OnlIne ExcLuSive Omar Rayward, MD, Diagnostic puzzler: PhD; Jose Luis Vallejo-Garcia, MD; Paula Moreno-Martin, Acute eyelid edema MD; Sergio Vano-Galvan, MD, PhD Hospital Clinico San Carlos, Madrid, Spain The patient’s eyelid was not inflamed or painful, but it (Dr. Rayward); Humanitas Clinical and Research was swollen enough to impair his vision. What’s your Center, Milan, Italy diagnosis? (Dr. Vallejo-Garcia); Hospital del Henares, Coslada, Madrid (Dr. Moreno-Martin); Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid (Dr. Vano-Galvan) 68-year-old man sought care in our mation (FiGuRE). The patient also had right emergency department for unilateral supraciliary folliculitis that was improving; the
[email protected] ptosis following superior and inferior folliculitis had been treated 3 days earlier at a The authors reported no A potential conflict of interest right eyelid edema. The patient said that the primary care facility. relevant to this article. edema had developed 3 days earlier and was We performed a complete ocular exami- getting worse each day; the ptosis was impair- nation, including visual acuity (20/20 in both ing his vision. The patient indicated that the eyes) and found no other significant prob- edema was accompanied by mild burning in lems. Nor did the patient have a fever or any the right periocular region. His medical his- other systemic symptoms. tory included arterial hypertension, which was under control, and bilateral cataract surgery 5 years ago. ● What is Your diAgnosis? On examination, we noted superior and inferior nontender painless eyelid edema on ● HoW Would You Treat This the right eye, with no signs of acute inflam- patienT? FiGuRE Edema of the upper and lower eyelid PHO T o COUR T ES Y OF : o m A r Raywa rd, MD The swelling was not accompanied by inflammation or fever, but it did impair the patient’s vision.