The of All Choir of Men & Boys Albany, New York fall 2020 Zoom allows Cathedral Choristers to meet during Lockdown Rethinking Choral Worship in these uncertain times uring this difficult time The DCathedral Choir has been divided up into three distinct ensembles: the Boy Choristers, the Choral Scholars (our high school aged changed voices), and the Gentlemen of the Choir. When weather permits, we rehearse outdoors in the Cathedral . At other times, we take advantage of the Cathe- dral’s spacious interior by singing more than six feet apart while wearing masks at all times. The three ensembles sing Choristers join Harding, Mr. Bynum, Mr. Douglas, and Mr. Reid for a lecture on Palestrina by Harry Chris- our Sunday liturgies in turn, staying tophers who lectured from his home in England. (April 2020) separate from the modestly sized con- ast spring, as the virus was raging in New York, the Cathedral choristers gregation who are presently worshiping L began meeting each week via Zoom. While the platform is less than ideal for in person. Most of our congregation rehearsing, it does provide a way to maintain a sense of community and to take participates in worship services through our learning in new directions. We designed a music history curriculum for the our livestream on Facebook or service choristers that began with Gregorian chant and music of the middle ages and con- archive on YouTube. tinued through to the Age of the Enlightenment. Zoom allowed us to welcome a As one might expect, the limitations number of special guests who spoke about our subject of the week. Harry Chris- on gatherings makes our annual tophers, founder and artistic director of The Sixteen and Artistic Director of The performance of Handel’s Messiah or an Handel & Haydn Society offered the choristers an in depth tour ofGloria from in-person offering ofA Festival of Nine Palestrina’s Missa Papæ Marcelli. During our study of Monteverdi’s Vespers of 1610 Lessons and Carols an impossibility. we were joined by Paul Feretti for a demonstration of a cornet, a wooden tube- With this in mind, we are preparing like instrument that was among the most beloved in the composer’s day. Aisslinn online content for the Advent & Nosky, concertmaster of The Handel and Haydn Society spoke to the boys about Christmas season. A video of the choir’s the evolution of the violin and played a movement from Bach’s Unaccompanied performance of Messiah from a run- Partitas for Violin. We learned about the lives of pre- English choristers out concert in western Massachusetts from The Rev’d Andrew Piper, of Cathedral. We (Dec. 2019) will be made available on used a variety of online tools to survey architectural styles of medieval the Cathedral’s Facebook page in the and how their designs influenced architect Robert Gibson who designed The -Ca first week of December, andA Virtual thedral of All Saints. Festival of will “I was impressed that the choir continued to study music, scripture, and liturgy be available a few days before Christmas. during the shutdown, that they might be the more able when the time came to While we hope that we won’t face a help lead the congregation in praise and worship,” said Dean Harding, who kindly “second wave” we want to be prepared joined the choir for several of their meetings. And as Ascension Day drew nigh, so that Christmas 2020 doesn’t face the the choristers planned and executed a virtual Choral that al- same fate as Easter 2020, when choirs lowed us to mark a central day in the ’s year. The choristers took had no choice but to let the day pass turns reading lessons, prayers, and collects, as Dean Harding presided without singing a single note. over the liturgy. Archival recordings of The Cathedral Choir provided Each of our choristers receives weekly the musical elements of the service. Perhaps the most memorable mo- online singing and music theory instruc- ment for us all was the promotion of our newest novice, tion via Zoom in addition to his —see Zoom, continued on page four —see Rethinking, continued on page four Rebuilding the choir was cut short when the Song School Wall COVID-19 lockdown began three weeks before Holy n 1900, Bishop Doane managed to Week, which is a highlight Iraise enough funds (thanks to a gener- of our musicians’ year. When ous gift from his friend J.P. Morgan) to public worship was suspend- complete Robert Gibson’s plan for the ed on 17 March, we did not east end of the Cathedral, which included realise that it would be a full the cloisters, St. Alban’s , and the six months before the choir Cathedral Choir Room (or ‘Song School’, would return to singing: this as it’s officially known). Completed in was their longest silence in 1902, the Song School has served as a over 350 years, since choral musical home to the Cathedral Choir. music was re-introduced Renowned composer and sometime engineer reports that the wall’s structural stability after the eleven-year break Cathedral chorister Adolphus Hailstork is unsound and that measures must be taken im- (1649–60) during the Com- fondly recalls hours spent playing through mediately to prevent its further separation from monwealth,” said The Rev’d the Cathedral’s vast choral library on the rest of the building. We must raise $85,000 Canon Andrew Piper, the 1902 Steinway piano. In the 1970s, to make these repairs, and we need your help. For Canon Precentor of Hereford Lloyd Cast purchased a pool table for the more information, please speak to Mr. Bynum or Cathedral. room with the money the boys earned Dean Harding. As Paul reflects on his time in England, he is grateful for the experience he had, Former Cathedral Head Chorister’s but keenly aware of what his Time in UK Cut Short by Pandemic early departure had caused efore his matriculation as a freshman at The him to miss out on. In July, BUniversity of Notre Dame, former head cho- Paul would have played a rister Paul Howard was appointed to a one-year significant role in the music post as bass choral scholar at making at the 300-year-old in the west of England. He arrived in early Sep- , which tember 2019 and began singing the weekly round was cancelled. “Hereford was of eight choral services, including daily choral a wonderful experience, and evensong and three Sunday choral liturgies. In I was looking forward to all December, the choir traveled to Bologna, Italy to that the year had in store for sing at Chiesa di San Procolo. After a brief visit to me, including a performance the US at Christmas, Paul returned for Epiphany of Bach’s Magnificat on an to begin the next choral term, but it was not to international stage, as well Detailed image of Song School wall taken during its facelift as the chance to enjoy those in 2010 last, as Covid restrictions meant an abrupt end to choral singing the world over. rare days of English sunshine during the summer months.” from their appearance with the Boston “We were delighted to have Paul Howard as Paul is now in his first term Symphony at Tanglewood. The room is one of our 2019/20 cohort of organ and choral at Notre Dame where he is exquisitely fitted with quartersawn oak scholars, strengthening our musical and spiritu- finding as many singing op- cabinetry and flooring. Five al links with the Cathedral of All Saints, and it portunities as he can, but it’s windows housed in Gothic arches allow was a great sadness that his time in our cathedral clear that he left part of his natural light into the room. In 2010 heart in England. “Though funds were raised to replace the slate it pains me to have left the roof, refinish the oak floors, and make a UK under such unfortunate number of plaster repairs. At that time, circumstances, I will be the masons noticed that a section of wall forever grateful to Hereford between two of the windows seemed to Cathedral for affording me be “sliding down the hill”, and while they the opportunity to build were able to fill in the cracks that had upon the skills I honed as a resulted, they warned us that we would chorister at the Cathedral of see the cracks open back up in a short Paul Howard (3rd from left) in front of St. Ethelbrt’s House with his fellow Choral & Organ scholars, Hereford Cathedral tower is seen in the All Saints.” time. Just ten years later, a consulting background. A Letter from William Douglas Changing of the Guard: Lloyd Cast Organ Fellow from 2018–2020 The Lloyd Cast Organ Fellowship he Church knew what the psalm- ast August, the Cathedral welcomed Owen Reid as its “Tist knew: Music praises God. Lnext Lloyd Cast Organ Fellow. Reid follows William Music is better able to praise him than Douglas, who held the two-year fellowship from 2018— the building of the church and all its dec- 2020. oration; it is the Church’s greatest orna- “My time at The Cathedral of All Saints saw tremendous de- ment.” When applied to The Cathedral velopment of my musicianship and faith.” Douglas reflected. of All Saints, that quote by Igor Stravin- “The experiences and education gained here shall serve me sky almost seems heretical. However, the well the rest of my life.” William Douglas reverence we give to the building located on the corner of Swan & Elk Streets is only justified by the On 1 August, William began work at Trinity Episcopal actions that take place within. The preaching, reading of Cathedral in Columbia, South Carolina, home to one of the scripture, and music offered to God make that building of preeminent music programs in the country, comprising five stone, wood, and stained-glass worthy of admiration. different choirs, among them a Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys. William will be working closely with the and For almost 150 years, music has played a vital role at The the music staff of Trinity Cathedral to maintain the standard Cathedral of All Saints in a variety of ways. Music can soothe of excellence that has been developed there and will rely on the troubled heart, bring joy to a world often shrouded with much of what he has learned at The Cathedral of All Saints. sadness, and give hope to those in despair. I am sure you have experienced moments when music has provided for Current Cast Fellow Owen Reid was you a sense of healing or lifted you up. After my Nana died born and raised in Oklahoma, and this past January, the music of the Mass, particularly Sanctus, recently graduated with a Master of was a great comfort to me. I returned to New York after the Music degree from Southern Method- funeral in a daze as everything had transpired so quickly. The ist University in Dallas, Texas where following Sunday, as I heard Dean Harding recite “Therefore he studied organ performance in the with Angels and Archangels and all the company of heaven studio of Professor Stefan Engels. we laud and magnify thy glorious Name; evermore praising Owen Reid In Dallas, Owen served as an organ thee, and saying,” I remembered that she would be there scholar at St. and All Angels Episcopal Church. with me. As the choir sang Hassler’s setting, I was lifted out Owen received the Master of Music degree from University of my dispair and into a realm of comfort—a moment of of Cambridge (St. John’s College) and served as a graduate true transcendency and one of the greatest gifts the Cathe- of St. Catharine’s College. He also received the dral could have given me. Bachelor of Music and Musical-Arts degree from the East- man School of Music in Rochester, New York and served as As we find ourselves living through this pandemic, we need organist at Sacred Heart Cathedral rc. music now more than ever! We need joy; music can do that We need comfort; music can do that, whether it be a setting “Mr. Douglas is a consummate musician and a dedicated of Sanctus, a favorite hymn, or a treasured anthem. In order Christian servant. We are very sorry to see him go but look for The Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys to continue its forward with anticipation to these next two years with Mr. unique ministry, they need your help. For music to have Reid who comes to us with the highest recommendations such an impact it takes a great deal of practice and work be- and the promise of adding a new chapter to the outstanding hind the scenes. I thank all of you who have given to support organ fellows who have served the Cathedral,” said The Very The Cathedral Choir in the past. Without your support, my Rev’d Dr Leander S. Harding, Dean of The Cathedral of moment of comfort mentioned above would have never hap- All Saints. pened. I ask you to join me in supporting the 2020 Angel “The Cast Fellowship is unique among American church Appeal, so that others can be afforded those opportunities music programs,” said Woodrow Bynum, Director of when they need them most. Music. “Both William and Owen have dazzled us with their Sincerely yours, musical facility as their deep and abiding love of liturgy takes our worship to new heights.” William Douglas Associate Organist & Choirmaster The Lloyd Cast Organ Fellowship was established by the Trinity Cathedral, Columbia, South Carolina Cathedral Chapter in 2009 in partnership with The Friends of the Choir of The Cathedral of All Saints who fund the fellowship in full. For more information or to donate to The Lloyd Cast Organ Fellowship, visit The Cathedral of All Saints Choir of Men and Boys 62 South Swan St., Albany, New York 12210 518-423-6779


Bishop of Albany the right rev’d william h love Dean the very rev’d dr leander s harding Deacons the rev’d allen d carpenter Jacob, a Cathedral Chorister, records the first verse of ‘Once in Royal David’s City” for Virtual Lessons & Carols, which will air the rev’d sandra m mcgowan on Youtube and Facebook a few days before Christmas 2020. Director of Music —Zoom, continued from page one —Rethinking, continued from page one woodrow bynum Lloyd Cast Organ Fellow Brady. Earlier in the week, Brady’s socially distanced in-person rehearsals. owen reid mother met Mr. Bynum at the Cathe- We are looking forward to taking part in Secretary to the Dean meredith ewbank dral to collect Brady’s cassock, surplice, some exciting projects with other organiza- and folder. Then, just as the Office Assistant to the Dean tions including The Albany Symphony. We for Mission and the Arts Hymn ended, the Dean asked Brady will continue to update our Soundcloud, brynna carpenter-nardone a series of questions that all choristers Facebook, and YouTube channels with archi- Director of Communications must answer as they take their place val content and keep the mission of the choir Stephanie Demers in the choir, and then Brady’s parents alive. Sacristan helped him put on his surplice as we all donald riano applauded his achievement. While we Last but certainly not least, we are looking Security for new choristers, even in this difficult time. george baldwin celebrated this moment for Brady, we Sextons were also mindful of the future of our We are eager to speak to families of boys aged frank chiera & stuart phelps 150-year-old ensemble and how best to 7–14 who like music. To learn more, they care for it during these uncertain times. may email Woodrow Bynum at musicde- [email protected] or call 518-423-6779.