NOTES NOTES In the notes that follow, I hope to meet the needs of a variety of readers. I have included not only specific references for quotations and citations but also references to secondary works that have influenced my thinking in critical ways. The notes also provide additional references for those readers who may want to read more widely. At times, they take the form of brief explanatory or background essays that I hope will be of use to some readers. Introduction 1. John Knox, The First Blast of the Trumpet against the Monstrous Regiment of Women (Geneva, 1558), sig. 9 (text modernized). Knox’s “blast” is included in David Laing, ed., The Works of John Knox (Edinburgh, 1855), vol. 4, 363-420 (the quotation cited appears on p. 373). I have used many different sources in this study, including early printed books, like Knox’s, and original letters and documents printed in seventeenth-, eighteenth-, and nineteenth-century editions. In order to make the documents more accessible for readers, I have on occasion standardized the spelling and punctuation of the quotations that appear in the text; where I have modernized the text, I have so indicated in the notes. 2. After Knox, among the more notable entries in the lengthy debate about female rulers are John Gilby, An Admonition to England and Scotland to Call Them to Repentance (Geneva, 1558); Christopher Goodman, How Superior Powers Ought to be Obeyed of Their Subjects . (Geneva, 1558); Richard Bertie, “These answers were made by Mr. Richard Bertie, husband to the lady Catherine Duchess of Suffolk against the book of John Knox, 1558,” British Library MS Additional 48043 (Yelverton MS 48), fols.
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