10 Market Square Hayle Cornwall TR27 4HE Telephone 01736 757900 Fax 01736 757010 NEEmail
[email protected] wwwT.cinnaTmon.oErg.uk R Christmas 2019 Registered Charity No 1134680 Number 67 Dear Friends We’ve had an incredibly busy and exciting summer, not least when BBC Countryfile came to visit. The whole crew with presenter Jules Hudson were lovely and often moved to tears, especially at Poldarves. First thing in the morning they visited Barry Livingstone in Redruth, his gorgeous Boxer Max and Cadi Penny , one of our young volunteers who walks Max regularly. Jules and Cadi took Max on the beach and both Cadi and Barry did us proud when Jules chatted to them. After lunch, they came to Poldarves and it is safe to say they were blown L to R: Emma with Patrick, Jess with Spud, Jules with Dolly and Leo, Emma (Senior Manager) with Lulubelle, Livvie with Jonas away! All the residents enjoyed showing them round, Emma demonstrated a roast chicken dinner, and the residents showed them how to eat it! And I got to have Jules put the microphone wires in my back pocket!! We had a wonderful day, albeit a very long one and their reaction to all that we do and our very special, and unique, sanctuary has kept us on a high to this day! The programme was quite good too – hundreds of phone calls, thousands of posts on Facebook and even 200 new volunteers! Lots more to share with you, so here goes…. 1 Catalogue Lots to tempt the palate and plenty to wash it down with! Some really lovely gifts for everyone and, aside from food and drink, I love the