
Journal with Jesus Conversations of the Heart

Journal with Jesus Conversations of the Heart

Sister Helen Matosich, pbvm To the reader:

This book is an excellent prayer tool and makes the believer know the heart of Jesus within the everyday events of their lives. It has deeply touched me and renewed my faith. I therefore hasten to recommend it to everyone, who desires to be close to Jesus.

John the Baptist Anyeh SJ 11/30/13 Feast of St. Andrew Apostle University of San Francisco


Thanks to T., Do., C. , for their openness and desire to meet regularly to pray this way.

A debt of gratitude is owed to Sister Stephanie Still, PBVM, who made this journal available on the Presentation Sisters San Francisco website, www.presentationsisterssf.org. Click on the link, Journal with Jesus.

Thanks to Susana Yu for her invaluable help with editing and printing. Thanks also to all those who helped to begin the effort of typing years ago.

© 2016 Helen Matosich, pbvm


Table of Contents

Foreward ...... 3

Preface ...... 4

Beginning Prayer ...... 5


6/16/99-8/30/99 ...... 7-12 9/10/99-9/25/99 ...... 12-23 10/2/99-10/28/99 ...... 23-33 11/1/99-11/29/99 ...... 33-52 12/11/99-12/30/99 ...... 52-62 1/3/00-1/24/00 ...... 63-79

Explanatory Notes ...... 80-81


The Calling to be Intercessors ...... 82

The Gift of Healing given by the Holy Spirit: Lessons on how to pray for others ...... 82-83

Resources ...... 85

Cloak and Shield Pictures for Intercessors ...... 86



As you read this journal you will see that it is more than a devotional. It is a guide and help to answer questions about what is basic and important for living a life of peace and to be a help to others in time of crisis. You are free to make copies to give out, to teach others to do the same.* I pray you will be moved to do this. Even if only one person is helped, it is enough. Share what you yourself found in this booklet and if possible your action of beginning to journal. I grew in this form of prayer by praying with others. We prayed regularly because of the need for guidance, consolation, healing and knowledge. Just by being with Jesus and one another in this way we were blessed with the knowledge that we are loved and deeply cared about in a very human way by Jesus our God. These heart to heart conversations are possible for anyone. By making these encounters known to you, I encourage you and invite you to spend time in the company of Jesus.

You will be able to read this book on www.presentationsisterssf.org and download it. *This may be done with permission from Sister Helen Matosich. The text may not be changed in any way due to copyright.



This book of prayer conversations is about the spiritual life for beginners and for anyone who desires to deepen their relationship with God Who is known through the writings of the Bible. The conversations begin with questions on the meaning of spiritual dreams. The first recorded dream was of angels saying, “Be healed.” When asked for the meaning, the answer came from God the Father during a time of illness. “I am teaching you My ways. Those were My angels praying for you, but it is I who does the healing. I sent them to let you know that you are being healed.”

The words in this booklet were given in a form of written prayer, a spiritual conversation through writing. The initial words come to mind and as they are written, the next few words are given. It is done in a peaceful state of mind after a prayer for discernment: a prayer to St. Michael or the Armor of God prayer given below. Psalm 51:1-6, 12, 17 follows and after a short period of silence, the question in mind is asked. The question on the meaning of dreams later changed to “Do You have any words for us, Lord?” Thus began a series of daily conversations which began on June 16, 1999 and continues to this day.

What is included here are teachings given in answer to basic questions about the spiritual life. The heart to heart conversations establish a trusting and intimate relationship with God the Father, God’s Son Jesus, and with Mary the Mother of Jesus. The initials of those in conversation with Jesus, Mary and God the Father are used for anonymity. The lines written in italics or underlined within the responses of Jesus, Mary and God the Father are meant to highlight what is being said. You, the reader, can place yourself in the conversation by accepting what is said as being said to you. Jesus says at one point that this is so.


Beginning Prayer

Begin reading or journaling by praying the words of St. Paul and Psalm 51.

The Armor of God -- The words of St. Paul the Apostle from the letter to the Ephesians found in the New Testament of the Bible: Ephesians, Chapter 6 verses 10-17 In the name of Jesus, I put on the full Armor of God: The shoes of eagerness to tell the good news of peace; The belt of truth, Your faithfulness to me; The breastplate of integrity, wholeness, healing; The helmet of salvation wherein I stand not guilty, in right standing with God, and filled with the goodness of the Lord; I put on the shield of faith to put out the burning arrows of the evil one; I take the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. Against that Word no evil can come. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

Psalm 51:1-6, 12, 17 Have mercy on me, O Lord, In your goodness and compassion, wipe out my offense. Thoroughly wash away all my guilt; from my sin cleanse me. For I know my offense; my sin is always before me. Against you alone I have sinned. A clean heart create in me, O God and a willing spirit sustain in me. Lord, open my lips; and my mouth will proclaim your praise.




6/16/99 Pray, Pray, Pray Jesus: Take My hand My daughter, and we will walk through the dark valley together. As we walk I will show you many things and when we come to the end of the valley you will be brand new. Pray. Prayer is needed by so many. Pray when you work, pray when you walk, pray when you rest. Offer your sleep as a prayer. Pray, pray, pray. It makes sense to pray as we walk together. We wouldn’t be talking about a TV program!

6/29/99 When you ask for help God the Father: Don’t worry about anything. We’ll plan together what to do first, second and third, and then you can do the first thing in peace knowing what you will do next. Worry comes when you don’t know where to start and so you don’t know if you’ll finish. Time is in My hands. I can stretch it or shorten it. You may have already noticed this. When you ask for My help I not only help you with the task but I arrange everything around it so that there will be no or very few obstacles. If there are many obstacles, it means one of two things: I’m taking care of it My way, or you are on the wrong track, and I am helping you to see this.

7/3/99 Jesus: I am glad you asked for words from Me for T. T., My love, you are My own sweet child. You are a delight to My heart. I want you to know that without a doubt, so that no matter what happens, you know that you are in My heart and I am always with you. So as you travel, I will be with you. When you are with your friend, I will be with you both. Keep this in mind: that as you two walk, talk, sit and eat together, I am with you. This way everything will fall into place for both of you. Share time to do this with both of us, our Mother and Me. Pray each day in Church. This will keep you centered and at peace. Then you will be able to make your decisions. Do not forget Me, mon cherie. Nor will I forget you!


7/7/99 Lord, would You explain the dream of angels saying, “Be healed” over and over again? God the Father: Those were My angels praying for you but it is I who does the healing. I sent them to let you know that you are being healed. All your efforts are bringing you to Me for healing. And I am doing it! You are My precious. I have much for you to do. You will be My heart for so many of My hurting children. During this time I am teaching you about My ways. It is our time together. You will look back on this time with great gratitude and longing. For it is a small taste of heaven--you and I together. When you talk to people, they too will come to know it is possible to be close to Me, to be taught, to be loved so deeply. They will cry for joy! Their empty hearts will never more be empty. Do., My little dove, your gentle love will open the hearts of many to Me. Your story of this time of intimacy with Me and healing will bring a deep assurance that it is possible. Your prayers for them that you pray now, and that you will pray then for them will make these things happen for them! Be happy, My sweetheart.

7/15/99 Questions about dream of St. Peter, his wife and St. John Jesus: You and St. Peter are related first of all, by your love for Me. You both are willing to give all for Me. You have the same desires of heart--to do whatever I ask. For this I am grateful. You are brother and sister to one another and through Me. So you can depend on one another for prayers, for help, for affection. St. Peter directed John to be on hand and near-by to help you understand My ways, My direction for you, to understand Me. Just as John instructed many, so too will you. At this time you are learning all you can about Me and St. John is helping you. He understood Me the most because he loved Me so much. His heart was opened always to receive My love and My instruction. So these men have been and always will be your companions in this world and

8 truly in the next! Everyone has spiritual companions. I wanted it to be clear to you, who your companions are. They are your true brothers.

7/21/99 Jesus: Church bells? They will ring. The purpose is to warn everyone when there will be no other warning. They will ask “Why is this happening?” And I will answer in their hearts to prepare them for My coming. They will have a short time to prepare. This is when My chosen will be needed to help--to help them pray for forgiveness and invite Me into their lives. Then the bells will mean welcome and celebration for all My children who have come to Me! Yes, this will be the coming warning and illumination of souls* very soon. Yes, I will give you the gift of hearing My voice. You do already by listening and discerning. I will do the rest. *Everyone will receive the knowledge of the state of their souls in relationship to God and to everyone else.

8/05/99 Jesus: My dear daughter, it is true--birthday blessings are pouring down from heaven on you. Your heart reflects this. You are a tabernacle of My love. When you pour out your love to others it is My love they feel, though they may not know it. Continue on your path to Me; read, pray, spend time with Me. I need you to be My emissary of love. The books Through the Eyes of Jesus* are a good picture of My love for everyone, and for My Father. Now you know. Be at peace now My sweet daughter. Always be at peace. And Happy Birthday! *Through the Eyes of Jesus is by Allan Ames.

8/28/99 In answer to the meaning of a dream Jesus: The sea is all the events of life within P. and without-- in the world around him. No door to his home means there is no protection, privacy or discernment. You are there in his

9 mind and heart to help but it is not enough. He is depending on you and your goodness to do what he himself must do--to know the truth and live by it. Otherwise all will be lost-- swept away by the tide of events. He will lose everything, most especially his soul. When you go, tell him your dream and what it means. He will take it from there with the help of your prayers. He is on the brink of decision in his life to choose life or death.

8/29/99 Our Prayers Works and Sufferings Jesus: You, T., are My sweet, you gladden My heart with your love. It is you I saw among those who comforted Me at My Passion. This is the effect of your great love for Me. Not only do you comfort Me, but also so many in their suffering by your love. Yes, this is your greatest gift. I tell you this because it is so needed. Just as My heart, My whole body was so parched, so thirsty, that nothing could quench such a thirst – I have such a thirst for souls. There are so many who die of thirst because there is no one who loves them unconditionally. And so this is what is needed most today. Be at peace about your business because everything you do flows from your loving heart and is like a river, a great river of love, your love and Mine-- ours together watering the hearts of so many. Your prayers, works and sufferings united to Mine comfort so many who are suffering, many you don’t even know. This is what I wanted to tell you tonight to assure and to strengthen you, my Sweet. I hug you and I pour My love into your heart. Any time you grow tired just come to me for a hug and I will pour My love into your heart to flow out to others.

You Are In the Garden of My Heart I am pleased that you read about Me and My life lived for you. As you read My love flows out to you, and yours to Me. Do you know how happy I feel when we are together? I feel that way now. Whenever any one of My children asks Me to speak to them, I am more than happy to do so. You are

10 my precious flower in the garden of My heart. I care for you like a careful gardener, loving each plant to life and beauty. This is what I am doing for you. All you need do is respond and grow in My Heart. Sometimes cultivation is needed by watering, manuring, and protecting. During the next weeks, I will protect you with My shade against the heat. So continue to take My hand. During the dry times of hard work, I will do the watering when you spend time with Me in prayer. The water will go deep to the roots so My precious flower will not only survive but thrive. And with all this watering---our time together in prayer, all the other plants near you will thrive also--yes, everyone. So remind yourself that wherever you are, you are in the garden of My Heart.

8/30/99 What is the meaning of the purple flowers in my dream? Was this from you? Jesus: Yes, this was from Me to tell you how I am caring for Do., and how she is blossoming. The color purple indicates some sorrow, but this sorrow is the cause of beauty of soul. It was all to tell you that Do. is in My care and doing alright in her circumstances.

Does Do. need to pray more about her sentimental life, because she doesn’t know what decision to make? Jesus: Yes, Do. definitely needs to talk to Me about it because it is a very important part of one’s life. The heart is so made that it needs to love and be loved. So yes, this is an important thing to talk about especially since there is a decision to make.

My Do., right now rest is needed as well as much time for work. But at the same time it will become clear to you which course to take. Pray that whatever decision you make, your heart will be able to follow, so you can carry it out. In the meantime tuck it all in My heart. It will be safe there and I'll help you with it. You can trust Me. I love you and I

11 won't let you down.

Jesus: C., you are on the right track, in every way: in work, in your search for new employment, in your spiritual life and in the care of your family. You might say now “Ah I am perfect!” but no, it is I who leads you and you have followed. This is the result--a peaceful and ordered life, a life of joy and love.

9/10/99 Do. What is the meaning of the dream about losing L. and realizing prayer would help? Jesus: It is true, prayer would help, but it is not only L. prayer will find. It is I Myself. It is what will bring you to wholeness. So this dream has a deeper meaning. L. represents the part of you that would complete yourself. Prayer is spending the time over what is needed, what is to be found because it is missing, and what is yet to become. In the real world L. is lost to you, the most important part of you, the spiritual part. You have spent much time with him, but the spiritual is not part of this relationship, and so L. would always be lost to you. And you felt this to be so this summer. Prayer for him will help, but it is up to him to respond. And he may not until the moment of his death when he finally sees Me. Your prayers will bring him into

12 my arms. In the inner world of any person there is the masculine and feminine and when they are truly united there is wholeness and peace. Prayer helps this also to happen as I described above. Whatever is missing I give! You can depend on it.

Lord, are L. and I made for one another? If I stay with him can I really grow in my spiritual life? Jesus: No.

Is there someone else for me? Jesus: Yes, of course!

Where? Jesus: First, in your heart--Me. Then it will be easy to see who, where and when. I know this is very difficult because you love L. and he truly loves you, but I want you to be happy. In everyday life day in and day out, this is the proof of true and lasting love. You could marry L. but it would be very difficult for you both as time goes on. When two people are not able to bring Me into their lives -- everyday lives, they soon look to one another for everything to fill the emptiness in their hearts which only I can. And since you already know My love for you and have experienced it deeply, it would be an even more excruciating pain and loneliness to be without Me on this level. There will be pain in the separation, but I will heal it for both of you. You will long for one another, but it will be passing, I promise you. Remember, you two will meet in heaven because of your prayers, no more to be separated! That’s what this dream means.

The Shroud and the Sharing of Suffering T. Lord, we love You and we are grateful for these dreams. What is the meaning of the dream of the Shroud? Jesus: The Shroud, of course, is My suffering. My dear one, you were at prayer. In prayer we share our difficulties, our

13 joys and our sufferings. I was sharing My sufferings with you and you felt the heaviness of it. No one is ready to share My sufferings. You knew this. But I invite you, and give My grace and strength.

Dream on Our Lady’s birthday T. Oh Blessed Mother, what is in the parcel and why did you choose that paper, white with very green leaves and pale yellow ribbon? Mary: Oh my darling daughter! How I have been waiting to tell you! The paper does remind you of Jesus, doesn’t it? The white recalls His purity and the invitation to be part of Him, just as the branches are part of the vine. The bright green tells you how much life there is in Jesus. And the pale yellow ribbon brightened the package, the parcel, the gift even more. Life shines from the package inviting you to open. I am so glad you want to open it. Close your eyes now and we shall open it together.

T. I see a key for opening the hearts of people to the understanding of Jesus and you, dear mother, so they will come back to both of you, especially my own children. M. I saw a brooch with the same design as the paper. Life, health, wholeness shines from it so strongly that people are drawn to T. to find out what it means, where it comes from.

Mary: Yes, the key, the brooch and a rose. There is a rose. The rose reminds us of beauty and love. T., these three are my gift to you. From now on we will be speaking through you of true life, true love, and everlasting wholeness. All that you have read pale in comparison to this gift, because it will be God’s own Spirit speaking through you in words and example.

9/11/99 Lord, the dream about the Jews, what does it mean? Jesus: C., My son, it means you have the heart of a Jew. And

14 what does this mean? The deepest heart of every Jew is to love God with all their heart, mind and soul. This is their life and their hearts' striving. This is what you do, though you don’t think about it as such. In your dream you are very respectful and loving, and they return the same to you, the Jews of your dream. This reflects your care for them, and also the care you take of your own spirit and life with Me. It is time for you to know this so that you will feel encouraged and also encourage others on their path to Me. C., today is your birthday! Happy Birthday! I celebrate with you and I tell you how happy we all are that you are part of our family. When you were born I saw your life before Me in My mind and rejoiced. So today we bless you with many blessings, which will become obvious to you as time goes on. So be encouraged. I am with you minute by minute lending a helping hand and will be there for you as a living companion. I touch your heart with joy on this day! And I give you the gift of great optimism and hope which will be a beacon for others. All my children will sorely need this and you will help lead them to Me by your quiet peaceful ways. Happy Birthday, My dear friend and brother.

9/13/99 T. Lord, how will the blood test go? Jesus: Don’t worry. The whole thing is in My hands. Pray for the doctor who will review your test. This trial has strengthened you in My love. So you see I bring good out of everything! Continue to trust for the results. Thank you for asking. I bless you and refresh you. Be at peace.

We also asked Our Blessed Mother, “Who is the biggest/greatest saint?” Mary: St. Joseph is the greatest saint on earth and St. Michael is the greatest saint in heaven.

Mary came right away when we called her! Also, M. said she could feel Jesus standing next to us and He is smiling,

15 proud of us! We are so blessed!

M. Do you want T. to be a French teacher? She does not know if she is really good at it. Jesus: Do., many things go into teaching, as you know. And your task of teaching so many ages is a formidable challenge. You definitely are a teacher, but with only a little preparation. My suggestion is this: speak to the teacher of the class you have difficulty with and ask her if you can observe her as she teaches, a subject similar, like reading. I am sure your principal will allow this. Now is the time while you are still free to do so. Observe how she handles a group, and what she does to keep their attention, what she does to inspire them to keep trying. If after this month it is still difficult then ask to teach them when they are more teachable half way through the school year. It would surely help to have books. Find out the cost. We’ll talk again.

9/14/99 Feast of the Holy Cross Lord, we thank You for Your great love shown to us by dying on the cross for us. Thank You so much. Are we carrying our cross well? Jesus: Whenever you ask Me to help you carry your cross you are carrying it well. Nothing makes Me happier than this. I do not want anyone to be alone in their suffering. This is why I suffered and died in a way no one would forget. The imprint of the nails and the thorns are My victory. You will feel this victory when you look back from heaven on your life and see the grace and merit that came from carrying your cross with Me. Otherwise it is too difficult, too heavy, too easy to complain. Just think, My cross has brought light to the entire world, and someone helped Me carry it, remember?

9/14/99 Do. The dream of P. with the rosary--what does it mean? Jesus: P. will come to Me because of your influence and

16 prayers.

9/15/99 First time Do. tried to listen for Jesus’ answer! Do. Lord, I just want to thank you for watching over M. and for her safe delivery last night. I am so happy for her, and it makes me feel like having a baby too! Someday! Jesus: I did watch over her and your prayers helped too. I will do the same for you, when the time comes. Yes, these are My words and thoughts for you, my Do.! When will you have children? They will come in the new age. Yes, children will be needed to bring hope to all. New life in a new age, a new era of peace, deep peace such as the world has never known since the garden of Eden.

T. Will we still have houses and cars? Jesus: Technology no, living from the land, from the earth in peace will be the rule of the day. There will be no more technical machines, only hand-made ones, made from the land. Once again all will depend on Me for what they need and not on machines and self-power and prestige. There will be only humility and faith. There will be many ways through My Spirit to know beyond what natural sight and sound tell you. Don’t worry. By that time everyone will be one heart and one mind in Me. It will be easy to know how your loved ones are, even at a distance.

How will we be able to travel to France? Jesus: If you want to be in France in the new age, go now to live there. Don’t worry. Heaven is forever. I will guide you in the timing of things. You’ll be in the right place at the right time.

Will there be time to go in October for three or four weeks in Paris? Jesus: Yes.


Will C.’s project be useful? In the age to come? Jesus: Now yes, then no.

About the new age, what else Lord? Jesus: It will be like this: People will gather together to help one another. They will do things as a community of love. No one will be left alone or unloved. Your friend who is old feels very much alone and is trying in old ways to get help: medication, doctors, and illness. In the new age none of this will be necessary. Everyone will feel loved. Before this time comes, there will be many, many opportunities to help one another. By the new age, everyone will be used to it. It will be a way of life. Making a living will be done together without competition.

Should we (spend) use the savings to move away? Jesus: It won’t be necessary. I will show you when the time comes.

9/16/99 Pray and Do Penance for Your Home Area St. Clare’s name came to mind.

Lord, what does this mean? Jesus: It means this: St. Clare is your patron who wants you to know she is waiting to help. Ask for her prayers and protection. But above all realize she loves you and is your close friend and powerful advocate. She is also patron of this valley so much in need of prayer because of the power of the evil one which has taken over many lives and many companies. To defeat the results of the power of the evil one, you will need as much help as possible. So I give you St. Clare. I want you to know this so that you will not feel alone in the days to come. You have St. Joseph, My Mother- our Mother, and St. Clare. She will help you draw close to Me in the Blessed Sacrament, and to be faithful in prayer, especially prayer for this valley. With this encouragement comes a call to pray and do penance for your home area.


Pray, yes, for your country, but concentrate more on your own valley because it is the hub and source of power for the world, both negative and positive power. You can also include the whole bay area. Pray to St. Francis since he is your first patron. With this family, you can’t go wrong and you will do much good.

Begin with your rosaries and Mass asking them to pray with you. Then spend time before the Blessed Sacrament praying in intercession with your patrons and St. Michael. Invite others to do the same. They hear My voice through you. Pray they will respond. You can pray alone or together, but at regular times pray together to support one another in your resolve to pray, and to draw even more grace when you pray together.

9/20/99 Jesus: My dear T., Don’t worry about the results of the test. Much happened last night at the healing Mass. But do rest every day. Eat well. Get enough sleep and rest every day, even just fifteen minutes. When you rest let me hold you and I will heal even while you rest. Your brothers and sisters in heaven are praying for you. I have to heal because there are things I want you to do. I have a plan for your life. The reason I am healing slowly is because I have much to teach you.

Check In Before Decisions Jesus: Yes Do., I would like to tell you the meaning of your dream. My child, my dear sweet one, you are experiencing what is happening in the world and its effects. So much evil makes a mockery of My suffering and death. It shows in a symbolic way when I am shown on the cross with no head. It also means how great beyond measure is the suffering of so many today. Even though you are living your own life day to day, the unconscious part of you knows and it showed in your dream. No, you do not do this to Me. I know you

19 were worried about this. I allowed this dream to alert you to guard yourself from any person place or thing, which bring potential harm to you or to those you, love. Be careful, without fear, but be aware. Satan is very strong, very powerful and wants the entire world, even the universe for himself. So not only is this a dream to give you knowledge, but it is also a warning dream in a good sense. Before you go out with your friends or alone check in with Me for safety and good health. Be at peace, and please accept these words of mine in peace, for I hold you close to My heart and want only the best for you: My grace and My love. To check in, only ask before you decide on your activities. You can do it in writing if you want, like before. It has to be calm and quiet so that your mind can accept my words in your thoughts. If you keep the guidelines that I want you to have only My grace and My love, do whatever will bring this to you. Don’t worry I'll teach as you go.

9/22/99 T. Lord, what do the tears mean at Holy Communion? Jesus: Dear T., the tears are my love for you and your love for me. In this moment of union, our love becomes one.

Are these your words, Lord? Jesus: Yes, of course they are. T. would not think of this.

Why does Do. feel a kind of sadness? Jesus: Because she needs so much My love. This is a difficult time for her, leaving her friends and having to work so hard. Do., stay and cry out your tears on My shoulder. You will feel better after that!

Is T. feeling your pain, Jesus? Jesus: Yes, some of it. T., when we are united we feel the pain of one another. It is a special grace I have given you. Will you accept it? T.: Yes, of course Lord! I’ll accept anything from You

20 because I know that you wouldn’t give me anything I cannot bear.

9/23/99 T. Lord, you sent me a dream of an angel saying I am healed. Do I need to do something for a complete healing? Maybe I missed something. I am getting more and more tired. Jesus: My daughter, you do need rest and the more you rest the better it will be for you. Your body needs all the help it can get for the message of the angel to be revealed. Next week will be refreshing but not restful enough. But when you come home you will be able to rest better. We will talk again about this matter. In the meantime enjoy your trip. I will show you many beautiful things. So be at peace my daughter, because of your great desire to please Me. All you need do is ask for direction.

9/24/99 Do. Lord, what shall I do tomorrow? You asked me to check with You about my activities and I’m not sure what to do with my day tomorrow. Jesus: Be happy my Do., do not do anything that makes you uncomfortable. Rest, relax, read, work a little and enjoy the outside. You can call your friend M. and go and visit her and her baby if she's available. But do not do anything that makes you unhappy. I want you to be happy! You have the weekend so that you can enjoy and be happy. Do not worry, I am with you. I am always with you! And remember that fear does not come from me. I give you my peace and my love and protection.

Do. Lord, whenever I sit down and think about my life, I feel a sense of heaviness on my shoulders. I’m not sure where all this is leading me. When I’m busy during the week, I don’t have time to really think about my life but when I stop and start thinking, then everything is not so great anymore. Jesus: Take one day at a time and trust Me. I know what I’m

21 doing and you are on the right track. I am taking care of everything My dear Sweet. I understand your concerns and thoughts and I understand that you are going through a difficult time right now but it won't be like that forever! I have a place for your life and I am showing you My way. Give all your cares to Me and I will take care of them. Continue to take My hand and all will be well. I give you My peace and My love. -- Your own Jesus

9/25/99 T. I remember a dream. I was wearing a St. Benedict cross* (the one with some black on it) and a guy (kind of a bad guy type) pointed to it and asked me what it was! I think I just said it was a cross and that I had an even bigger one (referring to my silver/onyx big one). I don’t remember what happened next. Lord, what does that dream mean? Jesus: T., it shows you the importance of the St. Benedict cross and its power over people especially unbelievers. Your dream also shows you that you too will be asked to bring people back to Me. I know that it may seem difficult for you right now but I will show you the way. All you will have to do is let yourself be guided by My Holy Spirit. That way, you too, will bring many back to Me. We will talk again later. I am glad that you have started using again this gift of communicating with Me through writing! This is all I ask from you. Open yourself to Me and let yourself be guided by My Holy Spirit.

Lord, I am not sure if these are my words or your words! It is all so bizarre. Jesus: It is I, My sweet, it is I. Continue talking to Me and sharing your thoughts with Me, it makes Me very happy! I bless you My child, bless Me too.

T. I bless You Lord, I thank You, I love You.

*For the early Christians, the cross was a favorite symbol

22 and badge of their faith in Christ. From the writings of St. Gregory the Great (540-640 AD) we know that St. Benedict had a deep faith in the Cross and worked miracles with the sign of the Cross. This faith in and special devotion to the Cross was passed on to the succeeding generations of Benedictines. (Monks and nuns who joined Benedict in a religious life lived together in a monastery and continue to this day around the world). Devotion to the cross of Christ also gave rise to the striking of medals that bear the image of St. Benedict holding a cross aloft in his right hand. More information and the medal itself may be found in many Catholic book stores or gift shops.

10/02/99 Feast of the Guardian Angels All You Have To Do Is Ask Lord, do you have any words for us today? Jesus: Yes, I do. You have each done My will today and I am grateful. The graces of the retreat day belong to each of you through your prayers for one another. My grace and My help is so abundant that all you have to do is ask. That's why it grieves Me when I am not asked. Today is a day to remember and thank your guardian angels who “work overtime” in this day and age. They are always on their toes so to speak. Be sure to ask them for their prayers, protection and comfort when you need it. They are not only My gift to

23 you but they are your personal bodyguard in the realm of the Spirit most of all. Be sure to acknowledge their presence. They are your life-long companions and will remain so in heaven. Anyone important is flanked by bodyguards. What you heard today is true--each one of My children is important. (Hermangild is the name that came to mind when the question was asked about the name of Do.’s guardian angel.)

M. Lord, do You hear T.’s prayer of nine Holy Communions for others and give them other angels for protection? Jesus: Yes and no. Yes, if they need them. No, if they don’t.

10/04/99 The Habit of Loving God the Father Abba:* I am so happy you are here on My lap, you three, My three children, My “three musketeers”. I bless you with My own hand. So few of My children come to Me, and even fewer still, climb up on My lap. If you don't mind, I charge you three to tell everyone that they can climb up on My lap, because I am truly their Father with arms and lap large enough for everyone and a heart larger still. Imagine how it would be if your children or anyone never spoke to you! What a heartache. So you have made Me very happy today! Come often. I’ll always be waiting and welcome you with open arms. So what is on your mind now? *Abba is a name for God the Father in Aramaic, a language spoken by Jesus. It is found three times in the new Testament (Mark14:36; Romans 8:15; Galatians 4:6) a term of endearment expressing warm affection and filial confidence which could be translated into the children’s word “Daddy”. This is the closest English equivalent.

T. Was it You Who said in the dream, “You can ask Me for anything and I will give it to you.” Abba: Yes it was. (Abba is saying this with a big smile.) I love you. I love you. I love you.


T. Give me the grace , please. Abba: You’ve got it. I’ll be on your minds quite a bit! That’s right. Nothing will bother you anymore now. But be sure to keep on loving Me. Don’t give up! Love Me with your thoughts, your actions and your heart. It will become a habit, a habit of loving Me. Mary, your Mother learned this early. She’ll teach you and remind you. I have opened your hearts to My love and My grace.

T. God our Father, is it being greedy to ask for a lot, asking not only for ourselves but for others? Abba: No, it is not being greedy. As a matter of fact, that is precisely what I want you all to do. Ask for yourself and for others. Yes of course I wish that all of you pray for the ones you love. One day their hearts will also be open. Never is it greedy. When you ask for everything it shows your dependence on Me instead of on yourselves. This is a difficult lesson for most to learn, but eventually when I am needed, hearts open to Me. Yes, you could stay on My lap all day long just by wanting it! And if you do, much more will happen--more happiness, more joy, more blessings, and more help to do what you were each born to do.

Do. Abba, what were we born to do? Is this a good time to ask? Abba: Come to Me each of you individually, and I will tell you!

10/05/99 Pray for the Time When All Will Believe and Love God M. What can we do to help bring about the time when everyone will believe in You and love You, God our Father? The Father: Oh my daughter, how I long for that time too! Here is what you can do now: 1. Pray for it 2. Ask your angels and your heavenly family and also the suffering souls in Purgatory to pray with you for this.


Then hearts and minds will be open to My coming to them in love. They will believe and receive Me with open arms. Also continue to grow in remembering My love for you throughout the day.

10/09/99 Is it the correct understanding: 15 minutes will be given before something will happen? Jesus: Yes. Before an important event it will be the time given to prepare. I will direct you. Yes, I will tell each of you and any of My children who will listen. So now, get your affairs in order. I will tell you which things need to be in order. I’ll direct you, but do not delay. Act as if I’ve given you a deadline.

10/15/99 Pray for An Increase of Faith Love and Trust Father, do you have any words appropriate at this moment? The Father: Yes I do. Just let Me direct you and you do the work. It’s easy like that. We all send you our love and blessing. We are happy about your spiritual growth and want to encourage you to continue on the path to holiness. We love and guide you so please do not get discouraged. Your whole family in heaven is watching over you and your loved ones and we are giving you the necessary graces to follow your path. You may wonder at times where all this is leading you but all you have to do is trust. Continue praying for an increase of faith love and trust in the Lord and you will soon see the purpose of it all, the good fruits in your life and in the lives of your beloved ones. Take courage Do., you are our sweet child our sweet beloved one and we are coming all the way from heaven to tell you this so that you may continue on this path to wholeness and holiness. Be at peace now and forever.

10/17/99 Office of Intercessor – Blessing Others Lord Jesus, and our Mother Mary, do you have something for T.?


Jesus: Yes. T., My daughter, My love, you delight My heart with your trust and love for Me. Oh, if only My children loved Me as you do. I would be so happy. I am deeply, deeply saddened because of My children who are so far from Me. Would you be so kind as to help?

T. YES! Jesus: Here is what you can do -- In your mind, when you pray, embrace My children just as you do whenever you greet someone. Then, when you pray, continue as you do now: Bless them with My blessing and the blessing of your Mother Mary. When you do this, grace will pour down on them. Already, you have seen this. More will happen. Teach others to do this. It is so simple, but so much happens. You already offer your sufferings. Be sure to unite yourself with Me and My sufferings, and also My resurrection. This is a new teaching. It will bring hope to anyone who does this and to those who benefit from your prayers. The Holy Spirit, Our Spirit of Love, will then come to you and to those for whom you pray. I want you to do this. My blessings pour down on you now. Thank you for your fast. I put on you the robe of Protection and give you the office of Intercessor. Anyone who receives this robe stands in the gap between the person you pray for and Me. Otherwise, they would have no one. Are you willing?

M. Does this include being called upon at any time? And, suffering in the place of the other person for whom we pray? Jesus: Yes, but you already do this. I want you to know that I accept all your prayers, works, and sufferings. It has value for salvation, for anyone for whom you pray.

Office of Intercessor – Four Ways of Praying Jesus: You are given the robe of protection, courage, and fearlessness. It will never be removed because of my suffering. There are four ways of praying in intercession as envisioned by the four types of cloaks and shields (see last

27 page of booklet for illustrations): Warrior: White cloak with a red stripe down the middle front with a shield from which a powerful and blinding white light comes Prayer – In tongues* Priest: Off-white cloak with gold threads throughout and a gold shield Prayer – Uniting our suffering to the suffering and resurrection of Jesus Nun or Monk: A shiny black cloak and an off-black dark shield Prayer – Bring the person for whom you pray to Me or to Mary in your imagination. Accompany the person. As I or Mary ministers to them, stand by and pray in any way I lead you. Mother or Father: A purple cloak and a shield with fleur- de-lis, and two hearts surrounded by roses. Prayer – Embrace and blessing. You each will be given one cloak depending on what is needed -- a warrior prayer, a worship prayer, a contemplative prayer, or the prayer of love of a mother or father. This is the meaning of the cloth covering all of you. You each can wear any of the cloaks depending on what is needed. When you pray, ask for the needed cloak. It will come to mind. Then you will know how to pray. *tongues – a gift of prayer given by God – (see 1/4/00 and Explanatory Notes)

10/19/99 Do You Hear My prayers? T. My sweet Abba, do you have any words for me tonight? The Father: Yes, My daughter, I always have words for any of My children who are willing to talk to Me. I am glad that you are willing to talk to Me. I am glad that you are persevering in this new gift that I gave you, you and Me alone, sharing our thoughts and love and difficulties. What is in your heart right now? You know that you can tell Me anything, I am always here for you. Just talk to Me, My

28 child.

T. Abba, I don’t know where to start. Abba: lt’s okay. I have all My time.

T. Thank you, Abba, for Your patience with me. I am not always worthy of You and please forgive me for my sins and for all that I do badly. Help me become more worthy of You. Help me do the right things, say the right things. Help me put you before anything else. You know how weak I am sometimes and I feel guilty because You always put me first. When I pray to You, You are right there. Right away, You are always ready to console me, to help me, to guide me. I thank You, Father! I love You, Father, Abba. Please have mercy on me and on us all. Have mercy on my beloved ones, Father. I pray for their hearts to open to You in time, before it’s too late. Do You hear my prayers, Oh Lord?

Abba: I hear all of your prayers My sweet child. Be at peace because your beloved ones will be in Heaven with you enjoying one another’s company for all eternity. So rejoice, My daughter, for your prayers are heard and all is being taken care of. Now you have been given a new task and you must prepare for it. You will be asked to intercede for certain things and people and this is to be taken very seriously. Your prayers will be needed and much good will be done. Be aware and ready to get on your knees for Me! I have chosen you to be one of My intercessors and I rejoice to count you among them. Be not afraid, I will never ask you anything that you will not be able to do and this is true for anyone. Spending this time with you makes Me so happy! How I long to be able to do the same with any of My children. But the time will come when all My children will be reunited to Me, the Father of all creatures. I thank you for spending this time with Me. I bless you, My child, and all that you do. Be sure to keep Me in your heart always. Be at peace. Your own Father.


10/20/99 T. Jesus/Father, see all the flowers, how they continue to bloom. It is unusual. God: It speaks of what is happening in this home: peace, joy, faith, trust, hope -- the flowers all speak of these to whoever passes by. So you too will draw others by these same qualities. They will come and ask, “How is it you are so calm?” And, then I will open their hearts and minds to hear your loving words and the truth they speak. So, don’t worry about what you will say. I will speak through you. When you come and spend time with Me, you absorb the truth of My love. I touch your hearts.

10/21/99 Praying for Healing M. Lord, is there anything else to do for S’s healing? Jesus: Yes, one more thing -- every night ask Me to heal you as you sleep: Picture yourself in My arms and that I am absorbing the antigens from your blood and your liver -- just as I absorbed all sin, sickness, and death on the Cross. I absorb the toxins and then bring true life, new life. In the morning, you will feel refreshed. Don’t forget--every night. Then you will be ready for the medical test!

10/27/99 Three Levels of Communication with God. God: Do., My sweet daughter. I am giving you a new heart, a new way of thinking and feeling -- a way you have not yet experienced. When it happens, you will know. For now, keep your hand in Mine, for I am preparing a new life for you. Leave all in My hands – whatever you feel or think. I will take your offering tenderly. Be at peace.

Dreams First dream: Three steps to the priest for Holy Communion after everyone had received…yet, a man said the way is closed, you have to go another way. But, it was too late.


Second dream: A young man -- pure -- helping T. to the church said, “Don’t kneel on the floor; take the prie-dieu*.” Third dream: In a place unknown here -- singing, playing -- the third time stopped by a fork and spoon (This reminded us of l Samuel 3:1-4:1 -- Samuel is called 3 times in the night) *a place to kneel or sit in order to pray

God: Yes, there is a connection -- The message is this: There are three levels of communication with Me: First: The knock on the door to begin to know and love Me. Second: Sitting down and talking Third: Heart-to-heart communication. But, because of the immediate needs of life, few come to the third level. In your dreams, I am calling you to this level. (See also 1/24/00 for the third level)

10/28/99 First Job as INTERCESSOR Dream: The Host in the Monstrance Jesus: My daughters, this dream tells you of My heart left alone and turned aside by My priests. How I grieve! You can make up for this in so many ways. Already your love for Me consoles Me. But, I long for everyone else! When you go to adore Me in the Blessed Sacrament, remember all those who are not there, and especially My priests. This world has swallowed them up. Your prayers and your presence can free them. Take every opportunity. This is your first official assignment as Intercessors. Let nothing get in the way! Ask your angels to help you.

Yes, we will! T. Is there a connection between what was seen in Medjugorje (ovals) and the altar design at the Carmelites? (Carmelite Chapel in the U.T.) Jesus: Yes, there is a connection. The design at the Carmelites is to remind you not only of Medjugorje, but of the invitation of My heart to yours. I invite you always to come. When you were in Medjugorje, it was the first time,

31 and you came. You were not afraid. Come again over and over. Do you know how much I need you and your love? It is what keeps Me going.

T. How can You say that, my Lord? You are Lord. I am just a grain of sand. How can I give You love that keeps You going? You make me so important. I don’t know how to respond! Jesus: I know My sweet, I know; but, you are My daughter, My love, and you give Me all your heart. How can I be anything but happy and so consoled! Especially when so many of My children abandon Me! So, it is true.

T. Why were there so many signs in Medjugorje for me? - the music at the Cross - the bell towers with Jesus and Mary on them - the Blessed Sacrament in front of the Church - the ovals of light Jesus: Oh My daughter, I was calling, calling you to My heart over and over.

T. What happened at the Blue Cross? Jesus: I branded your heart with My love so that we would never be separated!

T. What marked my heart? Jesus: My love. Then I took you to My heart and I did not shorten the time because I wanted you to remember that it happened. (She was late for her group’s bus.)

T. Will I see one day -- see what it was like when I was in Your heart? I have no remembrance of it But, maybe it's too much to ask. Jesus: You will remember one day, but, it isn’t time yet. For now, believe that when you ask to come into My heart, you come! Even though there is no feeling that you are there. It makes Me happy to have you there.


My Lord and My Savior, I say so many times, thank You for all You do for my daughter. I receive it as if it was done directly to me. From all my heart, I kiss You and I bless You.

11/01/99 Dream T. Lord, what does the fish (tuna) represent? Jesus: It means a big catch -- all or nothing. You choose ALL, all of My Love all of My Healing all of My Gifts all of My Suffering and all of My Life. When anyone chooses ALL, they receive ALL. They receive the ALMGHTY for their God: ALL-loving for their life ALL- present for their work, the work they were sent to do on this earth. Explanation: When anyone chooses God, they choose all these attributes for their life. These are the attributes of God: God is almighty, all-loving, all-good, all-present.


T. My Lord, I wish You would give me the gift of healing to help others. Jesus: Yes, it is yours!

Do. What about me, Lord? Should I ask You for this gift of healing? Jesus: Do you want it?

Do. Yes, please! Is anything needed to learn this? Jesus: No, I myself will teach you both. T. Merci, merci, merci. Do. Thank You, Lord, so much for Your words and trust and love for us. Help me do according to Your will.

M. Lord, I was thinking they could begin right in the family here. Jesus: Yes, that is a good place to begin. I will bless your hands as you pray and I will direct you on how to pray, and what to pray for. Listen for My inspirations.

T. Lord, does this include faraway family? Jesus: Not yet. First pray here, so I can teach you.

11/2/99 All Souls Day Second Job as INTERCESSORS Do. Lord, what is the difference between being in Your heart and holding Your hand? Jesus: Being in My heart means taking part in My life; while holding your hand, I am taking part in Your life. It is a different kind of exchange in each instance, but both are an exchange of one to the other. When I hold your hand, you are receiving from Me what you need. When you are in My heart, I am receiving what I need from you -- your love and attention, your care about Me and My feelings and concerns. But, when you are in My heart, of course you receive My love as well, and eventually you will experience My suffering and new life -- eternal life. This is a deep mystery

34 and a deep exchange. Only those who truly love Me, forgetting themselves are able to come to My heart or even think of the possibility of such an exchange. And, if they hear of it, they quickly forget. Actually, it is a great grace. Yes, I will give you that capacity, but first take My hand, so I can prepare you.

T. Is this connected to the prayers all day for the Souls? Jesus: Yes, and they are so grateful. They wanted Me to tell you. So I did in many ways.

M. Are T.’s father, mother and brothers with You in heaven? Jesus: Your father and mother, yes, your youngest brother, yes, but pray more for the older brother and he will be with Me soon.

T. Is L. in heaven yet? Jesus: Yes she is.

M. Are my grandfather and uncle in heaven yet? Jesus: Your grandfather, yes, your uncle not yet. Pray for him.

M. Is there anyone else in our families we should pray for? Jesus: I will bring to mind the ones who need prayers. Be aware of this and pray right away. If they continue to come to mind, more prayer is needed. You will know when it is enough.

T. Did anything special happen yesterday on All Saints Day for us and for the Church? Jesus: The smell of roses* tells you much happened yesterday: For you: Many graces because of the prayers of your patrons and your angels, your Mother Mary and your dear friend Joseph, and I include Mine as well. We prayed for your strength, physical and spiritual, and for help in your day to

35 day work and efforts, but also for your perseverance in faith and love, and above all, your hope and trust. For the Church: all of heaven rejoices at the upcoming events which will bring many back to Me. They pray for this. Join them in this prayer. It will be a homecoming above all homecomings. When all my children realize what a family they have, they will be beyond joy! *On occasions of grace such as a holy day celebrated by the Church, the smell of roses would herald the fact of an outpouring of many graces as described above. It can also happen on any day to an individual as a sign of God’s presence and outpouring of grace.

Is this our second job as intercessors? Jesus: Yes. Pray with this picture in mind: all the world flying into the embrace of My Father! Use the Mother/Father cloak. Ask each time to know which cloak to put on.

If we don’t put on the cloak, does that mean our prayer doesn’t work? Jesus: Oh My little children the cloak helps to focus your prayer. Remember, each cloak is a different type of prayer.

11/3/99 M. Jesus, what is the value of going to confession? We desire the grace to understand. Jesus: Oh My children without confession no one would know My forgiveness. It is a means which I, Myself established when I said to My disciples after Easter: “Peace be with you. Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven; and, whose sins you shall retain, will be retained.” (Jn.20:21-23) Why did I do this? It was the first thing I said to them. I wanted them to know, and you also, that because of My death and resurrection, sins are now forgiven. Before, My people would follow many, many rules to try to purify themselves from sin -- offerings, sacrifices of perfect

36 animals, and on and on. It was only since Easter that sins are forgiven. But, notice I gave this task of forgiving sin to My disciples. You would think I would keep the job for Myself. But, these men are Myself. They are My hands, My voice, My heart. Just as it was so necessary to have a way to express sorrow for sin an d ask for forgiveness and make up for sinful actions before Easter, how much now when there are no rules for sacrifices, offering of animals -- no external observances or actions. Why? Because I am the Lamb, the burnt offering for sin. In place of these old rules, I established a new way. Not only is this a way to ask forgiveness, it is new. Before, only God could forgive and so it is now -- but I have established My representatives.

Do. What happens when a person goes to confession? Jesus: First, confession of sin is to Me through My representative. When he says, “I absolve you of all your sins,” everything is new again. Remember in the book, Through the Eyes of Jesus*, what would happen when someone who struggles over a repeated sin came to Me for help? They received instruction on how to act differently and the hope that things can be different, even the worst things. I gave them that assurance and so they began a new life. I also helped them grow after just the first feeble step is taken after our encounter. Change happened. It took great humility to admit and seek help. *by Alan Ames (see Resources page)

What if someone never goes to confession? Jesus: Well, they could pray for forgiveness; but, if the sin is serious, it is too difficult to change without talking about it, getting help. It remains a secret, which weighs down and gathers momentum, i.e. increases in strength. The “not so serious” sins would be ignored and become habits. How could that person grow and become like Me? The conscience becomes dull and forgetful. Remember Judas? He never asked Me or anyone for forgiveness. And, when he

37 needed to, he couldn't do so at the end. But to get more cheerful, I want you to picture a child who knows she has done wrong, and when she is forgiven, her eyes shine. She feels light and even clean inside. New hope fills her with joy because she was so loved that all was forgiven and forgotten, and she knows she is loved just the same, and even more because of such a difficult thing as asking and admitting. Besides, her parents assure her with a big hug! And, they never mention it again!

11/5/99 Do. Lord what do we still need to do to be able to use the healing gift that you gave us a few days ago? Jesus: reconciliation

Do you mean confession? Jesus: Yes, to be a pure instrument of my healing, it is necessary to receive the sacraments regularly. Otherwise it is like a hole in your armor. Satan can get in the way of My action through you. This gift is for healing of everyone. But if you have a similar unforgiven sin as the one you pray for, the healing is blocked. It is blocked in this way: simply by a closed mind to another's need when the need is the same as yours. It is a type of blindness. But if you confess this sin, whatever it is, it is easily recognizable that the person asking for healing needs spiritual healing, that is, to be reconciled with Me. There are many types of healing: Physical -- the body Spiritual -- the soul Mental, emotional and psychological -- healing of memories. Tonight I taught you about spiritual healing. That was lesson one.

M. Lord, are we doing all right in our first two jobs as intercessors*? Jesus: Ask me to remind you to pray each day at certain

38 times for these intentions so that it becomes a habit. I need concentrated prayer for these two intentions and you notice how easy it is to forget. It’s not all your fault, it is truly a matter of habit, of doing this each day at the same time, and you are beginners at this with all the other duties of your life. So be gentle with yourself. No guilt is necessary. Your angel will help and is helping you, each of you, to get your life in such an order that will allow this time and energy to pray. I know you need energy. I am providing it. *First Job: Pray for priests (10/28/99). Second Job: Pray for all the world to fly into the embrace of My Father (11/2/99).

T. My Lord, please could you help through My angels, to have a profound sleep. Jesus and the Father: Yes I will do that. Ask each night before you sleep for protection and peace. There is nothing more to say now except this: I love you. You make me so happy by wanting to know My will for your life and for asking...but enough for now. Relax tonight. Relax in my arms.

11/8/99 C. Why don’t the Jews recognize Jesus? The first dream: the gift of a carpet by a Jew. On the carpet it was written by hand: “Married to” The second dream: reconciliation of the old Jewish man and his mother whom he had not seen in 50 or so years. Jesus: Yes, there is a connection between these two dreams. In the first it is clear what the Jews gave to mankind: a covenant relationship, marriage of all humanity with God. In the second, the mother signifies the Church. When the Jews are able to receive the grace of reconciliation with Me, the Messiah, it will be a reunion of son to Mother after many years of estrangement, misunderstanding and separation. Pray for this day to come. You will see the beginning of it. It will take some time for every Jew to see the real truth. But you will see the beginnings.


Another dream: seeing the door of heaven, yet not ready to go to heaven because it was so beautiful, so unexplainable -- all in white marble: 1. Our Lady with Jesus 2. Bigger panel of marble 3. Pillar of great height Feeling of fear but assured because you were attached to the bed.

Jesus: It is a contrast dream-- the things of the earth compared to the things of heaven. It gave you a sense of what yet needs to be done to get to heaven. Much needs to be done. And it is true you are not ready yet. To be ready continue doing what you're doing: - seek My will and follow it - pray and work to come closer to Me - love Me and others--those I send you. All of this will bring you to Me in heaven.

Lesson 2 on Praying for Healing Jesus: After receiving the sacraments regularly, the next step is humility--putting aside what you think someone else needs to be healed and doing so in this way: allowing Me to instruct you. When I spent hours in prayer, the Father was instructing Me. When you pray before Me in the Blessed Sacrament, expect me to instruct you . I will bring people to mind, and will tell you how to pray and for what: physical, spiritual or psychological healing. This can begin right away. You learn how I am guiding you as you pray and see the results.

11/9/99 Do. What happened last night? Jesus: Yes, I was there. My Holy Spirit praying for you and through you as you slept.


How can this be? Jesus: You have given me permission.

Why during sleep? Jesus: because there is so much need. And it is possible because you are so much at peace and so willing. Were you refreshed in the morning?

Do. Yes, I felt wonderful in the morning and I could feel that something like that had happened. Thank you Lord and please, come at any time. I am willing to help you because I know it is needed and I love you! Jesus: Thank you, My love! My sweet dove! Keep on praying as you do and I will continue to act through you. It is a mystery, but possible. In due time you will understand.

M. Lord, what about us? May we give you all and be at peace with our responsibilities so that you can act through us also? Jesus: Yes, but first allow Me to heal the root of your attitudes of over-care which stress you out--both of you. Begin by constantly taking My hand like Do. does and remember everything I give you to do is My responsibility.

T. My Lord I need your help to do what I wish to offer you. Peace, time, strength. M. Are we trying to do too much? Jesus: It’s the timing. You don’t have to do everything according to your time, the time you think it should be done. Ask Me about when something should be done. Yes, leave the rest to Me. You two are also in training. There will be a time when everything will be out of control. At that time you will be ready to trust me completely, because you practice.

M. Do you mean the illumination?* Jesus: Yes, and everything that will follow. Your everyday

41 life will be disrupted--no regular schedule. Right now you settle into a regular healthful schedule for your day, or you try to. It will be like what happens after an earthquake. Events will be like an earthquake shaking my people, my children, out of the ordinary to the extraordinary. There will be so many opportunities to help and heal and you will be ready. No ‘earthquake’ yet. It depends on the response of my people to Me. *The illumination of souls: all will be given the grace to see the state of their souls as God does. This has been told to the world by Mary, the Mother of God on numerous occasions.

11/10/ 99 Dream -- The woman was converted with a touch.

T. Lord, will there be a time when touching will be enough to convert people? Jesus: yes!

When Lord?! Jesus: When My Spirit comes down upon you at the time of the most need, when the world seems bereft of My presence making faith, trust and love almost impossible.

T. Is there any other meaning to this dream? Jesus: It means you T. , you will be able to convert with a touch of love from My heart.

So it’s not really a touch by hand? Jesus: Yes it is, but it’s not any touch, but a touch with the intention of salvation for the other.

This is lesson 3 on praying for healing: Anyone can be spiritually healed from the touch of My Spirit through you. Yes, the three of you--and C. also if he wants it.

Do. What about a blessing from a distance?


Jesus: Definitely--they are blessed. Be sure to bless them with salvation through our Mother’s blessing and our Heavenly Father’s blessing. This can be done because of My suffering, death and resurrection. It is the way right now, until My Spirit comes in the second Great Pentecost*. God will teach you the deeper meanings of these lessons you are receiving now. Your blessings will open the hearts of those you bless for the time I come to them with a deep salvation through conversion. Even the children you blessed today at the assembly. *This is the Great Pentecost: the great outpouring of God’s Spirit at the time of the most need in the world. The first Pentecost happened after Jesus left the earth to return to heaven and then sent the Holy Spirit in great power to begin the Church. (Acts 2:1-41) In the second great Pentecost God will come with a deep salvation through conversion of heart, mind and spirit in our time.

M. What about adults in groups, blessing them on streetcars, on the freeway and so on? Jesus: Yes, because there is so much need.

Do. Thank you, Lord. You’re giving us so much through your love and teachings. May we be worthy of these teachings always. We love you. Help us to love you even more and to understand what your will is for us and for others.

11/11/99 Dream: I am friends with the Queen. I thought I can ask anything--even to marry her son with someone in my family. She was about forty and sitting next to T. on the floor. Lord, who is the Queen? Jesus: It is Queen Mary.

T. Which one, Lord?


Jesus: It is your Queen, Mother Mary and yes, you can ask her for anything. She is your dearest and closest friend. T. Why is she in dark clothes? Queen Mary: I am in dark clothes because it is a dark time, but I draw near to all My children. How much I want them to know how close I am. I love you so deeply and am always close. Would you tell everybody this? Everyone you meet. Say, “Did you know that you have the best friend possible? The best and dearest? The closest and most caring? Would you like to know about her?” If they say yes, sit them down and tell them how close I am to you. They will be amazed and ask “Why is this happening?” Say, “Because it is a dark time. She doesn’t want us to be or feel alone.”

T. Would you send them to me? Queen Mary: Of course I will. Thank you for asking.

Do. Would you make an opening for me to tell them about you to the people? Queen Mary: Yes, I will. Watch for it.

11/17/99 Third Job as Intercessor: pray for peace on nine consecutive Sundays. Lord, is this Novena idea from you? Jesus: Yes.

T. What about the 40 day fast and prayer? Jesus: Yes, if you can do it. It would really help to turn the tide like nothing else can.

What kind of fast? Jesus: Fast first of all from sin, then any negative attitude, and from laziness in My will for you; and from something you like each day. When you have a choice between something you like to do and time with Me, choose Me. I’ll guide you in this. Do all with love. Love is the true fast.


T. What prayer do you want us to pray in the 40 days? Jesus: You could: - pray an extra rosary - spend more time before Me in the Blessed Sacrament - pray together for peace each day - pray the prayer of Francis: “Lord, make me an instrument of your peace...” - visualize the earth in My hands. I often hold the earth to My heart. Your prayers are a response to My love and My desire to have everyone be united to Me. If you do pray, pray with love for Me, and for the earth and the people whom I love so dearly. I will impart to you that same love for everyone. It will spur you on.

11/19/99 Dream What is the meaning of the priest mending his shoes at the altar? Jesus: Pray for priests who think of the Mass and all he does at the altar as only another task on his list of things to do, instead of seeing his priestly duties as the important part of his life each day. This is part of your prayer of intercession for priests.

T. The bells are distant. Why? Jesus: Because no one is listening. For you T., it means pray for those who will not listen when the bells do ring. You see, all the churches will ring their bells to call the people home to Me. This gift of hearing Church bells that I have given you is like a signal to pray more as needed. When the bells are distant pray for the world as I have asked: in visualization (see Office of Intercessor, October 17, 1999). You can all do this when T. tells you the bells are distant.

What about when the bells are close and loud? Jesus: When there are many bells and they are very loud, praise and thanks can be given because many are turning to


Me. When there are few church bells and they are loud, thank Me also and pray for more. Each day I will give you the pulse of the world, so you will know how to pray.

T. What about the rapid heartbeat I feel today? Jesus: Sometimes that happens when you have much on your mind and you feel stressed, or I’m calling you to speak to you like I called for the little boy Samuel in 1 Samuel 3:1- 18.

What about Do.’s heart beating after Communion? Jesus: The same is happening. Do., stopping and asking will calm you and waiting will open your heart to hear me.

T. What about my suffering? Does it serve your purpose? Jesus: Yes, very much. Do you know why? Because of your love and willing heart.

T. And the waves of the dream on November 18, 1999? Jesus: These waves are the waves of change coming, yes. They bring danger if you don't get out of the way. How do you get out of the way? By prayer and discerning My voice and obeying what you hear!

Dream: praying for healing for the woman while waiting in line at the glass counter Do. Is this lesson four in praying for healing?

Jesus: Yes, you can actually pray for healing just as you did in the dream. You did not have to touch her, but your intention was her well- being. Knowing that you could help, you stopped in a busy place to do so. I will call you to pray even when you are busy. So be ready. You don’t always have to put your hands out. You see this might happen even when you are on the phone or sending e-mail. It may come to your mind that the other person needs prayers. Ask me what to pray and how. I will tell you when to stop.


Do. Do You mean stop what you are doing and pray? Jesus: Most of the time yes, but sometimes you can pray during whatever you are doing.

Do. Can it be for someone you don’t know? Jesus: Yes, of course it can. If you are willing, I will bring people to mind.

Do. And today, Carole came to mind. Is it my imagination? Jesus: No, it is not. You will see soon who Carole is. But you will not always see all you pray for.

Do. Is it enough to bring to you all the people who have asked prayers as a group or do You want us to pray for each one? Jesus: At times the group, but usually each one.

11/21/99 Do. Father, Lord, please help me understand why I feel so much pain after seeing this movie. (This is a film co- produced by Jodie Foster about adoption. A family is putting their baby up for adoption because they are too poor to give the care needed. The other family, a couple has tried to have a baby for many years and cannot have one. They are ready to adopt that baby girl but she has a problem and although she survives, she might suffer in the future. There is also the possibility that she is retarded. The couple decides not to adopt her. The baby is left alone with no name and no one to love her.) God the Father: My child, this is your Father speaking to your heart. I wanted you to share some of My pain with you. There are so many babies of mine who are abandoned and left alone with nobody to love them but Me. See how it grieves me to have so many of my children left alone? My heart is pierced by thousands of cries, the cries of my babies unattended. You are feeling My pain and I feel your compassion for these babies. I thank you for the prayers

47 you’ve just said and for those that you will say for them.

Do. Lord, what else can I do for you? God the Father: Your prayers are enough for now and I will lead you. Just keep on asking Me for what you need to do and I will tell you. Pray to Mother Teresa for guidance, she will help you to pray accordingly. Keep on praying like you do My child, because much prayer is needed in these times of selfishness and misery. I love you My dear one and I bless you. Thank you for spending this time with Me

11/22/99 Dream on the night after the movie (11/21/99) Do. is feeding two healthy babies. Do. Lord, what is the meaning of this dream? Jesus: It is what you say. All your grief and prayer has helped bring life to babies in need. Yes, spiritual motherhood.

Do. What was the meaning of the dream of the infected breast? Jesus: It has milk for giving life but no place to go and so became infected. Last night’s dream was the opposite. The care and love for babies in great need is life-giving. This is your own special task of intercession: for babies with no families to care for them.

11/23/99 Jesus: I know that you three are struggling with heavy loads, and this Christmas season of so many things to do adds to it. But it will all be the way to grow in trust even when things look impossible. It is a good training ground to grow closer to Me, to your mother Mary, to all of us. I promise you something: When you say I trust you to anyone, something deep happens. You become bonded by a growing honesty and love, and you become more willing to be together and to

48 share everything, your sufferings and your joys. Everything becomes easier and you go away feeling relaxed and happier. I promise you that when you say I trust to Me and really entrust everything, I promise not to betray your trust, and to help you to shoulder your burdens in peace or help you let them go immediately. It will happen without a struggle and you'll feel secure and at peace whether you know the outcome or not. All you have to do is remember to say I trust you Jesus. Will you try? I so want to do this for you. You have had to struggle for too long now. Enough is enough. I am your arms, your heart, your sweetness. Open your hearts to Me constantly. I am waiting, always waiting for you.

Do. gives You her heart every day. She asks should she do it differently? Jesus: When you give me your heart, I give you mine. These are not just words. The reality is this: you receive My love, My strength, My concerns, and My desires. Of course I give you only as much as you are able to receive. But the more you give Me your heart for Mine, the more I can give you. Then I take your heart as a gift of yourself as well. And you might say, but My heart is nothing like yours. Ah, but let me tell you, your gift helps to quench my thirst for love and your willing gift is total refreshment for me as I suffer from the ignorance and willful neglect or even hatred of others. Your gift is like a fine pearl without price. So in answer to your question you are doing just fine! Please never hold back! Do you see why I take pleasure in speaking to you and giving My wisdom and promises?

Is this for the three of us Lord? Jesus: It’s for you and T. too, And for M. as soon as she begins.

11/27/99 Jesus: These are My words for you tonight--I love, I love, I love you. Don’t give up loving Me even when you think you

49 have not done everything you should--all your prayers, all your homework, all housework, and on and on. Remember we are working on having too much to do because it's there to be done. Don’t forget to leave Me the list of things to do instead of keeping it yourself.

Do. So You mean telling You in advance, I have this and that that to do so You will help us do everything? Jesus: No, I mean just do one thing at a time and let Me take care of the rest.

M. Does T. have to. . .laughter. . . never mind, Lord. Jesus: You do tickle Me with your sense of humor. Guess who gave it to you? Joy keeps hope alive. Remember this. Right now you feel the joy of My presence with you. And so often you become aware of Me and our Mother because of the beautiful smell of roses. I want you to impress these experiences on minds and hearts. This is the time of a great outpouring of My grace and love. It is always there, but because you are able to be open to it, I can be there in a way you can feel. But whether you can feel it or not I am there.

Lesson 5 on Prayer for Healing Do. Why was the smell of roses so strong around the priest at the Communion time? Jesus: It was My coming. I wanted you to know how strong My Love is for you and everyone who comes with a desire for Me. If you know how strong My love is you would not hesitate to receive Me and experience My love for you. Then what? Doesn’t it make sense to do the same for everyone around you. My love can pour out from you to them. You become a sacrament of My love for everyone.

Do. Are you talking about becoming a Eucharistic Minister? Jesus: I do want you to learn and be a Eucharistic Minister. It is I who brought about what happened yesterday at the

50 hospital. It happened so quickly on Thanksgiving Day, the smell of roses emanating from the priests. But I’m speaking about My love present in you for others, to be given to others. You do this naturally, but more happens when it is My love going out from you. It will draw people to you, who ordinarily would not go to church. They would meet Me through you--be drawn to Me and My love through you, in you. Be aware of this, and I will do much through you. I’ll give you the words. Just ask.

11/29/99 Jesus: My dear children, you give Me a good laugh too. Not many ask Me, and so how can I say no when you desire to hear from Me? You each have had long days today, but fruitful in love for those you were with. On this second day of Advent, I will increase your love if you want it. I would like to increase your love, your hope and your faith in me to such a degree that nothing will ever shake you. Would you like that?

Yes! Yes! We need it. Please do, Lord! Jesus: This is what it will take: 1. Concentration on Me at your side; 2. Keep your heart open, and your mind for my inspirations; and 3. Follow those inspirations which you feel or which come to mind. When you do this, you will grow strong. Right now you are asking Me for direction. This is a little different. I will bring thoughts and feelings to you unasked. So pray for attention and will to carry through.

This is Lesson Six on Prayer for Healing. Jesus: During my years of public ministry we would come upon situations and would act, but we had prayed quite a bit

51 each day and so we were in tune with God's will for each person. I knew what to do and My disciples carried it out. Are you willing? Yes, it is for every day, yes until you die and even after.

M. Is it praying to the Holy Spirit to come and enlighten us? Jesus: Yes, that’s part of it. But whatever you pray: intercession, petition, praise, contemplation, reflection and conversation with Me--all this time with Me will bring about the above results (praying for God’s will for others). I’m telling you this so you will notice.

M. Lord, I just focus on the work to be done! Jesus: I know, but little by little it is changing. You have had so many responsibilities with an accompanying fear: if they aren’t done just right, or if they aren’t done! But I am healing that. Keep on asking for help.

12/11/99 Do. Lord, am I on the right track in my professional life? Jesus: Yes, My daughter, you are a born teacher. You can be any teacher you want, but there will be a day when you teach only Me. I am preparing you for this. I am preparing you by your life experiences and by My direct lessons.


Would you like lesson seven tonight?

Yes Lord! Jesus: All right--Lesson Seven on Prayer for Healing When you pray for healing, often you will feel the pain of the person you pray for so that...let Me put it this way. When you pick up a little child who is crying and has no words to explain what happened, if you can feel the pain, you will know what to pray for. You don’t need to keep the pain just let it flow through you and out again. This actually brings about healing because that child or adult feels understood and is o.k. again. Sometimes you won’t know what the pain is about, and tears will come to you, even crying, expressing their pain when they can’t say in words what it is. Sometimes you can tell what to pray for, or if not, just ask Me to take care of it. There is also a gift I give. It is a knowledge of what is wrong even before they tell you, or before they know themselves--so you know what to pray for. Someday soon you will have this gift and when you pray, it will be easy and quickly answered. You see now there are so many ways to bring my healing to others by your prayer. First, there is intercessory prayer which you do very well, and very faithfully. Second, there is prayer of the heart , praying out of love for someone in need, visualizing them being healed. You’ve been doing this every day for your mother. This is the kind of prayer often needed for someone who is very ill, but there will be a day when I will even heal those who are very ill instantly. I do this at times for some people but in the near future I will heal more quickly. This is because the whole world is in such need. Third, there is prayer for the spirit, spiritual healing, for so many people in need of My love and mercy. This includes prayers for deliverance from oppression caused by the evil one, My Adversary. This is done by prayer and fasting, which you always do and are seeing the results at your school. Protect yourself from this same adversary by time

53 before Me, with Me in the Blessed Sacrament. You will then be able to discern between good and bad spirits acting through others for or against you or Me. This is part of prayer for healing. Then there will be some arrows from our Adversary. This is understandable because he works hard at discouraging us. He knows when and where it will hurt. Thus you have the reason for putting on the armor,* and especially My word. Reading the scriptures faithfully daily will be your strength. This is how I defeated Satan even on the cross. When I said, “My God, My God why have you forsaken me?” I prayed to the end of Psalm 22 which says, “You are My salvation.” I trusted to the end. This is what I am teaching you now--to trust Me no matter what happens. Enough for now--more later. I love you. Your words of love warm My heart and console Me over the loss of so many. *Putting on the Armor of God as taken from Ephesians 6:10- 17 is in the form of a prayer found at the beginning of this book after the Preface.

Do. Are so many people hurting their feet or ankles because of the devil? Jesus: Not always -- people are absent minded because they are in a hurry or thinking of something else but sometimes he pushes. When he does, your guardian angel catches you, so you’re not harmed.

M. Did this happen to Do. yesterday as she was going to church? Jesus: No.

12/8/99 The Feast of Our Lady Do. A dream of Jesus appearing in the sky in France and everyone saw Him. His face was sad, though there was some small smile. Lord what is the meaning? Jesus: My daughters, I am sad for France because of the coming events, but I also smile because I love everyone so.


But so many have forgotten Me and even if they saw Me in the sky, there would be excitement, but there would be no understanding and soon they would go back to their everyday lives and forget. Pray for your country that they would not forget. Pray to the country’s saints. But this is not only for France! It is for the whole world. They would treat Me as a curiosity and at the same time believe in the One who promises this world's goods and security. So many have forgotten that there is more than this world. You, my daughters are my militia. Through your prayers, and the prayers of many who have answered My call to be intercessors, you will help to turn this around. I know you suffer because there is too much to do and you struggle for time to pray. But your prayer joined with Mine and your Mother’s and all your heavenly family at this time is making a great impact. You will rejoice eternally over this. These small efforts will turn the world around! And I mean that in the best sense! So always have a little smile, because I’m telling you the outcome!

Is there anything we can do to warn our family and friends about future events or can we only pray? Jesus: You can try, but prayer is what will work.

Are you going to appear in the sky like that? Jesus: So many times our Mother has appeared. Look how many times she appeared in France. We love France! No, not yet, I appeared in your dream to alert you and to give this message of assurance no matter what happens! You know now that your prayers will have a major impact. Hearts will turn around and see Me. I will not be just a curiosity. I will be their God. It had to come to this because I have respected the free will of everyone including Satan. But remember Satan is not God, and God does not force or enforce love. It is a free choice, but just as children need help to make the right choices by suffering consequences, so too My grown- up children. Your prayers are like the love of a patient

55 compassionate mother. Do. Mother Mary, today is the feast of your Immaculate Conception and so we come to you to wish you a happy feast. We give you all of our love and prayers, all our thoughts and feelings and pray for the triumph of your Immaculate Heart. I love you Mary!

T. I send you all the roses of the world too. I really love you Mother.

M. Mother Mary, I give all the future to you, and present my heart and all the hearts of those who will love you then because of the prayers and suffering of your little cohort, your priests and all of us. We love you and I love you with all my heart.

Mother Mary: My dear sweet children, you give me great happiness, tears of happiness. I wrap you in my mantle now and throughout your life. You never need to fear or wonder if you are doing enough! Each day when you tell me I love you Mother, I bring your sweet love to Jesus and say, “Look how happy I feel! It soothes His heart to know that you love me and tell me so! It truly deeply grieves Him when I’m forgotten, when His brothers and sisters forget their mother. So, I feel doubly happy because of you. Thank you. I give you each a kiss and an assurance that I love you and never forget to! I’m always near you as I was with Juan Diego* when he was worried about his uncle. So you see you are never alone in anything. I give you my word!” *Our Lady of Guadalupe

M. Mother, was it you who said to T. through another woman – “Soon, I will heal T.?” Mother Mary: Yes, it was!

On her last night in Nantes, Do. saw in a dream a statue of Mary. She was talking and talking. The feeling was you

56 were saying what she would do in her new life. Do. “What were you telling me Mary?” Mother Mary: On purpose, you do not remember because you are not meant to know the whole story before it happens, but I promise you will know what steps to take for each thing you are meant to do. I will tell you then. So step by step I will tell you. Can you accept that?

Do. Yes of course Mother, and I thank you for guiding me in everything! I love you.

M. Have I made a mistake by taking on this big Jubilee job? I’m not able to visit those in need and that’s my first responsibility. Mother Mary: My daughter, don’t forget, Christmas is one of the busiest times, but no one is in great need now. It starts after Christmas when the warmth of the season grows cold and the lights go out. The lights should stay up at least until February! Why? Because the lights give joy and hope and everyone feels their warmth though it is cold outside. Without the warmth of love, the winter is colder and old ones long for heaven and their loved ones there and, so we take them home. So right now, ask me who needs a visit and what needs to be done, and you can let everything else go. As for the Jubilee, appoint committees: liturgy, publicity, planning of events, and a committee to carry out the plans-- four committees. Appoint heads of the committees. Your job is to be there for four meetings a month. They do the work. Right now your work is to set it up, but it won’t last forever. Through your talk and organizing right now you are setting the wheels into motion. Don’t think about the future.

12/9/99 Jesus: My two chickadees, it is My will to make you happy. I always hear your prayers. Don’t stop yourself when you want to talk to Me. I’m always here for you, My daughters. I am your best and dearest friend next to your own Mother. I

57 want to know all your heart aches, your joys, your needs, your desires. Why not? Did I not love you enough?

Yes, Lord more than enough. Please heal any barriers in our hearts that keep us from You. Jesus: Tonight, take some time to sit with me and just talk. Fill My ear! That’s all right, I know you. I know your spirit--so exuberant! (said after we talked while He waits) Get some rest so you can come and sit and enjoy my company. I’ve been helping you shop so you wouldn’t have to worry. I know you M., how you tend to worry. Yes, turn every worry into a prayer to Me. If you worry about having enough time and energy, say, Lord I’m worried. Would you give me enough time and energy? Do it as soon as you realize you are worrying! I will give you the grace to know when I’m speaking even though it comes from your own thoughts. Practice around the house. Ask Me questions. I will answer and as you act on the answer, the results will tell you that the answer was from Me. Peace in your heart is the result.

12/10/99 Lord, are we doing all right? Or is there something to be corrected? Jesus: You’re doing fine, My sweets you need not try so hard. All done in love is enough, even if you fail in something!

Do. Is there anything else You want to teach us? Jesus: Tonight, no, because all three of you are very tired. When you rest, put your head on My heart so I can refresh you. Then you will sleep peacefully. Just keep this one thought: “My Jesus loves me deeply.” Go in peace.

12/13/99 The day after the healing service with Father Peter Rookie.*


M. Why does T. feel tired today? And did You do a lot of healing for us last night? Jesus: Because it’s true I did much healing, healing not only the body, but memories were healed of past times of pain when there was no one who understood or listened. We went back and started at the beginning. This is very tiring because you know how you feel when something upsetting happens. Last night we went through many events, so naturally you would feel washed out. *Fr. Peter Rookie established the International Compassion Ministry of prayer and healing. It has continued after his death. Healing and compassion continues by phone and through letters. It is a witnessing to God’s power through prayer for those who are in need. Currently this Compassion ministry is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. Contact information is in the resources section at the end of this book.

M. Lord, why are you letting this attack from the devil happen? Jesus: The devil comes when we are most vulnerable. Last night he knew how much healing I was doing and he tried to block it. But I would never nor will I ever allow him to take you from Me. This is what will keep him from doing this: use My name. The devil cannot stand it so he flees.

This is lesson #8 on praying for healing: the devil will always try to impede, to get in the way, to destroy, to put down and so on. He knows each person’s weak points and strikes there. So say, “In the name of Jesus I command you to leave.” If he persists, then ask our Mother to come with her angels, especially St. Michael to take them out. Then be sure to ask My Holy Spirit to come and fill you with his light and peace. Begin all of this by putting on the Armor* I have given you (Ephesians 6:10-17). *These verses are in the form of a prayer and are found at the beginning of this book after the preface.


M. Is there anything else we need to do or T. needs to do? Jesus: No, it is taken care of. As for the other two of you--I always heal and give you what you need when you're resting in My Spirit.* You will see the difference in your life as time goes on. Enough for now. *as in 12/10/99 above

12/16/99 Lord, do you have words for the trip to Mexico. Jesus: Don’t worry you will be safe. You will be safe in My arms. Tonight the three of you, C. T. and Do. are feeling not quite well, but in two days in a different climate, you will begin to feel better. Be sure to rest. I’ll provide the sun for you. Now is there anything else?

In T.’s dream of 3 gifts: “I give you three gifts--peace, love and...? What is the third gift?” Jesus: It is health and happiness--health for now, happiness for later. The now is this life. The happiness is in the next life--happiness and joy. Joy comes when what is hoped for happens. Happiness is a state of being that can only be continual in heaven. Happiness here on this earth is now and again because of the human condition. In heaven there is no suffering as there is on earth because all you were made for is yours: complete and continual love and acceptance by Me and everyone.

Do. wants to know will she be happy too? Jesus: Of course you will, My sweet.

In Do.’s dream She was taped (her mouth) while holding a baby. She was told when are you going to remove the tape? The baby won’t recognize you. Jesus: It means the tape is off when she took it off in her imagination. Do. What a relief, now I can be happy! Jesus: To me a good friend is someone you feel comfortable

60 with and you can pour out your heart to them and they can do the same. You enjoy the company of one another and you stand the pain of the other’s pain because you truly love and want to be with them when they are in need.

12/30/99 Fourth Job as Intercessor. Jesus: Today I helped all three of you and C. in a big way, thanks to your prayers. Now you are wondering what I will say next-- especially on the eve of the new millennium. Eventually great events will happen to every person on the earth. Each one will have the opportunity to choose Me or not, because the normal trappings of the world will drop away. But it will be an enormous homecoming for so many of My children. May I give you your next job in intercessory prayer? Give all you do and pray, all you suffer and enjoy for those who stubbornly stay away from Me, because of so much hurt in their lives. This year (2000) will truly be a year of favor. Never before at any time has there been such an outpouring of My mercy, and it will continue right up to the time of My coming. At that time all your prayers and efforts for My stubborn children will take effect. So please, at every moment remember them like lost children being sought by their parents in great agony. These are truly your brothers and sisters. Will you remember them for Me?

M. Yes, with Your grace and a helping angel. How are we doing so far in our work as intercessors? Jesus: Each one of you has been trying but more is needed. I know you’re not able to concentrate on it every moment, but every effort counts. Don’t give up--thinking, “I’m not doing very much.” Let Me be the judge of that. Just keep trying. I will prompt you. You know My Adversary tries to keep your attention but you also have angels to help. They will let you know what is what--what is truly going on. Thank you for your yes! Place your hand in your dear Mother’s hand and she will pray with you and purify all your efforts; and in this unity of prayer, the effect on My heart and

61 on the hearts of those you pray for will be very strong. Be at peace now and leave th e future to Me. Will you? Only pray.

Is there anything more we need to do to prepare ourselves before these events happen?* Jesus: Stay within My will always. This is number one. 2. Pray pray pray. This constant praying will keep you alert to My direction in you, My promptings, My inspirations; so you will be at the right place, at the right time with all you need. 3. Study My Word in the Bible and as the Church teaches in the Catholic Catechism, so you stand strong and share the truth. 4. You will teach all those around you. You will pray for the health of all. You will stand up for the truth that I exist and have come to bring life to everyone, life to the full.

All that I am teaching you now is giving you confidence to do all these things. Now get some rest--and in the new year, we will study and pray together. *the time of Jesus’ coming in the illumination of our souls

Be not afraid. I love you enough

to die for you. I want you to know

this without a doubt. Choose to believe in My deep care for you.

May 2015


1/3/00 Lord, do You have words for us today? Jesus: O My daughters do you feel the outpouring of our Father? Love and mercy? Everyone thinks the Y2K problem* is over and feels relief. But it is Our grace that sustains the world. You witnessed the turn of the millennium as one world family. Never before has this ever happened. This is technology at its best! But there is still a danger in thinking that technology is the reason for everything. I am! And soon it will be clear to everyone that I am the reason for everything. The universe runs smoothly because of Me. The family of humanity becomes more and more a family because of Me! The churches become more and more united because of Me! So why are you sick? You, Mya T. re so willing, as are many others, to suffer. Your suffering united to Mine helps bring harmony to all. Thank you! *Y2K It was thought that all computers would shut down, causing serious havoc when the new millennium began i.e. the year 2000.

Blessed Mother, do you have any words for us today? Blessed Mother: Today no--just stay in my heart and in my arms. (See 12/8/99)


1/4/00 The Fifth Task as Intercessors Do You have any words for us today, Lord? Jesus: No, not today...Oh, I’m just kidding. I always have words for you, and for anyone who asks. I love talking to you.

Do. And we sure love hearing You, These are the best moments of our day! Jesus: This is a time of great grace, already you are feeling it!

M. I felt it on Sunday. People were really praying or You were there more strongly. Jesus: Both. If people, My dear people pray, it is easier because of the strength of My presence and the gifts pouring down. Your Pope, My dear John Paul, has done so well in preparing everyone to receive Me and My gifts. Yes, if you come before Me in the Blessed Sacrament, you will feel My heart’s love and desire for you. This is the first great outpouring of My Holy Spirit. It will continue, but the second great outpouring, greater than the first this Christmas, will be in Lent and Easter. The third, even greater than the first two will be Pentecost. By then even the sleepiest will know I have come. They will want to understand and know what to do. I’m telling you now--because you are My intercessors precious to me. Here is your fifth task as intercessors: Pray that no obstacle will get in the way of these outpourings, no fear and no distraction, no hatred, no hurt. This will be the intercession of the warrior: Everyday pray in tongues.*You have the beginnings of the gift of tongues. Continue a little each day to grow in this way of praying. It will be easy if you pray after your rosary or Mass or adoration. Picture fire coming on the earth as it did at the first Pentecost. This coming Sunday is the celebration of My baptism. At this time I was given the call to begin what I was made for as a human being. I will baptize you for the work you were made for. After the Mass, spend time

64 alone with Me and I will tell you what I want you to do. Then meet together so I can speak to you some more. Meet in the evening, Sunday. You will be baptized at Mass. When it happens you will know. Tell this to C. too. It is for him as well. What will happen to you will also happen to everyone on Pentecost. You are ready now. They will be by then. I speak of all My children who believe in Me and pray. When this happens everything else will fall away. Only God and his will--this will be everyone’s focus instead of the world. Prepare by confession and adoration. *Prepare for confession with this in mind. Confess the times you did your will when you knew what I wanted you to do and when your focus was far from Me and why. I will help you. *tongues It was thought this gift of the Holy Spirit was given only in the early days of the Church (Acts 2:1-41.) In our time, a world-wide resurgence of this kind of prayer began in the 1960’s and continues to this day. It is given by God as an intercessory form of prayer, and a prayer of worship, praise and healing. It is the Holy Spirit praying in and through us individually and as a community. The word ‘tongues’ refers to a language given by God which is not known to the one who is praying. (Refer to the Explanatory Notes section under 1/4/00 for information about how to receive this gift.) *Adoration is spending a time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament i.e. in a Church or chapel; confession is a formal asking for forgiveness through the sacrament of Penance and is given through the prayer of a priest.

1/9/00 The Baptism of Do. on the Feast of the Baptism of Jesus Do. I was feeling heavier and heavier as we were praying over T. I started to cry and feel as I do at healing Masses and Jesus said, “Yes, you are resting in My Spirit and I am healing you so that you are transformed. You are My Bride and I am the Bridegroom of your soul. I give you the gifts of My Holy Spirit: the gift of peace, deep peace no matter what

65 happens around you; the gift of focus on Me like in your dream; the gift of love, so much love coming out of your heart so that you won't get any rest until it’s all been poured out, the gift of holiness, and all the other gifts that you have asked for, all the gifts that will be needed in the times to come which have already begun this year.

Do. Her dream last night: I was in a church and spent many hours in that church in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. In the host, I could see Jesus and my eyes were concentrated and fixed on Him for what seemed like many hours. There were Masses going on, one after the other but my eyes were fixed on Jesus. At one point, there was a big earthquake and people were getting down under the wooden benches to protect themselves. I didn’t. I couldn't move, so remained standing, arms outstretched, praying and crying and smiling at the same time. I was feeling a mixture of peace and awareness of what was going on around me, that is, the earth moving and things falling down, but with peace and focus on Jesus until the earth stopped moving. I was praying, “Have mercy on us, have mercy on us Lord, have mercy on us,” with my eyes fixed on Jesus’ face in the host.

Do.: T. was all lit up. Her whole body was aflame as if the Holy Spirit had taken her over completely!

M. You are the rose, the Holy Spirit is the fire. The rose and the Fire are one.

Do. M. saw Dennis, on a white horse as a and God was the King. So Dennis was God’s Prince and was given the authority as Prince to take charge in whatever is needed. The Spirit is given so that he would recognize and accept this gift of authority that comes with being a Prince.


Jesus: Right now pray for one another for the coming of My Holy Spirit and all the gifts. The gifts are for full service to Me and to all My people. When you pray now, expect this to happen. Then I will teach in the coming days about each gift and how and when it is used. In the next 40 days when you pray, I will make clear what it is you are each sent to do. You all have prepared well in spite of any obstacles to your time with Me.

1/10/00 Jesus: This is what I have in mind to tell you: First of all, I love each of you so dearly. Thank you for being so willing to follow what I ask you to do. It really consoles Me, and don't worry about the meeting. It is a time crunch, but everything I wanted was done. It consoles Me because I can freely give you My grace and My love to draw you closer and strengthen you for the day's work and for the future. You have experienced what I want to give everyone especially during this jubilee year. I want to bring everyone to the Father. Do you see why you console Me? I can bring you! And when I do the Father embraces and fills you with peace and joy. This is why everything went so well today! I would like that every day for you too. When you stay focused through prayer it can be that way no matter what happens.

Do. What is the meaning of the dream of 1/9/00? Jesus: The meaning is this: No matter what happens, you will always be able to see Me and pray. Yes, today was an earth shaking event for you. In effect you were confirmed. In that confirmation of My spirit and your decision for Me you were given the strength to always keep your eyes on Me. This will carry you through anything. The priest told you the rule in your dream, but as you know, you can receive Me as often as you ask. The dream shows how much you want to do this. Should Do.’s patron be Therese of Lisieux since the visit of

67 her relics came yesterday, or Mother Teresa? Jesus: Both are your patrons.

Do. Yes! (a cry of joy from Do.!) My Lord I am so HAPPY! Thank You so much! My heart is filled with joy and love for You. I truly love You and am extremely thankful for what You are doing for me. I feel different and had a wonderful day today! I wish it was like that every day!! Thank you for sending me Saint Therese and Mother Teresa as patrons!! I am a lucky girl!! I love You with all my heart. Thank You also for sending me that beautiful dream of being able to see You and only You in the host!

1/11/00 M. Lord, here we are in Your presence, so do You have any words for us?

Jesus: Well, my chickadees, I am happy to be with you today and each day. You know, if I were here as I was before I died, walking the earth, I would come here in the evenings to rest and relax. Why? Because you’re so welcoming and desire My company, and ask what I think about everything. I know that you really want to know and will strive to remember and follow through. I would do this with anyone who asked. I really wish or desire that you tell this to everyone. My children need to know that I'm accessible and available.

M. Lord, what is the meaning of the dream of T.: the priest with glasses who said in the Church to T. “What are you doing here?” Jesus: There are two meanings. This priest is the type of person who is narrow minded about different expressions of faith and your devotion and prayer was not acceptable to him. There are many like him. This is another reason to pray for priests. It also means the inner priest in everyone

68 and his attitudes. When you pray for him, he will change and become more accepting.

Do. Lord, will you heal that part? Jesus: Yes, bring him to Me.

T. Can Do. continue to read her confession to the priest? Jesus: Of course.

T. Should she tear it up right away? Jesus: Oh my daughter, Do., it’s up to you, since you have your own room and space, it would be safe. No one could come and steal it and blackmail with this secret information. After a time when it all accumulates, then yes, shred it all.

Do. Would they believe if we told them we received messages every day? How would we tell people about your talking to us. Jesus: They want to believe.

Is this what you mean when you say tell my people? Jesus: Yes, most do not believe they are heard when they pray. The wording is important. Begin by saying, “Do you ever pray?” and go from there depending on what is answered. These conversations help people to see how many different ways I answer and also how to prepare oneself to pray. It is quite simple but takes perseverance. It takes a decision to pray every day.

1/12/00 M. Do we need to do anything else to be prepared for the future? Jesus: As you come to spend time with Me together and when you pray alone, I will let you know.

M. Is there anything you want to tell us tonight? Jesus: Well yes, in fact I had some things in mind. The first

69 is this: I wanted to get started telling you about the gifts. The first great gift is love! The second is trust. The third is peace. Without peace you cannot stay in touch. Actually peace is the result of love and faith and trust. Let's talk about love. You probably have thought how much God must love us if He would send His own Son to save us. This much love is a gift from Our Holy Spirit. It shows this way: that you care enough-- so much that you would give your life for someone to save them. No one can do this without love that comes from God. This is the gift you received when you were baptized on January ninth.

M. Were these gifts given to us (T., C., and M.): peace, love, focus and holiness? Jesus: Yes of course! How do you use the gift of love? By suffering with people, giving your time, your concern, your work of prayer and fasting, doing what needs to be done and by suffering for people. People are no longer people, but become brothers and sisters mothers and fathers, children of yours. They are family. It is a gift given without asking for return. This is what I did all My life and was able to do even on the cross. Only I can help you persevere in this kind of love. It is the kind that wishes and wants salvation for all no matter what the cost. Again, only I can help you with this. It grows as you do it day by day. THIS IS MY GIFT TO YOU.

1/13/00 My two little peas, sweet peas, you were sad T., because of My suffering. You are seeing more and more what I really suffered. Thank you. I hug you to My heart --and you have also shared My suffering in your life. So, not only are you My ‘sweet pea’, you are My companion in suffering. I hope you don’t mind.

T. I am very grateful You have chosen me. Thank you my sweet Jesus.


Jesus: You know Me now and My love for you. Those dreams in which I came and spoke to you were before you knew Me and I wanted so much for you to come to know Me and love Me as you do now. The lessons on healing will continue as we speak about the gifts. The gifts are needed to do well in praying for healing. Faith and trust--the second gift: faith means saying yes to the truth I teach and I lived, by your living in faith. It was My Father I believed in when I was living on the earth. I prayed to Him in praise and thanks. I brought My concerns and questions. I asked what He wanted Me to do. I depended on Him for what I needed to do His will. When you do this, you are living in faith. The more you do this, the deeper your faith.

M. What does it mean to live according to Your will each day? Jesus: It means put Me first and not yourself. Live the day with Me in it every minute. When you spend time in My company, then I can be with you. Those who forget Me throughout the day, are going by their own decisions, how they think things should be. Do you see the difference?

M. Is this what you mean by focus? Jesus: Yes – don’t worry I'll help you do it.

M. Lord, we remember the dreams: The eyes of Do. on You in the Blessed Sacrament even though there was an earthquake going on, (1/9/00) and T. focusing on you and not letting the priest’s words disturb her. (1/11/00) Jesus: Yes, these are ways of focusing on Me. It is a habit of mind, and a decision over and over. The first step was to take our Mother’s hand so she'll be with you throughout the day. This focus is living in faith and trust. It is the way to do it. When you do this, you will come to know My will at every moment. Peace, the peace you will have will be your

71 guidepost. When you lose your peace, or don't feel peaceful, you have lost your focus. Remember when My disciples and I walked from town to town? While we talked and prayed together, while we were united, there was peace. And remember their difficulties with Judas ? When they came to me to ask what to do, and when they did it, peace returned. United, there was peace. This focus is living in faith and trust. It is the way to do it. When you do this you will come to know My will at every moment. Peace, the peace you will have, will be your guide post. When you lose your peace, or don't feel peaceful, you've lost your focus.

M. Did I lose my focus? I work hard at feeling safe even though I don’t know the future. Jesus: Yes.

M. What kind of faith is it, the kind T. is describing? That you work miracles to feed us with what we have? Jesus: It is the same faith based on what you have seen Me do. It reaches every situation, even walking to one’s death. It is the same faith believing that the Father loves and knows best and will not abandon us. There’s also the kind of faith to do whatever you are asked to do, even if it doesn’t make sense. Yes, your example is right. You prepared for the future at My request and now you have peace even though you don’t know why or when, or if at all. Yes, obedience is the key. This is the hardest thing for my children, my rebellious ones.

1/14/00 Lord, do You have any words for C.? Jesus: Yes I do. How is it going C.?

C. It’s got to be done. I’m exhausted and I still have a big job in front of me. Jesus: My son, I’m always with you, and you too, T., Do. and M. but it is a good idea to remember Me. The more you

72 do remember Me the easier it gets because it becomes a habit of mind and heart. This is what I do: I rest in your heart to give you peace. I listen to your concerns and wait to be asked because of your free will. We all wait, your angels, your Mother and so on. When you ask even with one word like help, then we all go into action. With your regular prayer and fasting, more happens. You are more open to inspirations, to hear them and respond very easily. So it follows: prayer, fasting, peace, help is given. Even if there are no words, we are in tune and everything falls in place, the right words or actions at the right time. I say these things to encourage you in your work, and at home, and for the future. I want my children to be this close. Tell others when they approach you with their problems. Do., I know you have to go. We'll talk later, you and I. Just a few more words: C., I love you, I love you, I love you. Yes, I love and cherish you, C. You are my companion. You have been for a very long time because of your great desire for Me, to know Me, to follow Me, to love Me. I know your heart. It is all for Me. Can you see how I feel it? You are like John, the beloved who knew Me from a young age and stayed faithful all his life even at the cross. He got over his fear. Remember, they all ran away. But he recovered quickly and stayed with Me in My suffering. You too are faithful to me through thick and thin, and also to your family and friends. This is rare. So I cherish you as my friend, companion and brother.

1/18/00 Our Mother Mary: Yes, My children, transmitting my messages is so needed. Would you help?

Of course dear Mother. Please help us. Mother Mary: Here is the best way: by your lives of peace. Notice the steps to peace: 1) reconciliation with God, our dear Father, 2) reconciliation with those around you,


3) doing God's will in your life beginning with the commandments and prayer every day to stay in touch and to be guided by Him. God does exist and your lives would point to this. Your lives would say, yes, God is in my life and I'm happy and at peace.

You could give out my messages, but if you live them, you are a walking message. You can tell people what inspires you. You can say I go to Mary’s school. That would really interest them. It would also interest them that I come every day and have done so for over 30 years.* So by reading my messages each day, you’re coming to my school. Welcome, my children. *Our Lady is referring to her visits in Bosnia in the town of Medjugorje since 1981. These visits and her messages continue to this day. http://www.medjugorje.org

1/19/00 Jesus: Yes, I’m here for you too, My little chickadees. Today, you heard the bells clearly. It is a call to pray for the world and all those in it, including every creature. With all the military might and arms, it is easy for an accident to happen or to plan. Your prayers and the prayers of many I call to pray will keep the world at peace. Please keep in mind to pray in tongues* every chance you have. This is your next work of intercession, the sixth. This is what is most needed now. Need I say more? *tongues – see Explanatory Notes section

T. the dream of St. Joseph and many saints like family Is this the way it is? Jesus: Yes. In fact, they are your closest family. It’s all they think about. Their work is to help you make it to heaven. So they are around all of the time especially in these days when the devil goes about like a roaring lion.

T. Are the prayers of P. heard and answered by you Lord,

74 even though he doesn’t know it or believe in You? Jesus: Anyone who prays sincerely contacts Me whether they know it or not it. This is why anyone who practices their religion sincerely will come to Me. They will know Me when I come for them even though they were not conscious of Me when they prayed. If the source of their religion and their beliefs is the devil as in the new age religions or religions with many gods, I will be there when they realize they are on the wrong track. Everyone realizes it sooner or later because they have no peace. This is the meaning of the dream where I am next to P. as he prays: I am next to P. when he prays and soon I will win his heart because he is so willing to pray. Eventually I will be able to break through his mind set. It will bring him great joy, and you will hear about it.

Do. dream about trying on the baby’s clothes? Jesus: In many ways, you are recently brand new, new born in so many ways: you are beginning a new life, trying it on, and how many times have you felt embarrassed by the new ways you’re trying on. So the dream is reflecting back to you what is happening in your life. The couple in love tells you that within you, opposites are balanced in your life. It is only the externals that may cause embarrassment but within your deepest self, there is the union of opposites so necessary for maturity. Many people struggle a good part of their lives to reach this point. Everyone strives to grow in the various aspects of life, the qualities and strengths that are masculine and feminine.

1/20/00 Shoes dream: What is going on Lord? Jesus: The fever is from infection that comes and goes. Your body cannot quite shake off the source of the infection. It is from the flu virus. Let your doctor know so he will monitor it, but there is no medicine for viruses. Keep warm and quiet and stay close to Me. It is our time.


1/23/00 Oh Blessed Mother, in T.’s dream you were crying. Do you want to tell us why? Blessed Mother: Oh my children, don’t you know that I cry when you are in pain? I want you to know this: You are never alone. How could I leave you alone? You are my children.

M. But Blessed Mother, why did you come as our Lady of Guadalupe? Blessed Mother: Not only do I cry for you, but for all my children who are hurting or alone. Their grief is mine. I tell you my grief is so deep. How much I want all my children to know they are loved! Tell them every chance you have! Please, for your mother! Will you do that?

T. Yes. Please send me people and the Holy Spirit to help me. Thank you. M.: Me too dear Mother... Do.: Me too Mary. I love you and I want to help you, but please, help me help you! Blessed Mother: Thank you, my children. I will help you. Your desire is enough. Yes, the rest is grace. You gladden my heart and dry up my tears.

Do. Mary, did you bring me to St. Martin of Tours and can you tell me more about my role in that school? Blessed Mother: Yes, I and my Son brought you there. Your role is this: to show children, parents and teachers that it is possible to be holy and still enjoy life. Yes, and still dance! People don't understand what it means or what it takes to be close to God. They still, the adults do, think only priests and nuns can be close to God because they don’t know anyone who is. The children will learn what it is from you by your love for them just as you did at Mass when you blessed them and gave them Holy Communion with all your heart. I will lead you day by day. Just ask. It will all come

76 about naturally. Just pray that their hearts will be open to truth and my love and the love of God. You can touch the hearts of your friends in this way, in conversation and by your prayers for them, also by the choices you make and what you value.

M. Is it true that prayers for people will open their hearts? Blessed Mother: Yes, mention them by name.

M. Is the fever gone for good? Jesus: Not quite, but remember it is our time!

M. Does T. need to do the x-ray? Jesus: It's best to follow the doctor's orders right now.

M. Lord, what about the shoes dream? Often T. dreams about shoes. Why? Jesus: Shoes tell you there are changes going on. It’s a good signal or sign to let you know what is really happening. As for the last dream, the shoes indicate the current change.

M. Personal or worldwide change, Lord? Jesus: Personal change, in your present illness, your fevers etcetera. You are unconsciously thinking you are losing your health again. But no, you still have your health and your closeness to Me. So don’t worry! You are still whole and beautiful!

1/24/00 Lord, and what is the meaning of T.’s dreams of You, but not seeing You, and then the beautiful clouds? Jesus: Your interpretation is correct. I’m calling you to pray though you can’t see me. You know I am there just as the beauty of the clouds remind you of Me. The third step* is remaining in prayer even though you don’t see Me or feel My presence. It is a discipline of silence, waiting, being quiet faithfully each day. It helps if you choose the same

77 time and the same place. Your body and your spirit will settle down easily from the habit of each day’s prayer. Are you willing? *The third step or level of communication with God – heart to heart communication (see 10/27/99).

T. Yes, My Lord. Please I need your help. Jesus: I will help as long as you ask. This kind of prayer is a gift to Me, a gift of your heart and spirit, your will, and your understanding.

M. What do You do with this prayer? And do we just think of you? Jesus: I do many things. Yes, I do purify you. Anyone who stays in My presence is purified. Also I take your prayer, your effort, your desire and unite it to My prayer, My effort at being united to My Father, and My desire to be one with Him and with all our children. It is a profound mystery and gift. When you look at me, you are opening the door of your entire being, body, mind and spirit to My entire being. The fullness of this union is experienced only in heaven. But I call you to begin now, so that when we meet in heaven, you will have more room for Me, more of a capacity and desire to receive Me in total communication. Don’t worry, it is my own Spirit in you increasing this desire to pray, and it is My Holy Spirit who will help you. Is this more clear to you now?

Do. wants to know if this is only for T. Jesus: No it is for all of you including C. Allow Me to draw you even in the midst of your busy lives, and all will become fruitful, fruitful and easy. But the other elements of prayer will also be part of your lives as they were in Mine: worship, petition and intercession, purification and healing and temptation, the temptation to draw you away from My will for you. But don’t worry I am at the helm, guiding the ship which is your love. All you need to do is trust. Trust me

78 when I call you away from your work to pray. Trust me when it feels as if everything is falling apart. Trust me when nothing is happening. Actually you already are doing that, so keep up the good work!

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Explanatory Notes

Journal writing in prayer is a way of connecting with God in conversation. It is begun in prayer by putting on the armor of God which you will find at the beginning of this booklet. The next step is to begin to write what is on your mind: a question, thanks, petitions, an update of your day etc. Once you have written one of these, wait for what comes to mind in answer and write it word for word or phrase by phrase until you have a complete thought. Keep in mind that the way to know, that is, discern whether these thoughts are your own or from God, is peace. In other words, if these responses give you peace, it is an indicator that it is a communication from God. If you are not sure, come back to it later. When you read what you wrote, you will know whether it came from your own mind or not. Reading it aloud to someone you trust will give you another way of knowing whether these words are from God or not.

1/4/00 The Gift of Tongues, one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit*, is given to speak to God in prayer. It is the Holy Spirit praying in us for those for whom we intercede. The tongue, i.e., language, is unknown to the one who is praying and usually to anyone else who hears it. It is given when asked for, but when given it is not forced on us as if God moves our physical tongue and sound is produced apart from our will. It is given as we pray in a word or words which are not of our native language. They can be words from the Mass or prayers other than our normal language: Kyrie, Amen or even humming in prayer. God will add a syllable or two in a simple way. Continue daily and together more syllables will come to mind. Together, the syllables, yours and God’s, release the language as it is spoken or sung in prayer. It becomes an expression of petitions, thanks and adoration. *The Holy Spirit is God, the Third Person of the Most Holy Trinity who proceeds from the Father and the Son


(Catholic Catechism 683-686). Christ revealed the Spirit in his teaching and bestowed the Spirit upon the Church at its birth when he breathed on the Apostles after the Resurrection and also poured out the Spirit in abundance at Pentecost (Acts 2:1-41).

Note on Cover Picture

This picture of the icon of the face of Jesus on a cloth is taken from the first icon I painted as a beginner. At one point as I was working, I prayed, “Oh Jesus, don’t let me mess up your face!” Shortly after that, as I was working, I was deeply touched. It was so deep, I just could not go to lunch as if nothing had happened. Tears surfaced and to this day I cannot explain the depth of feeling I experienced. What I do know is this: my plea was heard and a deep response toward me was the answer.

It is my hope and prayer that the account of the experience of love in the conversations within this book will touch your heart as well.



The Calling to be Intercessors 10/5/99 Pray for the time when all will believe and love God (Pages 25-26)

10/15/99 Pray for an in crease of faith, love and trust (Page 26)

10/17/99 Blessing others and four ways of praying in intercession for others (Pages 26-28)

10/28/99 First job as intercessor: pray for priests before the Blessed Sacrament (Pages 31-33)

11/2/99 Second job as intercessor: Pray for all in the world to fly into the embrace of My Father (Pages 34-36)

11/8/99 Reconciliation of the Jewish people with Jesus the Messiah (Pages 39-40)

11/17/99 Third job as intercessor: Pray for peace on nine consecutive Sundays. See ideas on praying and fasting in this entry (Pages 44-45)

11/19/99 Pray for priests to see their priestly duties as the important part of their life each day (Page 45) See also 1/11/00 (Pages 68-69)

12/30/99 Fourth job as intercessor: Give all you do and pray, all you suffer and enjoy for those who stubbornly stay away from Me. Pray in unity with our Blessed Mother because of so much hurt in their lives (Page 61)

1/4/00 Fifth job as intercessor: Pray that no obstacle will get in the way (Pages 64-65). Pray in tongues* every day. (See


Explanatory Notes on Page 80)

1/19/00 Sixth job as intercessor: pray for peace (Page 74)


The Gift of Healing given by the Holy Spirit

Lessons in Praying for Healing 11/1/99 The Gift of Healing given to help others (Page 34)

Lessons on How to Pray for Others Lesson 1 --11/5/99 Praying for spiritual healing: being reconciled with God, beginning with oneself (Page 38)

Lesson 2 --11/8/99 Praying with humility: putting aside what you think someone else needs for healing by allowing God to instruct you (Page 40)

Lesson 3 --11/10/99 Anyone can be spiritually healed from the touch of My Spirit through you. (Pages 42-43). (See context for Lesson 3 on 11/1/99 which is page 34 and Lessons 1and 2 above.)

Lesson 4 --11/10/99 and 11/19/99 Praying for Healing in a variety of situations in a variety of ways (Pages 42-43 and 46-47)

Lesson 5 --11/27/99 Become a sacrament of My Love for everyone. I am speaking about My love present in you for others, to be given to others. Be aware of this (Pages 50-51)

Lesson 6 --11/29/11 Whatever you pray, intercession, praise, conversation, et.,-- all this time with Me-- will put you in tune with God’s will for each person. We (My disciples and I) prayed quite a bit each day and this was the result (Pages 51-52)


Lesson 7--12/11/99 Summary of ways to bring God’s healing to others (pages 53-24): 1st Intercessory prayer; 2nd Prayer of the heart; 3rd Praying for the spirit including instruction on protecting oneself from our Adversary: prayer and fasting, time with Me before the Blessed Sacrament. This brings discernment of good and bad spirits. 4th Put on the Armor of God, especially God’s Word by reading Scripture faithfully each day. This will help you trust Me no matter what happens.

Lesson 8 --12/13/99 Praying to keep Satan from attacking when we are most vulnerable – when he is trying to impede, get in the way, to destroy, put down and so on: a) Put on the Armor of God. b) Pray: In the name of Jesus, I command you to leave. If he persists, ask Our Blessed Mother to escort them out together with the angels, especially St. Michael. c) Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with light and peace (Pages 59-60)

The Gifts which are needed to do well in praying for healing: 1/12/00 The first gift is love, the kind that wishes and wants salvation for all no matter what the cost. The second is trust. The third is peace which is the result of love, faith, and trust. (Page 70)

1/13/00 Living in faith and trust which means saying yes to the truth I teach and I lived. It was My Father I believed in when I was living on the earth. I prayed to Him in praise and thanks. I brought My concerns and questions. I asked what He wanted Me to do. I depended on Him for what I needed to do His will. When you do this, you are living in faith. The more you do this, the deeper your faith (Page 71).



Listening To God – Ways of Hearing God’s Voice by Rev. William J. McCarthy, MSA Mary’s Call U.T. Highway 24, P.O. Box 162 Salisbury, MO 65281 (660) 388-5308 www.maryscall.com

New American Bible: The Catholic Study Bible The Word Among Us Press 7115 Guilford Drive Suite 100 Frederick, MD 21704-5234 (800) 775-9673 9 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. EST www.wau.org

Father Peter Rookie O.T.M. (R.I.P.) International Compassion Ministry 3121 W. Jackson Boulevard Chicago, IL 60612 www.servite.org/About/InternationalCompassionMinistr y.aspx

Through The Eyes of Jesus Vol. 1 by Alan Ames www.alanames.org/en/publications.htm

Ongoing Messages of Mary From Medjugorje: www.medjugorje.org

Maria of Guadalupe by Paul Badde, Ignatius Press, San Francisco, 2008


Prayer Notes

Office of Intercessor (10/17/99) (Page 26)

There are four ways of praying in intercession envisioned by the four types of shield and cloak.

1. Warrior 2. Priest 3. Nun or Monk 4. Mother or Father

When you pray in intercession, ask in prayer for the needed cloak. It will come to mind then you will know how to pray. Remember to begin by the prayer of putting on the Armor of God found on page 5.

1 3

2 4