RED BANK TEE Issuri W«eklr, Inttrnl u SMOWI-CIMS Mstttr «t th« Fort- $1.50 Per Year, PAGES 1 TO 8. ^VOLUME XLI. NO. 23. offlc. at Bad Bank, N. J.. undu th* Act el March Id, lilt. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1918.

me beforo this drive thut my physical ing together. We have just had sup-only two weeks. His company was . MATT GREIG TO WED. flOW OUR BOYS FOUGHT. condition could have withstood the per wid I wonder if you people like surrounded by the German? in theBIG EVERETT FARM SOLD. HENRY A. HOYTC WILL. midships we have been through I und appreciatappre te coffee as mucmuhh as we Argonne w6ods. The Germans asked Former Superintendent of Eisner Factory to Wed Brooklyn Girl. LETTERS DESCRIBE WAR EXPER- would have said he was crazy. But dod . We d drindik ksome , washh mess kkits the Americans to surrender but Ma- RED BANK MAN LEAVES ES- under the stimulus of excitement one with it and wheh n it is necessary andd jor Whittesley, who commanded the HE VA.N CLEAF FARM BOUGHT Announcement has bt-e/i /mule ot IENCES IN FRANCE. can endure almost any amount of suf- there is a yhole lot of it we shave "lost battalion," told the Germans to LAST WEEK FOR $3S,000. the engagement of Miss Beatrice TATE TO HIS WIDOW. Tw Letters from Dr. William D. fering. Your letter came almost as with it. go where everybody would like to see The Farm Contains About 200 Acres Marion Worth of Brooklyn and Matt Miss Cornelia S. Hendrickson of Fair Sayre TelT l of LasL t BigB Battle of thq [i message from heaven, as in tho Well, I guess that this will finish tho kaiser go. Whittesley has been and It .Will be Converted Into a (ireig, wlio was formerly superinten- Haven Divides Eitate Between Hei1 War—Abe Kridel Gassed but is despondency of coming out of battle for today. Hopinung :you are well and promoted to colonel. He has been Farm for Growing Wheat—Two dent of Eisner's factory at Red Bank. Sister and Her Brothej—Other and Beeing BO many of your compan- with best love tco. all, nicknumed "Go-to-hell" Whittesley Miss Worth studied for the stage and Wills Admitted to Probate. Now All Right Again. ions missing forever it giveB one a Your lovinr mg son, , because of his reply to the Germans. Canadian Farmers Are the Buyers. appeared in two plays with Leo Diet- Sergeant Joseph L. Curtis of Little new lease of life to hear from your , ' • Private Jesse Sabath. Mrs. C. Emma VanCleuf of Free- richtstein. She gave up her stage . Henry A. Hoyt of Ked Bank, who Silver, who was severely wounded on 'riehds. Sergeant Ward Vandervecr of Red mld has sold her farm near Everett work U> assist the Ked Cross and jdied a short time .'igo, made hi3 will September 28th while serving with "I believe the war will soon bo George White of Little Silver Bank, who is attached to a motor to A. T. Dwight and H. P. llomum, other war work. Mr.1 (ireig m now •"-™Decembe1""r "31stJ;"-. , '•>'•>;1U1-J. nAl" l •"»his perl>"-- the 303d Engineers in tho buttle of over, and I certainly hope so, as such wrote to his friend William Boteler truck company in France, has sent who have been farming the Dr. Henry with the supply and equipment divi-! ™nal P™P?rty w»« le,ifc to. h,is widow, Argonne Forest, writes to his parents sorrow and suffering as it has caused from a French, hospital under date the following letter to Conrtland place at Everett. Mr. Dwight and Mr. sion of the quartermaster's depart- M".r>' W. Iloyt. He directed that the from a hospital in Southern France of October 30th. White was sent to White of West Front street: rlomans have had experience in farm- over hore cannot be pictured. I can ment. Both he and Miss Worth will | residuv h se of the estate be held m trust asfollows: write but few letteri. ' W is the hospital to receive treatment for "I have learned the secret of how ing in Canada and they had a big- take part in entertainments for the i >- , .' executors and the income paid "Hotel de la Paix, so occupied. We will nui go back to rheumatism. Before going to theto be the first one in mess line. Youfarm at Edmunton, in Alberta, in that soldiers at various camps. to his wife as long as she lives. After ' Clermont, France, the front line for a month as it will hospital he had been in some of themight think I am going through a lot :ountry. They came to New Jersey the death of Mrs. Hoyt the remainder October 24, 1918.take that time to recuperate the divi- hardest fighting of tho war, but heof hardships since I landed on this last yeur and they rented the Dr. of the estate is to be divided between Pear Mother and Father; sion. Remember me to all the boys said in his, letter he would not say side. Well, to tell the truth I have flenry place. They will take posses- theftVhirdren, Florence H. Wendell "I have lots to tell you in this and tell them I often think of them." mu"eh about the fighting for he want- gone through a lot of stuff I never iion of the farm they have just WANT STREET NAME KEPT. and Henry Norman Hoyt. letter. One night at 12:00 o'clock ed to forget some of tho things he went through before but it is not as lought on February 1st. The farm Miss Cornelia S. Hendrickson of we were loaded in a Red Gross train saw on the front. He said that dur- one might suspect. At present I am las been worked the past two years Fair Haven-divided her and we rode for two days and two Abe Kridel, son of Jacob Kridel, ing the heavy fighting ho y/ent sleeping in a wooden bunk with a >y Charles B. Roe, who had a five- PARK PLACE RESIDENTS DONT .tween ihcr sister, Margaret E. Sands, nights, when we landed at the above hns written to his mother from a through he was on ihe same front as straw mattress and I have a fire about year lease on the place. Mr, Roe con- WANT NAME CHANGED. and herlbMther, George J. Hendrick- hotel, which is located in Southern French hospital, where he was sent the Ked Bank ambulance company ten feet from me. 1 have three sented to the cancellation of the lease son, in a'wilr'she executed in 18!)!). Prance. It is a fine place, I didn't after being gassed. Mr. Kridel isbut he had notat that time seen any blankets and an overcoat to throw when he learned thut the new owners They Send a Protest ho the Town • Mrs. Elizabeth A. Sanford of Deal wont to go at first, because the other attached to a machine gun company. of the l\ed Bankers. over me at night so I manage to keep wanted to run the place themselves. Commissioners Against Changing left her entire, estate to her adopted two fellows from my company did not He Bays in part: "I suppose you will warm. I have traveled 500 miles the Name of Their Street to thedaughter, Mary A. Lee, in-a will she be worried when you read this letter Prices for food and such delicacies Mr. Dwight and Mr. Homans paid Harding Road—Laid-Over. go with me, but now I am glad I as could be bought in the small towns since I luWe been in this country and 135,000 for the farm. It contains made two years ago. came as we certainly have fine cats tolling you that" I had a slight touch were very high, Mr. White said. Forhave seen quite a little of France. I The residents and property own- Alexander Morris, a farmer of of gas on October 28th and am now 200 acres, of which about 25 acres is ers on Park place sent a protest to the and beds. We were brought here irti a small cake of chocolate 25 cents consider it a beautiful country. 1 in woodland. The soil is excellent Neptune township, made his will six- a Red Cross train which was fitted in a bnBe hospital in a place called was churged; crackers similar to Na-have traveled a good deal by Pull- town commissioners on Monday teen years ago. All his personal Chatel-Guyon, which is located in for growing potatoes and wheat-. Six» night, against changing the name of up as fine as a hotel, and you would bicos cost twenty cents for five,un dman, a la box car, in this country and ty acres of the farm were in potatoes property, and'the money he hud in tho never know you were on a train. Southern France. It is a beautiful grapes brought twenty cents a quar- I found it very classy. We had two that street to the Harding road. -J. bank was left to his widow,. Elizabeth... summer resort. I am getting: along this year. Ten acres were planted in Horace Harding of Rumson built a "I am in one of the finest hotels in ter of a pound. A small variety of kinds of water, clean and dirty, be- wheat and the yield was 410 bushels Morris. Mrs. Morris was given the France and it is the only place 1 fine and will soon be entirely well, canned goods, like salmon and sar- sides all those modern conveniences concrete road from the Uumson road privilege of occupying the homestead We had quite a few casualties in our for the ten acres, which,is an evidence to Broad street, Red Bank, which cost have been that reminds me of home. dines,' about made up the stock found usually found in a horse car. The of the high quality of the soil. It is 1 farm as long as she lives. After her Lots of beautiful flowers, and it is fine company and the whole division in in the stores of the smaal towns. Mr.Red Bank trolley cars are sleepers in him over . $60,000. Mr. Harding's- death the farm is to go to their son, general suffered heavily. I think I the. intention of the new owners "to original intention was to build the weather, very warm. White said he hoped to be able to comparison with some of the railroad eventually plant the entire farm -jn Alexander Morris, Jr. , William , P. "The hotel is situated in a valley came out very lucky. You would get into Paris before long, but said cars in this country. 1 was getting concrete road from the Rumson road. Morris-,-an other-ion, is left $200, and think so too if you ever hud a glance wheat. ' '. until it joined the public streets in and the houses'are built along canals he hud not had a day off stnee landing i)Oor food the first two weeks I was the residue of the'estate-is to be di- or rivers, something like Venice. Theat the front. I huve been "over the in France. . • The farm is on the road leading Ked Bank at the foot of Tower hill. vided among 'Mr. and Mrs. 'Morris's top" three times and have hud enough here but now I have struck a good from Everett to Nutswamp. The road Afterward it was suggested that the six daughters, • scenery is beautiful, water gushing to last me the rest of my life. The last night Mr. White spent on ilace where the 'eats' lire fine. 1 but of rocks, and large caves in the the front he slept in a German dugout cuts the farm in two, one hundred i . be con"tjnue(i to Broad street, Miss Ida Bell Hankins of Freehold •sides of the mountains. "I am going to try and tell you a A letter has been received"* from ncro^acres notf r.hthpe farm beinhfilnrgr non enreach side an^d\ .._thi•s .wa- ._s done.1 . ... •left all her property to her mother, on top of a pile of German ammuni- of the road. There is a large house "The natives go in the caves where few of my experiences. 1 have been tion. He says the men had marched Second Lieutenant John R. Perry of The cost of the road in some parts ( Mrs. _Sara h A. Hankins.,, i.n a will she at two fronts so far. From the lust Fair Haven, who has iieen in theon the place and the usual outbuild- of Red' Bank! was paid entirely by Mr. [ made eleven years-ago; Miss Han- the wuter runs and do thei1 r washing. the night before from 3:00 o'clock 1 They get on their hand * and knees front we started at night, We hiked until 5:30 the next morning and then. lighting . He spoke of the wonderful ings, "all of which are in good condi- Harding. On some of the streets in j kins was a dressmaker. all night long. Of course we didn't ,ion. The new owners are building a nnd use a large paddle to pound the hud made an attack in which they morale and endurance of the Ameri- Red Bank where the concrete road WilliaM illltllimi Kiv. Heyernujui,, wh>\nuo operateupviaLcdu Ma clothes with. have much on our backs, only two gained nearly a mile. They were so can troops. Many of the soldiers un- six-room bungalow on a hill on the was built Mr. Harding paid half the farm-at Adelphia, made his will last " My meals are fine. Here is ourblankets, but they were heavy just tired at night they didn't care where der him are mere boys but they have place. They drew the plans for the cost, the town of Red Bank paid one- •August. He left $5 each to his sister, menu for yesterday: Breakfast: Can- the same. We walked seventeen they slept. marched from three o'clock in thebungalow and they are doing all the quarter of the cost and each property 'and brother, Harriet g. OkerSon and telone, boiled rice, with plenty of miles and rested in the woods the fol- At the hospital from which the et- morning, until nearly night without work on it's construction except the owner, on the road paid one-eighth of Joseph B. HSyer. AH'the rest of hia. sugar and cow's milk (which is alowing day. When we wen; .coming grumbling or complaining, Lieuten- plumbing. "., the cost of the road in front of his"estate was left to his widow, Mary E. in that morning the Red Cross women ter was written Mr. White said there luxury to hie), bacon and fine coffee. were men from almost every state in ant Perry described an air raid by a Mr. VanCleaf, the former owner of property. Heyer. . For dinner we had beef stew with ull gave us candy and cakes. They German plane and told how the plane ;he farm, met with an accident about . Edward Gilford of Wall township, tasted better to me than the finest the Union. He said it was very in- In Red Bank the concrete road was the fresh bread you wanted, apple pie, teresting to hear the men talk of was shot down by anti-aircraft guns. ten years ago which disabled him. Hebuil£ on ^parts' of the Ridge'road,, made his will wo years ago last Au- .. cake and coffee. For supper we had'shore dinner in the Stntes. We start- On one occasion John had a narrow and his wife moved to Freehold after 'rower Hill avenue, Park place and' giist. His. entire estate was be- ed out the following night and walked their experiences at the front. a line salad made out of rice, onions, escape whena German shell exploded the accident—-Mj^KanClcaf died a Branch avenUe, as well as on a strip queathed to his widow, Lillian Francis tomatoes and lettuce, tapioca pudding twenty miles more nnd rested the In a letter written on November near by. He was billeted in a house few years ago. When Mr. and Mrs.of private land. A few weeks ago Gilford, arid she was appointed ex- and doughnuts. Now you know I next day and night. We started again 10th to Mort V. Pach; Frank ftjer- and falling bricks struck his bed$ VanCleaf: moved to Freehold the Thomas N. McCarter and Lester B. ecutrix. will sure take on some /lesh. At the the following morning and walked ritt, who has seen over a year of duty Lieutenant Perry is. a graduate of the farm was rented to'Charles Brasch, Churchill appeared before the board John C. Moore of Mamilapan town- other hospital we did not have such twenty miles and then rested for in France, said he was of the opinion Red Bunk high school. who fanned it eight years. Then Mr. of commissioners and suggested that ship left ?500 each to his children, good food. about five days. We then started hiking toward the front. I was atthe would be over before the Braseh bought a farm of his own and the name of. all these streets where William A., Charles L., and Essie N. "I am getting along fine now, al- letter reached its destination. ' The Sergeant George Kriihnert of Lit-the VanCleaf place was rented by the concrete road had been built be Moore, in a will which he mads'elevea though my arm has been Very s!,ow thia front, fourteen days before be- war did end the following -day, al-tle Silver has written to his mother Charles B. Roe. , changed to the Harding road, as ayears ago. A house at Cassville was ing gassed. On the first morning af- under date of October 30th. At that in healing. You know those shrapnel ter we struck this front and after most before the letter started on its .The sale of the property was made tribute to the generosity and public bequeathed to his parents, Mr. and wounds are ugly and make bad Mr. Merritt was home on., a time he was in an officers' training by William H. Hintelrhanh of Rum-spirit of J. Horace Harding,.who had- Mrs. Thomas J. Moore,, whp now oc- walking all night through the rain camp at La Vallone, France. He said wounds. My thumb is very near the infantry went over the top. There short furlough a few weekks ago andd •spent over SfiO.OOO of his own money cupy the house, i'cir their lifetime.. healed up, but niy ear is in bad shape. was given a complimentary dinner by this was the first time he had been al- I in building the road. The road was After their death the house is to go were no trenches here, all the fighting lowed to reveal his whereabouts. Ser- The doctor telh rne he thinks he can being done in the open. We put over several of his friends. He expressed built by Mr. Hardingpartly as a con-to Mr. Moore's wife, Mary A. Moore, fix me up u]l right. his appreciation of the reception geant Krahnert was in several of the tribution to the welfare of the com-who was also left the residue of the a barrage for the infantry and they big battles and was slightly wounded WANTED A BIGGER GARDEN "I am ul>!e to take a walk every .advanced and took their objectives.given him by his townspeople and said munity where he is located, and part- estate. Mr. Moore directed that' a day up in the mountains and in the he hud delivered the message to thein one of them, .; ly as an object lesson in concrete road hdrso named Ruby, which had been, They had to cross a river and they Mrs. Caroline Bray of Wallace 1 owned by him for a long time, be evening I go to the movies. I saw walked through water up to their Red Bank boys of the 112th heavy - ANOTHER LOT BOUGHT BY AR- \>Sd?" ojie of Douglas Fairbanks pictures necks. After the,infantry had taken field artillery that the same kind of a 3treet has received a long letter from THURJ. HAGERMAN. ' When the suggestion was made that [ killed and buried pn^hi* plwe- . Most of the pictures are war scenes their objectives we advanced and reception awaited them when they her son, Lester F. Johnson. It was »* concrete road from end to | Mrs. Alice L.-Ankele of Keansburg which I don't enjoy very much, as I returned. Mr. Merritt ran across written in the form of a poem and The Last Lot Bought Adjoins Mr. -- " it re-I-left an estate valued at over $200. helped hold their positions. That is tolls of the feelings of a soldier in a have seen all the war I ever care to the kind of work we huve been doing, some of the Red Bankers soon after Hagerman's Other Lots, at Fair- An I Somv ev personal effects were left to sec. -t.» • besides shooting up machine gun landing back in France. He says foreign land, of his thoughts of homr field Gardens and Will' be Used for rpivprt cenerai comineiKiuiiun. ^<> i u - v •-• ,—• _ it" "1 am very anxious to get back they were disappointed at not being and of the sacrifices which they male nests. cheerfully because of thd->knowledge Fruit Trees, Small Friuts, Etc. „„ „„ with my company, us I know there in the front lines before then. - Arthur J. Hagerman of Red Bank, 1 J^'mea ""of" all "the streets "over Robert Ankele, and Frank J. is lots of mail there for me, lis I "I suppose everybody in the Stntes An amusing incident occurred m that they are battling for the right, were left one-half of the income cently bought two lots at Fair-1 wnjcn the road was built nnd it passed from her estate and-her parents were told them to keep it until 1 returned. must be wild over the news of Tur- connection with Mr. Merritt's visit to ardens on the King's Highway jts fir3t reading two weeks ago. ]t 1 left the remaining one-half. "We see by the papers that Austria key, Bulgaria and Austria quitting. Red Bank. After he had been sent from Joh' ' n H••. Cook- -, has- .-bough- —t an --- wast o have pass6d its nnai reading and Turkey want to quit and we think The latest rumors we hear are to the to France the army regulations pre- SEWER LIFT TROUBLES. other lot adjoining those he had pre-on Monday night. The protest of the James Cloughly, a member of the Germany will have to do the same effect thnt Germany wants the same scribed woolen spiral puttees for viously bought. Mr. Hagerman's ori- - place residents" against _ the firm of Cloughly, Nicholl and com- before long. kind of an armistice. I think the overseas service; As Mr. Merritt was ginal purchase wa£-£FS5T£s tne %X/TnJn7V^™ long W^^' ^lft hifs inte^r "Guess I have told you nil for now, war will soon be over. in France before this rule was made MORE COMPLAINTSABOUT BER- King's Highway i: W J w t so will close. I feel fine and happy "It was in a very peculiar manner he had no spiral puttees and had not GEN PLACE SEWERS. lot he bought lastrwe^Kde .. ^ -SSI?"!ff . f^fr-nge S!S'^^ -of tfj'iSS and hoppe to be home by Christmas.that I got gassed. I was lying in areceived any when he came back to street, just arouninrdi ththe,e corner frofrom •!ha,^'. *" J* Councilma^." J.iim^nn LouiT.n.iins J.1.. fetleTatleyv I waswas^ lefeftt to his wntewife.. __^ Love to alJr- hole in the side of a hill which we.this country, although the rest of his The Sewage is Said to Back Up in the his first purchase. This gives/ Mr. Your son, were holding. A gas shell (mustard uniform was of the new overseas Cellars on Parts of That Street— style. While walking along the street Hagerman a plot 80x120 feet on the Joe." gas) went over my head and landed Plans to be Prepared by the Town King's Highway, with a connecting about ten feet from me. This hap- at Red Bank a lynx-eyed military Engineer to Remedy Things.k ami that their protest against chnng- I-5,!.,- Jj,,'' ' Dr. William D. Sayre, who is a lot 40x120 feet on Andover street. ing the name of their street shouk «™nville.- pened'about nine o'clock in the morn- policeman from Camp Vail spied him. At every meeting of the Red Banl Bower of Ocean lieutenant in the medical corps and ing. I put my mask on nnd kept it The M. P., as the soldiers refer to, the The price of the lot was $125. no„.(t, /HarpD-nrilcdisregarded without -carefucarefull er renl estate - to her commissioners for some time past Mr.' Hagerman wanted a bigger thought. Councilman George F. W>'u - who has been in some of the biggest on for about half an hour. After military police, noticed that Merritt Wil- E. Bower; and most "battles of the war, writes home as making a test for gas I took my mask was wearing an overseas uniform there have been complaints of thegarden than he could have in the two of her personal property was also left Bergen place sewer, lift. It has been lots he bought at first, He also want- tuuvvj follows: ~ off-and went to the top of the hill. ivithxativasleggingsondr : "I have not written in several days Of course mustard gas hangs around B'aifea thatrthefewer lifrdoes-no "ecrrruiT;Tra-e-S-aivd-sinaH--fl'UitSr-and- tlmr eState-WaB-1eft- to-Mi's-.--Bower-s.-hus*- to place him under arrest. Mr. Mer- clear the se\ver mains of sewage am the last lot taken by him was bought as I have been taking part in one o: for a long time, but. I thought no ritt's foreign service chevrons and a the Rumson road people. Mayor I «> bnnd, Adam Bower. the biggest drives of the war. I wen more- about it. Thnt night I went to that the sewage backs-> up into th« in order to give him additional land terson and others of the councilmen short explanation convinced the Mcellars of the houses in that neighbor- said that the name of Park .place, was Katherine Cox of Freehold left sev- over the top with the second wave o. bed about six o'clock and slept till for this purpose. • He will set out fruit 1 eral cash bequests ranging from $X0O infantry, and dressed the woundei six the next morning. When I awoke P. that he had made a big mistake. . hood. - ' : ' mi trees on his property in the spring. street and that as, originally Bassett .. stree«.*w nlirtvtivn/t an1 u- s"\n uiai.»»»|f ir*' ~ 00 to relatives in Ireland, right out in the open. As we drove . The matter came UP again at-Mon Ho expects to build as soon as lum- $10 my eyes were filled with water and Coll&ctor Edgar H. Cook of Atlan the name. had_ been changed • once M J Mal.j, Murphy of Freehold re- . along you eannot imagine the feeling were very red. I saw my lieutenant, tic Highlands has received a letter day .night's meeting of the board. I ber reaches normal prices. there was nothing against changing " , J MeMahan erf Free- I hud, eight and ten-inch shells falling and he sent me to the first aid sta- was stated at that meeting that th( $5( 0 JuUa from his son, Edgar C: Cook, who is the name again.again._ 'MayoMayrr .Pattowon ,,]dd *.jve|] l ?500,| 8n(andith te residue. , all about me. The firstnigh t I stayedtion. From there they,, sent me to manhole on Bergen place needed re 1 with the Red Bank ambulance com- SUNSET AVENUE LOT SOLD. culled on John S./Applegate^for. a. "« h building. When this was done, th< B was left wms. Murphy. in a shell hole with the wounded, bu1 this hospital. My eyes are now feel- pany. In his letter he said that Lisle statement of his opinion and Mr. Ap-1.° the second day of the drive I founi ing pretty good and my throat is get- Patterson of Navesink, .pother am- sewer lift would work properly, it was This Lot Has Changed Hands Oftener a German dugout where I put th ting along all right. bulaneer, is in the hospital with kid- aaid; but a larger lift would be neces Than Any Other Lot at We»tside.- „! EUCHRE PARTY AND DANCE wounded. It was an awful sight, bu; "When I got my new equipment ney trouble, but is now improving. sary whtyi all the property in that lo Hawkins Brothers have sold to the Americans kept on going and did He said that Edmund Dowd of At-cality was built upon arid connectec Mrs. John H. Cook of Maple avenue sideration he thought the name -. . n't stop- until we had covered ove whom do you suppose was the supply sergeant? A son of .Tason Waters lantic Highlands and James Halhday with the sewer. J Eden S. Ewing's vffcant lot on thshoule d be changed to the Harding |J T WAS GIVEN FOR-BENEFITVOF five miles in distunce. of the Rumson road. He has been of Betford are back on the job again. Councilman Hance stated that then south'side of Sunset avenue, a short road for the convenience of the peo- JAMES'S CHURCH. "I am in the American first army here six months." • • He "sets little of Roy Halleran of At-had been a lot of expense fromtinv distance ' west of Leighton avenue. pie in.having one name for a road, si. JAIHC „ with General Pershing in command, lantic 'Highlands, who is in detached to timitin*; on account off this sewer aamn ™- .^^ ^g"" The loVta !,'„,... i, als..!.-o„ i;n„ recognitio« i+ii\n nof MrMr. Hard-- -j-ho Affair Was Held Last Wednesday We are shock troops. The 58th bri service. . William Nevius of High- he believed • that before any• mor , j - - Peters farm, i,, ' public wnnBspirin t in building the gade, the one I am in, has been cite Jesse Sabath, who ia with the Red lands, who was wounde^d, is ba6k with f ames H B s Night at the Clubhouse and W«« Bank Bank company, has work was done on it a definite plan P £ ^ -bought by Theodore F. road. t for extraordinary bravery. We ills the ambulance company. He haa a 11 uw B Given by the Young Ladies Sodal- written the following letter to' his .1shoul. «*.!,d! bUe« decideAanrAnAd onnn whicwhirlh. woulWOUlfdl b e $%*Jlii'r £»•^ £%g^, n*^i^ ... , ni...i. .Afte -, r a• i length _" _ii..y. Jdiscussio !..„«.-!«n« ftithae TVinfmat- -• Jtj, About $100 Cleared. have had divisional citation for th stiff knee. Edgar said that thesam- sure to cure the aetect. . ivoneic o. . Iot. ,s unde,-r th.e. ..-.-.a «ff WeStw«et-- ter was laid over for two weeks. /The 1 way we handled the wounded. folk's: bulnncers were a lucky bun-ch con- »P Over 200 persons' attended th« Jolui^/X towntown •iSctricta; ^ side. The lot has had eight° pwn_er"s Park place residents and any others Octo"ber-.27th, 10,18. lie IUL uno lion bif***w uiwiv." , j lllft |iiui,v • —..».—•». — -— - euchrpuenree party and dance given at St. "When I first went over the top sidering what they had been through. that the manholle had been rebuilt I didn't think I would ever be hom Dear Folks: He 3ent his father a Parjs_edjtion of since thie farm was bought .by Mr.!w ho wish to-be-heard, either for or eucnrraiu-cluhhouse e last.__\\ednesday Well, a year ago tonight wo were Whit e antnd it has changed hands of-fjrgaWst the chance of namerwill be Hf• f by the young ladies' sodality again whole, for ninny who wer the New York Herald. made water when it ^ thlin any othe round me were blown to pieces b seeing the twin lights on our return nn any other lot on the entire | jnvited to attend, that meeting ana j fi Jt. James!!? church,. . About $10O to the .11U.. S, AA-.. after we stavted\oustarteihoutt ;j Th^ ..followin. g„ article, concerning, tract. present their views. was cleared.' '• , . shells. I never thought I would hav on the Grant and tonight I am writing the 42d division, of which, the Ked would work alt right. He seemeTLd to tt had the nerve to do what I huve done think it would be impossible to make Miss Bertha Donahue of Red BanK you a letter thnt will have been writ-! Bank nmbulance company iss a pport,, BUYS ADJOINING LOT. .Daly Recoversi,from Wound.. . won first prize at euchre, tane won but in thte houhur of perip l and sufferin, ten nearer Germany thah n any otheh r j was printed,in'thitdith e papere,r received bby the present manhole water tight and somo supernatural strength seems t that a new manhole should be built. "MrsMrs.. Patrick -FF.. DalDy yof West cveri g»me and she w«s the only p I have written so far. At present I, Mr. Cook: Alfred G. Luyster B\lys William Bu- street receiveidd noticti e ffro m tthe warplayer to win ten games. Others who M guidide •one. FFo r ttw o dday s wwee werr h f litt b Commissioner Hance's suggestion chanan's Vacant Lot. almost without water and food was finally acted on and George K. Allen, the town engineer, was in- structed to prepare plans, in co-oper- eration with Mr. Johnson, which awuy would "be" certain to overcome the ha trouble and which would make fur: SIDI C ther changes unnecessary. These he had preciously bought, ^ Poland, Thomas Kelly, hihot SulU- prisoners, cannons and everything . matid of tlio EiKlith .French Army, it ejm- plans will be presented at the next e[$? .1 cannot see how the war can and this hill that wo are on nowNY .IS I plvtcil it» trninln!! nnd on April 1, l'.'l» it cant lot is 37x155 feet, and it also 1 Wedding van, Nellie Phillips,. Miss Dolores 1-niiH.WrThc American soldiers ^ | ^f«epestthaU ba^er lived oi, the nr: l..c C^rM^tSn,.,, hold » a.Bv. mons, Mfs. Richard Noonan, Knther- %vlde onol h l01 l men ami i>ut-»lfllJon»ry fi-onl or fifteen kilomctcra th To the Jaxpayers of Shrewsbury ino Downing, Chnrlea Hoffman, Rob- and they drive and gain ground itt,'"» "?' -"? ••'-••- • . .-,- wnpre it .'•-.• Township, - ert J. Norman, Mrs. Lawrence Roche, The assessment list for the year real estate company. Miss Nellie Loftiis, Miss Helen Kil- 1919 may .be inspected at my office in K The ceremony will be martin, Mrs. John . Bivmbach, Miss performed bn Tuesday, DDecembeb r Shrewsbury on December 10th, from Knit, Knit, Knit, Mary McCarron, Miss Nellie Piyor, dot At j J- ™* ten o'clock a. m. to four p. m., for the till the last man is home. Those boys 10th, at Cranbury. Miss E. M. Garvey, Annie C.ildea, at 7oZr Tnn^orV of enabling the taxpayers to Mrs M • Normoil, Catherine JlcLar- aveT^e i wri^ U time nscei'tain what assessment has been on land and sea, when they had Santa>Claus Invites You ." }' u m M «• k.. „;, stormed through danger and won, did thv' Mrs. Carrie Weber, Harry ,Mc- • is so scarce over here." l made against him or his property and to his official headfluarters from Jiow Cue S. Johnst-on, Patrick Kearneyj waist an dtho-TCPt of ui. v,-e co\ei with ]] llu.(,m,,nls they quit? No, they're there, iou, l .. »• • • confer informally with the Assessor until Christmas; he is even jollier- A later letter from Dr. .Sayre lias ^ur "shelter tents. \IWf e call these ilivisicm then our women, must not quit. Keep on Miss Charlotte Waldlicim. Patrick 11 1 1 as to. the correctness, of the as- Hhan he was before the war,-and 'been received by Mort V. Pach. It lloics foxh holesl . TTheh y are nott sbo badd '•••••' ".'"' <•<••'•• ^'f;! ,, " ,'' knitting. Over one million of ouf Malorie, William Toomfy, Brownson . th t1 f Saint Miliiel sessment tn the end that any errors promises every good girl nnd good boy was written just afte" r h• e reached | to iive_ i n whcn it. is dry but when it *™;;, "> < """" "" " "" b " thV re usTivgrfsotfks IUI boys "over there*"' are 1 .!_?--. lit.- i . - _ rii 1 11.. "-'*-' nwy lie nnrroi'tmlboforo tlio lilinp; of Wonde*tuny-3oyous.Xmaa._GrffiS?fl- a rest billet thirty miles behind the j rujns n js usually a good Ramble tb-il _ It* SITVU-I! In France the il sweaters, etc. The Patriotic hn.i it- pict nf iM'mmnntl nt t-.v.-iity- the' assessment list and duplicate. -ui-s are-invited to bring the children front line. In it he tells of tlie big I wc Ret flooded out. Association of Monmouth County has drive the division he was attached to Today hi\s been a fin thi-i-i' ililfiT'-nt points mill has i-uptuivil pi Chap. Wu Laws 1918. to see the wonderful world of games, day and oiWrs front Uv.-nty-tlm-i; enemy ilivi.^ipiut, in- made special arrangements to supply] books, etc...for boys -and-girls, and .,,.„ .... In this drive they drove the there has been plenty of activity' in jL-luilin- tlni'i- divisions of Ouanls. HARRY G. BORDEN, you with yarn at R5c nnd $1 a hank Miss Kitu Hraney of Colts Nw.-o . p enemy back eig.ln>-miles and took Anulher unit of Anv-riciiin ii-cciiUy Assessor. Shrewsbury Township. the air. At one time 1 bet we could i pleti',! 100 diiy* nf iictive tu'rvk-e durum at A. Salz& Co., Red Bank.—Adver- 3,000 « , , count over fifty planes in the air. Of •wliii-h lime it Itnil Ween in three nf the I'iu —Advertisement, tisement." . • _^ which the Frencfi admitted their men course we don't always know which j erst 1,,-iltle.i, Chnti-au-Tlfii'i-i-y, Snint Milii.-l nnd the Ammne. It hns tnlten 9,1411 pmun- were unnble to accomplish. In telling is which because they flys o htgh that j 1 Follow-the-Boya League. Notice, Red Bank Moose. c-r-.. ineluilinx '- i>flicer» from twenty-six 1 of the hard fighting Dr. Sayre says: we cannot distinguish them but we iililTerent At n meeting nf the league to be An important meeting will be held "I hudimy dressing station in a shell can usually tell by the air barrage held in the Presbyterian church at Thursday night, December othl It is hole the first night of tlie drive. Wewhich is which. It is just about an In a letter written by George T. Shrewsbury, Thursday, evening„, th...e. . very necessary that ii!l members turn were on the front 21 days before hour ago that we saw our pHmes drive McGarr_y of NeV York, son of .lames lecture on I out, in'addition there will be initia- terian church will h 5th inst., there will bo a article!*,e!*,,, homemade breadbread,, cake nnd being- relieved and the men went down a Hun to the ground. They j McGarry of Highlands, on October Hheims Cathedral, accompanied by tion of six applicants. Refreshments d Db strcot.—A through many hardships. I had many just kept driving hj,m down until lie | 20th, he snys "I am very sorry lantern pictures. A musjeal program after mooting. K. l(. Ford, die-tutor, pics on Friday afternoon, December narrow escapes, especially from ar- laded and then, they kept circling | mother, to keep you waiting for anof community .singing, duets and solo William V. Dieterich, secretary.—Ad- lith, from IS until T> o'clock at Mrs, American Made Toys tillery fire and feel thankful to Prov- Mary Smock's, 117 Broad street, Ked for our Amerinin b.iy^ .:md RirlflL around oVerliCaoVcrlietudl until some one on I answer to your letters but I was do numberx; in which soldiersj^antP.nii Camp vertisemeiitij^ -l _: Bank.—Advertisement; idence for being alive, as many of the ground came up anil got him. ing my bit and fighting very hard. Vail are to take part, b> ren- Keep thf children happy and brine •$rny dear friends and comrades were Yesterday before I left for theI suppose you saw in tho papers about nv tfon is ex- Dolls, Books & Games, them to .^e.mir holiday--;tm'k of toys. dered. A cordial j U Highest prices paid for cattle and slain the first two or three days. I front I left you a Hun's tin_ derby our company being surrounded by tended to nil. A'dmissio'n free.^-Ad- in nn endless variety and all Amovi- J{i)berts & ftMiite^tlanj;icJhKlili«n&ys antHroT)e-it"a-rriTed-homc-©r-K-—VVe- 'trn?-'Hitns"for •sixHfays-iwtfr-nothi'ng^"to- calves^—~Sh«pirf>—&—KntV.—Long. —•"Ailv-'S'nfsiJrircri't. "** "*~ lantie Highlands.—Advertisement. Branch, N. J. Phone 1027-M.—Ad- nnd never lind my dressing station woi-k at the front with the regiment eat or drink and believe me il; was T ; •-more than-GOO yards-behind-the-front that-comeB-fr^ni-the'State nnd City fierce:1': ;- ."" -~ "' ' """'" -The Janlor-Aid-society of theHolm-- it —Drr Dunnj-Surjr»on...Chlcopodiil, _.. Long Branch Pier. lines. This,, no doubt, saved many a which ia our' next door neighbor in Georgge belonggs to Companpyy H, del Reformed church will hold a so- Guaranteed Piano Tuning. Second national bank buildinKi R«a soldier's life, us it permitted him totho States and believe me they nre a einl Tuesday evening, December 10th, " Whiting, whiting are very, plenti- Bank. Hours from-1:00 to 8iOO 3.Q8th'.ninfantryj , which left ~Camp Up ful. Ling, ling, are very plentiful, A. B. Dirhan, 42 Hudson avenue. receive medical attention soon after fine bunch of fellows.' Abe Benjamin st April, He was wounded n at which fancy articles, and refresh- Phone 152-J.—Advertisement , ,. p. m. daily. T«lophono ljll-W.—A* being wounded. ' If any one had told and I are up here and as usual bunlf- totAugusi last t but remained iii the hospital monts will be sold.—Advertisement, Bait and tackle,—rAdvertisement, THCJKO BANK

alone soap must be dissolved in the TOE POTATO INDUSIWtank o. f water; but soap and Bor- deaux mutt not be used together, • NEW REMEDIES DISCOVERED Dr. E. D. Ball is one of the ablest entomologists in the world. His spe- FOR POTATO DISEASES. cialty is leafhoppcrs. He is the nian ncron Mctaiflpbell lell. ot a,, , who discovered thut the codling moth Doing, at the National Potato Con- damage to app es could not be con- vention Recently Held in Milwau- I tro!led. UnleSSJhP *)01S011 WJS Put,.-°" W-Cau.e of Tip Burn. • Iu t *. ,tlme .a».d . In * manner whioh T, ' ,, ,, , „ • , „ , . , would get it into the cup just as the Theron McCampbclI of Holmdel | tals £,„ .1Iul hcforc th(| f|uit forms. was the J 0 n 0U h .,?r "L .,, f. , ^ l """SlHisWoml worldaf»inous cU-rovery farmers who attended' the recent was that the sujlnr b< was meeting of the national potato grow- enured by a U^iihoppei•lee-t blfpht ers' association at Milwaukee, 'Wis- insect. lie consin: While Mr. McCampbell was !considers his third discovery—that of at Milwaukee he wrote a letter to The [ the potato leafhopper which causes Register concerning new discoveries mui/n of tlic K)-<;:ll«l tip burn—as in potato growing which were an- one of his liLMK-fu-iul cuntriliU: nounced at the meeting. Mr. Mc-tions to i-ciemo. What wouldn't nil '.Campbell's letter also spoke of theNe' w Jersey potato growers have jriv- Saturday: en to have, prevented the leaves of future growth of the potato business their i>ot:it

T " --'•-'- " ...... hospitel aftel. off by a mow- VALUES plish m the near future. It is alsoTHe expecis to leave "tlie hospital in a good news for Jhose who eut°pota- i few ''ays. tatoes. Only New York state today' *lr' anu M?rtin Willis moved ggrow s morree potatoes than Wisconsin Monday to their new home at Arling;- FROM S7.OO TO bnt WisiilWisconsin,will l be thhe lleading po-' tton . thTeh farf m heroh' ' on whichihh thethy yI ^» tato state within ten years The lived is owned by Mrs.* Harriet .,R. IT. northern half of the state" is yetMiller oi South -Orange* An auction-!^ stampage, which means that thhe timi - (sale- of the personal property pri the sio.oo ber has been cut off and the stumps fatm was 'le'cl aa. few-dayfew-dayss te dgi0an d and bushes cover the land. of the things brought good " ' ' But nnrolmOS, t It was the inteiition of the 4Q Styles to Choose' From. "All Sizes. WidtJhs « uitu iairns, —AndM WJthCe Mcaf besct VLof lh liTma JJJJJVv ! owner to sell .the farm at auction but be bought fo._ r ?2(TO ror per acre or les. •s* the farm was withdrawn from the j ^ iJberal inducements and credit are sale. , • .. •. i WING TIPS, STRAIGHT TIPS. OR PLAlfo TOES r teing offered settlers to come and William Lerch, John Lerch and' T take up this wild land. Miss Matilda Lerch returned last I ^ Brown Calf, cloth top to match, Military Heel. All Brown Kid with Louis Heel. Gray Kid, cloth top to match, It behooves the owners of New Wednesday to their home at East on,! ^ Jersey farms suitable for growine- Pennsylvania, after a stay of several, T Military Heel. AH Gray Kid, Louis Heel. All Gray Kid, Military Heel. Black Kid, gray cloth top, Louis Heel. White potatoes to null together ami ••—• insist that the state legislature! make ILerch on tiwW fruit farm- Brown Patent Leather; cloth top to match, Louis Heel. Field Mouse, Washable Kid, Louis Heel. Tan Calf, fawn whatever appropriations may be nee! I M™- Geojge Wiftins is spendjiig; a essary to develop potato farming to ' f"can" Kb« ?„IU- Cc- . SeobeySeobey. / . „• , ., creased bv having the best ReeveR s Sturtivant of Newark spent lhtst htst wweek with and wed; or how propVsprayfnVcai? in k ith, d Henr y .'. AND MANY OTHER STYLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION crease the yields;or thT/ahfe ofbrt" iVhlin V ^ ?i ter cover and «en mw c™^^*^ ? this week with Mr. and Mrs. such as soy beans. If Se owner^o? Sturtivant at Newark. Every Pair tif Shoes in This Sale are Turn Soles or Goodyear Welts the farm lands fail to do their obvi- "US duty the share farmers—espe- Gunning Notion.. ciaily the young farmers—will pull up • Farmers who post their lands stakes and move to the fertile S25 ann j againet gunners can get muslilin and WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT" acre lands of Wisconsin. Nothing i cardboard gunning signs at The Reg- wiu be gained by shutting our eyes! ister office.-^Advertisemcnt. to the danger. . ., Tile belt of land strotchmg from the Highlands to Trenton, which is underlaid more, or less with marl comprises the late potato section of Wew Jersey. Long- Island comes in I the same class. It co happens that I this location strikes a climate—a po-1 tato climate—midway between" the I tarty .Cobbbr growing sections and I the late-potato growing sections .of I Maine, how York, Michigan and Wis- consul. It is during these few weeks ! that the potato dealers of a large sec-1 tion of the United States depend up- j on N«w Jersey's crop of late potatoes, i If the fsimers of New Jersey-will in-: fiist on many and continuous seed po- i tato tests it is possible that new i strains of. potatoes will be found ! which will be better eating stock than ! the Gii'.iit Knii yet viold ;'s well- or : All Now in better, an.-l -thus increase both puu!- : ity end income. , | A start will ha in this kind'- of lmFroyement woik next reason. I Pink Wrappers WhUe talking, with the agent of the ; fdJilUJdfedera_£jj t . Milwaukee today he • authorized me i to announce |o the potato gi-owers of ! JHonmouth. county that a seed t;st i ssave tin foil for Uncle Sam, Of would be put. on near Holmdel in co-; operation with the New Jersey experi- ment station. The- federal depart-^ WR1GLEYS is now all wrapped ment will select the seed from their experimental potato seed gard-ns in- other parts- of- the United -States.-'.- in pink paper and hermetically Professor William Stuart of Wash- ington and Prof. Jr.cob Lipraan of •J(ew. Brunswick will moke the plans sealed in wax: and appoint their assistants to exe- cute the plans. While they will test tiiant peed from "different northern points, and homegrown Giant seed,. 1. The tangey they will tost other, varieties which . This is a year when great care will be. taken in selecting look promising as being both'better flavor of mint yielders and better eaters "thnu th-> .Christmas presents for a man, to "obtain the greatest amount of Giant. pleasure without too great an expenditure of money. _ t'Rer.e- is yet more news of great .impel-- to New Jersey potato grow-' 2. The luscious If the man whom you have in mind is a smoker,!-&• box of ets. At a mae'.ing this morning I ' heard h. D. .Ball of tha -Iowa1 experi- • different flavor good cigars will-be.more appreciated than any otber gift yqucari merit station make. the. first public announcement and demonstration of make him. " ( ; his discovery that much of the tip- • r burn which browns up the edges of 3. The soothing potato leaves is due to" ah insect which Tw o brands of cigars come to rhind at once when cigars are he has. named the potato leafhopper' flavor of and which may be kept" out of pota-' mentioned as Christmas gifts. These are the Taking Cigar to nekis us aasily as the potato bugs peppermint may be, only it taken a different kind and the Lord Stirling Cigar. '.'*.• of i/isecticide and a different method of spraying. Heretofore the scieu-; These cigars are made in our own State of New Jersey, under tiste have universally claimed- that- tip burn was a weather disease, caused i All in pink-end packages and the finest sanitary conditions, by clean, wholesome workmen, in by the piunt being suddenly deprived I of moisture it needed. Dr. Ball ex-; a clean, up-to-date and sanitary factory. Good tobacco put plained how he proved his discovery: all sealed air-tight. Be Sure by the use of insect-proof cages. He '• together in the best way by skilled workmanship has given these would select three younK plants in i 1 Many different fields of potatoes. I to get' WRIGLEYS because cigars-a popularity in New Jersey exceeding that of any other I'rom one h-a WOCTW carefully drive - ' away every leafhopper and then! cigars which sell at t-heir prices. cover it with, a cage. : Another plant I • 1 would be covered and under the cage ! In giving a box of either of these brands of cigars as a lie wguld put a number of the leaf-1 iioppere which he would catch, thus. i The Flavor Lasts! Christmas gift you give the recipient more pleasure than can be giving that plant an extra lot of the I insects. Another plant would be eov- given by the expenditure- of the same amount of money in any «red just as it was,. The plants given the extra number of leafhoppers soon other way. • . •died. The ones left as found showed serious tip burn like the rest of the field. The plants from which all leaf- hoppers were driven away and kept away did not show any tip burn at MORT V. PACK, Distributor. T all and went on through the season WILLIAM O'BRIEN fresh !:nd green and of course pro- duced large yields of tubers. ENTERPRISE CIGAR COMPANY, Makers, Trenton, N. J. Dr. Ball explained that by spraying >tf MEANS" •with black leaf-40 and by usinp a!S high-powered'sprayer which was ar-j5 ranged to nut the spray under'the [5 HIGH GRADE SERVICE leaves, the leufhopper could be easily j 5 controlled. To kill the first brood of |K adult leafhoppers by one early spray- ' ^ Approved and Improved ing was not enough, for their eggs!4 'Would hatch in a"short.time and so'j Heating • Plumbing Roofing there must be a second spraying. He \Zi use3'Tn EHe~sanie~tai'ik ofwirterT' Bor-tK k forJlie_neaJj.eet.le,Jilac.l£_leaf.lK- foT th"e leafhopper, and arsenate 4 — -—.-—,—Earthen, and iron J of lead for the potato buir. The Bor- 4 dennx will alsoiiSep off the early and 4 RED BANK and SEA BRIGHT lato blight. If black leaf 40 is used W THE RED BANK REGISTER. Page Three.

•••»•••«••••••••»••••••••«•«•••••••••4••••••••••••••• NEWS FROM HIGHLANDS. Be sure and call us, for ENTERTAINMENT BY METHO- the exacting public has AN EVERLASTING SLATE ROOF DIST BIBLE CLASS. the utmost confidence in Several Fuhermen from Hera Go to Florida (or the Winter—Girl GEORGE M. S.GOFF OUR TAXICAB COSTS NO MORE THAN Scouti Get Tenderfoot Pins—Ben- efit Dance Tonight, SERVICE An entertainment was given on announces the usual display of every- for the reasons that our SUBSTITUTE ROOFINGS! Tuesday night of last week by the bible class of the Methodist church. thing men and boys wear in dependable ears are always kept in Don't use temporary roofings; it means an endleas chain Songs were sung by Miss Myra Smitb, Miss Perri Stone and Miss Iva Lane; quality at inviting prices. first class condition and of annoyance, repairs, damage to building and contend, recitations were given by Miss Goldie are carefully driven by expense and disappointments. Bogue and Helen , Soulthorpe, and piano selections were played by The usual Brokaw standard "all wool honest, courteous chauf- Emnnuel Schwartz and Reginn Pick- A Slate Roof is absolutely Fireproof and Waterproof. „ up. Mr. Gills, one of the sailors ut| and fast color" has been "rigidly main-. BE. SURE1 feurs. the Martin housed sung "Smiles" and I • tained. Th©; usual versatility of design "Slates placed over old shingles" "Are You from Heaven?" Samuel • Try our service and you will always call 704. Strauss pluyed a selection On a violin. I J is evidenced throughout this season's Reasonable rates. a specialty The chorus sung "Homeward Bound."! » A sociable was given last night at! • showing. .j the chinch., The coast guard band, | I RICHARD C. WARWICK j composed of men stationed at Hotel | • 'The usual bumper volume of value • Martin, rendered numerous selections Successor to Estate of W. R. WARWICK and un evening of general sociability still appeals, and irf contradistinction Anderson's Taxi Service •was spent. Both affairs were for the benefit of the church. to the usual supply of foreign fabrics^ Office Opposite Depot, Red Bank, INT. JF. 278 Broadway, LONG BRANCH, N. J. A group of fiahermen loft Friday Telephone 134 for Florida, where they will fish dur- to be found .today, the stock abounds TELEPHONE 7O4 ing the winter. Some of the men (shipped their boats which they will in the best loomed woolens from Eng- use in their work. Among those who Jand, Scotland and Ireland, further en- went were Charles Smith, • Arthur Smith, Samuel Smith, George Adair, hanced by the production of the best John Patterson and Albert Hnrtgrovo. They are milking the trip by water. American mills. Twenty-four girl scouts of the local organization have received first class tenderfoot pins. Among those who were awarded the pins were Augusta BROKAW BROTHERS Cokmian, lieutenant of the troop: Alyinn Bogue, Elizabeth Pangborne, 1457-1463 Broadway Elizabeth Stiles, Caroline Johnson, Agnes Romandetti Helen Homnndetti, At Forty-Second Street Helen Kaclenbach, Minor Brent, Nel- lie Nordnn, Kstelle Manning, Cather- New York City We make all our own Randies in our sanitary factory on the second ine Horan, Mildred Breen, Maxine Stiles, Laura Kullman and Mnrgnret floor over our store on Broad Street, opposite Monmoulh. Kullman. Thomas Lyons is drill in- Subway Station . structor'of the girl scouts. .. .' The Poeahontas lodge will give a Times Square ..['. You are invited to visit our factory, and see candy jn the making! benefit dance tonight in Ked Men's hull. Miss Beatrice. Newman and You will be convinced of its purity when you see it manufactured 'in Mrs. Georgiolta Dorsett joined Po'cn- .'^tntaa lodfro last Wednesday night. A letter was received here irom our light and clean establishment. ... :- . •... , ,' Councilman Robert HonnuSscy, who is in France. His brother Edward is ***************************************** ************ in the Hame regiment but no word ' We manufacture all-kinds of delicious chocolates, fudges, caramels, has been received from him jn ajong time. bon bons, nut, fruit; and hard candies: -._ ^ The steamship Maurctnnln, which Horse, Stable and was carrying 3,000 American soldiers back home from France, passed S'in- Cattle Manure . 1 Bernard Creighton, Jr., is sick with looks like a hopeless enso hanging in Broad Street, opposite Monmouth Red Bank, N. J. pneumonia. . the closet. Well, don't worry, let us M. McGIRR'S SONS CO. U. S. Grant Johnson, councilman »M W. 34th Struct, New York City. elect, who has been confined to thedry clean and press it for you—it's bed with pneumonia, is able to be around. " • good for lots of wrar_*3t. And think Mr. and Mrs. Ned Cotton spent Sunday, with relatives at Allentown, of the saving. in or let us Pennsylvania. . . cull today. Frost fish tire plentiful and' largo catches luive been m^de along .the 1 l>eneh. EAGLE CLEANERS AND DYERS Ralph Dra>ii;Hvh'o is stntUAicxVat;n Southern camp, has been home on n98 Shrewsbury Avonue. Red Bank. furlough. Joseph Mcnzzopnne, who is with the . artillery at Camp Eustace, Virginia, wns home last week on a five-'iiay fur- lough. Miss Dora Rosenbaum of New York . spent Saturday and Sunday with her Be Better Looking—Take •aunt, Mrs. Benditt Roscnbaum. .. Olive Tablets ... Collector Grnndin V. Johnson left last Thursday for a two weeks' stay at Syracuse, Ndw York. . .'..-_ I( your skin Is yellow—complexion pallid Miss Ethel Johnson his been Bpend- —tongue coated—appetite poor—youhave Tng a few days with Miss Dorothy a bad taste in your mouth—alazy, no-good Schncll of Hnckensnek. feeling—you should take Olive Tablets. St. Andrew's Episcopal church will " Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets—a substitute —Hold a Christmas celebrationJhis_year for calomel—were prepared by Dr. Edwards that will surpass nil previous affairs "afteM.7 years of studywilh his patients.. of that kind. The Christmas festival Dx. Edwards'Olive Tablets are a purely for the children has usually bepn on a vegetable compound mixed vvilh olive oil. small scale but this year it is planned You will know them by their olive color. to have "one swell time." To have a clear, pink skin, bright eyes, :: CHRISTMAS is almost here and as always this store is headquarters Mrs. Frank .Parker and her twono pimples, a feeling of buoyancy like daughters Marjorie und Muriel spent childhood days you niust get at the cause. Thursday with Mrs. Parker's mother, Dr. Edwards' 0iiv2 Tablets act on the\\ for appropriate and lasting gifts at "prices which reallyrepresent Mrs William Decker of Newark. liver and bowels like calomel—yet have Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams and no dangerous after effects. Miss Catherine Robertson spent Sat- They start thebile and overcomeconsti- urday and Sunday with friends at ; money saving to all. It is to your—advantage to make your-selection 1 pation. That's why millions of boxes are New Brunswick. Mi , .and Mrssol, d annually at 10c and 25c per box. All Adams have heard, from their son druggists.- Take one or two nightly and John, who is with the American note the pleasing results.' ; now while Our big stock; contains such a variety; of suitable presents. forces in France. Mrs. George Liming is having her house wired for electric lights. She HAZLET NEWS. is also having an archway made.which Accept our advice arid mak& your choice now/ " will connect the living room and theMri. Daniel Bailey Taken to Hospital dining room. A partition between at New Brunswick. 1 two closets will be torn out in order Mrs. Daniel Bailey, \yho was bndly to muke this improvement. injured about two weeks ugo when Buffers CosVumcrSi Lamps Lap- Robes * Bed-Blankets Mrs. Elizabeth Abbott has resumed she fell from her automobile while at her work at the Fort,IIiuicook rocren-. Key'rort, was taken to St. Peter's tion house after a sickness of five hospital at New Brunswick on Fri- Dining Tables Roll Toj) Desks Clocks 1— Bissel Sweepers— •weeks. _ day. Carl Parker was home from Camp Miss Gertrude Walling of Chapel Meside, Maryland, on Thanksgiving. Hill visited Miss Maude Ackerson sev- Chairs Ladies' Desks Smoking Sets Vacuum Cleaners eral days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Poling and Marlboro Newi. daughter of Keyport were Thnnkfs- Fancy Rockers Brass Beds Chafing Dishes Tabouitettes George VanAken, who is a teacher ii guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dressing Tables in the electrical school at Newport H." " News, Virginia, ha3 -boon home on n Mr. und Mrs. Thomas Rathbone Morris Chairs Dressers Dinner Sets MiFrors T furlough. He returned Saturday. have returned to New York after a Medicine Mrs. VanAken, who has been visiting visit with Ira Cnrhnrt and family. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. 11. Wells, Charles Lufburrow, who underwent Fancy Tables Chiffoniers Kitchen Utensils - Cabinets : Work Baskets for a few weeks, returned with him. an operation at St. Peter's hospital at Mrs. W. Skillman and children of New Brunswick about two weeks ago, Princeton spent Thanksgiving with is recovering. ,/**- Library Tables Safety Razors Suit Cases. „ Rugs , -^^r Sewing Baskets Mrs. J.S. VnnMnter, . Mrs. Jumes Kelsh and Miss Mar- Miss Laura Sherwood of 1'reehold garet Kelsh of Nnvesink visited Mrs. Sewing . spent Tuesday with her aunt, Mrs. Harry S. Cowles last week. Fancy China Percolators Fancy* 7 - Blacking Cases Mary S. Hobart. Sergeant Lnmlon F. Carney of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Wells cntcr- Cocoamit Grove, Florida, now sta- "taineil Mr. and Mra. Henry Wells and tioned at Camp Meade, Maryland, Couches Cut Glass Pocket Knives^! Comfortables" Carving Sets children, Mr. and Mrs Henry I. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. , Schnnck of Holmdel, -Mr. and Mrs1'. . Otto Weigand, Sr. George VanAken of Newport News, Sergeant Otto B. Sehnecre of Ge- Virginia, and James Wells and family lonn, 111., now .stationed »l Fort Han- of Newark on Thanksgiving day. cock, spent the week-end with his Private John R. Conover, who iswife, who ia visiting Mrs. Henry E. FOR THE BOYS AND GIRLS stationed nt Fort" Hancock, and hi»Ackerson, Sr. wife spent Thanksgiving with Misses Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hope and Elizabeth und Catherine Hnywnrd: Mrs. Sadie Thompson have returned ' Mr. Hasson niid family of Freehold to Brooklyn after 11 visit with Mr. and were guests of Rev: and Mrs. C. L.Mrs. George W. Voorhocs. Tables Automobiles Tool Ctaests Palmer on Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Lydia Morris has returned 1 Mrr. and MrsMrs. Herma. Hermann DowDownesann d home after spending several weeks at Rocking Horses Writing Desk Ice Skates " son spent Thanksgiving at Imlays- Bnyonnc with friends. town. •• ' Mr. and Mrs. John S. VnnMnter Mr. and Mrs. Theodore F. Burke entertained twenty people at Thanks- Rockers lvave been entertaining friends from giving dinner. • Coaster Wagons Roller Skates Jersey'City. | Mr. and Mrs. 'Sloringcr and Stan- Mrs. 0. C. Herbert linn closed horsey Storingcr have returned home Flexible Flyers house for the winter and has gone to from a visit on Long Island. Mnnnsquan to visit her. son, Dr: R. Scrgennt J. Frank Weigandi now W Herbert. From there she will, go stationed at University Heights, New to Plaiiifield, where she will spend the j York, spent Thanksgiving with his rest of the winter with her son, Dr., parents here. Frank Herbert. • . .1 Hazlet people who sawtho show, nt Wlllhvbr Cdlemnn- of •Plainfiold^-vis-- the-llippedrfmio-Ht-New-Yflrk-on-Satt ited Miss Clara .Kilmartin oil Monday urday were Sergeant and Mrs. Otto "of liisFwcelf.'" ~'"' *—'rBrKctijieCl'eV'Mins" EliznbethrSr™Ack- «ENBR!GKS0N & MPWEGATE Mrs. . MMary MoNinnie of Colt's Neck ] erson, Scrgennt J. Frank Woigaml, spent .ThanksgivinThag g with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. Peseux and Daniel Wei- W. A. DuKtrnn. I garni. ', East Front SWeet, Near Broad Telephone 26 Red Bank, N. J. ; '. ^i his-wife^erThnnkiiv- ^ ^I^^Jy** The ing. P«xe Toot. THE RED BANK REGISTER. could not by a proper syutem of lay BOHOUGH OF HICHLAND3, HIGHLANDS, ing mains be sewered by gravity. 4>+++*+*+4>4^ NOTICE Ol;< SALE 01-'* LANDS FOB UN- j PA1P TAXKit. JOHN H. COOK. Editor and Al titfl Boroufb Hall, HlfIIUIMU. N. J. GEORGE C. HANCB, Associate Editor. December l»th, I»18. there would have been no need of Notice la herelij Kiv«n that I, Grand In V. Businesi Manager: sewer lifts in any part of the town. Johnson. Collector of the taxlna district of THOMAS IRVING BROWN. BorouKb of Hlelilantii, County of Wort- Dead ends of sewer mains, which mouth, and State of New Jersey, pursuant Subscription Prlcest were not able to be used for years, to thi authority of the •tntuUt fn luch c«oa CK-.i year , $1X0 would never have been constructed made »nd provided, will, on the NINE- fix mgnthfl *. .76 TEENTH DAY OF DECEMBER; A; D- Three months 40 •in their present manner. If the orig- FOOTWEAR N1NETEEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN? inal plan had been pursued each at thre« o'clock in the afternoon, in th« Entered at the poatofllce at Red Dank, new addition to the sewermain would -F"OI buildinu known «JI Borough Hmll, in th« **i& M- J., »• second-class matter. taxing district, expose for Bale and aell th« have become part of a perfect system. »ev«ral tracts and pare el a of land herolnnf- The sewage from every part of the j ter specifled, or any part or parts of >t*id WEDNESDAY, DEC. 4, 1918. town would have been carried by lands, aufflciant tor the purpo»et pn which THE HOLIDAYS tax** fpr the year Nineteen Hundred and gravity to the sewer works. Sixteen remain unpaid nnd in arrcam, ts kuch person or penon* Qu will purehate th« •am* for the shortest term, »nd jpay th« tax ' •ynvx NMOX Hen thereon, including Interest and costa of •„ ", —r~ n-i.1. Councilman-Hancc rightly said that «ala. On several occasions recently it has t,,e extensions'to the sewer system Tite «»id lands and the nnmei of the per- J t iom again*t whom the tuild taxes h»ve been been suggested. that a fitting memo- had ,)een ,)uj,t from timc to time aaaeiied, and the amount of the aaiue aro rial for the Red Banjt soldiers who with a-vicw on!y t0 immediate needs ALL THE FAMILY aa fotlowi: fought in the war for world freedom d wjthout reKavd to future develop- AndrewR,8arah, house and lot at No. L would ,b e not a monumen, ,. , .,,t .o f bric•,k ,o .r I' meritt of ft hth e£ systemt . .."GooGdd enougJhh 48 Fourth street f B7J> • • Brown, Harry A., house and lot on stone but a pub icy buildinppsesg .suitabl Thies f „ * h . . , £ Fifth Btreet, (Watt* property) .... 48.80 Brown, Hurry A., house Ynd loton Bay jiropositiolo, all communitn was specially purposesy advocated. This !j whjch mo>st of t(]eA sewj streetP. ext, »;or nsiona sec8 - avenue, (Suaie Brown) 23.T6 bv Rev. William C. Stfnson at the THE BEST ENDORSEMENT. PERFECT SHOE FITTING. Brown, Harry A., house anil lot on Hay havtion-oe beef an streetrnnde, . has been sewered in avenuv, near Miller street 14.4T civic service held at the high school the cheapest manner, without regard Drown, Fred, store and lot at No. 71 on Thanksgiving day, and at that to the territory just beyond the line B«|r avfnue ., . ., ..,,,... 82.79 service a motion was passed that BunJto-, C. Sam." house and lot near i, _, , . - of immediate sewcringv This has The large number of .satisfied cus- The.real value in a shoe is not what Miller itrvet £ - 10.65 Mcyor Patterson appoint a committee , j installation of very Borden, Sylvia, house and lot on tho liecessexpensivtatee dsewe thre Mtts in various pa tomers who bring their families and their you pay for it,.but how it fits a$d the ser- northwest slda of Miller street ... 14.4T memorialto bring abou. t the erection of such a cxpens[ve sewer ijfts i,, various parts Biachoff, Jessie, house and lot at No. of the town, it has compelled rebuild friends here to buy shoes is our endorse- vice it gives, ill fitting shoes are injurious 127 Bay avenue ; ing parts of the sewer system, and Dnbb, Ellen, houso and lot ut No. 84 A memorial of this kind will be of other expensive undertakings have ment. We are winning new customers to feet, health and disposition. Our aim Bay avtrnt* 16.44 tt: lasting character. It will be of con- firavand, Rudolph and Sadie, hous« been made necessary in order to ex- jlaily simply by pleasing our old ones. is to fit you correctly. We're not satis- and lot. No.- 2S, 26 B. K. N 27.05 tiiuous advantage to the community, tend the benefits of sewers to prop- 'olllnt, James <3., houso and lot at as well as a memorial to the valor of erty beyond where the sewers had Honest shoe value e« it. fied until you are. No. 86 Shrewsbury avenue ...... 12.65 our soldiers. It will serve a useful DeBouase, Amelia, lot on Kaveiink and an elevating purpose. It is well, previously been laid. avenue ; lfl.2f * *. * fercdny, Sidney, lot No. 4 B. K. U... 2.90 too, that it should bi a distinctly Grover, Julia E., house and Jot on the public enterprise and not confined to The result has been a hodge podge • •oKthcast sldo of Miller street.. 11.68 a church or lodge or miscellaneous of sewer building. It will be only a Naveaink Park Co,, V* Or6hard Hill comparatively short number of years property 88.68 collection of individuals. Mayor Pat- Our stock of Shoes, Slip- flartarrove, George, house and lot on terson, as the official head of Red when the entire sewer system of the • No matter wheta you go Be prepared for all kinds town will have to be rebuilt on ac- the south aide Fifth strwt 0.S5 Bunk, is the proper person to head or whom you meet, you can pers^ Boota, Rubbers, Arctics, of weather. You protect Hartpgrov«, O., house and lot on Beo-i such an enterprise. The project should count of the expense of maintaining ottd street ,..; , 8,5* the sewers as at present constructed. Uaa-saman, Louretta, house and lot on be kept a public enterprise, built at always be sure your feet are etc., is very complete and your shoes as well as your Miller street ana Highland avenue. 17.S0 public expense and maintained at It is probable that even at the present s Hmnct, John, ieatatc, hou,ae and Jot on public expense for the general pub- time the expense of maintaining and 4 . properly dressed if you buy •i every member of the family feet when wearing rubbers Nfcvcsink avenue ...... ,.,. operating die sewer lifts and the cost Xenneasey. John G., lot and barn on lic benefit and advantage. Individ- can be outfitted here in foot- that are bought here. HiahUnd av«au« 8.8« ual gifts towards its erection or em-of other work made necessary by our your shoes here, 'We keep loran, /ohn, Jr., house and lot No. bellishment should be welcomed, but imperfect sewer system, amounts to • wear at a great saving in time t 46, B. K. A 86.1S its ownership nnd supervision should much more than the interest on the right up to the times and Haueer, Churlca a.nd Edna, store and cost; of rebuilding the "entire sewer lot on Boy avenue , 20,62 be retained by the public, as a public give you the same" season's and money. .Lefour experi- Herbert, Charles, house and -lot on system of the town. TwinllRht Terrace .. , 24.16. memorial, as was suggested by Mr. enced salesmen demonstrate We carry a large line of Hardy, Josephine, house and lot on Stinson. styles as are found in the tha northweat aide of Miller etreet 20,2ft The town saved money by building their ability: He idle, F.J., house and lot at No. 60 • Stores of the Wg cities. \- rainy day footwear at prices on the southwest vide of Bay ave- The committee to be appointed by short sections of sewer extensions in nue , 2B,0i the cheapest way that would serve that will make if profitable Heidle, F. J , house mill lot, Clay Pit, Mayor Patterson will probably find 1 the properties directly benefited at Prospect av«nne fl, ?* msny obstacles to overcome, but this for you to buy here. We Hefalc, P. J., lot No. 72 on Buy avenue 4.8» shoujd not deter them. There will the time. But it was a saying for Heidle A Koble, lot No. IS on Bay be divergent views as to location, as which the town is now paying dear Every shoe we sell is care- We carry an unusually carry only such makes of nue, (Job laming property) 9,Qt to size, and as to various features. and for which it will pay still more Hcldle & Zoble, lot No. 7 on Bay ave- This is only natural and it is the case dearly in the future. The aim of fully made, and our dress large stock of shoes in a wkle rubbers and rubber boots nue, (HartuKrove property) 4»8J each board of commissioners bas been Heidle & Zoblc, part of lots It, 16, Ifi in almost every phase of public ad- 1 on Cedar atreet 11.68 vancement. Speaking generally, it to hold certain expenses down to the shoes are just as comfortable range of' „ styles and sizes. that have a reputation and Hoffman, Jacob S.. house and lot on smallest possible limit while being the southwest side of Buy avenue.. 25,1* may be said that the site selected as the shoes we sell you-for We not only know how to fit we know our Rubbers, Rub- Hetland, BuKaime, house and lot 16, should be large enough to accommo- bountifully free with the public 17, B. K. V , 28.9* money in other ways. In sewer mat- date the building with ample light on ordinary wear. We do not the many various shapes of ber Boots, Arctics, etc., can- Hyland. Joseph J., lot No. 15C Map A, all sides, and the plot should be ofters this has been an instance of the Hilton , / 2.8D penny wise and pound foolish system 'Ohnson, Fi«d E., house and lot on the sufficient size, to afford nroper em- sacrifice either style or ser- feet, but we have the stock not be duplicated for quality northeast aide of Fourth street... 13.89 bellishment of the grounds. As toof transacting public business. Tenkinson, George, Jr.. houoe sixd lot vice in giving you your cor- and factory facilities behind and price anywhere in the at No. 1*1 Bay avenue .' 18.8? ' the size'of the building, there should Tenkinson, Elizabeth, house ami lot at be taken into consideration by the It would he. money in the tpwn's rect fitting' iif footweajv country. No. fl Oedar atreet 18.60 committee the future growth of Red us with-which to do it. • iCelley, William, stoic and lot on Bay pocket to make a start for a perfect ' \t avenue 23.15 Bank, the extension of the town sewer system for the town before go-, Rosenbaum, MorrU, lot on Center limits from time to time, and the ing into much more expense along atre«t •:.. 7.72 Loyton, Jos«ph V., houde and lot on probable consolidation of surround- that line." The ablest sewer engineer tfae southenst side of Miller' Btroot.. 19.29 ing" municipalities with Red Bank. • that can be found should be engaged FOOTWEAR THAT Layton, Aaron, estate, house and lot to make a survey of the town's sewer on the northweit eule of Miller system and to report on the change's atrect 14.4T To my mind one of the fine things Iminlr, Job. house and lot on Bay necessary to convert,the whole sys- avenue 21.28 about the inauguration of this propro?- tem to a perfect gravity system. The Liming, George nnd Margaret, house ject is the fact that it got its first).firsi sewer works are at the lowest part of and lot on the northeast aide of official start in a public school—in a the town, being only a few feet above Fourth street 6.86 ALBERT S. MILLER Liming, AmbroBO nrd Anna, house and building owned and maintained by all tide water. There was natural drain'-, • lot No. 88, 84 map 18.5t the-people, of the town. The meet- age to the river from every part of 18 BROAD STREET iprete, Maria Marta, houde and lot ing at which the project was inaugu- Red Bank and from the outlying ter- 4 RED BANK No. 24 B. K. L. 11.58 rated was likewise of a distinctly Matthews, Ed., house and lot on ritory. There was no reason there- 4 STORE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL. CHRISTMAS .Fourth street 11.62 public character—a meeting of the fore whv the entire system should not MatthewH, David, house and lot on people of all classes and of all walks have been constructed on the gravity Fourth street 11.62 M'nxaon, Mary. hoiiHo end Jot, (X>. in life to, take part in a civic service, system. At .times some of the ex- Mntthewe property) 0.66 tlie first service of the kind ever held tensions which have been built would Murray, Frances J., M aero Murray in.a public building in the town. have cost considerably more if such estate ...' '. IE.44 Murphy, Harry S., plot on Nnveuink * * * a plan had been adhered to, but it avenue 19.2* Uniil this community -building is would have greatly reduced the cost Meyer, H«>nry, three IOIH, NO. ^0, 21, erected" the schoclhouses should be in the end. The town must eventual- 22, on Prospect ,etroet ..' 8.69 ussd for all public purposes possible. ly come to a complete gravity system RENEWED TESTIMONY Menxonane. Benjamin and An«elinn, of sewers, such as was planned in store and lot on the northwest wide These buildings, like the projected 4 of Miller street .,....,. 19,29 community house, are owned by the the beginning; and the longer a start in Red Bank who suffers Mceekcr, Charles 0., lot No. 15 B. K. public. They are in use only a few in this direction is delayed the greater backache, headaches, or 'distressing M ; ... 2.96" will be the ultimate cost to theurinary ills can afford to ignore this McKomui, John J., house and lot No. hours each day and are very seldom 4 CO, Gl map & Hilton . . 7.72 used in the evening. They, are kept people, Red Bank man's twice-told story. It oltc, Catherine, lot No. 14 B. K. J.. . 2.90 (town Talk.continued on page 12.) is confirmed testimony that no Red your DEPOSITORY *arkcr, Mra. Reuben, house ant) lot heated and are capable of being used Make Bank resident can doubt.- at No. 53 Fourth street 11.58 for many public purposes. There 'arkor, Mrs. Reuben, house nnd lot should be something doing in-*yery John S. Leonard, 75 W. Front , ne«r L. M. Pinker estate ..,._... 16.41 " one of the public schools of the town NOTICE! . Our Christmas Club will close on December_7th.. Checks will be sent to jbRrtson, Perrine. house nnd lot ofi St., says: "My kidneys were out of j the floiith; end of Fifth street 8,82 almost every night of the week. The order and acted irregularly. I was|I all members on"December 11th. . .,....•,-, . ..' . Robertson, Arthur and Selina, house . present schoolhouses should be tile nervous and my back ained me. I < amt lot on tho southeast side of community centers of each locality pair . Miller atreejt ;...... 41,88 Meeting: of Township Committee. used Doan's Kidney Pills and they- Make your savings as easy as your spending. . SelegJ^this Bank as, your Smith, Emma Etta, house and lot on and should be used for community - Holly ami Cedar streets 16.22 " meetings, for. debutes, for concerts, of Shrewsbury Township to pay bills i Smith, George J., lot and barn at No.

"T1 o r"r before 2 o'clock on the after- j praise them highly." _ lantic Btreet 5.79 1 • YeaKPr, Alflx., bouso and lot at No. 8 ,))oys and fjirln and of our men and 1 Total Resources over $4,000,000.00 Cetlnr nnd Second streets- 14.4T women. This project of. a public noon of that date. Also take notice ?»«',* • l,&?L«!i If the tax, interest nnd costs arc pAld be- simply ask for a kidney remedy— fore the above dny of- sale the costs in each athletic field, like the project of the that the Committee will hold a | get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same cane will be £2:12 nnd Interest will be added cotnniunity building, has becrvrdis^ I that Mr. Leonard had. Poster-Mil- nt the rate of citrht per centum per annum cussed for. many years. This' fieW linal meeting for.the yenr-1918 on.j from thfi twentieth day of December, nine- teen hundred uml sixteen, on taxes of 1916. should contain 'eight to twelve acres, Thursday, December 19, at 2:30! If the tax, interest and costfl are not paid which would be sufficiently lartre for until after the above mentioned day. of sale, all athletic purposes. Baseball P. M. By ordtr of Township Com-! Luke Longhead can work for yon additional coeta will be added. grounds,' n running track and tennis When the sale takes place payment of miitde. in this weather just as good as he nil taxeB. coHta and interest munt be made courts could be provided on this field by tho purchaser before the conclusion of thu and Iho place .could. Fie.. u?e(l."for_Mny ..;_._.. -GEORGE H. LIPPINCOTT, does at other seasons. Try him.— Hide, otherwiue the property will be immedi- rk'A pointed to take into, oonsideration the! they last at $250 and $300 delivered. These units will not olficp in ItiKik f»2*) (if MortfiiKcn, i)a«rn 17 : &c. and Book Ill of Chattel MortKnfrea, erection of n-comiminity building as Vtiue 117. Anil you. Rebecrn C. OinRinr. nr*» avincmorinl to-our soldiers shoulil JII- ! mull** a (U'fcndiint bncnuHo ymi executed unid • so take into consfderation the ncquif-| A Dry Cellar—Yet a Cool One - last long, so get yours now and be prepared for spring. mortffnirp and are liable on the bond neenm- pitnyintf .intiiP, nnd art* tho owner of record in«- of athletic 'grounds as an out-door j A warm cellar is a poor storehouse. That's why vege- of snid tnnds nnd paid (roods ond chattels; "nemorial to .those who fought the nnd you, Herbert J. GidsiiiR, are made n do-1 ""ijreatvfight for TOrUrfreedbm. " tables and .other foodstuffs cannot usually be kept in the fondant because you nre the husband.of nn;d basements of homes heated by the old style pipe furnaces, Rebecca ^C. GiswinK nntl hnve nn ihclionta • The above'pricesTincludeliew housingsTarid jack shafts. r!»ht n« tenunt by th<> courtoxy initiate or U-OJ' O-O-O- or the more costly systems. The pome other right- in said landa. if Al almost every • meeting of .tli Dated Nov. 2, 1918. lifiii/rd of commissioners tlu're is enm- ALSTON BEEKMAN. Home Ventilator Furnace Solicitor of Complainant. Jilfr.inl of some of the sewers of the The Oriitm.l PATENTED Pioelc Model . Phone *or write Office Address: 10 Broad street. Red Bank. town. Some of these complaints are Manufactured only by the HOMER FURNACE CO., Homer, Mich. -liascil on (rouble with the sewer lifts anH some lire in conned ion with •will radiate enough heat to keep the cellar free from " Monmouth County Stirrogate's Office. In the malter of the estate of William B. th<- p.L'iieval working of the town's! dampness, but will not detract from its natural coolness. Warner,'UeHecHetl. se». «r system, Noticu to creditors to present claims npninst , , , ;; Vegetables can be stored ivilh peifect safely.- estate. _ Heat is not wasted with the "Home Ventilator." The Pursuant of the order of Joaeph L. Don- Commissioner Ihini'c spoke the; scientific principle of desiun p.nd operation sends all heat RAY F. BROWN truth' itt Monday nijrlit's iiicctintr of; town boanl when .he, :;|iia rder.or iir.iliy it \v:is dc'sit.'iit'(i to have a j ir Bct n —S'-v.-fr-fystrm—whirlr-wi/uhl-r t»l »»'»<•<»-'• ~._tr)n_4- liltle-morii. thirL-yxm-Jiv.auld-.payJor~.a--sao-d-.baBe «-- - ^^^^j- ^ •— -~v—•—^—-• JT ^ >'u i° " tlii^wliole town and all the terri-j burner. Ask us for niore information.' Bftld BUbucrllwr ctober I4th.'l toiy likely to |,f inrorporatcil .with! ' Dated Freehold, N. J.; IE L. WARNER. th<- town, and to hnvc this system! William O'Brien, Red Bank and Seabright. Gunning based on gravity. 'Ihe sewer woil

To our friends: OO1VTF»ATSY Some Sales! A few months ago we never dreamed that we would be ablerto celebrate :a :re*l Christmas. 'Rather did we view the coming of the ancient holiday with a certain sadness because'of the loved ones who ONE HOUR EACH were exposed to the .perils of War. . < ' " Some Sales "' will be your verdict after reading and teeing theae Mid-Wieek values offered for Now all is changed and we can' observe an old fashioned Christ- mas with thanksgiving in our hearts. Wednesday, December 11th Steinbach's has been metamorphosed into a Christmas store-— Surely this is a new high altitude record in value giving. the very symbol of the spirit of the Holiday. You are welcome to These sales start and end promptly on the hour. eitjoy'the'.brilliant 'exhibitions, .the cheery decorations—to all the in- The right to limit quantities is reserved. . ' formation we have in regard to a million gifts. A bell will strike the hour at the commencement of every stile. Articles have been selected that will make acceptable Christmas Yours for a Merry Christmas, Gifts of the practical kind. . STE1NBACH COMPANY. " 9 to 10 A. M. 10 to 11 A. M. Women's French Kid Gloves, Popular Fiction, 44e. $1.75 pair. The Christmas Hand Bag This is another unusual These gloves sell regular- opportunity. New copy- ly at $2.25 per pair. They Beads and silk make the most of jnay be had in all white, all- righted fiction, sold regular- ly at 05c will be offered in .these .handbags, jtet some of them are black or white with black embroidery, or' black with ";tliis. hour sale at 44c each. quite genernus: Silks of various colors white embroidery. Buy your A long list of •titles'to select with a preference of darker shades so Gift doves at this sale.; from. that the bright beads will show the de- TOYTOWN- sign clearer. StenfbachVis * gnat Christmas Store for little folks. Our 4th finer &•• 3>aenfain^iiaoAr«ffuW5tnt&'CkwsiAnda^ 11 to 12 A. M. 12 to 1 P. M. They are more Jbeauiiful than we •vnii fce :here •every afternoon ham 3iO9 to 5:00 H. M. Wash Goods Remnants at White Sale of Lingerie. can describe and so very new for fancy Half Price. Several hundred' garments work, just a handkerchief or the many Hundreds of remnants of' from our regular stock have beautiful wash goods, suit- been selected for this sale, litfle<1hings a woman carries. CHRISTMAS OTFER able for .many purposes. including gowns, envelope . 'Every remnant will be solid chemise,' petticoats, corset COMBINATION at one-half its former selling co'vers, camisoles and tdraw- ers. AH are priced at 89c - an Easy Terms price.- Lengths for dresses, skirts, hlouses, -etc. - each. A Gift of an Umbrella 1 .No. W Golden Oik Victrola .*22;5o i Golden .Oak Cabinet ^joo TMt isaunils Hike :a strictly itfilrty^gift, but when- one sees ihe Records, .j...... 5JO.O 1 to 2 P.M. 2 to 3 P.M. 'UfrribreilasfheTeal worth -of such a gift suggestion is apparent. There 1 .Record BruSh .: .... .i5 are so .many stales to select from, you may be sure of securing a very • 1 "10-in. Album .'..,. .'I.. . U'S White Curtain Swiss, 12c. Women's Coats, Safe* Af- 1 12-in. Album ,'...... i.5o per yd. ternoon and Street Dnsw- good selection iat a very moderatevprice. *' • ~—^ es, One-Fourth Off. #39;4O White curtain Swiss in .Men* Umbrella* dotted and cross bar designs. Any selection during this #4.00 down, [balant».dS3iW).3ier month. ' We ^reserve Ihe right to limit period is subject to a dis- 28 in. Gloria umbrejlas, crook 28. in. silk and linen umbrellas, 1 No. VI Golden OakVictrola. »32.5o quantities. This goods ;was count of 25 per cent. No handle, $1.39 and -$1.59. $3.50 and $4.50. - i Golden Oak Cabinet... , ,..,.:... 11.oo purchased a long while ago, [garment withheld. C. O. Records ,.....'...... "5.oo lience the great reduction in D.'s, exchanges or credits 28 in. Gloria Umbrella, guaran- .28 in. all-silk umbrellas.\ #5.00 1 Record Brush "..,.., ';•... 15 price. will .positively be refused: teed, $1.75 to $3.00. »• •to $8.50. .. 1 10-in. Album .. „; : •..„' •... 1.25 i 12-in. Album ..,.....,.„,.. 1.50 Women's Umbrella* ' • - - . • ' •: '• #51.40 3 to 4 P.M. - 4 to 5 P.M. 36 in. Gloria umbrellas, straight or Jsl.oo down, 'balance $4.00 per month. Silks and Woolen Fabrics. crooked handle, J!1.25T Men's Night Shirts, $1.10. 26 in. silk .and linen .umbrellas, $3/5o A wonderful sale Of all Men's outing flannel Night to $4.50. new silks and woolens • for Shirts in pink and blire» one hour only at a! reduction striped effects—a standard Silk umbrellas, $5.00 to $7*50. •* of 5oc a yard on fabrics sell- make. All full cut sizes, 15 . Umbrellas in colorea silk with straight ing at $2.00 per yard and up- to 18. Regularly sold at or .cord handle in blue, green, purple, wards. This sale includes our red, black and white and tan, $4.50 to entire stock. $1.75, for this sale $1.10. '$10.00. Park IVcw teseg

MEETING FOR FARMERS. IIM COUNTY BOARD OF AGRICUL- TURE MEETS SATURDAY. Ready to Serve Annual Meeting is to T^ke Place at Freehold—Morning Session in you with as fine a line of Court House and Afternoon Sei- lion at Armory—Interesting Talks. The annual meeting of the Mon- Dolls, Toys, Games, Christinas Cards, Red Bank's Leading Jeweler mouth county board of agriculture will be held at Freehold Saturday of Children's Books this week. The morning sesaion will be held in the old court room at the —courthouse and the afternoon meot^ _— as-we-have-ever-shomrr" ——— OPEN EVENINGS ang will take place at the armory. Reports of the offloers of -,the board Make your selection while the stock is fresh and complete. and various committees will be made in the morning. J. U. R. Dickey of the Btate college of agriculture will give an address on "Types of Seed 'Corn." The annual election of ofii- READY FOR XMAS eera will wind up the morning session. G. F. & S. H. ELLIOTT, The 'business meeting of the Women's WITH-THE "work committee will also be held in .the morning and will take place in Newsdealers and Stationers | the new court room. Mrs. Lewis S. IS. Thompson, chairman of the com- mittee., willipreside. Mrs. Vadin Cur- ; 68 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. . I tis of Koyport will give a talk on Tl "Our Club, and Mrs. Blackwell of Telephone 676-W '• BIGGEST STOCK OF JEWELRY • Mercer county will make -an nddreas ...... % on "Community Activity.'' WlimiHMK«MIMIimM«MMWWMMMW*HMMia At the afternoon session addresses in Monmouth County will be made by Prof. L. A. Clinton, ASBURY PARKERS LED CHARGE las3es clubSi Soci- director of New Jersey extension work; Prof. Vf. A. Morehouse of the Letters Tell of Fierce Fighting Mqn- DEBATES etiep s desiring Anti- United States department of agricul- mouth Boys Went Through. Prohibition literature will be sup- FINEST QUALITY REASONABLE PRICES ture on "The [Business Side of Fnrm- Letters from members of the As-plied free of cost by applying to the ing;" Prof. Alvu Agee of the state bury Park company' of infantry, re- Manufacturers & Merchants' Association board of agriculture on ''Farmers' veal the fact that this company led 776 Broad St., Newark, N. J. Problems in Reconstruction Times," the 114th regiment in the battle that and. Mrs. M. A. Wilson of the Phil- began October 12th and lasted for six Nothing in the Christmas Gift Line can be. more fitting adelphia Public Ledger on "Some days. The company.ilost fifteen men War Stories and Food Conservation." killed nnd sixty wounded in the light. --for ladies, men, girls, boys and babies than • i*. Letters from .officers of the regiment WOUNDED BY A WOMAN. upoak in the highest terms of the courage displayed by the Monmouth Ocean Grove iBoy Has tin Unusual county boys in tho face of a heavy Experience in War, ' (ire from the enemy, Some of the :.:# JEWELRY! • Strange stories have come from the letters said the regiment was vkitliout boys who went "over there" to finish artillery support for several hours. Almo3t any man will tell you the kniser but perhaps the strangest that Sloan's Liniment to come from anybody of this section is thnt related in a letter from Harry SEE-KS $25,000 DAMAGES. relief M. Weslford of Oceun Grove. Wela- Newark Woman 'Brings Suit Against forii is a member of a machine gun IdenI Deacli Company. For practically every man has used _ , «f * . • • • • battalion. He was wounded twice in Mi'fl. Amy Knoble of Newark has tt who has sultVrcd from rheumatic a charge and one of the wounds was brought suit for $2*5,000 against the aches, soreness of muscles, stiffness of of the" finest quality and as cheap as you can buy anywhere. given him by a woman chained to aIdeal Beach company of Keansburg joints, the results of wtv.thcr exposure. German machine gun. Welsford said for" the death of her husband, John Women, too, by the hundreds of they found many women fightiug in Knoble, who was drowned a year ago thousands, use it for relieving irjuritia, the German army anil he saw several last July while bathing aioiig the lamo backs, neuralgia, E!C!: li-r.d-che. of them taken prisoner. 'He Bays' tho b^aeh front of the company's prop- Cloan, refresh: n{;,_"otjcliinr,c:ononi!'ii I, American.soldiers refused to lire on erty. He stepped into a deep exca- quickly effective. Sny "Siena's Lini- , ETC., .the women when they saw them. vation ami was drowned before help ment" to votir tlrnrrtri^t- Get it todav. reached him. Three other persons SOc, 00c, $1 20 LONG BRANCHER KILLED. were drowned at the aumc time.. in an extensive and,selected assortment. - y- v Willard P. Malony Meets His Death While Fighting in France. Body Went Astray. Willnrd P. Malony, formerly of The body of Isailore Byer arrived Long Branch, was killed in notion on at Long Branch Friday from Mary- October 20th. When he went in theland. Byer died in Maryland during service he was living with his aunt, the epidemic of influenza several A hearty welcome to all to >visit the ^kl established and Mrs. James Flynn of Kcyport. Wil- weeks.ago. The body was ordered lard was the son of the late Patrick shipped to Long Branch hut for some FREEHOLD BOY DIES. reliable jewelry store of * -....•"• Malony and was a nephew of Martin reason it went astray and was even- Ernest P. Richardson Died October Malony of Long Branch. He alBOtually buried in a cemetery nenr Bal- 28 of Wounds Received in Battle. leaves two sisters, Mrs. William Rob- timore. When it was located friends | erts and Mrs. Arthur Gigaon. at Long Branch made arrangements Ernest P. Richardson, son of to have the body exhumed and sent Georgg e Richardson of Freehold,, died to thut pluoe. on October 28th of wounds received Reporl a( Death False. in battle. A lotter received fi-orft him R. F. WIL Mrs. Mary E. Applegate of Nep- recently indicated that his injury was tune City received most welcome Druggist Twice Acqtiitcd. ' in the right leg but stated, that lie ex- news. laat.Eriday_.wlien. sHp.goLii Jetr, Hugh, S.vKintaonth,Vn Asbui-y Park pwctad--to, recover, sdpji- .us.', he.- was ter from her soft Harry, spying that druggist, wns liequitted last week oh about to undergo nn operation that he' was well •• and happy/ Over a two charges of allowing an unliconBcd would bring him around all right. employe* toaeU noisons, _ One of ^he^ Ernest WIIS 24 yeni's_old antl_wasa "month ugo-Mrs,- Applcgait) received- r •a telegram from the war department charges waa made by the Btateuu- TbTrf*6fllTXbTTf'"rirTyraircbni announcing her son's death in action. thorities and the other by the state pany. He went to Anniston with the Harry was u member of the Redboard of pharmacy. Mr. Kjnmonth mmpy and while tertheree wns^ threatthreat- Bank cavalry troop. He is now with ndmitted the poisons had been sold ened witth appendicitisii . Dfsphargf e the headquarters company of the 54th but said they were prepared and sold papers were made out for him but he brigade. • under his personal supervision. refused to accept them.1 Pace Six. THE RED BANK REGISTEW

took part In a plajr called "Colunj spent at hi* old home at Imlayrto.wn Z*Ztt<<£K<: ;i-ove have gone to St. Petersburg, during the last days of the fighting 32 BROAD STREET, ••.••• be making Extra Dollars for your- . Florida, for the winter. Lladiet' Auxiliary Officers. Lay ton-—Slocum. Mrs. Katherine Sutphen of Ten- .. -account. ; , • ~V/_':)•. • •:':-v.;•;"..:.' nent celebrated her 81th birthday last Mrs. Thomas Quirk has been eled Mrs. John H. Liiyton of West wept by entertaining a party of rela- ted president of the ladies' auxiliar Ocean Grove and Louis Slocum of RED BANK, N. J. tives and friends. Elberon fire company. Mrs, Hamilton were married last Wednes- v William.Jeffrey is vice president, Mrs. day. The ceremony waa performed •.*:• Begin.depositing-tpday •! : :, > -.-./T-,' Harry S. Mad^e- of Adelphia was Thomas Errickson secretary and Miss taken to the- Long Branch hospital nt Hnmilton by Rev. Frank VnnHisc. •--.'•• V ' ' * "';. §; „ j_ '....' ,. _. '•; VV ":."' .'•••'-' \ F.stelle Worth treasurer. last week for an/ operation for ap- Pneumonia Kills, Soldier. pendicitis. • , Pump House Afire. Joseph Norris of Asbury Park died Hiss Rel)it Wark of Imlaystown has The pump house of the Centra' of pneumonia recently in Fiance. He •chimed from Carney's Point, where •ailroad at Freehold.caught fire Sat- was a member of the Old Kssex troop she was .working in a government urday night week. All the fire com-and when tnken sick was just about Red Bank -Trust Company Slant:" ••..-'.. • panies in Freehold turned out butto enter an officer-s' training school. Mrs. Charles Martin I MARCUS MILLINERY I'll* Long Brancher Twice Wounded. own spent last week witohf heEnglishr hus- -[1,-g fjre waa aimost extinguished when BROAD and WALLACE STEEETS,; ••' band. Captain Martin, at Washington. they reached the place. Lieutenant Oliver W. Morris, son John M. .Conine of Adelphia fell Meeks—Robbins. of Benjamin P. Morris of Long MILLINERY FURS .-.: - RED BANK,; W'Z.:'^';"^i^^ ivhile working in liis harness shjtfp Mrs. Martha J. Weeks of Ocean Branch, has written home that he has ast week and badly injured his knee. Grove and Daniel-W. Robbins of As- been wounded twice. He was in the .Willj.nm iLane of Morganville was bury Pai'k were marriemar d Sundayy of fighting in the Argoiine forest. Ladies' and Misses' Coats, operated on for appendicitis at the last' week b;y Rev. Thimas K. .Taylor Horses' Run Away. < • ^e\v Brunswick hospital last week. at • Avon, Mr. Robbins is a. clerk in A team of horses owned by William Samuel- King of West Farms- has the surrogate's office. rostick of Farmingdale and driven Suits, Dresses? Blouses nlarged the house on .his farm ant Married 25 Years. by his son Budd ran away last week. las re-enclosed it with shingles.- The boy was thrown out and "nar- Harry Megill has moved from near Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hulick of and Skirts Loch Arbour celebrated the 25th an- rowly escaped serious injury. Vrderfa to the AVilliam L. Allaire Died in Florida.- . . yroporty at Farmingdal'e. niversary of their, marriage Friday and Infants' Wear _Jlrs-.'-.Henry (icranof .Jtouiydup, night by giving a big dinner party Mrs. Melvin Davids of Asbury Park lontnna, is visiting Mr,, and MrsT C. and "reception, at the Marlborough lied Monday of last week at Jackson- L. Geran of Mntiiwan. • .- ." •» hotel at Asbury Park. ville,,Florida, where she had gone for ;he winter. Death was duo to par0 MARCUS MILLINERY James Stokes and .'daughter Lenore Long Brancher Cited. f Freehold-'are'"spending .two. .weeks 'ii&. She was 78 years old. 8 BROAD STREET RED BANX, N. J. | Lieutenant H. E..';Wise, of Long (Continued on next page.) Atlanta. Georgia. ^ Branch/ who.haS been-dding' canteen :<<*z<*z<«&z*z+x*z*zw^ M rg. Charles Mortdri~6T ManasquaTi work in France, has been cited by the s 1ill up with a severe attack of French government foV carrying re- MJnatisni. freshments to the soldiers- through a lli-Sj Herbert t. Kunz of Tonnent '!%irth to a daughter a few days heavy artillery fire. Adelphia Farm Sold. son was born tp Mrs. Alexander James Wagner of Manalapan has ;n of Long Branch last Thurs- ought the William K. Heyor farm at Adelphia. He will, take possession Leading Them All Theocloveo e II. Bennetn t of Belmar is next spring and his son Clarence will gg built n hi ppy a ng a garage built on his property: then take charge of Mr. Wagner's HHarr y BurdgBde of OaOkk G Glel n farm at Manalapan'. . ." recentlMr y ."gave birth to' twin, boys.- ' New Store at Freehold. Gas Pipes Too Small. , The James Butler grocery company At a hearing before, the utility lias leased a store in :the Danser As Usual commission on an application for an building at Freehold and will oppn increase in rate for the Standard gas one of its bi'anch" stores there. The. company the company's" officials store was recently vacated by. the A. See the most complete assortment of <> claimed its low pressure was due toB. Treat company. small pipes.. The company supplies Atlantic Highlands, Kennsbiirg,. Key- House Given to Church. port and Freehold. Mr. and Mrs..Kenneth 'Chandler of Burned by Mustard Gas. Ocean Grove have given a house at that place to the' Ballard memorial CHRISTMAS GIFTS Wiliam' B. .Patterson of Freehold church-at Asbury Park, The prop- has written to his folks saying that lie was recently badljj burned with erty is valued .at $5,000 and will bo aenem— sold by the church, • • > f at our store mustard gas while serving with the •; • o • t - •. v - ' • American forces in France. 'His romoted on Battle Field. ' • '" - • • VI ' '.." The Pace-Maker of Motor eyes were affected, so badly he was Clyde Winterton, son of,Clarence Truck Improvements confined in a hospital several days. Winterton of South Keyport, was re- We do not do things by halves. Our whole-hearted service is •"'$( cently promoted to the rank of -ma- • ••• ••• -• •• • '•. • . . .' Got Part of Insurance. T he i*e a re three capacities in the jor on the battle field. He was cap- Nathan Jacobson of Belmar, who tain of a companyj<>,f national guards- therefore your benefit Bethleliemliiie of motor trucks—1 \fo, 2J/a lost three qnudren anndd all his -belong beg- men from Patersdrt.. -. • - and 3V& tons,, and every truck in each injra in a fire last Septemberb ,h has re- capacity is J'rom one to several year3 ceived $500 from the St.-. Paul insur- Gave Short Weight. '" ahead of the average'in developments and ance company. Mr. Jacobson's policy Lou .Vnn'Hise of Allentpwn was TOYS STATIONERY DOLLS had not been transferred but the com- fined §25 last week for giving short always ahead on the. road-making de- pany paid part of his loss. " , weight in a sale of sweet potatoes. liveries and getting back. \ . ' Died of Pneumonia. . A basket sold by her should have Cray & Davir. Elsctric Starting nnd Lighting Sys- weighed 27 pounds but contained on- BOOKS BIBLES KODAKS •Mrs. Amy Hagerrhan ' of Asbury ly 22 (» pounds. tem is standard oij BetM'ehem Trucks and meanls Park died Friday at Miami, Florida, a saving i-i time and rnr.ney —cut s down the .ten- \vliere she had gone a month ago with Taken Sick on Wedding Trip. dency to allow the truck to idle buth at short and • and a thousand other items - the hope of regaining lter health, H. Walter Price, manager of the lorki windeler lecturer, Harold Windeler 1 t Thuarhuvsdayy weeek or bblood, ppoison-,, stewarsteward and W. U Johnson assistant To Be Critical which developed from !i pimple j steward. face. She was eighteen years i ...-.- . •• [ | Horse Dead in Stable. . . - A Turner Lane of Freehold found T on(,o f hig dr; j howeg ()ead jn ^ f harlepys P. \ oung, who was yformer - | witstaliwh whilSuiut |aaY,y plMemornind gt o-^ bf eMgt a' bulleweekt l\ i c employeand whd o oenlisten thde whilAsbure covermy • Parku |, wit W6umh whill int itasY, jawpl..Me dTh -te ohors bee aha bulled bledt WHEN BUYING FOOD lit. camandp whdoingo enlistes atd Seajrir whilet covermfor thue ^0-6 t]e[1l th.i - i jaw Th hors•e h<•• luss, has written homo that he has i- ' • • ' recovered after beiiiK severely gassed.' Ri"> Into Load of Hay. Li^SX^oa tJSS?£S One can't be too careful in selecting things to eat. - Sergeant Hugh: R. Lackey of As-;hich Stopped abruptly in front of Unicorn Dairy Ration liur'y Park has relatives de-' w him j 3t week The auto'radiator was scribing,, the heavy fighting the As-broke; n and the car put out of coin- Neither can theyjjjg .too particular aboufr the place where the food is to be A Quality Feed ai the Right Price bury Park boys, went; thr.ough. Out mission - 26% PROTEIN 60 FAT BVv FIBRE S0',t CARBOHYDRATES i nf-220 men who went into the drive* eaten, v:'•' ' .. •.'• . •- v: ..•:•' - . . ., < ' . • i only eighteen escaped being wounded: Married Fitly Years. . BSS!!^®- •< 21.C-J DIGESTIBLE PROTEIN '• . «MH| •••:: .••" *:••.'. - ' . - ••'••• It is a combination of the best feeds that money tan buy. Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Merrick of LNOW a Flier. , ' __, Allentown celebrated their golden We cant and dont expect to hold the patronage of the person who is satisfied ,V.-iy..high in digestible protein. -The only prepared feed that David Wilson of Belmar is now anwedding Tuesday night of last week contains. Aj,ix Flake's. : The highest quality" and purest ration aviator in the United States service. by giving a party.. They received 1 to eat at any old place and to eat any old thing if it's only cheap. m.ide. -So proportioned that there b no waste. Ho was formerly an inspector ill an jseveral presents, among them a purse airplane plant and he recently made; of gold. ' You can get from M0 lbs,.to*1000 lbs. more milk per year ii flight in a machine on which he. But we do expect and will hold, the trade of those particular folks who know by feeding your cows on Unicorn Dairy Ration. :.'. r | found his own inspection marks; Manasquan Boy Home. - Vndin Birdsall, son of Jordan BiruV Made liy Chapin & Co., who iVep us supplied with'fresh stock. > ! Hulse—Croshaw. • , . !• good foods, appreciate good cooking and are critical about the manner in which -tonic in: and scu UB and kt us tell you'what Unicom is doing for others sail of Munasqunn, has arrived, home, Miss Ida M. Hulse, daughter of around, here . %j° having been given a discharge from J.olin C. Hulse of Robbinsvilld, was'th: e army. Ho suffered from shell their food is served to them. ; - . " .

: married last -Wednesday to Myron \V.; shock and spent several weeks in hos- • • .'• '' (/'••: :-.-,-•• . FOR SALE BY [Croshaw of Cranbury. The cere-: | mony was performed nt the parsonage Many Restaurants charge more than we do and gome less but in neither case FRED D. CO. I of the Freehold Baptist church. :Auto Hits Wagon. An automobile struck a buggy in Kept Wedding Secret. , . |which Mrs. J. p. Thompson of Im- l| is the quality better. ,.•'-. Tho marriage of Miss Hazel Den- Inystown was riding last week. Mrs. I'jrar of Asbury Park and George Thompson was,thrown out but not ['.lrnis of Trii'lk-y lieai'b, which took hurt. Tlie wagon was badly dam- .p. • • place1 a yv:\v ajjo hist April, has'just aged. ; 1 am'diivotinj; mv entire (imi? (his seasDii lo (he nr.ikini; of IH'IMI auiioiiiu'C'il. ..Mr. Hlenis'is now Good Rrice tor Turkeys. S'A 'i't -Ciller. 'I'hc cider is Ihi' .swoett'st 1 have ever iii;u1e. ^t'lA-'inu: in tbe army in Krancc. F- Ziers in the vicinity of Farm- 1 My Nul Swamp distillery lias always been famous for its Asbury Parker Hit in Arm'. The New York Restaurant ing /ci who raisp turkeys got record 4UdijJJsM:eeL^ John \V. Morris, son of David 0.! hif.'/ prices for them this year. ' Ov^-rge---?\i -Prttteraon'-sold- lvi» flookf •t.',... py x fwiii bullet wound in his.left arm wi'/'h weighed about 3*6 pounds, for ZAHARIA* ANTONYv F»roprietdi^ Lenvc orders fof it by the gallon or barrel at my-Nut Swarnp" received (luring 'the heavy fighting $105. ''•"'•". _di5iilkxyj)_LaiiiiyJiquorjtore, 23 West Front Street,.Red Bank. !be ' Asbury I'ark com pan v went liU'UUd! in-th'q Argonne forest. • Railroad Man on Vacation. Telephone 476. ~ "™ ' "—^——— ^ , - _ , r-~- ••---_•..—-__—„—^ —Edward Imlhyj-fiection forcman-for look Part m School Play. the Pennsylvania railroad at Fnrm- 10 West Front Street, ^k,N.J, Miss' Miiribn" Curley of Freehold ; ingdale, ^has been enjoying a two O. Cl \VAL.L.ING and Miss' Irons_,of ; Adelphia 1'weeKT vacation, 'part of which ho THE RED BANK REG1MKH

William 6o4en have been elect?'! A E J3JDWKIX tajatees of Uie KimVuhUfUn I>l!e «!1-I".«. Hours-8-ll. M. 7-8. Sulunlny. Sunduyand Mon» Announcement has been made of Mrs. Margaret Woodbridge of. McNAIR'S MARKETS day and by appointment. the engagement of Miss Florence E. Wuyside died Friday from a' compli- All appliances Kuaranlrcil or prlt'f s rPiuncfcu. Tullmun, daughter of Mrs. Ada Tall- cation of discuses; She was C7 years mnli of Ocean Grove, and George F. old and is survived by a daughter. 19 EAST FRONT STREET ILLIAM E. FOSTKR, y W COUNSKM.OK AT I AW. •Havens of Bradley Beach. Grangors Eecl Officers. N'.wYorli, NiwJeni-y. CO Brondwuy, Ailuiitii; Ulgrilanila, Monasquan Boy Killed. \V. S. Willett has l>een elected mas- N. Y. Cily. M. J^ Corporal Mnldcn K. Vuiiek, for- ter of the Glendola France. Howard RED BANK, N. J. morly of Manasqunn, diuil of wounds j is overseer, fcflie (J. Pyle lce- OBERT PIERCE, leceiveil in action October li:jil. ilia uliti Ktuward., R iinKNsrn AUCTIONEER. 1 - nnd Robert H • Telephone 372 I .. . Resilience <0 While. Itol IJsnk. nearest relative iH an aunt, Mrs. I '. j Trlrphone 436. VunNoli! of Manaeiiumi. Captured Eight Hum. : Special attention to Hitlua of farm stock* mmm Albert DeRoRatis of "Asbury Park fnrai implements nnd persfinnl property. Soldier Dies of Pneumonia. tells in a l«tt«r how )u: and a com- lioluliven of William Ai'mstrone of panion captured eit.diL (lermaiiH in a T. HONESTY QUALITY SERVICE :jM. NDTAIiy FMiHI.IC Freehold huvo received word that he raid made oil the enemy trenches. d COMMI>SIONl:lt OK DEEDS. died recently of pneumonia in Ki-ulice. 'J'ctlej'u Ncwa Slainl. The information \V;LH contained in aReturns a Major. I 7 rir.,-11.] Klni-t." . - Ilcd Ilunk. N.'J. •fetter sent by hi.-! Captain ,1. A. Ilouj; returned to Sandy Hook from France with the AIJ'H O. WILLUIJSS Soldier Corning Home. R COfJNfiFJLLOrt AT LAW title of major, lie i:i well known'in Calves' Liver Turkeys !New jMiiiv intl. J. Im.s nutified his folks tliuL lie is on I 120 Ilrcuilway. New York City. hi:-; way home from Franee. lie wasG e »Y Party for Husband. j IIAHLES'D. SMITH, :;irk mutt of the time while there unil Mrs. R. II. Leillh M'C rdatawailgiive , , C IJCKNSKD Allf-nONEEIt. did not t;et U> the front. a party Tueaday ni^ht of last week j i KeiMence i'i Sixth Avenue, Long Branch. .' I for her husband. A pluiisnht'eveniiiB •, Sweetbreads Ducks | , • I'hone 200-'M. l-irs in Llder Works. |w .;,, spp,lt jn f,limca .„„( mus;0. I H. HAROLD J. STOKES, l'"irc Htarled in some pumice in tlic!~ .. , . .. . . " I D l.KNTAII.. SUHCEOSUHC N drying mom of the- Duwis cider works i Operation for Append.ot.s. j S Dr. Frank ll>fi> . , M IlruJid .Sti tt, Ei;iin?r lluildinK. on -Tiny Profits Per Pound nt Imlaystown last week. Workmen | .Mrs- Charles Heyl of Matawan was! iB -I. 0 anil 6. Unn at tlm plant got the lire out before ! operated on for appendicitis and Calves' Brains Capons. Offlee Huu 8::iO to r>:(0"o'clock. inuch damage was done. ,i other, complications at the. Newi Some industries have been able to get in , " , Brunswick hospital lust week. EO.-McC. TAYLOR, C. E. step with war demands more quickly than jocielThey 0:iUKhter3,ojCelebrates f Anniversarythe Cross societ. y New Organ Arrives. G OONB1ILTING ENGINEER.* of the Freehold 'Baptist church ecle-' 1'he new. Mpller pipe organ for the j ' CIVII, ENOINKKK ami SURVEYOR. others, nn i 8 Eisner Buildiwr. Hruftd St.. Itcil Bank. N. J. bralnd its fifth, anniversary at the i >' K Branch Baptist church has-ar- Jersey Fowls and Roasting Chickens' parso.iace last week. Mrs. K. C. Con- '.rived and it is expected to have it in In many cases mighty plants have sprung overacted as hostess. . |working order by Christmas. up—but at a prodigious cost. Davidson Building. Red Banki Was Twice Wounded. j Freehold Doctor Transferred. Joncph U'-illy. John 3. Quinn The packing: industry was able to adapt Clifford Morris of Asbury Park is! 'Dr. Harrison Ii. Duncan of Free-, R. U. F. KING, recovering from battle wounds in a'i hold has been transferred frotn the I HOTEL ,ABBOTT D VETERINARY SURGEON AMD itself to unheard of dsmands more quickly, French hospital. This is'the second; Great Lakes n»vartraining station to UEffTIST. Shrewsbury Avenue, Red Bank SHREWSBURY, NEW JEH8EY. perhaps, than any other industry. And this time he has beep, hi a hospital for : the Philadelphia navy yard. Overatomy performed .on bitchea wltn peuwf . treatment for wounds. Three Minutes from Depot ' was because the vast equipment of packing Will Sell Farm. — , Atao d«B treated with Scrum for Dlatcmuer ml FarTningdale Boy Wounded. FIRST-CLASS SERVICE ManKe. plants, refrigerator cars, branch houses, etc., ,, . ,, _ .... , , •' Mrs. William K. Heyer of Adelphia, TcIeDhono 211B-M. Eatontown. N. J. had been gradually developed to its present Mr. and Mrs. A. M. T. I'landreau; whoae husband recently died, is ar- Comlortable Rooms hnv been notified that their son Wil- i i, in|!' for a saje of farm stock and bur was wounded in the arm during ''jjg^fra K j Iao"sciT the'farm OHN S. APPLKGATE & SON, state of efficiency, so that in the crucial hour a CAFE and OAR ATTACHED COUNSELLORS Al LAW. a recent battle in France. The in- j _ . _ JDavldBon BuUdine, Broad BtrMfc it became a mighty international system for jury was not serious.. Death from,Pneumonia. RED BANK. N. * ,.,. war service. Song Content Winner. George Sutphin, son of Mrs. Nettie JAMES L,. WORDEN, Proprietor Sulphin of Long. anli ^r" ..-*-. Telephone Middletown. 271-F-23 industry involve less hardship to the people of the at Trenton Sunday of last week of ] now spending a short furlough at his! country? Could there be a better Instance of true a cerebral hemorrhage. She- was! nome ttt Matawan. "profit-sharing" than this return in added usefulness seventy years old. Aibury Park Woman Dead. , and in national preparedness ? Held for Theft. Miss Adele Howard of Asbury "Park Arthur Jones and Carmen Forni- diedd laslt weekk off generall debilitydbilit . cola of Lone; Branch have been held she wa8 seventy years old. One sis- Swift & Company, U. S. A. in $500 bail each for the Krand jury! ter survives her. on a charge of stealing a watch from I DeBd After Long Stcki:ness. Samuel George. ' ' „;„„ ,.,Ida„ A . nGarwoo^... d of Ocean Look for the 'Held for Embezslement. Grove died Friijay Week after a long ERS irianqlelradeMark John A. Bohrmger, who was em-sickness. The body was sent to Cam- ployed in Steinbacli's store at Asbury den for burial. •' Park, has been. held for. the grand jury on a charge of embezzling from A necessity—not a luxury his employers. Dr. J. H. Hayes of- Asbury Park and Miss Margaret L. Brooks of Rich- Yo'U don't have to endure the chilling terrors of a Victim of Pneumonia. mond, Virginia, were ' married last Miss Rita Gifford of Anbury Park Wednesday. . cold bathroom. died Friday night of 'pneumonia fol- Death of Young Wonion. The portable Perfection Heater in a few minutes lowing influenza. She was fifteen uiakcs'the room warni and comfortable—even heati years old and was a daughter of Mrs. Miss K. Adele Valentine, daughter Mary Gifford. " of S. G. Valentine of Asbury-Park, your water for died last Thursday. : She was 24 I'.isy to clean and fill—smokeless, odorless—inex- Won Gold Ring. . . years old. " : . . pensive. - Gerard Devlin, son of P. J. Devlin Allentown Woman Dead. ' . of-Matawan, has received a-gold-ring_^___^ Jl Al;iJdiji-Sc«i«t}-Oil-gives-bcst reaulte.'— which was offered to each-man in the i •ffltiTTJrances CatJefEjT oF~ATlen- gun crew at Sandy Hook making the j tow" d'6!1 Monday of last %'eek after 11,1} jour Perfection now. best showing. - •' • j a short sickness. She leaves two chil- dren. Run Down by' Auto. ..._•"• STANDARD OIL GOMPA Belmar Boys Mustered Out. G. M. L. Sacks of Long Branch-was (New Jersey) run down- by .nn automobile while Kenneth Gonover.. and Louis Algor crossing a street at' New York lust of Belmar, who have been in military week. He was injured internally but training camps, have been mustered is improving. • out... i:L_._ : Death of Young Man. * .. Freehold Boy Wounded'. Walter Cottrell, son- of B. Frank Sergeant J. Wolsey Burtis, son of Cottrel„..„ l of West Ocean Grove, die..._„d , WilMam S. Burtis of-Freehold, was Tuesday of last wpek at the age ot 24 recently Wounded in action in Prajce. years. Besides hi§ parents he leaves I victim of Heart Disease. two sisters. Martin K. . Robinson of Aabury. Henter for Church. PaVlt, aged fifty yeara.died last week A pipeless heater has-been installed o£ heart disease. He leaves a widow. in the Imlaystown Methodist church to take the place of the stove. F. A.Addition to House. White placed, the heater in the Mrs. H. fe.Kin g of Belmar is'hav- church. ' - » ing a sun parlor added to .her house. Jordan Newman is doing the work. Taken Sick'on Outing. •• Dr. John W. Bennett of. Long Home from Canada. .; ' ' Branch was taken sick with influenza Miss Edith Milbank of Freehold has while on a gunning trip three weeks returned home after spending three aj^o. He was confined to the bed twomonths with relatives in Canada. weeks. Move Into New House. Building a New Fence. . •William H. Flitcr'oft and family Joseph L. D.onahay of.Adelphia is have moved from .their farm into having a new fence built all along the their new house at Farmingdale. front of his property. Peter Cook Takes Job in Washington. and George A. Hulse are doing the Miss May Hermann of Long The Light that never fails work. . • '••'.. Branch has taken a job in th'e treas- Crang: Tree Bearing. ' ury department at Washington. No glare or harsh brilliance to be in- An orange tree-belonging to Mrs. tensified nnd reflected by the clean Samuel Malsbury of Imlaystown is Cold at Allentown. vyliite bandage gauze—just a soft mel- now i n fulful blopo m and has fortyy small The pond at Allentown was frozen low glow, clear and steady — Ruyo oranges on iitt . TThhe ttre e is f fivi e yeurs from shore to shore last Wednesday Lamp Light. old. ' for the first time this season. * lamp scientifically constructed, Death of Aged Woman. A New Lawyer. Mrs. Henrietta Bryso1 n of West Robert McMiehael of Asbury Park gives kerosene light at its best—can't Ocean Grove died last Thursday from haa passed the. examination-for at- strain the eyes.- Simply designed— a complication af diseases. She wastorney-at law in New Jersey. always dependable—inexpensive. 81 years old. A husband survives Dealers who Sell and Recommend Perfection Heaters her. " ...••• Alitoist Injured. RED BANK: ATLANTIC HICHLANDSl FREEHOLD: KEYPORT: MARLBORO: The Rayo docs not smell or smoke; John H. Miller of Adelphia suffered J. G. Schi'nck 1 Wins Oratorical Contest. Loujs Becker ' Atlantic Hardware Co. Bertram Birch I,. II. WnlliliK . I- . ,T, Ilurkc .'• 19 easy to light, clean and revvick. Miss; Laura Rice of Ocean Grove a badly sprained wrist while cranking Hendr'Eckson & Applcgate W. II. Tostfn J. V. Doniae (',. D. Woody Murllmro (Jen. Store his automobile last week. I. Richmond D. V. Ptrrine J. T. Wyckoir ' Aladdin Security Oil gives best results. won 'the oratorical contest held at L. Schwartz & Son EATONTOWN: F. A. White 1 MAT AW AN: the Ballard memorial church at As-Bicyclist Injured. Prank Wellsr C. A. Wolcott LONG BRANCH: O. H. Iliirrla Your dealer will gladly show you the bury Park Tuesday night of last week. H. Chnrlf" W. E. Morris. HIGHLANDS: lla/.lcy & Hunis A. 1". Wocilcy Huyler Sexton, of Long Branch fell SEA BRIGHT: /Jo*. Coltlstein Rayo Lamp. • ENGLiSHTOWNl Greenspan Bros. Sickness Closes School. from his bicycle Thursday night and Mahoney & Harvey - H. Kadenbnck H. Hilhon PORT MONMOUTHl broke his collar T)one. Hellman & Boehm W. E. Mount Co. M. M. Schwartz W. K. Jackson W. E. Walling STANDARD OIL So many children in Avon lire Geo. D. Vandcrburg J. Stcinbach sick that the public school has been Home from France. ADELPHIA: A. M. Townley G. Bearmorc £ Sons FARMINGDALE: KEANSBURC: C.'M. Tnmx closed for a few days. Most of the Harry Higgins of Allentown has George Hall J. Lutz & Son S. B. Kins P. J. Wclla 4 Co. sick children are suffering from grip. arrived home from France after sev- Gravatt—^Prickett. eral months' service. Miss Marie Gravntt, daughter of New Porch on House. Mrs. Mary Gravatt of Clarksburg,' J. Warren Simbo of Imlaystown ** ********* was married dn Wednesday, Novem- has had a new porch built on the east bpr.20th, to Ellis Prickett of Trenton. side of his house. ESTABLISHED 1S54 TELEPHONE 111 Charles Lewis. KEEP THE HOME FIRES BURNING Fire in a Factory, Brielle Man Dead. In order to do that. Furnaces and Stoves must be repaired, A slight lire occurred in Stcincr's Charles H. Freeman of Brielle died ALEXANDER D. COOPER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Smoke Stacks, Grates and Bricks looked after. , factory at Freehold last Wednesday. last Friday of lienrt disease. He was ' DEALER IN Now is the time to have your Gutters and Leaders overhauled The eSdiaust pipe from the factory 59 years old. jMidJ^ujjpJjjngjp^ engine set fire to the weatherbonrds. gifl.oJ.Ponx,. Real Estate and Insurance 'Died bf'Piii'alyBisV"-':~"~ .--"^---•-"--- ~ Stanley Wetherill of Allentown has LeMBER, Estimates given for Ne*w Heaters. Ask about the Plpeless Mrs. Sarah M. Brunner of Asbury received a polo pony as a gift from 58-64 BROAD STREET RED BANK, N. J. Heater. ._--—•- • Park died Tuesday night of last week hifi father. Sa^h, Doors,, Blinds, Glass of paralysis. She was.'81 years old. -B«lmar-Man-Killedi _~: ~~ .—^.—,_,— Fire.iafe, Accident, Tornado and—•—>——T—— and Builders' Hardware.:^" ; HOWARD^ FTRETVL „.._ A-(laughtorand:two aons-Burviveherr Thomas P. Healy of Belmar has Plate Glasi Insurance SANITARY PLUMBING Church Trustees. • been reported killed in-action in 74 Monmouth Slrett, Red Bank. N. J. William Davis, Richard Collier and France. RED BANK. N. J.

•• ', ' ' ''.• ; l"' ' ' .'.I. ( THE RED BANK REGISTER. COLT'S NECK NEWS. Service FUfc with 21 Stan Raited I Here - Saturday. MATINEE EVENING! A service flag ivith 21 stars for the ALL jyoung men from Atlantic township ALL, ' who are in military, Bervice was raised SEATS SEATS ! Saturday afternoon in front of the HTD A N VI town hall here by 'Walter Yields. The : flat; was bought by the Colt's Nock i Red Cross auxiliary. Its stars are for ISc 2Oc Newell VanPorn, ioaquin Lawrence, i Flsworth Lane, John T. Ganlvy, Nor- Wnr Tox Included. Wor Tux Included. Jman Baccy, James-Schenck, Raymond Matinee Daily 3 P. M. Performance Contlnuoui jVanMater, Daniel Leonard, Cosmer Saturday 2:30 P. M. 7ilSP. M, Ic 10:45 P.M. Yunkoski, John Ward,Cecil Craw- ft THEATRE U ford, Harry Douglas, David Tomnid- ski and Henry Strykor, who are over- Telephone 666 BROAD STREJtTT RED BANK, N. J. seas; and. Charles burn,'. William Decker, Morris Walsh, Krnest Salm, Wesley Tower, George Desmond and CHRISTMAS George Hughes.. George Hughes of Seobcyvillc, who Today WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4 Today is an observer in the n...;il ':lvintion( i section, returned home lasl .veek from : France. He remained home tlie rest. | of the week and then he reported for ; duty. He has two . gohl chevrons, each repTesenting six months of ser- CONSTANCE TALMADGE vice abroad. While in France he was stationed hear Paris. « , IM HER LATEST PICTURE Rev. Benjamin P, Doyh1 of Long Island will preach next Sunday at 1 the Reformed church as a candidate for pastor. Several troops of boy scouts from "The Lesson* . Red Bank, Freehold and Holmdel PARAMOUNT-SENNBTT COMEDY camped on Henry McCormick's farm over Saturday'. * Mr. and Mrs. John Hart and two children are visiting Mrs. Hart's mother, Mrs. John Norman. Thursday, December S . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ford and son of Brooklyn have been spending a few days with Mrs. Ford's mother, Mrs. Daniel Sullivan. ! Mrs. Frank Weeks has been laid up ! with a sore throat. , ' Jane and Katherine Lee j Mrs. George Zucker was operated i on for appendicitis last week at a IN THEIR LATEST PICTURE I Newark .hospital. She is improving. Alfred Hardy and family and Wil- liam Hardy and family, all of Mor- gaiiville; spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Frawley. "Swat the Sfpy" Mr. and • Mrs. .Ellis McDaniel, PATHE COMEDY TRAVELOGUE George White and Mrs. Meyer of Mat- awan were entertained on Thanks^- Mr, and_Mrs, .George Cra\v-8 ford. The men went gunning in the i i morning and bagged nine rabbits, two j IPriday, December : jackrabbits and two quail.-- . j ': Warren Matthews and family of; • Prospect Plains, Howard Matthews i |and family" of Red'Bank and Frank! ] Weeks of this place spent Thanks- ] i giving with Ml', and Mrs. Frank Mat-; ! thews., . [ CLARA i John Bennett arid family spent; IN HER LATEST PICTURE | Thanksgiving with their daughter, \ • Mrs. Roy Tilton of Criinbury. ; i Mrs. Lydia A. Fields of Marlboro: ! has returned home after a two weeks' j "The ';.stay with-her son Walter Fields. j ; Frank Weeks spent two'days last'1 ROLIN COMEDY PATHB WEEKLY Philadelphia buying-, horses. | • The township committee met Fri-, day afternoon at hall. I Mist George Heyer of Madison has j been-'visiting Mr, and Mrs. Frank; Saturday, December Heyer. Mrs. Heyer hns recovered j from pneumonia.' . ' Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Black and; Mrs. Hejirv Lewi's of Red Bank, Mr. j and .Mrs. Charles Flock and Mr. and j Mfe. Alfred Buck of this place,-Mv.' and Mrs. Chailes VanDorn of Van-' derburg and Charles VanDorn, who ] IN HIS LATEST PICTURE is stationed at Mineola, Long Island,] spent' Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. j Schenck VanDorn". The men spent the day. gunning. ;A short time ago: Charles was home on a ten-day fur-: lough.. It did not appear likely then; ALSO ANOTHER NEW 2-REEL BIO V COMEDY that he would-go across and gun for; the Kaiser so he came home and went • gunning for rabbits. n j SF>ECIAl--OrsjE DAY ONLY Walter Fields spent Friuivy at New- • ark. . • m ^ I Monday, December 9 j.. TINTON FALLS NEWS. • ! : Thanksgiving Service at Church-—: ! Collections For Hospital. ; A Thanksgiving service, was held ! Thursday night at • the" 'Methodist j church,, conducted .by Rev. J. E. Pat- IN HIS LATEST PICTURE ZANE GREY'S MASTERPIECE • terson. After the service Mr. Patter- , son received a collection of vegetables' \ and canned goods, which had been j JR j'donated-by the pepple of the.village, j ; It was . a- surprise to Mr. Pattersdn j "THE • • and he thanked the people for their; A Stirring Sequel to trie Great Screen Success, "F2IDE2f%S OF" THE F*IJRF3LE] SAGE" ;generiSsity._The idea originated with-j PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST I Mrs: Wellihgtcm'Wilkins and'she "was j ROLIN COMEDY - PATHE WEEKLY •' assisted in making the-collections by | j Miss Bertha Cornell...... •"" ; The annual collection of .food for : the Long Branch hospital' was -mftde' Tuesday, December 1O 'here last Wednesday. Three dozenj- The Rexall Store ; jars of fruit, vegetables and sauces i .4. j were received. . - . I i / Miss Florence Bennett of Asbury | jPark spent Thanksgiving with herj j grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel! William Russell j j... Bennett. Miss Cora Bennett," whoi 4 teaches-school at New York, spent IN HIHISS LATEST PICTURE the holiday vacation at home. . I Rev. J.. E. Patterson and Philip j I invite ^quf inspection e^rlv of a most complete line Patterson of Eatontown and Welling-] ton Wilkins and Joseph Holmes of "HOGBS this place went gunning one day last week and bagged two jackrabbits and PARAMOUNT-ARBUCKLE COMEDY " '-} • of fancy arid useful articles for ** / nine other rabbits in all. - Mr. Wilkins j shot the jackraiibits. 1NH L A T E ST i ..Mr. and Mrs. George Martin enter- itaincd relatives from. New York and Wednesday, Dec. 11, TOM MIX vi!s T E R N P,cTURE "FAME and FORTUNE" lAvon on Thanksgiving. • hfl Vo I 'Miss Elizabeth Bennett of Asbury Parkland, Miss Irene Bennett of Mid- Friday, Dec. 13, DOROTHY PHILLIPS s£=. * "The Talkiof the Town" rdletdwn Were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Crawford. j.Mis's Elizabeth Bennett of Asbury iPark remained the rest of the week j with Mr. and Mrs. Crawford. j Mrs...J. C. Hankinson and Mrs. C. IC. Cooper" visited friends at Lake- iwood Thanksgiving day. .On Satur- | I day Mrs. Hankinson and Mr?. Cooper Are You Using Your Gar This Winter? I visited at New York. James Walsh has quit his job at GIF! •./• ••.. 4 Lakehiirst. - • •4 LINCROFT^ffiWS. NO? • ON DISPLAY 4 Hunting .Still Good in Lincroft'a 4 Woods and Fields. Then let us store your battery so that you will find it alive and 4 Hunting is. still good hereabouts. • Alvin Bennett shot eight rabbits and 4 a quail last Thursday.- John R. Con- vigorous in the spring. I over got two rabbits Friday. Gardin- 4 '| er Conover shot a black duck and a • i rabbit. Joseph Mouser saw a rabbit 4 | in a field while he was on his way., to ! his shop to work last Friday. He got 4 i his gun and fired at the rabbit, shoot- December 7th 4 ing off part of the rabbit's nose. The Then let us give your battery the care which will insure its ; rabbit ran but another shot from 4 i Mouser's gun killed it. The LiiuToft Red Cross auxiliary •being always "on the job." , : : "during October turned'in 32 hospital i shirts, 47 pairs of pajamas, sixteen .4['bandages, ten bathrobes, thirteen FREE INSPECTION. Novelties Gandy j sweaters, nineteen pairs of socks and + • a helmet. t Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones of Key- UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT. port spent Thanksgiving with Mr. + and Mrs. Joseph W. Thompson. • P.L Mr. aiid Mrs. Edward Fenton and EFFICIENT SERVICE. Stationer their son Tennent are spending two Cigars weeks'with relntives in Delaware. I Wilbur Klandreau of Farmingdale, la nephew of John R. Conover of this THAT'S VESTA SERVICE! I; place, has Jieen wounded in action in I France. I Mre. Annie .Bragg of Elizabeth is ! visiting Miss ilalinda. Bassett.

1 "1^«^!J

29 EAST FRONT STREET, RED BANKHN. ^.m.mI v. of infrcr. Wllfro 9 niirins aiv urrsiMit :nui iHrirdnnst.fnllnjvfrl. IT NKVIIR 1\\1!X. Onr luittli* tiMtrnvril \W Telephone 1O74 worniii. Stmul |hi> t^st fur tiixtv l'piirs*. Hultl evcrvwlicru tir In' innii. 30r a l»ntt!r. £st. C. A. \'oorlifri, M.I),, riiilmiciiililii. l!i(MtfHUWmM«WHHNHHHWM«HIHWH«e«mMftH<8MHS|UHI«HB«HK« BAN! Inutd Witkljr. Entnca u BMosa-Clatf Msttor »t th« Post- VOLUME XLL' NO. 23. cfflci st Bed Btnk, N. 1, ondn th« Act of Much Id. 167t. RED BANK, N. 3.., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1918. $1.50 Per Year.. PAGES 9 TO 18.

MISSING_IN ACTION. GARIBALDI BALL NEXT WEEK. EARL SNYDER BACK. FARMERS BUY.TRACTORS. Sergeant Robert McGoldrick,'Jr., of FINED FOR SHORT WEIGHT. Postponed Dance to Be Held at Ar- RED BANK SOLDIER KILLED Son of Mayor of Atlantic Highlands A COMING MUSICAL SHOW. Atlantic Highlands on List. mory December 13th. Returns from Trance. FOUR "IRON HORSES" SOLD TO RED BANK STORE MANAGER DANIEL MEEHAN DIED FOR HIS Sergeant Robert McGoldrick, Jr., The fourth annual ball of the Gari- Earl Si.iydw, son of .Mayor Charles IT WILL BE GIVEN THREE LARGE FARM OWNERS. of Atlantic Highlands, is missing in PAYS FINE AND COSTS. baldi society of- Red Bank will be held. COUNTRY IN FRANCE. R. Snyder of Atlantic Highlands, ar- NIGHTS NEXT WEEK. action. He was attached to an in- at the armory Friday of next week. rived at Hampton roads last week Jimn VanBrunt and Henry Croat of Weights and Measures Officers Found He Was a Member of the 113th In- 1 About 200 Women and Girls horn Holmdol, Clarence Slinflo of Farm- fantry unit made up mostly of Plain- fantry and Was Killed in Action from Fraud , lie was injured in an field troops. When the United States liiplane ai-cidiMit. at a training camp This Locality to Take Part in tkw ingdale and Howard Height of Man- declared war the Plairifield troops on October 12th—He Was a For-in France and lias hot yet fully recov- Performance, Which Will Consist ftsquan Are the Purchasers. were sent to guard the railroad mer Member of Ambulance Co. ered, lie will visit his parents tins Largely of Singing and f)nncing. Four FordBon farm tractors have bridges and property hereabouts. The death of Daniel Median of Red"week. Karl'was attending Lafayette About 200 people of Red Bank and been sold by William E. Mount, who McGoldrick was" stationed at Atlantic Acme tea Bank, ii first class private in the 113th university when America entered tho vicinity will take part in a musical ' conducts a Ford agency on Monmouth Highlands and while thcro he married street, was fined infantry, has been confiimcd by,a war. Ik- enlisted •'in the aviation entertainment fo be given Thursday, street. The buyers were Jumes Vun- Miss Isabelle Maxson, of Chapel Hill. Tuesday for Helling three package* ( special cablegram received by tho corps and after a short training was Friday and Saturday nights of next Brunt. and.Henry Cross of Holmdel, His mother lives at Plainfield. He iihort weight good.-,. Tho charge wa:i war Wa^hin^ton from sent to France, He has heen overseas week at the Lyric theater on Front Clurcnec Shiifto of Fnrmingdale and was sent overseas some time ago. made by John II, Fitzgerald and IVO. France. The official infor^iaLiun WHS a year'. street, The .performance is entitled Howard Height of Hanasquan. Tho Weigand, who are ofliccrs of the de-ZIONISTS ORGANIZE HERE. received a few days ago by his sister, "The Passing. Show," and it is de- tractor has been demonstrated on Mr. partment of weights and measures of Mrs. Michacl|Shcu of Kumsoii. Daniel, scribed as a'musiea! revue, consisting Cross's farm nnd on Willium T. Hon- New Jersey. The men's testimony WILL AID IN MOVEMENT TO RE^ wus killed in action on October lath. of group and solo dances, ensemble .dricliBon's farm at Middletown. At A COMMUNITY SERVICE. was that they went in- the store on GAIN PALESTINE. A short time ago Miss Helen Meehan, TOURING CAR HITS TREE. and pony choruses, catchy mu:iic and both exhibitions itB practicality and Monday and bought eight pounds of a sister, received a letter written by- elaborate . costumes. Rolu'Eirsalj are its advantages over the horse were Branch Formed at Red Bank Last lieing held daily a'-thejiarish house SEVERAL HUNDRED ATTEND beans which were five ouncesshort;' Week With Eighteen Charter Mem- Daniel on October Cth. In it he said ATLANTIC ] HIGHLANDS "MAYOR shown. j live pounds of sugar which was .a he was well anil happy and that he of'Trinity church. M.oaX of the per- MEETING IN HIGH SCHOOL. bers—Mass; Meeting to be Held IN SMASHUP AT HOLMDEL. formers are girls and there will be a . The Fordson tractor is driven by a half-ounce short; and a quarter of a - Soon to Enroll Every Hebrew. expected to be home by Christmas. motor similar in design to the engine Thanksgiving Service Presided Over pound of tea which was one-half But in the upper confer of one of the Charles R. Snydcr und Six Other number of girl clu^iuftes. in a Ford pleasure eur but it has a by Mayor Patterson—Committee I ounce short. Mr. Tietgen had as- A local branch of the Zionists' or- pages a comrade wrote the following: Passengers Escape Serious Injury . The performance will be given as a. longer stroke and n'bigger bore. It Appointed to Arrange for Com- sumed the management of the store ganization of America was' formed "Your brother buried here with good When Machine Skids and Strikes a benefit for the .Spring Luke-hospital uses kerosene oil for fuel after tho munity Christmas Tree. the duy the goods were bought. lat'Red Bank last week at a meeting care." The letter was posted in Large Maple Tree. and for tho Re'd Bank Woman's .club. motor has been heated. It consumes The penalty for each short sale i.s held at J. Trubin's on Canal street. France October 20th. The letter was It wag recently given for the day about'a gallon and u half of kerosene The civic Thanksgiving service held [ The object of the organization is to Mayor und Mrs. Charles R. Snyder nursery at 'New Brunswick and in the high school Thursday afternoon a fine of not more than $100. The sent to the war departmentat Wash- of Atlantic Highlands and five others, in plowing an acre of land. The weights and measures men, at the aid the movement to regain Palestine ington and the matter was looked into i51,5OO was cleared. It was given a "iron horse" will plow ten acres in was attended Ijy several hundred res- for the Jews. In connection with this •Constable Joseph Johnson x>{ Nave- short time ago at Asbury Park for idents of Red Bank and vicinity. hearing before Justice Edward W. with the result that the report of his sink,. Mr. and Mrs. Nightingale of nine hours, or n little over an acre Wise, said they would not ask for the movement a congress of about 1,000 death was found to be true, th.e child welfare association and it an hour. It will pull two plows and Mayor. Arthur A. Patterson presided Hebrews elected throughout tile coun- 'Keansburg and Mr, and- Mrs. James has also been given at Lakewood for nnd he was assisted by the clergymen extreme penalty and a fine of $'J5 and try will be held at Philadelphia start- Daniel is a son of Thomas Meehun J. Porter of New York started for the benefit of the v/ouride'd soldiers at a harrow. It also has a belt attach- costs of $3.40 was imposed in e.ich of Red Bank. He enlisted in the Red ; ment for operating other farm ma- of the town. The speaker of the af- ing Sunday, December 15th.i The home from Freehold last Frida^.af the Lakewood hospital ami at Camp ternoon was Wintbrup Stewart, a case, making :i total of $85.20. The congress will elect a delegate: from. Bank ambulance company when he ternoon in ' Mr. Snyder's caiv \At Merritt for the benefit of the soldiers chinery. two men bought butter done up in was nineteen years old and saw ser- member of the National security AmAmericc a who will attend the world's Holmdel .an oil truck coming out of there, Aloysius Quinn of Bed Bank is the league, who spoke on "The Fight,of i print packages and found a shortu vice with the ambulanccrs on the u driveway caused ,Mr. Snyder to 1 new manager of the Red Bank )ut us the peace conference with other dele- All of those who .will take part Democracy for Democracy." He .was ! ! , . Plages had been.,sh.pped gates chosen from the different Mexican border. He was at Seagirt steer his car to the other side of the branch. He succeeds W. W. Johns of • -* - - •• - «-••• ' into the state from Philadelphia they with the ambulance company last i-oad to avoid fi collision. The auto have-not yet been- selected. Solos will Allenhurst. Mr. Quinn has been cm- secured for the occasion by Rev. Wil- made no charge in this case but will European countries. year. At Seagirt he und Fred Jones be given, by some of the best singers liam C. Stinson. Music was furnished The Red Blink church of Zionists struck a grating over a'drain in the of this locality. Among tile soloists ployed since November, 11)17, at the take action against the Philadelphia of Red Bank, another former.memben "road and ..skidded, the • rear part of place of which ho now is manager. by the Red Bank Italian band and pa- concern. The fine and costs imposed hns already storied to develop its or- of the ambulance company, were wilLbe.Mrs. J.Lee-Ejiright, Mrs. Wil- triotic selections were sung by the ganization. It is arranging, for a jthe car crushing into a tree in front liam Robertson,-Mrs. Harry Schancfc, A new contraption, an attachment audience. on the manager of the store were mass meeting' for the purpose of en- transferred to .theinfantryWd were" .of- Fred S. Kinhafer's house. Mr. for a Ford car, which will grind feed paid. sent to Trenton, where a company of Mrs. MaTie. Landon, Jliss Louise Do- and drive u1 pulley hns been put on The Garibaldi society of Red Bank rolling.theentire Hebrew population Porter was pitched, forward and his i-emus, Miss Marie Skelly and Miss .attended in" a body and a large silk of Red Bank amLvicinity. infantry, was stationed. Later he face struck a supporting rod of the Bessie Morford. "V the market. W. E. Mount is an agent WEDDINGS. Bank went to Camp McClellan, Alabama. car top. A bad gash way made and for this appliance also. Amoricnn flag nnd a large silk Italian The officers of the Red. Daniel sailed for overseas on June The dances-will include the dance flag, gifts of Mrs. Henry S. White McCormick—Maker. branch are J- Trubin chairman, A. after first aid treatment at .Mr. Kin- of the .daisies and roses,' Hag drill, Friedlander vice chairman Louis 4th. All- the letters received from ater's. Mr. Porter was taken to the j ids;-knitting and Sigmund Eisner, were presented * Miss Margaret Regina McCormick him were cheerful and full of hope baSBbal boy3 dairv ma SMALL RABBIT FOOLED HIM. to the society. The presentation was Lipack secretary and J. Yanko tr.eas- j him were cheerit Long Branch hospital.- He was dis-1 musctteSi Killarncy dances, pon-v bal- made by Captain L. G. Hemline of the and James Henry Maher, both of urer. The Other" charter members for a safe return, charged the next day. Mr. Snyder , widows, a dance of1 win- New York State Boy, Accustomed to Holmdel, w'ere married last Wednes- are Joseph Miller, Harry Power, The llSth raiment of •infant* is ]e t winsomc quartermaster's department at Redday night at St. Joseph's Catholic was cut on the hand and around -one jte r and a militliry ,|rill. The opening Jack Rabbits, Shoots a Dog. Bank. Philip X. Jiannine received the Nathan Cohen, I. Kerber, Samuel a part. «of *ithe. ^29th ' .I,.,™division, , „*„.*»,„whichftia«s eye. The -other occupants of the car | ^orus will be accompanied by solo church at KeyporC by Rev. M. C. O'- been, in many, battlas lately. 'Rev. Floyd Williams, avNew York stute (lags for the society. Donnell. ,' Miss Mia McCormick of Etkina, H. Shapiro, Herman Lavine, were unhurt. Mr. Johnson, one of j(lnllees 1)V'MigS Virginia Grattun and boy who makes his Tiomc with Ben- Committees were appointed by J. M. Shapiro, Karl Beckcnstein, Warren P. Coon of Newark, chaplain the passengers, is .8* years old, Mr. Klissnlietri Ferry pp y New York, a sister of the bride, was of the 113th regiment, writes-a leb- jamin II. Crate, is fond of gunning. Mayor AtArthuh r A. PattersoPtt n tto ar- bridesmaid. The groomsman was Jacob Zuckerman, Louis Yonks, Max •Snyder estimates the. damage to his . Th(, committee in charge of the en- He has hunted a great deal in New Mindlin, Jain' Shram and Abraham ter.about the fighting from October rangge for a community Christmas James Maher of Holmdel, a cousin of 11th to November 2d. He said: "In car at .$00. The windshield was.tertainm,;nt representing the Spring- York state and recently returned tree and to arrange for. community the groom and a nephew'-orthe bride. Perl. broken and the reiir-part of the car , jjake. hospital and the Woman's'dub, from u hunting trip at his old home this sector of wooded hills and"ravines- wa damaged. Mr. Porter is a lieu- sinking to be held, at the high school The bride was dressed in brown crepe every German who wasn't in the ar- consists of Mrs. Isaac II. Adlem, Mrs. after scooting a deer. Floyd. has monthly. A committee was also .Ap- de china and carried! a boquet of tenant of the New York, fire depart- .l-I.oracc P. (look, Mrs. William Robert- killed many jack rabbits . in New tillery manned a machine gun. Inment. . • pointed to consider the advisability Bride roses. Tho bridesmaid! wore a A FAMP DINNER PARTY. one. portion'of our area in a half- son, Mrs. Frank Mr-Mnhon. Mrs. Her- York. Lust week Floyd went out to of'building a memorial halt in honor dress of blue crepe de chine and car- «-•-* bert W. Hill and Miss Julia Little. try his skill on.the cottontails around mile valley the Germans tossed over of those of this military district who ried pink roses.", the bridal. party, RELATIVES, on us 50,000 shells of all sizes during ' CONFIRMED IN JEWISH-FAITH. Among the cbapei'oiies who accarn* Red Bank. started a rabbit, served in the war with Germany. afterwards enjoyed a dinner at the' LARGE BODY OF RELAT1' patiy the girls at their rehearsals'are which ran through a thick patch of Globe hotel at Red. Bank,. The couple DINE AT VAMDERBURG. 24 hours." . "'•"• ' ' Religious Ceremony at the Red Bank Mrs. John IT. Patterson, Mrs. Carrie weeds. ,. The rabbit . disturbed the are 'living for the present at the Besides his father and the, sisters Hebrew Congregational Hall. Rosegrant, Mrs, Battin. Mrs. Georgie- weeds so.little thu,t Floyd hud no idea bride's home. Mr. Maher has been Mr.~and Mrs. David Hamernick Gave mentioned above Daniel leaves two William Beckenstein, -son of K.Hazard, Mrs. John II. Cook, Mrs. A. it was a rabbit. When the dog came MME WATER REQUIRED. working for his grandfather, Thomas a Dinner Thanksgiving at Which 32 ', brothers, James Meehan of Keypoft Beckenst'ein. of Monmouth street, was L. W.ntkins, Miss Grnce Child, Mrs. touring • through the woods Floyd I Maher, Sr,, of Holmdel. .-••' Persons Were Present—Guests and Thomas Meehan of New York, confirmed in the Jewish faith last Sat- and two sisters, Mrs. Catherine Halfi- Frank McMahon. Mrs.' Herbert W. thought it was a juck rabbit and he WATER SUPERINTENDENT SAYS Had a Delightful Time, urday afternoon at the Red Bank \ Hill and Mrs., Leon de -la ReussiUe. blazell away. Several shot struck the Thirty-two persons were present at day of Rumson, formerly of Red DEMAND IS INCREASING. j Doring—Hopping. Bank, and Miss Lillian Grace Meehan Hebrew Congregational hall on West j The affair wiwilll be under the direction ^dog but 'the animal was not seriously a dinner given Thanksgiving day by Front strreet. A parfjy was held at the I of Miss.S. A. Beck. hurt. ... . Lydi'a Bertha D6rirrt*, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hamernick of of New York. A high mass of re- By Next Summer the Demand for ,i George Ziegler of Oceanic, and quiem for the repose of his soul was Beokenstein home Sumjay afternoon j Water 'Will be Greater Than the I George Cooper Hopping of Red Bank, Vanderburg. In the-afternoon ,the in celebration of the event. Address- . GAVE LIVES FOR COMRADES. YOUNG FOLKS STRAWRIDE. „ ..._, , ,-i_-_ c i»« "•«" I were married last'Wednesday at Bel-. guests played games, sang and chanted Monday morning- "at ten - Supply Unless Some Means o'clock at St. James's church. ' -- es were given by William' Becken- Taken to Increase the Flow. I maiC The bride was attired in a rein- danced. Music for the dancing was stein, Nathan Cohen, Louis Lipack, Two Asbury Park Boys Fling Them- A- Party Journeyed to Hamilton, furnished on the violin- by William Where a Dance Was Enjoyed. G. Brower, the water su-! deer color broadcloth suit trimmed. Max Mindlin and I. Kurber. Songs' selves Before Burcting Shell. perintendent, in a report turned in to j with seal and wore a large picture hat McKnight of Red Bank and a brother- j FOUGHT AT CHATEAU-THIERRY. were rendered by Rosie and Jennie ' Two more Asbury Park boys have A party of young folks from Tin- in-law'of Mrs. Hamernick. At night, , Beckenstein and Sarah Lipack. Those ton Falls and tho adjacent community the town commissioners on Monday to match. • 'Sixteen made the supreme sacrifice -on the • night, stated that next year there Miss Lucy Ziegler, a sister of the tables and chairs were moved HugMonths'Servich Mulligan Home Wite Afh Marinest . present were Mn and Mrs. Nathan- battle field in France. They are- went on a strawride last Wednesday would be a need for a greater water the bride, and Mr, and Mrs. John' aside and a regular dance followed. Cohen,' Mr. uml Mrs. Lipack, Mr. and Sergeant Uriah Matthews and Ray- night to Hamilton, where they at- supply. He snid this might be ob- Hendrickson of Middletown were the Those present Ut the gathering in After sixteen--months' service Mrs. I, Kurber, Mr. and Mrs..Max mond- Heer, and they both gave up .tended a dance. On their return tained from outside . sources or by witnesses. The bride received. many addition to Mr. and Mrs. Hamernick, abroad with the United Stated Ma- Mindlin, Mr. and Mrs. B. Cloth, Mr. their lives that other members of they stopped at the Tinton Falls sinking new artesian wells. Some of beautiful presents, including silver, their eight children, son-in-law and rines, during which he has hadp in and Mrs. Morris Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. their company might live. Matthews schoolhouse, where Mrs. Harry Cole- their grandchild were Mrs. A. M. El-many battles, the most important of and Heer flung themselves in front Jhan had prepared a collation of sand- the wells have nearly stopped flowing cut glass, checks, etc. Mi', and Mrs. which was at Chateau-Thierry, Hugh A. Schramm, Mr. and Mrs. Harry "a'ftil it is possible that these wells Hopping left on an extended wedding grim and 'her children and Mr. and 1 Belgrade, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Shapiro, of-n bursting shell to' protect several wiches, coffee and enke. In the party could again be made to yield a nor-"trip to Atlantic Cityi-and Niagara Mrs. William Ganley and their daugh-1 J. Mulligan of Atlantic Highlandsj-e - Mrs. Herman Meistritch, J. Strunsky oiLtheir comrades. Shell fragments were Misses Bertha Cornell, Addie Tnal supply by proper treatment. If Falls. Mrs. Hopping vks formerly ter'of. • Vanderburg; George Elgrim jTurne d to his home town Sunday _on.TrmIr5lTrrris-*ffrfk™of"Red"BanF;'. E. shattered Matthews's leg and Heer .Johnson, Charlotte McGuirfi, Jessio wells were sunk to different strata bookkeeper for D.oremus Bros, com- and family of Little Silver; William a- *—•few 'hours •' '°-'leave» *""*from> »a fenamtnihospital »<•at• Ruth of Shrewsbury, Mrs. Simmons wa¶lyzed from the waist down. and Isabclle Hall, Carrie Hughes and from those now supplying, water, a pany, with which firm Mr.' Hopping McKnight and family of Red Bank, White Plains. During the short time of Highlands and Mr.' and-Mrs. Ten- Both died from their wounds. With Agnes Dean, Norman Sickles, Louis bountiful flow could "be obtained, but. is connected. Eii&ene Layton of Lin- he" was home ho received numerous' der of New York. -.-,••—- . one exception the' men whom they Gonover, Frank McGuire, Fred Mc- this water might have to be filtered croft, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc- calls from friends, including a delega- Jiad protested came off" unscathed. Guire and Frank Mngee. and this would result in extra expense ' • Lane—Cross. Carron and son of Red- Bank. Three tion of Red Cross women who gave .This man' was only slightly hurt. for a filter and also in extra expense Miss Henrietta Lane, daughter of soldiers in ".uniform, one being a ser- him a boquet of flowers. ELKS'-MEMORIAL SERVICE. Matthews was 23 years old ami was Hugh is nineteen years old. He ' a son of Vivian Matthews. Ileer Gets Discharge from Navy. for machinery to run the filter, Mr. the lata James Lane- of Little Silver, geant at Sandy Hook, joined in the Bank Lodge Remembers, De- dancing in the evening. They were was wounded and at Chateau-Thierry Red was eighteen and was the only child Kenneth Brown, son of William iwer stated that he made this and Henry Cross, son of Henry Cross he fell in a German trench and in- ceased Members. of Mrs. Myrtle Heer of Biadley tement at this time in order that of Holmdel, were married last Thurs- Edward Creevey, James Diggins and Brown of Brown place, has receive,, David Scott. -• •• .-'-.' jured his spine. He was paralyzed The Red Bank Elks' lodge held its Beach. ' _^ _ ^__ an honorable discharge from the .'he commissioners would have oppor- day at St. J>mes's church by Rev. from the waist down but he is nowannual memorial, service for dead tunity to arrange for a greater_supplyj John C. Farrell, the assistant rector. navy. Kenneth suffered a serious in- Red.—Bank Men, in Show.. . abletp get-about-with-a-cane»—Hugh members Suoday-night-at-the Empire jury to one foot while o'n a battle- of water by next summer, when" the I A sister of the bride, Mrs. Mamie •wears two, gold chevrons and a blue theater. The stage was' fittingly - CONCERT CLEARS $80. ship Beveral weeks ago. When his in- demand is largest. Thirty new cus- Sherman, and. George Cross of Holm- Fred Frick of Keyport and William •chevron on his left arm for sixteen decorated for the occasion. Promi- tomers have connected with the mains del, a brother "of the groom, were the H. Hamilton and Walter Conk of Red Fine Entertainment at Grace Churcli jury has healed he willreturn to his months' foreign service and three nent in the decorations was the Last Friday Night. former job on the railroad. Other during the last quarter. attendants. The couple left on a Bank will present Robert Mantell's gold chevrons on his.right.arm, which wedding trip and on their return lodge's service flag containing -37 The musical concert at Grace- Red Bankers who have been dis- The financial report made by Mr. playlet "The Littlest Girl" at a bene- designate the number of. times he has stars. Ferns and palms were also . charged ore George Gray of Shrews- Brower set forth that the profits of they will live with the groom s par- fit performance on Tuesday*, Decem-been wounded. . He also wears a used in the decorations. church last. Friday night under the bury nvenue, who was at the Lake- the water works for the last quarter, ents. The groom's father has a large. ber 17th, at the Majestic theater at green cord-and a red cord, which is The officers of the lodge wero direction of Mrs. Kath'ertne Throck- wood hospital, and Samuel McAlin- amounted to $1,471.83. farm at Holmdel. Perth Amboy. The three men took a French reward for'bravery. Two seated W the stage. The customary morton 'cleared over The pro- part in a similar performance in the citations were awarded him after the consisted of orchestra selec- din, who was at Camp Dix. Hadden—Thomas. ritual service was carried out by the *»» old Red Bank opera house about fif-battle of Chateau-Thierry. different officers and selections were 'ons; HELD UNDER $1,000 BAIL. Mrs. Sarah Conover : Hafiden, teen years ago. • ; er •.—m • » .- • Bank.! L °y. Buys Leighton Avenue House. daughter of the late Sidney Conover 1111* cl L1UCL UV fuioo iiiv-ii i. vbii>»ti H*>U Red Bankers Arrested on Charge of | and widow of Dr. Alexander Hadden, Red Banker Gassed. of lin; a duet by Miss.I The Francis White agency has sold . Boy Bitten by Dog. • Mr. Chamberlain; humorous reading -Buying^Rum! for Soldiers. | wag marrjed ut her home on Broad William A- dts la Motte, son of he Presbyterian church, the prme.pnl; - • j^a Grace Child nstrumental one of George Hance Patterson's Edward Murphy of Earl street was 0 C e fi nouses on Leighton avenue, near The military police last Saturday- street, Red Bank, last Wednesday to William E. de la Motte of Catherine SS£. ^ st= is^t^r oI^eSM^Mar0n-Mount and Prof. Herbert street, to Anotole Colosimo night arrested William Connoly of'Clark Thomas of Philadelphia. Rev. bitten by a dog last Saturday. The street, who is attached to the 303d for a home.- The house contains six Bridge avenue and John" Sculthorpe' James Lord,-formerly pastor of Grace dog attacked him op Front street engineers, is recovering in a hospital the Rt.. ., . .. rooms and is equipped with gas, of Wall street on a charge of buyingi church, performed the ceremony. A while he was delivering groceries and in France from the effects of shell and he appeared on the stage in his j Chandler, Mrs. Throckmorton, Eu- water- and toilet. The lot is 33x137 liquor for soldiers. Connoly and. luncheon was served after the wed-bit him on the knee. The dog wasshock and gas. He was unable to uniform. gene Magee and Alvin Whiting. Af- Sculthorpe wcro • arraigned before i ding and the couple then left on an driven olf before it had a chance for feqt. The price paid for the property write, owing to his physical condition, Child Pinned Under Auto. ter the entertainment a, social hour was $2,200. - Mr. Colosimo is em- United States Commissioner Carton! automobile .trip to Old Point Com- a'&econd bite. The wound was not and/word was sent to his relatives in was enjoyed by those who took part ployed at the Eisner factory. , of Asbury Park on.Monday and each! fort, Virginia. Mr. Thomas is a c.on- serious and did not deter the boy Red Bank through a friend '-Hrsthe Anna Anesko,- the fourteen-yoar- in the concert. was held under $1,000 bail to awaft suiting engineer, from finishing his work. ; \ hospital. Mr. de la Motte married old daghter of Joseph Anesko of Ely, the action, of the federal jury. Con- . . , . . —" was fatally injured Sunday when shft. '•> Maggie Cline's Stocking! Stolen. Miss Eflie Hibbetts of Chestnut street KILLED IN AUTO ACCIDENT. noly is a frequent.-but not willing, Manning—Nixon. Soldier to Re-Open Barber Shop. shortly before he went to- France. .was pinned under an automobile that Miss Maggie Cliile of East-Front overturned-lifter skidding. The child 1 visitor at tlie—polico hendqunrters. j Miss..Margnret A. Manningg, daugh-g.. Fraiik~Mndiir.e, who had kept a bar- .... ---^— -m> •» ' . • -- . AU'enhurst Summer Resident Met street, the noted singer, had eight ScltSculthorpp e had never been arrested terr of George H. Manning of BridgeBridg * was scrambling up a bank to get out Death at Newark Sunday. - pairs of stockings on her clothesline ber shop at 119 West Front street two Red Cross Doesn't Want Tin. herh e bfbefdje.j .ton, formerly.oflf f AtlantiAtltic HihlHighlandsd , years and who was called to army of the way of the auto when she was Charles Whelan,.son of Charles A. one night lnst week. She left her •»•• The metals that are being collected was married "at Penn's Grove on No-service about three months ago, was caught; She suffered fractures of the Whelan, founder of the United cigar home for a short time in the early Engagement Announced. by the Red Cross in the conservation hip and one leg and internal injuries. stores company, nnd a well known, evening and when she returned she ember 23tl te Harry \V. Nixoji of the discharged from Camp Dix last week plan are pewter, lead, platinum and and has returned to Red Bank. He She was taken to the Long Branch summer, resident of Allenhurst, waa found that seven' pairs of the stock- tinfoil. Any one having these ar-; hospitlli. am] ,jiC(i there. killed in an aufomobile collision at ings had been stolen. the engagement of will re-open hi3 barber shop in its tides to donate may leave them at beth, (laughter of former location next Tuesday. Newark early Sutulny morning. Tha Tusting's .music store on, Monmouth car in whii* Wlielun was riding • AR£ YOU OUR FRIEND? George W. Bi street or Lewis's drug - store • on Came Home a Captain. geant Homer. struck a Uixicab and both cars over- there. Back in the Lunch Business. .Shrewsbury avenue. • : • Jerome Taylor, son of Mrs. G. M. We Deiire to Make You So If YouOhio. Sergeant Carney is now sta will turned. Whelalanh was throwthro n out and " Robert Pierce, who formerly con- Taylor of As'lmry Park, -lias arrived tu Will Permit It. tioned at the base hospital at Itah- Covert—VanBrunt. HORSEsT* HORSES!^ home from France with the rank of suffered aa fractured skull. Mr. A" successful old business -mcin the Way. No date has been set for the ducted a lunch counter at the Sheri- captain. He was promoted just be- Whe'laelan was 23 yeary s oldld : He drovd e Miss Marv E. Covert and Jacob dan hotel, will return to this business ambulancebli " in FrancF e before other day said, "If I wero iipUed to wedding. . _ _ VanBrunt, both of Pine Brook, near The Old Reliable Hof.e Dealer, F. S. fore leaving bis outfit at Verdun to giv.e advice to folks who wanted to and will open-"a lunch counter at the Weelcs,. Colt's Neck. '••.'• sail for home,' Captain Taylor is in | America enteredd the war but was Eatontown, were -married last Thurs- Monmouth hotel on Front street to- .ecBUse nf bad. got ahead in business I would simply New Pressing Machine, day by Rev. J, E. Patterson at the Now .-is the.-best time to get your jt he regular army and will probably forced to return home say: .'make: friends.' " The making of •moiTo< i The assortment is equal to former Park:—Advertisement. Neckwear, Hosiery and Gloves tisenu'ut. ^^ burv Park. William II. Ilint.-liiuinn, Excellent quality correspondence years at wonderful values; commenc- are featured very strong, in our "use- Rums'on. "Phone -Ml. — AdvvrtiBO- size with tinted borders, colors with Property Wnnted on Riverside Drive. Snleswomen Wanted." ing at 10c for plain ones, hand em- Dance. ful" holiday presents. May we have mcnl. _^.4<^ .._ - ' gold edge at 25c, 50c, 08c and up to Several saleswomen wanted at once broidered, hemstitched and initial at Friday" evening, December 6th, the privilege of serving you? Rob- Have a client who wishes,tj) pur- $f> a box. A. Sal-/. & Co., Red Bank. for steady positions; also extra, help 25c, ,50c, 08c nnd up to S». A. Snlz Dnvidson building, given by the S, "& erts & White, Atlantic 'Highlands.—• chase a country home on or near Kiv- ISUukoti. —^Adyertisenieiit.. ______^ fthhlidAlS.--•to..—Strawt * -Dmof :Lib«>p-t-y-tGd iAd Adi ior_4l4.^p_! -Si'iid-pa-rtivuliirM-tu-WiliUim-jL-ilitt-. ! Co., Broad street, Rej.1 Bankv—Adver- _ jV?rj__SJiorinor • • - . ••• tisement"." ~ ~ ajf "GoodsT ' Homc-Mndc Cake Sale. tchminn,.Buirison.-—Advertisement. featuring our holiday gmrtl.i. If you, "will entertain you Saturday after- Euchre and Dance A home-made cake sale will lie held need good blanketH at undor-markoe When looking for liBliday gooils, prices, see us. . Robert.* .t White, At- .- -noon and evening nnd you may se- . Sore Throat. remember that otir stock is lurge. and of LadiesLa ' Moose Heart Legiog n ntnt'the A. & L. Shop,.4 Broad street Dont neglect your child's sore lect your goods for future delivery.— ff your thront is Bore>uso Kin- priced attractively. iWe invite, your Hktt' 'Saturday morning by the ladies' aux- throat. Use KinmOnth's soro throat liintic Highlands.—Advertisement, •. Roberts & White, Atlantic Highlands. month's sore thront remedy. Sold bj inspection. Roberts & White, Atlan- orchestraMoose hall. , TicketDecembers 35- 13thcents.—Advcr. Hackett's- iliary of the Serfs of Veterans,—Ad- remedy .end get quick relief.—Adver- .;—Advertisement. all druggists.—Advertisement. tic Highlands.—Advertisement. tisement. vertisement, £ tisement. It pays to advortiao ui The Kegl«M|| : Give "Him* Something to Wear hat's what .a. man appreciates, the most—and :'•= certainly the rr.ost appropriate gift-in these days n any surplus fu:vi~ are needed for Liberty Bonds, Now for Cross work, et<:. Good clothing, and by the way ".-; 11% only kind you'll nnd here, is very acceptable, the Little NW ar;y rnan-wiilb-i orourfto appear in the outfit you select for him a* .thi.4 up-to-date man's store. Skating and all oat door spcrts vv why wouldn't a Far, or a Fur Lined Overcoat are tots of fun, but- a fellow £e "him"? V.Y!I ?ay-it certainly would—You'll • must be comfortably dressed to them here fro.v.' s'io to' 175. - Better look them enjoy them, so why not get son over today.

'f'X-S- i"\ iay/ '.- ;"' ..' a nice Suit or warm Mackinaw, • . • .• < Owr Furnishing'Departmentis with a big deep collar? When he sees that under the tree, heiJ Brim Full 'of- Suggestions get into it right away, and *'He" can't havf- too many "fixings"—they're-al- mighty proud he'll be. ways w^korpe. We".! just mention a fewto'hefp you in your selection.. t_ .-,_ _ ;.•'••' $6.50 to $18.00 Fur Caps Handkerchiefs Belt* ' Umbreiias Silk Shirts Sweater* A few other Neckwrear. Hosiery Knit Vests suggestions for Muffler* Bath Robes Suit Caies r "That Boy" ',fry~"3rPw* y'.'ir Gk>ve» fiome Coats Travel Bags promptly *r>H y ppy Auto Gloves Pajamas Cuff links fdfflly ;tt, *-Ji/. prf,p'*? fria**. . O~i'f Bath Robes Novelty Sets for the Soldier B07 Skating Caps BURDGE & RUSSELL Warm Gloves •0 MECHANIC STREET, Blouse Waists T«»«!>(ion<> 219 W, KRIDEL Sweaters Neckwear . Ellsworth Alexander —:-Phone 637- TIUES Stockings *, Wall*, H**rth« nod ManW Brad and Front Streets New Jersey ,, Brkm »rni Wrought (fin Pf.n4*rn, fttt *t\A dtiH 1*rz%, Wood and Til« , M«

TO MAKE ROOM AT ONCE FOR 1 F VAN DORN CO. WHITE STREET Phone 478 RED BANK, N. J. WE OFFER FOR IMMEDIATE CLEARANCE 162 High Grade SAMPLE.RUGS- Distributors for Chalmers, Oldsmobiles and of Superior Premier Autos _..^_JW^v_^!i_ftrf*-|lf> s 11in1 IMIOurJ IIJIS"tint;, .'Hen:1 It'll : IisS Mianl UjJfJUopportunitl LUllll>yy ,ItMo JHlVtsaveJ inariy

16 10-Piece Diningroom Suites, Reduced $25.00 to $30.00, Golden Oak i •> Fumed Oak, Walnut 1 ,1916---7-Passenger Chalmers in fair sh&pe. •» Our Holiday Assortments Will be the Largest and Finest Ever Shown Here 1 1918—S-PaLSsenger Chalmers like new. Guaranteed same as a GIFT new car. . 25 percent off list. . Hoosfer Kitchen Cabinets-/ RoyaJ Easy Chairs in 1 1917—Dort Touring Car just overhauled and in first-class shape. Tapestry antl Leather, Cedar Chests, Rugs, Bissell Vacuum rf Sweaperny Davenports, Library Tables, Go-Carts, Music Just the car for the man who wants a good light 5 Passenger car. *-.- , Cabinets, Jardiniere Stands/Pictures, Smoking Stands. 1 National 4-Passenger car in first-class shape.: "• Ail cars have electric lights and starters, \ •"}••' See VanDorn before parting with your money-. He can save you KEYPORT, JT. money. "

Itt.lnMI, Mian (ii'1'l.i'inli' [!. Id.I,IM|! W'IMI'I In1 Hint » imnifilirilclv. • (lu» (•nt, Jnlin w:i In Iholtheir, return h«mi! they stopped ut to Charles .Newman's house at Jirl- 1 NEWS FROM MiDDLBtowN.i!X^r. :!;;;t;zJt%" Willmc (!. Ruhi'i'lR, 'IIIOIIUIII ||, Itnl,. 11.. hiiK I,..I.II .:..Ti hit I.I (III-: ."i'i" ' Ii" it:il wlinn In wroU' th li'ttur.' Kmilli Anilmy umi viailvil Mr. and fonl. . • i JMMiin Munis nptitlti. Me. C'II •ipn *.vi' ••i-ln,' Mi", nnd Mr«. li'cil [>»nlprmiinii,' Infilling D|II.Ilii, |]iil. In1 ri'fivnl I'IH' /1 IK' iuii'l Unit he waw iicur lhirold Wr. ,1. Ii. Si'huylcry . Mrs. Kihvilnl Barnes o'f Freehold h < 1 i\!isK«i M . i K han K'ven birth to u eon. Mrs. B.inira CI.IRI.'iTMAt PAI.F. Al NAVK.SiriK I '"'''.'' " !"" " "» I'" •"••• fir., Mr. nml ftli'H. Krcil riMilcrniiuui,, tjon nml uiut ihi.ipjioiuLcd hi't'iiiim I litnn wlici Iliiriild WIIH killril. Krauint'i- ;uul Kurcttn M.XT 'l' ill Ilili putVnr pllllll. Ill lil Jr., nml MIPII* iluuitlil'or l(<v Minn Inn] in riMmiiti h< .Ulu'it Mn.*!;uii of I'niL Maimuntlli (luniptun of •Hfllforil and llcruicLta wn3 formerly Miss' Dura Leek. llviirU'tlii ,\. I'l'iHi'imniin umi >• -v. J'I,,.. ' Ml", mill Mm. Hdlim-'l. (;. I'l.nlo nf P,.|iIrrriipiin*'!. A cullcM'tion fur lli"! rtl.iitiu'H'd :U (liiiTtfi IHx, havu bcon over Tlmnk.''KivinK. Jeffers. : 11 1 " ---l nr<-»»ll I'miy Ki-tiriiip ll-i^'"" ^'l"' !'!' Wriulil, Hip vi'slfinlim lUilnmrnnd (hi'ir Kimn HHIUTI nml Ar rt'lii'l" nf Ihr A ijiicninin munii'ivil "lit "if iiurvice. • The Bedford Methodist Epworth . Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hill of l.o«u^t R I WilFi lilhcll lip ' 1 - ' •• id Nn lilirnrinn, whu hni inr^plpil n piitilbi.- Iliur - RUPIIL 'I'tiiiroiluv willi iMr, nmInull : 'rimiHiliiy ill, tlio. Itaymoml HirhnrilHnn i)f Itolford is k'ii^in, will privc an entertainment Point hiive returned to New York for Mr«. rlKiiUi l'..,,l,.' i,f |',.,:( Miw- R*'rvi,-,' nml $',!ll wmi nicrivedTlmiikii|:iviiii:. j i"P 'iiilniir II wi'i'li )rniininf:nt c'rccholil. next, Tuesdiiy nijtlit at the Kpworth the winter. H'liih. 'I'hr i»i* n" ivf'MriMnininjrjM lhc! Win-Hi VVhil" irirlii will hnlil.o m (!i'(H':;i' I,i'rl(..I'd wiiril tiint'Iim Boii Alolvin, who Mi.'sa Aline A. Wliite nail Mm. Gcorcc LocuHt Point, i8 yick with siaibt. Ilillikei". •' fever. • ' Will In- Ih'lll "II ilnv IIIMI MI/III nf, nli.hl ' (iii i in- II / in :, i]..|,j ,,,^r ||,,, I,,,„„,;, : . .In.'ii'iili Mmini, I'urnn'rly "I' Ktim" is a'ltarlii'tl to the 7th witriiii'om, wiin Harry Harris of New York npi'iil All Mtlilcil fi'iihin- nl uii hi will IM> ,u .Mrs. ){nli,;ri I'IILI.. .H-iis in I In- ynnl I'lllll'rll, ill nil ii,Hilly JjH'k'llt. till" IllillH' [dijrhtly vv^wndcil in action Ki'ptRmlxT • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Havens nml 'in.I nil." imbr, Mni.'.lqlin WDIiiini- :.!IUI., "'iho ini'nrmntiiin wan soiit r.|- .Mins Ailrf ^lavens of Navosink and Thankstt'vms with his family at Hrl- III., r-nliliil. II..,- |ii-..l nli,,| kil|,.,| ||u. f:un "I* I-'RIIH -(.'r,-ol<, I'rnimylvftiiin. lirmlly ti'din WlwhillKj""- Vintou HaVeus uf lIi(.hlundB left Inst fonl. .i.l.hil. Jim I'M,,],. »!,,;„!„ f, Mr. M mi Ml. nml hiu family recently A nu'iiH'i"iid nt'ryii'r- will he held TKurailny for Sinithlicld, 'Virginia. Misses Susi)na and Grace Williiim i vd |ijJj«JJn iMVU«4HiU™lvHH*J*iM*t' " " "" ' " ^•ITuXh]Ti^.lv^HiHM^ii-iS~-C"r-- riTi'ir"'winr Mm. Wilinnisnii, hffiiim:i tirn i.' ck ut tin! Now Moilnmutli' whoia yiek with typhoid if evtr, is still York. (PI- A. Mli'ltltm nnd IMina HH'IVII the rli'inirii ' woiiliiil hrrtcllrrtcllt hiihiii licnlllilicnl . I Hnplir-p t I'huroli fur Clnronn K in :i ui'i'ioiis irnulitlon. A nurse is A" fiiinily riMini.'M nix !,,.',! ^,, 1 Noticiei. fill'lJll'H. Mills'flll'klPK |H Hll'll Illlll Will h.iiiH' i!- I'r.mi Cmiip ! Mr?. Htmitll'oniptoil t i of lli'lforlllfdd linlnn uf l!i;l!i;lfor riiovp.i l,.',"ii ii«.-"iir i Mrs. Louiao Nnxson of- I'erth Am- Farmers who poet their Hut, In' iilili' In MTV I'll Hit'. I'liKiinillnp. l' | IV!\| rirrivi'd two leltrrn frnni .lohn Mr- Krniici-. . ' iliil mil |,PI innmn nml liolj, lii'k lim! "I" thnl pliu'p, who in in Kmiifc Mr. nnil Mrs, Albert ('. VunDrtmt boy is visitinc Mrs. Oulpb Brown. against gunners can get muslil n and .nl UIM,. Williim, s. Huhprln, Mr nn,| 1 Ilini". - Hi- I'litHpii i« Hi'. nnlniiiii'p nnd whn hnd nut booii IICBTJ fi\im in | nml thrir enn Ilrnillvy Kprnt ThnAkn- ,1 nines FlnnniKiin him moved from ciirduoard (juhninp signs at The. Mi I;- IluUftlll n liil mi I'liiiii'li nlrpi'l. iw'iir! iti-i, *•*""'Mdfa^'^'"'•'"'' "ml "Mii'lr' mm ili'imrliin'iil nml wna lulil .tlinl IIM! iuivt'i'nl wi'i'kn. Mr in n niPirilii'r nf• iviviilK 'vitli rclntivt'H at Trenton. On' tho liinney house ut 1'ort Monmouth ister ofilcc.—Advertisement. THE RED BANK flEGISTEfl Page

FAIR HAVEN HEWS. FURNISHED .ROOMS FOR RENT. - . ' CATERER SUPPUEK '• BLUB FlXME.'OrL STOVES. * ", SUIT OF CLOTHES LOST. Sewfn* Machines and Clock. Repelled. CATERER FOR SOCIALS. All Improvement!; Ityht housekeeping Special kttention tQ parties, banquets ftnd New Perfection and 'a*1>estos wick stoves ; J'wat ,jn Kast Front ntreet Monday even- •II toclil functions, Jumes Woleott, 16 I repair Bewiji* machines >nnlh anil toilet; centnilly with an electric vibrator; manicuring Gold, tulvrr, I),,,,11;./ cmbrnldrry; butU>nn, Itank. , . to Hell UN iiccount of po»r lHMiltliv;Iiifi,rma- located, on river front nt He.I Hank. Price BWitch making and children's hair cutting plnitinr. pinkinir; cable, chain, nnd plain vice. Relatives have been requested KITCHEN STOVE FOR SALE. tion inquire lit 24 IrvinK pliiei.', Ifeil Iinnk. $7,000. Apply t" A. I.. Ivlna, Uevistpr build- Open Friday eviMiinea from 6 :00 to 9 :tl .••tilrluiii:; tnail orders solii-iti'd; nil to send the namcB of the men to the Sccund hand kitchen cuuldiiK utove, in OFFICES FORRENTT iV, I1 mWnliiTfl of tli" Fitiriats* 'JVl M;in ;IM 111 uf11 »n1i'bin:>n. :M() per ninntli HOUBO, MG Hudson avenue. I'hone 4G3-J. KIX" Hiiick roadster; little six touring: ull in rnph delivery; we take onlern to \m deli ami bn;ml; \VMIH;UI to i>|»ii ateOlci'trif rliw«- granted an exempt fireman'a .certifi- Good i-yllable man ivanU'il to iinnlnt ill milU 1 l)UHint'Htt. A. Grovtir, filiruw'sliury, N. J. GOOD PRICES PAID - II n .ndition. Address Automobile.-., box ed jinywbri-c: riuii !; Kervicf; fH'imoniiti Unit."l Sliiten cate. for men's second hand suits at The City Dry Telephone 4UU-W. ./ Producing Your Own Eggs is Economy, j (lowerlowerss ;: -imi'lenit-moderate prir<-oriels. Hayellay n Ilrotlufi. ' Ili-piu I meiit of l.;,li,,r. K. I'r . Wailiriltht. Cleaning and Dycinv Works, it Mechanic :il;i, Red Hank. John Furley of New York was here ; Big, eli-onff, While Leghorn pullet* in lots i II West Front -ulreet, Reil Hank. 1'hjme niieiit, ;!lia Cntlierimi street, nhone I, He.l IMGS FOR SALE. street, near Brood strcet, lied Hunk. Phunc last week looking after hiB Bummer 207-J. of ton or twenty for BHII;; heavy luyinK | FOR SALE. home and trying to (Ind out who Btole I'ino Yorltiihire PIKH, auven weekfl old, for Htock with lots of vitality. Churlen D. | l-'ivu Imiilieli of A Mo. 1 yellow coin. 200] vale. Inquire Henry KCUHILT, Gk'timury Clvyctund, Entontown,' N. J. Phone 2130-R. j YOU DONT HAVE TO WAIT. his gate on Hullowe'cn night. furin, Hed Uank. TWO HOUSES FOR SALE. Why luxe :0, W. A. HupniiiK, Ural ton," KviTell. N. J. S^r.O, no reiisotittblf nllir rrfui«(?d; nlfti expert biirtier^. The most sanitary ssliop in nml Kin rn, fullK property, which they recently bought. AparimonL to It't; am be used as ntores KnUlc. : or dwellings. Innulro of A. T. Durcmuu or hiiuMI' «af*' nnd mnhuifnity i-aliim-t. (icdi^i- "^ FOR SALE CHEAP. town. Kelly & Itutkley, VVciJtr lYiiil.liiik'- 1>» own,, Cull tun] N.-.; it iit S, I(.ultl»r Mrs. Carpenter is now living with horHKt-lita, llt-d Hunk. J. Smith, Navfsink uvenu.-, Iliuhliindit, N. J. Upatalrrt. "%—• ' Tire Co. 171 West -Front Mi-ee or wril« CLOVER HAY WANTED. , Heveriil iirliclrH, stylish, wool winter eloih- Bon at Oceanic. inir; rtcrir.' .lr<-^.-=, Brnnrl. luilor.'d mi i t. nic" box ai:it Red Ma.ik. .Srcond i-i-op of Hover buy wanli'il haled or INFORMATION WANTED." '• William C. Bennett is trapping for POTATOES AND AI'PLES WANTED. loorie; Htute prieo anil delivery. George T. BARGAIN AT $3,500. wnrm navy eoat; v.-ry fine liliiek ;-uit nnd I Putiitbea, nit KIZCM, round nnd lonK. and HmiHi-, neven rooms ami linUi, <-orni>Ii>t«-ly I iln-^; SH.Iffl. *li».(MI; rii/.i' 1 ;i, list IJuillity, ! JnTounittiim is wanted an Ui- tin; identity FOR SALE, muskrats in the creek here and across Hhennan, Atlantic IIIKhIiiiiils,-hot 10, II. V. uf the PLTSOO-* who went on. my j>n>peily Sterling Vilv nnpk-u .wimted. M. Fqrtfurtb, Empire 1). No. 1. .ft;r_niithed; lot ri0xiri2; lurm* ffarnKc t'liU-ki'ii I ln»it ;ii:i, Red Iinnk. ' . " | the river. Austin Minton is also en- KiiraKC, HinT Hank. liousi;; Htu'ain lieut, «a •> uw\ dei-trii-ity. ] on Third Htreet at Fair Haven mid cut down crai-ker fiet.timnistintf of cut ^ fwntainer Charles Taylor, Liickwuud jihu.-, Fair Jluvi-n, GENERAL MOVING AND STOKAOE. j I . _. Uiehnnl McAlliHler_ . H.TH1 fiK»S ulmi. r>0 nix-wiekn-old. pii;« fur Bale. motor; larito, roomy vans, relinble men. | Oystermen are making good sized work, liei'veti & Oittnirjflrr, Humson r1 S Ix4, Jil.fiO: 31.11'j, Si.aO; TIRES AND TUBES. REWARD. near Freehold; u Knap at Keien thousand 1 Letters have been received here in For return of rmiinle. rabbit bound, neni-ly SALESWOMEN WANTED. dullitrH. Gt'oriiu W.' SSUCIUT, Colt's Nuck, "OFFICES TO RENT. I ^ ^. 31.75; :iiix.i!i, ?-"i.ou: ;!7xTi; ^r..i;Q.; Inne. tlii.-m. All staii'lain ami N'verul Hitlcawiinn'rt wmitt'tl nt once for Kurd inncrtubes, Sli.OO each. Mnhli1^ Hicycle ' If H'h .atiyihinir in the line of iiuto- the past few days from -soldiers in nil white, |j|i|cli nnd tan on bend. llowne N. J. Several ollicc rooms to rent, Bingly or in I -; llros., Kaiypii'rt, N. J. uti.aily poaitiiinu; ala.i extni lielii for the nuite». In The Register huildiliK; all im-exeli'inue, 27 Kast Front atreet, opposite'r * tin's ;ind t«b>.'i» do nfjt buy until you 1'i'aiK'e. , liolitlayH. Apply to Ktruurf Uo., liroatl street, Olube hotel, f ' -.-••. a urrft a (UMirif-frorn us." We arti . 1U-|| Hunk, > jtt. THREE MORE NEW HOUSES provementB; rent reasonable. UeMlrable lo- . John Rittcr, who was in the last BIG PRICES PAID. beitttf built on Waveriy PIIKC fur nab; oncation In heart of buwineBs district. Apply ieader*i AM\A viiiiniLy on tires nnd tuhes draft call but did not get to cnm^ I nm pnyiiiK biff prices for fresh OKHB and easy terms; we have jn^i mild «ix on this at Register ,otiice. - . , COING^TO MOVE? .'' WJIJ. In-low others ia price. HvTlOr because of the ending of the war, has poultry. II. llnft, K5 Linden plucu, Ked HALF HOUSE F6R RENT. mime tUrect.'' Apply to William II, R.. White, Before moving or before' putting yoai 111! Wi-dt IVont ftlruiit, Itcd'Hnnk. Hank. Phone S78-W. , liulf of double, housu. for rent on Hunk or Willis A. Cluytun, 60 Ilnrnd- fllrvet. Red OLDSMOBILE FOR SALE. , articles in storage. Kct my figures. Ml : I'hi M utreet; nan mid wuter; rent $1T) per month. lance storage warehouse and my method ol resumed his job in the Atlantic & BunR. I^ive-paKMemrer automobile, OlBnloliile : Pacific fltore hero. II is brother FORD INNERTUBES, Apply John II. Cook, Jr,, or Ked Dunk Iluul model 4:1. I'J.lll limatiHilii! nnd tourink top, trucking will get you a fair figure. E. J FARM FOR SALE. fully purnnteed, S2.00 imch. MniinB1 Ilicycle Kutate Co. fully equipped, ifuarnnteeit in (irst-cliirt.* con- j Iteilly, 51-53 Mechanic street, Ked Bank - Clooil, tuoliltiljN;' fftrm, 70 neres; aiiplcs, James, who was to take his place here, FARM FOR RENT, Phone 282; _ Kxchnlu'e, '11 Knst. Front street, oiipoditc Farm of eighty urcren uf potato, and trut-k dlllon; price $000..'G. L. Worth, 141 Main Tiears, peiu'livs, ar-pjinu^us, 10- acres gooil is working in South Amboy. (ilobc hotel, Hed Iinnk. AUTO FOR SALE. street, KeaiiMljurjf, N.'J. .... j - • •- wimilliiiid: t-oo.l farm with BOml lund for rent or to put out on tthnreH; located CHALMERS AUTOMOBILE FOR SALF.. i bi-imt;^. i-"»»l piu.t.ure limit; •l-roum bunKalow, Mr. and Mrs. James I'. McCnVron "Cole, 11)18 touring uedan, ueven-passen- at Crawford's Corner. Iu.|iiire nt"I47 Qs- p llsl1 ~~ C1RL WANTED B«r, K«od UH new, only been driven 4,500 Cheap; electric liuhls nnd sell' ^tiirter; "' oiilhmliJiiiKs.l new poultry houae cost of Pearl avenue have gone to New born Htteet, Key port, or U-lcphotiu Key port LOST. liood cir for jitney- any renauniilil.' olfer Sl.UUO.1- All .freo-iind clear .ft ilebt.. Will sell for Kouoni! boUHework in Hinull family; trood miles; price $2,«oO. Address liox 166. I-'alr 34.8-W. Crunk hlimlle for Chevrolet. -190 model, on r r York for the winter. u-uiti-H. lln. Wlllluin II. Hnilolmunn. Rum- IJnven, N. J. rond frimi Limit Hranch to .Shre-Wsibury, on aceepteit; call in evening after six. ..SaUiriiiiy " ST11IH P,» nci'e; $1,000 down; balance The tide on Sunday was the lowest stin, N. J. Phoiii! 307. RED BANK DAIRY. Fridny morninV. November 2!Hh. l-'inder afternoons and .Sunilnyn. K. 1'. Martin, • murlisiie'-. J-urtliur particulars, Ilox 16, licit in many years. Several people took CORN" FOR SALE.-, Splendid milk for babies, from Dr. E. please return snme to K. M. Wyclioir, -111 Wnshinnlon plaee and ereek road, Keans- """"• —, --,- STOVE FOR SALE. 4300 hushcls sound, dry yellow corn on Hertfen place, Keil Hank. 1 advantage of the low tide and went 1 KahncBtock's Shadow -Brook Farm. All san- Q Ifl-l-il.." .-: - l' - - • I ' FOR SALE; GOOD INVESTMENT. Tfi'iiter top iitui'i ; make n f?ood sliop cob, ut crib or delivered, C. O. D. Clureuctf itary precautions taken in our care of milk l 1 out on the fluta for u mesa of cl.'ims. utovt;; will iicll reioKiiislfle. K. M. Cooper, Willftt, Phalanx,. N. J. Phone 278-F-13 " POULTRY SUPPLIESFOR SALE. ! '"" •i'MU'-i, all in l'""!ilies; une nt and cream. Charles A., McClaskey, phone •'• ROOMS FOR^ RENT. Several kinds uf ilry innsli hoppers, iral-! «"• l"«. "loi'le in-enin-, laiKelut; one doublo The topic at the Methodist church llendden. Coiner, N. J. . " ' • Mlddletown. • . • .' 463-M. Two pleunani ruomH Tor rent, with or. vanized an.d eartln vvnter- foiinlnin^, i house, Non. J.1 and 'U Maple uvenue, InrKo next Sumjuy ' morning will be "C'ul'e without privilpfre^of litfht lmusekeeplnir, af- ware iiiilinn iilnl .ship-.: '"t; "1L1 duuljlc lu.usL', 1V11. '.S-l Slirewsburv- CHRISTMAS GREENS WANTED! AUTOMOBILE CRANK LOST. LABORERS WANTED AT ONCE. ter December U»th. Keasiinable. ratej^, pleas- eKW turners, eiiK In ! Resigned." ' The 'evening subject will pinit coops and. i other poultry uvenue; one dullljle hinlse, corner -Front Will buy looni! holly ui oibel' Cbrlstmna For Overland car, lost ThunksicivinK day 200 laborers, 40c hour: f.O curpentcrH, 756, ant surroundings, near hmh"~>ighooL 143 •et nnd Maple uyemie, very ilcsirablo lot be "The Nature 'of the Promises.'.'irn-eiiH. linyes Ht-otlier«, florists, Weat between Middletown and Red Hunk. Finder hour; 2U linemen, 75c hour; 1» plumber* and,' Hudson avenue, Red Hank.5 - necessities at half p.-ice. I'. \V. Junes, ) Ilulmilel, N. J. • , for.two KUOII stores.. Cloud cliani-u-t*. Imy a Sunday-school is held at 2:00 P. M.,Front street, near IJl-ond. * kinilly notify Hurry Morris, Middletown, HteamfiitteiK, 7fic hour; mil uf town; ruilruucl | j K11111I liuine un enayJeiiinj. _\Vritc I^.O. Out. adult Christian Kndcavor at 7;00 P. | N. J._ Box 67. fare refunded; beat aci'Mtiuidiitiuns. -Evana j WE STERILIZE OUR INSTRUMENTS^ r GIRL WANTED. A " ' In"tHTa (lay anilTiSe'no one is iKiior'ant^oT -.•- • - - WINDOW"CLEANING. "" M. and praise service at 7:-l. j. The V-liitf ^irl wnnled for Koliertil houiuu-crl-; LOTS FOR SALE. the poaHibility-and probability of the'tfiins- We make a specialty of cIcaiimK windpwi 1 of stores, ofliccs anil private residences', alii RADIATOR TROUBLE. junior Christina Endeavor meets miill'fmiiilj'. Mrn. 1). II. Straus, 21 Ileck- Threo lots for nnle on south Hide of Sun- SECOND HAND CLOTHES WANTED. mlssiOTi of diHt'apt iiy, the uHO of infected in- JV* y ever have'•'any'*/ Of course you set uvenue, 1,0x150; suitable, for four liuUses. Will pay . highest .prices for your old strumentrt. Kt^Uy <& fiuckley,".' barbers, cneral oflice clennin^. Rales reasonabl* Wednesday .afternoons and the in-ess iilnci'. Phone 052-W. ntiafactWin Kuarnnteed. 25 Weat F'ron' r dturftjrs. No mutter Inquire lit 119 KprinK street, Keil Hank. clothing If in good condition, men's only. Weller. building. " Upsthiro. f : may nei'9M y.nii- woi'k.-. If you donl, \vu " prominent location, corner. Eaat Front street PIN LOST. iiiK ut the rate of- $6 per week, or SI per I have taken the agency lor Gootfrich hotti \w, IJi'ii Iinnk Auto Radiator Work's,- Church Newt. COCKERELS FOR SALE: nnd Wlmrf avenue.' Inquire of A, T. Dord- On Iaat Wednesday, KOM feather pin with day. Also dinner:* served. 103 Uroad Urea, tubes, inter liners, blow-'out patcliea, li:t Wvjfl'Vont lU-ii Bank. PlioijQ Two blnck Minorca cockerels, May mua or affenta. • ,- - small pearl In center, lo.^t in town of Ked Htrc(,*t, Red Hanlt. Phone 162-R; etc. All kinds of furm machinery for suit M The Baptist prayer meeting tonight hutched, for nnle; S3..TU euch. M. Nolan, Bank. Kinder kindly return - BKme••••to -4« by me. Anyone'wanting mnchinery hi rij,'ht STEAMERS . FRENCH UPHOLSTERING. prices cull nt Fred S. Kinhufer's, HoImJel. will IJO in charge of the women's mis- I.alio uvenue, Ked Iifink. Peters place, or phone flKT-W und receive X*huno.2fi-W, Kolmdel. ' FRANKLIN CARMlNE.MOYAN, sionary circle. Mrk. Cook, a returned and lorae and opened clams delivered Tues- reward. " ' Full lino tit supplies, also tapetttry, 'crc- ; French,, Italian nnd Kimlilh commercial TOURING CAR FOR HIRE. - days and Fridays. " Leave orders at 10 tonnc, leather, etc., by the yard for draperies : artist (of .C. O. N. Y. collecre nnd Mllnno missionary, will sucuk. The men's Broad ; street, or ,by moil to J, H. Stout, AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE. and ' furniture; ctiv«rinfr?;' silk shndn frumesi WANTED. • Eitlht-cylinder, sevcn-passenKer Cadillac 1 art Beliool). Portraita iii oil and nil medi- league will meet tomorrow night. tourin« car fpr hire by the hour, day or trip, Fair Haven,.N. J. Chalmers, 191,7, five^pasucnirer, nix cylin- "and supplies, II. Clunk, 3(1 Monmoulh cit pubic mi 1111 ror TK'W iMI.sim :-.-! nporuntn in ums. IV'ri nnd ink drai con. copies; c'liiunercial sh'.n work, general in- night at Albert Scott's on South Cut'load uf Citn.'ida turnips; they are theili-UK store. an& Krcy* buckskin KIOVO. Finder Haven, N. J.v X , . .- Antiques 'restore'd tmd. iemodelutl, repro- si'k ml. Address Me. BiiMtle, iiioo , N' terior and exteVinr decorations, architecturnl street. The Philathea society will, \,<^t in thk*aae return or call 'ut Sclirueder-'s dru« ductions solid innhoKany furniture; was, Ami :'ricnn liu iWinir, Cliic-UKO, III. I draft!nir, aut*:mobile monoirrnminK, etc. Wlmrf avenue, Red llnnk. atom for the.ntatt^* - ' ' ';• PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING. PfloHsy and French liaml rubbed polishes; i Theatrical scenery.' Period furniture and moot next Tuesday night at Mrs. Lio- Renovating; pianos a specialty; cracked york Riiitianteed. II. Clmrk, 3*J Monmouth REAL ESTATE. py TiiinK. Statuary, Italian tfHr- nel Harrison's on Hudson avenue. BUGGY AND HARNESS FOR SALE. sounding boards, noisy actions- successfully Btreet, Ueil Uank. Phone 070-W. Wo would like a clear and complnto A* , den"J,*s^ *planned., ' Kttidio nnd • residence, 259 GET YOUR STOVES REPAIRED. repaired. Expert on player pianos.* A. B. scription of your property if you h;ive aii) Next Sunday morning- Hey. William Let ui repair your Btoveg now. I* Rubber-tii'C bujr^y, in firal-claas^ condi- for Bale. It will then be brought to tlm .at- Shrewsbury avenue, Hod Bank. Free cx- tion, leather top; also set of alnslc hurn'ttiH, Dirhan, 42 Hudson avenue, Red Bonk, CRANT PARISH SOLD THE lilbit of oil wall puintinga at Ked Dnnk. E. Braistcd will preach on "The Good Schwartz & Son, West . Front street and Roscmont farm for .¥100,000. He enn sell tention of purchaacry looking for reul eatat* nearly*' new, Address 24 ,-MyrtIe uvenue, Phono 152-J. • . • ' List it'with this oflice now. Hawktns Bro«. cujidy .kitchen. News Urought by "the Son of God."Maple avunuc. Red Bank. - Lonit Branch, N. J. your farm property. All over Monmouth At night his sermon topic will be WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCKS. county. OlcJ established agency. New York asent3, 10 Munmuuth atiuet, lind knnk. BLACKSMITH AND. HORSESHOER. connections. Entire North Jeraey aeacoaat PHOTOGRAPHIC "Listed Among the Missing." Frank Gray, practical horecuboer. The ' BARBER SHOP TO RE-OPEN. \ One cock, 4O,hens,J'rll cockerels and .50 Frank Moduro, who hai* Just been tlisc pullets for Bale in numbers to nuit purchaser. Trust building, Anbury" Park, N.-J. OFFICES FOft RENT. j tinoil phntoKrapliic prjnlei- wanted; good, The women of the. Presbyterian Brick Shop, ID Mechanic itreet. Estab- Extra fine .stock, the result of yearn of care- Lnrge front room with two adjoinlni lished 15 years in Red Bank. chili'Kt'd from Camp Dix, will reopen his bar- 1 church will hold a rummage sale un- ber shop nt 110 >Ve»f Front Btreot, on,Tues- ful selection and brefedint*. C. W. Jonea, ' FOR SALE. roonm for rent in The Register building i pay. il. I'icot, Oecanport, 1^. J. der the auspices of tho improvement day, December 10th. Holmdel, N. 3. Hous^ barn 'and other outbuildings* wltl suitable for .lawyer, real estate or oth* -, '. - ' FURS. about two acres of ground, at New Mon> profeaBiohal line. Plenty of light, stcaB SPECIAL TONIC SHAMPOO. society of the church in the Dbremus AH. kinds of row furs boujfht; hlBh BABY CARRIAGES UPHOLSTERED, tnouth; "one minute walk from the trollej heat, water and electricity. Further par, prices on market paid, . Joseph Miller, Eat- * STOVE FOR SALE. ticulnrs by calling at The Rcyister olQca. Cure for dandruff and ~oily ihalrj als« building on Wharf avenue Saturday ontown, N. J. Phone 2139-R. Kitchen rnnjte, Acorn nuike, and -some re-tired,• repaired and painted; all kinda of ten minutes' walk from the ateam. can afternoon und night. hoURehuld furniture for ttale. Apply between earriaf^e parts sold; windshields, wheels, Apply to A- D. Conover, New Moitmouth j facint m.'t.ssaire nnd manlom-iiter. .E. Rettft i> :O0v and 7 :00 p. m. Lewis Petera, Iliver- capa, upringa, corduroys, gimps, • etc. . H. ... UPHOLSTERER. j Giillou'iiy",' Si-fonil nutiiiiml" bank buildini. FOR SALE. Furniture recovered nnd repaired, eni .SALESLADY" AND BOY WANTED Mahotrnny after noon ten unndwieh server Hidc'driy?, Red Bnnk. * -". . Chark, 3'J Monmouth- street, Red Dank. Red liirtili. -Phono 161-W. with old fanhioncd .J?IH^H knob, Addresa Phone G7D-W. •'••-•• ' " NOTICE TO GUNNERS. .' . ialna, draperies and Austrian a hades; lay in Weller'a Htore, llromt street, Red Hank.. POSITION WANTED, Notice is hereby Kiven that the Tinton ing of carpets, matting' and linoleum Sandwich, box 313, Red Bank. FARMS WANTED. ' FalLi Protective imd Game Association baa Davenport sofas, couches, mattresses &n4 WELL ROTTED MANURE. WAITRESSES WANTED. Hrinht boy, ] (i years old, Krnmmiir school education, wunta iiouition in utt oflice, or any Large and small;.also country hon\ei and posted nil lands controlled' by the associa- cushions made-to order, Maitland* Thomson New York restuurunt, I-Vont street,' Red : HOUSE FOR RENT. : tion and will prosecute all trespassers. The 37 East Front street, Hed Dink. l'him. FarmerB and gardeners wishing well rot- At 37 Proapeet uvenuu. smull house, shed, place wheru he'can udvunce himself. . Box ihorc properties. ' Saiid dcBcriptlonB; will Bnnli. _ Inspect. George W. Zucker, graduate agri- Tinton Falls Protective and Game Associa- 14-W. • ' * " ; ted manure foe lawns and other purpoi** cellar, city water; $10.50 per montl). Apply 108, Fair'Haven, N. J. . tion. WANT TO BUY In Frank Owens, IS Broml street. culturist, Colt's Neck, N. 1. Phone Free- . 'communicate at once while there Is an op* male Collie pup. Address 1'. O. 310, Rod EIGHT WEEKS OLD PIGS FOR SALE hold 849-F-32. nnd-several .hundred-. barrel tt of., nice,- Green HOUSE AND Lt>T FOR SALE. Btfor. you^aSTr«hnvt,l ovorv i »"""'"» °< potting car. .hipped without Hnnli. WILLIAM F. REILLV, . ...Lot-SOxl-63,- houaa-aiJt -rooms., bath,, pan.- liHio-joii wuni-tu-Mo -Iwr,- Uiiltlili'thi'i'. »oe-i»n^'nliiirKo:_I)r.iejJ..t!l.rn!»h !d_upon applic.. 21- Pearl street. J'hono-. 19-R Red -Bunfc Mountai n.po,t)vtno8-andi. a- *quaaUty..of -yellow ( corn, G. Kezeuu Conover, Holmdt-1, N, J, A you tig brown female Scjotch terrier,, tryi • luundry, TarRe reception hull, open fire* thnt you nro ncglectinit- yuursolf now Hint j tion. We can make prompt ihipment e» TURNIPS FOR SALE The riffht place to But good groceries at pinei1, electric It^htu, nil Improvemeutsi. Kov nt tnui-lEct price. Joseph Morris, Chnpfn rltfht prices.'- Prompt deliveries^ ; Phone. Hatmdi:! 79-F-12, white around his ncctr^fthd feet apd on the w d n th M nlv tt farm, .lied Iinnk. . • ^ . -tip of his tail; nnswera^to name of Sandy. pnrticularrf and reason able, -terma address SiSi.^ia"!?™ "" ° •'>* 7 - ° ' " ,KIn, SHREWSBURY DAIRY. mobile Hnrjrahi, box 313, Heil linnk. Two rooms in the library buildiner, 14 Milk and crenm. Special milk for babiei. Monmouth street, $15 per month for both Tclephono 400-W Red Bank. JAMES B. CARTON, EVERETT, N. J. rooniB>, Inquire of Miss Weia, 90 West Auctioneer. Your patronage solicited. No front Btreet,, Red Bank. " CARPENTER TOOLS^ WANTED. said too tfreat; none too small. Tenrii Sent of etirmmtei- tools wanted: W. A.rlffht. Phono Middletown 278-F-21..._ . -.-- FURS ALTERED AND REPAIRED Clayton,. 00-Tlrond street1, Red Bank. nt city prices; muffs rclined and alt kinds of CUFF LINK LOST. furs nuule over and ctanned' equal to new. QUILTINQ DONE. Gold cuiT link loat sompwhere In Jyetl Bfthl: Louiae Lmisiloy, Senbird eotlaKe, AVashins- Also quilts recovered. Mrs. Elizabeth Sntuniny.. Finder kindly return name to *jn street, Oceanic, N. J. lH1 ilunact nvemie, lied Bnnte store, Jirond street! f. Ilulme & US - / INNERTUBES FOR SALE. POTATOES FOR SALE. .FORD TOURING CAR FOR SALE. Forty per cent, to fifty per'cent, off ljst Thirty- barrels cull potntoct,; price rea- JUat "overhauled' and newly' painted, per- on iiinei;tubes; fully .guaranteed. Mahns' Bi- sonable. Ohm-lea Kelly, Everett, N. J. cyclo Exchange, 27 EniTt-Front .tilreet, oppo- fect condition. Phone Red Iltink 686-w, or Hito Glube hotel,-Itcd Bank. . '. write M. M.( box T.3, Little Silver, N. J. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE. Mnxwel! Jjuilnn, 1017, for tm\n perfect FUR-LINED COAT FOR SALE. FOR SALE. every way. Dnrlinif,. Fair..Haven, N. J. Woman's full iun^th lihtek brundcloth fur- Chicken calibano. quimtiUes to suit; also ined cunt, a'w.e St», for »nle Vt-ry leaMonnblo. winter cubbnKe for family uae; round stock • FOR RENT. ntiuirf nt 2U IJrunch uvenue, Red Dunk. patntot'H, firat-cla:i3. Vandcrv'eer VnnUorn, Part of hnusu for rent to small family. Hulf-Mile road, Ked Rnnlt." ' Inquire at 6S) l'rospect avenue, Red Bunk. PIGS FOR SALE. ..." KiKht-\yeekH-oUl CIH'HUM; white and Berk- RABBITS FOR SALE. . COCKERELS FOR SALE. ' All kinds of rub bits for sale, bouRht and $ shire. Louis BofTcl, Overlook farm, corner White WyandottL-s. Martin strnin, for Hair-Mik' road, P. O. addrcsH Red Bank. excliantred; «IHO a HOOSO for Bnlo. M. Krah- sale.' William 11. Cnrhnrt,.LiUlo Silver, N. J. nert, Pro3pect 'avenue, between Tower Hill WO¥uRNISHROOMS F0RRTNT7 nvemic and Rumson road. . ' - - , FOR SALE; Two furnished or partly furnished room« Monmouth County Fiiir Association stock for linht hpusekeeping; centrally located. "~~iAVE YbUR OLD CARPETS. for snip. Address Stoclc, box 313, Hed Bank. Call nt 43 East,Front street, Red Bank. • Beautiful reversible rules. made from old carpets and chenille Dortlerea. Write foi HAYES BOUQUETS AND SPRAYS. FURNISHED ROOM. circulars. American Rug Manufactory. 296 Wonderful ussortment. Showroom, - 20 , -Lnv^'cl nt-tractive front room; steam heat, Vermont street, Brooklyn. West Front street. Phone J028-J Rctl Bank. all improvement. Stinsnn House, corner Broad street and Linden place. Red Bank. VACUUM CUP TIRES. * APARTMENT FOR RENT. Get our prtees'feon the famous G.OuTTm'iles Second floor, larKP linht niry rooms, hent STEAM VULCANIZING. Bunrnnteed Vacuum Cup Tires. . Mahns' Bi- • implii-d. 11 Knst Front ntrent,. Ited Bank. cycle Kxclmntre, 21 East Front street, oppo- We use the beat materials and guarantee site Globe hotel, Red Bank. . '4 nil work ;'free air aervfetf. John Hnnaon, 42 " WANT TO BllY ~ West Front street, Hed Bank. Phono 72-W. A GENUINE SERVICE TO A sccond-hnnd piano: must be cheap. Ad- . ' GENERAL CONTRACTORS. dress Katie Brown, box 158, Middletown, Jftmes Norman & Son, otllce arid yard, CONTRACTING AND TEAMING.' 17,-fi 1 Bhrcwabury avenues-Red—Bank. -Con« •> Will handle Iftfpe or nmall contracts, grad- ere to work R specialty. Get bur figure* be> ELECTRIC FLOOti SANDEn.FOR SALE. ing and moving; hour or day contract Ap- foru having any work done. Electric iloor munler with two-hnrsc dynn- ply or write Alirnm Patterson, Everett, N. J, mo for sale. 1. D. Emery, Oceanic road, ' FARM WANTED. I PIGS FOR SALE. Grant ParlBh has.a farmer who wishes to About 75 Chester wliltt- ]>i«a from $8 to buy quickly, spot cash, a productive farm, OIL HEATERS FOR SALE. S20 each. Any number to suit nurclinaer. with/ or without -persona] property. 402 Throe lVrfeetion oil heaters for sale' ren- Willincz farm. Holmdcl, N. J. Phone 2-1-L-2. Trust Building, Aabury Park. sonuble. L. II. Hill, Uttlo Silver Point, JV. J. GARAGE ROOM FOR RENT. Few spaces ill our new modern (inrajte for ' PULLETS FOR SALE. '.. MONEY TO LOAN. atomic «t earn for rent nt corner Went and Splendid lot of May hatched Rhode Is land Money to loifn and iriortgntte. Ap- Wall BtreetB. J. W. Child & Co., Red Bank. Red pullets; bred from heav^' Inypra; §2.00 ply to A. L. Ivlns,. IlcBistcr LuilJInn, Red encli or ten for S1K.00. Willinez 'farm, Bank. ' Rendered on Batteries, Starters, Generators and Magnetos FOR HIRE. i, N. J. Thone 2-1-L-2. Seven-pasaenjrer- Cm! i line limousine for 4 HORSES FOR SALE. ~~~~ HOUSE FOR RENT. .'.» AutTnorizoci Service Agent for EiKlit yuuiiK wttrk hor«ra for Brie, Mon- funernb; or weddinttfl. Fhnnc 2I3-W Red Small six-room house for rent; Hniall mouth lo« I'unumny, Oakland street. Red Dnnk. Albert Hurdle, 40 Mechanic street. fntnily only; will rent chenp for the winter. llnnk. Mrs. W. H. Lohmaii's millinery store, 2l»7 4 CHRISTMAS PLANTS. Shrowfibury nvenue,' Red Dank. TOP SOIL FOR SALE. Ornanii>ntnl plnntn, piilm.-i and fcrnn, poin- Mnnpnfiuan Kravel and bhteatone-screen- tiin, out flowers, IHTKU selection. . -William CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF "MUMS." iTB; will deliver same, 'CKarleg Burd, Red Menrs, Iluniwon, N. J. I'hone !!G1 Rumson. If you wnnt chrysanthemums, We havp 4 them. Fine nssortment, ritrlitly priced, at COW FOR. SALE. WILLARD BATTERIES 'Hnyes Brothers, (lorists, 20 We»t Front GIRL WANTED, ReH^terfil Jersey cow, uunrnntecd nhso- Btroet. Phone 102^-J Red »nhk. for i!fnt!i(il linuticwurk, no wnShlnir or iion- lutely p.'ift'ct : pricf Uir.O. Phone ltfR'At- 4 liijr. Cull L. K. Hrown. rroHPcct nvonun, Roil HnuU. lantii* HiirhliimU. Jay L. Smith, Locust, N} J. FLORAL PIECES. nuiinplBi pillows, wrentlis, flat plecefl.nnd INNERTUBES FOR SALE. Inrjror set pieces furninhed at Klinrt notice WORK WANTED. Ford innrrtuhpn IIOxS nnd llOx'.lVj, $2.00 by Hnycii •l.rathcr.i, florists. 20 Went Fiunt 4 *SCH MAGNETOS Younu nmrrifil man win lies to drive n car eni'h. Mnbn's Hi cycle Exeluinue, 21 East atruet. l'liono 10'2^-J Red Bunk. nn deliverer. Addi-cns 7 Mount street. Red Frunt stieul, (ippoAltc Ol ttj,j Redd Dunk. Hank. • ' POSITION WANTED. "~ SALE ON AUTO SHOES AND TUBES. Catorod oluiulVtun-, ten yj.-us*' i-xiifiiunce; I FOR RENT AT 40 WORTHLEY STREET. . Get our new pricen mi IUHU (times anil private fiimily pn ferrfd; iilsn nu'clumic; uo No matter what make of car you have or size of Batteries, we have a rental Nine rnimiH. i-ity WHUT, nict; ynrd: Sir* per tubes. Mnhtift'st Hicyclfl Exohuiifre, ^T East bii'ctiim to nut of town. A.IIII'CM It. H. L., numth. Apply to Krnnk Oweim, 18 Broad Front street, opuoailo filobe hotel, Ked Hunk. H t ree(. Me'L'hanic utreet, Red IliinU. or new battery for it. JERSEY COAST LAUNDRY. WATCH AND CHAIN LOST. DOC LOST. Charles Urcnlcer, prupriftor. Family Small wnU-h with tttahi'lotit on corner of Little while'ninltf UOR IHHI eit:ht days n«o. wnshhiK, umliT 'Jf. yound-t, ,110 punttt; with K..H..V ulnei. nml Mnnlo HVOIUIP Kiinduy Finder kinilly ret urn to C. i*, Dm-lift-B, itiiin- flat iron work, $1.11), IJand kuntiur If dc- * THE COLD WEATHER IS COMIiNG ^lit. Rewnrd if returned to ItuleiiendLMit n r ircd. flra company, Red Bank, N. J. KEYS LOST. CHRISTMAS TREES. ' HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. Have you,tested your Battery? Do you know if it is cold weather proof ? Your Starter may operate Four' or five \u*yx mi n clinin. plii(<« with 4 Will liavo „ cnrlon.l ..f th- 1MM t Mii On Maple nvenue; lot 110x^00; hoiine !m-i tin me with K. Ottfiiwi-r, return to Red Itnnk -n Hlmtit Hi-cpmber JOlh. Hiu'irHl nine rooms and all 'improvumentB, , Further rostoillce. nrt.. Whnrf nvenue. Red Hunk. Whnlt^ pnrtlrularrt by iipplyinu tn WilliuA II. U. perfect with a 75 per cent discharged battery but a battery in that condition is apt to freeze and thats the nnly. While, .WJiItt- street, Red Hank. ROOMS FOR RENT. '4end of it. If you do not know how to test your battery, stop at my West End or Red Bank Service Station Two furniMhi'il rnnnm, healed: for penlle- TYPEWRITER FOR SALE. "' MORTGAGE MONEY nuin only. Addri*B. an announcement from the On account of reorganizing our business we will offer for tale at auction on Philadelphia Record which true of every newspaper of independent views its it is ol* the Philadelphia .Rec- ord : LOYALTY AND HIGH IDEALS. Saturday, December 14th, 1918, • Every newspaper with n backbone, tnkes an fditotinl iiitrr? ?t in tfoveniment. city. - AT 1:00 O'CLOCK, SHARP BU'IU* ntui national, unit publicly advocates stir.h puliri™ m. it Ivliuvt-s tu be beat for the RLMicrul welfuvo. at Our Stables and Warehouse, adjoining the Railroad Station, Monmouth Street, Red Bank, N. J. V Attueo ip not nrsunipiit. The llewspappr which resort* to ahmp ami si-urrHity to make 40 Horses, 5 Funeral Coaches, 3 Wagonettes, 5 Coupes, 6 Buggies, 6 Runabouts, converts to ft:: views disjiHRtf. its* readerw, . we:tktns its polttk-nl influence, alienates those 3 Two-Horse Spring Wagons, 3 One-Horse Spring Wagons, 6 Two-Horse Farm who believe In fair play ami »l»lfc *.:ervattts as in its judgment are bctl fitted to enrry them into effect. , to the horses. . Decent journalism makes fcir itronir au- vertisinK influence. The Uivtml owes its TERMS: Three months' note with approved security and the privilege of ability to help its advertising potions large- ly. *q faithful adherence to high Idnih in (he renewal.' •,,'.. diiiciission of political matters. '••*••'"• '" Sale rain or shine, as we have ample room indoors to conduct the sale. Nothing can bo more true of news- papers than this statement of the Philadelphia Record. ' The paper STRYKER & STRYKER which sturdily supports those princi- Benefit Woman's Club of Red Bank and Ann May Memorial Hospital ples in which it believes, regardless of political or financial influences, in- creases its capacity to- aid the adver- tisers in that paper. Every newspa- per which is faithful to high ideals in LYRIC THEATRE, Red Bank matters of political or social welfare creates for itself an atmosphere of sincerity which helps every advertiser who uses its columns: December 12, 13 and 14 BROKEN HfP_CAUSES-DEATH. ' . Card of Thanks. IIIHIHHIimri Mist Harriet Throekmortbn of Colt'a _ I wish to thank all the boys- of Ready For Christmas Neck Died at Hospital. Keansburg.for their kindness during Miss Harriet Throckmofton of the .sickness and at the death of my Colt's. Neck died last Wednesdny dear husband; also for the floral night at the Spring Lake hospital. tributes. She had broken her hip in a fall in Mrs. John R. Do'novan. her home and had been at the hospital —Advertisement. Public Sale a week. Se was 84 years old and was Clarence White's Shoe Store the "daughter of the late Samuel AN INVITATION TO THE BOYS The subscriber will lell at public mle on his farm Thvockmorton of Colt's Neck. She I had lived alone at Colt's Neck over AND GIRLS OF RED BANK 9 Broad Street, Red Bank forty years. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon at the Shrews- who are not members of any Sunday- AT WEST FREEHOLD bury Presbyterian church. A short] school. Come to Grace Methodist service was conducted by Revchurc. h Sunday-school next Sunday Dwight L. Parsons. The burial was afternoon .(we meet at 2:30) for a With as large and varied a stock of comfy slippers in "in the Christ church, cemetery at pleasant) entertaining hour. The Shrewsbury. teachers will be Rlad to see you, and Wednesday, Dec. 11th colors and oxford gray, men's leather and comfy slip- we think you will enjoy having come. We are going to have a real good Commencing at 12 m. sharp, the following property: pers, etc., as present difficult conditions allow. I have Killed in Pennsylvania: Christmas "entertainment soon, and Alexander Vought, who was for-we would like you to come and take merly stationed at Fort, Hancock, was part,- Tell mother and father they been'niontfis'gef'tihg together tHis stock, most of which shot and killed at Monessen, Pennsyf1* are -welcome too, and bring them 2 HORSES, 4 COWS vania, a fewday s ago while doing aldng with you. Now dont forget cannot be duplicated. . ' . . . duty as a member of the state police. next Sunday, December 8th. Church He was shot from jimbush a"d theservices 10iSOjv^m^ahd 7:30 p. m. man who did tlie shooting made his MACHINERY^ escape. Mr. Vought was a member Music .program,: t _„ Plenty^ of Atctics. Rubber Boots, Overshoes, * l of the Long'Branch- lodge of Elks. MorninK— • • Two bay horses, one h fe years old, the other,8 years old. Four " "In This Ciilm Impressive Hour" He had been in Pennsylvania several - . Boys' and Children's Shoes, Sweaters, Muf- '']':nipntion, CONDITIONS—All sums oF S2& or less, cash; nil sunff over $26,'nine months' crcilit flers, etc. _ , ' with linnknble noti' with nppruvod security. .. • Cuterer on tlit1 Kroiimts. A. L. UcCLKES, liuidti-CliTk. SHOP EARLY! A lookat our stock will convince you that our | WILLIAM E, CRAWFORD. goods are of the dependable kind and rightly priced, t BOSCHEE'S SYRUP will quiet your cough, sooth^ the in- /lummiitioi) of a sore throat hml lungs, stop-irritution in tlie bronehinl tubes, lite Star Taxieabs Rood nijjht's rest,' free I j from coufjhihf; and with easy expec-1 itflniUon -m.^thc-jnonung...... Mude.-aniU ALWAYS^OPEN [soKl in America 'for "fifty-tWo years. ±Ar-iw»iiili>rf ul—prescription, assifstiniu.. GOLDSTEIN'S 25 West Front St. 25 WisTFmnt St:i j nature in buililiiiK up your general iicalth and throwing off disease. Es- pecially useful in lung trouble, asth- Call Red Bank 747 . \.'.; DEPARTMENT STORE Open Evenings • (. ' 1ma, croup, bronchitis, etc. For sale liy Jus. Cooper, Jr. RUBBERS RUBBERS . Office Opp. Depot i Broadway and Liberty Street, LONG BRANCH. :': It pnys to ndvertiseMn the Kegister. —Advertisement. "* Brasch & Gustin, Proprietors THF- RED- BANK BEG1STER. Page. 1 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS NEWS. sndsOf II 41,000 to be Railed to P«y Mortage j pn Central Baptist Parxcnage. ; /The Ontrul Jiaptiat churth is tiy-i isfied Users Ing to mine !f],000 to pay off tio) ANDERSON'S toward rfeducing the mortgage if the , . We've « booW of remarlutUe , congregation niiacd another $500. | I letters written by Caloric oymew . The church officials decided to raise! and not in one is there a word of \ $1,000 nnil with the $500 donation • hib fiiwfor theCalone, .' pay off the entire mortgage. ' h h A hijeh mass was cclelnatud I 'J'hunksgivin^ morning at St. AK'nes's! tliurcli by. Hew VVillium P. Tighe. I The church was (i)leil at the service,; Taxi and it being a special event in thanlis- Tiving for peace and for the victory | uf I he American urmy, ' ^ hive you read wnw of the letters AP lie alliis list to nay, •aclcin' hiokcr'-nuts; and Miss Helen Klctt spent Tlia>]l:R»;iv- Warr'n * '. itif,'. at ArlinKton. • : »tftie book, ... "C'liriu'riius conies but ; Corhc in und invratigate this furnace e And Eldory p'nrcliin' corn; Mr. and Mrs! Norman E. Pail.lai.-1: "- WltltbfaiiibwM onc't a year!" • are spending a few days at New York. Liked to hear him thut-o-woy,.; And wholi) raft o''yomi^ folks William Woodward, who is stu-; In liis old split-bottomed 'here. lioncd at Newport, Rhode Island, "C'hrift'inn.s cornea • but onc't a spent Thanksgiving home. j ' cheer ' Howard Gnffcy was home part of; TELEPHONE 7O4 By the fireplace hero ut nightr- last week on a furlough from (amp! Humphries, Virginia. , j Wood all ill—and room nil Mail arrived Thnnksgivhif; day: bright, Mother tuk most comfort in from the members of the Red Bank1 When we say Taxi Service we put the emphasis on both the ambulance company and other units Warm und snug and folks all Jest ii-lii'fpiii' i'lip: She'd fill in France. . , ., Taxi and the Service. ' _ here; His pipe .fer him, er his tin Fritz Friedlander was killed, in ac-! "Chiis'mus conies but ouc't a 0' hni'd cider; er pet still lion Septemlier 2i)lh. Hia parents We fully believe in the " Safety First "slogan at all times, there- have summered at Atlantic Highlands] -year!" - And read fer him out the pile the. past twenty years. Servant' fore you will always find our Taxis to be in first-class'repair and 0' iion'FpiipcTK pull on (ilo Paul Brunig, another Atlantic lligh-i Mo mid 'Lizo mill Warr'n und Wliiln; hi; was with Hhmiwin-— lands'young man, was killed in iiution driven by courteous, expert chauffeurs. ' the Barrie day. JCSB, (.She • Marshall liarrett has griuluulcd i And Eldory home fer two Knowcil the whole ivur-history!) from an officers' training school at a} And when it comes to Service we do not hesitate about blow- W'cckB1-vacation; and, I gucps, Southern camp. He ha3 been com-; JLEARY & RUSSELL mifeaioned a second lieutenant, lie i ing our own horn. When you ride in our splendidly equipped Taxi-. Old folks tickled through und has been home on a furlough. |umblngi Heating Sometimes lic'd git.lift up. (some., cabs you ride safely and in comfort, It is the one safe, comfort- through, 1 and Sheet Metal Work Same us WE was—"Home one't "Boye,' ' he'd ray, "and you The Proud Mama. able, convenient way to go about. E. Front Street, Red Bank, N. J. more gir)n; too, Friend—So that is your little boy? TeLphon. 539-M Chria'niUB is about to come; He looks very intelligent. Fer another Chris'mus—Hboiei" Proud Mama—Just as I was at his Hiring one of ANDERSON'S TAXIS will save you time and l'ap 'uil' say, and tilt his cheer— So, flsyou'v e a right to do, age'. My daughter, now, is more like worry. •>- Our equipment includes a number of cars from Taxicabs "Chris'mus comes but ouc't a CKLKBIiATE it! Lots ban died, Same ao Him they crucified, )'earl" . and Busses to high powered Packard Limousine and Cadillac tour- That you might be happy here. DOGS! ing cars, Being so well equipped we can fill your order at a log Coats §Mostly Pap was ap' to be ChxiViiiiifl Comes but ouc't a year!" Dogs for Christmas!: moment's notice for transportation of one, two or two dozen' $3.00 to $7.50 ' SerNnis in hia "daily walk," What better Christmas present! As he called it; gener'ly could you buy than a first class, well pedigreed dog? Wk have them— Cars for weddings, funerals and specialoccasions. Was no hand to joke er talk. Misted liis voice last Chris'- three months old. Registered stock, Fee's is, Pap had never be'ii mus—missed Old English Sheep Dogs with lots of Our rates are consistent with reliable service. If you want a Bifffged-like at all—and then champions in their pedigrees. Finest ^ach Coats & Vests | Them old cheery words, you breed known for ti.companion. Very car by the hour, day or longer period we will cheerfully make Three years in the army had *M know. intelligent und devoted. Price $40. Hepped to break him pretty bad. Write 'or call. Photographs on re- special rates for you. ' $3.00 to $5.00 Mother helt up tet she kjssed quest. All of us—then had to gi Mr.. Nettie E. Walker-Smith, Remember the telephone number, Red Bank, 704. Never FLINCHED! But frost And break down! And 1 laughs: and snow Marlboro, N. J. ."Here! NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT? This number stands for all there is good in taxi service and Sweater Coats Hurt his wownd in winter. Chris'mus comes but onc't a Estate of Corbin Williams (colored) de- But ceased. ^ . year!" Notice {B hereby given that the accounts < at any time of day or night. Rain or Shine, Snow or Blow; It You bot MOTHER knowed it, of the Bubscriber, administrator of the estate j $1.25 to $8.50 "Them's his very words," sobbed of nald deceased, will be audited and stated makes no difference to Anderson. though!— by the Surrogate of .the County • of Mon-; •: - • she, mouth mnd reported for Settlenient to tho Watched his feet, and made Orphans, Court of ca'Uf County, oft Thursday, I "When he asked to marry me." the twenty-sixth day of December A. D. Taxis meet all trains. When stepping off the train step into him putt 1918, at which time application wjll be made Nackinaws On his flannels; and his knee, for the allowance of commissions and coun-; one of Anderson's Taxis and see how quickly you get home. Where it never healed up, ho "Chris'mus conies but onc't a "Dated* November 15th. A. D. 1918. ) for men and boys rightly Claimed was "well now—mighty year!"— FBANK J. MANSON. ! Location—Opposite Railroad Depot. Red Bank. priced NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT. near"— / ' "Chris'mus comes but onc't a Bstutc of Ltfcy Emogene Douglass, de- * ceased. "Chris'miiB conies but onc't a year." Notice is hereby Driven tbat the accounts ,1 Over, over, still.I henr, of the subscriber, acting executor of the es- Phone Anderson. Red Bank 704. . yearl" tate of said deceased, will be audited and "Chris'mus- comes but onc't a stated by the Surrogate or-th* County of Monmouth and- reported for gettlemcnt. to Suits & Overcoats | "Chris'Smis conies but onc't a .year!" the Orphans Court of said County, on Auto Baggage and Express Service. Local and Long Thursday, the twelfth day of DMemb«r, All the new ones at & year I" Yit, like him, Pm goiu' to fimile A. D., 1918, at which time application will Pap 'u'd say and snap his And keep cheerful all thu while: be made for the allowance of commissions Distance. V and counsel fees. eyes...... IALI/US Chris'mns THEHE-, Dated October Slut, A. D., 1918. WALTER HOPKINS CHASE. HIIMMIHMIHMMW ivingof 20 per cent | How o' apples gputterin' hero And hero lioiind the hearth, mid me and •"Chris'mus comes but onc't a H.N.SIJPP,! 'Lizo year!" |l9 Broad Street, Red Bank g

It FORD AGENT T t RED BANK, N. I. | r 27-29 MONMOUTH STREET, Stores at Mat a wan Englishtown NewBrunswick tT THE POINT f to; be considered in buying t Drugs is, first of all, the T FORD FORD quality. Then, of course, FOR THE THE UNIVERSAL CAR you want to be "sure that THE UNIVERSAL CAR yourdruggist keeps a fresh t HOLIDAYS Stock and employs an expert t Best Truck in the Market lotake charge of the PRE- T Don't Take Chances What the Ford car is among motor cars, the Ford truck is 1CRIPTION—-DTS^A R T - Take goiHl care of your Ford Demountable Wheels $18.50 f among trucks—far ahead of all :ENT/ an. Dout expect it to jive you- Leather Door Pockets, sets of 4. . 3.00 others in practical saving service. You can be sure of all these full service unless you give it some Havoline Oil, 5-gal. can 3.00 The Ford truck embodies those t care ;uul attention. Let us give it Havoline Grease, 5-lb. can ...... 1.00 goodpoints, and many more, desirable Ford merits—simplicity regular treatment occasionally. Stewart Speedometer 12.00 and strength, with assured econ- at No "bogus" parts or unworthy i Norwalk Tires, 30 per cent off list omy in operation and mainte- materials used in our shops, but nance. No business too large nor SCRROEDEtrS PHARMACY, genuine Ford materials and. ex- Pullman Tubes, 25 per cent off list H. C. HUBBARD, Prop. so small that a Ford" truck wont perienced Ford mechanics.. We'll Alcohol, per gal. 1.50 16 Broad Street, Red Bank. prove a money-making utility to keep your Ford car. serviceable for Johnion's Freeze-Proof, per pkg.. 1.50 • T.LpSonn 148 Tcleph.n. 79 J it. Its" value * universal in busi- years if you nive us the chance. Radiator Hood Cover 3.75 ness, in city, town, village and on Our prices are mighty reasonable. Anti Windshield Shield 1.00 the farm, and the price only 8530, We want your- trade. Why caut Coil Protectors .v/-. . 1.25 without body, f. o, b. Detroit., The 'we. have it? We nwill serve you EGAN'S demand is' bij>. Place order with- better than anybody else. Many other specials for the holidays. luto Vans and Express Pay us a visit, it will save you money. out'delay. Now. th»t movlnr tlm» 1« near I an eparsi* to do your nnt marine ol irnltur*, planaa or b«egnro, to all purU city or country, ID the Tarftit padded ni in Red Bank-. Before you h»T« •ur neit moving done, write, lend oi II far the only reliable furniture movei USED CARS AND BODIES • town, ai<4 «et my prices on your sexl O lookit, ^ommy, Santa come for you and me, b. AllItlndi Of tie&vy or light truck- | done at ebort notice. Call or addreM But I never heard a single sound when he ALL, IN A4 CONDITION : J. T. EGAN. I Vr"»ll Street, Red Banlt left that Christmas tree. 1 FORD DELIVERY. 1 RUNABOUT. l.ildenc. phon« 124J Ofllc. »a«ae 539-R 1 *' « JO WHARF AVENUE. 1 TOURING CAR, Demountable Wheels, Self- JED BANK, W. J. Geo. W. Sewing, Starter. I Sell Real Estate Contractor and Builder, I Rent .Cottage* Hoffman's 1 TOWN CAR. 1 USED TOURING CAR BODY. I Write Insurance RED BANK. N. J. Monmouth County farms k HOPPING I [ OFFICE IN EISNER BUILDING, Tolvphonc 550-J. TBUEX BUILDING OPEN EVERY EVENING, SATURDAY UNTIL., NINE f BROAD StREET Shrewsbury, N. J. Jobblat of All Kind). RED BANK. N. I. CbttrfuTlj Fursiifacd. PagejFourtrtn THE RED BAffK REGISTER.


These Three Things I Had in Mind Early this Year! RESULT:

.;; . I can offer at this holiday season a high grade Bicycle, fully IB equipped, at the same retail price that you paid prior^to the war. This is the best Bicycle proposition in the market in the state of New Jersey this holiday time. * This Bicycle is high grade in every respect] and has as its equipment good quality mud guards, coaster brake, heavy spring saddle, heavy rubber pedals, box handle bars and is equipped>ith tires that retail for $8 per pair. ' -• ' '\ ay tke Chrutmajr j'eajOn brincj While my limited stock of "this Bicycle lasts I will dispose of )oys ofTeace to^ou; and. in tkc them to holiday buyers at the remarkably low price of " coming year may there be no >OO Each mbargo onyourhappiiie/j;may your opportunities not be En- • For that boy who has grown too big-for a juvenile bike arid yet is hardly large enough in stature to "demand a full size wheel I trehckecU may the Battles of the also prepared for him last spring. 3 part -be forgotten5ana the Bugle; ; . The wheel selected for such a lad has a drop frame built for call lead you on to loved one^r the'boy who is not fully grown. This bike has strength and is built with the highest quality forks that are procurable in the bi- >wKolove you,an

the boys and girls' arc abed, the same • •.-., .•«'•• —- loving consideration of what this or that child most desires and how far. Well, f olksrthe goods are here. So am I. My store is open the family purse can properly be stretched to permit some further pur- all day and I will be found here awaiting your call. I am also at chase. my "shop around the corner" in the evenings and if it is more con- •Every home Is assured, a .Christmas ; 11' it has a groat, warm heart pulsating She snt-beneath tho mistletoe- venient for you to pall after daylight don't hesitate to do so. I 1J tune with the' hopes and joys of Wlthojit the slightest fear; ., . childhood.—Exchange. ' • She felt no wllctt gUid tremor, though • She knew lie lingered near; will be glad to talk bicycle with anyone. It is my only line and I She Brit there calm ana unafraid, And sleepily he yawned, for tliey'd know it from each end of the alphabet. I can give you an intelli- Been married for a year. A Christmas Wireless. gent talk about the Indian motocycle as well if you are interested There once was a doll on a Christmas ' To you ana yours a wircle83 v tree, . Alons tho Good-will line in a motor bike. • ' " , Who sighed to the angel thai hung It brings a Christmas greeting above,. . With love from me and mine. "Oh, how I do wish they would keep - -for me -••• . • , A sweet linle, neat little girl to love; If you have a bicycle that needs repairing, I am on the job Wherever there is sickness "A dear little moihe'r to curl my beds. His Guess. . . , . To rock me 10 sleep.and to wake me* May Santa Claus bring health; also, as I either do the work myself or personally superintend it. up. "Who was It said 'to him that hath To dress me in cute little gownaand shall be given?'" ••-'•' - : Wherever there is poverty frocks, • "I-don't remember, JniLI presume . ,J$A feeJ me with milk from her May Santa Clair; bring wealth. All work is guaranteed on either bicycle or motorcycle if the silver cup; It was some fellow who lind eight Wherever one :- weeping or nine necktie holders and had Just repair work is done in my complete repair shop. A l^nd little mother,' who'd never say received four more for Christmas." May tear, to smiles give way, A word lh»t was angry, nor let me fall; Who d always be ready to lei' me play " „ __ j t Wherever sadness hovers .With bright lillle friends who should May joy come Christmas day. come to calll" SLWinnifred And, strange though ihe wSnderful fact' To every heart that's aching -may be. and the Tree That little wax doll's little wish came May peace and comfort come, •_i true; One story of the origin of the green They picked her right off1 the Christmar And may an outlook rosy tree, tree as the Christmas tree among tho ou TETLEY And gave her, my dear litilsgirUo youl people of northern Europe is given la Supplant each outlook glum. —Arthur Guntra*, n fo,Youih i Conuran n legend of St. Wltmifred. It is one May friends now separated of the many thousands o[ those sim- Soon reunited be, • THE O I C Y C L. E M A. N ple and beautiful beliefs thnt have at- tuelicd themselves to the midwinter And every one find gladness festival and which generally pass now Upon his Christmas tree. 4 Mechanic Street Red Bank, IM. ij. iinrtor tho name of "Christmas myths." It is relnted that St. Winnifred, a great "Near Enough to Broad Street for Convenience, Far Enough Away for Economy" Christian missionary, began cutting Christmas Is \down a "sacred" oak which had been Keep Christmas. the object of worship by the northern "There is n better thing than the REPAIRING MOTORCYCLES SUNDRIES pagans whom he was seeking to lead observance of Christmas nnd that la -. Children's Day keeping Christmas." — Henry Van •"•*• • * - •••.-.•' nrlght. While he was hewing down the ] •'•... . [PHONE 2S0-J 1 Tho message of Christmas Ig. love, jhiiRo tree It was blasted by a sudden Dyke. .' Ita. emblem^is. radiant.; thankful,- cpiK-i .whirlwind? - eirmrc-besldo'--[t "wits' :ti tented childhood. Without lovo nfid young fir tree, which wns not harmed Without children there could bo noeither by the whirlwind, or by the fall Let It Stop at That...... real Christmas. The form might sur- •of the giant oak. Then St. Wlnntffeil A white Christmas Is well enough, —Slvo but tho «ub6tance-would-be-lack---l8-rbijarl()(Mo-hitvo.-KPokon-6s-follo'ws- hut it need not embroider its benefac- to the pagans: tions by a'ddlug-ffostBlffen toei.. , Unhnppy must bo the adult who can- j "This Httlo tree, a young child of * . Gunning Noticei. not make himself a child BRIIIII In the forest, Rhnlt lie your holy tree to- Gunning notices for sale nt The BPitlt at. the VlUclldc ilti.. It. I>l:.thg..5a>Q«L_s£ Pince, for Register office,'—Advertisement. PERSONAL. Steuben, Bev, Jofin E. Murray**of New Monmouth and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mr«, Charles K. Humric- John V, Hogan of Red Bank at dinner house and- Mr. and Mrs. Augustus on Tuesday night of last week. Layton and daughter Anna of Drum- Joseph Piccolo of Shrewsbury, for- mond place were holiday guests of mer manager of the Acme store on No Exchanges Alt Sales Must Be Final No Approvals Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Worthington of Monbiouth street, will leave in a few Yonkera. days for San Francisco, where he will Thomas Gluscy, who is stationed spend the winter with relatives- aboard OUR of Undo Sam's navy ves- Miss Margaret Smith of South sels, spent Thanksgiving with his par- street has been spending a few weekG niwents., Mrmi.. anUIIUd lUiMrsl . Thomas Clusosoy of with her aunt, lira. John Taylor of Mechanic street. New York. Mrs. William Burtt of """Long Miss Mary Davidson, (laughter of » Branch spent part of lust week with A. L. Davidson^of Monmouth street, '•\ Mrs. Thomas Irving Brown of Bruuil who is employed in Yanko's stoi;e, is 1 street>tti*Anf . (- confined to her home with u severe Benjamin Hendrickiion* and family attack of tonstlitis. /y of Now York were holiday i»ue3ta of Richard Dcy of Westaido avenue '; Mr. HcndriekBon'B purenta, (,'aptain has.been on the sick list with stomach ;J and Mrs. Samuel Hondrickson of trouble. - , , ,'•'( Fair Haven, and of Mrs. Ilcndiick- Willinm Pintaril, who was sent to Bon's parents, Mr. and MrsJoh. n Cump Devens and who an of- Braun of Worthloy street. ficers' training camp when the armis- Mit/s Murguerite Tlioesen of New tice was signed, has received his hon- York.has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. orable discharge and is now* visiting Louis G. Davidson of Leroy place. his mother, Mrs. Ella Fintard of Ensloy White, who iB stationed nt Reckless place. the navul academy nt Pelhnm Bay, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Crate of Bridge •pent Thursday in town with his pnr- •avenue entertained Mr. and Mrs. 1 ents, Captain and Mrs. John White of Allen Hesketh and children of New- White street. ark over the week-end. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles B. Hcmbling Mrs. Elizabeth Heyer of Newark of Shrewsbury avenue entertained spent Monday and yesterday with relatives from Long Branch over friends here. Thanksgiving. Wilbur Smith of Broad street is Alvin Bills, son of Rev. James D. laid up with an abscess on his finger. Bills of Monmouth street, was home Frank W. Mazza has taken charge Sunday on leave from Ihe naval train- of the shoe shine stand in Marasuio's ing station at Cape May. barber shop on Front street during Mrs. Annie C. VnnNote of Mann- the abBence of James and Vito Marns- Announce for Tomorrow, Thursday, December 5th squan is Visiting her niece, Mrs. Al- cio, who formerly conducted the bert W. Worden, Jr., of Monmouth stand and who gave up thoir business street. ' -**\ ' to fight for Uncle Sam. Both are now Frank Holmes of Atsion, Burling- in France. ton county, haa been visiting Daniel Miss Margaret Matthews of Mon- Woods of Red Bank and Mr. and Mrs. mouth street, who has been sick with Wellington Wilkins of Tinton Fnlls. a heavy cold, is recovering. Henry V. Marks of New York spent Thursday with his sister, Mrs. Bar- bara Heyor of Worthloy Btrect. BURIED AT DENVER. Edward Tr,uex of Allen pluce, who MM. Albert M. Poindexter Formerly is stationed nt Camp Eustace, Vir- ginia, was home the latter part of Lived at Red Bank. Mrs. Anna Frances .Poindexter, last week on a furlough. wife of Alfred M. Poindexter, who Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howard of died November 22d at Phoenix, Ari- Newark apent Thursday with relatives zona, of consumption, was buried last —here. Friday at Denver, Colorado. Mrs. Miss Bessie Tansey of Matawan has Poindexter was a daughter of El- been visiting Misa Martina Healy of nathan T. Field of Red Bank and had Bank street. many relatives and friends here- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shoemaker of abouts. She and her husband moved Wilkesbarro, Pennsylvania, spent from Red Bank to Denver in April, Thanksgiving with Mrs. Irving Rink 1912, in hopes of benefiting Mrs. TWO HUNDRE and Miss Margaret Tiglie of Mechanic Poindexter's health. She recovered Street. Mr. and Mrs. Shoemaker and enjoyed splendid health up to made the trip from Wilkesbarre in last May, when she contracted pneu- their automobile. monia. • • Miss Hazel Way of Newnrk visited her cousin, Mrs. Ellis Megill of West street, last Thursday. DIED OF BRIGHT'S DISEASE. H. Raymond Phillips of White Water Witch Woman, 84 Yeara Old, street, who is in Prance with the sig- Died oh Thankfgiving. nal corps, has been promoted to ser- geant. He wrote of his promotion in Miss Maria Giles of Water Witch SERGE AND SATIN DRESSES s letter to his wife, who was formerly died Thanksgiving day of Bright's ; Miss Louise Slattery. disease. She was 84 years old and Mrs. Vanderveer VanDorn of thehad lived on the Giles property at Hnlf-Mile road is the guest of herWater Witch the past sixty years. niece, Mrs. J. R. Bridge of Green- She was the daughter" of the late wich, Connecticut. Gilbert Giles. The Only surviving F\>r Women and Misses Eden Ewing, Sr., and his son Eden immediate relative is a brother, Nel- " of Shrewsbury avenue, who nre em- son Giles of New York. The funeral ployed at Hammonton, spent part of was held Sunday afternoon and was last week at home. in charge of Rev. John C. Lord. The Charles Cake, a chief field clerk burial was at Bay View cemetery. An accumulation from the regular stock; all this season's most desirable, with tho American forces, has been transferred from the 70th division to PNEUMONIA PROVES FATAL. styles in practical and dressy models of serge, satin, georgette and taffeta. General Porahing's headquarters. The . & 76th division will be one of the first Brother of Renwick Sculthorpe of divisions homo from abroad and Mr. Red Bank Died on Monday. Embroidered, Beaded, Braided, Soutache and Button Trimmed. . ' Cake by being transferred misses an Milton Sculthorpe of Asbury Park, ; opportunity to get home early. a brother of Remvick Sculthorpe of Miss Margaret Cooper of Newark Red Bank, died on Monday of pneu- spent Thnnksgiving and the remain- monia. He was fifty years old and der of last week with Mrs. W. Dfo. r many years was employed at J3ayre of Shrewsbury avenue. Griffin's hotel at *Wana.massa. Bw ;•• " Charles C, Flatley, son of John sides the brother mentioned he leaves . Flatley of Illinois, spent Sunday three other brothers and five sisters. •f:?T • with his cousin, John Cavanaugh of He was a son of the late William j West street. Mr. Flatley is stationed Sculthorpe of Hamilton. The funeral , at the U. S. radio school nt Boston. will be held tomorrow. Rev. A. E. Ballard, president of Values to $35.00 j the Ocean Grove association, is 1 ! spending a few days with Judge and . Death from Apoplexy. ! Mrs. C. E. Hendrickson of East Front . Mrs. Mary E." Grant of Asbury i street. Park was found dead at her home ; . . A meeting of the Moose lodge, will Sunday afternoon. Death was caused ••-..•'•v; i be held tomorrow night at which six by apoplexy. "Mrs. Grant was 67 \ candidates will be initiated. years old. She leaves a sister. 1 .:'..- WILL CLOSE OUT THURSDAY r ' ' The Daughters of "Liberty lodge > •» will give a dance Friday night in the Notice* from the Pulpit. Davidson building. A well-known clergyman of Bos- The.. Sons of VeteranV_ auxiliary: ton—Was—Once—talking^with—some- gave a Thanksgiving dance for thefriends with reference to the desir- soldiers at Camp Vnil last Thursday ability of chronological cohorance in night in the Davidson building. The ideas, in the form of written state- . music for the dancing was furnished ment, when he observed that there by Miss Clam Dunbar and Conrad de are times when this" method becomes la Matte. n trifle too suggestive. "For, in- Miss Ethel Whittiker of Trenton atance," said the speaker, "I once spent the Thanksgiving holidays with heard n minister in New Hampshire Mr. and Mrs. William J. Swannell of make his .usual Sunday morning an- Bergen place. • nouncements as follows: "The> fu- Silvertone and Velour Suits Miss Alione Chambers of McLaren neral of. the late .and much-lamented street is seriously sick with typhoid sexton takes place on Wednesday af- .fever. ternoon '•lit three o'clock. Thanks- Mrs. Vernon Dey of Westside ave- giving services will be hold in this Taken From Regular Stock nue is on the sick list. chapel on Thursday' morning at Chief of Police Harry H. Clayton is eleveno'clock.' " . enjoying two weeks' vacation. Dur- ing hiB absence the police headquar- ters is in charge of Sergeant Hary No Kick Against the Railroads. A collection of this season's smartest models. Suits of Velour Cloth, Duvet VanNote. "So you don't share the general Mrs. Rose Little and son Wilbert indignation toward the railways?" of Bradley Beach were Thanksgiving "No," answered Farmer Corntos- de Laine and Silvertone. Peau deCygne lined and interlined. guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wor- sel: "I have always felt that a loco- den, Sr., of Oakland street. motive was entitled to a great deal Mr. and Mrs. George Grause of of credit for sticking to the track in- Bridge avenue entertained Chaplain stead of snorting up and down tlie Joseph T. Casey of the transport Vori- country roads like an automobile." I r 25.00 Values to $40.00 OF1 CHOICE MEAT F'RIOAY and SATURDAY FOR CASH ONLY A Special Waist Sale Thursday It will pay you to trade with us because we give you the very best quality that can be bought at the lowest possible prices. Offering Extraordinary Values/~~ ! Lean Plate Beef 22c Boneless Pot Roasts 30c Jersey Fresh Shoulders 32c Chuck Pot Roasts 33c Jersey Boneless Lean Home Ftiade Sausage 42c Pork Roasts . - 40c Jersey Fresh Hams 38c Dixie Bacon 39c j Jersey Pork Loins 40c Prime Ribs of Beef 36c • Legs of Spring Lamb 30c!Forequarter of Lamb 25c Sniart tailored and dressy waists of georgette and crepe de chine,'braided j Top Sirloin Roasts 42c Philadelphia Scrapple 20c and bead trimmed. High, low and round neck models. Colors—Bisque, j JELKE'S GOOD LUCK OLEO Brown, Taupe, Plum, Navy, Flesh and White. All sizes. • hat the reputation as the equal of the very best butter. Try a • pound, if you do'not like it come and get your money back. -42c J.r^ 395 Values to $10.00

BROAD STREET, RED BANK Page Sixteen. THF ftED BANK REGISTER Pre-Holiday Sale CHOCOLATES New Jersey Food Co. AT BROAD STREET RED BANK 33 West F"ront Street Pure Delicious Home-Made The Home of Good Quality ON WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY 60c, 80c and $1 per pound FOOD PRICES LOWER Extra Special Sale on Silverware CHOICE PEA BEANS, - lb 12c and Cut Glass Mother's or Quaker's Oats, pkg 10>£c Beginning Saturday, December 7th, and continuing Quaker's Hominy Grits, - pkg 12c until CHRISTMAS, we will have special prices on Hecker's Cream Hominy, - pkg 12c everything in our selected stock of dependable Jewelry. Quaker's Corn Meal, - pkg 12c Come at once while the assortment is at its best Hecker's Cream Oat Meal, pkg IGc and make your selection. If you feel you cannot spare the full amount at the time of your selection, a small deposit will reserve any article for you. We will hold I Condensed Milk ' any article on deposit for your convenience. § Our assortment contains many suitable and useful • Honeysuckle Brand, can 16c articles for gift giving. L#UG'5 CANDY SHOP Evaporated Milk Established in 1856. Everyday Brand, can Now in old First National Bank Building, J. SHAPIRO, 30 BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. J. Baked Beans with Pork 33 West Front Street, RED BANK. in Tomato Sauce, cart 14c Baked Beans (Red) ; Do Your Christmas Shopping Highgrade Brand, 3 cans 25c . 'n nw •••! i n • ••ill I ——^ ^ NOW Butterine, Fresh SCHROEDER'S PHARMACY • "•' -; AT •".•'•.' sweet and wholesome, lb 31c Crisco, Best for frying^ EVERY WOMAN'S SHOP, The Place of Great Opportunity

. and shortening, all sizes, lb 30c 16 West Front Street, - - - RED BANK. Campbell's Soups, all varieties, can 1.0c Where Forman & Feinbirg Usiid'to Be. For the Gift Maker 9 • Our beautiful line of new Holiday Goods, full of the choicest selections for the Christmas VanCamp's Soup - 3 cans 25c A full line' of Christmas j;ifts for men, women and chil- trade,-will be ready for your inspection . . dren. A lar.t • variety lo suit everybody's taste and purse, ("nine'in naw uul look them over.' ' 'i: Tuesday, December lOth Best Rice, (full head) - lb 12c Fine Blouses, Silk and' Muslin Underwear, Hosiery and '" We have made our selection.this year with the thought of having our display contain 1 Choice Broken Grain. Rice, lb 9c Gloves; also Novelties. _,''•' the newest, yet inexpensive, articles for useful and appropriate gift giving. • -Everything SEPARAVELY BOXED free of charge. You wiE. find on display here such seaonable gifts as Prices are' right! '• •. . Columbia River Salmon, ' High Grade Stationery neatly packed in attractive boxes. 1 lb Flat cans 35c K lb cans 20c: — — FRIDAYTAND SATURDAY SPECIALS: Ladies' and Children's Und^nyear,__sHjjhtlv;_soi!cd1..dis-. Toilet Sets arid Individual Pieces. Gold Medd Flour,—-T-~- —-r-— continued numbers, etc, , - - Perfumes, imported and domestic. 24-ilb Sack $1.50, 12 lb Sack 75c Beautifully trimmed Hats, ali- latest -models, made of •' S7.5i'. ivv $4.49- ^' •• •• . .Manicure Sets and Individual Pieces. /__ Macaroni, Spaghetti, ; pkg9c New Satin ami Feaih'er fiats $3.49. .. Toilet Soaps, in boxes or by single cake. Cider or White Vinegar, - bottle 13c 1-ev: Hats at $1.98.. ' ' • Tomato Catsup, very fine _£... bottle 13c Come While They Last. Confectionery of the most desirable kind. Olives Stuffed or Plain, - bottle 13c HAVE YOUR HEMSTITCHING l')ONE HERE. ' Cigars and Cigarettes. .' Pickles, Sweet or Sour, bottle 10c Many of. our articles are attractively boxed for holiday buyers. SOAPS AND SOAP POWDERS AT EVERY WOMAN'S SHOP, The Store That Helps You Practice Thrift.' -S€HROEDER'S PHARMACY Best Bocax Soap, - large size cake 6c NFWQ 'ERffliT ifPVPABT Langun was discharged from Camp llEiYJi) rilUlU iiEiirUIll. Lee, Vn., whore he was training for HARRY C. HUBBARD, Prop. P and G Laundry Soap, - cake 5c a commission. BOROUGH TO INCREASE ITs 0^ 16 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. Climax Laundry Soap, - 6 cakes ^oc WATER RATES'. \. -I. M, Uppercu has been appointed Telephones 38 and 146 Gold Dust Washing Powder, - pkg be *t£ &•: t: i:Js«

FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Mr. m AT REDUCED PRICES s. L. L. Hoose and son Flatbush Oranges, Medium size " Sweet and Juicy^ 25c doz Fancy Grape Fruit ,, , .... „ •, meet Friday al'ternoon", December Sweet and Juicy, 5 for 25c •Mrs- Lillian h. Wells spent several 20th, with Jh-s. 0. C. Bogardus. The Fancy California Lemons, - 25c doz v ii I', • fVU,k WXT' Jl1V "ml JIrs- j program will consist of the Red Cross Winter Motoring hussell btidpole at New Egypt. I magazine and musical selections. ..Lnruteniiiit Kennethh Hand visited! The borough council is preparing Potatoes, large Round Stock > his parents, Key. ami Mrs. A. Vf. to pass a new water ordinance which kind, several days last week. Lieu- will the water rates to the 16 quart basket, 80c tenant Hand is now stationed at small consumer about 25 per cent Means Harder Work for Washington, D. (V 'land to the larger ones 50 per cent. Onions, red or yellow 16 quart basket 60c Mi's. Krncst Heeren is visiting her Yellow Turnips, 16 quart basket father,, Aaron S. Van lluskirkk. Mrs Mrs. . 45c Ilceren has been spending' seyeral MIDDLETOWN VILLAGE NEWS. Jersey Carrots, 16 quart basket months at Columliia, S. C, where Your Battery 40c lior Inisljani] is .sti'itioneil.. ' The _ChrJsimar s j|Sale at the Library Ensign and Mrs. Edward A. MadMd e Profit of $122$12.2 d Ei lIll California Soft Shell Walnuts, lb 40c and neglect of the battery at that time may result, in Fancy New Mixed Nuts, . costly repairs. .- . . lb 35c •the Cornwall military school, visit-1 over, Miss llnrguret Morford and the oil; his father, R. \V. Jewett, Sr.,.last trustees of the library helped to ar- week. .•>..'• \ range and, conduct the sale. You can avoid this trouble if you give your battery a Mrs. Harold S. Collins of Philndel-i A victory luncheon will be served PRICES phia.was the guest-last week of Jier on Saturday, December 14th, at the mother, Mrs. Anna Osborn. • | Reformed parsonage for members of small, but reasonable amount of care and attention. IN THE MEALDEPARTWIENT .-.• Charles 11. Jew'oll vjsited relatives the women's temperance union; at Springliclil, Massachusetts, last Assemblyman T. Llovd Lewis will .Let us give your battery a test—it costs you nothing . Spring Lamb, Hindquarter or Legs, lb 30c week. . . '• • speak next Sunda" • y mornin•••..g at .the MT. and Mrs-. . F. I'ulmer Armstron..„g , Rcformcil-ehurch. Harold Silver will arid-may save you money. We will gladly advise you as Steak, native heavy beef, lb 35c am...iI childre_.l, If. !..».n. DoriTA "s^ an d1 DorothT*\ .... j I.y were! 'end the Christian Endeavor meeting •the .ciiiosls scvernl. days" lust week of i "' night. A delegation of .women to its needs during cold weather, and will make repairs, Fresh Shoulder Pork, - - lb 32c Mrs. Armstrong's parents, Mr. awl from here will attend a progress cam- Chuck Roast, heavy native beef, lb 26c JM Jh C Shk f Rd Bk | Paign meetin t Md t Rd if necessary, in the right way at the right cost. Fresh Chopped Meat, - - lb 28c Pay us a visit today. Find out what "Exide" ser-. Chuck Steak, very Tender, " - lb 28c «eu

of Calvar.^y. churc..»,...h• wil..•»l • li• r ~e heli*«.*ld« ia tn l thh 1 1e^ J.kV*Rev« . tllllMarionl It'll ' T4, . VConkliV W ll£\|llln, .wa»*(lfc>s Imadt ICl\t e^ Fresh Rock Cod, - - lb 18c lecturlt e vo,om off thhe churclhh nex tt TuesT - chairmahi n off thhe prayer .meetini g com- ii.4'l:iy.;.i»'. ..inl . \\ ^ uiie>i I.I\ '. | mittfi-Illiut'i';; .Mrs.MIS,. Danie1 lailHMl Hillyer chairman Fresh Winter Weakfish, - .- lb 10G I'lill'dnl Monvll uf the aviation ser-j of the social committee"conn ; Mrs. Asher Red Bank Battery and Starter Co. v;c.e .spent a four ilay.s' furlough here. Krvining chaiiminamn cof the lookout com- Barnegat Oysters, — quart 40c last week with hi;; parents. mittee. and Miss Marie Butterfass Homy T. Hopkins of thechairman of the flower committee. j I Soft Clams, T - - -•• quart 30c was a visitor here | ' Miss Marion Dickinson was" home I 15 Mechanic Street, Red Bank 1!il l' «ce;:. f,,r 'l'hanksgivi|ig from the Ballard i ; ^-^Ali^- iUuL..-a\i fii. ^t\V.ultur--..--Vai'iaiv.. •- •-'•*-• ^ l-'ordham spent Thanksgiving with Ernest Taylor has returned to New [ j Telephone 1036 ,.>lrs. Varian'a parents, Mr. and MrsYor. k for the winter. ].. .llrmver J Mrs^_Sus;in_ Bennett'is living for Jersey-Food ""JTittf lii;i'trmIir~'ATT!ceits""o1r'5I()nT-' the wfnter with her sister, Miss Louise ilair spent the week-end with Mr. Hartshorne.. and Mrs. Artlmr .S. Vanliuskirk. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Heath have RED BANK William Weinberger nnd F. Pierre gone to Long Island for the winter. Holmes were honorably discharged j Walter Heath caught a possum last -'"'• '.'•••;• ":- '• st week. Joseph week which weighed nine pounds. THE RED BANK REGISTER. Page Seventeen.

'/.,•'',.• .<,/,,}, The Norwood I Tire Company j SAYS: Don't Buy Tires Now Wait for Our Sensational QUALITY F»RICE SERVICE ASSORTMENT Announcement of Bl® BARGAINS at a Very Watches JEWELRY Toilet Articles Every Watch Guaranteed. ' IN SILVER. Early Date Comb, Brush and Mirror, sterling. .$15 up : WRIST WATCHES. . See Oiir Green, White and Yellow Gold Combinations Comb, Brush and Mirror, plated. .$8.00 up Ladies' Wrist, 10-yr. 7 jewel $13.50 Military Sets, sterling 9.00 up Military Sets, plated .'..-. 7.00 up. " '• - " . 20-yr. 7 and 15 jewel. .. RINGS. LA VALLIERES..- $16.00 up Manicure Sets, sterling 8.00 up We Have Any Auto Supplies You Need 10k and 14k Gents' Signets.. .$4.50 to $18 AH in fancy cases, .thin models. " . " . solid gold, 14k.. .$25.00 up 10k and 14k Pendant and Chain. .$4.00 up Ladies' Cameo Rings $3.50 to $20 Pendant tfnd Chain, diamond..,. 8.50 up Shaving Mug and Brush, pldtecj. . 4.50 up " " sterling silver Stand, Mug and Mirror 9.00 up . Gents' Jap Signets, diamond. . .$17 to $30 White and green pol^j 14.00 UP BEST SERVICE $7.50 to $16.00 Platinum, with diamonds 25.00 up Cloth Brushes, Puff Jars, Hair .Receivers, " " • various shapes,., $40 to $60 Ladies' birthstone Rings ...... $2.00 up Hooks', Files,,Shoe'Horns", Cresim Jui's, etc. PRICES LOWER THAN COMPETITIVE The movements are Wnltham, Elgin, Emblematic Rings $8.00 to $30 Gruen, Omega and Swisg. Children's Rings ...... 75c lo $3.50 BROOCHES. IN IVORY. Solid gold Brooches ...... $ 2.50 up Brush Conib und Mirror...... $10 up. POCKET WATCHES. SCARF PINS. Solid gold Brooches, diamond..'. 10.00 up Brush and Comb 5.00 up Platinum sind gold, diamonds. , . 25.00 up Waltham or Elgin, 7 and 15 jewel $23.50 up Solid gold Scarf Pins ...$1.2S"up Brush, .Comb and Manicure Set .... .$19.50 626-628 Broadway Long Branch Rolled gold Brooches $2.00 to $4.00 Manicure Sets $3.50 up Waltliam or Elgin, )4k. gold. .. .$28.00 up Solid gold, with stones -.....'. i.. .$2.00 up Gold plated Brooches 65c up Special Manicure Sets, -blue nnd black' TEL, 417 Hamilton or Howard $45 to $100 Solid gold, diamonds $5.00 to $50 • 13ai- Pins, same price as Brooches. borders on white; cased . .. .$5.00 to $12 Gru'en Watches .$25.00 up v Other makes in gold, gold filled, sterling BRACELETS. ' KNIVES. silver and gun metal. " . Solid gold, plain or engraved.. .$10.00 up Solid ggold, , pplain and engraved.. .$5.p$p o up Solid gold, with stones .., -. 14.00 up Rlld ld252.50 up « Sterling Novelties MILITARY WATCHES. Rolled gold Solid gold, diamonds.-..,._.- .,-.". .-23.00 up Gold plated :.-ri-.Z5 up Knittin^Needles :. 75c to $2.50 pr Special nickel, luminous. .$§.00 and $10.50 Needle Shaaths ,'. .65c to $12 Elgin anil Swiss, 7 and 10 jewel.$14 to $50 Lingerie Claipi, Beadi, Locketi, Cuff Linki, Tie Clotpi, Waldemar Chaini, Earrings, Cigar Salts Belles .$1.00 to $2.00 Ingeraoll Wrists $5,50 Cutterf, Etc. in large filiortm«nt*. Salts Bottles, enamel top ... .75c to $2.25

' ' Beautiful new stock »f Maionic Rings. ' ta Picture Frames ; '... .75c to $12 Book Markers .75c to $1.00 • "La Tausca" Pearls See our Hatad Painted Enamel Jewelry. Military Jewelry at Reduced Prlcei. Embroidery Scissors !$1.25 to $4.50 Yarn Holders ". .$1.35 to $2.00 "La Tausca" Pearls are always the most Match Safes $1.26 to $5.00 desirable for personal adornment. They cannot be distinguished from pearls worth Cigarette Cases .' .$8.00 to $15 a prince's ransom. We have them in many 1-3-• Sewing Shuttles. $1.35 to' $1.BO aizcH ami lengths, some graduated and 1.1 .cT Vanity Cases : $2.50 to $12 othenS regular, in Panama-Pacific, Ceylon, Bottle Openers ..'., $1,00 to $1.50 Patria, Calife, Batava, -Keyva and Martha , YSlt'r •**• Washington qualities. Silver Thimbles .. '.....- .50c to $1.25. To keep up the tempera- Mesh Bags , $7.00 to $15 With gold clasps. .. .• .$3.00 to $20.00 ture when the. mercury goes .f The fact that our Diamond Sales has almost Hundreds of'other useful articles. down! '; With diamond clasps $20.00 to $40.00 Others as high as $150.00. doubled in the last three years is *about the best proof All-wool overcoats made ' • of heavy weight, warm, de- • which we can submit that Reussille Diamonds are sold Silverware pendable fabrics. J?| Clocks at the right price and that Reussille Diamonds are Quality ! STERLING HOLLOW. Variety! Value! ~ ^f!; Seth Thomas, Session, Waterbury, New Diamonds. We are satisfied with small diamond profits Bowls ... ..$16 up Salt & Pepper $3 up Haven and Ansonia Clocks in 8-day or 24- Baskets .... 16 up Sandwich Trays.. Moncyback if you want it. ' hoiir time. - and our customers have in every instance been satisfied Bon Bons.. 4.50 up $12.50 up "Vases .... 3.00 up. Bread Trays $14 up Special "Shopping Service" , ;f |i Scth Thomas chime Clocks.. .-.$35 to $50 with the gem. This is why, so very often, relatives or Candlesticks $15 up '• . for orders by mall. • ' • r> 8-day Mahogany strike Clocks. .$10 to $25 Write for nunplea. WJUBj Small desk or dresser Clocks. .$2.35 to $10 friends of one to whom we have sold a, stone, come to STERLING FLAT. ROGERSPEET COMPANY Alarm Clocks .$1.50 to $3.00 us for their Diamond needs. .Sugar.Spoon.$2 up Butter-Knife Broadway Broadway Mahogany Candlesticks. .. .$2.00 up per pr $4 up nt 34th St. Cream Ladle .... atlSlhBt. "Tho $2.25 up Pie Server $2.76 up Four DIAMOND RINGS. ' DIAMOND JEJVELRY. Cheese Server ... Jam Spoon $1.25 up Broadway Cornero" Fifth AV«M _ $1.50 up Berry Spoon •b Warren at41»t«. JCiit-Glass- _w.UJiLto-.^iO <1S to $110 "MeatTorks 77$i up $5.! __ NBW_XOBK d-HC Solitaires; wt. .50 to 2.00 $125 to $450 Brooches, Iprge ... .$40 to $1SO Egg Server ....'. Tea Strainers ... The designs on our Cut Gloss are cut on Fancy, white gold .. $40 to $100 Bar Eins .. $17 to $150 $3.50 up $2.25 up clean,_clear blanks and every piece is all cut. Fancy, platinum .$78 to $550 La Vallieres, small. ,.$10 to $20 Diamond cluster Solitaires. . . .$50 to $100 La'Vallieres, large. . .$30 to $250 PLATED HOLLOW. Bowls ; ...... $2.25 up SHREWSBURY NEWS. has been honorably discharged from Gents' Diamond Rings . • $29 up Scarf Pins »... .$7.50 to $75. Bread Tray •Casseroles $3.65 up military service. He arrived home Nappies . »-. 2.00 up Sandwich' Trays.. Mooting of the Follow-The-Boy« Our line of inexpensive Diamond Bar $3.85 up Monday morning from a camp at Cream and Sugar A ...... „ Sjttfep Many of these fancy rings are set with ' Caster Sets «>• $4 up League Tomorrow Night. Pins; Brooches, Pendants, Bracelets, Scarf Uui-lington, Vermont. Harry was rubies, sapphires', opals, etc. A beautiful $2.75 up Baskets $8 up A mcotinp: of tho Follow-fho-boys sent to Camp Dix among the first of Vases :..'... i.OCTup new stock of 18k. white gold. Rings just Pins; etc.,-will please you. They aiie all sRue will be held tomorrow night Fern Dishes '. .. 5,00 up made. . , modem in design. Bowls ...... $6 up Bread Board Set. the Selective service men. He failed Jam Jars .$2.50 up $7 up at the Prcsbytcrinn church. There to pass the overseas examination and Spoon Trays .•,.....,... 2.25 up •will l>c vocal solos and community Jewjel Cases .... Hot Milk Pitcher. ' •wna then transferred to Vermont. Celeries . ...' 2.25 up •:•/ $2.60 up $5.76 up sinking and letter will be rend from He is the first from this place to re- tiia lioys abroad. Some of the writers turn from military service. Bon Bops ' .'....,.... 1.90 up of these letters lmvo taken part hi A party of Newark friends were Candy Jars .•.•.•.,.... 2.25 up China Glassware . PLATED FLAT. the recent fighting. Stereopticon the guests of Frank B. Woods Thurs- Cruets, each ' 2.50 up A , hpautiful-seleciion-of-lMcfair-d-hand— '. Our line' of "Imperial Glass" (colored ?Dur platedTlatware consists pt article? —slirtcs muidde l>jrthe tinitedStnteirgov"Tiny. THcjnvent gunning pud shot a Mayonnaise ,.. 4.60 up painted China, some with heavy color de- in Community Silver, Rogers Bros., 1847, omment of the cathedral of Rheims lot of game. . . signs and others with the more conserva-. gluss) with its beautiful lustre will appeal Relish Dishes Jt 5.00 up to all. Prices oi articles range from $1.25 Holmes & Edwards and Reed & Barton. before and after it was bombarded Mrs. Otto Applcgate was a New tive light border designs.( The by the German guns will be shown, York visitor last Friday. to $5.00. Single pieces from ...... 65c to $3.50 SPECIAL. clude- Plates, Bon Sons, Bowls, Vases, • 'with remarks by Corwin K. Liiison Harold Ely will move from Hol- Creamers, Celeries, etc. Frosted Glass Vnses .$1.25. up Half dozen pieces from ... .$1.75 to $8.00 See our line of Steak, Game and Carving , of Atlantic Highlands, who has lived comb farm this week. 7-pie.ce Lemonade Sets ',.... $4,35 Frosted Glass Bowls 1.30 up ' in Rhoims. 7-piece Water Sets $5.00 and $5.25 Sets. • • • The younjf people's home mission- Pottery Vases and Bowls 2.00 up A large assortment of Silver Chests to ary • society will meet Friday night UTTLE SILVER NEWS. 7-piece Water-Sets .. .$10 and $15 • select from :...... $12 to $300 Special Radish Jar, 3-piece 75c Hurd Stationery at the chapel.. The prayer meeting Supper at Ghurch Hall Next Week- this week will be held at Mis. Willinm Harrison Shampanore Home. Service, one and.two stars \60c H. Johnson's on Broad street. Next pld Colony ' .'. .75c Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Sclmichnrt, The ladies' aid society of the Meth- Beautiful mahogany and painted glass Fancy Beads religious instructor nt Cnmp Vnil, odist church will serve n supper in the Lawnette ..'.... 76c " Service Frames church hall on Thursday night of Candle Night Lights $3.50 A large new line of beautifully colored i will preach at the Presbyterian Large boxes Lawnette ...... , . .$6.50 The best line of U. S. Army and Navy church. next week. and well selected fancy Beads, including Harrison Shampatiore, son of-W. In wood mission cases ...... $10 and $11 Venetian hand-made Beads $1.50 to $5.00. Metal Frames on the market. Prices from The burn dance piven last Friday W. Shampanore, has been mustered Mahogany Serving Trays $2.00 up In Circassian walnut cases $14 Mourning Beads .75c to $1.50 $2.50 to $9.50. night at Mrs. A. H. Motley's netted out of service. He had been sta- aliout ?fiO for the benefit of the Long tioned at Camp Dix since May 26th. Brnnch hospital, Mrs. Walter Morris Mr. and Mrs. George Ivins and \ had charge of the dance. The hos- their son Willard have been visiting pital auxiliary met this afternoon at Mrs. Iv'ms's sister, Mrs. George E. We Welcome You to Come in and Look Over Our Shelves. They are More Crowded Than Ever ' Mtu. Jacob Shoemaker's. • Dresser of Boston. • Arthur Campbell, son of C. A. Miss Annie Lawrie, Leniider Mc- Campbell, was home on Thanksgiving Campbel! and William II.' Carhart, Buy Early, Get First Pick and Avoid the Rush . from tile naval station at |Cupe May. Jr., have been laid up with grip. A new coal wagon for the Con- Morrell Moore has been home on a Monmouth's Leading Jeweler . ; Established 1686 sumers* coal uml ice company of As- furough from Camp Mcrrift. bury Park hos been inmle at Charles Eugene Wor." was cleaved by the play Mr, anrid Mrs. A. H. Bonlen spent given last Friday night at the school Lde la REUSSILLE Thanksgiving with Charles IHirin of building for the benefit of the Metho- Eaot Orange. dist church. The show was ably pre- Mro. W. P. Brown returned to hersented ;uul those who took part re- 38 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. New York winter homo yesterday. ceived liberal applnuse. A. letter wns received1 Thursday from Frank Gullnhim, who is with the. Miss Klesnor Qtuickenbu?h of Free- 311lh infantry in' France. Frank hold baa been spending a week with writes Hint he is well. her brother, George M. Qmielienbush. Cinlmcr Forsamler, who 1ms heeti It was the first letter received from MWMWWIWW»WWMWMH>MWHWM»»IMtt»Wt driving a motor truck at Syracuse, spending rv few ilnys at Short Hills, Charles Gahlcr in a long time. h.'if; been mustered out of service and Ijpng Island. Mrs. Charles Whitlock of Ne.w York will return to work as chauffeur' for lsiis returned home after a visit with George M. Qiuicl«mmisn is learning TAX J. W. Brown. Jlr.i. Henry Ooyif^. ^ 1 NORWAY MAPLES S to run (in automobile. Nathan Marx was linnie on Thanks- The junior UiclieBJ"aid society of the giving, from Fort Howard, Maryland. Keformed church will hold a sociable 200 beautiful Norway Maple | j CHILDREN'S EYES HOLMDEL NEWS. iii!xt Tuesdiiy night. IWt neiHrct thi'in. Nnw !,1 the Trees to be sacrificed in or- § \ limv, bofore tin; luinl wint(T"fl work nt EATONTOWN NEWS. tb..' boiiln. Hoiicliichf ninl neuraiKln' Women's Tempcrnnce Union Cleared NOTICE i| rt'llcvfil. No tluirfio [ur con- $22.50 at Concert. '. . Everett News. tier to clear land (or building o '• stlUutkin. Men's Club to Have n Clam Chowder «• q Supper Friday Night. The Clarion Six or Red Bank gave No'fneetin^ of the Red Cross aux- a concert last week at the Baptist iliary was held last week on account purposes. g: I STIL.ES S* co. Uev. l.Ostcr G. LeRKe'-t of Rei of 'riianksgiving. This week's meet- ing will be held tomorrow afternoon. The assessor of the taxing dis- j I Philadelphia Eye SpcclollstB Arthur Soden haB moved from Ed- ward Connor's house to o'ne of Lewis trict of the Borough of Rumson Worth $8.00 to $12.00 Every Wedncaday Hours 12:1S to 4 p.m. S. Thompson's houses at Lincroft. will be at his residence between Archie Wright has moved from apiece. Your choice .for No other remedy .will so Matthew Mullins's house to Cyrenius V. Stillwjjgon's dwelling. the hours of 9:00 to 12:00 A. M., $3.50 each if selected at sureJy and (juickly correct llurold iHuut and family spent Sun- once. stomach ailments, regulate day with Thomas V. Stout of Redand 2:00 to 4:00 P. M. on Tues- tmn presented a turkey and a quan- M , M R , t V()Orhc,^ Bunk. the liver and improve the tity of vCKelttl.les to 1U-V. and Mrs. | tertnincl n -numlier of id Uv™ t Mrs..John I!. Stillwngon and herday, December 10th, 1918, to general health as a dose of PMlcrson for then- Tli.mltsfjiving dm- uinner ThanksKivinK. daughter Rachel spent part of last I1C enable, any tajepayex..of.-the '-. ' I A' ; L. I'trry aW; fmnily . week witlj... Illi:a,—Stllhvagau.'.s..sistciv •A. Allicrt Dehnis-oflloboken :•=-.^Miss -I-,iilf»--4Vob?ott spent •Tllinks-'-Thrtiikiiifivinp"at Ih-ooklyn' 1 giving at_N«w_ Providence. _ "- \ ,, Miss Angio P. Chase returned Sun- Miss Helen Viering oE Lconnrdo „ Miss Mnliel Morrison of East duy to Trenton .nornmLiiooTafteitjaiul-Clmi'les-Stillwngfnr'Df this" place r _.Omii|{0-wa8_ji Ruost-of-Misa—Mamie -HperKl'iivg-tHe^Thmilisgivinto holiilays visited Misa Viering's sister, Mrs. placed on their property. I{iK*ginsott on Thanksgiving. . with her parents. " — Lutz of New York, lust week. , 14 Broad Street, Iieslie VVolcott of Ocennport wa3 '" _haye liccn .received from V. A. L1G1ER, RED BANK, NEW JERSEY. ; home from Camp Meado' Sunday. Cecil Crawford nnd It pays to advertise iifThe Register. Joseph Ilerry. of South Entontown vyho ar(f "over there." —Advertisement^ - Assessor. Urpet\ Silo of Anr Modlclni in lh< W«I4. 1 3oldo»crywhero. In BDIII, 1 Ot,, 25c, 1 *'«' J i ! '"''' ^ J V. MATINEE 3:OD EVENING 7:48 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14 MONDAY, DECEMBER 16 MABEL NORMAND LILLIAN WALKER "PECK'£™BAD GSRL" "LUST OF THE AGES" Phone 06O-M THE AT RE RED BANK .4 r> December 9th Thursday, December S Attraction Extraordinary VAUDEVILLE t HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE MAY ALLISON .IN HER LATEST METRO PICTURE AMERICA'S GREATEST PRIMA DONNA in a First Run Goldwyn Feature "The Return of Mary" Celebrated Actor of the Screen and Stage in a 5-part Sensational Photo Drama of a u UNIVERSAL WEEKLY COMEDY Husband's Condemnation of a Family Friend's Perfidy Entitled

TRAVELOGUE COMEJOnEpiY Friday, December 6 "MY HUSBAND'S FRIEND" VAUDEVILLE Thursday, Friday, Saturday, December 5th, 6th and 7th 5th Episode of "Hands Up," starring Ruth Roland. Universal Weekly DOUGLAS »tar Acts-4 Tuesday, December 10th OF1 "THE HIGH GLASS VAUDEVILLE The First Time We Have Played This Picture OFFICIAL WAR REVIEW REELS ''BILLY CRUMBY.-' Saturday, December 7 Blackface Singing, Talking and Dancing VAUDEVILLE

Singing1 Comedienne GLADYS II IN From the Saturday Evening Post Story by Peter B. Kyne Comedy Singing and talking , - An Absorbing Story of an Old Man's Love for a Boy "MRS. A Picture Sure to Please Evefyone Holmes Travelogue CHARLES CHAPLIN in a Comedy Act "BUMPING THE BUMPS" Universal News- Weekly in one o£ his late C3iricdies

F-arrvous Wit and Lariat Thrower of "TE-iE ZIEGFELD FOLLIES OF1 1910"

k's Best Restaurant . There's only one kind of a Restaurant to keep—that's #ie brightest and « I cleanest—perfect in system anc! in detail. .That's the kind we keep. , . - ... | THE WAGNER MARKETS a We're told by hundreds of regular, satisfied patrons that, we come as near to ]RICE AND QUALITY _; keeping a perfect restaurant as_ it's possible for anyone to keep. . '' - -ifi- FOR THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY WE OFFER: . You'll never-.find poor quality"at '. ~~ '••. " - . ' Saddles of Lamb Home-Made Sausage IVSeat 42c !b F'ilet ofi Geef '4 THE FRENGH RESTAURANT BEEF PORK LAMB- m and you'll.not secure at our tables/things—that.! we• cannot( conscientiously Prime Rib Roast Loin of Jersey Pork Genuine Hindquarter Fresh Killed Roasting

recon'.mend.' . .• - : • • •. . / / _••"•..•• Spring Lamb Chickens 4£c Ib

Just, as soon as it's possible to: obtain, substantials or delicacies for I the table.vpu piay be sure \ye'grasp 'the 'opportunity. That's why everything in Chuck Pot Roast Fresh Hams Fresh Killed Fowls season is always to be. found here and that's whythe seasons begin earlier with Short Forequarter ,us than in most restaurants. • • • , '• •."•— . " : ;. • . Spring Lamb ; Fresh California Hams :..-..'-iiOy^ter-s--aiie-in--season-newi-—D-ui'.-0-yst-ei^- stews-and-oystei—fi-j's-are-excep- Sirloin and Porterhouse Choice Beef Liver 15c <> tionally delicious. .-.Weserve oysters o'ii the half "s.heil if desired, Steak 32c Ib

• .• •>•,-.•••.•• j •••.•.'.. Shoulder Lamb Chops Frankfurters 26c Ib J Bottom Round, Top Home-Made Sausage Sirloin, Cross Rib Goki's Boiled Ham link Sausage 32c Ib Lamb for Stewing 25c 17c perl 4I b PETER NOGLOW & CO., Proprietors I; Fresh Boston Butts Loin and Bib Chops m Flank Steak 29c Ib Nucoa Nut Oleo 32C Broad Street, apposite Monmouth y Red Bank, N. J. 'i Chuck Steak 28c 1b Philadelphia Scrapple *c^^ Liberty Cabbage 5c IbDixie Style Bacon RUMSOM NEWS. for u ten-da.y trip to Detroit, where this afternoon at the parish house, j Chopped Beef 32c Ib 1 ' u'' ..'-'-,'•, M .., , !»•• has been dispatched l>y his' firm to The .Oceanic branch of the Red 'inner at_ Country Club Next W.ek^ buy six new trucks. . ••• .Cross .will meet .at the parish house i for New Uouncilficn. ; Timothy Coliey of East Oceanic Friday afternoon to sew on-medical Navel 22c Ib Corned Pig Knuckles 'Several friends fit Cuuncilmeii-: spent /sevensi days .last week with j garments. At this gathering 'Work Fresh Honeycomb Tripe Brookfieid Eggs elect- (ieoKre W. Emery .and Charles 'friends at _\*(iw York. . . j will be given out for members to take A. Wilson will give, them a banquet: Giriton Van Ilorne, who holds a. home, Rump Corned Beef 32c at the Humson country ciub ne.M, res]ir;isib!e pQsition at Fort Hancoek, 'James Allen and daughter Essie of 0. 12c Ib Tuesday night.. . ..'..'. \ is enjoying: a vacation, and is visitinj; Oceiinic, who were .overcome by' gas Candled Fresh Eggs _ ..At a nitiHinfr of the Ruinson fire (friends at Xcw.York, in .their. home- two weeks ago;'have Brookfieid Butter 69c company Uist Thursday niftht Michael] Ciiai'les •Wpod.ward,. who is em fully recovered. It .wire necessary to Spreadit Oleo 32c,Ib Shay, Kennirili. Bruce, Earl jlnrks,! ployed at Now Yolk, has been visiting haveh , ththe servicei s of two physiciansi ; a., C SALAMI | An/.lrew Strdsr.cnjfer. Frank Carton, I his mother, Mrs. Charles Woodwnrd. trained nurse and several neighbors Smoked Beef, sliced Meadowbrook Bacon Ray VoorhceS, Carlfun Yanlloi.'K', j • A' Kttrcat will'Ve' 'hsld- in Holy before they were revived. , ] Chaj-le's A. Wilson, Daniel A. Nauth-• C'ross church beginning Friday morn- The monthly meeting: of the mayor 1 per 141b 18c per strip 48c 42clbi ton, Jiiines- Porter "iiiid_ John Me-! inj;, "It will end with, a high mass at and council will be held tomori. w Flat Corned Ribs 18c I.'aili--!;l!n vrei'e proposed for member-i ten o'clock Sunday moriiing; night, j This will be thejlast monthly| ship; They will be.vowd on nt the! l.ieuienant' FrajiK Ward,. wl•lio is meeting.of the year aiicl many mat-i Hotels and Restaurants Supplied | chickens Boned to order December meetingtg . "Plans are being stationcti. at Camp ' JIevri,tt,- Tennny, ters of importance will urnic before ... nuiiie lor a 'banquet to be L'ivcn-bgi y was home Sunday on 'a'SS-hour fur- the meotinp, principally the reports 1 in January. - lougli. His bftither Charles, yho .is of committees. J 'Jju- .Missi.'S('Katie and Julia \Vool- mi olllcer in the naval intelligencg e The second entertainment of tlic| ley o0f1 Xe'Xe'.vv \orVorkk havhave beebeenn visiting bureabureauu , wawas alsalso home Sundav. People's Popular Course yrill be given ; their parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Daniel " Communion will be observed at the at the Oceanic high.svlioul auditorium' "YVoolley. . ' . " • ""' Pre.-byvcrian church Sunday morning.! tomorrow nip;h( by the Metropolitan 1 Miss Xullie Mears,, vrho attendds St.St ' Re-v. A^ . A. McKay',y,;; who-- has been att | enH-'i.lainnu.rjf trio of male, singers, j # Klizuhcth convent, at" Morristov/n, ,is iht; army hospital at f'olonia "Several i ie first entertainment of.this year's j 12 BROAD STREET 22 n/iONMOUTH STREET spending hej- Thaaksgi\'ing" vacation m'pnth.s will occupy tlie ])Uljjit. The'course was held 'Tuesday night of last * —•nt-rrt*rI1i