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Priceless Take One Vol. 19 Number 17 An Award Winning Weekly Newspaper Thursday, October 14, 2010 Riley County Kansas Cash Flow Is Stabilizing By Gene Meyer ments in elementary and secondary (KansasReporter) schools and the university system, TOPEKA, Kan. - Kansas’ state cash which caused the shortfall, said Alan Notables flow continued to stabilize even Conroy, the research department’s Notables though it slowed a bit in September, a director. The balances should even up This list of notable people associ- new state report confirmed. when the earlier-than-expected spend- ated with Riley County and Ft. Riley Kansas tax revenues during the first ing catches up with original projec- (through birth, residence, or other three months of the fiscal year that tions, he said. association) who have achieved dis- began July 1 confirm earlier revenue Even with improvements over year- tinction at the state, national, or department calculations that total tax earlier levels collections, tax and gen- international level, is expanded from receipts of $1.32 billion during the eral fund revenue collections in Kansas the “150 Riley County Notables period were nearly 12 percent higher both continue to trail fiscal 2009 levels. from the Last 150 Years” list com- than a year earlier, the Kansas Kansas collected nearly $628 mil- piled by Kevin G. Olson for the Legislative Research Department lion in individual income taxes during Manhattan/Riley County sesquicen- reported Wednesday. Those follow the three months ended Sept. 30, or a tennial commemoration in 2005 steep declines that were recorded for fraction 0.5 percent more than two with the assistance of the staff of the the period in each of the two preceding years earlier, but corporate income and Riley County Historical Museum, years.
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