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MEMORANDUM | To: Ken Kirwin Date: May 12, 2016 Project Manager From: Hannah Brockhaus HSH Project No.: 2015136.0 Howard Stein Hudson Subject: DCR Mount Auburn Street Corridor Study Stakeholder Group Meeting 1 Meeting Notes of May 5, 2016 Overview On May 5th, members of the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) Mount Auburn Street Corridor Study project team and DCR staff associated with the job attended the first Stakeholder Group meeting. The meeting took place at Russell Youth Community Center, located at 680 Huron Avenue in Cambridge. The stakeholder group is composed of local residents, representatives of major institutional and business stakeholders in the area, cycling, pedestrian, and green space advocates, as well as members, both elected and appointed, of local, state, and federal government for the project area. The purpose of the stakeholder group is, through the use of its members’ considerable local knowledge, to assist and advise the DCR in developing short- and long-term recommendations for the improvement of the Mount Auburn Street corridor and its abutting roadways. Through this project, the agency seeks to create a corridor which is friendlier to cyclists, pedestrians, and transit users and to strengthen connections between abutting neighborhoods and the key green space of the Charles River, while ensuring calm, efficient vehicle operations. At the meeting documented herein, the stakeholders each introduced themselves and gave a sense of their priorities for the project. Common themes included increased safety for all modes and increased reliability and reduced delay in the MBTA bus routes that traverse the study area. Several Stakeholder Group members mentioned the idea of encouraging mode shift, prioritizing transit at key intersections and the relationship between these major arteries and the neighborhoods that surround them.
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