Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission NATURALLY KENTUCKY

Number 27. July/August/September 1998

actually prey on a great variety of labyrinth of narrow tunnels beneath Kentucky's invertebrates including , the leaf litter of the forest floor or the earthworms, and snails. Most thick grass and weeds of edges and shrewd species also will feed to some extent on fencerows. For this reason their eyes seeds, berries and other vegetable are tiny and of little use. Their sense — the Soricids material, especially in winter. The of smell is thought to be poor, as well. northern short-tailed (Blarina But their sense of touch is well devel- By Brainard Palmer-Ball brevicauda), our largest species at oped using the tactile hairs on their about five inches in length, is a long, flexible snouts. The ears are The Bluegrass state is rich in wildlife. voracious predator for its size. It will typically hidden within the fur, but More than 450 species of terrestrial attack and eat other small mammals, their hearing seems to be acute and is vertebrates are known to occur as including some considerably larger likely used in locating prey. residents or regular transients within than itself. Such large prey is secured have scent glands that the state including about 100 amphib- in part utilizing a type of poison that release a musky secretion that serves in ians and reptiles, more than 300 birds, is administered with each bite. The communicating territorial boundaries and nearly 70 mammals. Among the poison is secreted from salivary glands and reproductive status, and may deter mammalian species, eight occur in a in the jaws and apparently slows the some predators. Most have grayish or family known as the Soricidae, or heart and breathing rate of prey and brownish, silky fur that is very soft to shrews. This little-known group is partially immobilizes them. the touch. Somewhere within their remarkable in several respects, making them among our most intriguing . Shrews are sort of like bumblebees, which — according to the laws of physics — apparently should not be able to fly. With shrews, it's the fact that they survive at all that is a miracle. The respiratory rate of shrews has been recorded to be 140 or more breaths per minute at rest and as high as 850 per minute when active! With a metabolism like the engine of a race car, shrews require so much fuel that they must continually forage while awake to survive. Indeed, shrews left in captivity without food often perish within a few hours. With such an Northern short-tailed shrew Photo by John MacGregor active life, these tiny mammals don't last long in the world; most probably Shrews are busy around the system of tunnels they construct a cozy live only about a year. clock, but they seem to be most active nest that lies at or just beneath ground Shrews are somewhat similar at night. Unlike many mammals they level in which they live year-round. to moles but they are smaller and do don't seem to hibernate, remaining Like other mammals, they give birth not have enlarged feet specialized for active and continuing to feed beneath to live young and nurse them as they digging. Together the two groups the ground throughout the winter. At grow. Up to three litters of 3-10 make up the taxonomic order most any time during the day or year young are raised each year. Insectivora. As the name implies shrews can be found somewhere in a shrews eat many insects, but they continued on page 3 th months of the year into full-time his help over the years, and look Highlights of the 96 positions. Consequently, we will be forward to his continuing advice and Meeting of the able to keep year-round four of our counsel in his capacity as one of our dedicated employees whom we have officially appointed “advisors”. Com- Kentucky State Nature previously had to “lay off” for one missioner Martin was instrumental in Preserves Commission month out of every year. helping KSNPC acquire the large tract Another important develop- of old-growth forest we own at Blanton by Barry Howard ment relating to our staffing level is the Forest, and he was a guiding force creation of a new full-time position for behind the creation of the Kentucky Commissioners and many staff a Pine Mountain Nature Preserves Heritage Land Conservation Fund. members traveled to Murray State Manager. This position was created by Both of these achievements continue to University on June 16 for the quarterly the General Assembly, and we are very be of enormous value to the preserva- meeting of the Kentucky State Nature grateful to our friends in the legislature tion of the biodiversity of Kentucky. Preserves Commission (KSNPC). All who have given us additional resources Hugh Archer is the incoming of us at the Commission are thankful to protect some very important places DNR Commissioner and is also a long- for the opportunity to hold one of our along Pine Mountain in southeastern time friend of KSNPC. Hugh’s com- meetings at such a fine University. We Kentucky. The Pine Mountain mitment to preserving Kentucky’s also appreciate the Murray faculty preserves are some of the most biologi- significant natural areas dates back members and students who were able cally and aesthetically significant places many years. Hugh was the first director to attend this meeting and participate in Kentucky. of the Kentucky Chapter of the Nature in our field trip to Terrapin Creek One sad note relating to our Conservancy, back in the days when State Nature Preserve the next day. employees is the pending departure of KSNPC and TNC actually worked out Among its many attributes, Teresa Prather and Sandy Vasenda. of the same building! He helped Murray State University is home to Teresa has served the Commission for preserve places such as Bad Branch and the Mid-America Remote Sensing almost three years as executive assistant in subsequent years served as chairman Center, and it owns and manages to the director and as special projects of our Commission. During Hugh’s Murphy’s Pond, one of Kentucky’s coordinator. One of the many things tenure as director of the Kentucky most significant natural areas. she does for us is organize, edit, and River Authority, the River Authority publish this newsletter! Teresa is purchased and KSNPC dedicated the Personnel leaving for a new challenge with the Kentucky River Authority Palisades As most of you know, the Commis- state Department of Agriculture. Sandy State Nature Preserve. We very much sion is currently in the process of Vasenda has been our data manager for look forward to working with Hugh in searching for and selecting a new over a year and has decided to follow his new capacity as Commissioner of executive director. The job announce- her heart to the Center for Institu- DNR. ment for this position was widely tions, Population, and Environmental distributed and the closing date for Change at Indiana University in Preserve Designs applications was June 10. The Com- Bloomington. Teresa and Sandy have Staff presented preserve designs to our missioners announced at the meeting been very devoted to the work of Commissioners for three sites, all of that they would now begin the process KSNPC and we already miss them. which represent updates or expansions of reviewing applications and selecting to existing state nature preserves. In the director. This should proceed Department for Natural Resources simplest terms, a “preserve design” is a swiftly, and we anticipate a new Commissioner package of information consisting of director coming on board by the next Dr. Bill Martin is leaving state govern- maps, data, and descriptive material Commission meeting. We should be ment to return to Eastern Kentucky which identifies and describes the able to report to you the name of this University. Dr. Martin served as biological significance of a natural area. individual in our next newsletter! Commissioner of the Department for This is the first step in identifying land The Commissioners were Natural Resources (DNR) for six years. that may one day become part of our notified that, as a result of legislation Although KSNPC is an independent state nature preserves system. passed during the recently concluded agency of state government, we are Preserve designs approved at this session of the Kentucky General “administratively attached” to the meeting were those for Axe Lake Assembly, KSNPC will soon have Department for Natural Resources Swamp (Ballard County), White Oak several additional full-time employees. within the Natural Resources and Creek (adjacent to KRA Palisades State This legislation converted seasonal Environmental Protection Cabinet. positions that were staffed for 11 We are grateful to Dr. Martin for all of continued on page 5

2 - NATURALLY KENTUCKY Kentucky's shrewd mammals - the the smoky shrew ( fumeus) and the loss. The key to protecting our rare Soricids pygmy shrew (Sorex hoyi). The latter shrews is preserving large tracts of continued from page 1 species occurs primarily in eastern Ken- their preferred mature forest tucky, but a few inhabit the knobs and habitats. The Commission's Several Kentucky shrews are ravines west towards Land Between the extensive efforts at protecting quite common and widely distributed; Lakes. The pygmy shrew is the natural communities in the especially widespread are two closely continent's smallest , typically Cumberland Mountains have been related species in the genus Blarina. measuring less than 70 mm in total length successful in preserving habitat for Apparently the Tennessee River has (of which about 25 mm is tail); the these unique creatures — and many served as a barrier to genetic flow average body size is the length of the others. between the shrews on either side of it typed words 'Land Between the Lakes'! for long enough that they are now Two other shrews are restricted considered distinct species — the enough in range in Kentucky that the northern (B. brevicauda) and southern KSNPC 1998 Field Trip Information

Natural Bridge SPNP Powell County - August 22 Limit 20; moderate hike. Reservation deadline: August 1.

Eastview Barrens SNP Hardin County - October 10 Limit 20; moderate hike Reservation deadline: September 25.

Pilot Knob SNP Masked shrew Photo by John MacGregor Powell County - November 7 Limit 20; difficult hike. Commission monitors their status. The Reservation deadline: October 19. (B. carolinensis) short-tailed shrew. masked shrew (Sorex cinereus) is consid- Short-tailed shrews are the ones most ered of Special Concern. There are two Tours are limited and reservations commonly encountered by humans, distinct areas where this occurs in will be taken on a first come, first- resembling a tiny, dark gray mole to Kentucky. One is in the cool, deciduous served basis. Contact Karen most people. They have adapted well forests of the Cumberland Mountains, the Gossett at (502)573-2886 for to the changes that we have made to other is in the bottomland forests of the reservations. the landscape and are often brought in Ohio River floodplain in the Shawnee by roaming house cats. Hills. These two populations represent The least shrew (Cryptotis distinct subspecies. The long-tailed, or Field Trip Ratings parva) isn't really our smallest shrew, rock, shrew, (Sorex dispar, KSNPC but it does occur statewide in grassy Threatened) is known in Kentucky only moderate…Generally easy with a fields and woodland edges. It has a from Pine Mountain, where it has been comfortable pace. Must be able to shorter tail and lighter belly fur than documented at several sites in Harlan and negotiate occasional steep slope or members of the genus Sorex. The Letcher counties. Why it is restricted to rough trial. southeastern shrew (Sorex longirostris) Pine Mountain is currently a mystery, but is not as widespread as the least shrew a concerted effort to find the rock shrew difficult…More endurance required but it also favors woodland edges and in other parts of southeastern Kentucky to negotiate longer distances and abandoned fields, especially if they are has to this point failed. longer stretches of steep slopes and moist. Shrews are eaten by a variety of rough trail. Two shrews are relatively predators, especially , but the only common in woodlands of the state, real threat to their existence is habitat

NATURALLY KENTUCKY - 3 Bug Revelations at ered the most intolerant to water the insect community because of pollution, the greater the number of physical and chemical changes in the Natural Bridge SPNP EPT species the better the water stream, and the loss of a renewable by Ellis L. Laudermilk and quality. Many aquatic insect species food source. For example, with the Ronald R. Cicerello have been assigned tolerance values canopy cover gone, sunlight could artwork by Mary Walter based on their susceptibility to water penetrate to the stream causing an pollution, and these values may be used increase in water temperature. Sedi- Bugs are not usually ranked among the to calculate a biotic index which mentation would increase initially with most desirable of friends by the average considers all or a significant number of the removal of the trees and leaves on person. In fact, many people prefer to species from a site. Low biotic index the ground. The food source for the avoid interactions with bugs at all values reflect high water quality, while shredders would be greatly reduced. costs. However, during our recent high values reflect poor water quality. With these changes, other insects that investigation of the aquatic insect We used the North Carolina Biotic are more tolerant of temperature ("bug") community of Index (NCBI), so named because it increases, higher sediment loads, and Upper and Lower was developed in North Carolina. that do not require intact leaves would Hood branches in The two streams yielded 63 begin to colonize the stream, displac- Natural Bridge kinds of bugs. Of these, 43 (68%) ing the usual inhabitants. These State Park Na- ture were caddisflies, mayflies, or stoneflies. invaders are classified as generalist Preserve, we discov- The NCBI values were low ranging species, meaning they can live just ered secrets about the from 1.3 to 2.9, well below the 4.2 about anywhere because they have an preserve that only value indicative of excellent water ability to use a wide range of resources. the bugs could reveal. quality. These data, and information The physical and chemical changes, in S o , what could the from previous studies, strongly suggest association with a change in the insect bug community of that both streams are among the best community, may lead to changes in the these two small in the Kentucky River drainage. species composition of organisms up streams tell us? But what else can be learned the food web (i.e., fishes). Ultimately, Actually, investigations by examining the species composition the community would change from a of aquatic insect commu- of the community? Many species of composition of predominately special- nities can yield very useful information aquatic insects that live in small, ized members that are dependent on about the water quality and overall forested streams are primarily depen- other specialized health of a watershed. They may be dent upon the fall leaf-drop for members to one more useful than periodic monitoring food. This group of organisms containing mostly of water quality through chemical is collectively referred to as generalists, with analysis because the bugs live in the "shredders" because they fewer species stream year-round. In some cases, specialize in feeding on overall. short-term pollution events (e.g., (shredding) leaves or other Conse- chemical spills) are not detected by organic matter. During this quently, by chemical analysis, but the bugs are process, smaller pieces not periodically examin- affected. They may also be affected by utilized by the shredders drift ing aquatic insect acute pollution events, or chronic downstream. Therefore, one of their communities pollutants in low amounts. roles in the community is to break one can deter- Summarizing aquatic insect down leaves into smaller components, mine, to some degree, data in the form of various metrics or so insects living downstream can take the history of a watershed. indices (i.e., number of species, advantage of a food source not utilized From all indications, the aquatic insect number of pollution-sensitive species, by their upstream associates. Because community in Upper and Lower Hood etc.) allows one to compare streams of the stable nature of the forest in the branches is very healthy and stable. which are similar in size and to assess preserve, a dependable and renewable However, we have only collected the the overall quality of the stream source of leaves is available. Conse- baseline data, which may now be used ecosystem, providing standard sam- quently, some shredder species have a for comparative purposes in future pling methods and schedules are competitive advantage over other investigations. Will the community followed. A commonly used index is species, and were found in both characteristics change? Only time and the number of species classified as streams. the bugs will tell. caddisflies, mayflies, or stoneflies (EPT However, removal of the trees Index). Since these groups are consid- would bring about major changes in continued on page 5

4 - NATURALLY KENTUCKY Bug Revelations Highlights of 96th KSNPC meeting Gap continued from page 4 continued from page 2 After the Commission meeting, Nature Preserve in Garrard County), participants were treated to a tour of and Thompson Creek Glade (Larue the Mid-America Remote Sensing County). Center, and as a part of this tour, we were given an overview of Kentucky’s GAP project. GAP (which is not an Land Acquisiton and Dedication acronym) projects have already taken place in many other states. GAP We have closed on three tracts methodology uses satellite photography of land in Graves County that will be and computer technology to identify added to our Terrapin Creek State the “gaps” in preserving a state’s Nature Preserve. In addition, another biodiversity. The first stage will be to landowner has agreed to sell property use this technology to map the vegeta- here, and the state will soon initiate an tion of Kentucky. Later stages include appraisal on yet another parcel. using the vegetation data to project the Although these tracts are relatively distribution of certain terrestrial small, they contain critical habitat for vertebrate species, and mapping the preserving some of the important existing lands in Kentucky that are wetland features of this site. managed and protected to some At Blanton Forest we have degree. The final stage will be to purchased a small parcel that borders analyze these data layers and try to Number of different types of aquatic the privately-owned old-growth forest extract from them information that insects by major group at Natural tract at this site. This parcel is near a will identify those parts of our Ken- Bridge SPNP. residential area, and development of tucky landscape that are missing from this parcel would impair the view from our existing network of protected one of the prominent vantage points Alderflies and fishflies...... 2 areas. within this forest. ...... 7 KSNPC is most grateful to The owners of significant Caddisflies ...... 14 Dr. Tom Kind and his staff for sharing acreage adjacent to our Pilot Knob Dragonflies and damselflies . . . .7 their knowledge of remote sensing and State Nature Preserve have agreed to Mayflies ...... 18 Kentucky’s GAP project with us. Springtails ...... 1 sell up to 340 acres to KSNPC. This Stoneflies ...... 10 project will now enter the survey stage. Terrapin Creek True Bugs ...... 1 This land is important because it is The field trip to Terrapin Creek State True Flies ...... 3 within the viewshed from the top of Nature Preserve was well-attended and Total ...... 63 the knob, and contains historically significant millstone quarries. most enjoyable. This was a different At Hymes Knob in Lewis type of field trip for most of us, and County, surveys of two parcels should included a visit to one of the unique, the be completed sometime this summer. clear springs on this preserve. We were Natural Areas These tracts will be purchased shortly also fortunate that some of our aquatic after the completion of these surveys. biologists were along to demonstrate It is likely that this site will become their skills at sampling these types of our next new state nature preserve. habitats. As a result we were privileged to see many of the fishes that live in KSNPC Commission Also, at this commission meeting, our Commissioners approved Terrapin Creek and its associated Meeting Articles of Dedication for a 14-acre drainages. Terrapin Creek is the only September 22, 1998 addition to the Blue Licks State Park place in Kentucky that some of these Country Fixins Restaurant State Nature Preserve. This preserve fish live. Thanks to Ellis Laudermilk, Dan Jones, and Thann Grundy for all Munfordville, KY protects habitat for the federally endangered and globally rare plant, of their hard work in making this trip Short’s goldenrod (Solidago shortii). so much fun for the rest of us!

NATURALLY KENTUCKY - 5 Native Plants - other species may be displaced by the the loss of that species' contribution to introduction of new plants. Consider a healthy ecosystem, not the preserva- In Their Place the outcome of introducing one species tion of species in gardens, roadsides, or by Deborah White as a biocontrol for another species. No even anywhere outside its natural one dreamed that the nutria, an animal distribution. A plant species removed When talking with people about introduced in Louisiana to control from its native habitat is devalued and endangered plants and their plight, exotic aquatic weeds, would itself disconnected from the natural pro- many believe we should move them become a nuisance. We don't always cesses that have contributed to a long out of harm's way--move them to a know what will happen when the adaptive process between the plant and safe place. When a rare plant is in the natural ecology is manipulated. its ecosystem. way of development, it’s natural to try Mortality rates are high for Sometimes relocating a plant to consider moving the plant to a relocated plants and success at is the only way to save a species. There protected site. If plants become rare it creating natural communities is low. have been a few successful re-introduc- is logical to think we can grow more of There is little assurance that a plant tions, where plants from a failing these plants somewhere and spread will establish at a new place - it may or population are grown off-site (from them to new places. Of course this may not. They could do well for a year seed or other material from that situation will become more common as or more, then decline. To claim that a population) and planted back into the undeveloped land becomes scarcer and plant has become integrated into a new same site after the habitat is restored. our native flora disappears. Why won't site takes years and if it doesn't work, In this way the original plants from the relocating plants work? Why is this there is little recourse since the original site are maintained. A protection plan approach to plant conservation flawed? habitat is gone. that results in introducing plants Ecosystems are complex. We We have learned a valuable outside of the natural distribution is don't fully understand all the relation- lesson from wetland regulations and probably a last ditch effort to save a ships that contribute to success of an policies in the 1980's that allowed the few of these plants rather than a plan individual population - much less the destruction of wetlands on the promise integrated with protection of the system as a whole. We know little that new ones would be created (by ecosystem and habitat for the plant. about the life histories of plants or scraping out an area and planting Not even endangered species biologists habitat conditions needed for their wetland vegetation). In Florida, one of agree on where or when species should successful growth. For example, there the few states to have checked whether be moved but we agree that one intact is recent evidence that trees have these projects have been successful, ecosystem is worth more than lots of connections with one another and that 97% of the freshwater wetland projects small pieces of ecosystems. In plant one tree may supplement the produc- failed. Wetland protection policies conservation, the whole is worth more tivity of a neighboring tree. There is now emphasize restoration of existing than the sum of its parts. new information about complementary wetlands and rarely allow creation. plant-fungal relations that contribute Restoration is an essential part of our to a population's success. Another work to maintain healthy ecosystems, example is Price's potato bean, a rare but it cannot substitute for preserva- Federally protected vine in western tion of existing good quality natural Kentucky. All indications were that it communities. would love a year with a lot of rain but Mixing populations can be we found these populations may dangerous. Natural populations of the decline in wet years. These are ex- same plant have a different genetic amples of relationships and conditions make up, even species that are very that indicate the complexity of the localized in distribution. Mixing in Did you know? ecology of plant populations. Not new genes from another population can KSNPC has 9,576 records knowing what will happen when we undermine the plant’s ability to react of monitored plants, animals, move plants and create new habitats to the vagaries of its environment or and natural communities in the may be acceptable under experimental could enhance it. Certainly gene state of Kentucky? Of these conditions but too risky when it is exchange occurs between populations, records, 2,758 are species used as a permanent solution to plant but this is a natural process that occurs considered endangered by conservation. very slowly at low exchange levels. KSNPC; 1,358 are federally We are concerned about the The plant is not always the endangered. recipient habitat too. The flora is focus of rare plant conservation--the already functioning at these sites and ecosystem is the focus. The concern is

6 - NATURALLY KENTUCKY Cleanup at Quiet Trails SNP by Andrea Hughes On May 15th staff members from every corner of our office at 801 Schenkel Lane were working side by side to clean up an old home site on a recently purchased addition to Quiet Trails State Nature Preserve in Harrison County. Some of us who are more accustomed to fluorescent lights and the flickering of our computer monitors than the midmorning sun jumped at the opportunity to spend some time outside of the office and in touch with nature. What we ended up touching were moldy mat- tresses, a moth- and mildew-nibbled wardrobe, dented dishware and the remains KSNPC wrecking crew - L to R: Barry Howard, Sandy Vasenda, Amy of furniture. Our crew of 11 made short Covert, Dave Skinner, Andrea Hughes, Brainard Palmer-Ball, Tim work of the cleanup and three hours later we Clarke, Joyce Bender, and Bryce Fields had one empty house and one full dumpster. Wildlife encountered included a rat , a box turtle, several mice, many wasps and a chimney swift pair nesting in a shed. They give the indication that the site’s return to its natural condition has already begun. After the cleanup, we enjoyed a relaxing potluck lunch hosted by Mr. Bill Wiglesworth, the donor of the original Quiet Trails tract, at his house on the Licking River. Thanks to everyone who helped.


In order for us to be as efficient as possible, we ask that you let us know if you are still interested in receiving our quarterly newsletter. You have several ways of contacting us: 1) tear off this strip and re- turn by mail; 2) call (502) 573-2886; 3) fax (502) 573-2355; or 4) e-mail: [email protected]. We are expecting to have our mailing address database updated no later than November 1. If we do not hear from you by that time, your name will be removed from the mailing list. The Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission appreciates your continued support.

NATURALLY KENTUCKY - 7 Volunteer Profile serve on the C.A. Advisory committee. by Mary Walter, volunteer artist I have acted as an advocate for a mentally retarded woman since 1988 I first heard about KSNPC when when I became involved in the pro- someone at Shandwick (the PR firm I gram. Presently, I am also serving on work for) put a newsletter in my the Board of Directors of Community mailbox . . . I suppose, because I am so Living (an organization committed to interested in birds, nature, yadda, Mary Walter finding homes for mentally retarded yadda, yadda. This is how I found out citizens in our community). that they were looking for a volunteer Being born and raised in to do some artwork for several bro- elevations and plans. For variety, I Louisville, I feel a deep connection to chures that KSNPC was to produce. I have also helped illustrate two cook- the city and the state of Kentucky. I wanted to offer my services because I books and have drawn “hunter/ not only admire but also respect the love to draw and don’t get to do as gatherer” artifacts for an anthropologist work everyone at KSNPC is doing to much of it as I would like on a regular at the University of Louisville. preserve Kentucky’s beauty for the basis. Plus, anything connected with Other areas of interest include future. It makes me happy to contrib- nature fascinates me. working with raptors, presently as a ute in some way towards that work. While my B.S. degree is in docent at the Louisville Zoo in the Thanks for this opportunity. photography, it has been my drawing Raptor program and before that at that has allowed me to work on an Raptor Rehabilitation of Kentucky, archeological excavation in Torre da Inc. (RROKI). I am also involved Palma, Portugal, for nine summers (six with the Citizen Advocacy Program at weeks each), drawing artifacts and site the Council for Retarded Citizens and

An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/H The Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet does not discriminate on the basis of race, Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission color, national origin, sex, age, religion, or disability and provides, upon request, reasonable 801 Schenkel Lane, Frankfort, KY 40601 accommodations including auxiliary aids and services necessary to afford an individual with a disability Tel. (502)573-2886 Fax (502)573- 2355 an equal opportunity to participate in all services, programs, and activities. [email protected] homepage: ksnpc/index.htm It is the mission of the Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission to protect Commissioners Judith McCandless, Chair Kentucky's natural heritage by: (1) identifying, acquiring, and managing Kenneth Jackson, Secretary natural areas that represent the best known occurrences of rare native species, Lucy A. Breathitt natural communities, and significant natural features in a statewide nature O.D. Hawkins preserves system; (2) working with others to protect biological diversity; and Clara Wheatley (3) educatingKentuckians as to the value and purpose of nature preserves Acting Director and biodiversity Barry Howard


Joyce Bender Commonwealth of Kentucky BULK RATE Ronald Cicerello Kentucky State Tim Clarke Nature Preserves U.S. POSTAGE Amy Covert Commission PAID Marc Evans FRANKFORT, KY 801 Schenkel Lane, Frankfort, KY Aissa Feldmann PERMIT NO. 379 Bryce Fields 40601 Karen Gossett Martina Hines Andrea Hughes Ellis Laudermilk Kyle Napier Brainard Palmer-Ball Rick Remington Dan Russell David Skinner Sandy Vasenda Printed with state funds on recycled paper Deborah White