Compositae Newsletter 2, 1975) Have at Last Been Published As Heywood, V.H., Harborne, J.B
ft Ml ' fft'-A Lb!V CCMPCSIT4E # NEWSLETTER Number Six June 1978 Charles Jeffrey, Editor, Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AB, U.K. Financial support of the NEWSLETTER is generously provided by Otto Koeltz Antiquariat, P.O. Box I36O, 624 Koenigstein-Taunus, B.R.D. EDITORIAL The proceedings of the Reading Symposium (Compositae Newsletter 2, 1975) have at last been published as Heywood, V.H., Harborne, J.B. & Turner, B.L. (eds.), The Biology and Chemistry of the Compositae , Academic Press, London, New York and San Francisco , 1978, price £55 (#107.50)* In conjunction with the papers by Carlquist, S., Tribal Interrelationships and Phylogeny of the Asteraceae (Aliso 8: 446-492, 1976), Cronquist, A., The " Compositae Revisited (Brittonia 29: 137-153, 1977) and Wagenits, G. t Systematics and Phylogeny of the Compositae (PI. Syst. Evol. 125: 29-46, 1976), it gives the first overall review of the family since Bentham's time. On the evidence provided, the infrafamilial classification proposed by Wagenitz is most strongly supported, to which that proposed by Carlquist is very similar, except for his placing of the Eupatorieae in the Cichorioideae instead of the Asteroideae . In the previous Newsletter, a list of workers on Compositae and their research projects was published. New and revised entries to this list are welcomed by the editor; please provide your name, institution, institutional address, new or current research projects, recent publications, intended expeditions and study visits, and any requests for material or information. Articles, book reviews, notices of meetings, and any news from individuals or institutions that may be useful to synantherologists anywhere are also invited.
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