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Spinoff Series Of

PARIS - MANILA - NEW YORK, 08.06.2018, 07:41 Time

USPA NEWS - FOX+ presents The Good Fight. Following the highly acclaimed Political Drama The Good Wife is Spinoff-Sequel The Good Fight. Christine Baranski reprises her Role as Diane Lockhart who now takes Center Stage in this Follow-Up Show, which is still led by Creators Robert and Michelle King. Taking Place a year after the Finale of The Good Wife, Viewers follow Christine as she is pushed out of her Law Firm after a Financial Scam destroys both her Savings and the Reputation of her Goddaughter. The Tragedy then causes the Two to join one of Chicago's Leading Law Firms.

FOX+ presents The Good Fight. Following the highly acclaimed Political Drama The Good Wife is Spinoff-Sequel The Good Fight. Christine Baranski reprises her Role as Diane Lockhart who now takes Center Stage in this Follow-Up Show, which is still led by Creators Robert and Michelle King. Taking Place a year after the Finale of The Good Wife, Viewers follow Christine as she is pushed out of her Law Firm after a Financial Scam destroys both her Savings and the Reputation of her Goddaughter. The Tragedy then causes the Two to join one of Chicago's Leading Law Firms.

Currently finishing its Second Season, The Good Fight has received Positive Reviews and Plenty of Praises from Critics and Viewers alike. Just like its Predecessor, The Good Wife, many have admired The Good Fight for its Story Arcs and overall Themes.

While Many Spinoffs don't necessarily make it very far and are often written off by Viewers, The Good Fight surprised Audiences by standing its Own and Delivering Great Entertainment. While Fans everywhere are highly anticipating the Finale of the Second Season, the Show proves that Some Things can indeed get better The Second time around.

Source : FOX+

Ruby BIRD Yasmina BEDDOU

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