A bimonthly magazine devoted to the teachings revealed through Emanuel Swedenborg, as they apply to life. JULY/AUGUST 2020 Those who are with us . In a trying time, the prophet Elisha revealed to his fearful servant, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” In a sermon the Rev. Bruce Rogers says we are also in a trying time but assures: “At times we may feel surrounded by hostile forces, forces intent on destroying ideals that we value and principles that we live by. And yet we are protected – protected by good people everywhere who share our values and principles.” (Page 279) new church life (usps 378-180) published bimonthly by the general church of the new jerusalem Bruce Henderson, Editor |
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[email protected] Vol. MMXX July/August 2020 No. 4 New Church Life A bimonthly magazine devoted to the teachings revealed through Emanuel Swedenborg, as they relate to life. 269 In This Issue 271 Editorial: What Does the Lord Require of You? 275 Letters to the Editor 279 Those Who Are With Us – A Sermon byThe Rev. N. Bruce Rogers 285 Laughter – A Sermon by The Rev. Derek P. Elphick 291 Resurrection Address for The Rev. Kurt Horigan Asplundh The Rev. Kurt Hy. Asplundh 299 From the Bishop’s Office: ‘A Very Present Help in Trouble’ The Rt.