Cai HH. Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies Approved by FDA In

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Cai HH. Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies Approved by FDA In MOJ Immunology Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies Approved by FDA in 2016 Mini Review Mini Review In 1975, Monoclonal antibody (mAb) technique was created by Georges Köhler, César Milstein, and Niels Kaj Jerne by using Volume 5 Issue 1 - 2017 mouse x mouse hybridoma; they shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1984 for the discovery. 8 years later, Medical Director, Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety, USA (trade name Orthoclone OKT3) to reduce acute rejection in in 1992 FDA approved first therapeutic mAb Muromonab-CD3 *Corresponding author: Henry Hongrong Cai, Medical patients with organ transplants, since then, as of January 11, Director, Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety, inVentiv Health 2017, FDA has approved 68 therapeutic mAbs [1]. Among them, in Clinical, 95 Cynthia Road Newton, MA 02459, USA, Tel: 2015, FDA totally approved 10 therapeutic monoclonal antibodies 1-617-584-6628; Email: again FDA approved 10 therapeutic antibodies. This mini review Received: January 13, 2017 | Published: January 20, 2017 [2], it is historical high since first approval in 1992; in 2016, once in 2016 by FDA [3-12], (Table 1&2). focuses briefly on the characteristics of the antibodies approved Table 1: Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies Approved by FDA in 2016. Drug Name Active Ingredients Company Approval Date Anthim Obiltoxaximab Elusys Therapeutics Inc 3/18/2016 Taltz Ixekizumab Eli Lilly and Co 3/22/2016 Cinqair Reslizumab Teva Respiratory Llc 3/23/2016 Tecentriq Atezolizumab Genentech Inc 5/18/2016 Zinbryta Daclizumab Biogen 5/27/2016 Amjevita Adalimumab-Atto Amgen Inc 9/23/2016 Stelara Ustekinumab Janssen Biotech 9/23/2016 Tecentriq Atezolizumab Genentech Inc 10/18/2016 Lartruvo Olaratumab Eli Lilly and Co 10/19/2016 Zinplava Bezlotoxumab Merck Sharp Dohme 10/21/2016 Table 2: Some Characteristics of the Therapeutic Mab Approved by FDA in 2016. Drug Name Indications and Usage Warnings and Precautions Mechanism of Action Hypersensitivity reactions, including Against the protective Anthim Inhalational anthrax due to B. anthracis anaphylaxis antigen of Bacillus anthracis Infection; Tuberculosis (TB); Hypersensitivity; Taltz Moderate to severe plaque psoriasis Interleukin-17A antagonist Add-on maintenance treatment of Cinqair InflammatoryAnaphylaxis Bowel Disease Interleukin-5 antagonist patients with severe asthma Locally advanced or metastatic urothelial Programmed death- ligand 1 Tecentriq Immune-related disorders carcinoma PD-L1 blocking Hepatic injury and Other Immune-Mediated Interleukin-2 receptor Zinbryta Relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (MS) Disorders blocking Submit Manuscript | MOJ Immunol 2017, 5(1): 00145 Copyright: Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies Approved by FDA in 2016 ©2017 Cai et al. 2/2 Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA); Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA); Ankylosing Spondylitis Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) Amjevita Serious infection and malignancy (AS); Adult Crohn’s Disease (CD); blocker Ulcerative Colitis (UC); Plaque Psoriasis (Ps) Moderate to severe plaque psoriasis (Ps); Serious infection and malignancy Reversible Interleukin-12 and -23 Stelara active psoriatic arthritis (PsA); active Posterior Leukoencephalopathy Syndrome antagonist Crohn’s disease (CD) (RPLS) Locally advanced or metastatic urothelial Programmed death-ligand 1 Tecentriq carcinoma; Metastatic non-small cell lung Immune-related disorders (PD-L1) blocking cancer Platelet-derived growth Infusion-Related Reactions; Embryo-Fetal Lartruvo Soft tissue sarcoma (STS) factor receptor alpha Toxicity (PDGFR-α) blocking Zinplava Heart Failure infection (CDI) toxin B Reduce recurrence of Clostridium difficile Binding Clostridium difficile References 7. label/2016/761029s000lbl.pdf 1. Cai HH (2014) Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy for Approved Therapeutic Antibodies. MOJ Immunology 1(5): 00028. 8. nda/2016/761024Orig1s000Lbl.pdf 2. Cai HH (2016) Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies Approved by FDA in 2015. MOJ Immunol 3(2): 00087. 9. label/2016/761044lbl.pdf 3. label/2016/125509lbl.pdf 10. label/2016/761041s000lbl.pdf 4. label/2016/125521s000lbl.pdf 11. label/2016/761038lbl.pdf 5. label/2016/761033lbl.pdf 12. label/2016/761046s000lbl.pdf 6. label/2016/761034Orig1s000lbl.pdf Citation: Cai HH (2017) Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies Approved by FDA in 2016. MOJ Immunol 5(1): 00145. DOI: 10.15406/moji.2017.05.00145.
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