May 20 2014 Primary Election 5/23/18, 12 53 PM
May 20 2014 Primary Election 5/23/18, 1253 PM May 20 2014 Primary Election Results Clackamas County, Oregon Primary Election May 20, 2014 Official Final Cumulative Report List of Contests: . Registration and Turnout Registration and Completed Precincts: 118 of 118 Turnout Reg/Turnout Percentage Registration and Total Registered Voters 223,718 Turnout Republican Total Ballots Cast 69,231 30.9% Registration and Turnout Democrat Top United States Registration and Turnout Senator - Democrat Republican Representative in Congress, 3rd Completed Precincts: 118 of 118 District - Democrat Reg/Turnout Percentage Representative in Total Registered Voters 76,105 Congress, 5th District - Democrat Total Ballots Cast 28,962 38.1% Top Governor - Democrat Registration and Turnout State Senator, 13th Democrat District - Democrat Completed Precincts: 118 of 118 State Senator, 19th District - Democrat Reg/Turnout Percentage State Senator, 20th Total Registered Voters 82,721 District - Democrat Total Ballots Cast 29,500 35.7% State Senator, 24th Top District - Democrat United States Senator - Democrat Page 1 of 19 May 20 2014 Primary Election 5/23/18, 1253 PM State Senator, 26th Completed Precincts: 118 of 118 District - Democrat Vote Count Percentage State Representative, Jeff Merkley 24,955 90.9% 18th District - William Bryk 1,091 4.0% Democrat Pavel Goberman 916 3.3% State Representative, Write-in 484 1.8% 26th District - Top Democrat State Representative in Congress, 3rd District - Democrat Representative,