The Expositor's Bible
the; BOOK OF EXODUS BY THE RIGHT REV. 3- A. CHADWICK, D.D., Bishop of Derry AUTHOR OF "THE GOSPEL OF ST. MARK," ETC NEW YORK C. ARMSTRONG AND SON 3 and 5 West Eighteenth Street London: Hodder and Stoughton 1903 PREFACE. MUCH is now denied or doubted, within the Church itself, concerning the Book of Exodus, which was formerly accepted with confidence by all Christians. But one thing can neither be doubted nor denied. Jesus Christ did certainly treat this book, taking it as He found it, as possessed of spiritual authority, a sacred scripture. He taught His disciples to regard it thus, and they did so. Therefore, however widely His followers may differ about its date and origin, they must admit the right of a Christian teacher to treat this book, taking it as he finds it, as a sacred scripture and invested with spiritual authority. It is the legitimate subject of exposition in the Church. Such work this volume strives, howler imper- fectly, to perform. Its object is to edify in the first place, and also, but in the second place, to inform. Nor has the author consciously shrunk from saying what seemed to him proper to be said because the utterance would be unwelcome, either to the latest critical theory, or to the last sensational gospel of an hour. But sines controversv has not been sought, b PREFACE. although exposition has not been suppressed when it carried weapons, by far the greater part of the volume appeals to all who accept their Bible as, in any true sense, a gift from God.
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