
Appendix H The Japanese Titles of the Documents Referred to in the Text

Note: Kyo or gyo in the Japanese title means “.” Gyo is a phonetic change of kyo.

Agon gyo : the Agama Amida kyo : the Amida Sutra Anraku shu : The Collected Essays on the World of Peace and Delight Ben kemmitsu nikyo ron : A Comparison of Exoteric and Esoteric (Short title: Exoteric and Esoteric) Bodaishin ron : The Treatise on the Mind Aspiring for Enlightenment (Short title: Mind Aspiring for Enlightenment) Bodai shiryo ron : The Treatise on the Discipline for Attaining Enlight- enment Bommo kyo : the Brahma Net Sutra Bussetsu Amida kyo : the Amida Sutra, as Spoken by the Buddha Bussetsu chu-agon gyo : the Medium-Length Agama Sutra, as Spoken by the Buddha Bussetsu kammuryoju kyo : the Meditation on the Buddha Infinite Life Sutra, as Spoken by the Buddha Bussetsu muryoju kyo : the Buddha Infinite Life Sutra, as Spoken by the Buddha Byodogaku kyo : the Universal and Impartial Enlightenment Sutra Chonichigatsu sammai kyo : the Meditation Outshining the Sun and Moon Sutra Chu ron : The Treatise on the Dai amida kyo : the Larger Amida Sutra Daibibasha ron : The Great Commentary on the Daibirushana jimbenkaji kyo : the Mahavairochana’s Protection through Supernatural Powers Sutra Daibon hannya kyo : the Larger Wisdom Sutra Daibontenno mombutsu ketsugi kyo : the Sutra of the Buddha Answering the Great Heavenly King Brahma’s Questions Daichido ron : The Treatise on the Great Perfection of Wisdom (Short title: Great Perfection of Wisdom) Daiengaku shutara ryogi kyo : the Complete and Final Teaching on Perfect Enlightenment Sutra Daigo shojin gyo : the Great Diligence Sutra

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Daihannya kyo : the Great Wisdom Sutra Daihatsunehan gyo : the Mahaparinirvana Sutra Daihi kyo : the Great Compassion Sutra Daihodo daijukkyo : the Great Correct and Equal Great Collection Sutra Daihokobutsu kegon gyo : the Great and Vast Buddha Flower Garland Sutra Daii kyo : the Trapusha Sutra Daijo kishin ron : The Awakening of Faith in the (Short title: Awakening of Faith) Daijo shikan : The Mahayana Method of Concentration and Insight Daiju kinnara-o gyo : the Kimnara King Great Tree Sutra Daijukkyo : the Great Collection Sutra Dainichi kyo : the Mahavairochana Sutra Dainichi kyo gishaku : The Commentary on the Meaning of the Maha- vairochana Sutra Dainichi kyo shiiki : The Essentials of the Mahavairochana Sutra Daiun gyo : the Great Cloud Sutra Dan kyo : The Platform Sutra Dento roku : The Transmission of the Lamp Ebyo shu : A Clarification of the Schools Based on T’ien-t’ai’s Doctrine (Short title: Clarification of the Schools) Fuchu : The Supplement to T’ien-t’ai’s Three Major Works (Short title: Three Major Works) Fugen kyo : the Universal Worthy Sutra Fugen kyo ki : The Commentary on the Universal Worthy Sutra Fuhozo den : A History of the Buddha’s Successors Fuhozo kyo : the Buddha’s Successors Sutra Fusho ki : The Supplement to “The Words and Phrases of the ” (Short title: Supplement to “The Words and Phrases”) Gejimmitsu kyo : the Profound Secrets Sutra Gokai kyo : the Sutra Gonjikinyo kyo : the Silver-Colored Woman Sutra Guketsu : The Annotations on “Great Concentration and Insight” (Short title: On “Great Concentration and Insight”) Hannya kyo : the Wisdom Sutra Hannya shin gyo : the Hatsunaion gyo f : the Sutra Hizo hoyaku : The Precious Key to the Secret Treasury Hodo daijukkyo : the Correct and Equal Great Collection Sutra Hodo darani kyo : the Correct and Equal Dharani Sutra Hojoju kyo : the Eternity of the Law Sutra Hokekyo : the Lotus Sutra Hokke denki : The Lotus Sutra and Its Traditions Hokke gengi : The Profound Meaning of the Lotus Sutra (Short title: Pro- found Meaning) Hokke gengi shakusen : The Annotations on “The Profound Meaning of the Lotus Sutra” (Short title: On “The Profound Meaning”) Hokke genron : The Treatise on the Profundity of the Lotus Sutra (Short title: Profundity of the Lotus Sutra) Hokke genzan : Praising the Profundity of the Lotus Sutra Hokke genzan yoshu : The Essential Meaning of “Praising the Profun- dity of the Lotus Sutra”

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Hokke giki : The Rules of Rituals Based on the Lotus Sutra Hokke mongu : The Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sutra (Short title: Words and Phrases) Hokke mongu ki : The Annotations on “The Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sutra” (Short title: On “The Words and Phrases”) Hokke ron : The Treatise on the Lotus Sutra Hokke ron ki : The Commentary on “The Treatise on the Lotus Sutra” Hokke sammai kyo : the Lotus Meditation Sutra Hokke sandaibu fuchu : The Supplement to T’ien-t’ai’s Three Major Works (Short title: Three Major Works) Hokke sempo : The Method of Repentance through the Lotus Sutra Hokke shuku : The Outstanding Principles of the Lotus Sutra (Short title: Outstanding Principles) Hokuto jumyo kyo : the Life-Prolonging Northern Dipper Sutra Hometsujin gyo : the Decline of the Law Sutra Ho’on girin jo : The Forest of Meanings in the Garden of the Law Ho’on gyo : the Repaying Debts of Gratitude Sutra Hosho ron : The Treatise on the Treasure Vehicle of Ichijo yoketsu : The Essentials of the One Vehicle Teaching Jimmitsu kyo : the Profound Secrets Sutra Jinzu kyo : the Supernatural Powers Sutra Jion den : The Biography of the Tripitaka Master of Ta-tz’u-en-ssu Temple Jogan seiyo : The Essentials of Government in the Chen-kuan Era Jogen nyuzo roku : The Chen-yüan Era Catalog of the Buddhist Canon Jomyo kyo : the Juji kyo : the Ten Stages Sutra Jujubibasha ron : The Commentary on the Ten Stages Sutra Jujushin ron : The Treatise on the Ten Stages of the Mind Juketsu shu : A Collection of Orally Transmitted Teachings Kambutsu sammai kyo : the Meditation on the Buddha Sutra Kambutsu sokai kyo : the Meditation on the Buddha’s Ocean-like Char- acteristics Sutra Kammuryoju kyo : the Meditation on the Buddha Infinite Life Sutra Kanchi giki : The Rules of Rituals Based on the Lotus Sutra Kan gyo : the Meditation Sutra Kanjin ron sho : The Annotations on “The Treatise on the Observation of the Mind” Kannen homon kyo : The Teaching on Meditation Sutra Kannon gengi : The Profound Meaning of the “Perceiver of the World’s Sounds” Chapter Kegon gyo : the Flower Garland Sutra Kenkai ron : A Clarification of the Precepts Kishin ron : The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana (Short title: Awaken- ing of Faith) Kokyo : The Classic of Filial Piety Kongobei ron e : The Diamond Scalpel Kongocho kyo : the Diamond Crown Sutra Kongo hannya kyo : the Diamond Wisdom Sutra Konkomyo kyo : the Koso den : The Biographies of Eminent Priests Kujaku kyo ongi : The Annotations on the Peacock Sutra Kusha ron : The Analysis Treasury

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Kushira kyo : the Ghoshila Sutra Kyojijo ron : Different Views on the Teaching and the Time Makahannya haramitsu kyo : the Great Perfection of Wisdom Sutra Maka shikan : Great Concentration and Insight Maya kyo : the Maya Sutra Mitsugon gyo : the Secret Solemnity Sutra Mue mutoku daijo shiron gengi ki : The Profound Meaning of the Four Mahayana Treatises Muryogi kyo : the Immeasurable Meanings Sutra Muryoju kyo : the Buddha Infinite Life Sutra Myoho-renge-kyo : the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law Nehan gyo : the Sutra Nehan gyo gobun : The Epilogue to the Mahaparinirvana Sutra Nehan gyo sho : The Annotations on the Nirvana Sutra Nihon shoki : The Chronicles of Japan Nikyo ron : A Comparison of Exoteric and Esoteric Buddhism (Short title: Exoteric and Esoteric) Ninno hannya kyo : the Benevolent Kings Wisdom Sutra Ninno kyo : the Benevolent Kings Sutra Nitto junrei ki : The Record of a Pilgrimage to China in Search of the Law Ojo juin : The Ten Conditions for in the Ojoko shiki : The Rituals of the Assembly for Rebirth in the Pure Land Ojo ron chu : The Commentary on “The Treatise on Rebirth in the Pure Land” Ojo yoshu : The Essentials of Rebirth in the Pure Land Rengemen gyo : the Lotus-like Face Sutra Rokuharamitsu kyo : the Six Paramitas Sutra Ryoga kyo : the Lankavatara Sutra Saden : Tso’s Commentary on “Spring and Autumn Annals” Saiho kyo : the Observance of the Precepts Sutra Saiiki ki : The Record of the Western Regions Saisho-o kyo : the Sovereign Kings Sutra Satsu’un fundari kyo : the Saddharmapundarika Sutra Senchaku shu : The Nembutsu Chosen above All Shakusen : The Annotations on “The Profound Meaning of the Lotus Sutra” (Short title: On “The Profound Meaning”) Shariko shiki : The Rules of Rites for Revering the Buddha’s Relics Shi anrakugyo : The Four Peaceful Practices Shibun ritsu : The Fourfold Rules of Discipline Shikan bugyoden guketsu : The Annotations on “Great Concentra- tion and Insight” (Short title: On “Great Concentration and Insight”) Shiki : Records of the Historian Shi’nenjo : The Four Meditations Shin gyo hiken : The Secret Key to the Heart Sutra Shinjikan gyo : the Contemplation on the Mind-Ground Sutra Shinjo : The New Narrations Shiyaku bonten shomon gyo : the Brahma Excellent Thought Sutra Shobonenjo kyo : the Meditation on the Correct Teaching Sutra Sho hokekyo : the Lotus Sutra of the Correct Law Shojohogyo kyo : the Practice of the Pure Law Sutra Shoman gyo : the Shrimala Sutra

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Sho’u kyo : the Prayer for Rain Sutra Shugo kokkai sho : An Essay on the Protection of the Nation Shugo kyo : the Protection Sutra Shuryogon gyo : the Shuramgama Sutra Shusho iki : The Record of Wonders in the Book of Chou Shuyo shu : The Collection of Documents Sogi ritsu u : The Great Canon of Monastic Rules Sokan gyo : the Two-Volumed Sutra Sokushin jobutsu gi : The Doctrine of Attaining Buddhahood in One’s Present Form Soshitsuji kyo : the Susiddhikara Sutra Tembon hokekyo : the Supplemented Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law Tennyo jobutsu kyo : the Woman Born as a Man to Become a Buddha Sutra Toshun : Tung-ch’un Urabon gyo : the Service for the Deceased Sutra Yakushi kyo : the Medicine Master Sutra Yoraku kyo : the Jeweled Necklace Sutra Yuga ron : The Treatise on the Stages of Yoga Practice (Short title: Stages of Yoga Practice) Yuima kyo : the Vimalakirti Sutra Yuishiki ron : The Treatise on the Consciousness-Only Doctrine Zo-agon gyo : the Miscellaneous Agama Sutra Zobo ketsugi kyo : the Sutra on Resolving Doubts about the Middle Day of the Law Zoku koso den : The Continued Biographies of Eminent Priests