Annual Report 2017 Contents Message from Leadership
annual report 2017 Contents message from leadership . 2 our history . 4 our values . 6 where we work . 8 hiv/aids . 10 malaria . 18 maternal, newborn, and reproductive health . 24 essential medicines for diarrhea and pneumonia . 30 vaccines . 36 nutrition . 42 tuberculosis . 48 hepatitis . 52 cancer . 58 health systems strengthening . 62 financials . 70 acknowledgements . 73 our leadership team and board of directors . 74 image, front cover: a mother waits to have her child immunized at a clinic kano, nigeria image, opposite: a mother who received antenatal care and delivered her son at the barau diko hospital kaduna, nigeria message from leadership During the past year CHAI has renewed its in a number of high-endemic areas and treat it strategy and set important goals for the future. A effectively when it does occur. platform has been established from which we can In places where we work, over 40 percent less accomplish profound humanitarian goals over the women will die in childbirth and over 40 percent next five to ten years. We have extraordinary people, fewer infants will die in their first weeks of life. a global reach, a unique body of knowledge and Certain preventable and curable cancers will no capabilities, and close and trusted relationships longer be “death sentences” in many developing with governments, local communities, global countries as we help make prevention and cures organizations, other NGOs and suppliers of health affordable and available. With our help, within the products and services. We have the track record to next 10 years, a number of the countries where we accomplish our goals, and an excellent board of work will set up finance systems, educate enough directors to help guide and support our efforts.
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