Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Friday
COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5,2001 SESSION OF 2001 185TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 47 SENATE MEMBER OF THE ERIE COUNTY CONVENTION CENTER AUTHORITY FRIDAY, October 5, 2001 The Senate met at 1 p.m., Eastern Daylight Saving Time. October 2, 200I The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mary Jo White) in the Chair. To the Honorable, the Senate ofthe Commonwealth ofPennsylvania: PRAYER In confonnity with law, I have the honor hereby to nominate for the advice and consent ofthe Senate, Roger W. Richards, 969 Dutch Road, The Chaplain, The Most Reverend JOSEPH V. ADAMEC, Fairview 16415, Erie County, Forty-ninth Senatorial District, for ap Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Altoona and pointment as a member ofthe Erie County Convention Center Author Johnstown, offered the following prayer: ity, to serve for a tenn offour years and until his successor is appointed and qualified, newly created pursuant to section 2399.4 ofthe Third Blessed are You, Lord, God ofall creation, whose goodness Class County Convention Center Authority Act. fills our hearts with joy. In You all things have their beginning, THOMAS 1. RIDGE continuation, and end. Grace us with Your saving presence. You Governor have brought us together this day to witness the inauguration of new leadership for this Commonwealth ofPennsylvania. We pray MEMBER OF THE ERIE COUNTY that what is begun this day with Your inspiration, may continue CONVENTION CENTER AUTHORITY with Your help. Strengthen Your servant Robert with Your grace and wisdom, October 2, 200I that he might always work toward harmony, justice, and peace for Your people.
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