principal problem in political economy: Income distribution in the history of economic thought.” Chapter 1 in Anthony B. Atkinson and Francois Bourguignon (eds.), Handbook of Income Distribution, Volume 2A, Elsevier/North-Holland, Oxford-Amsterdam, 2015, 3-65.

181. “The early history of environmental economics.” Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 9, no. 1, Winter 2015, 43-63.

182. “Forord (Preface)” to Anthony B. Atkinson, Ulikhet. Hva kan gjøres? Cappelen Damm, Oslo, 2015, 17-19.


183. “Führung durch Vorbild.” Gabriel Feldmayr, Meinhard Knoche and Ludger Wössmann (eds.), Hans- Werner Sinn und 25 Jahre Deutsche Wirtschaftspolitik. Hanser, München, 2016, 256-257. English version as “Leadership by example.” CESifo Forum 17, May 2016, 49-50.

184. “Adam Smith and modern economics.” Hanley Ryan (ed.), Adam Smith: His Life, Thought, and Legacy. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2016, 231-246.

185. “Argumenter for progressiv beskatning: Et historisk perspektiv (Arguments for progressive taxation: A historical perspective).” Samfunnsøkonomen 30, nr. 4, 2016, 49-60.

186. “The welfare economics of global public goods.” Inge Kaul (ed.), Global Public Goods (The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics). Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2016, 387-431.


187. “ 1944-2017: A lifetime commitment to the study of inequality.” European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 24, no 3, 2017, 612-623.


188. “Karl Henrik Borch: Veileder, forbilde, forsker (Karl Henrik Borch: Advisor, role model, scientist).” Samfunnsøkonomen 32, nr. 4, 2018, 84-103..

15 189. “Jan Mossin: Forskerkollega og venn (Jan Mossin: Co-researcher and friend).” Samfunnsøkonomen 32, 2018, forthcoming.

190. Russian translation of Samfunnsøkonomi – en idehistorie (no. 159 above). Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, Moscow, 2018.


191. “A fundamental externality in the labour market? Ragnar Frisch on the socially optimal amount of work.” European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 26, February 2019, forthcoming.


“Investment, tax incentives, and the criterion of neutrality.” NHH Department of Economics DP 6, 1980.

“Velferdsteoriens to hovedteoremer (The two main theorems of welfare economics).” Lov og struktur, nr. 101. Department of Comparative politics, University of Bergen, 1997.

“The market in economics: Behavioural assumptions and value judgments.” NHH Department of Economcs DP 12, 2014.

“The Public Economics of Climate Change.” NHH Department of Economcis DP 27, 2015.


Gary Fromm (ed.), Tax Incentives and Capital Spending. Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie 32, 1972, 378- 379.

Sven-Olof Lodin, Skatter i kris. Skatterett, nr. 2, 1983, 177-179.

Patricia Apps, A Theory of Inequality and Taxation. Journal of Public Economics 24, 1984, 131-133.

Jacques H. Drèze, Essays on Economic Decisions under Uncertainty. Journal of Economics/ Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie 48, no. 1, 1988, 93-95.

Dieter Bös and Bernhard Felderer (eds.), The Political Economy of Progressive Taxation. Journal of Economics/ Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie 52, 1990, 195-197.

Alan J. Auerbach (ed.), Fiscal Policy: Lessons from Economic Research. Journal of Economics/ Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie 67, 1998, 338-339.

Assar Lindbeck, The Swedish Experiment, Ekonomisk Debatt 26, no. 2, 1998, 147-150.

Hans-Peter Martin og Harald Schumann, Globaliseringsfellen. Trusselen mot demokrati og velferd. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning 1, nr. 4, 1998, 243-245.

Bo Rothstein, Just Institutions Matter, Economic Journal 110, February 2000, 228-229.

James M. Buchanan and Richard A. Musgrave, Public Finance and Public Choice: Two Contrasting Visions of the State, Economic Record 76, March 2000, 106-107.

Partha Dasgupta, Human Well-Being and the Natural Environment, Journal of Economics/ Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie 77, no. 1, 2002, 91-93.


Erling Barth, Kalle Moene and Michael Wallerstein, Likhet under press. Utfordringer for den skandinaviske velferdsmodellen, Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning 7, nr. 2, 2004, 112-115.

Adam Smith, Nasjonenes velstand. Bok I-II. Translated by Åshild Sonstad. Samfunnsøkonomen 22, nr.2, 2008, 32-33.

John Maynard Keynes, Allmenn teori om sysselsetting, rente og penger. Translated by Roman Linneberg Eliassen. Dagens Næringsliv, 3. november 2011.

José Luís Cardoso and Pedro Lains (eds.), Paying for the Liberal State: The Rise of Public Finance in Nineteenth-Century Europe. Journal of the History of Economic Thought 33, 2011, 553-555.

Adam Smith, Nasjonenes velstand. Bok III-V. Translated by Åshild Sonstad. www.minervanett.no/2011/12/20/nasjonenes-velstand/.

Karine Nyborg, The Ethics and Politics of Environmental Cost-Benefit Analysis. Samfunnsøkonomen 27, nr. 1, 2013, 43-45.

Hans-Werner Sinn, The Green Paradox: A Supply-Side Approach to Global Warming. Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy 2, March 2013, 96-98.

Andreas Hardhaug Olsen, Keynes + Hayek. www.salongen.no/?p=8500. 26. januar 2016. “En klassisk krisedebatt,” Samfunnsøkonomen 30, nr. 2, 2016, 92-94.

Jan Fredrik Qvigstad, On Central Banking. Samfunnsøkonomen 31, nr. 1, 2017, 75-77.

The list of publications does not include articles on current problems and economic policy in Aftenposten, Økonomisk Rapport, etc.