
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.06.25.171207; this version posted June 27, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC 4.0 International license.

A two-point IC50 method for evaluating the biochemical of irreversible inhibitors

Petr Kuzmicˇ BioKin Ltd., Watertown, Massachusetts, USA http://www.biokin.com


Irreversible (covalent) enzyme inhibitors cannot be unambiguously ranked for biochemical potency by using IC50 values determined at a single point in time, because the same IC50 value could originate either from relatively low initial binding affinity accompanied by high chemical reactivity, or the other way around. To disambiguate the potency ranking of covalent inhibitors, here we describe a data-analytic procedure relying on two separate IC50 values, determined at two different reaction times. In the case of covalent inhibitors following the two-step kinetic mechanism E + I E·I → EI, the two IC50 values alone can be used to estimate both the inhibition constant (Ki) as a measure of binding affinity and the inactivation rate constant (kinact) as a measure of chemical reactivity. In the case of covalent inhibitors following the one-step kinetic mechanism E + I → EI, a simple algebraic formula can be used to estimate the covalent efficiency constant (kinact/Ki) from a single experimental value of IC50. The two simplifying assumptions underlying the method are (1) zero inhibitor depletion, which implies that the inhibitor concentrations are always significantly higher than the enzyme concentration; and (2) constant reaction rate in the uninhibited control assay. The newly proposed method is validated by using a simulation study involving 64 irreversible inhibitors with covalent efficiency constants spanning seven orders of magnitude. Key words: ; inhibition; irreversible inhibition; covalent inhibition; mathematical model; algebraic model

1. Introduction reporting the I50 for an irreversible inhibitor without also spec- ifying the corresponding reaction time is essentially meaning- Many currently in use to treat various human dis- less. An even more serious conceptual problem is that the same eases and symptoms are enzyme inhibitors. Furthermore, many value of I50 could originate either from relatively high initial important and candidates are irreversible covalent binding affinity (low Ki) and relatively low chemical reactiv- inhibitors [1–4], which express their pharmacological effect by ity (low kinact), or the other way around. Therefore, two or more forming a permanent chemical bond with the target. inhibitors with disparate molecular properties could easily man- Probably the most well known representative of this class is ifest as having “the same” biochemical potency if the I50 assay acetylsalicylate, or Aspirin, an irreversible covalent inhibitor of is conducted at a single point in time. cyclooxygenase. Evaluating the biochemical potency of irre- This report presents a data-analytic procedure that relies on versible inhibitors in the process of pre-clinical two separate I50 determinations, conducted at two different re- is exceedingly challenging. Even the task of simply arranging action times. If a given inhibitor follows a stepwise mecha- a list of potential drug candidates in order of their biochemi- nism of inhibition, involving a kinetically detectable noncova- cal potency presents a serious obstacle. The main challenge is lent intermediate, we show that it is possible to estimate both that the overall biochemical potency of irreversible enzyme in- Ki and kinact from the two time-dependent I50 measurements hibitors has two distinct components, namely, binding affinity alone. Many highly potent covalent inhibitors display a one- measured by the inhibition constant (Ki) and chemical reactiv- step kinetic mechanism, apparently without the involvement of ity measured by the inactivation rate constant (kinact). a clearly detectable noncovalent intermediate [6]. In those cases Medicinal chemists and pharmacologists involved in drug it is in principle impossible to measure the Ki and kinact sepa- discovery are accustomed to expressing the biochemical po- rately, but the data-analytic method described here allows for tency of enzyme inhibitors primarily in terms of the I [5]1. 50 the determination of the covalent efficiency constant keff, also However, in the case of irreversible inhibitors, the I by defi- 50 known as kinact/Ki, from any single measurement of I50. The nition decreases over time, until at asymptotically infinite time proposed method is validated by using a simulation study in- it approaches one half of the enzyme concentration. Therefore, volving 64 computer-generated inhibitors with molecular prop- erties (Ki, kinact, and kinact/Ki) spanning at least six orders of

1 magnitude. Throughout this manuscript, the conventionally used notation IC50 is ab- breviated as I50.

BioKin Technical Note TN-2020-03 Revision 1.14 :: 24 June 2020 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.06.25.171207; this version posted June 27, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC 4.0 International license.

2. Methods 2.2.2. Model discrimination analysis On the assumption that the enzyme assay proceeds kinet- This section describes the theoretical and mathematical meth- ically via the one-step inhibition mechanism C, the apparent ods that were used in heuristic simulations described in this re- ∗ second-order rate constant k1 is by definition invariant with re- port. All computations were performed by using the software spect to time, according to Eqn (1). Thus, in the idealized case package DynaFit [7, 8]. ∗(1) ∗(2) of zero experimental error, two values k1 and k1 determined at two different stopping times t(1) and t(2) should be exactly 2.1. Kinetic mechanisms of irreversible inhibition identical. However, in the realistic case of non-zero experi- In this report we will consider in various contexts the kinet- ∗ mental error, the two k1 values will always be ever so slightly ics mechanisms of substrate catalysis and irreversible inhibition different even if the one-step kinetic mechanism C is actually depicted in Figure 1. For further details see ref. [9]. ∗(1) ∗(2) operating. In order to decide whether or not k1 and k1 are sufficiently similar to warrant the acceptance of the one-step k1s k2s kinetic model, we use the geometric standard deviation defined E + S E•S E + P by Eqn (4), where µg is the geometric mean defined by Eqn (3). k-1s √ µ = ∗(1) ∗(2) g k1 k1 (3) k1 k2 "A": E + I E•I EI tuv  ∗ 2  ∗ 2 k-1  (1)   (1)   k1   k1  σg = exp ln  + ln  (4) µg µg Ki k2 "B": E + I E•I EI The maximum acceptable value of σg will depend on the Ki = k-1 / k1 experimental situation. In the simulation study reported below, where the pseudo-random noise was equal to one percent of the σ < k1 maximum signal (e.g., fluorescence value), we found that g "C": E + I EI 1.25 was producing satisfactory results. Note that the geometric standard deviation σg is a dimensionless quantity measuring the Figure 1: Kinetic mechanisms of substrate catalysis (top) and “X-fold variation” associated with a group of numerical values. covalent inhibition (mechanisms A – C). σ < . ∗(1) In our situation, g 1 25 means that the two values k1 and ∗(2) k1 in a statistical sense differ by less than a factor of 1.25, or roughly by 25 percent in either direction (lower or higher). 2.2. Mathematical models ∗ ∗ 2.2.3. Determination of kinact and K from two values of I50 2.2.1. Determination of k1 from a single measurement of I50 i On the assumption that the enzyme assay proceeds kinet- On the assumption that the enzyme assay proceeds kinet- ically via the one-step inhibition mechanism C, the apparent ically via the two-step inhibition mechanism B, the apparent ∗ ∗ = / + / inhibition constant K = Ki (1 + [S]0/KM) can be computed second-order rate constant k1 k1 (1 [S]0 KM) can be com- i directly from any two measurements of I by using Eqn (5), puted directly from a single measurement of I50 by using Eqn 50 where t(1) < t(2) are the two reaction times used to determine (1), where t50 is the reaction time used to determine the ex- 50 50 (1) (2) perimental value of I50 and c is a constant depending on the I50 and I50 , respectively, and a is an empirical constant (see dimensions used to express time and concentration. When time below). is expressed in seconds and concentrations in micromoles per ( ) liter, c = 1.5936. The requisite algebraic derivation is shown in 1/a 1 − t(1)/t(2) the Supporting Information. Eqn (2) defines the second-order ∗ = 50 50 Ki ( ) / (5) covalent efficiency constant in the context of the one-step mech- (1) (2) 1 a 1 t /t anism C. − 50 50 (1) (2) I50 I50     c ∗ k∗ = (1) 1   K   1 k = a  i −  + b I50 t50 inact (2) exp  ln  (2) 1  (6) ( ) t50 I50 ∗ [S]0 ( ) k ff = k 1 + (2) e 1 K kinact [S]0 M keff = ∗ 1 + (7) Ki KM

∗ Once Ki is determined from Eqn (5), kinact can be computed (2) from it and from I50 by using Eqn (6), where a and b are em- 2 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.06.25.171207; this version posted June 27, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC 4.0 International license.

pirical constants. The value of b depends on the units used to express time and concentration. When time is expressed in sec- d[E] onds and concentrations in micromoles per liter, b = 0.558. = −k [E][S] + (k− + k )[E·S] dt 1s 1s 2s The value of a = 0.9779 irrespective of units. Eqns (5)–(6) are derived in the Supporting Information. Eqn (7) defines the −k1[E][I] + k−1[E·I] (11) second-order covalent efficiency constant in the context of the two-step mechanism B. d[S] = −k1s[E][S] + k−1s[E·S] (12) For routine calculations with real-world experimental data, dt inevitably affected by finite random noise, it is convenient to d[E·S] utilize a simplified version of Eqns (5)–(6) shown in Eqns (8)– = +k1s[E][S] − (k−1s + k2s)[E·S] (13) = . dt (9). Here utilize the fact that the empirical constant( a 0)9779 1/a is very nearly equal to unity, which means that t(1)/t(2) ≈ d[P] 50 50 = +k2s[E·S] (14) (1)/ (2) dt t50 t50 . Thus, after setting a to unity in Eqn (5) and multiplying both the numerator and denominator by t(2), we obtain Eqn (8). d[I] 50 = −k [E][I] + k− [E·I] (15) dt 1 1

t(2) − t(1) d[E·I] ∗ ≈ 50 50 = +k1[E][I] − (k−1 + k2)[E·I] (16) Ki (8) dt t(2) t(1) 50 − 50 (1) (2) d[EI] I50 I50 = +k2[E·I] (17)     dt   ∗   1   Ki   The ODE system defined by Eqns (11)–(17) was automati- k ≈ exp ln  − 1 + b (9) inact (2) (2) cally generated by the software package DynaFit [8] from sym- t50 I50 bolic input. See the Supporting Information for details. The ex- perimental signal was simulated according to Eqn (18), where 2.2.4. Implicit equation for I50 vs. time in mechanism B F is the signal value, for example fluorescence intensity at time For validation purposes, the dependence of I50 on the re- t, F0 is the baseline offset (a property of the instrument), rP is action time was modeled by using the implicit algebraic Eqn the molar response coefficient of the product P, and [P] is the (10), which is a minor variation of an equivalent implicit equa- product concentration at time t computed by solving the initial tion previously derived by Krippendorff et al. [10]. Given the value problem defined by Eqns (11)–(17). ∗ values of kinact, Ki and t50, the iterative numerical solution to obtain the corresponding value of I50 was accomplished by us- F = F0 + rP [P] (18) ing the Newton-Raphson method.[11] The microscopic rate constants k1, k−1 and k2 that we used ( ) in the simulation study described below can be related to the macroscopic kinetic constants as is shown in Eqns (19)–(21). = − − I50 − I50 0 1 exp + ∗ kinact t50 ∗ kinact t50 (10) I50 Ki 2 Ki (true) = kinact k2 (19) 2.2.5. ODE model for covalent enzyme inhibition k− + k In the context of first-order ordinary differential-equation K(true) = 1 2 (20) i k (ODE) modeling, the two-step inhibition mechanism A in Fig- 1 ure 1 is mathematically represented by the ODE system defined (true) = k1 k2 by Eqns (11)–(17). keff (21) k−1 + k2

2.2.6. Determination of I50 from simulated signal The I50 values were determined by a fit of simulated flores- cence values to Eqn (22). The three adjustable model param- eters were the control fluorescence intensity Fc, corresponding to zero inhibitor concentration; the I50; and the Hill constant n. It was assumed that at asymptotically infinite inhibitor concen- tration the fluorescence signal is by definition equal to zero.

F F = ( c ) (22) [I] n 1 + 0 I50 3 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.06.25.171207; this version posted June 27, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC 4.0 International license.

3. Results s−1. Thus, the corresponding Michaelis constant had the value KM ≡ (k−1s + k2s)/k1s = 2 µM. The simulated substrate con- This section describes the results of a simulation study that centration was [S]0 = 2 µM, such that the adjustment factor was designed to validate the determination of the kinetic con- for was 1 + [S] /K = 2. Each dose- / 0 M stants kinact, Ki, and kcat Ki from two measurements of I50. First response data set consisted of 12 progress curves corresponding we present an illustrative example of an irreversible inhibitor to 11 nonzero inhibitor concentrations, plus the positive con- following the one-step mechanism C. Next we demonstrate the trol progress curve at [I]0 = 0. The maximum inhibitor con- newly proposed method on an inhibitor following the two-step centration was set to one fifth of the “true” covalent inhibition rapid-equilibrium kinetic mechanism B. Finally, a summary of constant Ki. For example the maximum concentration for com- results is given for all simulated compounds. −1 −1 −1 −1 pound 5 (k1 = 10 µM s , k−1 = 0.1 s , and k2 = 0.1 s ) was set to [I]0 = 0.2 × (0.1 + 0.1)/10 = 0.004 µM. The re- 3.1. Simulation study design maining 10 inhibitor concentrations represented a 1:2 dilution The simulation study was designed such that each of the series; the resulting inhibitor concentration range spanned three three microscopic rate constants appearing in the kinetic mech- orders of magnitude. The maximum inhibitor concentrations anism A varied by three orders of magnitude, stepping by a ranged from 22 µM to 2 nM. The simulated enzyme concen- 4 factor of 10. The association rate constant k1 varied from 10 tration was [E]0 = 1 pM, which is lower by at least a factor of 7 −1 −1 to 10 M s ; the rate constant k−1 varied from 2 than the minimum nonzero inhibitor concentration generated 0.001 to 1 s−1; and the inactivation rate constant varied from for any compound. 0.0001 to 0.1 s−1. The corresponding covalent inhibition con- The simulated experimental signal was assumed to be di- stants Ki ≡ (k−1 + k2)/k1 varied by six orders of magnitude rectly proportional to the concentration of the reaction product, from 110 pM to 110 µM; the second-order covalent efficiency P. The assumed molar response coefficient of the enzymatic constants keff ≡ k1 k2/(k2 + k−1) varied by seven orders of mag- product was rP = 10000 instrument units (for example, rel- − − − − nitude from 0.99 M 1s 1 to 9.9 × 106 M 1s 1; the partition ratio ative fluorescence units) per µM. Each simulated fluorescence k2/k−1 varied by six orders of magnitude from k2/k−1 = 0.0001 value was perturbed by normally distributed pseudo-random er- to k2/k−1 = 100. Note that the partition ratio determines the ex- ror equal to 1% of the maximum simulated signal value. Exper- tent to which the conventionally invoked rapid equilibrium ap- imental signal values were simulated at five different stopping proximation (k2/k−1 << 1) is satisfied for any given compound. point, t = 15, 30, 60, 120, and 240 min. Importantly, only two of The corresponding “compound numbers” for the 4 × 4 × 4 = 64 the simulated signal values (generated t = 30 min and t = 2 hr) simulated inhibitors are summarized in Table 1. were used for the kinetic analysis. The remaining time points were used merely to verify qualitative systematic trends in the k2 simulated data, but were otherwise ignored for the purpose of −1 k1 k−1 s determining the kinetic constants kinact, Ki, and/or kinact/Ki. − − − µM 1s 1 s 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 ABC-017 :: Enz1 :: R1

10 1 1 17 33 49 80 A01 1 1 2 18 34 50 A02 A03 0.1 1 3 19 35 51 A04 A05

0.01 1 4 20 36 52 60 A06 10 0.1 5 21 37 53 A07 A08 1 0.1 6 22 38 54 A09

40 A10 0.1 0.1 7 23 39 55 F, rfu ∆ A11 0.01 0.1 8 24 40 56 A12 10 0.01 9 25 41 57 20 1 0.01 10 26 42 58 0.1 0.01 11 27 43 59 0.01 0.01 12 28 44 60 0

10 0.001 13 29 45 61 0.5

1 0.001 14 30 46 62 0 residuals 0.1 0.001 15 31 47 63 -0.5 0.01 0.001 16 32 48 64 0 5000 10000 15000 t, sec Table 1: “Compound numbers” attached to each of the 64 sim- ulated inhibitors. Figure 2: Raw experimental signal simulated for compound 17. For details see text. The assumed values of substrate rate constants appearing −1 −1 −1 in Figure 1 were k1s = 1 µM s , k−1s = 1 s , and k2s = 1 4 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.06.25.171207; this version posted June 27, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC 4.0 International license.

ABC-017 cpd. ABC-017

t=900 t=1800 t=3600

60 t=7200 0.03 t=14400 M 40 µ 0.02 , 50 F, a.u. IC 20 0.01 0 0

0.5 0.0005

0 0 residuals residuals -0.5 -0.0005 -1 0 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 0 5000 10000 15000 µ [I]0, M t, s

Figure 3: Results of fit of simulated experimental data for com- Figure 4: Results of fit of I50 results for compound 17 (see pound 17 (see Figure 2) to Eqn (22) to determine I50 values. Figure 3) to the implicit Eqn (10).

∗ 3.2. Example 1: One-step kinetic mechanism C tion for the two relevant values of k1 (in this case 56.4 and 53.5 − − −1 −1 −1 mM 1s 1, respectively) was 1.04, which is lower than our ac- Compound 17 (k1 = 10 µM s ; k−1 = 1 s ; k2 = 0.01 − 1 ceptance criterion σg < 1.25. Thus, we accept as the final s ) represents a typical example of a simulated inhibitor con- ∗ forming to the one-step kinetic mechanism C, according to the result the apparent k1 value corresponding to 120 min, in this ∗ = . −1 −1 = ∗ + present data-analytic procedure. The simulated reaction progress case k1 53 5 mM s . This corresponds to k1 k1 (1 / = −1 −1 curves are shown in Figure 2, where the smooth theoretical [S]0 KM) 107 mM s . Similarly from the I50 value deter- = . × + / = −1 −1 model curves correspond to the numerical solution of the dif- mined at t = 30 min, k1 56 3 (1 2 2) 113 mM s . The ferential equation system Eqns (11)–(17), as described in sec- “true” i.e. simulated value of the second-order covalent effi- / = / + tion 2.2.5. The labels “A01” through “A11” in Figure 2 corre- ciency constant for compound 17 is kinact Ki = keff k1 k2 (k−1 = × . / + . = . µ −1 −1 −1 −1 spond to inhibitor concentrations ranging from 505 nM to 0.49 k2) 10 0 01 (1 0 01) 0 099 M s = 99 mM s . −1 −1 nM (1:2 serial dilution); progress curve “A12” represents the Thus, the “true” value (99 mM s ) and the two calculated positive control. values each based on a single determination of I50 (107 and −1 −1 Each individual progress curve shown in Figure 2 was fit 113 mM s , respectively) agree to within approximately ten separately to the three-parameter logistic Eqn (22). The best-fit to fifteen percent. / values of the Hill constant n ranged from 1.01 to 1.17 for all 11 In conclusion, the covalent efficiency constant kinact Ki for analyzed dose–response curves. Importantly, the best-fit values compound 17 could be determined from either of two I50 de- terminations, either at 30 minutes or two hours, using the sim- of I50 were inversely proportional to the reaction time, which immediate alerts us to the involvement of the one-step kinetic ple formula represented by Eqn (1). Importantly, the fact that σ < mechanism, as predicted by Eqn (1). The details are summa- the two efficiency constant values are in good agreement ( g . rized in the Supporting Information. Briefly, at stopping times 1 25) provides an internal check on the underlying kinetic mech- equal to 15, 30, 60, 120 and 240 minutes (increasing systemati- anism, in this case the one-step kinetic mechanism C. cally by a factor of 2) the best-fit values of I50 were 33, 17, 8.2, 4.1, and 2.1 nM, again stepping approximately by a factor of 2, 3.3. Example 2: Two-step kinetic mechanism B −1 −1 −1 but in the opposite direction. Accordingly, as is predicted by Compound 33 (k1 = 10 µM s ; k−1 = 1 s ; k2 = 0.001 the theoretical model specified by Eqn (1) for the one-step ki- s−1) represents a typical example of a simulated inhibitor con- ∗ netic mechanism C, the calculated k1 value is largely invariant forming to the two-step kinetic mechanism B. Note that the only ∗ with respect to time. In particular, the five calculated k1 val- difference between compound 33 and compound 17 analyzed − − ues were 53.8, 56.4, 53.7, 53.5, and 51.3 mM 1s 1, respectively as Example 1 above is a ten-fold difference in the inactivation (see Supporting Information for details). rate constant k2. In the case of compound 17, the inactivation −1 For the purpose of the kinetic analysis, in this report we rate constant was ten times higher (k2 = 0.01 s ) compared to −1 are purposely considering only two of the five stopping points, compound 33 (k2 = 0.001 s ) . The association rate constant namely 30 min and 120 min. The geometric standard devia- k1 and the constant k−1 have identical values

5 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.06.25.171207; this version posted June 27, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC 4.0 International license.

ABC-033 cpd. ABC-033

t=900 t=1800 t=3600

60 t=7200 t=14400 0.1 M 40 µ , 50 F, a.u. IC 0.05 20 0 0 1 0.005 0.5

0 0 residuals residuals -0.5 -0.005

0 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 0 5000 10000 15000 µ [I]0, M t, s

Figure 5: Results of fit of simulated experimental data for com- Figure 6: Results of fit of I50 results for compound 33 (see pound 33 to Eqn (22) to determine I50 values. Figure 5) to the implicit Eqn (10). for both compounds.     The simulated experimental signal was fit to the three-para- ∗ 1   K   meter logistic Eqn (22). The best-fit values of the Hill con- k = a  i −  + b inact (2) exp  ln  (2) 1  stant n ranged from 0.97 to 1.13 for all 11 analyzed progress t50 I50 curves. The best-fit values of I50 corresponding to each of the [ ( ) ] five different stopping times (15, 30, ..., 240 min) are displayed 1 0.191 = exp 0.9779 ln − 1 + 0.558 in Figure 6. Full details of the kinetic analysis are shown in 7200 36.4 the Supporting Information. Briefly, the best-fit values of I50 −1 at stopping times 30 and 120 min were 92.7 and 36.4 nM, re- = 0.0009993 s ∗ −1 −1 spectively, which corresponds to k1 values 9.6 and 6.1 mM s according to Eqn (1). The geometric standard deviation asso- In the third and final step, we compute the covalent effi- ciated with these two numerical values is 1.38, which is higher ciency constant keff as a ratio of kinact over Ki and simultane- than the cut-off acceptance criterion σ < 1.25. Therefore com- ously adjust both keff and Ki for the assumed kinetically compet- g = ∗/ + / = . / + pound 33 is assigned the two-step kinetic mechanism B. The itive initial binding. Thus, Ki Ki (1 [S]0 KM) 0 0191 (1 / = . µ = / = . µ −1 −1 computation of the efficiency constant then proceeds in three 2 2) 0 0955 M and keff kinact Ki 0 0105 M s . The consecutive steps. In the first step, we compute an estimate of “true” i.e. simulated value of the second-order covalent effi- = / + = the apparent inhibition constant using the simplified empirical ciency constant for compound 33 is keff k1 k2 (k−1 k2) × . / + . = . µ −1 −1 Eqn (8), as follows: 10 0 001 (1 0 001) 0 0999 M s , which agrees within −1 −1 less than 5% with the calculated value keff = 0.0105 µM s . (2) (1) t − t 120 − 30 The “true” i.e. simulated value of the covalent inhibition con- K∗ = 50 50 = = i (2) (1) 191 nM stant is Ki = (k−1 + k2)/k1 = (1 + 0.001)/10 = 0.1001 µM, t t 120 − 30 50 − 50 . . which agrees within less than 5% with the calculated value (1) (2) 97 7 36 4 ′ = . µ I50 I50 Ki 0 0955 M. ∗ In conclusion, the covalent efficiency constant k /K for After converting to micromoles per liter, K = 0.191 µM. In inact i i ∗ 33 K the second step, we use the Eqn (6) to compute k from K compound , as well as the covalent inhibition constant i and inact i k and one of the I value obtained at the later stopping time, in the inactivation rate constant inact, could be determined from 50 I this case 7200 sec:2 only two 50 determinations conducted at 30 minutes and two hours, using simple algebraic formulas that can be implemented in a common spreadsheet or a calculator. The theoretically ex- 2 Recall that the empirical constants a and b in Eqn (6) strictly require that pected and calculated values for all three kinetic constants differ all concentrations be expressed in micromoles per liter and the reaction time is by less than 10%. in seconds.

6 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.06.25.171207; this version posted June 27, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC 4.0 International license.

3.4. Summary of results for all 64 inhibitors Information for details. Note that the semantics of keff differs 3.4.1. Assignment of kinetic mechanism depending on the kinetic mechanism of inhibition (either B or Preliminary investigations revealed that the assignment of C) assigned to each individual compound, as shown in Table = the optimal kinetic mechanism (either one-step or two-step) to 2. Thus, keff k1 for compounds that follow the one-step ki- (1) netic mechanism C, whereas keff = kinact/Ki for compounds that each inhibitor depends on the choice of stopping times t50 and (2) follow the two-step kinetic mechanism B. t50 , as well as on the choice of the empirical model-acceptance (1) (2) criterion σg. Using t = 30 min, t = 120 min, and σg < 2.5 50 50 k = 0.1 s−1 . 2 −1 1 25, the results are summarized in Table 2. k2 = 0.01 s k = 0.001 s−1 2 −1 k2 = 0.0001 s k2 2 −1 k1 k−1 s − − − µM 1s 1 s 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 1.5 10 1 CC BB TRUE 1 1 CC BB eff / k 0.1 1 CC BB CALC 1 0.01 1 CC BB eff k 10 0.1 CCC B CC BB 1 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.1 CC BB 0.01 0.1 CC BB

10 0.01 CC BB 0 1 0.01 CC BB 0 16 32 48 64 compound no. 0.1 0.01 CC BB 0.01 0.01 CC BB Figure 7: The ratios of calculated vs. “true” (i.e., simulated) / 10 0.001 CCC B values of keff a.k.a. kinact Ki. For details see text. 1 0.001 CCC B 0.1 0.001 CCC B The results displayed in Figure 7 indicate that keff is de- 0.01 0.001 CCC B termined with better than approximately 25% accuracy for all inhibitors except compounds 49– 64, which are associated with −1 Table 2: Kinetic mechanisms assigned to the simulated com- very slow chemical inactivation step (kinact = k2 = 0.0001 s ). (1) = (2) = σ < . In the latter group of compounds, the ratio of the calculated over pounds using t50 30 min, t50 120 min, and g 1 25. “true” i.e. simulated keff varies approximately from 0.2 to 2.0. The results shown in Table 2 can be summarized as follows. Note that for all inhibitors following the two-step kinetic mech- (i) Compounds 1 – 32, characterized by a relatively fast chem- anism, the efficiency constant keff is computed after the fact, as −1 a ratio of independently determined k and K values. Thus, ical step with k2 ≡ kinact ≥ 0.01 s , were judged by the model inact i selection algorithm to be following the one-step kinetic mecha- the question remains which of these two contributing factor, if nism C, irrespective of the particular value of the partition ratio any, is principally responsible for the lack of accuracy. An explanation for the relatively large uncertainty of k ff k2/k−1. (ii) Compounds 49 – 64, characterized by a relatively e −1 seen in most “slow” inactivators is presented in Figure 8, which slow chemical step with k2 ≡ kinact ≤ 0.0001 s , were judged by the model selection algorithm to be following the two-step shows that in most cases (in particular, compounds 49 – 60) the kinetic mechanism B, again irrespective of the particular value inhibition constant Ki is determined quite accurately, whereas the inactivation constant k shows a large degree of uncer- of the partition ratio k2/k−1. (iii) Compounds 33 – 48 asso- inact −1 tainty. Only compounds 61 – 64 show a relatively large dis- ciated with an intermediate value of k2 = 0.001 s followed either of the two kinetic mechanisms, depending on the par- crepancy between the “true” and calculated values for both kinact and K . Note that compounds 61 – 64 are genuinely exceptional tition ratio k2/k−1. In particular, compounds 33 – 44 with the i exception of 37 displayed the two-step kinetic mechanism B. In in two different respects. Not only their chemical reactivity is = = . −1 all those cases, the chemical step is slower than the dissociation exceptionally low, as measured by kinact k2 0 0001 s , −1 but also their dissociation rate constant k− = 0.0001 s is the step (k2/k−1 < 1). In contrast, compounds 45 – 48, for which 1 lowest in the entire compound collection. An examination of in- k2/k−1 = 1, conformed to the one-step kinetic mechanism C. stantaneous rate plots for these four compounds (see Supporting 3.4.2. Calculated values of macroscopic kinetic constants Information) shows that the there is a kinetic transient (a “slow The calculated values of the second-order covalent efficiency binding” phenomenon [12, 13]) that dramatically distorts the I50 values determined at t = 30 min. constant keff for all 64 simulated inhibitors, as determined by the two-point method, are summarized in Figure 7. See Supporting

7 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.06.25.171207; this version posted June 27, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC 4.0 International license.

7 Ki remedy is to deploy a data-analytic procedure that does not kinact rely on any simplifying assumptions, meaning a mathematical 6 model based on the numerical solution of differential equation. For an illustrative example involving the inhibition of drug- 5 resistant EGFR mutants, see ref. [15]. The second simplifying assumption underlying the data-ana- 4 lytic procedure presented here is that the reaction rate in the positive control experiment ([I]0 = 0) remains strictly constant over the entire duration of the assay. In other words, it is as- 3 sumed that the positive control progress curve (time vs. exper- imental signal) is strictly linear. This can only be achieved if 2 the mole fraction of the substrate ultimately consumed in the parameter ratio : CALC / TRUE control assay remains negligibly low; if the initial concentra- 1 tion of the substrate is very much higher than the corresponding Michaelis constant ([S]0 >> KM); or if both of the above condi- 0 tions are satisfied simultaneously. It should be noted that sim- 32 48 64 ple visual inspection can often be extremely misleading when compound no. it comes to judging linearity vs. nonlinearity of positive con- Figure 8: The ratios of calculated vs. “true” (i.e., simulated) trol assays. Instead of relying on a subjective assessment, it is preferable to deploy an objective cross-validation procedure values of kinact and Ki. For details see text. described in ref. [16].

4. Discussion Experimental design Krippendorff’s [10] implicit algebraic Eqn (10) for time-de- Assumptions and limitations of the present method pendence of I50, as well as the data-analytic formulas derived The theoretical model represented by Eqns (1)–(7) is based in this report, are both based on the important assumption that on two simplifying assumptions. Note that the two assump- there is no preincubation of the enzyme with inhibitor prior to tions are those that also underlie the Kitz–Wilson “kobs” method adding the substrate to trigger the enzymatic assay. Instead, the [5, 14] and the Krippendorff method [10] of analyzing the time- enzyme’s interactions with the substrate and with the inhibitor dependence of I50 from multiple measurements. First, it is as- need to be initiated at the same time, by adding the enzyme sumed that there is no inhibitor depletion, in the sense that dur- catalyst as the last component into the assay. ing the assay only a negligibly small mole fraction of the in- At least some practitioners in enzyme kinetics apparently hibitor is bound to the enzyme, either covalently or non-cova- misunderstand this very important aspect of covalent I50 as- lently. This in turn implies that the total or analytic concentra- says analyzed specifically by Krippendorff’s method [10] (and tion of the inhibitor is always significantly higher than the initial also by the two-point method presented here). For example, concentration of the enzyme. In practical terms, we found that Fassunke et al. [17] reported that “for kinetic characterization an approximately three fold excess of the lowest inhibitor con- (kinact/Ki), the inhibitors were incubated with EGFR-mutants centration in a dilution series over the enzyme concentration is over different periods of time (2–90 min), whereas durations satisfactory. A situation that should be strenuously avoided is of enzymatic reactions [25 min after adding the substrate at allowing any of the inhibitor concentrations become lower than the end of enzyme–inhibitor preincubation, note added by P.K.] the enzyme concentration, if and when those inhibitor concen- were kept constant. [...] Calculated IC50-values were [...] fit as trations are associated with any observable inhibitory effect. described in the literature to determine kinact and Ki”. The “lit- Of course, depending on the nature of the assay, it may erature” method mentioned immediately above is a reference to not be practically possible to lower the enzyme concentration the Krippendorff method [10]. However, to repeat for empha- sufficiently and still maintain assay sensitivity. For example, sis, Krippendorff’s equation Eqn (10) was derived under the it may not be practically possible to use enzyme concentra- assumption that the onset of product formation occurs simulta- = tions as low as [E]0 1 pM, as was done in the simulation neously with the onset of enzyme inhibition, otherwise Eqn (10) study presented here. In fact, in many assays it becomes nec- cannot be used. On that basis, the kinact and Ki values reported ≈ essary to use enzyme concentrations as high as [E]0 10 nM for EGFR inhibitors in ref. [17] are almost certainly invalid. or even higher, because of sensitivity concerns. However, note For the purposes of utilizing the newly proposed two-point that the binding affinity of many therapeutically important en- I50 method, it is important to arrange the experiment such that zyme inhibitors also lies in the nanomolar region, which means the two stopping times are spaced sufficiently widely. Based that these express their inhibitory potency already at on preliminary investigations, it appears sufficient to maintain (1) (2) [I]0 ≈ 1 nM or lower. Neither the Kitz–Wilson “kobs” method at least a four-fold difference between t50 and t50 , for example [5, 14], the Krippendorff method [10], nor the method presented t(1) = 15 min and t(2) = 1 hr, or alternately 30 min and 2 hr. here, can be used under such experimental circumstances, where 50 50 The objective is to assure that the two I50 values are sufficiently the zero-inhibitor depletion assumption is violated. The only 8 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.06.25.171207; this version posted June 27, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC 4.0 International license.

different from each other, such that it becomes possible to dis- sumption that all inhibitors follow the two-step kinetic mecha- cern whether or not the two resulting I50 values are inversely nism B, whereas our method allows the actual kinetic mecha- proportional to the stopping time according to Eqn (1). In this nism to be detected from the experimental data, without making (2) respect, it is advantageous to choose t50 as high as is practically prior assumptions. possible, while also keeping in mind that substrate depletion, In fact, we have previously documented [6, 9] that cova- enzyme deactivation, and other “nuisance” factors might cause lent inhibitors characterized by high initial binding affinity, high the positive control progress curve to become nonlinear, which chemical reactivity, or both, will outwardly display one-step ki- should be avoided as much as possible. netics. In the specific case of highly “tight binding” inhibitors The optimal duration of the covalent inhibition assay is also [13, 18], which are characterized by relatively low dissociation closely related to the expected inactivation rate constant kinact. rate constant k−1 in the initial noncovalent step, the noncova- In the hypothetical scenario where the enzyme is instantaneously lent complex dissociates only very slowly on the time-scale of saturated with the inhibitor because the inhibitor concentration the experiment, which renders even the first (strictly speaking, is very much higher than the covalent inhibition constant Ki, the noncovalent) binding step effectively irreversible. In the case of covalent conjugate EI is formed with the first-order rate con- highly reactive covalent inhibitors, which are characterized by stant kinact. Under these hypothetical circumstances, the half- relatively high inactivation rate constant k2, the initial noncova- time for inactivation is equal to ln(2)/kinact. For example, in lent complex may be pulled forward through the reaction path- −1 the specific case of kinact = 0.0001 s , the expected half-time way so rapidly that the mole fraction of E·I remains kinetically for inactivation is t1/2 = ln(2)/0.0001 = 0.693/0.0001 = 6930 s = undetectable. That is why covalent inhibitors characterized by −1 115 min, or approximately two hours. Assuming that nearly full relatively high inactivation constant (k2 ≥ 0.01 s ) are not ex- inactivation is achieved at about tmax ≈ 3 × t1/2, the assay would pected to yield a meaningful value of the have to last almost six hours in order to see the enzyme fully Ki, even though the initial noncovalent complex must be physi- inactivated. An enzyme assay that long of course might not cally present – however fleetingly. be possible for numerous practical reasons, which also means −1 that covalent inhibitors with kinact ≤ 0.0001 s are exceedingly Significance and utility of the two-point I50 method difficult to characterize accurately; see also the results reported The cost of successfully developing new and here for simulated compounds 49 – 64. bringing them to market past unavoidable regulatory hurdles is enormous, amounting to approximately 2.6 billion US dollars Choice of the model selection criterion σg per compound in 2016 [19]. Even assuming that the largest A successful application of the two-point data analytic pro- fraction of the overall expenditure is taken up by clinical trials, cedure described in this report depends on a suitable choice of the cost of pre-clinical discovery processes such as the evalua- the model selection criterion σg. Recall that σg is the geometric tion of enzyme inhibitors for biochemical potency is very sig- standard deviation between two numerical values of I50, defined nificant, both in terms of human energy and in terms of material by Eqn (4), and is used to decide between the one-step kinetic supplies. mechanism C and the two-step kinetic mechanism B. The op- In this context, irreversible enzyme inhibitors present an ex- timal choice σg depends on the nature of assay and also on the ceptional challenge, because even the “simple” task of mean- (1) (2) ingfully ranking a series of drug candidates by biochemical po- choice of the two stopping times, t50 and t50 . We found that for more closely spaced stopping time values, σg ≈ 1.25 performs tency is complicated by the fact that the overall potency of co- satisfactorily, whereas for stopping times separated by a factor valent inhibitors consists of two entirely separate components, of five or higher, σg ≈ 1.5 works better. The optimal value of namely, their initial binding affinity (Ki) and their chemical re- σg may need to be adjusted in the course of an inhibitor screen- activity (kinact). This conceptual difficulty often leads to low- ing campaign, as practical experiences are being accumulated. information experiments that are potentially wasteful. For example, a number of drug discovery projects begin by Similarities and differences with the Krippendorff method testing each irreversible inhibitor in a “one-hour I50” assay, or The present method is similar to the method of Krippen- in a similar single time-point I50 assay. However, any value dorff at al. [10] in that both methods use the same theoretical of covalent I50 observed at a single time-point is by definition foundation represented by Eqn (10). There are also three major non-unique, because it could be produced either by an inhibitor differences. First, our method requires only two measurements that has high affinity (low Ki) and low reactivity (low kinact) or alternately by another inhibitor that has low affinity (high K ) of I50 whereas the Krippendorff method requires several times i as many data points. Second, our method can be computation- and high reactivity (high kinact). Because of this inherent re- ally implemented very simply by using a common spreadsheet dundancy and ambiguity, a covalent I50 value determined at a program, whereas the Krippendorff method requires a highly single time-point cannot be used to rank irreversible inhibitors specialized software package that allow nonlinear least-squares by potency in a meaningful way. In contrast, the two-point fit to an implicitly defined algebraic model, of the general form I50 method presented here is guaranteed to produce a unique f (X, Y) = 0, as opposed to the much more common explicit value of the covalent efficiency constant keff for all inhibitors, algebraic equation, of the general form Y = f (X). Third, and irrespective of the kinetic mechanism, and additionally also a most important, the Krippendorff method is based on an as- unique value of kinact and Ki for those inhibitors that formally follow the two-step kinetic mechanism B. 9 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.06.25.171207; this version posted June 27, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC 4.0 International license.

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