Numerical Solution of Initial Boundary Value Problems Involving Maxwell's
IEEE TRhTSACTIONS ON AXTEXXAS AND PROPAGATION VOL. AP-14, so. 3 MAY, 1Ybb V. CONCLUSION REFERENCES The characteristics of the waves guided along a plane [I] P. S. Epstein,“On the possibility of electromagneticsurface waves,” Proc. Nat’l dcad. Sciences, vol. 40, pp. 1158-1165, De- interface which separates a semi-infinite region of free cember 1954. [2] T. Tamir and A. A. Oliner, “The spectrum of electromagnetic space from that of a magnetoionic medium are investi- waves guided by a plasma layer,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 51, pp. 317- gated for the case in which the static magnetic field is 332, February 1963. orientedperpendicular to the plane interface. It is [3] &I. A. Gintsburg, “Surface waves on the boundary of a plasma in magnetica field,” Rasprost. Radwvoln i Ionosf., Trudy found that surface waves exist only when w,<wp and NIZMIRAN L’SSR, no. 17(27), pp. 208-215, 1960. that also only for angular frequencieswhich lie bet\\-een [4] S. R. Seshadri and A. Hessel, “Radiation from a source near a plane interface between an isotropic and a gyrotropic dielectric,” weand 1/42times the upper hybrid resonant frequency. Canad. J. Phys., vol. 42, pp. 2153-2172, November 1964. [5] G. H. Owpang and S. R. Seshadri, “Guided waves propagating The surfacewaves propagate with a phase velocity along the magnetostatic field at a planeboundary of asemi- which is always less than the velocityof electromagnetic infinitemagnetoionic medium,” IEEE Trans. on Miomave waves in free space.The attenuation rates normal to the Tbory and Techniques, vol. MTT-14, pp. 136144, March 1966.
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