Genesis 5 CSB This is the document containing the family records of . On the day that God created man, he made him in the likeness of God; he created them male and female. When they were created, he blessed them and called them mankind. Genesis 5 CSB Adam was 130 years old when he fathered a son in his likeness, according to his image, and named him . Adam lived 800 years after he fathered Seth, and he fathered other sons and daughters. So Adam’s life lasted 930 years; then he died. Seth was 105 years old when he fathered Enosh. Genesis 5 CSB Seth lived 807 years after he fathered Enosh, and he fathered other sons and daughters. So Seth’s life lasted 912 years; then he died. Enosh was 90 years old when he fathered . Enosh lived 815 years after he fathered Kenan, and he fathered other sons and daughters. So Enosh’s life lasted 905 years; then he died. Genesis 5 CSB Kenan was 70 years old when he fathered . Kenan lived 840 years after he fathered Mahalalel, and he fathered other sons and daughters. So Kenan’s life lasted 910 years; then he died. Mahalalel was 65 years old when he fathered . Mahalalel lived 830 years after he fathered Jared, and he fathered other sons and daughters. Genesis 5 CSB So Mahalalel’s life lasted 895 years; then he died. Jared was 162 years old when he fathered . Jared lived 800 years after he fathered Enoch, and he fathered other sons and daughters. So Jared’s life lasted 962 years; then he died. Enoch was 65 years old when he fathered . Genesis 5 CSB And after he fathered Methuselah, Enoch walked with God 300 years and fathered other sons and daughters. So Enoch’s life lasted 365 years. Enoch walked with God; then he was not there because God took him. Methuselah was 187 years old when he fathered . Genesis 5 CSB Methuselah lived 782 years after he fathered Lamech, and he fathered other sons and daughters. So Methuselah’s life lasted 969 years; then he died. Lamech was 182 years old when he fathered a son. And he named him , saying, “This one will bring us relief from the agonizing labor of our hands, caused by the ground the Lord has cursed.” Genesis 5 CSB Lamech lived 595 years after he fathered Noah, and he fathered other sons and daughters. So Lamech’s life lasted 777 years; then he died. Noah was 500 years old, and he fathered , , and . Step into the Walk Step into the Walk •Step in Purpose Genesis 5:1–3 CSB This is the document containing the family records of Adam. On the day that God created man, he made him in the likeness of God; he created them male and female. When they were created, he blessed them and called them mankind. Genesis 5:1–3 CSB Adam was 130 years old when he fathered a son in his likeness, according to his image, and named him Seth. Step into the Walk •Step in Purpose Step into the Walk •Step in Purpose •Step in Faith Genesis 5:21–24 CSB Enoch was 65 years old when he fathered Methuselah. And after he fathered Methuselah, Enoch walked with God 300 years and fathered other sons and daughters. So Enoch’s life lasted 365 years. Enoch walked with God; then he was not there because God took him. Hebrews 11:5 CSB By faith Enoch was taken away, and so he did not experience death. He was not to be found because God took him away. For before he was taken away, he was approved as one who pleased God. Hebrews 11:6 CSB Now without faith it is impossible to please God, since the one who draws near to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him. “Luv is a Verb” -DC Talk 1 John 3:18 CSB Little children, let us not love in word or speech, but in action and in truth. Step into the Walk •Step in Purpose •Step in Faith Step into the Walk •Step in Purpose •Step in Faith •Step in Boldness Jude 14–15 CSB It was about these that Enoch, in the seventh generation from Adam, prophesied: “Look! The Lord comes with tens of thousands of his holy ones to execute judgment on all and to convict all the ungodly concerning all the ungodly acts that they have done in an ungodly way, and concerning all the harsh things ungodly sinners have said against him.” Step into the Walk •Step in Purpose •Step in Faith •Step in Boldness Step into the Walk •Step in Purpose •Step in Faith •Step in Boldness •Step in Hope Genesis 5:25–32 CSB Methuselah was 187 years old when he fathered Lamech. Methuselah lived 782 years after he fathered Lamech, and he fathered other sons and daughters. So Methuselah’s life lasted 969 years; then he died. Lamech was 182 years old when he fathered a son. Genesis 5:25–32 CSB And he named him Noah, saying, “This one will bring us relief from the agonizing labor of our hands, caused by the ground the Lord has cursed.” Lamech lived 595 years after he fathered Noah, and he fathered other sons and daughters. So Lamech’s life lasted 777 years; then he died. Genesis 5:25–32 CSB Noah was 500 years old, and he fathered Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Step into the Walk •Step in Purpose •Step in Faith •Step in Boldness •Step in Hope Step into the Walk •Step in Purpose •Step in Faith •Step in Boldness •Step in Hope •A Story in Names Adam = Mankind Seth = Substituted/Put Enosh = Mortal Kenan = Nest or Dwelling Mahalalel = Praiseworthy God Jared = Descent or Come Down Enoch = Teach or Initiate Methuselah = At his death a sending or shooting forth Lamech = (Meaning is lost here) Noah = Peace or Rest Man put on mortality as his dwelling.

The praiseworthy God came down to teach and at the fullness of his time there was a sending forth that there might be peace, rest.