Master Thesis Computer Science Thesis no: MCS-2008-2 January 2008 Pathfinding with Hard Constraints - Mobile Systems and Real Time Strategy Games Combined Erdtman, Samuel & Fylling, Johan Department of Interaction and System Design School of Engineering Blekinge Institute of Technology Box 520 SE – 372 25 Ronneby Sweden Contact Information: Author(s): Johan Fylling, Samuel Erdtman
[email protected],
[email protected] External advisor(s): Alexander Ekvall Pixelknights AB
[email protected] University advisor(s): Rune Gustavsson Department of Interaction and System Design Department of Internet : Interaction and System Design Phone : + 46 457 38 50 00 Blekinge Institute of Technology Fax : + 46 457 102 45 Box 520 SE – 372 25 Ronneby Sweden ABSTRACT There is an abundance of pathfinding solutions, but are any of those solutions suitable for usage in a real time strategy (RTS) game designed for mobile systems with limited processing and storage capabilities (such as the Nintendo DS, PSP, cellular phones, etc.)? The RTS domain puts great requirements on the pathfinding mechanics used in the game; in the form of de- mands on responsiveness and path optimality. Furthermore, the Nintendo DS, and its portable, distant relatives, bring hard con- straints on the processing- and memory resources available to said mechanics. This master thesis aims to find a pathfinding solution well suited to function within the above mentioned, narrow domain. From a broad selection of candidate solutions, a few promising subjects are treated to an investigative empirical study; with the goal of finding the best “fitting” solution, considering the domain. The empirical study shows that the triangle-based TRA* solution and the hierarchical-abstraction influenced Minimal Memory so- lution are both very promising candidates.