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THE BOYS ARE BACK . . . Donald and Maurice Chevalier. 1 and not in the band! .... They might have stayed in Hollywood by Gene Arcerl a few more years, but for one thing, .glancing through the trades one day, The true (tory behind the acenet they spotted a brief item in a column; of a show if often more incredible and "Whatever became of Rodgers and Hart? fascinating than die plot unfolding They took the next train east. Billy before the audience. Let's take the Rose hadn't forgotten them for one current hit revival of THE BOYS OP and he hired them for a gigantic new SYRACUSE. Reviewed u a bouncy, m usical he was producing called . brassy musical love at the Eureka Its gala premiere took place on Novem­ lower-level theatre, the ber 16, 1935. And oh, the lyrics of has moved to the SHOWCASE (form­ Hart'; "Wide awake 1 can see my most erly the Encore) lower level stage, fantastic dreams come true. " while rising to new heights. ("My Romance") and "Uttle Girl 1 first met up with the "BOYS" In Blue" caught the right mood of a New York, 1963. An Investor invited m m sh si rejected, lonely girl sitting in the my roommate Perry and I to see the rain. From then on like the circus revival of the Rodgers and Hart 1938 {parade from JUMBO th e ir career was music aL He wanted me to direct an almost unbroken march of one some of that Shubert traffic to hit after another. Right after JUMBO Theatre Four, Off . There Rodgers and Hart created one of the was no musical on Broadway that most original m\«icals of the thirties sptring with the polish of this unpre­ "". tentious and witty production. In "", Larry We loved it and welcomed the dealt with the unique situation of Rodgers and Hart score. The house someone taking pleasure in their se ated 299, the reviews could have misery. Was it Larry's at that time? been written by an overpaid publicist The following spring they wrote and there was a great pizza parlor on EABES IN ARMS. How could one 9th avenue around the comer on West forget, "". SSth Street. Most of the show crowd Larry's love lyrics this tim e was to-a met there. The neighborhood was less-than-perfect physical specimen. sleasy enough to interest the slum- Was he, "the figure less than Greek"? mingest Manhattanite and tourist. I always liked "I WISH 1 WERE IN But before we get to the heart of the LOVE AGAIN" because it says b ei^ artichoke, the rise and fall of a one- in love is really worthwhile, despite time-hit-producer, let's go back to all the fighting that goes with it. 1919 and the boys who started to And of course, "", whole thing, how many times after a few too was writing songs many have you looked at the person with many different people. One next to you, ". . . we looked at thing was obvious he needed a steady each other in the same way then, lyric-writing partner. A mutual though I can't remember where or friend, as is often the case, knew a when. " "", lyric writer who needed a composer. another gem, and all because the An introduction led to an engagement, lady leads a very ordinary life. Try marriage, seperation, reconciliation, the lyrics out and you'll see when I and until death did they part. meaiu And how many times have I They met on a Sunday afternoon. AND from the sung "JOHNNIE ONE NOTE" at a Belting from the 119th Street subway film versoin in 1940 recital? "Babes" has quite a score. Richard Rodgers climbed the steps of They even did a musical for George 's brownstone house. Hart M. Cohan, "I'd Rather Be Right" answered the door needing a shave, and dared to be different with their wearing tuxedo trousers, an imder- next, a fantasy, "I MARRIED AN shirt and a pair of bedroom slippers. ANGEL". "" is one He was just about five feet tall, had of the unforgettable songs from that a swarthy complexion and appeared score. Again Lorenz Hart projected as a worldly middle-aged man of 23 through his words his lonliness; "No to sixteen year old Richard. desire, no ambition leads me, maybe At their first meeting Hart was as it's because nobody needs m e." impressed by Rodger's music and Even as a young man Hart drank Rodgers was by Hart's l^'rics. heavily and despite his great talent Larry and Dick thereafter lost no ne never enjoyed writing. It became time in writing a show for the Columbia increasingly difficult for him to apply University Varlsty Show. Columbia was himself to work. He would disappear an all male college and Larry slipped for weeks on end in the middle of into skirts often to appear as the lead­ writing a score, only to return as ing lady. . . The bright and bubbly mysteriously as he left. If you have world of Rodgers and Hart set them ever lived with someone like that, as apart from most writers of the mid­ I have, you can appreciate Rodger's twenties. Soon Dick and Larry gave in to position. Nevertheless, Hart was a the financial lure of Hollywood. kind and loving person. His growing Rodgers at this time was a father and personal problems were in all pro­ married and Larry was still playing bability responsible for the growing Solitäre. .maturity in his work. The theatre was their first love but The theatre may be a gay place to the depression forced them to take work but is hardly ever glamorous. this new celluloid mistress for awhile. This brings to mind something some­ Their first original film was "The Hot one once said, "I love you honey, but Heiress", which turned out a cold the show's closed." pauper. They had to write for the On their way to Atlantic City, to camera, they were told, instead of work on "" singers. Nevertheless, one of their Dick and Larry first thought of the films, "Love Me Tonight", did well idea of " at the box office. Thay may well Con't oil page 5 have been because of Jeanette Mac- •••■•••••••«••••••••••••••••a•••••t••«•••«•••••tV*e*4«***< tS**Si*«****!«*«*SS Flame G his slave Bob and Bella and Willis and Maxine and all the others must be happy they have Joan back and all her time again. Now PgRPbE PIEKbE that I'm free of Ffill St., I can say everything G anything at will. I may have been a cab driver Drag Queen, but I sure had my own scene. For any regrets in the past, I hope VtmJALK everyone forgives me for acting like by JoIm ItedgM an ass. I did my own thing. How do Anyway, It wasn't long until every high school; football team; boy's Can you believe it, "Get Dancing" you expect a cab driver to be a lady. took a big dip on the charts this It takes time. club; YMCA; and gymnasium sported an isometric rack. The easy way week to No. 15. The gay disco John Letmon used to drive a cab in scene only had it for 6 months before Liverpool. has always appealed to Americans. radio even picked it up. CRUISm IN MY TAXI Picked up Michael Landon at air­ The reality of Isometrics soon be­ Barry White's new single "What port last week, looks much nicer in came evident though. As a means Am 1 Going To Do With You" is Me and Oliver were talking at the of strengthening specific weak Hyatt Union Sq, cab stand when a person than drinking milk or on the doing O, K. for a new record but is old Bonanza series. areas in the muscles, they're fine. not yet making the charts because man walks by. I say he looks fam­ TTiey also toughen tendons, thereby iliar but I couldn't place him. He Lost another man to Ritch St., of its different beat. All the D. J. 's reducing "pulled muscles" and such stops G stares at tis, as soon as Oliver rather than his hotel room G a few in San Francisco think it will make injuries in sports. But they are not goes back to his cab, the man comes extra $$. I shouldn't talk so much to it. good body builders in terms of over G says your name is Bobby G my passengers. I stopped in at the Rendezvous you're from N. Y ., then I realize Jimmy Q ., can always do my face muscle size or shape, nor do they do the other night to take a good listen he knew me from Brooklyn Heights. for special functions if Joan won't. much for the heart or lungs, as they to the music and I was very im­ do not call upon the recuperative When I was married, I used to trick Tom of Desoto I always pick up pressed. "Tune", their D.J. sure with him once a week, when you powers of the body for stamina. put them back on their feet. Right at Bunby's, even though Yellow doesn't Isometrics are a useful adjunct to D ear Pat; make love to a man I don't consider have a phone their. Don Barry is on. Tuna! ! it cheating on a wife. He offered isotonic exercise, but they don't At a party, I met a g^y I'll call Joe Orchard of the OLYMPUS a special friend, plus he owns the take its place. Don. He was with a date. We dug me $25.00 to go to his hotel room, place. 2223 Market 621-0441 is now moonlighting at the I say no, so he wants Oliver. I say The late Angelo Siciliano was a each other and arranged to meet the CABARET on W ed., Thurs., and John of City Cab, don't ever 93 lb. weakling as a boy. He later next night. (He approached m e.) he is married with two kids. But I steal a fare from me, or you will Fri. introduce the guy to Oliver and they gained wide recognition for his It was famtastic and we have seen Oh! You must stop in and see the have another flat tire. well-developed physique. He each other several times since and appear when you stre single and I go ketable skill: chemistry. I have leave together. An hour later I home by myself everynight. new lights at the MIND SHAFT. Chestnut G Fillmore is a nice place claimed his own system of free hand are going to continue. (I hope.) reconridered; I feel I need to 'take see Oliver's cab by the man's hotel. I learned my lesson in the hardest They chase around the dance floor. for interesting pickups, not cabs, exercise was responsible for the I had never met his date, but he it easy' this summer; it will be my That evening Oliver says he got way. I would do anything to get my Stop in and say hi to me. on foot. I had a nice view of the bay transformation. He called the was a close friend of the host. The last 'free' summer, perhaps for a $100. in tips, a lot of bull. Oliver lover back but it is impossible. He John from someones bed the other night, system "dynamic tension, " and he date is really burned up and the host very long time. Someone suggested is now a cabette like me. I thought has found happiness with one person TOP IS HITS - John Hedges and saw the sun come up over the ’ changed his name to Charles Atlas. , a close friend of mine, said I was that I go to the coast, or at least driving a hack I'd meet many men, beautiful Golden Gate. and will not destroy it. 1. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME- the drivers I least expect are bigger Dynamic tension is not the same as out of line and it was definitely a get away from it aU. I agree. Shirley G Co. 1 always bring people to Sally's wrong thing to do. We agreed to To people who have a lover - I ladies than I. isometric contraction, though Atlas Howevei; my finances are such that 2. TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT- in Sausalito, when I first came to abide by your answer. If you don't say "accept what you have and be Now that I'm driving nights again, was to make that claim. It is an gratefu l." 1 would need a job of some sort to Jimmy Ruffin San Francisco I was married. She isotonic exercise technique which put it in the paper, I enclosed a keep me going for that period to and live alone, 1 say how was I able thought I was straight and didn't Sincere G Sorry 3. NEVER CAN SAY GOOD-BYE to drive days for over a year. Nights pits the muscles of one body part stamped envelope. Just a yes or no pay for expenses. Besides graduating L. P. - Gloria Gaynor hire me. But now that I drive a is all I need. w ith an AB in C h e m ., I w ill also are better money G more fun. taxi G have many tours G bring them against another, thus the resistance D ear S, G S .; 4. HAPPY PEOPLE- Temptations Our new empress Doris has a lot a dumbell might produce is supplied Do you think I acted improperly receive a degree in ¿iglish: as 5. DCPRESS- B, T. Express to her for various reasons she offered or did anything wrong? Thsmk you for a very sad and of fun in the Castro area. She is by pressure from the other hand. touching letter. Let us hope some­ much good as that does me! 6. I'LL BE HOLDING ON- A1 me a job as a bar maid or waitress Name Withheld I ws» wondering if you knew making a new image, it's her right. part time, even fixed me up with a Then the movement simulates the body out there is listening. Downing She is Empress. weight exercise. This was the first anyone with whom I coul4 8®^ i** 7. BOTTLE- Ba Taan cab driver from Marin. She is still Dear Name Withheld; touch concerning a job possibility John of Veterans, you said you only type of exercise 1 followed, and I Dear Pat; 8. LADY MARMALADE- U BeUe a Grand Dam e to me. No! either in San Francisco or L. A .: blowed after 7:00, I saw you at 6:00 I have my first regular fare since feel it has some validity. It is I wrote to you requesting a copy 9. "E"MAN BOOGIE- with Fred of the P. S., Kenny K. Y. limited, however, and seems to something that could pay for travel Jimmle Caster Bunch I went on nights. I pick up Marco D ear Pat: of the Address Book. In four reply expenses (c. $400.) plus living for of Yellow. You sure like yoiu" bar­ every night at midnight. Too bad leave one exhausted afterward. you suggested that if I needed help 10. LOVE CORPORA TION- tenders three in one night. Boot Camp, Charles Atlas' pupils often possessed This isn't a question, but a state­ three months: c. 700-800. There he is married. After another few In the course of time, there have ment, in case you want to print it. I should contact you. Well, I Hughes Corp. Round Up and Folsom Prison. well defined but small musculature is also the possibility that I might IL LOVE DON'T GO THROUGH nights I should score. been a great many approaches I had a lover who was everything suddenly discovered that yes I could This handsome man got in my cab, Picked 4 handsome guys up on and no great strength from their use some assistance, but I'm not sure decide to t ^ e the entire year off: NO CHANGES- Sister Sledge developed for physical improvement. . in the world to me. He was perfect. in which case would such a job be 1 thought he was gay. I'm seldom Union, they all wanted to f__^k, exercises. This was because the you can help; but here it goes. 12. HIJACK- Herbie Mann wrong. I have a beautiful black eye, In the situation we have at Apollo's, After some months together, the extendable? I know this is a lot but said Frisco has no women, I freehand movements couldn't give I was plaiming to continue on to 13. FIRE- Ohio Players and he didn't pay me my fare, let the main emphasis is on concentrated "Grass looked greener". I suggested to ask. With my life as it is now, said none, only me, well Jirst tim e^ isotonic exercise with graduated the resistance weights can. Also, Grad, school in Chemistry in the 14. WHERE IS THE LOVE- alone a tip. the muscles pump up so quickly we trick out on each other. I don't know whether I'm ready to Con't on page 16 weight resistance. It is concentrated Than he found somebody else who fall. In the mesm time I have to Betty Wright with blood that their ability to fully sink myself into 4-5 years straight because the use of weight resistance wanted only him. Now I am miserably think of what to do in the Summer, is. GET DANCING- Discotex contract is reduced. Atlas himself of hard work in Graduate School. is the most effective means avail­ alone. All of those "hunky numbers" I applied to various agencies, etc.; Last Minute Pick: Dynomite- claimed to have built his strength able to stimulate muscular hyper­ you see when you are manied, dis- anyone who could use my only mar­ Cont on page 8 Bazooka. trophy or over-replacement of tom and plrysique with his system, but down muscle cells thereby resulting he gave daily "demonstrations" of in increased size and strength. It his strength with barbells and cables. further benefits the cardio-vascular These "shows" certainly constituted system, for a good workout leaves a workout themselves! you breathing hard and flushed with Cables, or "home gym" exercisers increased circulation. This some­ are the opposite in effect from what protects against the perils of weights. Whereas weights supply the heart attack, for it has been shown that those who exercise vigorously Con't on page 16 • and often, suffer fewer heart attacks, and particularly recover better with less damage done. Weights allow for gradual increases in work load. This permits the weakest man to work out as well as the strongest of O u r t * s men. As your strength increases, so does the amount of weight you handle, until you surpass your © wildest expectations of physical strengtlu There are other methods of physical exercise which produce varying n results. In the western world, we have all had to undergo the misery of countless repetitions of calisthenics, laid on us by generally out of shape physical education instructors, or r by military drill sergeants, etc. It always seemed to leave one feeling worn and depleted, and not energetic and "re-charged". Such light exercise After last nite's Rags to has some cardio-vascular benefit, but Riches benefit at the Nickelo- it doesn't do much for the muscles or dean, 1 am simply too exhaust­ the psychological state. In the army, ed to write a decent column this I think it was just a thin excuse for week. However, I can't miss the sadism of many drill sergeants, this opportunity to express my deep judging from the methods they used. deepest gratitude to and pride About twelve or so years ugo, a in the myriad of people who con­ new form of exercise became very tributed so generously of themsel­ popular. The Max Planck Institute ves to make this auction the re­ 2850 GEARY in Germany, had conducted some sounding sucess it became. To 2Z6 Golden Gate experiments on frogs, which indicated single out any one person vmuld 1800 Market St. that maximum muscle growth was be unjust in that if ever there two blocks past Sears possible without the necessity of was a "people's" project,' Rags movement of the muscle part. This to Riches was the definitive 771-7570 was termed 'isometric" exercise, as one. Thank you all---- if I live (Kalendar Office) Our Drive in opposed to "isotonic" exercise in­ here always. I'll never stop trying volving movement. The first big push to repay you. Open Mon. —Fri. for this system was by Bob Hoffman, the r Copy Station coach for the A. A. U. Olympic weight­ 861-2650 lifting team. He claimed that one 8 -6 922-4440 of his weightlifters had made amaz­ Open 10-6 Daily ing strength gains while secretly training isometrically. After this, Open 9:30-5:30 everybody seemed anxious to jump 12-4 Sat. on the bandwagon. It seems iso­ & Sat. 12-4 metrics has one striking appeal, and that is it onlt takes about 5 minutes to work the entire body with 7-10 OVERNITE COPYING WORK INVITED second exercises for each body part. I \/e/6ohC nAf.U tq I A Division of The Mecca Company t 4 OOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOO display. Costumes G Jewels, beau­ tiful locations (Biairib, Deauville, Besides the terse historical Cassis, Paris), wonderfolly recreat­ focus, Resnais adds some confusion ed deco interiors, soft-focused, by playing with the time-flow. travelling camera (A Resnais trade- Don't panic. The film's arrange­ mark), the palest whites and bright­ ment is such that informative est reds , appear symbolically through­ TIME speeches appear when they substan­ out. Though striking, these ingre­ tiate and illuminate, instead of dients are only a fractton of the _ •pokt'd^'VBcchia ■ ------u when they occur chronilogically. true substance of the film. is to be found in the film. Un­ Time structure is Resnais' most The essence of the film is O O O O O O 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - O O Ö fortunately, the effort involved in complicated theory and the ’most found in the two instances of Q^C) O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0^0 uncovering the m an ing is possibly confusing aspect of "Stavidcy". stage drama in the film; once too much to require of the viewer, Resnais once defined the cinema during auditions at "Le Grand especially in a single screening. as "The art of playing with time". Alexandre's" theatre and a per­ "Stavidcy", alias Serge Alex­ As a suggestion for viewing this formance of Corialinus" . The andre (J. -P. Belmondo), traces the film, don't worry about who is use of a play within a play is as fall of a Jewish immigrant from speaking or when the speech is classic as Shakespeare. During being delivered. The significance EVERY DAY’S A HOUDAY WITH terrace of Estelle's apartment with Russia, who after serving a prison the auditions, one actress squeal­ FATHER'«; DAY the first act concentrating on the term for small time larceny, be­ lies within the visual images and ing like a provincial housewife, three women expressing their feelings S D i ® W i comes one of France's biggest con- the words' meanings. contrasts significantly with a Run, don't walk, to the ACT box toward each other, their husbands's By R. Morgan Ellis men during the early 1930's. So Resnais, who never adapts Jewish actress' performance of office to see rarity in adult comedy new lives, and divorce. It is big, in fact, the sca^al, when books or plays, insists on using "Intermerto". The lines from that will be here only for a limited hysterical. Carole Cook is the bitter discovered, caused left-wing roit- original screenplays. Demanding "Intermezzo" are all important engagement. That being Oliver tongued woman who makes Martha ing, allowed France's xenophobia close collaboration with a writer, to the them atic development of Hailey's re-vamped play FATHER'S in "Virginia Woolf" look like she After six years absence from an outlet by erroneously implicat­ Resnais enlisted Jorge Senprun the film. Just the mention of DAY starring Carole Cook and Bar­ just learned how to speak; Barbara film making, Alain Resnais, ing and forcing Trotsky (who was (writer of Resnais' "La Guerre "Corialinus", evokes parallels bara Rush, now playing at the Rush is the modeme woman with ("Last Year at Marienbad") has Jewish) and his counter-revolution­ est Finie") to author the scenario to Stavisky's megalomania. For Marines Memorial TTieatre on Sutter class and social background (her returned with his most technically ary movement to leave the country, of "Stavisky". This partnership Americans, the Trotsky parallel t and Mason Sts. father is a famous Communist of the skilled film to date. Within the and brought disgrace to the govern­ of director and author, allows is too oblique. For the Frencli, Many "adult" comedies have come 30's and lecturer); and Laura next week, Resnais' elegantly ment, whose highest officials were Renais the necessary freedom for the fact that Trotsky was a 'V to San Francisco from the "road" Wallace, the youngest, 1 s an extravagant film, "Stavlsky", involved with Staviricy. creating a film according to his foreign, Jewish, communist, is (remember the long running "Yum orphan who married the orphan will open at the Clay Theatre. All this sounds fascinating; theories. In addition to taking sufficient for building themes. Yum Tree") usually end up being next to her in the orphanage, and "Stavisky" demonstrates that the potentially a serious and more advantage of one of Europe's lead­ The themes are omnipresent; sorry excuses for someone to go on is now a divorced mother of twins. "Rive Gauche" film makers are relevant form of "The Sting".Hcv- ing authors, Resnais incorporates do not let the lavish imagery the road and employment. The three males (Paul Kent, still alive, creative, and produc­ ever, only the bones of the Stavi­ the score of America's leading distract you. FATHER' S DAY is a treat for San Jordan Rhodes, and Tom Troupe) tive. The "Rive Gauche" directors, sky saga are given to the viewer. composer, Stephen Sondheim. If you can afford to see Francisco for it provides adult laughs make their appearance in the which includes Marker, Varda, For an American audience, not to Continuing to involve the best Stavisky twice, greater pleasure for two solid acts of hi-Jinks, game second act and fortunately have and Robbe-Grillet for example, mention the younger European talents available. Saint Laurent can be gained from this compli­ playing, and some very poignant barbed lines of truth that are had their start in 1948 w ith Resnais' audiences, the Stavisky affair is designed the stunning costumes cated film. On first viewing, moments. written just as well and witty as films about Van Gogh and Gauguin. not even a vague memory from a for Stavisky's beautiful and one should revel in the visual FATHER'S DAY concerns three those of the women, which is a "Cinema of the author^' is a phrase modem French history course. Res­ devoted wife, Arlette (Anny Du- beauty created by Resnais. On women each living in a coop apart­ rarity in itself. Most playwrites that characterizes this movement nais depends too heavily on the perey). Ms. Duperey. haunts every second viewiirg, historical points ment building in New York who are give the women all the good comedy of French films. Agnes Varda little known history of the scandal. scene she is in, capturing the can be filled in and hopefully celebrating Father's Pay with their lines and usually forget that the men has summerized their goals by The history does not work as the essence of a love shackled woman. you can piece together Reimais' ex-husbands and children. Marian just might have a sense of humor intended springboard for interpre­ Her face, her movements, slow, saying, "I would like to make a graceful, her poise, convince you ideas about maturing personality. (Barbara Rush) has been divorced also. So all six people contribute film exactly as one writes a book". ting the megalomania of Stavisky By the second viewing, the time 10 years and still dates her husband heartily to the evenings enter­ On a broader scale, Resnais uses and the society of pre-war France. that she was the most beautiful sequence is no longer baffling, on occasion; Louise (Carole Cook) tainm ent. the theories and techniques the To enjoy this film, one must not woman in France. Topping off the visual stimulation becomes has been divorced for almost as Essentially it is Ms. Cooke's play. arts have assembled and applied attempt to view "Stavidcy" as a the list of talents come two fine secondary, and the thematic long and is very bitter about it, She is the catapult for most of the them to film. historical interpretation. Rather, actors, Belmondo, principal finan­ content rises to the surface. especially when her husband re­ action for she has bitter comments This fascinating theory of regard 'the film as a personal and cier of the film, and Charles Boyer, Film viewers are not accustom­ marries; and Estelle (Laura Wallace) and put-downs on anything that film making tends to be more a social investigation, collecting giving his finest performance as the ed to working so hard at ana- _ who is just recently divorced and happens, to employ the action. She burden than an aid for the "Rive themes as one would when reading "sans souci" Baron Raoul. lyzing films, butResnais has during the course of the play finds is still too much in love with her Gauche" directors. After vievring a fictional novel. Here is the One has to work at reaping given the audience a film, out her husband is remarrying, of ex-husband and can't confront the "Stavisky" (not Stravindcvl for "Rive Gauche" philosophy appear­ meaning from the intensely visual nis b ^ film, that is wortn the effort. all things, a DuPont. loneliness of divorce, and uses one- thethird time, (once in France ing. The play is a one set play on the liners as defense mechanisms to ease and twice in the States), I left the theatre convinced substance


all of it. She is terribly foul- BOBBY SHORT ' mouthed and when a man doesn't he has returned every year in February respond to her, she inevitably caUs at the 5 p. m. hour, and now is him "Faggot!" In fact, this seems booked into the Venetian Room for to be her biggest defense mechanism September. If you've listened to but when the men get together in Bobby Short on record, and not quite the second act, the constand demean­ understood what all the shouting is ing references to "faggot" are soon about, then 1 suggest you plan on forgotten for they give their own seeing him in concert. I've tried viewpoints on the subject and to turn many people on to Short and resolve some of Louise's reasoning. they just walk away saying it's some­ However, Ms. Cooke does dominate one who knows how to ring nostalgia the stage with her presence and well. Oh, what they've missed! beautiful comedy timing, and is Bobby Short has a way of handling delightful to watch. a song that very few performers Barbara Rush provides the perfect possess. opposite character and is very cool, Of course, when you concert with classy and sophisticated, Marian the one and only Mabel Mercer, tries awfully hard to be modem about something has got to wear off on the divorce, but underneath the cool you. is a very lonely, depressed woman. From "You Took Advantage of She writes essays, but none of them Me, " to "I Travel Alone, " an R G scU. And that smile soon becomes H. ditty called "Too Good for the sadness. Her svelte appearance and Average Man" and from MAMBA'S c^lness are a beautiful contrast to DAUGHTERS, "Lonesome W alls," Ms. Cookers heated language arxi which I'm sure no one has ever "don't give a shit" attitude. heard until now, even when they're Even though FATHER'S DAY won't risque. Short tells the. stories, all win any awards as great theatre, it is in good taste, all sung with a sin­ a refreshing evening out and a good cerity that makes some of the cliche adult comedy that makes a great lyrics, dramatic. And most of all many excellent points about divorce played by one of the best pianists and the effect it has on a woman's in the business. Mr. Short accom­ security and emotions. All that panies himself on piano, along with initial first love given to one man, Beverly Peer on bass, and Dick and taken away through a court of Sheridan on drums. The three together law, only for him to transfer it on create excitement in every number, to another. What about the first for here are accomplished musicians wife? What does she have to do to that can play blues, show biz, and survive? See FATHER'S DAY for most of all, jazz. The thing that part of the answer, for good acting, amazes me is that Bobby never looks and certainly a most enjoyable even­ at his keyboard. Those fingers know ing of adult comedy. every placement by touch and from that inner feeling in his voice when he sings something like "These I'M SIMPLY MAD ABOUT RORRY Foolish Things Remind Me of You." S H O R T ■ So if you're not too sure as to what Bobby Short is all about, definitely Robert W, Short glided into San plan on seeing him at the Venetian Francisco on a Sunday afternoon in Room in September. You won't be February at the Geary Theatre at the disappointed. Then I'll bet, you'll Carole Cook (left) is featured with Barbara Rush chic hour of 5 p. m, for a concert go out and buy up those priceless in Oliver Hailey's adult comedy "Father's Day." comprised mainly of Rodgers and albums. Once you've heard the Hart songs, and once again wove and voice on" Sand in My musical magic around his audience. Shoes", you'll wonder where you've Bobby Short started playing in Sari been all these years Bobby Short JERRY GROSS Presents JEAN PAUL BELMONDO in ALAIN RESNAIS' "STAVISKY Francisco after a 15 year absence in has been around. 1971. The concert was such a smash. Starring CHARLES BOYER Directed by ALAIN RESNAIS • Screenplay by JORGE SEMPRUN Con't on page 7 Musical Score Composed by STEPHEN SONDHEIM (D.stnbuted bycÎNÊMATiON ìn d u str ìes] STEPPING OUT Con't from page 4 life's ironic twists. Romance is out of her life, she is aging faster than STREET SCENE NEEDS T O rp she should, her daughter will go on ¡COUNTRY & WESTERN MUSIC. R tfA V ffi ------— and leave home, and she will have ACT has added to its repertory nothing left. It is the only time in Elmer Rice's Pulitzer Prize winning the play that you can believe every­ ■pUy STREET SCENE, and for what thing a character is saying and feel reason only director Ed Hastings it. It brought bravos from the knows. This 1929 dram a made audience. quite an impression on the theatre Again, it is not Mr. Rice's play going public of America when it that is wrong, even though it is a premiered in 1929, and through the theatrical wazhorse. It is Mr. I webs of tim e one can see why. Hastings' direction. We care and m)i aGOlD136 TURK STREET I Here it is, 1927; it's June in fwt feel nothing about these people, and teeming . FlUf these 'huddled masses yearning to Island is probably full of immigrants be free, ' I'm beginning to believe i r - . © (B olk'SstflII HoDTmini®® waiting to see those paved streets Mr. Hastings doesn't have a sense of gold, but at 346 W. 68th Street, of humor and dwells on depression. I our immigrants are all living together He directed last years vintage comedy, in a brownstone apartment building, BROADWAY, in the same slow, huddled together in the shadow of limpid way. Fortunately, the other brownstones filled with people material survived it as well as Just like them. What happens when the talented cast. But I'm afraid racially mixed groups are forceid to ACT’S STREET SCENE is this fc:aa*s'^* — live together in fhis street environ­ year's "House of Bemarda Alba. " ment? In 1927, alot. In 1975, Blick! I nothing except the usual racial THURS MARCH 13 tb FRIDAY MARCH 1 4 tb I murder. Anna Maurant is having an affair 9 pm b u f f e t by MISS COWGIRL CONTEST I with a black man and the entire "MOBY'— THE NEW SHOW IN THE BILL FLANAGEN 11 p m building knows it, except for her ROOM OF TkE ¿Avoyrnv^oU husband Frank. Tom between the 11 pm DANCE CONTEST two of them and the threshold of a T he Savoy-Tlvoll, 1438 Grant 1 *^ 2*J^& 3 *^ place couples new world is their daughter Rose. Avenue, San Francisco seems to be Eventually nnirder is committed the new place for presenting mlnl- ’ c a s h p r i z e s SAT. MARCH IS**' I when Frank finds Anna in bed with revues and pleasant entertainments. I the black. Both are killed, Frank The newest of these is Guy-Anthony MR .COUNTRY BOY CONTEST is caught and Jailed, and Rose is Franklin's nerw musical review, 1 1 P *“ I forced out into the world of 1927 MOBY playing weekends. But MOBY I alone. Heavy duty drama, a first is more than a review, for a review it for the new school of realim and a series of songs and sketches usually satirical in nature, and linked toge^ei naturalism, and thus, a Pulitzer ¡Prize. by a slim thread. MOBY is a musical playlet. The STREET SCENE is a three act story is ridiculous, yet amusing, aixl I play that moves along slower thsm any of the tenants would In the New concerns Lorlnda (well-played by J Beverlee Cochrane using a touch of lYoik heat, and this is due not to the Dietrich), a music hall singer in I play, but to D1 rector Hastings plod- San Francisco who loves the fog. Iding direction. Where there sl^ld "I am also a Pisces," the tells us. Ibe excitement surrounding the mur- Quentin, the huncMiacked curtain Ider, it is Just boring and receives no puller of the music hall is madly [reaction from the audience. The in love with Lorlnda, but feels [characters on stage have enoilgh inadequate because of his back ouble trying to react to the murder which he sings about in one of the (outside of the written lines) so how musical highlights, "The Hunchback [can the audience become involved? Heartbreak Blues" (well done by David Draper). Lorlnda cannot But there are some very good acting love him, because of the fog, but jbs such as Ruth Kobart as Emma nevertheless is persuaded to go with Jones, the Bigoted neighbor who says sailor Johnny Johnson from Wisconsin Othing kind about anyone and is up to Napa and the wine country to ¡terribly negative, but nevertheless live happily. She does so, but every costum e. brings some humor into the situation, and Coppelia. The American Ballet once in a while freaks out and runs BETWEEN CU RT'S - Is there an to make anyone drool, (Curt love 'a l l her the A rchie Bunker of 1927. Theatre is considered the best of the affair going on between Curt's it) — R. Novak, Lee, T. Avila, [Ray Rainhardt and Marrian Walters as back to San Francisco and the fog. American Ballet companies. I saw comer G Ben of the Obelisk? Such Josita (New into the family). Ireta and Filippo Fioretino who enjoy It turns out she is sister to Little Big them a few years ago, and was delight­ an arrangement of love, it over- Luncheon on Crab Salads, (another [life to the less and love each other as Cloud whose mother also had an ed with their dance. This year with whelmes me. funny quiet diet) — [much as the day they married; Hope affinity with the sea, and this has Cynthia Gregory (Formerly of the JEWELRY - By the way if you've SEX URGES - Is it true that Mark Uexander-Willis as Mae Jones, the been passed on to Lorinda who knows San Francisco Ballet) and Russians noticed some of the jewelry that La Calhoun sleeps for three days in a [daughter of Emma, who brings the there is something in the fog for her. Natalia Makarova and Ivan Nagy, Kish wears at the Purple Pickle, row in order to get back his sex [only authentic touch to the drama by Eventually Johnny, upset by Lorinda's ABT should prove to be very exciting. she's nodeling the jewelry from the urges which have deteriorated knowing exactly how a pseudo-flapper trips, leaves her and goes to sea. Check it out. within the seperate walls of many? one G only Obeli^. Smart arrange­ [of the 20s stuck in this tenement envir- Lorinda, very upset, finds her answer For the first time since 1971, an all ments Darlings. Good to have you back G when do [onment would react to her surroundings in the fog which is a big white whale we get together G where? For a male cast review is hitting town on SEATTLE - I hear the rooms were [and social situation; Megan Cole as straps her to him and takes her on the March 22 for four weekends at Dovre nip? smaller than the Y. M. C. A ., 6 jshirley Kaplan, a modem and alive search for Johnny's ship. They find Little T heatre, near 18th G V alencia. inches of swishing slush, cold, cold, I h SHE DOESN'T DRINK? - Did you [woman who commits herself early in him, strap him to the whale also, and Award winning director Joe Vigil is cold, S. F. received in great honor hear that Randy "C. 0 . II???" [life to getting her brother through become part of a legend of the sea. presenting THAT'S SHOW BIZ with G flame really took over the city, Humphrey won a free drink for the [college by becoming a school teacher While not as sexual as Leda and her an all star cast. The two act review li; royalty was overly generous in entire year per day at the N'Touch land a spinster; and a wonderful bit- swan, MOBY doss haye Its amusing will cover most aspects of show biz appreciation to this new star to (G she doesn't drink??) G her loving [part performance by Lou Ann Graham moments, but for the most part is a including Vaudeville, the Circus, give her the love due to only a husband (who?), won $50. worth 1 as Agnes Cxishing who has spent all lot of good undeveloped ideas. Broadway, Movies, TV, Radio G few persons — Onward with Flame— of rice G beans for a year? No I her life taking care of her invalid The best part of MOBY is the back­ Records, and even the Sleezier Side Where is Rick "C. Q. " Hammond, ?,? one in the family cooks. mother. Ms, Graham brought warmth up trio of three girls dressed 40s who of Show Biz: Burlesque and the Daisy Production?? Patsy?? Mark GOLDEN SAILS - D on't forget the and a quiet sadness to this small role for every number come out wearing a Cabaret. Calhcran?? Congratulations to both Fourth Annual Emperor G Empress that was ver/ noticeable in this large new headdress for effect. They are Gai In this gay all-star cast you'll find Emperor Lance G Empress Dominique Ball to be held at the Golden Sails 1 cast of 50. Wilson, Julie Knox, and Lynn Sun­ Faye as Miss Turkey, Nancy as Miss who will by far be great for their Inn in Long Beach in case you have Our main characters do turn back shine. They manage to fill in the Cow, Brandie as Miss Pig, and Melanie com m unity. nothing to do on March 23 at I the clock for us and one readily sees gaps with good presence and enter­ as Miss Licorice Whips and Eva Tangpiay. The official views of this publication BOMB SCARES - Why, oh why are $6.50 G $8.00 at the door. Spon­ inside their apartment even tlwugh tainment, and an enjoyment of what There's a tribute to the Four Cohans are exprened under the heading "Editor there so many bomb scares like the sored by Mr. Rick Ford of the I the set is the street, for here is they are doing. In fact, they alone and a tribute to the June Taylor Dancers. ial" only. Opiniou expressed in signed one at the Sheraton-Palace G now Darling Ford Family?? Vote for I America in the hands of Frank (a liven the whole thing up just wltii These rarely performed all-male their presence. Eventually, we get cohunns, letters and cartoons, herwever, Ritch St. Baths, right Holly? ? Dorothy Big Mouth for Empress IV towners G he also likes his kids to 1 strong and well-defined performance reviews are your best bet to see the arc those of die respective writers and Who no longer works for the 'N G Ace for Emperor — Heard that drink lots of milk - How delicious 1 by Charles Hallahan) caught in this all in a high kick chorus playing gay tlieatre crowd in action and under artists and do not necessarily represent Touch? Emperor Alan of L. A. was stunning of them , [brick cage and feeling the pressures kazoos. the direction of Mr. Vigil I assure you The songs, lyrics, and music by the opinions of KALANDAR. Publica­ V a n U f ^ L SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY- in all his feathers G Missy, Empress fLAT TIRE - I know tliat Jose is I of society and the economy two years that yo’a will be totally entertained by tion of the name or photogriyh of any Princess Dollie had a surprise now residing at the " Royal Palace" Mr. Franklin are appealing and fun, for 2 1/2 hours. looked heavenly in blue, sorry to I before the crash; Rose (an imeven but also undeveloped. They give person or organisation in articles or birthday party with a very select have missed you. Love Honey but Darling is it necessary for your and uninteresting interpretation by Tickets are on sale at all Macy's, adverdsements is not an indication of few of the 400 including Emperor waiters to arrive 5 minutes late for you the punch line before they tell Downtown Center Box Office, or call Carolina, Rimma, Suzy, Lilah, Barbara Dirickson, who I thought the joke. For example, Lorlnda's the sexual orientation of any such per­ Cramer III, La Kish, Clemente Erica, the nice quiet simple folks their chores to have to prove to you could do no wrong on stage), on the 826-4443. The prices are $5. SO and son or organization. KALENDA R does Affair Tony, Pacifica Tony, Tammy that they really had a "flat tire". big song called "Whale on My Mind." down south -- Love to Emperor verge of womanhood and being pursued Once you get passed the title, there's 4. so. On each ticket sale 504 will not assume responsibility for unsolicited Peter, Princess Fat Fairy who now Ed G Empress Toby of San Diego, You must trust your help like the romantically by Sam Kaplan, the nothing left. Too many props are go towards the Tavern Guild Foundation 1 manuscripts. Advertising rates avail­ works w ith Jose at the 1001 cooking Shall see you soon. Dude, N'Touch, P. S ., the Phoenix, Jewish boy downstairs. As Sam, Building Fund. Get your tickets now able tqpon request. Inquiries to KALD4- G just some others — Wild tim e G the Round Up, the Barracks, Toad missing, the narration (yes, there DAMNDEST STAR - 'N Touch - Michael Hume gives the wrose per­ is a narrator) is excessive, and why for a good seat and a delightful all­ DAR sent to Post Office Box Empress Shirley outdid herself in that Mavis has to be the damndest Hall, (Oh Michael G Gary) etc. formance of the ACT season. Back male evening. 627, San Francisco, , .94101 gift giving, marvelous one. etc. do all wear tap shoes without a tap star of Polk Strasse (no interference to the workshops. number? MOBY is not bad, but it Telephone: (415)1626-0656 RAGS TO RICHES - Don't forget to Polk Street Sally, my love) with FOLSOM STREET - Is Mr. C, M. C, The saving grace of STREET the rags to riches at the Nickel- Bill Quantas of the Ramrod having just ain't good either. It can all PUBOSHER: Mecca Publications her pasties of silver glues to her ever SCENE is the outstanding performance be forgotten the minute you leave odian with many M. C. 's, fuimies, loving ears, Mr. Friday looking so a Folsom Street affair with "I-flm" by Elizabeth Huddle as Anna. Here a division of the Mecca Co. stars galore, wears of years on of Grove Street near Mr. Hickle the theatre. EDITOR: Dennis Cliarles studish, Danny exposing his talents is a young, strong woman of the 20s, end C lots of good hardy fun. over dinner, soft lights, music via caught between her desire for living ASSOCIATE EDITOR Rover Ellis MARCUS - P. S. — Marcus informs to our views, G luscious just looking the Dude, trimmings shipped in to see that everything's right. Mrs. life to the full and her obligation to NOTES: The American Ballet PRODUCTION: David Westmore me that they are to have a new fun via Quantas Air lines? How many being just a housewife. Not that Anna game via luncheon so to give 2 Santa Claus at the door is seeking "hlms" are there? Theatre is in town this week per­ CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: wants to go to clubs and dance and LAUREL THEATRE - Have you been luncheons to the winner by each my donut for my birthday as pieces HIS TEETH ARRIVED - Pendulum- forming everynight thru Thursday La Kish, Mark Callioim, Gene Friday — You know how funny Mr. go— That dance floor's "H. O. T. " drink; she's content to dance on the with quite a large repetolre of Arceri, Polo Del Vecchio, Bobbie, keeping notice with the Laurel Kenny doesn't have to wear his sidewalk with a friend if only for a Theatre with their all-male action Marcus can be with his goodie Steve the waiter or waitress?? is moustache over his lip any more classical ballet and modem. Check Andre, Roger Ellis, Jim Dore gam es. only 84 lbs. G she wants a crash few minutes until Frank complains the paper for the evening schedules PHOTOGRAPHERS: Ruben, films in full living colors. since his teeth arrived via Mouse bitterly. Ms. Huddle pulls all drama­ GANGWAY - The G an^ay had their CASTRO AREA - You should see diet of grapes G water? ? and try to see "The Rivei^' with music James Armstrong, John David Hough, in connection with L A. traffic in tic stops out in the second act scene by Duke Ellington; G em ini, La sixth Annual Lithuanian Independence Bob Kanus w hich alrtx>st rhym es NONSENSE - Jim Becker gets up blonde attire- Kay Hill early in the A. M. to make his shen Rose confronts her about having Bayadere, and Don Quixote Pas de Day with a full blast with M. C. with mouse of the Castro Area, a black lover and Anna defends her­ his tight little buns G his smile roommates coffee G for out of Deux with Makarova and Nagy. The Q Copyright 1972 Henri Leleu giving his all for the self, and breaks down in tears doing Miss Lithuania in the most authentic Con't on page, 18 two complete ballets for the Opera MECCA PUBUCATTONS so. For she knows she is trapped by House audiences will be Swan Lake SHOWCASE Con't from page I health. Rodgers had taken a room Shakespeare's THE COMEDY OF nearby and rented a piano. Larry ERRORS" seemed like a naturaL left the hospital looking old and Hart's biother Teddy, who was a tired, though he was only 47. comedian, was constantly being A telephone call from the Theatre mistaken for another comic, Jimmy Guild summoned them to a new play. Savo. What an opportunity to take Dick loved the idea, Larty was com­ advantage of their resemblance. pletely uninterested. He had to get write the book. Again away and went to Mexico. With Larry showed his great ability to deal Hart's permission Rodgers was free with emotions, to find someone else to work with, "HIGHER AND HIGHER" Rodger's to write the lyrics. And so Rodgers and Hart's only failure was presented met up again with Oscar Hammer- in A pril 1940. The story, U icident- stein n to create OKLAHOMA, ally, was borrowed liberally from What a difference for Rodgers, to Bernard Shaw's PYGMALION (My Work w ith a dependable partner in Fair Lady), Shortly after the open­ such harmony, knowing where his ing they received a letter from John partner was and that he would always O'Hara, the novelist, about a night­ be on the job, Larry admired what club entertainer Joey Evans, one of Rodgers had achieved with OKLAHOMA, O'Hara's heels. Before a Ihie of but his feeling of insecurity was certainly dialogue was written or a song com­ not helped by Rodgers & Hammer- posed the team signed steins success. Aware of this, Dick and to play the leads. thought of a way to get Larry back "" opened on Christmas again. He would produce an updated night 1940. Audiences found the version of "A CONNETICUT leading characters rather unpleasant YANKEE", the Rodgers and Hart to say the least. In today's termin- musical of the twenties. More ology Joey was a hustler, a con man important it would give Larry a much who thought he was ripping off his needed boost to his morale. Hart rich lady friend, Vera, The closing stuck to the job with renewed interest, he wanted to prove he still had Joey losing both ladylove and had it. niglü club, but he was still as rotten as ever. Today it all seems very Emotionally worn out even by his comtemporary and enjoyed by wiser limited work, he disappeared during theatre goers. the opening night of A CONNETICUT Irene Manning who played Vera YANKEE, He was found a few days to the Joey's of , Bob later sprawled across his hotel room Fosse e, Dick Button, Bobby Van and bed, running a high fever. Three days later at the age of forty-eight, Steve Lawrence, scoring the longest he was dead. running performance in that show, Even if Larry had lived, it is im- felt "Pal Joey was brave enough to likely he and Dick would have con­ show people as human beings instead tinued as partners. In a way it all of caràboard characters. Miss ended the day the Theatre Guild Manning as Vera, after one whole telephoned to ask Rodgers if he quart of brandy may have been, would write a musical about farmers. "bewitched, bothered and bewildered" Within the short, tragic life of Lorenz but had no false ideas about her paid Hart, he produced lyrics that are bed companion. Leading an empty, regaMed as among tiie most brilliant bored life the lady walks out on him ever written for the . freeing herself from "the trousers The tragedy was that he had to that cling to him, " destroy himself to do it. Lany Hart did not live to see the great Wumph of "Pal Joey'ÿ' revival Richard York, a former dancer who studied at the San Francisco in 1952. FQs drinking had increased. School of Ballet for ten years, aixi His disappearances had become who also danced for three seasons longer. His will to woik drained. with the San Fraix:isco Opera In spite of their difficulties Rodgers and Hart continued on their success­ Company, as well as in several ful way. Their last collaboration Civic Light Opera productions became the New York producer of was "" in June 1942, "The Boys From Syracuse." Most of the songs were written in a hospital because of Hart's failing Con't on page 1^ JM KEY s m r r

Don't be scared by the word P"Bromel^d"! It isn't a new disease, CWNCE CONTEST but a group of exotic plants, color­ ful and adaptable to any decor. The Bromeliad Society of San Fran­ cisco will hold its next meeting on March 27 at 8:00 pm at The Hall of Flowers, 9th Ave. C Lincoln Way. Interested? Call Marc Leventhal at 863-6634 for more details. >^ilP 401 €tli,alHarriSM

495- 9SS0


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GO ¿ TJ Tí M 4) W ■41 4, 2 5 U | £ 4» « bd ^ = 41 " S 8 44 8 g P Ä CI “ o tS -^ E O ^ ß B a ^ ü r I CD U es OI cu g .B '" Ô C " 3 S Û 2 ®< 3 Q ra-g .5 g o ÎÔ 00 Q ? “ ' «o U4ua=r® 2 5 «" pO T3:2 I s í á 3> i s I ^ 1 1 " ’ 'S ^ « ^ ’S1Í 6 B 2 l Í ÖD-5 I P' o 4J 0,5 U > !S S 2 S | o 2 Ô .frc ^ 2 á o <5 I-S cu« tS .8 ’^ a . a -3 S g u g at ^ >s*2c ^ t) ,2 M £4* S-srLJ^ § 44 7* j) ai fe < o ^ 0) G 'X V *j ^T3 ' 1 w Ll >sT3 < o,rs & Ë,*^ *• < a ^ « Û» es a 2 2 * « C) <4 ' g.é'-a.a.'' i l l s û 40 ^ B ;^0' 8 <: 'S < 3 l/l* A W tú ir^|£|lps|op".á':ls:cu .a * O O -2. u3 O ,*; 4» ^ c o ' o o o c x > o 0 0 O O 'O o O :. )•» . :>9»c. 5fl»c > » : -«K- >*». '>*e< 5«». j« bc >»b<. >oa< >a»t me< >a»< 2 Pag^^CALQJDA^MarcJj^^S^ publicity, public relations, advance SHOWCASE sales, and hold his hand at night. Con't from page 9 And after ""we do Tkís is No one was able to secure New another show "Pauline" to be based York production rights for a revival on Pearl White's "Perild of Pauline" until York, an ex-Californian, and after that w e'll do another show, succeeded after a three-year cam­ a musical about Sebatini's old swash­ paign, during which he supported buckling novel " Scaramouche, " and himself by working as a waiter. after that . . . WHERE TO CO AT All that ballet training must have Meanwhile Dick was working as a been an enormous help balancing waiter at various restaurants around those hot plates. town and "could I loan him cab fare 4:70 ON SUNDAY: "We opened the same night as home," Yorit, still furious over "Sophie" a musical based on the something 1 said, threw his lovely silve life of Sophie Tucker. The top grey wig out the cab window. It critics whom we (New Yorkers) must have been fun for the driver as caUed the generals, of the city's he watched York yank it off his head seven dallies, went to that. We and send it sailing past pedestrians. by Mark Calhoun got seven lieutenants, all of whom Impressed by "T he Boys From were most enthusiastic. So the S^cuse", I asked York to do that generals came to see if our show show before anything else. Over a was as good as the lieutenants bu^et of booze he agreed. He just HOWDY, Everyone in M ecca! I TOOK A FANTASTIC TRIP - " , ° they each endorsed had to call Dick (Richard Rodgers Lots of good and out-of-sight changes on the Embarcadero Freeway the it, Sophie" ran for about a week. to me and you) to tell him the and happenings going on. Notice the other night. Takiirg the Broadway We had a run of over SOO perfor­ "smashing news. " When it was skies have a few kites flying - signs entrance from the Bay Bridge gives mances, " York modestly told the announced to the Rodgers office who press. The musical success went to “was calling long distance Ma Bell, of March, Can't wait for the bay to you an unprecedented view of down­ fill up with white sails of the sail YoA's head, pocket, crotch and to sanded a gong and York was out. town, the financial district, "Rocker- all his new friends even more so. ^ e could hear the phone slamming boats — shades of Spring. Spring feUer Center West" and the Oakland is a good time of the year with lots The entourage increased. Boys cam e down all the way from New York, and East Bay lights across the bay. from Syracuse (N. Y .), Boise and _ York's idea of "Boys" at this time, of new things beginning to bud and SUNDAY MARCH 9 — ROYAL PALACE REVIEW AT 4:30 PM spring to life. At the end of the freeway you have Baloxie. Richard's casting couch in d^erence to the gay community in a choice — left to Dave's Baths ROXANNE M.C.J MARVIN AT THE ORGAN VIRGO ALCHEMY: Did you know never cooled down, dinner at eight San Francisco, was to produce a sexy, or to Broadway, "Brighton Express", for forty friends was not unusual, greek jock-strapped costumed "Boys" that you can eliminate the "dirty SUNDAY MARCH 16 — AMATEUR HOUR AT 4:30 PM "Cabaret" or "Dance Your Ass Off, limousines pulled up in front of pretty girls and much greek lightning! sox" smell from poppers if you add EVERYONE WELCOME TO PERFORM Inc." (Olympus). Take the drive, Sardi's like a Greyhound bus stop. Ho;ing it would strike twice no doubt. Vanilla Extract. Alxsut 1/4 of a EVERYONE A WINNER! JOSE M.C. bottle of extract to a bottle of you'll enjoy it! Jesus, how this York would get all prepared to pose Instead he had a short run as a waiter. poppers will do just nicely. And town done grown , , * for photographers and sign autographs further adventures, escapades, ■ r e m e m b e r Lance from the old even without a camera or fan in SUNDAY MARCH 23 — OPERA: JOSE STARS IN "CARMEN" what a RUSH! Watch out, Disney­ fights and fund raising fiascoes, Richard! AT 4:30 PM land . . , 524 Club in North Beach, dancing sight. He spent money like a stage Yoik vanished. He had in the mean­ his way into everybody's heart? prop. time talked with Alice Faye, Ethel Hear tell there's a brand of cig­ SUNDAY MARCH 30 — "EASTER PARADE" — PRIZES AND FUN arettes from INDIA called, I He's back in town after 5 long years Richard Rodgers keeping a watch­ Merman, Marilyn Maxwell, Ann Miller,| FOR CUSTOMERS WEARING HATS!! ! think, KRAKATOA that's guaranteed and has decided that the boonies ’ ful eye on his production and his Dorothy Lamour and was on to Joan to make you high. Their legal but are for loonies. Welcome back producer, decided enough was too Crawforf and Bette Davis to star in expensive. See your local tobaccon to Mecca, man! much and York was out, York, who something. It was a rip roaring riotous ist. NAMES FROM A TO Z: Happy went into the show an egomaniac, experience that I will never forget, and ACCORDING TO A RECENT Birthday to Holly and also to La left the show an egomaniac eccentric. hope to never repeat» "NEWSWEEK" article. Tequila has Rita Hayworth Kish. RUNK5RS Exhausting creditors and friends^ ARE that Richard Novak may be Wherever he is, I'm sure he's plan­ become the #1 Best Selling Booze York left New York and came back ning another re v iv a l But w hat could in the . Vo&a's a candidate for the Mr, Gay Calif­ to San FraiKiisco just a few weeks ornia Title and just might run with b e more interesting than his own rise probably #2, right? I always before I arried with Perry, Christmas to fame and failure witliin one Off thought Mexico had a better idea. that wild and talented Jaime St. 1970. I guess I'm just lucky but we Jaimes for the "Miss" Title. Thanks Broadway season. Maybe he can get TAKE A MINUTE and send me met soon after. Our paths never Richard Rodgers to write the score your name and address and I'll to Zane Tamas and the out-of-sight crossed in New York but he knew of crew at Dave's Baths for an excep­ and his bereft backers to write the lyricsj send you absolutely free, an enter­ me and I he. In the short time "M arch 14, 1975 and "The Boys From tainment gift, valued from $3, to tional time every time. Bob since his arrival he made Herb Caen's i Kerns definitely and partly respon­ Syracuse" reopens at the Showcase. $10. I think you'll get off on it. column, was interviewed by Eichelbaum Yep, the Boys are Back. Producer/ Good until the supply is depleated, sible for the g o ^ vibes and fun out and Knickerbocker and had the town of the Neli Deli. You're hotl Director Chris Silva is no playboy of course. My address is: Mark in a state of gaiety. producer. Hard working Silva at Calhoun, PO Box 627, San Fran­ and so is the steam room. OOOps! York was now goii:g to produce twenty-four is just beginning, and '^ 3 3 5 JONES ST. t y cisco, CA 94101. Marcus I tells me had a good ' "An^Jhing Goes" at the Curran or well on his way to a solid career. 474-IOfiZ. Good Luck EHck Jay and Mecca time in Carlsbad, CA, but what possibly the Orpheum. My luck held The girls from Syracuse are an im - ■Ill Hill n i on Geary just across from Sears. I'd like to know Is — DOING I've never seen a company grow WHAT?

portant plus factor in this production, boy, and first the agony, then the Mary Cleere Haran exuded enough ecstacy of discovering his love for oomph, it, and zap appeal that when another man. It is a beautiful love she sings "There's A Small Hotel", story, together with an adventure you will rush to make reservations. plot worthy of being made into a Her show stopping "Diogenes", sung m ovie. in a sultry song style, would make TTiis is not to say there are no that old Greek cynic open his eyes. sex scenes in the book (12 to be Mary Cleere has the stuff that stars precise, including a rape scene are made of, and after my twenty by three cowboys in a bam guaranteed years within a theatrical environ­ to arouse even the most demanding m ent, I'll bet my drachmas on it. reader. ) Karen Ann Knapp as Luce, should The book follows the adventures of be arrested for stealing as many Cal and his travels from Utah to scenes as she does. A bold, brazen California, The incredible rape man-chaser, she belts songs with scene in Chapter 4 makes him the same fervor as she beats up a begin to wonder whether he is gay, man. And Alla Nedpresow as a straight or bi—to even courtesan tickles as she cheshire- questioning his own masculinity. grins her way through a belly dance, When he meets and falls in love a vam p camp tres adorable. with Dennis, he learns that men The Dromio's are as much fun are where it is at for him, and he as a barrel of Marx Brothers. is every bit the man he always Christopher Adams wiggles and wins was. The two men ride on toward his way all through, with James California together, stopping fre­ Sporup coming in neck and neck. quently on the way for sex in the It moves, it sings, it amuses. water, on horseback, over leather Piigh "Mac" McClure's musical saddles, etc. Reaching California, direction makes you move and hum. Cal and Dermis are befriended by The entire cast brings Shakespeare's a rancher who hires them both. taming of the twins to a frolicking Eventually, the two héros build finale. As Herb Caen says, "It's their own ranch next door to their a hit! " Rodgers and Hart, thank former employer, who has now you, Chris Silva thanks you, and become their enemy through an we thank you. interesting plot twist. He kidnaps Dennis and forces him to submit to all types of sexual indignities. But, w ithout giving away the LITERATURE ending, good finally triumphs over evil, and the exhausted reader is left with a happy ending. BOOK REVIEW It is hard to find any real fault with this book. It may be a little I've been hearing so much about too mushy in spots for some. This SADDLE BUDDY by Tex Shulanskl is also not a book for those who the last few weeks from friends, want far out fantasy and impossible various columns end an autograph situations as this story is very true party at the Round Up, that I had to life and everything in it quite to read the book to see what all believable. The rape scenes are the stir was about. After reading a little too rough for a gentle it, I must report that I was not love story, so if that offends you, disappointed. this is not your book either. Once you get past the front The only thing that bothers me cover, which is a full color photo­ is the Hitchcock-like ending. graph of the hunkiest cowboy you All situations are resolved by the have ever seen, you read on and ending, but I would love to know quickly discover that this is more what happened to these two young than just a sex book. Set some­ men later on. Think it might be time in the late 1800's, it Is the worth writing a sequel, Mr. story of a handsome young cow- Shulanski? Sun Tanning Weather HOROSCOPE Ahead.... READY? % PISCES: WITH Uranus, the planetary ruler of your 9th house, you will ■ 4 feel very much a part of the life existing all «bout you, never in the way, never out of place. As a \ \ \ ^ result, you will become more decisive, more of a believer, you will never seem a stranger to others, no matter how far you travel. The words now sue MOVE UP; now you can pull yourself up by your own body shirt. H SCORHO: When Uranus moves in your Pluto-ruled and Venus, coupled, tie you In zone, you can expect to be m o re love knots—for keeps. If two alert. You will save in a more already, you'll feel heightened. sensible w ay smd enjoy th e firuits If there's nobody—be patient. of your savbigs more deeply. The worf now is GLOW. Inner urges GEMINL are Em ulated now, resulting in a URANUS is moving in your 6th super glow. house, giving you the spur to im­ prove your health—never were you in a better position to kick addiction | TAURUS: or undesireable habits. You know URANUS is moving in your 7th what 1 mean. Gem. There will house. Over the next seven years be less wasting of time and you will you will make partnershipt work better for you; you will brli^ t^ m gain from being on time and keeping I into the present and rid them of absenteeism to a minimum. The problems smd uncertainties from words now are SHAPE UP. You're the psrtt. You will want to relate perking along smoothly. Be affec­ better to people close to you, to tio n a te . THE communicate more effectively. The word now is MARRY. Mars CANCER: URANUS is moving into your The next seven years will he your* Sth Irouse your love life becomes most fortunate ones. Uranus, the more adventurous over the next AI^Ct-LC X great awakening force, moves seven years. Start building those */» closer and closer to your ndtal Sun. bridges from the social to the eco­ HEALTH CLUB o You are more aware of your personal nomic. You can become more o strengths and sissets. You literally secure tlirough loving and being c become the dynamo of the Zodiac. loved in return. Security is so 891 O'FarreU 474-0776 You will succeed in Just about needed by you, Moon baby. Your s everything, including finding a u z words are GIVE THANKS. Thanks­ • THIS *COUPC»i GOOD FOR ONE FREE'UESSON IN life style that finally makes sense giving Day brings a new influence I BEGINNING BODY BUILDING TUES. G THURS. 8:30PM. to you. On Nov. 21 Uranus will between you and your man. He's I ABSOLUTELY N b CHARGE OR OBUGATION. make its Scorpio ingress. Uranus a long term package affecting your I I is the force of evolution in your life, life, but undependable. the Great Awstkener of new dreams and goals. YOU WILL BE REBORN. LEO: photo QRAphy Py .Kxmes ARm stRorxi Believe me, Uranus is making the URANUS is moving into your big, new Scorpio transit. 4tli house. Uranus helps you to find new sorces of income. Words SAGITTARIUS: now: CHANGE CT SCENE. Eniov URANUS becomes a pointer to playing house with dinners a deux new directions for you. Sag. When­ and lie-abed mornings. Leo ever you need to soul search, you hates rainy weather. Create happy Thit ipaoe isn't bis have potent Uranus electrical force times to look back on, R t P to clear away mental debris and A GREAT but iteauglit y o u r get down to brass tacks. Uranus DOWNTOWN VIRGO: BAR will empower you to dust off latent URANUS is moving in the sign and dormant talents. Capitalize on Scorpio. During the next seven ¿i)«ster7i lUi/S/C 136 TURK STREET private information, what goes on years you will get more out of 72 ENT s n a i behind the scenes, and profit from each day— more work,^ more quiet, cool, calm living. Trust pleasure, more money. You I J P M2-1I3( your intuitive powers. will also narrow your sights, stick 180 60LDEI GATE* 775-4959 to tangibles. You will become CAPRICORN: strongly alerted to new ways of URANUS means you gain when GOLD performing old chores. You THE ORIGINAL , you move outside yourself, when will bring all of your interests out you become more a functioning of yesterday and into today. PORNO ICR TCim O' member of the society that exists Words for you: BRAIN WAVES, Siqjport around you, not just on top of you. You got ideas now and after the ♦ Your Community During the next seven years you will & td 22nd you're virtually inspired. step on to a larger stage of endeavor. \TIJRKISH BATHS With Uranus transiting your Pluto- UBRA: mled zone you can be elected, URANUS will be dominating 729 bush appointed or get what you want 132TURK STREET, S.F. 775-551J (UO: your 2nd house. EverytJiing will from assignments. , be natural in the way you face up The World’s Most Famous Baths AQUARIUS: to your need for money, your URANUS will electrify opportun­ desire to have many of life's ities and advantages for getting luxuries. I see money all around ahead in life, for rising on the you, your financial goals and aims career scale to position of top are not only much clearer to you, authority. Really, the next seven but for all the world to see. years will guide you when to push Words for you; CASH IN-- and when not to push. Your double up on chances. After tl:c friends will think you have a built-in 23rd, Uranus leaves you cJianged, radar system, which in truth is what steadier, less eratic; and a dis­ Uranus is when it is moving at the turbing man leaves your life (for BARS Zenith of your horoscope. You have good). something different from everybody else on the job. Play up your 180 GOLDEN GATE 775-4959 (U2) individuality—it's all out front 8. TRAPP 72 EDDY 362-3838 (LI) now. 4. THE ROYAL PALACE 335 JCNES 474-1067 (L2) 2. CLUB RENDEZVOUS 567 SUTTER 731-3949 (L2) U. BLUE G GOLD 136 TURK 673-2040 (LU) ARIES: 14. THE ROAD RUNNER 499 O'FARRELL 441-9623 (LI) F a s H lo n -A <1 D e s i g n URANUS is the planetary ruler of your 11th house of freedom and ^ e A t R e s •Connm«rcial independence. You w ill take giant steps to make personal life 46. TOM KAT 181 ELUS 421-0250 (L8) 47. NOB HILL 729 BUSH 781-9468 (LID) Downtown-Map 658*9998 (mornings) m i s e 775-5511 (U2) 74. CLUB TURKISH BATHS 132 TURK ST. 495-5769 (messages) 83-6TH ST. 781-1570 (CC) 78. S. L R. 771-3366 (CC) 79. HELPING HANDS 225 TURK 1 1 6 4 CENTER Rowell COalclancO 5. MECCA COPY CENTER 276 GOLDEN GATE 771-7571 (CC) ■j£a*JlKAIgjPAR Maich7. 197S

ON THE "MY UTTLE MARGIE" TV series, what was the name of the company Margie's father worked for, A "HIGH" FOR ACME BEER people! Word has gotten around California how they have been working so or closely with the Gay community G how well their beer is accepted here. Seems orders of inquiry have been coming in. Particularly for M o a n L, A ., (They're on their way.) Dennis Chartes Another 1st in San Francisco. SEEMS AS THOUGH the economy WORD OF MOUTH has had its positive effects on the movie industry. A lot of great movies SEEMS THAT BILL JONES who ovms out now. That includes gay flicks the Sutro Baths also doubles as an too. Their quality has improved actor G stunt man for television. In also. Check out new movies such a recently filmed commercial for as SUR G SEXTOOL now playing in an immitation topping he had to shoot San Francisco. They're better than the scene 47 times. Because he had usual. to eat the topping in each shooting he developed a rather upset tummy. All "DANCE YOUR ASS OFF, INC." 21st ST. BATHS is well now, as those residual checks is the name the folks who run Olympus STREET keep rolling in. use for their completely changed SAN FRANCISCO club. Very funky. Wonder how 285-3000 THE LEVI BALL is coming! Remember they got that name past Mrs. last year? Jim, the feUow sho won Applebee, the clerk at the names the prize for best Levi outfit last bureau of City Hall. She still year, already has his new outfit ready. hasn't recovered. Rhinestones and butterflies every­ where. ANOTHER STEP FORWARD for our community. KQED now has a JOSE OF THE ROYAL PALACE fame radio program called "Lifestyles. " must be an absolute tyrant to work I am pleased to have been asked to for. On being five minutes late for be interviewed on one of their first work, star waiter Pat was commanded shows. T itle of show - Dennis CRUISIN IN MY TAXI to prove his excuse for his tardiness. Charles - Gay Publications Editor. Con't from page 2 Now can you see rolling a flat tire Hope you'll listen in when it airs. I saw that hotel G had a 4-way. into a bar. (All in cam p). IN THE SHOWCASE at Le Domino Curt, you said nothing I keep WHAT was "Wonder Women's" looking, but I never see anything. first name. Restaurant are many objects that the "N" Line. We were on our One will be auctioned off for the inter­ Drove actor, George Maharis and Day G. D. I. Run to Juanita's in SUGGEST YOU RECOMMEND to club fund. They include a signed friends to airport after Sunday Brunchl Sonoma, at "1001 Nights" last week. your out of town friends that they letter from former President Nixon, . Between 10:00 and 11:00 folks Broxight Ruth Buzzy to Fairm ont stay at the Mark Hopkins Hotel on a cup autographed by John Wayne, were fortifying themselves and bikes Taylor when they're in town. Can a pen that says "Gerald Ford" on it last Wed. evening. and cars were pulling up trying to Bella fix your shift yet. Finally Hi, out there. Hope you are ready tell they're doing well by the number and many signatures from stars G to follow the Side Car around town find places to park. Before we of K a lenders they go through. Started stage personalities. after 2 1/2 years of driving I have after the Big Bike festivities over started off our road captain Jim off with 20 copies per issue, and now Saturdays and Sundays off. Want to Washington's Birthday weekend. S. told members and guests that Joe distribute over 100 copies to their THE mCOMPERABLE CABARET write about something other than the road captain from the C. M. C. out of town guests each issue. cabs. Before I start us out I want to jjut of San Francisco still going strong. this tid bit in that I was not too would co-captain the run and that Cabaret Atlanta opens March 7th, In Utah to "Boogie" is to "truck". certain about before the Side Car NEW BAR TO OPEN w ith a splash C abaret L.A, opens March 12th G You readers of my column please ■ rolled to press. The President's around the end of May. Debate is more coming - What else needs to w ite this paper and ask me questions] Trophy awarded by the President under way on what to call it. be said. Thanks. Will answer anything you Suggestions so far. The Emperors want to know about anything you war Lounge, the Forum, Mr. Marcus', to know about cabs, and each week i etc. the ^ertions G answers in "Kalendar. BARBARY Uh, Oh, out of gas and stoned too. Bobby COASTERS’

in recognition of outstanding service to the Barbary Coasters by an in­ b o d y t a l k dividual or organization went to: Con't from page 2 The Southern California Council of most resistance at the start of a Motorcycle Clubs. Congratulations movement through the first half, and and well-done gentlemen. Good then the least resistance at the com­ luck throughout the coming year. pletion of the movement; cables Saturday, February 22 found the are most intense at the completion Side Car down on Bryant St,, in and least at the beginning. By them- | selves, cables build showy but weak muscles that soon diminish if exercis- | ing is halted. But they are an ex­ Van also from the C. M. C. would cellent companion with weights, be our tailgaiter for the run. and together they may produce a Joining our IS G. D. I. members were beautiful all-over physique with 29 guests. Members from the C. great strength. M. C ,, the Barbary Coasters, the Yoga has been defined as "the Warlocks, the San Franciscans, the purposeful life of the Self-conscious Constantines and the Sons of Apollo. man". It is the Sanskrit root of the It was good to see so many of the English word "yoke" and refers to a independents also. Really pleased living state of Union. Hatha Yoga, to see Dee and Kim join us also. Good night Mr. Charles, wherever or the physical piostures, or Asanas, Hear there are good things in the you are tonight. were originally conceived of as a wind for the both of you- W means to Yoga as Union, not as a When we arrived at Juanita's system of exercise. Whatever front of the 527 Club for the Fifth we were given the royal Juanita benefits they produce in terms of Anniversary Party of "The San Welcome. Brunch served to us in bodily function are incidental to Franciscans," Very good looking the Main Dining Room, and as r the primary purpose of subjugating silver and red anniversary buttons usual the food was excellant. "Thank ' \ the body. Hatha Yoga is considered were passed out as we came in to God for Doggie Bags" Juanita was a preliminary to Dhyana, or Yoga the Godfather Room. A buffet fit having a sale of things that only "meditation". In the West, we have | for kings and queens was being she can find to sell, no wonder she been deluged with teachers of Hatha served among the guests, such tid told us to put our 13 bikes in the back Yoga as exercise, often including bits as oysters on the haH shell and to keep out of temptations way. Pranayama. Prana is the vital force, caviar. Tempting salads G relish usually identified with breath but trays complimented the hot dishes not the same. The control of Prana on the table. A beautiful cake is dangerous, and an unwise practice really topped it all off. During the without proper guidance; as if the evening the new president announced arousel of tlie Kundalini, or "serpent" the new officers for 1975. MONKEY energy from the base of the spine. The San Franciscans Star Paper If Hatha Yoga is good exercise, was filled with loads of best wishes how come so many "Yogis" are so from other clubs in the city and as fat and flabby? About the best far south as Monterey, POD physical results you may expect Don't forget the Butch Brunch on from Hatha Yoga postures are Sunday, March 16th. See any greater flexibility and some release friendly San Franciscan for tickets, Brunch over, well all said our of nerve energy. Though some this will be number eight, should farewells to a beautiful place and specific Asanas are said to benefit tell us something. "Fun-fun-fun. a wonderful woman and her staff certain glands functionally, it What else is there when we all get and headed for the Monkey Pod in remains unproven. together? More fun-fun-fun. " Santa Rose for more fun. While DAY Steve Edwards of Apollo's Temple Sunday Morning found the Side there we danced and drank our- of Body Building Car in front of Bradley's Comer on sutter

Còu't on page 18 MARCH SIDE CAR Con't from 17 APPRECIATED - If you haven't seen ftuzby's new face it is a beautiful THIS IS MECCA creation w ith th e Buzzfoy's G W ild Cont from page 12 selves Into utter exhaustion. Five La KISH Goose crew pulUng their wits with found us headed bach to the city Don, Ric G everyone doing their Congratulations to Hector for and the Le Domino for a night Con't from page 6 thing to reaUy show S. F. that when an incredible year as president on cap, a mellow place to end a fun one's boos is appreciated of his help S. I. R. Thank you. Much continued filled day. Like the Monkey's say, success to Doug de Young, the dir­ FEEUNG BETTER - Lady George is there's nothing they won't do for him, ectors and staff. You've sure got my "I'll drink to that". Hope to see now feeling better & doesn't need that also goes for Booo G Roy of the support, ' JWiWkKiNcJ SliRVliE 5$ MC>. aU of you again on our next G. O. I. any brooms to sweep 18th Street. Purple ^ckle G the New Bell which Call 864-3000 for all your aziswer- trip to the Valley of the Moon . Toad Hall now sports a real live ¿»g service needs. «»wer- NEW OUTFIT - Irene looked stunning had something ram into the waU for Disc-jockey — yet no dancing. Mark your calender for Sunday, in her $1000000.00 outfit con frinchT an occassion during the David Kelsey March 23 for the G. D. I. Equinox (Wonder Why?) But the place is GOOD SHOW - Mike Daley G event, in other words a car hit the always packed. Always. ÄSTKÖLÖCV ¿!HAkT$ $5 fi UP Beer Bust at Folsom Prison, get your Stefenie did an outrageous show with­ walls of the New BeU but no one Immediate attention. Michael buttons from any G, D. I. members PETER CASTXE (Fin) has made A za t 626-1313______15 out the sound system, coordinating with was hurt, the Las Vegas big time. He's joined 15^ - ¿1, 5>K?7 IS61bs., Mus- their Ups, shot to hell, a Warner TOOL BOX - What's this about a the "Heads and TaiW Revue — cular, defined, smooth; models, E5! MERACIE MILE C fiM P lE m Y Bros, production. Tool Box of now when we had one on part of the Las Vegas Circuit ala gives sensuous massage. Steve - NEED A HAND? REMODELED 2 Bdnn. Unfurnished PRINCE OF SPORTSMANSHIP - 1256A Folsom St. Mod. K itchen Harrison Years ago? Howard Ihrghes. Believe it or not, 27, 6', 160 lb s., Slender, smooth. Reasonable rates fi»m $7/hr. to Toad HaU - Representing the right G Is it 6 O'clock? the revue is managed and handled Both very handsome. Separate/ designed for cooks. Drapes, Hidwd left hands of the Empress — the $20, /hr. According to YOUR by Dionne Warwick and will be together. 474-9390. Dn/tn SF L5 need. Plck-iq> G United Parcel floats, Decks, Greku 1 or 2 en^. BUTCH Imperial Prince of Sportsmanship playing at the LANDMARK on the adtUts. No pets. Rental Agree- Michael, the Imperial Prince of Van. Jim's Hauling Service (415) Strip. Break a leg, Peter! 282-5843. Dependable-Respon- jpents. 626-2083. (lA) Fair Play is Gary. I think they go STAR MASSTOE BY 2T Tffi'IT PRO. The famous jewelry designer at $15 In, complete. $25 out. Call Mble-Fair. ______fI61 reason or other. FOR US BV US------BRUNCH FORTIERS on Castro St. is none other HOWARD: (415) 922-7772 now. ÑEiRSTfeR ô ARacîE s a l é n jR N - HYSTERICS - Read this -- Mr. than Lee Bailey. He's a talent 100 Room Gay operated Hotel Wckle, Mr. Ross, Mr. Love, Mr. (M) iture, appliances. You name it - $5.00 a day or $20.00 a week worth looking into. 750 Monterey Blvd. March 16. L4 Gay, read, read, read, love you. Rich McFarlaixl's a pleasant face puts you in the center of the MX Had a wild time amid the hysterics a ll around town prom oting ZELDA's THE BEST FOR LESS by legit sflLL'SMôKINCî PRJEELKTURE action. Cleen, safe, comfort­ OT Mark Calhoun with so many of the in Corte Madera. The place is pro. $5 (1/g/ $10 (hr); $15, your Every Tues. 5 p. m. on How to Stop ably 24 hour attended hotel. Dudes in full attire of mascuUnity. jumping and should be with every­ hoteL HOWARD; 922-7772 now. with no weight gain. YMCA 620 NATTONAL HOTEL, U39 M arket thing it's got going for it. For (L4) Sutter St., Addì. Irrfo. Call Smoke Street, San Francisco, Calif, example: Danny Rodriguez. Watchers. 922-1939,______II4 ) 864-9343 fU ) for this fun afternoon. Don't forget To PATRICK DAHER, thank you TOipnrrew R f a o t a s b s ! \ \— the "Butch Brunch" on the 16th of HOT HUNG HAIRY MODEL tx a fy f r e e l a n c e PHCTM RA W ie R: PDMNISHHJ STUlilb APARIWEN t s for a beautiful day at Muir Woods. All types of Photo Work, Public G M arch. I^s a good place to just get away to do your thing. Call Tom (415) Utilities incL Sutter-Polk. Single Private - Hugh 431-3133 SF. L5 “ The Side Car knows that there are from it aU. Ai»d god, is it mellow. 474-6159 anytime L5 enmloyed, $95-100. 474-1721 other good things going on this or 474-0776 CC THE BEGINNING OF ANOTHER NATidTAL AD U S T O fl SERVICE ¿¿LAVE WAfJ'I’Hg I D TETO------month but could not get clearance ERA: Started working (playing) to put them in my gas tank. "Re­ M P m ' MASSLTm (BLACKJ------i Teed ads given. All publications poarfble with benevolent autocrat Rooms to r Rent. Quiet Men at the DUDE last week. It's a fan­ (57, 6 '2 ", 220) Box 28U *♦ SF CA member surprises can be just as much ^^owntDwn S .F ., A vailable smytlme listed. First tim e free ad for aU. Only. $19 G $22 One Week tastic, warm and cruizy bar. With 776-9972 L5 For iido and ad form, send 254 to: 941%. Dlsd 415-775-4806 anytime. 664 Laikin 928-1499 aft 4pm fun as knowing before haird. " the family back together again makes Next issue who knows? "The Side ^ Journal, Box 337-, l i a ______0 5 1 . it even more TOGETHER!^ and a hit. Milliken, Co. 80543 Tel:(303) Car knows." Ken Leetzow, Richard Novak, Robin ¿0 Vr o l d 5AIL6R WltL Ma SsA6 e Peace, "Deno" 587-4224. (CCl DIG WRESTLING IN LEATHER ilTRTEE MEN-S'MSmENCECLUB (JAILBIRD), Randy Johnson and Mike your body with strong hands, organic M AILBS lERViCE or in the nude with Biker, Cycle Studios and 1 BR, Gym facilities, Griffen. . . W.O.W. !! Special oils. GREGG 673-1764. U Cop or Levi Stud. W/M, 40, 6 ft. whirlpool and steamroom incL nights every nite. Take a look at Now at Mecca Center, 276 Golden 851 O'FanrelL 885-4446 or 474- Gate. 771-7S7D ______170 lbs., Maury. 441-3699. CaU the ad in this issue and join us for CλMPLETE EXPERT MASSa GÉ after 6 pm. Versatile, B G D, Gr. QZ76,______CC______guaranteed insanity. It's good to be by pro. licensed masseur. TJKeAeow'üiwiw T' SeX;______lA ■w7M 57 WAN'i'ji v ir il e V 6U N5E r there, and hope you will be too. Muscular, Lester 771-5777 S.F. UO ______i foe your copying Man to share apt. with pool In Airyone want to join us for a week­ DVIillT KJDDV WAN'l'tl) KM 5" Concord, 41S area code. Write end to Yosemite in April when the CLEAN CUT M A S g in iFTE g 'UV" ~ MaUBau Reotak, bd. Exchange needs. Companion­ PO Box 21452, Concord, CA 94521 falls are at their most beautiful Delivers total massage to turn you OOntMiCiac. PilmPko- ship. 47, slim w/m Ken 415- ______LS peak. See me or Richard Novak at on. A guaranteed delight any , PlutieSipw, aadnwli 235-6882. ______LI the DUDE. Also a big picnic is in t o g e t h e r GUY, 30's, RÈLÏa BLe the planning. time! Rom 28, 5'11", 155 lbs. IVre leeaMous ab aaeve you 826-1076 L5 ______11 - m oo Maricat St. ^ 1-S6K ------MAIL 6ÔJC SERVICE------G Stable, to share my Diamond Good Luck and Wishes to JESS eopM tasSapt. K, M eccan-27» Now at Mecca Center, 276 Golden Heights View Apt. $7S./mo. (415) MOLINA who's headin' EAST to G atSj_771;^570^2^0^a;ffi2t__ 647-1443. 7-9 a. m. or 10-12 p. m, [WEST Texas, Hurry back to see us LS your next vacation. SLAVE'WANTEP : : n VE-IN------Special Thanks go to Bill Mc­ Great Looking, Hung Stud, 5'10", possible with benevolent autocrat Williams, Doug de Young, Steve 160#, Br, Hair, 25 yr, old. Body (57, 6'2", 220) Box 2811 **SF CA Edwards, Senator Milton Marks, BuUder-Wild-Very Mirscular. 415 94126. Dial 415-775-4806 L2 Dixon, Bill Toland, Bob Calhoun, 543-3516. Ask for Eric. STUD MODEL WESTERN-LEATHER Wild-Attractive Blonde, Versatile, lAEAW'VSTJNS ¿TUb W1$h é s Donna Mae, Dennis Charles, Mike your wild nude magazine or photo. Griffen and John Olsen, and you all open your fantasies etc. Call Hung, 6'2", 170#, Athletic Swim­ know why . . . Billvthe Kid 431-1^1. ' mers Build, Will Satisfy, Diserreet, You get Japan nude photo in return Sent to : Kazuo Ono, 196 Timura That's it for now. PROMISE sufRS'EATFnKDSETsM Friendly G Personable. (415) 543- 3616 Ask for T im . 3 Wav A v a il./I.3i Hatano City, Kanagawa Japan YOURSELF to stay high and creative _ able for Private Parties, Wakes, G (Air Mail), Sorry, Cannot read Wedding Receptions. 861-9111. (L3) you're the only one in control of GARDENING G INTERJCR PAINT- or write English but sexy G26 yourself and your lif e. See you m g. Roger 431-7647.______1A _ 'around MECCA, c EEAnincì toUSE, a M s: Anything. Exper., Refs., Jim Love to you all, ---- WCÖMrtXX RETURNS 6 26-4693 ______(L31 Certified Public Accountant Mark Calhoun P. S. Cdming next issue — "San 788-1140______L6 Francisco — THE BUTTON CAPITOL C A T A C O h ^ OF THE WORLD"!. ------EISg g T APES------now on exhibition P. P. S. Watch for THE DUDE OF 90 minutes of non-stop dance TRADING POST EMPORIUM TTOjMONTH comina to San Fraixiisco music featuring "this werit's top 960 Folsom St. (betw 5thG6th) 15" plus ! ! ! recorded a t 7 1/2 San Francisco 9AM to 9PM ’. P. P. S, Preview of "Sextool" h>s "reel to reel" GREAT FOR EVERYDAY at the Powell Theatre, Sat. Match PARITES! ! ! Send cashier's (L6)______18th, 9pm, m eet Fred H alsted, check or money order for $25, 00 I ain't goirrg to miss this one. And you to: "Disco Tapes" 166 29th S t., Shouldn't either! All this, compli- S .F . CA. 94110 (L5)______