1965 Foods Used in the Household Codebook

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1965 Foods Used in the Household Codebook National Analysts, Inc. Study #1-500 Way % 1965 Foods Used in the Household: ADDITIONAL WEIGHTS OF MEDI~, LARGE AND S~4A]'.r. FRESH VEGETABLES, AND FRUITS For Use in Survey of Food Consumption of Households, 1965 - Page and item Description.of Size number in Medium or not Section C Vegetable Unit Specified ~qmnll L~r~e of 1965 Weight in We{ght in Weight in Schedule Pounds Dimenslons Pounds Pounds Artichokes: l A (9) Globe-French 1 artichoke 0.55 0.46 0.83 1B (9) Jerusalem i artichoke .06 l c (9) Asparagus 6 spears .22 (6 spears) - -- bunch 2.00 1.00 2.50 Beets : 1 P (9) Greens only i bunch 1.00 .... z R.,s (9) With Tops 1 bunch 7 !2 tall X.25 .75 2.25 zo (9) Without Tops 1 bunch I.OO .75 2.50 1 ~eet .30 2-3½" ~a. .20 .50 i T (9) Broccoli bunch 2.00 i. O0 4. O0 Cabbage : l W (9) Green or white head 5.00 3.50 2. GO ( "reed.lg. ") 8.00(,,~. ,,) 1 X (9) Red head 2.50 2. OO 4. OO i Z (9) Chinese head ~. O0 3. OO ~. 50 Carrots: 2 A (9) With tops bunch i. O0 .... a B (9) Without tops 8 carrots 1.00 .6~ 2.50 Plastic ba~ 1.00 .... 2 E (9i Cauliflower head 2.00 5"x6" l.OO 3.50 2 ; (9) Celery bunch I. O0 .83 I. 25 2H (9) Celery knob 1 knob .04 .04 .06 2 ~ (9) Chard bunch .70 .50 I. 25 2K (9) Chicory, Curly Endive bunch •75 .67 i. 00 -2- | i Page i and item Descri~ze • number in Medium or not l .qection C Vegetable [ Unit Specified Small i of 2.965 Weight in I Weight in !We~hL~td~nI } Schedule Pounds I Dimensions Pounds H~ 2 L (9) Collards bunch 1.25 1.00 1.75 20,T (9) Corn, in husk i ear .48 5" long .4o .7o 2 P,V (9) Corn, husked i ear .31 5" long .25 .45 2 Z (9) Cress, water bunch .22 3" dia. -- -- 3 A (9) Cucumbers i cucumber .64 .~~l,, long .50 .81 3 B (9) Dandelion greens bunch 1.00 .75 1.50 3 F (9) Eggplant 1 eggplant 1.00 .75 2.00 3 H (9) Escarole head •75 .67 1.00 Kale : 3 T (9) In plastic bag i bag •62 -- • 75 3M (9) Bulk bunch 1.25 i.oo 1.75 30 (9) Kohlrabi bunch i.i0 4-6 roots Lettuce: 3 S (9) Iceberg type head 1.00 5" dia. .75 2.00 3 T (9) Boston type head • 67 .50 1. oo 3 v (9) Leaf head •5o 4" dia. .40 .8O 3 w (9) Mushrooms I mushroom • 03 .02 .06 3 z (9) Mustard greens bunch I. 50 1. oo 1.75 4 B (9) Okra 8 pods • 22 .... 4 c (9) Onions, mature i onion .25 2½" dia. .17 .33 Onions, green: ;,H (9) With tops bunch •34 7-9" bun. .21 .50 4 j (9) Without tops 1 onion .02 .... u N (9) i~.rsley i bunch .13 -- .25 o (9) Parsnips I parsnip •25 9-11" long, E'J1 ~,, dia. -- -- 1 J (9) Peppers:sweet i pepper .17 -,2~!" -~h!" long .12 .25 green X 3-3~lit dia. i K,L (9) Chili, red, green i pepper .06 4 3/4" long .... I AT! : i~ (9) Potatoes, white i potato •33 2~--5 dia. .25 i. O0 2 ~ (9) Pumpkin i pumpkin 4.50 2.50 6. oo -3- Page and item Description of Size l number in Medium orLnot ...... Section C Vegetable Unit Specified ~mRll Large of 1965 iWeight in Weight in Weight in Schedule Pounds Dimensions Pounds Pounds Radishes: 2H (9) With tops i bunch O. 45 O. 45 O. 45 2 j (9) Without tops i bunch •33 • 33 •33 2K (9) Rutabagas i root i. O0 .50 2. OO Squash: 2 T (9) Winter i squash 4.50 i. 50* 6. O0 2 v (9) i squash i. O0 .50 2. O0 5-8" long 2 w (9) Sweetpot~t@es I root •33 x 2 -~uaxa.~ l,,~J .25 .50 s H (9) Tomatoes i tomato •33 2x2½" .25 .50 Turnip and Turnip Greens: s M (9) Turnips (no tops) i root •33 .25 .50 3 N (9) Turnip greens only~ 1 bunch I. OO .... so, P(9) Turnips and greens 1 bunch i. 50 .... * Acorn or acorn size. -4- ~l and item Description of Size i L -- number in Medium or not Section C Fruit Unit .Specified Small Large of 1965 Weight in Weight in Weight in .~hedule Pounds Dimensionsl Pounds Pounds h A (9) Apples i apple 6.33 2~2" dia. O. 17 O. 50 i C (9) Apricots i apricot • i0 .o8 .12 i E (9) Avocados i avocado .56 4" x 3"dia. .h~ .75 i F (9) Bananas i banana .33 6"x1½" dia. .22 z H,x (9) *Berries i cup * .38 -- =- 2 A (9) Cherries, sweet lO cherries .10 .08 .15 2 F (9) Figs i fig .11 .O8 .12 2H (9) Grapefruit i grapefruit 1.00 4" dia. .64 1.5o i grapefruit 1.25 4 ½" dia. .83 2 K,L (9) Grapes: Slipskin and not Slipskin i bunch • 22 j~ xj Any grapes I pint * .75 i quart *I. 50 i cup * .38 2 M (9) I~mons I lemon 0.23 21.2 dia. .Z8 .36 2 N (9) Limes i lime .15 2" dia. .22 Melons : 2 0 (9) Cantaloupe, Muskmelon 1 melon 3.50 2.00 6.o0 2 P (9) Casaba 1 melon 6.50 4.00 9.00 2 R (9) Crenshaw W! W! l! I! 2 S (9) Honeydew 2 V (9) Persian- Spanish, 2 W (9) Watermelon: Regular 25.00 20. O0 35.00 Midget 5.OO 3.00 8.00 I * Correction of CFE 291 i - 5 - ~e and item Description of Size number in "Medium or not Section C Fruit Unit Specified Small Large of 1965 Weight in Weight in Weight in Schedule Pounds Dimensions Pounds Pounds 2Z (9) Oranges I orange 0.47 3" dia. 0.33 O. 72 3 B (9) Tangelos i tangelo .47 3 C (9) Temple Orange i temple orange .47 3 E (9) Peaches i peach .25 2" dia. .20 .5o 3 F (9) Pears 1 pear • 4o y'x2½,' .25 • 5O 3 H (9) Pineapple i pineapple 2.00 1.75 4. O0 ]J (9) Plums I plum .13 2" dia. .i0 .15 Rhubarb : 3 . (9) With leaves 1 bunch I. 50 6 stalks I. 00 2.00 3 . (9) Without leaves i bunch 1.00 6 stalks .67 1.5o 3 R (9) 1 guava .22 .18 3 ~mquat s 1 kumquat .03 -- .o~ 3 T Mangoes I mango .67 3 3/4" long .31 3.00 3 v (9) Nectarines I nectarine .L~ I 3/4" dla. -- .15 3 w (9) l~payas 1 papaya 1.38 -- 5.00 3 x (9) Persimmons 1 ~r~lmmon .28 Z½" ala. -- D-- 3 z (9) Plantain i plantain •57 7~' long -- J 4 A (9) Pomegran/e s 1 pome~Tante .52 -- o~ I'I~COD~ UN'2T SIZES o4oa, 05 Tbsp. H 06 Tbsp. R 07 Tbsp. L 08Pt. 09Qt. lO ½~Gal. llDz. 12 Bunch 15 Peck 17 Gal. 18 5~ bar/bag 19 i0~ bar/bag 20 ]-15 C~. J CFE (Adm.)-291 Addendum 1 FOR ADMINISTRATIVE USE ONLY 3/26/65 ............ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Research Service Consumer and Food Economics Research Division FOODS USED IN THE HOUSEHOLD: Additional codes and code changes For use in Survey of Food Consumption of Households, 1965, and Similar Surveys Page Item number number Food Food in CFE on CFE code code 291 food llst Food assigned deleted BABY AND JUNIOR FOODS: J 3. Fruits~ fruit juices and fruit mixture s: Canned~ commercial: Apricots, baby or junior ....... 51222 E 436 / Fruit juices (baby): 12. Pineapple-grapefruit juice... 53312 A 416 ~ 53313 G 416 ~ 4. J Cereals~ cereal mixtures with fruits: Baby cereal; precooked, enriched, dry: Cereal mixtures with fruit,. commercially canned: 13. Applesauce and oatmeal, baby or junior .................. 51221 D 436 51222 D 436 ~ MEAT: Lamb~ Mutton; goat: 38. Stew, soup: 23. Breast of lamb, shank, fresh: Bone in ...................... 44431 D 137 /" VmUE / 54. Tongue: 3i. Tongue, not specified as to kind, fresh .................... 44521R 138 44521 U 138 ~ POULTRY, GAME: 9 45. Rabbit: Rabbit, domesticated: Change Dressed to Drawn ..... 44531 H 137 ~" Change Drawn to Dressed ........ 44531 A 137 i 44531 A 131 > Rabbit; wild: Change Dressed to Drawn.., ..... 44531 J 137 J " Change Drawn to Dressed ........ 44531 B 137 / ( -la- Page Item number number Food Food in CFE on CFE code code 291 food list Food assigned deleted POULTRY; GAME: -continued / 9. 46. Game : Opossum .(Include raccoon) : Change Dressed to Drawn ........ 44521 K 137z" Change Drawn to Dressed ........ 44531 C 137/ Venison, dressed, ready-to-cook, fresh: Bone out (lean meat only) .... 44531 D 138 ~ 44531 C 13;'~ 29a. 46." Squirrel; groundhog~ woodchuck; all small game except opossum and raccoon: /. Change Dressed to Drawn ....... 44531 J 137 Change Dra~,~ to Dressed ........ 44531 B 137 ~ -2- ( Page Item number number Food Food in CFE on CFE code code 291 food list Food assigned deleted FISH AND .qWR.LLFISH: /" 37. 68. Roe, all varieties, fresh .......... 45215 M 178 45215 M 179 ~ 72. Other fish: 38. Frog legs, fresh ................. 45215 K 177/" 45215 K 179 ~ 38a.
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