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sn__ '•'%?$${*%• .*#*«9! * KPaptr fotfli w Gonscfeote* VOL. Xn., No. 2. yj HANNA, ALBERTA. THURSDAY, THURSDAY, DEO. 27, 1928. BIGHT PAGES $2.00 Per Year ia Advaaee. CURLING CLUB OLD TIMER OF SCHOOL REPORT FOR MONTHS OF J SELECT RINKS DISTRICT DIES NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER Play Will Start on Friday Night Be George Latham Passes Away in Min The public and high schools son, John Keehn, Francis MeCuaig^j tween Rinks Chosen by President neapolis Where He Had Gone For of Hanna occupies eight rooms, Jesse Bloom, Arthur Speer. and Vice-President Medical Treatment distributed ln four different build IV Jr.—Norah Eady, Evelyne Laugh ings with eight teachers. The at lln, Violet Morrison, E_raa Burkell, A general meeting of the Curling Geo. Latham, one of the pioneers tendance of pupils in the lower grades Bernard Fletcher. Club was held In the Rink last night, of the Hanna district, passed away in is very large, there being titty pupils in. Sr.—Mary Fehr, May Steeves. tho principal business being the choos Minneapolis, Minn., on Monday, Dec. in some rooms. The numbers in the Llllie Sim, Jean Meadows, Evelyn ing of rinks for the coming season's 24, death being attributed to heart high school grades are not quite as Henry. play. The following Is a list of the failure. large as last year. The total enrol Total enrolment 47. rinks chosen, and tho players will Mr. Latham had gone to Minneapolis ment ls 3S5. Room Five—J. W. .Derby, Teacher play in tho reverse order in which but a short time ago to receive medi In the last two months the attend Senior V—Ronald' Oldham, George their names appear: cal treatment for cancer of the face, ance has been regular; 114 pupils were Gordon, Mildred Sim, Clara Baltas, WALLEN: McCoy, Boniface, J. E. and the news of his death came as a Once again we all stand on the threshold of a New Year. What recorded with perfect attendance. Daniel Smith. Gosselin. surprise to his many friends in tho One pupil has not missed a halt day Junior V—Carol Mathe, Millicent LAURIE: Noble, Scott, Jensen. district. for two and one-half years. Bradley, Corey Robbins, Olive Burt, RUSSELL: McEwen, Vernon, Eadie. The late George Latham was born will it bring? What has it in store in the way of Prosperity and Hap Beginners for the primary room James Crosier. EWER: McFadyen, McArthur, Kolb. in Brockville, Ont., seventy-four years will be admitted from February 1st C. STEPHENS: Sinclair, J. Chis ago, and moved to Manitoba in 1882, + Grade IV—Elsie Harris, Roderfclle. piness? to 15th. Classes will be resumed on holm, Foote. and to the Hanna district ln 1909, be Penny, Graham Talmadge, Ger**l&J * Thursday, Jan. 3rd, at 9.30 a.m. - Zapfe, Ethel Robinson/ ROBINSON: McLeod, Palfrey, Fra ing one of the first settlers in this * district, his homestead being four + Total enrolment 42. ser. * Five highest in each grade for No miles south of town. * Room 8ix—E. 8. A. Partridge, Teacher SOWDEN: Fletcher, Pomeroy, and * None can answer. So we take the optimistic side of the question. vember and December, follows by * All over ,709. Mathe. He leaves to mourn his loss, five * rooms and grades: Grade 7 Senior—Florence Wilson, WATT: R. Robinson, Davidson and children, Lon, at Delborne; Mrs. A. * Room One—Mita V. Ledln, Teacher * We look for a most Happy and Prosperous New Year. With a smile Lois Poaps, Bertram Speer, Eleanor. Marsh. Hannah, of Hanna; Mrs. Peterson in * Grade I A—Chessal Haker-Russel * Lewis. Alec Birch. MASON: Abbott, Laughlin, Brooker. Washington; Norman and Miss Rose, * Osborne, Aileen Webb-Virginia San * Grade 7-Junior- Jerk Oldham, M*l- JOHNSTON: Hodds, Martin, Buck who are residing on the farm. His we face it. We hope you take the same stand. born. Donald Stirling. Doris Tant, * vin Farnham-Laura Matyfcr, George borough. wife pre-deceased him two years ago. Wilms Leslie-Lester Larsen. Blair, John Junker, _ Blair SHARKEY: C. Fleming, Jim Darl Miss Rose Latham left on Monday * I B—Mary Morrison, Sarah Fehr, * Grade 6—Dennis Healy. itoy Iu>l.1n- ing, Baxendale. night's train for Minneapolis to bring + Lilian Knutson, Inez Harris, Gordon son, Robert Gordon, Charlie i.obinHon, ORMOND: Jack Darling, Fooks, O- back tbe remains for interment ln the Our Best Wishes are that the New Year will bring you no Stanlcy-Bobbit Gwin. Borghilde Knutson. Sullivan. Hanna cemetery. Total enrolment 44. Total enrolment 46. BURROWS: Brady, Seaman, Burt. end of Success and Greater Happiness Room Two—MIM K. Buckler, Teacher POAPS: E. R. Brown, J. O'Connor, Jr. I—Sarah Ushkatz, Ernest Pen Room Seven—A. W. Prime; Teacl-er Derby. LONEBUTTE ny, Carrie McGowan, Willlard Zapfe, Grade 8—Faye Tillotson;'' Russell ODELL: Adams, G. R. Murphy and Billy Bell. Crawford, Lloyd Zapfe, Charles Eady, Eagleson. Jr. II—Leslie Croutch, Florence Doris Peters. (Special to The Herald) STEWART: Carswell, Kofoed, Reid. Beckwith, Sam Ushkatz, Bertha Cars- Grade 9—Marjorie Reid, Nora Han LONEBUTTE, Dec. 22.—A general OLDHAM: G. Fleming, Rosenbaum, well, Margaret German. nah, Elma Tingle, Lydia Scarlett, Wal meeting of the U.F.A. was held on Williams. Sr. I—Violet Crawford, Margaret ter Slinn. Saturday, Dec. 22, when a good turn POWER: C. Smart, Smilie, James. Bond, Marian Morley, John Hannah, Total enrolment 37. out of members attended. J. STEPHENS: J. T. Hamilton, San Harvey Mitton. Room Eight—W. B, Poaps, Teacher W. W. Sim occupied the chair and born, Morley. Total enrolment 50. in a short speech eulogized the organi X., A.—Annie McCuaig. 58; H.ldred DYER: Jones, L. Gosselin, H. Bart Room Three—Miss H. Venus, Teacher zation for what it had accomplished Fraser, 56. man. Grade II Junior—Laura Penny, Al: X.jB—James Blair, jj^ COUGHLIN: Moss, Yavis, Hanne- through the provincial and federal gan. governments, mentioning the provin icO Cyril Tingle and Whitney Derby, ^tt Wade, ffSTen Ru&sell STIRLING: Klrby, Duncan, Swan- cial survey board, reduced borrowings, each; Myrtle Macdonald 62; Edith development of western route, coal to I Grade 0 Senior—Gym Ark, Mildred son. Smith, 68. Hannah, Tillie Meyer, Millar Donald WADE: J. McLeod, McQueen, Car Ontario, etc. They had made mis XI., A. (2 years)—Marie Birch 75 son, Everett Donaldson. rier. takes, all governments do. He called (honors), Ruby Meadows 49. Grade II Junior—Francis Carter, STANLEY—Holmes, Crowle, Dou upon the farmers to stand by their or XI., B, 1st year—Maymie HOI 60. Anna Leslie, Jean Blair, Olga Smith, nais!. ganization—united we stand, divided Winifred Winkles 59, Mary Hanegan wc fall. Joan Hope. Scheduled Games Total enrolment 48. 57, Hermenia Carrier 56, Veryl Steeves The following is a list of scheduled E. J. Garland, M.P., who was pres 65. ent, was called upon to address the Room Four—Miss Foreman, Teacher games for tomorrow and Saturday IV Sr.—Marion Watt, Ralph Jamie- Total enrolment 29. night's play, between rinks chosen by meeting, and he was received with enthusiasm. Mr. Garland dealt with tho president and vice-president: the general business of the last ses FRIDAY, DEC. 28 sion, viz immigration, banking, pros Pres. Vice. perity of Canada, conditions of west, CASH GRAIN TICKETS 7 o'clock national debts, sales tax, methods of Wade, J. R. Stephens, J. SKATING RINK ARE TAXABLE RECEIPTS GIVE OUT DRAFT financing and why not finance our Odell, J. Oldham, J. N. own industries. He urged that public In last week's issue of the Herald we WASHINGTON—Heretofore I have drouth in spots were expected; they Russell, G. A. Power, G. opinion be aroused, that we should re DRAWS CROWDS reprinted an article from the Grain OF LIQUOR BUI claimed that my forecasts were, as av came and were severe north ot San 9 o'clock vitalize our organization, and empha Grower's Guide re stamps being af erages for a year, about two-thirds Francisco and in eastern sections. The " Stanley R. Robinson, S. sized how necessary it was for thorn During Last Few Days Ice Has Been In fixed to grain tickets, but in the last Beer Will Be Sold By Glass or Bottle good, or two good to one bad. That, of principal damage to winter grain is Dyer, A. Ormond, L. E. ta have the loyal support of those Ilia: Good Condition—Under Manage issue of the Guide appears a further on Premises Licensed For course, would be bettor than guessing expected during the last three months. Stephens, C. Ewer, D. placed them there. He was quite op ment of Curling Club articlo on this subject, and we are That Purpose and be of great value in many ways. Jan. 16 to April 15. SATURDAY, DEC. 29 timism re the Influx of membership herewith reproducing lt for the benefit But I expect better work for 1924. First ten days of January promise 7 o'clock The skating rink has been opened through the various locals he had of those interested: A statement covering the general Earth is now moving toward Mars, an average of Colder than usual wtth •Sowden, C. for the season and during the last few Sharkey, W. met and credited the organization "A number of enquiries having como lines of the new liquor bill tc-be sub Jupiter and Saturn and they are mov a warm wave in western Canada and days large numbers have availed them Watt, S. G Wallen, B. with the stabilization of wheat prices to the Guide with regard to the stamp mitted by the government, was issued ing toward their perihelions, or to the States west of Great Lakes near selves of the opportunity to indulge Stewart, J.