SCHOLARSHIP STORIES • ART FROM MANY CULTURES • KU AND CANCER FOR FRIENDS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF K ANSAS • SPRING 2007 • kuENDOWMENT.ORG VISIONS OF KU Don’t let their outlandish poses fool you. The students surrounding Chancellor Robert Hemenway were among the brightest incoming freshmen at KU last fall. Each year, the Chancellors Club honors 16 National Merit Finalists with scholarships funded by the Greater KU Fund. Left group, top to bottom: Ryan Schirmer, Emily Tonsfeldt, Laura Edwards (orange shirt), Nameer Baker and Allison Akins. Center group, top to bottom: Kathleen Polonchek, Chris Hinton, Chancellor Hemenway, Tim Schisler (sunglasses), Chris Bohling, Thora Whitmore and Kyle Moller. Right group, top to bottom: Brian Mason (on pillar), Justin Leverett, Rebecca Getman, Brenna Daldorph and Lynne Lammers (pink shirt). PHOTO BY EARL RICHARDSON KU GIVING KU Giving is published three times a year, in spring, fall and winter, by KU Endowment, the private fundraising foundation for the University of Kansas. You are receiving this magazine because you support KU. We welcome your comments, suggestions and questions. Contact the editor at
[email protected] or 800-444-4201. BUILDING a greater university: KU Endowment’s mission is to solicit, receive and administer gifts and bequests for the support and advancement of the University of Kansas. SPRING 2007 I VOLUME 1 I NUMBER 1 12 Graduate student Molly McVey studies the biomechanics of balance. 22 Fighting cancer is KU’s number-one priority. 12 The direction of their dreams DEPARTMENTS Scholarships do more than ease financial burdens. They say “yes” 3 PRESIDENT’S NOTE to students’ choices and successes, building confidence that helps 4 ACROSS KU them find their path.