Newsletter the Society of Architectural Historians
NEWSLETTER THE SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIANS APRIL 1985 VOL. XXIX NO.2 SAH NOTICES Street, New York, NY 10025. The Preservation and Resto 1985 Annual Meeting-Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (April 17- ration of State Capitols, chaired by Dennis McFadden, 21). Osmund Overby is general chairman of the meeting. Temporary State Commission on the Restoration of the Franklin Toker, University of Pittsburgh and Richard Capitol, Alfred E. Smith Office Building, P.O. Box 7016, Cleary, Carnegie Mellon University, are local chairmen. Albany, NY 12225. Plan and Function in Palaces and Palatial Houses from the Fourteenth through the Seven 1986 Annual Meeting-Washington, D.C. (April 2-6). Gener teenth Centuries, chaired by Patricia Waddy, School of al chairman of the meeting is Osmund Overby of the Architecture, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13210. University of Missouri. Antoinette Lee, Columbia Histori In addition, there will be workshops and discussions as cal Society, is serving as local chairman. Session titles and follows: chairmen are: Architectural Measured Drawings for Historic Structures, Thursday morning, April3: General Session, chaired by Wednesday, April2, sponsored jointly with the Association Damie Stillman, Department of Art History, University of of Collegiate Schools of Architecture and the Historic Delaware, Newark, DE 19716. Modern Architecture, American Buildings Survey, for further information, write chaired by Norma Evenson, Department of Architecture, John A. Burns, Historic American Buildings Survey, Na University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. Rules of tional Park Service, P.O. Box 37127, Washington, D.C. Thumb: The Unwritten Design Traditions of Master Masons, 20013-7127. Architectural Records: Progress Towards Surveyors, Carpenters, Builders, and the Like, chaired by Access, for further information, write Mary Ison, Prints Nicholas Adams, Department of Art and Architecture, and Photographs Division, The Library of Congress, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015.
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